  • Report:  #1065692

Complaint Review: M&M ChocolateYorkies - Summit Mississippi

Reported By:
Yorkie Avenger - Columbia, Maryland,

M&M ChocolateYorkies
3073 Old Brookhaven RD Summit, 39666 Mississippi, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


I purchased a Chocolate Yorkie from this breeder and it has been a total nightmare!  I love my puppy and I grateful she is in my life and know that I rescued her from a horrible situation.  I know in my interactions with the Meades they are in breeding for the money, not the love of yorkies!

Becky stated that my puppy was “a good quality yorkie.”  She came off the plane with a huge overbite that was noticeable with my untrained eye.  Furthermore, my vet and his colleagues stated it was so horrific that there was nothing that could be done for it. What!  She sent me a puppy just to make a sell, period.  Both Becky and Allen knew.  Becky demanded the puppy back less the nonrefundable deposit and I fly her back, probably at my expense stating I would mistreat her.  So far from the truth, just a disappoint as I was lied to!  My puppy is precious and will never go back! 

After verbal abuse by Allen, I did get a small refund of her purchase price thanks to another breeder going to bat for me in my state that Becky knew.  Regardless, the Meades lied to make a sell point blank.

She also came with a horrible case of giardia…also known as the runs!  This is gotten from feces…being kept in unclean conditions.  Her fecal was positive when I took her to the vet less than 12 hours after picking her up.  Oops, labs do not lie now do they?

I could and did let this go as I loved my puppy with her “wacky” bite.  I even reached out to Becky with updates on her like she wanted.  To make a long story short after having her about six months she was diagnosed with Demodectic Mange!  My puppy’s fur was falling out and her skin smelt and looked like rotting flesh as she also had staph infection in the same area.  It was very expensive to treat, very painful for my puppy, and very time consuming.  I nearly lost my puppy do to the severity of her condition and would not wish this on any puppy.  As a result, she has a compromised immune system and is frequently ill in addition to being tiny!  Yes, she is spayed cause I am responsible.

This type of mange is hereditary or genetic passed on from the mother the first few days of life.  The mother dog should NEVER be breed again according to the dermatologist I took my puppy to.  My personal vet confirmed this too.  Well Becky is continuing to breed Emma and telling potential consumers that her puppies were and are healthy.  Liar, Liar!  My puppy’s father who was from a reliable breeder has been neutered and he sired over a dozen litters so clearly he was not the problem. 

You may ask how do I know this?  Well since I obviously do not trust them, I inquired about a puppy through another e-mail account that Emma had and Bingo….Becky was caught in yet another lie.

Do not buy a puppy or dog from them as you cannot believe a word they say!  I got screwed and ended up rescuing the puppy I purchased.  Buyer beware!!!!!!!

4 Updates & Rebuttals


From My Research

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 06, 2013

Sounds like you are trying to take advantage of the situation. I'm not sure if it's you, or someone else who is manipulating you behind the scenes, but you are definitely out to not find a resolution but to go after her reputation. 

I would like to know how much the puppy was? $600 is a huge chunk to refund because of the bite. If the puppy was advertised as having an over/under bite, then why didn't you ask for pictures of it or ask how severe? For that matter, the seller should have told you the possible measurements or how severe they believe it to be. The severity of a bite is different for many people and vets. Whether a bite is 1cm or 1in off, it would still be considered just an over/under bite with some vets. Most people don't thinks of the severety of it for a pet home unless the dog isn't able to eat properly or the mouth is slightly open because of it.  Even then, if you were refunded the amount that was mentioned, you were taken care of regarding that situation. 

