  • Report:  #325431

Complaint Review: Motivated Moms/Melaleuca/www.MaryMyrick.com - Idaho Falls Idaho

Reported By:
- Orlando, Florida,

Motivated Moms/Melaleuca/www.MaryMyrick.com
3910 S. Yellowstone Hwy. Idaho Falls, 83402-6003 Idaho, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a stay at home Mom and could really use some extra money. I was on MySpace one day and received a Friend Request from Mary Myrick with Motivated Moms in reference to her work at home opportunity. I looked at her MySpace page and her page at the time (she has edited it since then) stated that it was not a "sales" job. I also went to her website WWW.MARYMYRICK.COM and it also stated "No Selling" as well as "No Costly investments!" Her MySpace page and her website interested me so I requested more information from her. I spoke with her about the business and asked questions on more than one occasion prior to joining Motivated Moms and Melaleuca. Mary appeared to be a nice Mom and Grandma. I thought that I could trust her and what she was telling me about Motivated Moms and Melaleuca. As it turns out the only information Mary provided me with was misinformation. Instead of helping me build my business as she promised Mary only helped me out of my time and money. Now I am stuck with red tape to go through to get my money back along with outrageous shipping and tracking fees.

As I mentioned above I spoke with Mary on more than one occasion prior to joining. Mary told me that my commission would be 20% on each monthly order for every person under me every month. She also told me that her enroller got a check for $900 last month and has only been with the company two months. Mary knew that I only wanted to work part-time at this.

I was informed prior to joining that I would have to place a minimum order each month for the Melaleuca products. At this point I was hesitant to join. I told Mary that I was concerned about this and that I was afraid of losing money if I did not like the products or if the business did not go as planned for me. She assured me that Melaleuca had a 60 Day Money back guarantee and told me that I could even return empty bottles to Melaleuca for a FULL refund! She stated that I would get all of my money back because that is just how good Melaleucas money back guarantee is. I was led to believe that they were going to save me money, were less expensive, and were of better quality than Wal-marts products. In addition to this I was told how great the products were by Mary. She told me that I would love Sol-u-mel and Sol-u-guard. She stated that they smelled so good. She told me that Melaleucas dryer sheets were so powerful that you could use them twice each! When my first order arrived I was terribly disappointed! The Sol-u-guard and Sol-u-mel stunk to high heaven! At no time did Mary tell me that they were made with Tea Tree Oil! My Husband and I both hate the smell of Tea Tree Oil! After smelling the Sol-u-mel and Sol-u-guard, My Husband got upset and told me never to use those products in our home! Not that I blame him because I am not very fond of the smell either. My Mother told me that those products made our house smell like a hospital and she hates the smell of a hospital. I tried the dryer sheets as Mary recommended and they were too worn out after the first use to re-use again! None of the products that I purchased impressed me at all. I did not find them to be of fine quality as Mary or Melaleuca claimed that they would be. In my opinion they were no better than the products that I purchase at Wal-mart for a third of the price. Not to mention the fact that with Melaleuca you have to purchase the spray bottles and pumps separately so you are having to spend even more money instead of saving money as I was told. When Mary told me that I would receive a FULL refund and that I would get all of my money back this led me to believe that I would also be refunded my shipping as well as Melaleuca paying the shipping for the return of the products to them for a refund which when I called Melaleuca I found out that this was not the case at all! As a matter of fact, I had a rude awakening when I called Melaleuca. Not only am I responsible for the shipping but I also have to purchase tracking so that I know when the package is received by Melaleuca and then I have to call them back because it is NOT their policy to refund the money directly back to my Debit Card as I have requested! It is Melaleucas policy to refund the money to my Melaleuca account and then I have to call again after the products are received by them and request that the money be put back on my Debit Card! I asked the Melaleuca Representative on the phone how long it would take to refund my money to my Debit Card and was only further upset because she could not give me a time frame! Mary should have told me this! I would have never joined if I knew that it would be such a hassle to get my money back! I also found out that you cannot return empty bottles as Mary stated to me that you could. It says right on the back of your invoice that you must return the unused portions in order to receive a refund! So now I have to pay to ship two boxes one with heavy products weighing approximately 28 pounds back to Melaleuca! Mary made it sound so easy to return every thing when that is not the case at all with Melaleuca.

Now back to Mary's claim of "No Selling!" One of the first things that Mary told me after joining was that I should get my Mother to order products. Then in the New Mom Meeting the moderator was instructing us to get our family and friends to purchase Melaleuca products. I don't know about you but that sure sounds like sales to me! Now this brings me to the "No Costly Investment" claim. During the hour long meeting the moderator tried to convince us "New Moms" to purchase the "Value Pack" or "Career Pack." These packs cost approximately $200 and $300 each! She told us that we needed to try all of the products so that when we get a New Mom and she asks about a particular product that we can tell her that we have used it and convince her to purchase it and raise our commission. Well, if you are making a commission then isn't that making a sale? Don't you have to make a sale in order to receive a commission? Aren't you "selling" the New Mom on the product in order to make a commission? In my opinion you are "investing" money if you are trying products so that you can tell other people to buy them and $200-$300 is costly to me on my budget! Mary also sent me a document titled "Tax Advantages of the Melaleuca Business" via email telling me what I could deduct on my taxes as a business expense. It stated that my monthly purchases, value pack, and career packs were business expenses and could be deducted the explanation for this was due to the fact that.

In order to understand and market Melaleuca's unique products, you need to use them yourself. I just looked up marketing in the dictionary and the definition is the act of buying or selling in a market. So therefore it is a sales job! In addition to this I later found out that my job title was Marketing Executive so I do not understand how Mary's website can legally state "No Sales" and be truthful.

