  • Report:  #977330

Complaint Review: Motor Club of America (MCA) www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com - Internet

Reported By:
MCA Victim - Charlotte, North Carolina,

Motor Club of America (MCA) www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Motor Club of America (MCA) Also known as GWP (Get Weekly Paychecks) , aka TVC, aka 3WayCashFlow  is a SCAM and there are REAL VICTIMS! 

They are NOT a BBB accredited business, and are completely unprofessional.  Offering a product that is a total rip off, and making promises to prospective members of their pyramid that will never be kepy.

Here were the initial red flags:

* The company has so many names posted online and websites promising big bucks for a small investment.  Lots of AKA's means lots to hide.

* They target people who are desperate for cash

* The company posts on the internet EVERYWHERE press releases and articles saying they are not a scam, clearly maniuplating the search results to bury real scam reports.  This is just suspicious altogether.

* The company posts youtube videos constantly of people flashing cash.  (NOT IMPRESSED).

* The company REQUIRES in order to join their program to make money that you PAY FEES MONTHLY

* Their website http://www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com/ is completely unprofessional, awfully designed, and just screams SCAM.

* The program is commission only (and again requires money down to join)

* MCA picked a name that is very similar to National Motor Club of America which helps them blend in, and look more reputable.  They are NOT associated with National Motor Club of America which has been in business for over 10 years.

* MCA is NOT listed by the Better Business Bureau.  They are hidden under the name TVC Marketing.

* Motor Club of America is EXTREMELY expensive for what they are trying to sell.  AAA is much cheaper and unquestionably reputable.

The MCA Pyramid Scheme is definitely a RISK for anyone who gives it a shot with a very high chance for failure.  Their practices are manipulative, sneaky, and their associates will say anything to get new people.


They are going to rebut this claim, but DONT BUY IN!  These people are just going to rip you off.  Your going to be stuck with a MCA membership when you can get AAA for half the price.

One of their sharks includes this guy:

(Real name Unknown) LL Cool Harlem https://www.facebook.com/coolharlem

Join our program for 40 bucks! (and 20 a month to follow) and you will be rich!  Yeah right f******.  Even without the fee to join it still screams scam.   

These shady business practices are likely illegal.  Steer clear and people beware!

If you want to make money - GET A REAL JOB.

98 Updates & Rebuttals

Awesomely Myself

Ft Smith,
Wrong Website

#2General Comment

Thu, December 24, 2015

I am so tired of seeing people go to bat for MCA, but don't even know what the official website url is! www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com IS NOT the official website! Please stop advertising it as such. Rodney, nor ANY OF YOU, are employees or owners of MCA, so don't lie and list yourself as an owner. It's a violation of the agreement you signed. Also, the OP is 99% correct! MCA IS overpriced and have unethical and unprofessional associates. To attack the poster proves this. Every single time someone says something contrary to the fabricated tales by MCA fans, they are attacked by the same people who claim to be "professional!"  MCA only cares about money. They don't care that agents are lying, unlicensed and giving MCA a bad reputation.


Ever Heard Of Marketing???

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 20, 2015

Just curious if you are at all familiar with marketing???

Is it tacky for these people to claim that you can make 10,000 in a minute? Yup! Is it the fault of MCA club that these people go and do this? Of course not!

You are so obsessed with someone responding to your allegations proving what "this company" claims to have said, but the company didn't say or promise anything! What I cannot show you is anywhere on MCA or TVC's website that they make any kind of financial claim at all.

The only thing you are correct about is, "if it sounds to good to be true, it is!"....so stop falling for it, it is just tacky marketing tactics.

I just seen a commercial for bud-lite who now is putting little slogans on their beer like "Bud Light, the perfect beer for stepping outside for some old school fun." Well, I am a recovering alcoholic....for me there will be no "old school fun", just misery. So do I buy into this marketing? Uh, no....not an idiot!

Am I going to buy into every facial cream that promises I will look ten years younger in a week, or that I can lose 21 pounds in 21 days, or maybe I will be "cool" if I get that new car. Hello.....that is blatant marketing being done BY the company themselves. You are bashing MCA club for being "a scam" when all they do is let affiliates go out and promote their product for them as so many others do.

They have agreements in place with these affiliates, but it's the internet, how can they possibly manage it all when Google can't even keep people from being scammed.

My suggestion to you is to keep your day job, or at the very least start educating yourself on the real world of marketing. Like it or not, it is what it is and it is for you to be responsible enough to learn the facts about what you may consider promoting in an attempt to work from home.

I do not get rich promoting MCA Club, but they d**n sure pay me and the extra money is nice! To make enough money to live that proverbial Amercian Dream generally requires having multiple streams of income, knowledge of internet marketing, and educating yourself. If you combine those things along with a relentless spirit, you just may stand a chance.


If you really think you have what it takes, then start by learning who MCA and TVC really are, once you have that "aha moment"....you can make a decision based on true fact and not marketers "unbiased" opinions. :)


Ethan Vanderbilt Said??

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 20, 2015

Really? That's your argument? Ethan Vanderbilt said.....enuff said! Lol

I read his "real review" and posted a very nice, professional response explaining who MCA Club and TVC really are. Honestly it was just informative as I "did" want to believe his "review" was unbiased. He deleted my post within 12 hours, so yea.... if you are going to talk "credibility", he is not the one.

Marketing can be unscrupulus, exaggerated, and down right slimy....and "Ethan" is no exception to this. His website is not to promote MCA Club (got that from his review), but it certainly wasn't written with any research or fact behind it either. His only intention was to position his website for all key phrases pertaining to Motor Club of America so he can make his income off his banner ads. That's it!

If someone leaves a comment that doesn't "favor his opinion" or at least boost his ego, he deletes it in exchange for his pride. He may not be affiliated with MCA, but his only motivation is customer traffic to his paid advertisors. PERIOD!

If you really want to know that truth about who MCA Club and TVC are as companies, you can check out this post. It may just give you the facts about these two companies long standing (and why you never heard of them) so that you can make an "educated decision." 


MCA: Misleading Claims

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, October 26, 2014

When you see all these claims from people speaking to how legitimate MCA is, keep in mind that that some questionable bizopp promoters have been known to name "insiders" who give glowing – but bogus – recommendations. 

There is a saying that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  David Hannum, when criticizing PT Barnum and his customers, said "There's a sucker born every minute."  Such is the case for those unfortunate people that get pulled into MCA.

MCA does offer a real product.  Let's get that straight from jump.  However, their prices are not competitive.  The packages they offer are priced at over 2 times more than AAA and similar roadside assistance companies.  

Let’s talk just towing, without the other benefits for a moment.  For up to a 100 mile tow package, MCA charges $19.95 per month or $239.40 per year.  AAA charges $99.00 per year.  There are other services included with both MCA and AAA.  MCA offers some services that AAA does not and AAA offers some services that MCA does not. 

First, read about a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rule that applies to MCA. The Business Opportunity Rule.

From the FTC website:

The Rule puts safeguards in place to make sure you have the information you need to evaluate whether a bizopp is risky business.

How does the Rule protect people thinking about buying a bizopp? First, it requires sellers covered by the Rule to give you a one-page disclosure document outlining important facts about the opportunity. Second, if sellers make any claims about how much money you might make, they have to give you a separate paper with more specifics. Third, the Rule makes clear that certain practices are against the law.


Under the Rule, sellers have to give you a one-page disclosure document that offers five key pieces of information. Use the information in the disclosure document to fact-check what the seller tells you about the opportunity and what you find out from your own research.

The document has to:

  • identify the seller;
  • tell you about certain lawsuits or other legal actions involving the seller or its key personnel;
  • tell you if the seller has a cancellation or refund policy. If so, what are the terms of that policy?
  • say whether the seller is making an earnings claim. If so, the seller has to give you another document called an earnings claim statement; and
  • give you a list of references.

The Rule says that a seller has to give you the disclosure document at least seven days before you sign a contract or pay them anything. Use that time to check out the information in the disclosure document, including contacting references. Be aware that some questionable bizopp promoters have been known to name "insiders" who give glowing – but bogus – recommendations. 


Income claims made by MCA representatives are done so without an income an earnings claim statement, as is required by the FTC.  So, when you see income claims from MCA, ask for an earnings claim statement.  You won't get it. How does one know if the income claims are legitimate?? Well, you don't.

From the FTC website regarding earnings claims:

"What if the seller makes a claim about how much money a person can earn? Under the Rule, they have to give you a separate document that says in big type across the top: EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT REQUIRED BY LAW.

This document has to include:

    • the name of the person making the claim and the date;
    • the specifics of the claim;
    • the start and end date those earnings were achieved;
    • the number and percentage of people who got those results or better;
    • any information about those people that may differ from you – for example, the part of the country where they live; and
    • a statement that you can get written proof of the seller's earning claims if you ask for it.

Since the Rule gives you the right to see written proof for the seller's earnings claims, savvy buyers exercise that right and study those materials carefully. Compare that information to what the seller has told you about how much money people make. If the dollar amounts don't line up, your best bet is to walk away."



Lastly, the misleading claims from MCA reps.  Here is what is required by the FTC regarding any claims made:

“The revised Business Opportunity Rule spells out that certain practices are against the law. For example:

  • It's illegal for bizopp sellers to say anything that contradicts what's in their disclosure document and earnings statement.
  • Under the Rule, sellers can't claim they're offering you a job when they're really promoting a business opportunity.
  • The Rule makes it illegal for sellers to misrepresent the nature of the investment – for example, to claim they'll help you line up locations, outlets, accounts, or customers or that you'll have an exclusive territory if it's not true.”

It is a red flag that MCA is not complying with these laws.

