  • Report:  #846378

Complaint Review: moore law group - Santa Ana California

Reported By:
hel_mut - phelan,, California, USA

moore law group
P.O.Box 25145 Santa Ana, 92799 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This in a amended  complaint against this arsch loch und oder votzenkopf is mildly and  with respect in regards this president of Moore Law Group because using Harvey he be more noticed.This collection firms can change names like we change under wear, how ever a consumer does not have such benefits granted by state agencies who have the duty to protect the citizens and consumers from such dishonest member of a private club which is called the state bar of California ,who is the primary watch dog in regards the citizens who call them selfs attorney at law, what law they practiced  does not include a consumer and or a victim of such favoritism practices between the scheisters and personal of a judicial branch ,public entities and or Superior court of the state of California and for all the counties in the state, it does not make a difference WHERE YOU LIVE AND YOUR LIFE IS BEING DESTROYED BY A California Cooperation  OPERATING FOR PROFIT.
To garnish your bank account and to record a judicial on real property all there ias required is a common filing clerk for the following simple proceedings
1.} the service of prosecuting moving papers must be served proper ,how ever that is not the case ,the attorney has a professional server that claims a john doe was served gives a description of a koala bear and the clerk will accepts such personal service
2.} that then 30 days later the same clerk enters a default judgment against that then records an abstract judgment faxes such to the recorders office and if a employees at such county office follows by the book then one will receive such notice of lien recorded .
3.}as to garnish a bank account is  as easy as it is to record a lien without a judicial officer been part of such  denial of due process by a common court clerk an employee of the state that is immune from discipline for being a major part of such unfair debt collection practice by California cooperation operating for profit ,simple fact ,if you have ac job with the court would you grand judicial favors just the of it ? It would not be according to the government system that in and or over the last 40 years got US the people  in a lot of  substance that smells and if it is not in the color of BROWN , that person should get a doctors advise .
4.} that presents a simple legal question , if the business can make a profit without the due process why should they grant common honesty if a nice bonus for the holidays for a court clerk at a party for the legal communities that is attorneys and staff of such house build for the people and to protect us from ignorance practice  by business that make profit the in a criminal manner with the blessing of employees and or servants of the people .
5.}what did imi Hendrix pointed n one of his tails is was are you experienced and  I can say that I am because of being forced to bend over without mercy because I tell it like it is if any of you readers ever watched Monday night football in  the 70and 80 `A member of the broadcast was a Jewish attorney who once said it like it is and thereafter, well no matter who he was he received the same as I received over the last 9 years for telling it like it is.
6.}in a court room a witness must swear by oath that they must tell the truth ,which my understand in g and yes have a lot of experience in the following common fact ,that the true fact will make judges and employees at the highest office become very hostile and that is  not people friendly .further fact is that when approached and without as legal doubt the wrong doer is exposed ,staff attorneys class III at a state agency that claims to aid victims of criminal act and or based on my practicing to tell it like it is this agency changed its name vcgcb to cal  vcp  ,that not to create and or to further injure this victim of crimes is counter productive and on 01.27.2012 i received a decision from such title employee class III from an application that was rail roaded 17 month ago ,that now he is telling me that this wrong doer has done nothing wrong using points of authorities ,I did not ask the former agency vcgcb for nothing and that brings me to Harvey Moore   
  This is a  personal act against a consumer that practices respect ,common honesty ,common courtesy and trust and beliefs that justice is blind but is nt deaf dumb and is maliciously ignorant as the 9 years ordeal is all about  
7.} I received a letter from the Moore law group 11 days after this high ranged state employee with the title staff attorney III none member of the bar ,who said it all in one page in 5 paragraphs that I was denied to ever report a crime that the member of such board and legal adviser fore the former vcgcb is a district attorney for the county that is well known for the corruption practice  in the biggest county of the nation {based on square miles and a lot of desert including death valley and towns like trona were the treasurer has used tax paper money to buy by speed .
Where the elected foreman of the grand jury s is corrupted as is the district attorney who was fined for taken contribution in regards election purposes.
8.} that contacting the doj in sacrament on 01.14.2011 {[proof of confirmation of service that on the same day I get a letter from the foreman of the grand jury that my complaint against the DA  was dismissed. that the victim service of the state doj advised me that the best bet to get a police report and or to report a crime would be the grand jury.
Wherefore 1 state employee advises me to do one think then another state employee asking the citizen who is elected foreman of a agency that has the authorities to instruct the DA to exercise is authorities in the name of the people .over such long time of being forced to bend over I have a lot of letters of expensive paper but it is to rough in case the soft charming runs out .that favoritism is practiced and I must admit that it is so deep and you Know the color. If you knew how high rubber boots for fly fishing are ,well they have not shielded me from such ,and yes we have elected our own down fall year after year based on pathetic lying of such former members of a private club were every member is a perfect creation ,and asking a judge to lie is based on the fact that judges are and or wee such member of the private club that practices loyalty .
9.}so the first think I ask a ruling judicial officer is the following Your hon. are you allergic to the true facts ,and they always reacted the same way ,which not in words but it was to (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))