Back to the claim of "No Costly Investment." I do not know about you but my time costs money. Not to mention the fact that in the New Moms Meeting they tell you to make up posters, flyers, and business cards. They tell you to post them everywhere and get your name out there. They tell you that the more a person sees these that the more curious that they will become and that they have to see these over and over again before they will build up the courage to call. So if you are buying products every month, purchase a Value pack, having business cards, flyers, posters printed up not counting your time to distribute these items then it all ads up! This sure seems costly to me!

Now I will address Mary's claim that I would be making 20% commission. Later, after joining I found inconsistencies with this. I was told different things by different people with the company. In my first Moms meeting the moderator stated that it was 14% for the first person that you first signed up and then another team leader claimed that it was up to 20%. After I received my business pack from Melaleuca and looked over the materials that I received I found that it was only 7% to start. Had I been told the truth from the beginning I would have never joined.

I find it awfully convenient that Mary would never email me a copy of the compensation plan as I requested numerous times. After joining I went to the message boards and found a posting by Mary's enroller. As I mentioned earlier Mary stated that her enroller received a check for $900 last month which was her second month as a Motivated Mom. In that posting I would find that Mary's enroller puts in approximately 16 hours a day! That is less than minimum wage! Me and my husband sat down and did some figuring. If this person works only 5 days a week at 16 hours a day and only received $900 a month then that is less than $3 an hour. Had Mary been totally honest with me I would have never joined because my time is worth more to me than $3 an hour! She did not tell me that you have to put a lot into the business to get anything back out of it. She did not tell me that if I only worked at it part-time that I would have to keep investing in a product order each month and would not see results right away as her enroller has because she invests 16 hours a day into this business. I remember telling her when I joined that I was scammed by another company that only paid me $5 a lead and that I had put in 12 hours days and made nothing at it. She should have warned me that I would have to work long hours like her enroller with Motivated Moms in order to quickly see a profit prior to my joining. I should have been told that I would not make any money in Motivated Moms/Melaleuca until I made it to Director level.

If this wasn't enough Mary promised to help me build my business with Motivated Moms. She told me that Motivated Moms was a team of Moms working together. I understand that she was new and that the other Moms would have to help me a lot because she was new and they did. But the straw that broke the camels back was that I asked her if she was going to attend the "New Moms" meeting with me and she told me that she was. But when it came time to attend I Instant Messaged her and she did not answer. Then she appeared to quickly log off. I was left to attend the meeting by myself and was not only disappointed and hurt by this but also embarrassed when all of the other new Moms were introduced by their enroller and I had to introduce myself. I felt very small and like only a monthly commission check to Mary at this point. I had hoped to later receive an email explaining her absence but did not. I understand her being new and all but why couldn't she at least attend the meeting with me? All she would have to do is be there and introduce me to the group. How hard is that? Why did she even tell me that she was going to attend if she was not? If something came up she could have emailed me and she did not. I found that I could not depend on Mary for anything. It was the next day when I put everything together and decided that Motivated Moms and Melaleuca was not for me and quit.

Today, I went to the post office to mail everything back to Melaleuca and had to pay $33.27! You might be wondering how it cost me $33.27? I know I was shocked when I got the bill. It cost me $5.21 to send a certified letter to Melaleuca stopping them from charging my card with the Monthly Orders. Then it was another $8.23 to ship back my business kit Parcel post (4th class mail) not to mention another .75 for delivery confirmation (tracking) and then another $18.33 to ship 28lbs of products back Parcel Post to Melaleuca and again another .75 for Delivery Confirmation.

After leaving the post office I went and ran errands. Upon returning to my home I found the 28lb package of products returned to me in a garbage bag! When I called the post office and asked what happened and why was it returned to me I was told that it leaked all over their floor and that it could not be shipped that way. Now I have to re-package the products and pay another $19.08 to ship it back to Melaleuca and pray that it gets there!

So now I am out a total of $62.42 in shipping charges alone! This includes $10.07 for Melaleuca to ship the products to me, $33.27 at the post office today, and now I have to pay another $19.08 to re-ship the products to Melaleuca because they will not allow me to return empty bottles for a refund like Mary told me that they would prior to my joining Motivated Moms/Melaleuca. In addition to this, I have to wait and track the packages and after their arrival back to Melaleuca I have to call Melaleuca and ask them to place my credit on my debit card instead of leaving it in my Melaleuca account! Wish me luck! I hope that this Rip off Report will prevent someone else from making the same mistake I made in joining Motivated Moms/ Melaleuca.


Orlando, Florida


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Melaleuca

21 Updates & Rebuttals

Wise Woman

Melaleuca is Tea Tree Oil

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 14, 2013

After reading your report I was really blown away with your waste of time and energy.  There is nothing wrong with the products it is you who have made the initial mistake...Melaleuca is Tea Tree Oil.  Therefore most of the products are going to have tea tree oil in them.  Since you don't like the smell of tea tree oil you should never have sign up for the products. 

The rest of your guff is just hot air from you complaining about this that and Mary's potato salad.  The bottom line is there are rules and you are bothered that the rules apply to everyone and you don't like having to do the necessary steps to discontinue your order.  You can send the entire value pack back and be refunded. 

Quit wasting your time on this sort of thing and do what it takes to cancel the membership properly.  One email or hand written letter and end of story.  I feel like you like to hear yourself complain.  If it wasn't Melaleuca it is something else.  Find inner peace and take up Yoga it is very energizing and calming at the same time. 