What else can you do to add an extra layer of protection? Before you buy a business opportunity:

  • Study the disclosure document, the earnings claim statement, and the proposed contract.
  • Insist on seeing proof in writing for earnings claims, including statements like "Earn up to $10,000 a month!" Phrases like "up to" aren't a way out for the seller. It's an earning claim and it's your right to demand proof.
  • Interview current owners of the seller's business opportunity. Ask the tough questions – like if the information in the disclosure document matches their experience with the company.
  • Listen to sales presentations with a critical ear. They are – of course – trying to sell you something.
  • If a seller doesn't give you the information you know they have to provide, walk away.
  • Consider getting professional advice. Ask a lawyer, accountant, or business advisor to read the paperwork before you sign.
  • Check out the seller with your local consumer protection agency, state Attorney General's Office, and the Better Business Bureau. Do a few internet searches by entering the company's name and "complaint" or "scam." You could get an eyeful. But be wary: No complaints doesn't necessarily mean the company is legitimate. And scammers have been known to post phony testimonials online.

I challenge anybody posting on behalf on MCA to counter this post with documented proof.

The Truth

Rodney Walker MCA

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 05, 2014


Too funny !!

Rodney Walker claims he will be making $500,000 with MCA in 2014?



Rodney Walker - $100,000.00 In 6 Months W/ MCA Real Proof !!!

REALLY WALKER? Not according what you admitted publically: 

MCA thread -

1/2 way down ... here comes Rodney Walker:

02-28-2013, 10:51 PM


Junior Member

Join Date: Jul 2012

Posts: 25

Re: MCA vs. NMC

Well, its the end of the second month of the year 2013, and I've already made $37,000 with MCA. That's more than millions of people make in a year on a job. I started MCA about 8 months ago. My last 2 direct deposits were $7000, paid every Friday morning. Its almost Friday again, and my pay will be another $5,300. 



Junior Member

Join Date: Jul 2012

Posts: 25

Re: MCA vs. NMC


Originally Posted by bibleman 

Semantics. You didn't answer my question. WHO are you targeting through your attraction marketing strategy?

Any and every living human being that's over the age of 18 and live in the USA or Canada. Everything i do is to market to people of all walks of life. I just put the info out their, prove to them what I'm making, and God does the rest.


03-11-2013, 11:32 PM


Junior Member

Join Date: Jul 2012

Posts: 25

Re: MCA vs. NMC

I photoshop sometimes . I have to downgrade my proof of income because when people see u make 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 thousand every Friday they thinks its a scam. So I photoshop my real income to 1,200 or so makes the non believers hopeful. So sad


Incredible attempt at online reputation management

#7Author of original report

Fri, May 16, 2014

It's been a few years since I originally posted this report, and as I mentioned the first time MCA did, indeed, respond with a vengance! Clearly spamming this page in an effort to bury the results using either their marketing team, or spam accounts. Look, if a company has to go out of their way over and over to say they are not a scam, they probably are. Their business model is flawed and tips have been pouring in from current MCA employees. I mean I read some of these replies and just have to laugh. They are still up to no good! Someone recently sent me a profile on plenty of fish with a woman flashing her grill and Benjamins acting all gangster saying.. " trust me.. send me money and you will get rich " .

I doubt that. MCAs name plastered everywhere. Lots of t**s and a*s too but considering who they are targeting I'm sure they get leads from it here and there. If you care about your companies reputation and you have to spend so much effort defending your company due to this unethical behavior, maybe you should just scrap it. This whole pyramid scheme is probably a lot of work, and I can't imagine this being something to be proud of. As a specialist in digital marketing, it is clear to me that this page has been spammed by MCA in response to original post. They just babble to bury the fact that they are running an incredibly shady and unprofessional oganization. If you want to make money, get a real job. If you have no pride then sure, join MCA. Sure seems like a sophisticated bunch.


Facts about MCA Motor Club of America

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 04, 2014

Too many people screaming SCAM with no real knowledge of what MCA is all about. I am both a consumer of MCA and an independant sales rep. I market both service and opportunity. Therefore, I would like to lay a foundation of FACTS in front of every consumer or sales reps. 

Following FACTS in regards to Motor Club of America Services and Business Opportunity.


1. Motor Club of America is a real company, with real people, and real services. (http://www.motorclubamerica.org/benefits.html)

2. Every associate that sales an MCA Membership gets paid every FRIDAY via direct deposit. (http://www.motorclubamerica.org/opportunity.html)

3. MCA does not sell car insurance. We sell and market Emergency Roadside Assistance Service, plus other discount benefits.

4. You do not have to buy a membership in order to market MCA. However, (personally) I recommend associates use the service to experience first hand the MCA Quality.

5. MCA Plans are affordable. They start at $9.95/ Month


6. Members/ Customers do not have to market the MCA Memberships. Many people sign up only to use the service. Others enroll to market MCA. It’s up to you.

Truly, I hope that these points help you understand what MCA is about and what we do.

I can't stress enough, Motor Club of America is a REAL company. It is not a scam nor is it a get rich quick scheme.  Personally, I have used the service many times (locked car keys, accident, flat tire). It’s a good service, but I also market it/ sell it and enjoy the benefits of doing that.

In order to make money here you do have to work, and put forth an effort. Anyone who tells you otherwise is misguided.


Your Friend,



New Jersey,
The Real Scoop on MCA

#9UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, February 21, 2014

 How the writer of this report can say that MCA Motor Club of America is a scam makes no sense. It actually sounds like in essence you were trying to defame the company.

Let me address you misinformation. Firstly it seems you just don't understand network marketing, of course it is commission only, why would you be paid just for being a member? right in your TVC back office under faq that if someone pays with anything other than an ongoing form of payment, you will receive $9.24 up front and 4.62 a months, That's why the $80 is called an advance commission, you expect the company to pay you twice the amount of every sle for people who sign up with prepaids who are not likely to continue? The advance commission is one of the best payment structures in direct sales. Yes TVC Marketing does own MCA, and you are required to be a member, whats the problem? They've aquired many auto related companies over the last 20 years, MCA itself hhas been in business since 1926, you can visit motorclubofamericamcahq.com to see actual vintage MCA kits from the 60's and get expert sponsor training. Ford owns Jaquar, Toyota owns Lexus, CBS owns UPN...get it? Mergers and aquisitions. MCA reps are independent reps, basically franchise owners and have the right to market as they please as long as they don't deviate from corporate rules, so to say "MCA" post videos on youtube flashing money is wrong. Misinformed, anyone needing real benefits and wanting to make real self generated income from home, I would recommend to MCA, its one of the best home biz companies in America next to instant rewards network instantrewardscareers.com, and that's only that company is free.



#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 21, 2014

Hello everyone,

my name is Tyrell

 I have proof that TVC/MCA are providing there member's with excellent services. 

My wife and I took my 21 month old son to the doctor for his check up yesterday and the doctor wrote us a prescription for him. I took the prescription to the local walgreens and presented to the pharmacist and handed my MCA discount card, she type my member ID# into the computer system and we receive an discount on my son precription. Please view the pictrue below for proof.

Look on the right side where it is printed group# TVCB for discount on prescription slip and also look at my MCA member card on the left hand cornor reads group# TVCB insurance savings 

I have been a member and a reseller for MCA for over 17 months and it is great and I love the savings plus I get paid to help others. 

For more info please call Tyrell @ 909-581-2779 

or visit checkmca.com  

mca is helping a lot of people..... why not you? 

Get on board today.......

Fact Checker


#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 13, 2014

Click the following link to learn all you need to know about Motor Club of America:



...enough said.


Ana Sanchez

Motor Club of America Scam Real

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 01, 2014

Theres alot of people claiming that the mca scam is real but i found this video check it out

Mca scam, motor club of america scam 2014

Ana Sanchez

Motor Club of America why people think its a scam

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 03, 2014

I have been doing a lot of re search on Mca to see if its a scam or if it could be some type of pyramid scheme but I ran into a variety of videos and results.

I came to a conclusion that some people are showing off money just to get sales and some post proof videos of income from work from home basis.

I found plenty of articles on mca scam like the one below

Why do people think Mca is a scam?

but over all the company itself and the benefits are extensive and affordable.

Sedrick Hunte

Rhode Island,
Update !! What MCA has done for/to me

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, December 27, 2013



Above is a blog about what MCA has done for me regarding the positives and the negatives about the company. MCA has changed many lives of people around the country by their easy compensation plan and easy to understand step by step process whether it be signing up or promoting the product. Most people who say that MCA is a scam pretty much it just hasn't worked out for them. You will never find anything about how MCA has taken money from people or con'd them in any type of way online and if they say that you can easily just call the company yourself or search online and find out some history. MCA has been around since 1926 has legit products which the towing service has helped me out and they have provided a lockout service from when I locked my car keys inside my car in Boston at a concert. If you actually have an open mind and want to try MCA out then here are the steps


Http://www.tvcmatrix.com/SedrickHunte - Click on "Get Started" its in Green - $19.95/Month its a payment of $39.95 covers your first and last month - Then proceed to Add to Cart - Checkout - 


In that process you are purchasing MCA's Total Security which you receive all the benefits that is listed on the page you are also becomming an MCA Sales Associate as well. MCA takes taxes and you will have to fill out a W9 form for business owners during tax season. MCA is also approved by the BBB and FTC as well as being apart of the DSA(Direct Sales Association)

Bob Lemon

New Jersey,
MCA Changed Our Lives

#15UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 21, 2013

I really don't get the basis of this report. It was clearly delivered by someone who has no knowledge of the company. All of your complaints are not with the company but the marketing efforts of individual independent reps, if people want to flash money to show people whats possible that reflects on them not the company, that is the concept of Direct Sales, that you are an independent rep. Commision only is how it works, why would the company pay you for nothing?

I joined with MCA a little more than a year ago and I have made over $90k with mostly paid and free online ads, social networks and offline marketing, if you ask me this is one of the best companies in the country. Furthermore mcamotorclubofamerica.com is not the official site, the official company site is TVC, but unfortunately that stock site doesnt offer much in the form of information. The site me and my partner joined through was TVC Marketing Associates and it was the only site I could find that really broke the MCA benefits and compensation plan down in great detail, and I got an extensive MCA marketing ebook and email that explained and exposed many free and paid ways to market MCA from the site sponsor.

MCA Motor Club of America is no scam, this company has given me an opportunity that I am thankful for everyday!