Name: Chanel Free

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Location: Brooklyn, New York United States of America

Phone: 3478614944

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Name: Chanel Free

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Location: Brooklyn, New York United States of America

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That in this case civvs 800269 on 08.06.2008 clearly witnessed that I am an idiot was in court ,that on in the same case this defendant in case civvs 800648 asked the defendant in case civvs 80649 to lie that on 08.14,2008 the judge signed a proposed order claiming the idiot was not in court on 08.06.2008 in case civvs 800269 .
10.}That NCA  is now SACOR ,and as for the  local legal member of a network of collection firms  and his name is Robert Wilcox Ripley and the radio station 106.5 plays classic rock and the say  if you have a legal problem call Ripley  but the senior associates only handles collection case for Harvey Moore sacor and portfolio out of Norfolk
11.}That the cases listed present Ripley and the superior court as the defendant at the same time I was prosecuted  by Ripley for nca /sacor with a crime that a debt I did never owed they got a judgment based on one defendant asking the other to lie . That in totals of 120.000.00 in debt prosecute and all based strictly on my name the only prosecuting information was fiction and or made up.
The final fact is
12. this arsch loch und oder votzen Kopf with the name Harvey moored has 2 judicial lien s recorded in the same case that was first dismissed true a request of dismissal by this what ever he is and 9r represen5ts to a consumer ,further fact is that this judicial branch the a judicial officer vacated a clerks default judgment Wherefore the case was disposed to the max, that on 01.27.2012 a stat employee with a title class III protected Ripley from acts past and is protecting Harvey Moore in the future based on the  fair offer I received in the mail 11 days after the s**t would hit the fan .
13.} the fair offer to settle for 20.000.00 just after a staff attorney presented this action on 1 page that has me forced to bend over based on telling it like it is that all 3 credit bureaus show the fraud in green and brown ,and it must be said that employees at the 3  bureaus that record the consumers trustworthiness. It is common facts who are contacting the 3 burros in regards collection and debt owed? Further irregular action is in the following public records and it is the following I lived at the same address for over 20 years that I should know my address I would think that a lawyer for nca used the following tactics he served the papers to an address I dont live at .that he changed the address with the bureaus and every year with a free report I dispute my address and for the last 5 years even moored uses the wrong address,How ever the post office has a contractor delivering the mail in to in mail boxes that are on there main pervade road and such person has delivered the mail for over 20 years and she knows me wherefore the name is sufficient to get the wrong addressed junk mail by this Member of a private club that has produced politician and judges.
do I have to they moored .
14.} this response is to the complaint presented garnishment and a judicial lien ,to further present my understanding in the matter is that I have a lien recorded for child support and  never fathered a child because low sperm count ,that I have asked to get the names of my childrens that I have neglected ,the response was in a domestic violation order advised by judge to the criminal actor and it is an order for live being active after 9 years Wherefore I am a wife beater, poop shoot f a farther and a none worthy consumer.,because I say it like it is if one plays a game and does not include loosing becomes a poor loose
15.}as the color brown is in case civvs 800649 and this defense by employee brown for Edmund brown jr was based on this idiot sued the wring party {me ccp sec 410.30 }
that the AoC advised me to sue the SCSB with the defense claimed the state of California is the real defendant based on not filing with the former vcgcb Edmund brown jr elected as AG claims that this idiot is unintelligible aoc used gov code 945.6 {11 times by county state } for the idiot to sue with the oag using the idiot defense ,that Edmund become jerry and as a governor he s the director of the former vcgcb
That then on the decision is his name he uses gov code 945.6 to sue the state of California an d have you notice how every member of the bar can change names like we change underwear even the governor can be ag as Edmund then becomes jerry
16.}how ever the smell and color is based on DNA and that  employees claim that the decision are        for  lockyer ,brown and Harris ,that chief justice George and the name of the new appointed chair  with decision for governor Schwarzenegger who has good sperm and secretly was shooting the maid with sperm  that the final ruling with gov code 945.6 was from the hon. brown that his defense from me claiming that my back hurts from bending over he claimed that I am unitelidgble and for me to bend over so sue the state of California so more will stop inserting it debt even objecting to the rape that then on 01.27.2012 a staff attorney class 3 warns me that it is coming and on 02.07.2012 as it was predicted and objecting was served making more the protection granted with the director is no other then the hon. brown jr  .
17.}this rambling presented is all supported with decision in black in white ,that a criminal conspiracy does not have a status of limitation till the ;last act is committed and Harvey Moore on 092,07.2012 11 days after a employer of the former vcgcb is protecting Ripley and Moore for future criminal action with th blessing no other then who you  know and who is to blow who I put my right hand n a bible and swear to tell the truth noting but the recorded truth
How ever not to allowed to repot a crime and never will be able to9 retain a attorney presents the motivation of active and not active members that we the citizens let practice le in all state courts,
Is justice blind deaf and dumb?well let the court records support my accusation n records employees at the state and federal doj disrespect the law whereto justice  

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