I love the products and I love that they are made in the US and I don't have to buy anything if I don't want to I simply call my girlfriend tell her what I want and it is sent to me.  No parking, no gas, no time wasted getting to and from and I am doing things better for the planet with less harsh chemicals plus I recycle so this makes sense for someone like me.  Chalk it up to it just isn't for you and move on.  Stop dwelling and wasting your time being upset it isn't healthy for you. 

Peace be with you.



United States of America

#3General Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

Sorry mam but it sounds like u don't have too much business experience, in order to make money u have too spend money. I had a guy come and present the same thing too me, but told me I would have too purchase 45-50$ a month and showed every check he has made in the 18 months he's been with them. He started of make a little under $500 for his first two months then it jump up to $1,000 then to $5,000 up to 20,000 for five months and last month made 14,984 and it's documented. Sorry u thought u could stay at home all day and sleep and make money, or no costly investment doesn't mean no cost at all investment. For u to only spend $300-$400 dollars up front and get$500-$600 worth of products with potential to mak up to $20,000 a month isn't a bad investment, it just sounds like u just mad cause u thought u were gonna be able to be lazy and make money.


United States of America
Melaleuca NOT a Scam.

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 03, 2011

First of All, I am a Stay At Home Dad, the backup order plan from Melaleuca works, if and only if you fail to order your 35 product point commitment does it come into play, this is explained during the presentation and should have been explained by the person who invited you as I do. It is better than Auto Ship Programs with other company out there, wherein the same products each and every month is shipped because all they have to offer is a limited number of products. With Melaleuca, There are more than 350 consumable products to choose from. So, Auto Ship Program dont work. As far as the 35 points commitment to get products at wholesale is nothing, just switch stores do your shopping at Melaleuca. I have NOT ordered lesser than 64 points each and every month that I have been with them. Second, like Amazon, Ebay or any other sites that do business except for companies that issues RMA (electronics), shipping and handling are services rendered or when you return products, you pay. The question is, when you have used up your vitamins for 90 days and decide that they dont work or didnt FEEL any improvement or energy, can you return them? With Melaleuca, YES, up to 90 days warranty, no questions asked. Third, I paid $29.- to join Melaleuca for the promise of non-chemical base products and it did make my family healthier with Natural based products, in fact my grandson who had asthma for 6yrs. was healed just by using their detergent, as per me, for the past 4 yrs, my oncologist or cancer doctor has blood test after blood test done on me because I might have Leukemia or cancer of the blood. And after taking their Vitamins for 4 months, I cried when they told me my white cell count went down to normal to everybodys amazement. Tell me, What price do you put on your HEALTH? Added to that, the revenue sharing program has helped me too, I made over 23K last year, just for telling people about products that are GREAT and this all happened for a $29 investment, call me crazy, if you calculate even if you spend $70 or 35 points for a year thats only $840 for a year for products that my family uses yearly, CHEAP, and this is not even part of cost of doing business, we came out way ahead. And even if, I didnt make money, just with the deduction I had on my schedule C, because I did signed up also to become an Independent Marketing Executive with them and it was worth it. Listen really hard for those dont have any deductions. Value of products was my main concern; addition income was a pleasant surprise. Im sorry, I have not made my first Million Dollar yet on Melaleuca but Im already a big big Winner when it comes to good health for my family and myself, that is KING to me! I welcome any questions about Melaleuca, their products or even the research I have done, which are now a part of me and my family now as a Blessing. Call me,  Tony at 408-771-0296.. God Bless!


United States of America
Melaleuca, Why I love them.

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2011

First of All, I am a Stay At Home Dad, the backup order plan from Melaleuca works, if and only if you

fail to order your 35 product point commitment does it come into play, this is explained during the presentation and should have been explained by the person who invited you as I do. It is better than Auto Ship Programs with other company out there, wherein the same products each and every month is shipped because all they have to offer is a limited number of products. With Melaleuca, There are more than 350 consumable products to choose from. So, Auto Ship Program dont work. As far as the 35 points commitment to get products at wholesale is nothing, just switch stores do your shopping at

Melaleuca. I have NOT ordered lesser than 64 points each and every month that I have been with them. Second, like amazon, Ebay or any other sites that do business except for companies that issues RMA (electronics), shipping and handling are services rendered or when you return products you pay.

The question is, when you have used up your vitamins for 90 days and decide that they dont work or didnt FEEL any improvement or energy, can you return them? With Melaleuca, YES up to 90 days warranty, no questions asked. Third, I paid $29.- to join Melaleuca for the promise of non-chemical base products and it did make my family healthier with Natural based products, in fact my grandson who had asthma for 6yrs. was healed just by using their detergent. Added to that, the revenue sharing program has helped me, I made an extra $21,978". for a $29'. investment, if you calculate, even if you spend $70 or 35 points for products that my family uses which is not part of cost of doing business, we come out way ahead?. And even if, I didnt make money, just with the deduction on my schedule C, because I did signed up also to become an Independent Marketing Executive with them and it was worth it!. Value of products was my main concern; addition income was a pleasant surprise?. I welcome any questions about Melaleuca which is now a part of me and my family as a Blessing|. I help moms, dads & people to succeed with Melaleuca which has changed thier lives, That's good Right?  Email me at: tony4wellness@gmail?.com or call me at 408-771-0296?.

God Bless!


United States of America
Thank you Andrea

#6General Comment

Fri, September 02, 2011

I was on FACEBOOK and I saw a site for Motivated Moms. I was googling about it and I came to this RIP OFF REPORT. I could not believe that Mary would put her response in all caps and then procede to say how professional she is. A professional would not scream through the internet and she would not discuss private matters even if they are based on truth. The private matters had nothing to do with the legit complaint. I was looking into this and I am now thankful I know the truth.  I am sorrey Andrea you had to go through with this from a company but it sure has saved me a lot of heart ache.