Ana Sanchez

Mca scam?

#16UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 18, 2013

Hey guys 

Theres alot of misinformed people I was going to join them until I found this article click below 

Motor Club of America scam


Motor Club of America

My Motor Club of America story

#17UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, December 18, 2013

Motor Club of America  and my experience

Hey My name is Leo Munevar and I am founder and CEO of Change Your Life Network I Joined Motor Club of America in August of 2013. if you are reading is because you are wondering if Motor Club of America Scam is real or not. But.... Just like you I was skeptic and I procrastinated to join, because like many people I thought of Motor Club of America as scam, Commonly people have a natural reaction to believe that the average person cannot make a lot of money This makes it very difficult to recruit people using the old cold call method. When people hear about Motor Club of America it will automatically be seen as Mca scam, or Motor Club of America scam. But in reality it is far from it, for these individuals that have reached the desired amount of income have reached it be cause of two reasons... One they have the skills and the knowledge to market Mca correctly, Two they are desperate to make sales and have no online marketing experience so they make videos showing money encouraging people to join. (not a good Idea) But in reality all this it does is fuel the controversy of online based business being some sort of scam or pyramid scheme.

Motor Club of America and why I joined

I joined for a better future, be cause I knew that if there's plenty of people having success with Mca or Motor Club of America then I will do the same. I struggled for the first month making little to no sales I was frustrated with my current job at the time and I wanted to quit Then something astonishing happened, something that allowed me to finally make some real money, Best part of it was that I wasn't working for anyone, I ran into Empower Network this company is amazing company that empowers you an pushes you to your limit. Using their three step formula I was successful with Mca When the results finally came in I was astonished and could not believe it. I was still in denial Lol I could not wait until I went to work the next day and tell my cheap boss that I was leaving.

Motor Club of America and the day I got Paid

Everything was done in my automated system that I had setup, if you join through Empower Network or Motor Club of America I will give you my system for free. I will train you and show you the proper way to market not only Motor Club of America but any online business you get into. So i finally quit my job to start a better life I am now a full time Mca employee I work about 3 to 4hrs per day with the same routine everyday. I have a lot more time for me and my loved ones. Here are some more Motor Club of America Benefits


Ripoffreport Report Image

If i was able to make it so can you don't doubt your self this is a challenge in life its up tp you to take it or not and that I leave completely up to you.

Visit my site to see more infor on how Mca is not a scam



Thank your for reading


P.s. Once the system is in place and the traffic has been built everything will be automated



Leo Munevar "the real guru slayer"


Laughing my a** Off.

#18General Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013

Whoever made this report must be ridiculously stupid. Those re-seller Associates's Claims are not related to TVC Matrix. Their service aint a ripoff, You get what you PAY for, you don't have to be a member to be an Associate, people Will tell you to invest on the membership to be an associate those are false claims. The main thing to make money off MCA(TVC) Call it what you want, Is to re-sell their membership(Services) and you get PAID.

The sites you have stated are just Associates(Indepandent) they tell you what they want as they want, you get fooled that's your stupidity. If you want to make big money out of it, just be an Associate and re-sell their services it is good money, just like any other company's product that you will re-sell you get comission out of the sales and the money will depend on how valuable their product is. This goes without saying for any company that accepts re-sellers. Some will even ask you to INVEST, yes, pay their product in bulk price and re-sell to make profit. You were just desperate and got f**ked by a scammer associate that ripoff's people to make living.

How to make money off MCA:

Simple, your first referral(A sale) gets you 80$.

The pyramid scheme, forget about it, it is useless.

Want to join? tvcmatrix.com apply for association and start your business as a re-seller.

If you focus on the Pyramid Scheme, you are wasting precious time.

I am also an Associate, and yeah its good money simply by selling the service without asking people to invest to make money...



Anywho, hopefully this information has cleared some of your worries to whoever that is reading it.

Rachid Eloudiyi

Virginia Beach,
MCA provides a service with a referral bonus..what's wrong with that ?!

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, December 04, 2013

True, if you want to make money working for someone else or a company, be my guest. I tried that and I am not interested. No a million times no..

MCA provides a service of a value that exceeds the membership fee. Actually, I saved hundereds of dollars on roadside assistance incidents ONLY. MCA provides much more services than Roadside Assistance. I hope i would not need to use those services. No one wants to be sranded on the side of the Highway. However, I have the piece of mind that I am covered with no Hidden or surcharges fees. Unlimited towing for FREE ; who else provides that for 20 dollars a month ...hello !!!

MCA on top of the service it provides, has worked out a referral bonus if you reffer other to it. Now, do you have to do this? NO. Do you have to make a profession out of it ? NO

The membership of $20.00 is for the service and it is in no way the cost of a franchise ... hello!

However, if you try to sell MCA packages and are not successful, it is not the fault of MCA. It has to do with your selling and marketing skills. That is all. All you need to do in this case is to learn from people who do it right.

If you are willing to put the effort to succeed, you will eventually succeed. THIS IS NOT AN EASY RIDE. IT IS A BUSINESS.

The secret key is you must be able to love the service MCA provides, Otherwise, you will not have the passion to sell it to others.

If you are looking for a get rich quick business, MCA is definitely NOT for you.

If you still do not like the business side of MCA, just use the services for now. I am sure when you get to use those serivces and see how it really help you in times of need at no extra charge, you will develop the passion for the business and you will be promoting it without realising it. How do I know? Because i am sure you have promoted other products that you bought before. The diffrence is that you never collected any bonus for those...

Good Luck,

Rachid Eloudiyi

Watch the perfect YouTube video where Motor Club of America was mentioned in NBC News Channel ===>> http://youtu.be/FPVGha7AiUE Also, Establish an MCA Motor Club Of America small business with a FREE MCA Motor Club Of America Landing Page !!! ===>> http://goo.gl/3LXglW


MCA Is A Great Company!

#20UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 10, 2013

I am not sure why this person is bashing MCA but I can personally attest to the fact that MCA is not a scam. Infact I make over $2500 per week with MCA and they pay me on time without any issues. MCA has allowed me to become wealthy in short period of time.

Yes they do require to pay a small membership fee of $19.99 per month with $39 up front, but this is a small cost to pay to become wealthy. Plus as part of being a member you get to have all the benefits that MCA has to offer. What other business can you start that only cost $39 to get started??? 

Please don't listen to this guys report, and come join my winning team and I will show you how to make $1000s per week as I do!

If you want to join a winning team, and want make the move to become sucessful like me then visit www.mcamotorclubamerica.us/careers to apply! 



#21UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sat, November 02, 2013

I'm not worried about what people say about MCA, I started with MCA Oct. 28, 2012 and  I'm glad That I became a member. I didn't listen to my friends or negative people. I made a Decision to make a change in my Finance, 1 year down in the company I quit my job 6 months ago to go full time with Mca and I just renewed my annually MCA Platinum membership this month. I have great services and I make a health incomes just for sharing what I do.

At the end of the day MCA works and I'm a happy camper....

if you want more info give me a call @ 909-581-2779 this is my cell # and my advice to anyone that is looking at this post give me a call I'm a real person that made a change in my life and I'm happy that I did it.  my personal website is  checkmca.com enjoy 


Taffany Evans


#22UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Thu, October 31, 2013

MCA is a scam because they pay reps like myself weekly paychecks to share information!

MCA is a scam because they have one of the best roadside assistance packages on the PLANET....

 MCA is a scam because they have over 7 million customer is the the US and Canada with no PROVEN OR VALIDcomplaints about not being able to get service after joining.

 I say all these things to prove one point! Have you PERSONALLY been scammed by MCA? And what is scam?  My definition of being scammed is paying for a service and not getting the results I was promised.

 My name is Taffany and I've been an Associate with MCA/TVC for 6 months now and I've been paid for every MEMBERSHIP that I've sold! I dont get paid to recruit people to become assoicates. Once the associate joins MCA they then have the option to purchase a membership to earn the highest income possible with this business.

 You see its the same thing as you going to a department store and they give you a 25% off coupon for being a valued customer BUT if you're a cold holder of that store you getting way better dicounts and get exculsive offers that other customer gets!

Please get your facts straight and try something before you knock it! MCA is a REAL 

Contact me for questions


 for SERIOUS people..

The people that keep saying nnegative things about MCA is the ones that don't do well or is scarec to take a leap of wfaith! 

MCA is nothing but a blessing to  me and my family and if anyone out there has doubts ir questions please call me on my cell directly!


Taffany Evans



MCA is a monthly membership which offers discounts

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, October 30, 2013

MCA or, Motor Club of America has been in business since the 1920's.  The above complaint suggests that they somehow "trick" you into purchasing the product...  It's a monthly membership that offers discounts to the membership owner.  It's $20 a month or, $240/ year.  Now let's think about this for a second...  How much is the average cell phone bill monthly?  Anywhere between 30 to a couple hundred dollars depending on the package, right?  How much do you think you're spending a year on your phone?  Now, when you are pleased with your cell phone service (I guess occasionally that happens...)  You tell your friends about it!  But wait!  Does your phone service give you a commission for referring customers???  Rarely if ever.  This is called, network marketing.  Most places will allow their customers to give them a great reputation via word of mouth, and not compensate them.  That is some great free advertizing you just did for your phone company!!!  Or your favorite restruant. Or that clothing store you like to shop at...

 Granted, some places offer customer rewards but you usually have to spend quite a bit of money right off the bat or have used the product for a specified time frame inorder to get the deal.  Once you become a member, MCA will compensate you for every referral.  So, if your refer someone the same day, of refer someone a month later- you will be compensated.  Sometimes people are hesitent because they don't want to make money off their friends.  Well you're not.  The compensation you receive is coming straight from the business its self.  You're not directly making money off your friends and family when you refer them. Which is not the case in some other network marketing designs.  I've seen the word "pyramid" but that wouldn't describe the way this business runs.  It's more like a blanket sheilding it's members from financial distress.  Whether that distress is the result of an accident, or flat tire, or compensation for a referral.  If you don't want to sell the product once you become a member, you don't have to.  But I encourage you to at least take a look at what the memberships offer.  For $20/ month, you have upwards of a 60% discount on monthly medications (AND there is a pharmacy department that will look up your medications and confirm where you can get them locally to you with the MCA discount), you have a customer service agent answering the phone (not a machine) 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.  They even go so far as to tell you how many calls are ahead of you, and how long -if at all, you will be waiting to speak with a representative (i.e. an actual person).  That comes in real handy in case of an accident, in case you're injured and you're far from home.  They offer representation in case there's a legal dispute resulting from an accident... 