Giardia is extremely common in puppies and kittens. All it takes is for one dog who is infected to infect all dogs around. If she brought a new dog home (not a puppy) the dog could be perfectly healthy, but still carry giardia in their intestinal track. There could be no symptons, yet because that dog drunk from the same water as the puppies or played with the puppies it passed it along to them. All it takes is for a puppy or dog to sniff, eat, drink, or lick from an area that has been compromised for them to get it. And all it takes is for a dog to sniff, lick, play with another dog outside the household for that dog to get it. Not only that, all it takes is for them to go into a store/park and lick or sniff an area that has been infected.  It's highly contageous and easily transferable. But it's extremely simple to get rid of. Just deworm the dog for 5 days with Fenbendazole (also known as safeguard or panacur). Not only would you get rid of that, you can get rid of most parasites. $15 and you can deworm your dog every 3 months for a few years. And yes, I understand it's the principle of the situation, but if she did a stool check and the vet found nothing, then she did her job the best she could. 

Concerning the mange. I have went to several sites and many says that all healthy dogs are carriers. It's when a dog has a low immune system that the mange multiplies drastically and you end up with a break out. If she was in your care for 6 months, there could be many reasons why the dog's immune system wasn't the best. But she could have also been born with a lower immune system or developed it in the care of the breeder, so the breeder did try to offer you a solution of another baby plus allowing you to keep her. But at 6 months later, I can't see how you put the blame on the breeder for the parasite problem. Mange is horrible, but there could be several reasons why the puppy had a break out. ALL dogs are carriers in my research, so trying to say it's heredity only is wrong. 

Articles that meantion demodectic mange and it being in all dogs:

* All normal dogs (and many humans) have a few of these mites on their skin. As long as the body's immune system is functioning properly, these mites cause no harm.

Demodectic mange most often occurs when a dog has an immature immune system, allowing the number of skin mites to increase rapidly. As a result, this disease occurs primarily in dogs less than twelve to eighteen months of age. As the dog matures, its immune system also matures. Adult dogs that have the disease usually have defective immune systems. Demodectic mange may occur in older dogs because function of the immune system often declines with age. Dogs who have immune suppression due to illness or certain medications are also candidates for demodectic mange.



* ClassicallyDemodex mites have been felt to only be transferable from mother to newborn pup. After the pup is a week or so old, it has developed enough immunity so that infection is no longer possible. In other words, after age one week or so, a dog will not longer accept new mites on its body. Recently this idea has been challenged as occasionally multiple unrelated dogs break with demodicosis in the same household. It is not clear if some species of Demodex are more contagious than others or if some contagion is possible under certain circumstances. Current thinking is that mites actually can be transferred from one dog to another but as long as the dog is healthy, the mites simply add into the dog's natural mite population and no skin disease results. 



*Many veterinarians believe that all dogs have small numbers of demodex mites residing in the skin and that having a few mites is normal and common. It is when immune related -- or nutritional or environmental -- stresses impact the dog that visible skin lesions from mite infestations become noticeable. 


PLEASE read the statements I provided and click on the link to read the entire articles. This type of mites are extremely common and is said to be in almost all dogs. It's when the immune system is week that the mites multiply and causes skin/hair problems (affecting the health).  You need to find out what happened to cause her immune system to be compromised. 

It's considered slander to say the mites came from the mother, when there is NO guarantee that it actually did. There's a high chance, but no guarantee, especially if it was months later before an outbreak happened. It's because of the immune system that an outbreak develops, Majority of the time a few mites can be shed from the mother, but there have been many cases where mites have fallen off of other dogs/puppies (who have a stronger ammune system and are able to prevent an outbreak). Like the articles say, most dogs have it. And there is NO conclusive evidence that says it can only come from a parent. It's not a heredity or genetic defect. It has nothing to do with genes because it can't be passed in the womb, it has to do with carrying the parasite on the outside of the body. And the immune system has to be down BEFORE the parasite takes over. 




Yorkie Avenger

More of the stroy....

#3Author of original report

Thu, July 18, 2013

First, the dog’s name is EMMEE not Emma…sorry.