United States of America
Thank you Andrea!!!

#7General Comment

Tue, December 08, 2009

I just want to Thank Andrea for posting this message.. I just heard of the business "Melaleuca"  by a women today after I inquired to start my own home business for just $1.. I have a set interview tomorrow with her and to hear more information about the business and how it works.. I have heard all I need to know about Melaleuca here! I am canceling my set appointment right now with no hesitation and with NO money LOST out of my pocket.. Thank goodness for this website!!! How can this business be any good with 9 pages of complaints..

Amanda with Motivated Moms


#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 20, 2009

First of all I'm sorry that Mary did not give you a full presentation.  As per the rules stated by Melaleuca we are to give EVERYONE the full presentation which explains everything about it.

"Instead of helping me build my business as she promised Mary only helped me out of my time and money."

I'm also sorry that you had an enroller who did not provide you with help. Perhaps her enroller or team leader didn't provide her with the proper training.

HOWEVER, we all get a membership kit that includes all the info we need so failing to read this will of course negatively impact your experience.  You would have been attempting to build a business without the proper knowledge to do so.

"Now I am stuck with red tape to go through to get my money back along with outrageous shipping and tracking fees."

I don't know what "Red Tape" you're talking about.  People are free to cancel their Melaleuca account whenever they want. It's a simple process and they provide 60 day money back guarantee on all products.

"The Sol-u-guard and Sol-u-mel stunk to high heaven"

Sol U Guard has a new formula, it's made from Thyme oil and smells nice - Better than LYSOL and no harsh chemicals.

Sol u Mel has Melaleuca Oil in it - and yes Melaleuca oil has a strong smell - but so does Pine Sol or Mr. Clean, etc...

The fact that MELALEUCA is a type of tea tree oil is RIGHT in the presentation AND your membership kit which would have been mailed to you.

None of the products that I purchased impressed me at all. I did not find them to be of fine quality as Mary or Melaleuca claimed that they would be. In my opinion they were no better than the products that I purchase at Wal-mart for a third of the price."

I have been a customer for almost 2 years and LOVE their products. It sounds to me like you were LOOKING for negative things so you can have an excuse to get out and QUIT.

In regards to the Refund policy:
I have customers who have returned products they didn't enjoy and Melaleuca gladly not only refunded their money but also paid for the shipping.

" I don't know about you but that sure sounds like sales to me! "

Helping your friends & family have a HEALTHIER life and SAFER products should be at your #1 list of people to tell about Melaleuca shouldn't it?

Melaleuca can help with:
digestive issues
eye health
heart health
weight loss

just to name a few.

This is not a "SALES JOB" .  This is about HELPING people have a better life, HELPING the environment and HELPING others work from home.

In regards to commissions:
"After I received my business pack from Melaleuca and looked over the materials that I received I found that it was only 7% to start."

AGAIN the commissions are IN THE PRESENTATION.
20% for the first month your new customer shops
7% every month after that until you are a Director
14% on all your personals
20% on all your personal referrals once you have 20 people enrolled

Also 7% for 7 generations of referrals.

I have looked into MANY different compensation plans this was THE BEST I found.

You had a bad experience, and I do apologize for that.  BUT don't ASSUME that Motivated Moms or Melaleuca is a Rip OFF simply based on one person's experience.

What about me???  what about My team leader and hers? WE HAVE ALL HAD SUCCESS.  I know of HUNDREDS of people who've had success.

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people have a healthier life due to Melaleuca's products.

My health is better, my family's health is better, the VITAMINS have changed our lives.

I have SAFE cleaning products in my home and that is a GREAT feeling as a mom.

There is NO WAY I would go back to using other shampoo, conditions, body washes, makeup, etc...that are FILLED with chemicals and toxins.


If you're willing to WORK and be POSITIVE then you'll do very well with any home business, including Motivated Moms.


Motivated Mom

Boynton Beach,
I have been with Motivated Moms for 2 years now.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 07, 2008