I mean, go a head and get AAA but you don't receive half the same discounts and financial security as you do with MCA.  The customer service isn't as good, And AAA doesn't compensate you for referring their product.  This is the official MCA website:  www.motorclubamerica.net.  I am a member, and i enjoy the discounts and benefits.  Feel free to look at the website.  You can become a member through here, and I won't receive anything for it as my tvcmatrix website is not connected to this site.  If you like what i have to say, and are interested in my being your sponsor- you can find me on facebook right here:  www.facebook.com/Live.Well.Marketing.  Thanks everyone.  I appreciate your attention.

Ana Sanchez

Mis informed Motor Club of America Affiliates

#24UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 20, 2013


 Theres alot of misinformed pepole out there that are talking about Motor Club of AMerica and being a scam i was going to join then i found this article click below

 Motor Club of AMerica Scam




San Pablo,
MCA not a scam

#25UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 03, 2013

Motor Club of America (MCA) Are ONLY with TVC Marketing, those are known as GWP (Get Weekly Paychecks) , and 3WayCashFlow were created by scammers.

Yes we are not BBB accredited business, there many other businesses that you would probably known are also not BBB accredited.


(Here were the initial red flags:

* The company has so many names posted online and websites promising big bucks for a small investment.  Lots of AKA's means lots to hide. 

* They target people who are desperate for cash

* The company posts on the internet EVERYWHERE press releases and articles saying they are not a scam, clearly maniuplating the search results to bury real scam reports.  This is just suspicious altogether.

* The company posts youtube videos constantly of people flashing cash.  (NOT IMPRESSED).

* The company REQUIRES in order to join their program to make money that you PAY FEES MONTHLY

* Their website http://www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com/ is completely unprofessional, awfully designed, and just screams SCAM.

* The program is commission only (and again requires money down to join)

* MCA picked a name that is very similar to National Motor Club of America which helps them blend in, and look more reputable.  They are NOT associated with National Motor Club of America which has been in business for over 10 years.

* MCA is NOT listed by the Better Business Bureau.  They are hidden under the name TVC Marketing.

* Motor Club of America is EXTREMELY expensive for what they are trying to sell.  AAA is much cheaper and unquestionably reputable.)

Answers for quotes above: MCA have nothing to do with so many ads, it the associates!

You should see youtube video of people with pay stubs/checks. Those with flashing cashes are scammers.

MCA did not picked the name because of similar name to National Motor Club of America. MCA were founded in 1926 and way older than NMCA!

MCA is not expensive, we gave great deal than AAA, Geico, and other inssurance with roadside assistance services.

MCA company are going to rebut this claim because most of what you posted weren't true. MCA is not the blaim, it the person who sold to you which he scammed you.

Here is the youtube list of all associates who got their paychecks: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mca+paycheck&oq=mca+paycheck&gs_l=youtube.3...2064.8633.0.8980.

Report Attachments

Justina Marie

New York,
Only people who are ex-MCA members call it a scam!

#26UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 26, 2013

First, I just wanna say that if you ever see MCA being called a scam that 9/10 times, the person thats calling it a scam is an ex-MCA member who tried one of these two things: 

-Tried to make an additional income using MCA's referral program but failed either because they have no intelligence at all, or because they had an incompetent sponsor who didn't train them; which still would be the ex-MCA persons fault because they could have easily done research and trained themselves (It's not a sponsors job to hold your hand like a baby). 

-Tried to use MCA's benefits but for one reason or another were not able to because they never read the MCA training manual to educate themselves and thought the MCA benefits were a free for all and they could just use them however they wanted. 

The other 1/10 people who call MCA a scam, are people who have absolutely no knowledge of how MCA works and have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. 

So, the person who started this report, which one are you? I'm gonna guess the first option. 

MCA is an amazing company and an amazing opportunity! MCA DOES NOT have multiple "AKA's"! GWP (Get Weekly Paychecks) is a third party marketing platform that members use as their MCA websites and has no affiliation with MCA whatsoever (1st invalid statement) MCA was founded in 1926 and recently partnered up with TVCMatrix in 2011 to offer members a substantial income opportunity. For those of you that don't know, the reason why MCA began the referral program was because they decided since technology has grown so much and a lot of people don't pay much attention to TV or radio commercials anymore when they have DVR and iPods, they decided what better way to advertise than through their very own members. AND NO, IT IS NOT REQUIRED THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY TO BEGIN THE REFERRAL PROGRAM! (2nd invalid statement) The payment of $40 (first and lasts months benefit fees) and the $20 covers OVER $150,000 in vehicle/medical/legal/travel/life benefits that you receive.

Next, the company DOES NOT post anything! All the posts and websites you see on the internet (other than TVC Matrix, which is the official MCA website - which is the 3rd invalid statement) are made by MCA members/associates! (4th invalid statement). MCA has never claimed to be associated with the National Motor Club of America, at least not that I've ever seen (and trust me, Ive done my research on MCA)! It says no where on the TVC Matrix website that MCA claims to be BBB Accredited. Considering that MCA offers over $150,000 in benefits that people ALREADY NEED, $20 a month is no where near expensive! If AAA had all the benefits that MCA had, they would be more expensive than MCA (5th invalid statement)! Plus, we could all have opinions on whether AAA is a "reputable" company. From my experience and what I've seen, I'd say that they're anything BUT reliable and reputable.

MCA IS NOT A PYRAMID SCHEME! (6th invalid statement) You must not know what a pyramid scheme is! Pyramid Schemes don't have a product to sell, and in case I have to remind you again; MCA OFFERS OVER $150,000 IN BENEFITS! And I won't even get started on my thoughts on Pyramid Schemes, because any job or career can be viewed as a Pyramid! It's impossible to get stuck with an MCA membership, because MCA HAS NO CONTRACTS (7th invalid statement)! Any member can cancel their membership any time they please with no penalties!

If you did you research and knew all the facts about MCA, you would know that nothing about this company screams scam! (8th invalid statement) MCA works just as any other membership does! For example, when you buy insurance for your car, you pay a certain amount to begin the insurance, and a certain amount every month (unless you pay in full), and the insurance brokers get paid a commission on every person they sell insurance to! MCA works the same exact way! There's absolutely NOTHING shady about this company. Of course, there may be shady members/associates who may not include every detail, but that could apply to any business' employee! If you don't know all the facts about a business before you choose to associate with them, that's your own fault for not doing your research! What people need to do is begin taking responsibilites for their own mistakes and actions, instead of pointing the finger at everyone any anyone else they can!

MCA is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme. Matter fact, there's no such thing as a "get rich quick scheme". What MCA IS, is an amazing opportunity for anyone looking to earn an extra income, whether it be as a second/part time job, or as a full time job. I've been taking advantage of MCA's opportunity, full time, for almost 4 months now and it was the best decision I've ever made. No, I didn't start out making thousands weekly; NO ONE DOES! You have to work at it and with each week that passes you get better and better, JUST LIKE ANYTHING ELSE! If you put the effort in, you will see the results; it's all up to you. 


If you came across this article because you're considering giving MCA a try, PLEASE DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING THIS FOOL HAS STATED! Everything he stated was absolutely 100% false! SOME ADVICE THAT I CAN GIVE ANYONE WHO'S INTERESTED IN MCA- 1. DON'T just go to TVCMatrix's website and sign up, because you will have no idea who you're signing up under and won't know how well they'll train you! And 2. DON'T just sign up under anybody! Make sure the person you're signing up under is educated and knows what they're talking about, and also make sure that they're gonna help and train you (especially if you're a beginner in this industry)! I'm gonna be very real and say that yes, there are some people in MCA who only care about making the money and don't care about the person signing up. Of course there are, not everyone is as considerate as they should be! That's why it's up to you to make the right choice as to who you're signing up under and who's going to be your sponsor. 

If you're interested in MCA and would like to hear more information, would just like somebody to talk to or are looking for the right person to sponsor you... Please contact me and join my team! Email info@getpaidnsafe, Text 516-427-4755 or you can visit my website at http://getpaidnsafe.com (will not work on mobile phones due to Flash). Good luck to everyone on your journey and writer, please get your facts straight!


P.S.: I wouldn't want to be Accredited by a business who gives alkeida (not sure if I spelt that right) and the KKK an A+ rating either! Just saying. Oh, and writer... have fun at your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) while most of us MCA members are earning more every week than you probably do in a month. ;)


Rodney Walker MCA Motor Club America Supports Rip Offs.

#27REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 24, 2013

I join Motor Club Of America TVC Matrix scam at this website: http://www.motorclubamerica.net/charlene-castro/ So I was thinking i was joining with a charlene and it states cleary if upon joining you will get a marketing website within 24hrs no call no contact from sponsor after 72hrs. So I called to find out my sponsor is Rodney Walker so upon arguing with Nancey R. at TVC Matrix aka Motor Club of America i find out why i havnt been contacted is because they dont want to refund your money if you are being scammed. Because Rodney Walker is posing as Charlene Castro and you dont get a website to market with within 24 hours. But your lose $19.95 if you cancel and they make $19.95 for Rodney Walker aka Charlene Castro running scam game on you. When I looked at real sponsors videos choice not to stay in this scam because looking the same as drug dealing hypsters talking smack on video to get you to join.


You are misinformed! Must join with people who are willing to help you!

#28UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, August 21, 2013

To the author of this report, 86 year oldseem to be very misinformed by the company. MCA is a totally legit 86 year old company with over 10 million members in the US & Canada. You seem to have no understanding of direct sales either and who ever you joined under didn't do a good job in training you & you don't seem to have done any personal research yourself. I will address the concerns one by one.