I am not a yorkie breeder, my three yorkies are my furry children.  The following are the points I want to make:

1.  Fiona’s parrot bite is horrific!  I knew the second I saw her that her bite was way off and so did another breeder when I got out of my Jeep without even looking in her mouth.  In fact it is so bad that nothing can be done to improve it despite consulting specialists.  For that you refunded me $600, not $500 making the “contract” null and void.  Let’s keep the facts straight.

2.  Fiona had demodectic mange which she got from Emmee!  This type of mange is heredity or genetic passed on from the mother dog!  Please do your research, look at the documentation I provided to you, and talk to a vet that is knowledgeable or call my dermatologist whose number is on the document which you obviously did not read or you would not be breeding Emmee still.  Clearly the Meades do not know what demodectic mange is! 

3.  I refused a “replacement” puppy from the Meades, only once.   You cannot replace a puppy with another puppy!  Plus, why would I want another sickly puppy?  I would have to be insane!  I wanted one more yorkie not two.  This sickly dog is more than I barged for, but I am RESPONSIBLE and will care for her and the Meades knew that.

Allow me to keep Fiona?  The Meades made it clear they did not want Fiona back!  They are in the business of making money, not taking care of their responsibilities and I would not send her back as she had a home, she was far too ill to fly, and I could not be certain she would have received the treatment she deserved.

 In the end I paid to rescue a yorkie with lifelong health problems that according to Becky, “is a good quality yorkie!”  I wonder what Becky and Allen would consider a quality yorkie?  A bad quality yorkie?

4.  The BBB is VOLUNTARY! They do not know about dogs.  All we did was e-mail and it was a waste of my time and I called it quitsThere was no so called “investigation.” Yet another lie.

5.  M&M Chocolate Yorkies is still breeding Emmee and claiming her past puppies were and are healthy!  What a lie!  Becky also stated they and their vet agreed to spay Emmee when I informed them about Fiona’s mange and provided documentation due to the fact that they did not believe me, but Emmee is still being bred.  (I like how that was not addressed and do not lie or I will post the e-mails about the spaying and puppies.)

6.*  Any reputable breeder would have refunded all of my money point blank, but most importantly not continue to breed a dog that produces puppies like Fiona.  That is the point!!!  Clearly M&M Chocolate Yorkies does not have betterment of the breed in mind in their breeding program, rather greed.

7.**  Think two, three, four times, better yet look elsewhere for a puppy from a reputable breeder! 

I would have not responded, but since Allen did twice...why not!

Allen Meades

BBB Findings..

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 17, 2013

Dear Allen & Becky Meades:

This message is in regard to a complaint submitted to the BBB about your business on 1/9/2013 1:46:56 PM by Melissa Mayhew .  This complaint was assigned ID 9370388.

Although the consumer has not expressed satisfaction in the resolution of the complaint, the BBB has determined that the response from your company addresses the disputed issues and exhibits a good faith to resolve the complaint.  Therefore, the BBB has decided to close the complaint.

If you have any questions, however, we are happy to assist you.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and for your support of our self-regulatory goal. 


Linda Clopton 

Director of Dispute Resolution

Linda Clopton | Director of Dispute Resolution

Allen Meades

There are two sides to every story...

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 16, 2013

Once Melissa's veterinarian voiced their opinion that the overbite was worse than what we thought, Melissa was refunded $500.

Giardia was not found on our vet exam of this puppy.  But, when we found out that the puppy had giardia when tested at Melissa's vet, all of our dogs were treated vigorously, just in case.

If you will do your research, you will find that all dogs have demodectic mites.  We had never heard of it until it was found that this puppy obviously had a low immune system which caused an outbreak of demodicosis.  We offered Melissa a replacement chocolate female puppy as well as allowing her to keep Fiona - the puppy spoken of in this report.  Melissa refused more than once.

Melissa ended up reporting us to the Better Business Bureau.  After a lengthy investigation, the BBB found in our favor.  

We reached out to Melissa and offered much more than our contract called for.  We have emails to prove this.

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