First of all Andrea, I would like to express my apology to you for a bad experience with our Motivated Moms Team. The fact of the matter is though, we are not right for everybody and that is o.k. I am sorry that you feel the way you do and I can actually see where you are coming from. Do you know how many times I have had to explain things over and over again to a new Mom who does not understand what we do? I cannot speak for anybody on my team, but I make sure ANYBODY who joins MY personal team knows that the work we do is hard work, you will put in a lot of hours SOMETIMES to be successful and that sometimes the product Melaleuca offers will not be right for them. Now, to get on with this, let me say this. I DO get excited about my business and Melaleuca DOES have a great Money back guarantee. The fact is, some Moms are new at this and just like Teddi stated, we all make mistakes, especially in the starting up of a new business! I love the products and will never have them replaced by chemicals from Wal-Mart again ;) You didn't like the products, that's o.k. as well. I will be honest as I ALWAYS am and say this: I do not like the SMELL of Tub and Tile. But guess what Dear? I will use it until the day I die so that my daughter is not exposed to that crap that is in any other product. And you know what? Tub and Tile works just as good as anything else out there, if not better ;) You spoke of Team Meetings where a team leader was " instructing us to get our family and friends to purchase Melaleuca products". It was mentioned of course, because I am on ALL Team meetings. I also know that I love my family and friends, why would I not share what I found with them IF I SO CHOOSE? Why would I keep Melaleuca to myself? I wouldn't and I don't, but I also don't go running around bugging anybody either. If they want what I have, they can have it. If they don't, that is o.k! The other thing I have to point out is when you referred to the Team leader pushing the Value and Career pack on New Moms. Do you know the reason why we mention them so much? It is for this fact: When you purchase a career or value pack within 3 months of starting, YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO EARN $13,400 in bonuses within your first year...just in bonus alone! You stated you think it's because we make a ton of money on you purchasing them. This is not the case at all. YOU stand to earn $13,400. Now you said, your time is valuable. I agree with you. My time is valuable as well and $13,400 shows that. HARD WORK is also VALUABLE. I have been with this team for 2 years and I have slacked some, worked some. I make what I deserve! The woman who rebutted your post called "GreenEyes" or something along those lines, she was on my team! We were never dishonest to her and the enroller she speaks about, was actually my first SERIOUS business builder when I started 2 years ago. I worked very closely with that whole team and they are great women. We are all great women! We never "Deceive" willingly and we do our best to be great Moms, Wives, and business builders. I just had to post to this because although you were very thorough in your report, you were on the team for what? A month if even that long? Take it from someone who has been here for the long haul and WILL ALWAYS build a Melaleuca Business. Do your research! If it doesn't sound right, question it until you get the answer! My BEST business builders and customers actually, they all put me through the ringer before joining. And I mean THE RINGER! Not a question here and there, a whole 2 hour conversation about what Melaleuca can and will offer them. Also what we do not offer, like get rich while sitting on your a*s! When I gave an answer and they didn't like it because it was the truth, we found something that they COULD believe in and they all shine now because of it. They know their business and make the money to prove it. One other thing and I shall go! When my Mela-Soft sheets come out of the dryer, they are fine to be reused again. Might not have the same scent as a fresh one, but they can be used twice. And....do not complain about having to "Purchase" bottles from Melaleuca. Are you kidding me with that? I started 2 years ago and I STILL HAVE THE SAME BOTTLES THAT CAME IN MY CAREER PACK. I don't buy a bottle of windex and pay for plastic EVERY TIME I BUY IT. I buy Clear Power (Melaleuca's Glass cleaner) and get 4 BOTTLES FOR $1 LESS THAN YOU PAY FOR ONE BOTTLE OF WINDEX. You have GOT to be kidding. Look at the prices on the website, price per use, Melaleuca is CHEAPER than WalMart. These are all facts, but I am still sorry you had a negative experience with YOUR ENROLLER. You DID NOT have a NEGATIVE experience with THE MOTIVATED MOMS TEAM AS A WHOLE AT ALL. Had you IM'ed me to take you to a NEW MOM WELCOME call, I would have been happy to, just like Teddi stated. I wish you nothing but success and happiness ;)


Melaluca is a SCAM

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

did not take much to convince me. I researched them on the internet and spoke to several very desperate people trying to add me to their downline. Desperation in their voices came through loud and clear. The only way to make any money in Melaluca is to get new distributors to sign up. You make money only off the product THEY ARE REQUIRED TO BUY in order to be able to sell it. TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE SELLING MELALUCA - so it is next to impossible to generate website customers to your new site. Your family and friends will soon tire of you trying to sell to them, because no one else is buying. Melaluca also claims their products work for everyone - NOT TRUE. THE ONLY PEOPLE MAKING MONEY ARE THOSE WHO STARTED EARLY and they make money off of everyone who came in after they did. Classic Pyramid Scheme. I'm sure that was not the intent at first but that is what it became. any business that requires you buy the product in order to sell it is a PYRAMID SCHEME.


Why do people think they will get paid big money for doing nothing???

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

It sounds like this person had a terrible encounter with Melaleuca. However, I don't understand why people don't look into a business themselves before they jump into it. This company has a website that you can read and contact them. The compensation plan is right there on the website. The points commitment is spelled out in plain sight! Nothing is secretive. Why do you pay money for a business when you don't even know what you will be doing to make money? You didn't think it was selling? What did you think it was? Sitting around drinking coffee and people put money into your lap? It is amazing to me how naive people are and it is never their fault!! I shop with Melaleuca and have not had one problem. But then again, I took the time to read the website. The products are safer and better than the junk you can buy at Wal-Mart. But a lot of people don't really care what kind of chemicals they put into their house, as long as they COST less! Unhappy, naive people should not be allowed to post such garbage on websites like this.

Ray Wellman Nh Team Vitality

New Hampshire,
A few bad apples...

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 04, 2008

I have read your story, and sadly too many others like yours. They all seem have to have the same team involved. It is a shame because Melaleuca can provide a great opportunity. But it is not for everyone. ALL of the information needs to be presented during a presentation in order for the prospective customer/business builder to make an informed decision. Melaleuca cannot be explained in 20 minutes. Melaleuca holds its Marketing executives to very high standards. It is very explicit in the terms and conditions. I would suggest that you provide the name of your enroller to Melaleuca and describe what happened. This really irks me because it not only screwed you up, but it makes it harder for honest teams to share the products and business opportunity with people that it will work for. We happen to love the products and find great value in being customers with Melaleuca. We have an awesome team and we have been able to help others reach their goals. We are up front and honest with people about what it will take to be a customer and what it will take to make an income. They are not the same. It is not a get rich quick scheme, it takes a lot of work to make a lot of money no matter what it is. $10,000 a month will NEVER happen on 5 hrs a week. I can't believe tea tree oil was never mentioned (I mean I do believe it, I'm just shocked). Melaleuca Alterfolia is the botanical name for tea tree. That is where we get our name. I think where we get our name is a pretty cool thing. You are right, not everybody likes the smell of tea tree oil, but a lot do too. I can't say much about the refund, other than I don't think it is unreasonable to expect to pay shipping. Nor is it unreasonable for it to take several weeks for your account to be credited. It takes 6-8 weeks for mail in rebate checks to arrive and that is just a slip of paper. A box of products has to be handled checked in logged etc. You are probably one of thousands of product returns every month. I am sure you will get your money back for the products, unfortunately these things take time. Our cancelled customers show up on our report the very next month, as they should. We have never had a customer who had trouble cancelling their membership. Sorry you had this kind of experience. All of the information on the return policy and all of the other policies is included in the Membership kit you received. I always encourage everyone we enroll to read it thoroghly ( I know it is spelled wrong, lol) and ask questions. Hope somebody reads this an can see that most people with Melaleuca are good honest people. Best of luck to you Andrea. You might want to leave town next year Aug 13-15, because Melaleuca will be having our annual convention in Orlando. Or better yet instead of leaving town, come to convention and see what we are really all about! :) Take care -