Firstly you state that the main website is unprofessional and spammy looking.

mcamotorclubofamerica. com is not the official site. I agree that it does look unprofessional and does not provide much informative content about MCA, you probably tink that it is the official site, but it is a poorly made site run by an independent MCA rep who knew how to rank his site at the top of the search engines, but not much about making a great site. You probably will not get much assistance on getting started with MCA from this site because it receives so much traffic on auto pilot, that the individual running it will not bother to contact every person. He also provides no contact information leaving many direct sales newbies lost. If you are new to direct sales and need all your questions about MCA benefits and how to make money and answered in one place I'd suggest visiting TVC Marketing Associates. They provide step by step info on how to get started, information on mca discounts, mca benefit reviews, tvc matrix reviews from reps, faq, and indepth details about exactly What Is MCA etc. Most important you receive contact information and asssistance on getting started from a top earning sponsor as well as a free $80 MCA marketing ebook on how to make thousands a week.

You say MCA took a name that resembles National Motor Club of America which has been around for over ten years

That is impossible because MCA has been around for over 87 years. It was founded by William W. Green in 1926 in New Jersey.It was aquired by TVC Marketing in recent years.

You claim MCA is not accreditated by the BBB and is hidden under the name TVC Marketing.

Actually TVC marketing has a B rating with the BBB and MCA isn't hidden under TVC, TVC owns MCA.

You claim MCA is a pyramid

Absolutely false, this is where people who have no direct sales experience spread misinformation. They believe any program where you can make your own money and be your own boss is a pyramid. An illegal pyramid is a model with no real product, just people getting paid from recruiting new members with the person at top profiting the most. Direct Sales/MLM is a great business model that lets members share the wealth and sometimes make more than top executives at a company. Avon, Mary Kay, Amway, Direct TV, Playboy Energy, Solavei mobile all have direct sales models in place with great success.

I would suggest visiting MCA Motor Club of America for indepth information and assistance getting started so you will not be misinformed.

Report Attachments

[email protected]


#29Consumer Comment

Tue, August 20, 2013

I hate to have to inform you of this but, I’d have to say: “Your absolutely WRONG!” (Sorry!)


→ Click Here to Visit The Motor Club of America Website. ←

Ripoffreport Report Image

Don’t feel bad I thought the same thing guys. When I first noticed the MCA advertisements, all I saw were these endless videos with money being flashed, so I figured “PONZI SCHEME”aka pyramid scheme. However still intrigued I continued to look at this further.

As I went about my research on this organization, I noticed a few people saying MCA wasn’t listed in the I decided to reach out to the Better Business Bureau. I got in touch with the BBB to obtain the actual scoop on the MCA Scam. They have an automated system that allows you to get certain details to get the real results.

I found out that MCA’s parent company, TVC Marketing (which runs the TVC matrix) they had a B rating with the BBB. This was a shakedown deal since the BBB are the “gurus” on obtaining information on a business. (See the video “BBB – Better Business Bureau “A” Rating Scandal” to see how the BBB BULLY companies.) Even Celebrity owned companies as well as 5 Star Hotels!

Motor Club of America, is it worth my money?

Pro’s and Con’s of MCA:


  • One pitfall to watch out for in MCA that I discovered from my research are…..CHARGEBACKS! The Associates are paid ADVANCED commissions, in the event that a MCA Associate signs up a New Customer or New Rep. If that New REP or CUSTOMER cancels their membership within the first 17 months, the signing REP’ s commission is taken back. Not from his/her’s bank acct however. This money is deducted from the next commission check.

“There is a SOLUTION to this for MCA Associates however. If that particular Associate has signed up 15 or more customers in a single week he/she will not be given any CHARGEBACKS.”

  • My biggest gripe about MCA are the flashy Associates. The cash flashing Associates are what has people asking ” Is it a scam? “.

“Guys let me tell you, the people that make a substantial income with MCA, are the ones trained WELL. Make sure you join a good TEAM with a GOOD LEADER.”

  • Also MCA does not pay the same commission when a person signs up with a PRE-PAID Debit Card. Not sure why just what the site said. Must have a bank Account.


  • It WORKS! The benefits that Motor Club of America offer are REAL!
  • MCA has a multitude of discounts and services that can save you money all year around. Discounts on Medical, Dental, Vision and Hotels. Money for lawyers to defend you if needed. Even up to $500 for emergency room visit.
  • UNLIMITED # OF 100 MILE TOWS, flat tire service, jumpstarts and more! The Roadside Assistance benefits aren’t just for your personal car, ANY CAR you are with receives service. As long as the YOU (The Member) are there to present your MCA Card and Member #, YOUR COVERED simple as that!!! NEVERED be stranded AGAIN!
  • By far the most popular benefit…..the commissions! MCA pays 200% commissions as well as RESIDUALS!!! Double your money back with one sign up. I can tell you not many companies commissions even COME CLOSE to MCA.
  • YES IT’S TRUE! People are making a substantial FULL TIME income with this company. Some even with their regular jobs still intact.

Thanks Kenny

→ Click Here to Visit The Motor Club of America Website. ←

Report Attachments


MCA is Great and Profitable, You have to get in with the right people.

#30UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, August 18, 2013

 To the original author of this post, I'm sorry you where not successful in your experience with MCA but your are very misinformed and are misinforming others. MCA is an auto club like AAA that provides unlimited benefits, and aslo great lifestyle benefits and discounts like car rentals, legal fees, hotel discounts, dental, prescription, surgical/specialist, steep discounts on services and products at thousands of major auto related chains like Pep Boys, Safelite etc, up to $54k in yearly hospital/emergency benefits etc and many more for $19.95/month! MCA also has a great direct sales program that has made many people hundreds of thousands, for every MCA membership you refer you earn an $80 commision! It seems that you are not familiar at all with direct sales and your are spreading your lack of information to others.

Firstly you state that the main website is unprofessional and spammy looking.

mcamotorclubofamerica.com is not the official site. I agree that it does look unprofessional and does not provide much informative content about MCA, you probably tink that it is the official site, but it is a poorly made site run by an independent MCA rep who knew how to rank his site at the top of the search engines, but not much about making a great site. You probably will not get much assistance on getting started with MCA from this site because it receives so much traffic on auto pilot, that the individual running it will not bother to contact every person. He also provides no contact information leaving many direct sales newbies lost. If you are new to direct sales and need all your questions about MCA benefits and how to make money and answered in one place I'd suggest visiting TVC Marketing Associates. They provide step by step info on how to get started, information on mca discounts, mca benefit reviews, tvc matrix reviews from reps, faq, and indepth details about exactly What Is MCA etc. Most important you receive contact information and asssistance on getting started from a top earning sponsor as well as a free $80 MCA marketing ebook on how to make thousands a week.

You say MCA took a name that resembles National Motor Club of America which has been around for over ten years

That is impossible because MCA has been around for over 87 years. It was founded by William W. Green in 1926 in New Jersey.It was aquired by TVC Marketing in recent years.

You claim MCA is not accreditated by the BBB and is hidden under the name TVC Marketing.

Actually TVC marketing has a B rating with the BBB and MCA isn't hidden under TVC, TVC owns MCA.

You claim MCA is a pyramid

Absolutely false, this is where people who have no direct sales experience spread misinformation. They believe any program where you can make your own money and be your own boss is a pyramid. An illegal pyramid is a model with no real product, just people getting paid from recruiting new members with the person at top profiting the most. Direct Sales/MLM is a great business model that lets members share the wealth and sometimes make more than top executives at a company. Avon, Mary Kay, Amway, Direct TV, Playboy Energy, Solavei mobile all have direct sales models in place with great success.

I would suggest visiting MCA Motor Club of America for indepth information and assistance getting started so you will not be misinformed.


Report Attachments


North Dakota,
so redicoulous

#31General Comment

Fri, August 16, 2013

this guy says that hes making all this money and has a youtube link to prove it. funny how its not there anymore. dont give into these losers people. I just discovered this pyrimid scheme and im glad i didnt fall for it 


Find out why 9,000,000 people left there auto club to become a member with MCA and NOW earning over 1K or better weekly while still getting the same benefits

#32UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 15, 2013

Hello everyone,

    It's going on 2 1/2 years now with TVC/MCA Company is stronger then ever. I'm sad that a lot of people yelled "SCAM" and never tried the services and scared people away from a Great business Opportunity. 

If Your reading this Post to see if TVC/MCA is real.  Guest what it's "VERY REAL EVERYONE" Dont miss out!  

Find out why 9,000,000 people left there auto club to become a member of MCA and now are earning over 2k or better weekly with the same BENEFITS.


Go to www.makemoneywithtyrell.com

need more info go to www.motorclubguys.com

give me a call any time I will love to have you on the team 909-581-2779

great Benefits great income 


Report Attachments


The TRUTH about MCA

#33General Comment

Sat, August 10, 2013

 I want to file a note to all the "uninformed" and the "uneducated"...

MCA is NO different than AAA, United Auto Club, or ANY other auto club currently operating in America.

Paying for your membership is, AGAIN, no different from any other....you have to pay for the service in order to get it.

While all these individuals "flashing" all this cash is, in my opinion, very unethical on MANY levels, it is NOT to be taken as what the company is about...it is merely a roadside service to help those who need help when something goes wrong.

The SINGLE difference in MCA and other services..is that they NOW allow members to promote the business and earn commissions from this. HOW they do it is what can and will give MCA a "black eye". MY team is absolutely forbidden to post any pictures of them holding cash, or making outlandish claims of what you can make...what rep's make from this opportunity is up to the individual and should NOT be taken as the "norm".

But to say MCA is garbage, or a scam, MLM, or otherwise is grossly unfair. That is to say that all the other Roadside Services are garbage as well... Remember that next time you are stranded along side the road, hotter than blazes, colder than death...with your kids...

Do some COMPLETE research on a subject before you post claims.

And YES...I AM an MCA rep...AND member who has USED the service.