I too am a Melaleuca Victim! I lost my home due to their dishonesty!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 18, 2008

Oh how I wish I had found rip off report site before I sold my soul to this devil of a company! I lost my home after 4 months of trying to cancel my contract with registered, notorized,certified and first class mail letters as well as faxes that were all received but never acknowledged! I tried so many times to cancel my contract and yet they still continued to send their backup packages, each time costing me almost $30 dollars in shipping both ways since I disabled with degenerative joint disease and an autoimmune disorder and am not always home when the UPS would show, although I did have big signs on my door if package was from Melaleuca, I refuse it. (They would still leave the package). For 4 months they made me late and short on my rent until my landlord cancelled our lease due to that. Even after we lost our home, they still continue to charge my card! I am currentlly seeking to publicize this locally and nationally, as well as we are seeking an attorney who will take our case. Please hang in there, justice will prevail in the end! BEWARE OF MELALEUCA! I warn everyone who will give me 5 minutes of their time on a daily basis against this horrible company. And being disabled, I have NOTHING BUT TIME to do this! Word of mouth is how this company was started and as they say, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword! If we all pull together and talk to at least 10 people a day (which was not even half of the people I used to talk to to sign people up for melaleuca) and warn them of this company, word of mouth will be the end of melaleuca in no time flat! I use what they taught me, patience and persistence (against them now). Thank you rip off report!


Deer Park,
The meaning of "No Sales"

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2008

In this report, the person said she didn't want a sales job. When the person representing Melaleuca said it was not a sales job, she meant their representatives were not distributors. They do not buy products and sell them to the end consumer. The only thing they sell is a membership to the Melaleuca wellness company so the person/customer can purchase what they normally would on a monthly basis. A marketing repesentative markets the company's preferred customer program and gathers customers for the company and in turn the company pays a percentage for their word of mouth advertising and even more for continued leadership. The company is always looking for new ways to improve the presentation so as to make sure that the consumer knows what they are getting into. They require a signature to cancel because a signature is required to become a customer and receive a discount. Their products are great and the solumel and soluguard are very heavily scented by the melaleuca tea tree oil but pine sol and lysol also have strong smells. There are more things to do with the products than what they are intended for and I would never suggest to people to send their products back unless they don't care to be out shipping. Melaleuca has a discount for their shipping because they don't charge by weight but if we ship back, it is by weight so it will cost more. The value pack and career pack are very discounted so that for the $199 pack you get $300 worth of products and the $299 pack you get over $400 worth of products so if you don't like some of the products you can give them away since they were in essence free. Most of the products are things people are already using anyway on a monthly basis. There is no risk in this way because all you are doing is trying products from a different company. If you don't like them, don't buy them anymore. As for the mentoring, no company has any control over the people that represent them. All they can do is put good training into place and continually train. I think Melaleuca is the best company out there after being in 8-10 different companies over the last 13 years. I only work this company part-time or less. I should put a little more time into it but right now I would say only 5 hours a week. I make almost $500 per month because I have one other person in my business working too. I have steadily enrolled 1-2 people every month for almost 4 years and some have stayed and some have gone. My enroller left me after the 3rd month and I have gone uplineto get my training and get on fasttrack. The company also has people in the home office who will train you if you don't have a mentor to work with. They are regional specialists and will even call me about every month or so just to see how I am doing in my business and give me strategies. I have tried almost every product and I love them all. I didn't fall in love with every product the first time I tried it but the more I tried it the more I loved it and would never go back to the grocery store or Walmart for what Melaleuca makes. The cost is usually the same as the grocery store or Walmart but can't compete with dollar stores for the cost. The concentration much outweighs the diluted things that you get at the dollar stores and Melaleuca products are heathier for your environment than what you get anywhere. After changing over our cleaning and laundry products, our family has become allergy free after suffering for years.

Green Girl


#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 13, 2008

First I want to say that I've been with Melaleuca for 9 months now and I absolutly love the products and the compensation plan, and like said priviously this is not a business for everyone and it's not a get rich quick scam either. This is a company to build a long term residual income. I join Melaleuca back in Sept of 07 with the Motivated Moms team and honestly have to say that the Team is very vague on what WORKING FROM HOME entales and have found myself very frustrated by learning things a little late. Like the commissions I had no clue when i first joined that you recieved only 7% commision until you become director and that it's a commisson on Product points not dollar value. However because of the love of the products I continued to truck on and now have become very successful in my Melaleuca Business, only after leaving the Motivated Moms team and Building my own business with others close in my orginization. I was very fortunate to have a very trust worthy enroller and she didn't give me the run around and was very honest with me. Just remember that Motivated Moms is just a support group to help you advance your business and they are not actually part of Melaleuca. And Honestly I am ashamed to say that i was a part of that and the fact that it reflects badly on such a wonderful company. Don't get me wrong not all Motivated moms are bad they are just duplicating what was taught to them. I passioniatly believe in Melaleuca, what they stand for, and their products. I will forever be a Melaleuca customer and I will always tell others about their products.