Oak Island,
North Carolina,
Lies, Lies, Lies

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 09, 2013

Motor Club of America in all retrospect is a company that can change your life! MCA has been around since the 1920s and provides honest and more than adequate service. The ones who call it a scam have only failed. Email me for more info, [email protected] or feel free to visit my website below! Thanks :) Good luck, God Bless!

Get Started Today!!

[email protected]

Exactly how Motor Group of America Began

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, July 28, 2013

Motor Club of America was established through Mr. William W. Green, who was actually birthed in 1900 in Atlantic City, NJ. In 1926, Mr. Green became the Chief Executive Officer of Motor Club of America (and also its former subsidiary Motor Club of America Insurance Company) up till 1986. Throughout his using Motor Club of America (MCA), William Green together with household remained to develop Motor Club of America within the United States of America.

Virgil Coffee, a Texas citizen, began the occupation in the Motor Club business enterprise in addition to advertising and marketing in the 1960’s. Virgil Coffee was the advertising and marketing arm when it comes to Pre-Paid Legal and composed the advertising and marketing plan that thrust the business to an effectiveness. Virgil Coffee additionally had a history in the featuring interesting industry, and co-owned 5 variety stores throughout Texas. Virgil Coffee sold the share of the company and transferred to Oklahoma to sell memberships when it comes to yet another Motor Club firm. Throughout his seventeen year tenure with that said company, Virgil functioned his/her way approximately the Presidency of that provider, but at some point in 1987, Virgil Coffee began the very own business known today as TVC Marketing Associates, Inc. The firm carried on in order to develop over the next 25 + yrs. TVC means "Truckers Voice in Court, which accomplished just exactly what the title implies, offered court depiction when it comes to truckers in motor connected incidents.

1970 ‘s-- Mr. David Kircher became President of Motor Club of America and also continues to have the headline as company President.

1989-- TVC Marketing Associates, Inc. manager Virgil Coffee (dad of Oklahoma Senator Glenn Coffee) started his/her united possession of Motor Club of America.

1996-- David Kircher came to be MIS Director and also Chief Operations Officer for TVC Marketing Associates, Inc. TVC is actually the parent provider of MCA.

Virgil Coffee additionally operated when it comes to Pre-Paid Legal Services (currently found out since Legal Shield) through his business TVC Marketing. Through his (7 yrs), the advertising and marketing techniques made a 4 digit amount increase in revenues when it comes to the business. The years of expereience with marketing and also providing products when it comes to automotive clients led your man in order to proceed the tradition of Motor Club of America.

The Pro-Driver packages have actually been actually offered when it comes to many years for truckers, as well as as time pass the emphasis was actually created when it comes to the usual motorist. This continued to grow in order to provide programs not stick out associated with the normal roadside assistance, but a lot more rewards were actually incorporated featuring tour guidance, discounts, emergency clinic cost assistance, charge card protection, lawful services, as well as a lot more.

2011-- A certain set of packages was actually established in 3 degrees known since Security Memberships. These memberships (MCA Security, MCA Security Plus, and also the crown jewel membership, MCA Total Security) got an enhancing variety of benefits accessible when it comes to all homeowners of the United States as well as Canada. These deals deliver customer services in addition to an associate recommendation course which Sales Associates of the company an option in order to get recommendation benefit profit for providing enterprise to the company.

In September of 2012, more reward programs were contributed to the profile. Our Total Security Gold and Total Security Plan plans are actually the latest publication to Motor Club of America. These strategies give a lot more conveniences to our initial Total Security program including extra legal advantages as well as car related program rebates at over 6,000 auto repair work as well as plan facilities nationwide. These sales vary from 10 % in order to FIFTY % off. These programs additionally provide a brand-new Matrix income that may produce much more incomes than your basic overall safety strategy.

In conclusion, the origin as well as conclusion of the association, Motor Club of America and also TVC Marketing are participating shared investments. David Kircher is actually the president of Motor Club of America, as well as Virgil Coffee is actually the president and also owner of TVC Marketing Associates, Inc. The mix of each companies, alongside our Independent Contractor placement, which has mores individuals working from house, has actually made MCA and also TVC to brand-new elevations in the Motor Club industry.

The future when it comes to each firms, consisting of all people, employees, and also Associates has never ever searched brighter when it comes to excellence.

Would you like to make a 2nd income from your house???

Visit the link below




San Jose,

#36REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 15, 2013

Mca is fraud

Motor Club Lady

Let's Talk About Motor Club of America

#37General Comment

Wed, July 10, 2013

I just wanted to say something about Motor Club of America, which I did join as associate.  When I first started to look at the company, there were alot of Youtube videos with young kids and all this money (that will surely make it easy for the IRS to find them - smile)

There are two sides to the MCA business.  There is a retail side which sells the membership plans to consumers.  The contents of the plan have value and I have used them at the optical shop and (because I was new), everywhere I go, I would ask the company to look up the discounts.  Sure enough, they are on the computers at the businesses.  From glasses to oil changes to an actual Dr's Network to get physician;s care. 

How do I know, because I called the 24 hour hotline for MCA to get the information.  My wait time online was never more than 5 minutes when I called and they were always able to answer my questions, etc.  I wanted to make sure of my experiences first hand.

i have been in numerous businesses, like Avon, Tupperware, Melaluca, Pre-Paid Legal, and so on.  This the first company where I can actually see the long term benefits of remaining with the business.

Now on the business side, associates are building their teams.  In order to do this, you have to work with people who have a mind to prosper.  If you are looking for something to be wrong with any business, you can find it.  I have stopped dealing many companies because of their customer service was so bad.

I believe that there could be (my opionion) more professionalism in the way, associates present themselves and represent MCA.  Even though there is no set format, but there is a contract.  One of the mst eventhing I saw was  woman who had been with MCA since the 1990's and she was now receiving over 400k per year in residual income - that is amazing!

There are some who see the dollars that can be made, but do not see the value in the products.  By being less than truthful has caused a berage of misleading information.

For instance, you can get a membership with MCA for as little as $9.95 per month.  You do not have to pay $40.00.  Paying that amount is for those who understand the residual benefits of the business side of MCA.

Another thing, you do not have to buy a membership to sell the memberships.  This was a little comfusing to me when I first started, but I have a really good sponsor who is responsive to my questions as well.  This means alot to me to have a good sponsor I can call and the 24/7 hotline, for me that is good support.

I saw somewhere a concern about MCA not being connected with the BBB - so what.

For those of you who SINCERELY are looking for a business model that has stood the test of time, the MCA Opportunity is a good one.

If you do not have roadside service for your vehicle, $10.00 per month is a very good use of your funds.

If you are not willing to put forth work in ANY Business YOU ONLY GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT.

MCA is an EXCELLENT business to market offline, get off your but and go and meet people, take them to lunch and talk about what MCA is doing for you.

The official website for MCA is TVCmarketing.com, the official phone number is 800-435-7622 or 800-227-6459.  Any other site belongs to an associate and they are responsible individually for what they say and do.

Leave your family and friends alone, just go for it.  I am the Motor Club Lady and I approved this message.

Thanks for your time,


Motor Club Lady

[email protected]


Contact me:






MCA Training

#38UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, June 25, 2013

If you looking to become a member with Motor club of America please give me a call today 909-581-2779.

If you are in Southern California please visit our Training Office In Riverside California.

Please call if you need help or wanting to become a member okay.



Tyrell P.



#39UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, June 24, 2013


If all that you said is True?

Everything that I report or post about TVC/MCA is True. Question and Answer Below.

Q: Your question to me was if an associate sales Any MCA membership does the membership have to be maintain for the full cycle for the assoicate to get paid commission? 

A: The answer is YES. when you become an associate with TVC/MCA you are paid upfront advance commission weekly. 

Q: What happens if a person cancel there membership?

A: Nothing happens to the member we don't have contract.

Q: what is a chargeback? 

A: A chargeback is when an associate sales a MCA membership and the member cancels there services early. They will deduct the remaining months left on that membership account from that "ASSOCIATE" future commission.

Q: Why Do we have Chargeback?

A: This prevent An associate from signing up a customer and collecting the commission, and the member canceling the membership short after. This would be consider a SCAM againist the company and is illegal.

Q: If I just want to sale the MCA membship can I  do so without paying for a MCA membership?

A: Yes. you can make an account and sale the MCA membership. But you will NOT receive any residual from you sales or team sales. you will only receive overrides

Q: What is the benefit of joining MCA?

A: The rewards are great when you are a member of MCA you get a great emergence roadside asst. benefit package, A awsome discounts on dental vision Pharmacy prescription drugs , ER and hospital assurance. and so much more.


You said you have a problem with MLM.

I Have a problem with people giving false infomation, I work really hard at what I do. I help people that are looking for a real opportunity that delivers every week not scams....

People need to understand what a MEMBER and having a MEMBERSHIP intel. 

I hope I answered all of your question TNIZZLE. 

please give me a call my # 909-581-2779

Tyrell P.

My personal website





Just my 2CENT!!

#40General Comment

Sat, June 22, 2013

If all that you said is true, then is it also true that the services that your selling is mandated a full cycle (12months) of renewal before an associates can actually see his so call commission from his work. I hardly see anyone selling a basic plan at a rate of $39.99 and make a residual income from that when they have to sale the platnium plan. My problem with MLM or for those slow ignorant people, pyramid scheme, is why beat around the bush and waste time and everyone's bandwidth just to get to the point of what this company do? I'm pretty sure this is 2013 when people get straight to the point these days and not feed piece of crumbs to lure a duck in.

And no, I never did worked for this company nor badgering anyone or entity for that matter. Just practicing my 1st Amendment. I figure if this company been around for 80years as people claimed. It would be a fortune 500 company and be plastered all over FORBES or something. Maybe Donald Triump himself was an associates for all we know.. Just my 2 cents..


Why MCA?

#41UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, June 21, 2013

I'm going to keep this really simple. 

MCA- Motor Club of America works 

$39.90 for your membership and $19.95 a month to keep the service's 

The services work great I haven't see a complaint yet about there aervices. I only see people talking about money and how much it cost.... Are people really that blinded that they can't see a great opportunity In there face.... 

now if you do 1-4 sell in 1 week you will receive $80 per sell 

5 and more. your commission will get higher when you hit 30 plus each sale is $90 example below 

5-9 $82 per sale

10-14 $84 per sale

15 19 $86 per sale

20-24 $88 per sale

25-30 plus in one week $90 per sale 

Simple math people I sell a membership for $39.90 and get paid $80.00 commission. Paid to me on Friday. If I do 3 sell a day thats $240.00 a day now times that by 5 days of working part time equals $1290.00 for the week that's  15 sells times $86.00

It's a NO BRAINER people.... Greats service for $19.95 a month that's $5 a week lol... 

plus I can sell the service And earn commission every week.

come on everyone open your eyes...

please call me Tyrell I'm a real person living my dream. 





Report Attachments


MCA interview

#42UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, June 21, 2013

I'm going to keep this really simple. 

MCA- Motor Club of America works 

$39.90 for your membership and $19.95 a month to keep the service's 

The services work great I haven't see a complaint yet about there aervices. I only see people talking about money and how much it cost.... Are people really that blinded that they can't see a great opportunity In there face.... 

now if you do 1-4 sell in 1 week you will receive $80 per sell 

5 and more commission will get higher when you hit 30 plus each sale is $90 example below 

5-9 $82 per sale

10-14 $84 per sale

15 19 $86 per sale

20-24 $88 per sale

25-30 plus in one week $90 per sale 

Simple math people I sell a membership for $39.90 and get paid $80.00 commission. Paid to me on Friday. If I do 3 sell a day thata $240.00 a day now times that by 5 days of working part time equals $1290.00 for the week that 15 sells times $86.00

It's a NO BRAINER people.... Greats service for $19.95 a month that's $5 a week lol... 

plus I can sell the service And earn commission every week.

come on everyone open your eyes...

please call me Tyrell I'm a real person living my dream. 





Report Attachments


Educate yourself on a company before you make comments

#43Consumer Comment

Fri, June 21, 2013

You are not paying for employment. Thats not how it works. You are paying for 2 months of service ahead of time. The fact that you can make money from refferals does not mean you are employed


Scheme, Scam, CONFUSED???

#44General Comment

Thu, June 20, 2013

In this person owned words. "it is ILLEGAL TO PAY TO PLAY.. Meaning company's can't charge up front fee to join the company... MCA IS A MEMBERSHIP. don't confuse the 2 company's TVC is the marketing harm for MCA...  You don't need to purchase the MCA membership to be An associate or sell the service's  people need to learn how to read and stop screaming SCAM."

I just have a simple question for those who can politely answer it without spamming this report with anymore stupid links and trying to have people click on them to check it out knowing d**n well it leads to your webpage hoping you can make a sale. That being said, If it's ILLEGAL TO PAY TO PLAY, how is it that most, if not all, sales associates have to pay for their own membership first and only after that can refer/sale off memberships to other??? You are contradicting yourself!!!

Lets not get SCHEME and SCAM mixed up now people but if your slow, SCHEME: A Plan or idea. SCAM: Fraud.  This is a Pyrimid Scheme but doesn't mean it's a Scam. So this is the "Confused" part that comes in. If a person doesn't need to purchase MCA Membership to be a sales associates then legitimately you wouldn't need to mail any payroll checks home using UPS and foremost people wouldn't be in this perdictament. Anyway anyone wants to look at it, it's still falls under this idea MLM=Multi Level Marketing.

So please no need to spam in your replies with links that will take a viewer to some dark corner of space that doesn't even explain in full detail about whether this is legit nor does arousing them with these BENEFITS deals that comes with it. Oh, one last thing, how many more of these pre-made website do I have to continue clicking just to be able to be directed to the actual webpage itself to sign up?? *SMH*

motor aid

fontana ,

#45UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, June 19, 2013

i understand that there a lot people asking questions and belive its to good to be true. i thought the same thing! i can help you with any question you have just call me at 909 815 9273 myname is felipe


MCA Training

#46UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 17, 2013

 Hey everyone MCA ia the real deal! Great team in the IE, we are professional and legit training every week! if your serious and want to join a winning team then please call OR text Herb Larkins (951)640-3883


MCA Bad for your health..

#47REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 14, 2013


AUTHOR: danta - ()

Empower network is an online opportunity that empowers members to make money with out experiencing the common problems, challenges, and pitfalls most go through when attempting to start a home based business.

It is our highest intention and chief aim to explain how and why the Empower Network Products are beautifully designed and carefully crafted to immediately make you extra income online.

The purpose is clear, the foundation is laid, and now it is time to get paid doing the things you love to do and share with the world.

In addition to world-class information products, elite internet marketing trainings, and superior digital services; Empower Network’s affiliate program pays 100% commissions that allow members the chance to leverage and create a lifestyle-altering, life-changing income from the comforts of their own home.

When Did Empower Network Start?

Empower Network got started on Oct. 31, 2011 and has so far eclipsed over $24 million in paid member commissions as the company continues to enjoy unprecedented growth and unparalleled expectations. In the first week of November 2012, Empower Network did the unthinkable in paying out over $1 million in commissions generated in just a week’s time.

The fact alone puts Empower Network into a category and classification of its own, as it continues to pioneer one of the biggest movements and active communities on the internet.

Go watch the video right now.

What Is The Higher Commission Team?

The Higher Commissions Team is an emerging group of savvy like-minded entrepreneurs who are leading the way towards a more successful tomorrow and prosperous you.

We are considered one of the most actively-engaged and sought-after teams inside the Empower Network community because we provide a 100% customized, up to date, practical and pragmatic approach towards delivering real results to all valued-members.

Along with weekly webinars, conference calls, trainings, hangouts, expert guidance and much more – we are confident in our ability to take you from where you are at to where you want to go by helping you push through the Grind phase and into a Free-Flowing state.

Some of the VIP internet marketing training we provide includes what other leaders are doing to help grow their teams in Empower. We focus on helping you dial-in and lock-up the 3 C’s (CREATE Traffic, CAPTURE Leads and CONVERT Sales) to becoming successful with your Empower Network Products and Business.

Thus far, in our 7 year-long internet marketing success journey, members who are willing and open to our one on one mentoring and advice have created huge success stories already and we are just getting warmed up.

When you join us in Empower Network, you will get a first-hand chance to utilize our exclusive team members only marketing tools, products, and systems that work synergistically with the business model and platform here. Not to mention the opportunity to work side by side with multiple 6 figure income earners that will all but automate and propel your potential results in making money online now.

How Much Money Can You Make?

The amount of money you can make is completely up to you. Without even knowing who you are, what you look like, and where you came from, we do know that Mindset and Attitude are the two most important contributing factors that influence and impact your ability to achieve greatness and success on the internet.

There are people who join with the intention of making an extra $300 to $3,000 a month or more and then there are others who consistently earn upwards of $1,000 per day!

It really boils down to your personal goals, aspirations, and dreams, along with how much willingness and work, energy and time, effort and resources you desire to put into the business to obtain your money making visions.

How Fast Can I Start Earning Commissions?

Making money online fast, easy, and now is the most asked question we get pertaining to Empower Network. Most are attracted to the 100% business model and compensation plan because it allows for anyone, anywhere in the world to start earning money almost instantaneously.

Because of the nature, culture, and complete product-system marketing cycle and funnel, Empower Network’s money making platform is done for you, acting as a Point-N-Click, Plug-N-Play business in a box that is suitable for anyone looking to have a breakthrough online.

The key is to focus your attention and time on money-making activities, utilizing the system, products, and blogging site to exposure your opportunity and attract leads.

Once you see how easy Empower Network makes the work from home business model become, you will quickly realize it comes down to a numbers game, in that Traffic, Leads, Sales is all you have to be concerned about.

This is the real beauty of the Empower products is that all of the internet marketing training, tips, and tools are either given to you or taught to you in order for you to proper construct a successful business venture with Empower!

How Much To Get Started?

To join at the basic membership is $25 dollars (monthly) + $19.95 (in-house commission pay out structure) to become an affiliate and receive commissions instantly.

To reap the real benefits of the system, it is in your best interest to at least upgrade to the Inner circle membership which grants access to some of the most vital and pivotal aspects and highlights of the program.

For example, if you plan to become an affiliate and join the Basic Blogging Membership + Inner Circle, which is one of the most popular product sold here due to the extremely high value offered for such a respectable and affordable price.

The breakdown would be the following:

A basic membership to the Empower Network gets you access to the viral blogging platform and it will cost you $25 a month (blogging site) + a $19.95 (affiliate fee) + $100 inner circle membership (up to date, relevant make money marketing membership).

Remember you will get your investment back with only one person you sign up since EN pays 100% commissions.

Are There Any Monthly Expenses?

Is recommended to use a 3rd partyautoresponder service to manage your emails and the communication with your leads. We recommend using Aweber or GVO.

However much you choose to spend on marketing is entirely up to you. As a team we will show you a variety of cutting-edge marketing methods that you can choose what’s best to fit your budget and time commitment.

How Will Empower Network Make You money?

Empower network uses a powerful affiliate marketing model that works like this:

When you advertise your affiliate links and attract future prospects, those leads will watch a presentation that will go over the opportunity and products offer by Empower Network and begin to start receiving follow up email messages informing them of what is going on.

As soon as they get started Empower Network will pay you 100% commissions of their product purchase. It is that simple.

Let’s say for example, you scored 10 new member basic signups on your team… You can potentially earn a $250 residual income just from those sales alone.

That’s pretty cool isn’t it? It gets better.

To top it off, data has shown approximately 50% of all customers who participate in the Empower Network basic membership, will upgrade to the $100 a month inner circle subscription.

Using the same prior example, if you had 10 customers and 5 of them upgraded to the inner circle, you could earn a staggering $750 with only 10 people on the team without any passups!

All of that without counting the fact that you can potentially earn every month from those same people as long as they are customers… and even better you can earn more when they upgrade their membership and buy other products.