Andrea feel your pain!

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 10, 2008

Andrea, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I do not want to sit here and type out my entire experience with this company and their INDENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES!!! I posted a rebutal on another section of this board today. I too have been threatened and retaliated against for being lied to and ripped off and saying enough is enough. If you ever need someone to talk to about your experience feel free to contact me. I hate to even say it but I am glad I have found out I am not the only one who is going through this. I think it is very telling that the people who have responded to your post are from your "support team". Very supportive of them?!?!? Accusations and personal attacks are par for the course with the greedy people who are making money off people like you and me. Good luck to you! I hope they get what they deserve in the end.


Andrea feel your pain!

#17UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 10, 2008

Andrea, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I do not want to sit here and type out my entire experience with this company and their INDENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES!!! I posted a rebutal on another section of this board today. I too have been threatened and retaliated against for being lied to and ripped off and saying enough is enough. If you ever need someone to talk to about your experience feel free to contact me. I hate to even say it but I am glad I have found out I am not the only one who is going through this. I think it is very telling that the people who have responded to your post are from your "support team". Very supportive of them?!?!? Accusations and personal attacks are par for the course with the greedy people who are making money off people like you and me. Good luck to you! I hope they get what they deserve in the end.


Andrea feel your pain!

#18UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 10, 2008

Andrea, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I do not want to sit here and type out my entire experience with this company and their INDENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES!!! I posted a rebutal on another section of this board today. I too have been threatened and retaliated against for being lied to and ripped off and saying enough is enough. If you ever need someone to talk to about your experience feel free to contact me. I hate to even say it but I am glad I have found out I am not the only one who is going through this. I think it is very telling that the people who have responded to your post are from your "support team". Very supportive of them?!?!? Accusations and personal attacks are par for the course with the greedy people who are making money off people like you and me. Good luck to you! I hope they get what they deserve in the end.


I am now being retaliated against for filing my Rip off Report!

#19Author of original report

Mon, April 14, 2008

As of this morning, Mary has begun retaliating against me for my Rip off Report. She has been sending me threatening as well as harassing emails all day long. She has went as far as to make a sarcastic comment about my being disabled and insinuate that my disability is low IQ and that it prevented me from understanding how the business works. Mary claims that I have been threatening her when I have not. The only thing that could have been mistaken for a threat was when I asked her not to call me and not to have any of the other Motivated Moms call me because my husband is very angry about this whole ordeal and might tell them off. I only was only trying to prevent her from getting her feelings hurt any further and did not intend to threaten her in any way. I was not trying to mislead anyone by not mentioning that Teddi has offered to reimburse me for the shipping. I do not know Teddi all that well and did not feel that it would be relevant information until I have received the check from her and it cleared the bank okay. I fully intended upon the clearing of that check to update my Rip Off Report to reflect the fact that Teddi had reimbursed me for my shipping costs and that I was no longer out of that money. As far as Marys rebuttal I should have expected as much. She has twisted around a conversation that we had that was very personal and did not need public airing. My quitting Motivated Moms/Melaleuca had nothing to do with Social Security Disability except for possibly the fact that I cannot put in as many hours as it requires to make a profit because I am disabled. Had she of been honest with me in the first place I would have known that I was taking on more than I could handle and would not have risked losing money like I have. Since Mary chooses to bring up our conversation in reference to knowingly committing fraud against the government you should know that she twisted it all around of course. I did not put this conversation about disability in my original Rip off Report because I felt that Mary being disabled and her choice to conceal income is her personal business. I just felt that information was too sensitive in nature and that it would be totally classless of me to bring that up and it would not accomplish anything besides making me look like I was picking on a poor disabled woman. When I mentioned that I was on disability and that I would have to report my commission checks to Social Security Mary readily brought up the fact that she is not reporting her commission checks to Social Security. When I warned her that Social Security would catch up to her if she is filing business taxes she quickly informed me that another Mom on the Team has been concealing her work history for years and it has not gotten caught. When I advised Mary to report her work activity because she will eventually get caught she made the statement I am not about to lose my Medicaid and Medicare! She further stated that if Social Security questioned her work activity that she would tell then that she is only a customer of Melaleuca and advised me to do the same. I tried my best to convince her that if she is earning a commission check that it is in fact work activity and must be reported to Social Security. There was no convincing her! I on the other hand have enough common sense to know that I have to report any and all income to Social Security. Now in retaliation for my Rip off Report Mary has emailed me threatening to report me to Social Security for working. Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones! It was Mary that was instructing me on what I should tell Social Security and how to get away with concealing work activity from the government. Mary is the deceptive one not me. This is just another example of how dishonest Mary can be. I have reported Marys threats and harassment to Melaleucas policy hotline. I have forwarded her emails to them in hopes that they will take action and stop her from threatening and harassing me any further. I feel that Marys conduct is very unprofessional and not at all a positive reflection on Melaleuca or the Motivated Moms.



#20UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 14, 2008

I just wanted to take the time to address some of Andreas comments...First of all..I was also on her support team. First off we were there to help her! Mary was new and we stepped in to help train her. I talked to Andrea several times and helped do calls with her...if she had of needed someone to go to the new moms meeting she could have easily gotten me or someone else to take her! We would have been glad too!! Secondly,...as far as the products..I LOVE them!! They are awesome and SO much better than the ones that you get from your local department store! Their quality in my opinion is SO much better and they are also allowing us to have healthier lives because I am not filling my home up with toxic chemicals that are making Americans sick! I personally love the smell of their products and feel that the smell is SO much nicer than other products out there...I personally would get very light headed and get out of breath whenever I used to clean my home with other products like bleach!! Now I know why! Now I cannot talk about her case with the dryer sheets but I personally have used mine a second time accidently because they were left in the dryer when I put a new load in and they did just fine! As far as the money aspect...this is NOT a get rich quick!! This is a business that you are building and yes most of the time you loose money before you start making any money, which is the case with ANY business!! I didnt make any money my first month..I had just started but I worked my butt off and I did get a nice check my second month, but that was only because I had the extra time to put into it and I wanted to go fast. Yes I may be only making 3$ a hr right now...lol..but I am working and I am building!! Within 6 more months I will be making more than any regular job outside the home could be paying me and THATS what I am looking at....not where I am at now! You dont get a job at the bottom and say...welll..Im not making what the manager of this place is making so its just not worth it...you HAVE to work your way up!! No Sales.....we ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SELL!! We refeer others to Melaleuca..thats it! Yes we get a comission of the ones who we sign up but they arent our sales! It would be the EXACT same thing if when we went out to eat at a restraunt and ate their food...we loved their food and we went home and told our family and friends how great their food was...we are refeering others...thats it. The only difference is that Melaleuca pays us for it and even gives us free products each month as thanks to us! I have refeered others to lots of other places before but they never paid me! The Value/Career Packs are OPTIONAL. You dont have to buy them!! Its your chose!! They are just there for families who understand how harmful all the other products are for there family and want to get rid of them all at once. I personally know of several different families that when they did this alot of their families sicknesses went away all of the suddden like asthma, allergies, add/adhd, autism, so to me it makes it all worth it if they decide to purchase one of these! I love this company very much and I havent lost any money at all because all the things that I buy each month from them are the stuff that I would be buying anyway even if I didnt do this!! For that matter...even if I didnt do this as a business....I would STILL be a customer of theres...NO QUESTIONS....because I love their products and I believe in what they are doing!!! Andrea DID NOT loose ANY money in this...she is being refunded for EVERYTHING that she has put in it so in my opinion she has NO reason to complain! Oh and Andrea...the people that join our team is NOT just another commision like you once said...they are wonderful moms whom I have grown very close friendships with and several of them are like family to me now. If they decided this was not for them then we would still have a great friendship..we are just like that. We are a group of moms that work together and support each other to have our goals achieved and have healthier and safer family lives:)

Mary Myrick


#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 14, 2008




#22Consumer Comment

Mon, April 14, 2008

I am absolutely amazed at the comments here and must respond. I am within Mary's support team and worked with Andrea. That is, until she chose to not show when we had scheduled an appointment for training. No phone call, no e-mail (just the thing she was upset at Mary for). Motivated Moms is in fact a team that works together. Had Andrea come to me, I could have helped more. However, she chose to go this route instead. As for No Selling: We do not sell the products, we are customers & Market the company. Every company in the world has a "Sales Department" and a "Marketing Department." These are separate. We do not sell or stock product. Commission: In our presentations, it clearly states it is "Up to 20% Commission." Had Andrea asked, I would have gladly explained how this works. Products: These products are phenomenal! Because of them, my daughter no longer has asthma symptoms. The products in Wal-Mart have all kinds of harmful chemicals in them. Why do you think all of these companies suddenly have a "safer version" of their products? As for the smell, thats a matter of opinion. I absolutely love the smell. Some people do not. Its not for me to decide for anyone else what they should/should not purchase. Mary's Training: Mary's enroller and I are working with Mary to ensure she does understand everything. I'm not sure about Andrea, but I am a human being and have made plenty of mistakes. Mary is just beside herself. She cried for over an hour because of this situation. She made some mistakes, but is doing a great job at learning more and building her business. Costly Investment: I'm not sure about anyone else, but my family needs laundry detergent, cleaners, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, etc, etc, etc on a regular basis. I am personally saving quite a bit of money every single month. The Value Pack and Career Pack are voluntary & deeply discounted. Personally, I loved everything in mine! Costly Advertising: I personally do not pay for advertising. I advertise online for free. I have posted flyers in the past on plain copy paper. With the ink, that might have cost me .50. You can also get free business cards online where all you pay for is the shipping. Income: Everyone on our team is informed in our many team meetings that this is a long-term income, not short-term. If you're looking for a full-time income, its suggested you get a full-time job. This is meant to be a supplemental income. If you're looking to sit at home on the couch and earn a paycheck, this is not the place for you. The people that are successful at this business know that you need to make short-term sacrifices for long-term goals. If you look at most businesses, you actually lose money for at least 3 years. Now to the biggest inconsistency of all: SHIPPING COSTS ~ Prior to Andrea posting this, I had informed her that I would cover the shipping costs. Andrea sent a very spiteful e-mail to Mary and (in my opinion) threatened her not to respond. She even made a threatening comment about her husband answering the phone instead of the phone. Because Andrea did not use basic common sense (put opened bottles containing liquid in a ziploc bag), I will now be sending her a personal check for over $60. Amazingly, Andrea did not mention that here. So, Andrea will not be out any money. Is this business for everyone? Absolutely not! It does take a lot of hard work, but the end result (health, environmental and financial) are more than worth the hard work.

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