In other words… You really don’t need a large amount of individuals on your team to make a lot of stone cold cash with the Empower Network!

The realm of possibilities are endless when you can literally earn upwards of $5,000 per customer! (make sure to check out income’s disclosure)

Can I build A Residual Income With Empower Network?

The basic membership and the inner circle are sold with a monthly subscription that members pay for every month.

When you sell a $25 basic membership and a $100 inner circle for example you will continue to get pay from those members every month as long as they are active.

Other “one-time only” purchases such as:

  • The Costa Rica Intensive – $500 – One time
  • 15K Formula – $1500 – One time
  • Costa Rica Masters Retreat – $3500 One time

Earned you a one-time commission.

Customers who buy access to these products will have a lifetime access and will be qualified to earn commissions for life.

The only way to earn commissions from “One-time Only” products is by purchasing them.

Sounds like a great opportunity!

Is It Guaranteed That Empower Network Will Work For Me?


You might make a lot with Empower Network or you might not make anything.

You may no take action. You may lose interest. You may be lazy. You may be one of those people who says is willing to do it but when you are shown what needs to be done, you simply don’t do it or do something completely different.

So the results are ultimately up to you: What we can tell you, is if you are coach-able and are willing to take action there are no reasons why the program can’t work for you.

How Can Empower Network Afford To Pay 100% Commissions?

Amazing, isn’t it?

Empower network is truly a unique opportunity.

One of a kind.

This company doesn’t even take a percentage of the sales!!

Instead of taking a chunk of your efforts,Empower network has a flat one-time fee of$19.95.

This small fee takes care of programmers, graphic designers, support team and customer service agents.

Utilizing this method allows for the company to pay 100% commissions with every membership and product sold.

Can I Earn Commissions In Empower Network Without A “List”?


As a matter of fact some of the company top earners, started the program without a list. Today he earns $70.000 to $100,00 and builded his list from scratch with the material taught inside the Empower Network.

If you already have a list, that’s awesome news! but you don’t need one to start with.

Where Is The Empower Network Corporate Office Located?

The head corporate office is located in St, Petersburg, Florida.

Does Empower Network Provide Any support?

Yes. The company has a support team of over 20 people who can help you with any concern or questions about the business.

As a member of the Higher commissions team, you will also receive access to the team chat, private training, already-written email follow ups, marketing tools, marketing materials and follow up.

Do I Need a Merchant Account To Join Empower Network?

Not at all! Empower Network has an in house payment system included in the $19.95 you pay when starting out.

You have the option to use your personal merchant account through Authorize.net.

What To Do NEXT:

There is only one ideal action to take now that you have invested the time into reading this. It is time to put your foot down, stand up, and get behind something you believe in, can get passionate about, and align yourself with leaders who are willing to walk the walk and talk the talk with you.

Make a commitment, decide to join Empower Network today, and take massive action in building out your dreams using Empower Network Products as the vehicle to get you where you want to go today.

What is Motor Club of America

MCA SCAM ALERT: June 1st, 2013

#48REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 13, 2013

Everyone keeps talking about Motor Club of America and the BBB, but if you read my lastest article: http://www.levelonenetwork.com/networkmarketingblog/mca-scam/ You will clearly see that most companies are not affiliated with the BBB because they are scammers themselves. Furthermore if you call MCA they will tell you they are NOT affiliated with BBB nor do they plan to be and neither would I! READ THE FULL REPORT: http://www.levelonenetwork.com/networkmarketingblog/mca-scam/ and after you read it go and apply and start getting paid in full: 






We are hiring everywhere and building up America's economy! JOIN MCA TODAY:

http://www.TheJobPackage.com  or call 855-Job-Pack

Motor Club of America is the best thing since sliced bread!!! And it allows you to eat, lol


http://www.MCAPack.com or http://www.CoverageAssurance.com 


Report Attachments

Rodney Walker (MCA TEAM LEADER)


#49UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 11, 2013

My name is Rodney Walker and I'm a 6 figure earner with MCA.

Motor Club of America AKA MCA is has a BBB Rating of an "F" on the BBB web site? WHY? Well, it's because MCA is not a dumb company that takes part in scams like the BBB. To get an A Rating with the BBB, you must pay $400. Why would anyone trust a Scam like the BBB, that judges companies based on how much profit they can create. You people in America are so brainwashed by the BBB and those scam artists that operate it. 

Watch this video put together by the NEWS as they crack down on the BBB and it's scammish ways. The BBB gave a terrorist group an A rating. 



Your bbb rating is very inaccurate

#50Consumer Comment

Mon, June 10, 2013

 as of 06/10/13 when I checked the bbb your so-called non scam of a company had an F rating. For the following reasons: 1)You're not accredited with the bbb 2)There's not enough background info on you guys 3)There are numerous complaints on you guys So if you are going to try to convince consumers that this isn't some ponzy, pyramid, or internet scami. I really need you guys to try harder...

What is Motor Club of America

What is Motor Club of America

#51REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, June 08, 2013

What is Motor Club of America


Unlimited Roadside Assistance - 100 miles per tow, unlimited tows a year, unlimited lockout service, fuel delivery, tire changing, battery boosting and more.

Discounts on Auto Related Services - Steep discounts on all routine maintenance services at participating locations, including brake work, mufflers, wheel alignment, transmission work and more! Nationwide network of over 6,000 auto repair shops and service centers. Most participating locations will discount all work by 10% or more.

Travel Assistance Reimbursement - Benefits cover up to a $500 reimbursement for expenses such as car rental, meals, lodging or transportation expenses if your vehicle is disabled due to an accident.

Trip Planning and Travel Reservations - Get personalized travel services. Want a more hands off approach? We can book your entire trip for you and save you money with MCA's exclusive partner discounts.

Arrest Bonds - If you are ever pulled over for a moving traffic law violation, MCA will cover an arrest bond of up to $500. You can rest secured knowing that you literally have a "get out of jail free" card in your back pocket.

Bail Bonds - God forbid you are pulled over for a more serious violation, like vehicular manslaughter or negligent homicide, just call MCA. They will wire up to $25,000 to get you out of jail.

Legal Services/Attorney Fees - Lawyer's fees are notoriously expensive. As a MCA member, up to $200 of legal fees in connection to moving violations, personal or property damage are covered. You now have a lawyer to fight all your parking tickets.

Plus, Get Deep Discounts on Other Legal Services:

Name Change ($155)

Simple Will and Trust ($170)

Waiver Divorce ($210)

Regular Incorporation ($295)

Stolen Vehicle Reward - MCA pays $5000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons involved in the theft of a member's vehicle. Count on MCA to get your car back for you!

Credit Card Protection - Identity theft has become more prevalent. If you ever become a victim, MCA will cover financial losses of up to $1000 plus work with you to help you recover from the act.

Prescription Drug, Vision Care and Dental Discounts - Never pay full price again. Enjoy up to 75% discounts on prescription drugs, dental work, eye exams, glasses, contacts and more.

Emergency Reimbursement Benefits - How many people get paid to go to the Emergency Room? With MCA's coverage, you can go to the ER with the understanding that you will have a $500 check made payable to you to cover your expenses.

Daily Hospital Benefit - Receive $150 a day for up to 365 days when confined to the hospital. These benefits are payable directly to you or your estate.

Accidental Death Benefit - In the unfortunate event of the loss of your life, you can rest assured knowing that your family will be taken care of. MCA pays an accidental death benefit of up to $60,000 directly to your estate to cover unexpected expenses.

 What is Motor Club of America
(((ROR redacted)))
What is Motor Club of America


Report Attachments


Rialto ,

#52UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, May 24, 2013

Hi my name is Tyrell, I’m a independent associate of MCA.

1. To become an associate with TVC is free just go tohttp://www.tvcmartix.com and click become an associate on the right hand side. After you completing your registration process you are provide a personal website so you can market the MCA service’s. you website will read www.tvcmatrix.com/yourusername 

The site above is the company website anyone can register here.. anyone.

2.it is ILLEGAL TO PAY TO PLAY.. Meaning company's can't charge up front fee to join the company... MCA IS A MEMBERSHIP. don't confuse the 2 company's TVC is the marketing harm for MCA...  You don't need to purchase the MCA membership to be An associate or sell the service's  people need to learn how to read and stop screaming SCAM.

3. Now you need to fill out your w-9 form for your taxes to be report to the IRS and fill out your independent contract agreement. You will also need to check your “STATE REQUIREMENTS” some state require you to have a Motor Club LIC#…. so you can sell the services in your state. all forms must be faxed or Mailed to TVC Marketing.

4. Now you are ready to Market the MCA service’s.... Every time you sell a MCA Membership will be paid $80.00 commission they charge $3.00 for processing fee. All commission are sent by direct deposit every Friday. 

5. If you want more info about the MCA service please call 909-581-2779 

6. If you want to be an associate for TVC  and sell the MCA services please call 909-581-2779 this is totally free and will cost you nothing I repeat this will cost you nothing. also visit my website @ www.motorclubguys.com

Now For anyone that is interested there is no money exchange hand to hand if you want to be a associate just go to the website you don’t have to go through people with money in there mouth lol.. People that look like thugs there a lot of insurance people doing this business. 

The MCA SERVICES ARE TOP NOTCH you can't beat $19.95 a month no cap on towing plus you get 100 miles and much more with the services.... you can call 909-581-2779 Tyrell P. anytime 


this company is Legit.

do your research everyone and have a great day Ripoffreport Report Image

anyone can be an associate it cost you nothing to refer business. that would be illegal…

$39.90 is for the MCA membership service’s okay 

my name is Tyrell P 


email [email protected]




Total Scam

#53UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 24, 2013

And the insults that remind one of Jim Jones condemning decention... those make it look more like a scam (and a cult)

That's the issue with major MLM/Pyramid scams like this. (and the SEC list it as a freaking MLM, so it is an MLM you idiots).  People are so sold on an idea, even one that rational thoguht would tll them to avoid, that they refuse to use common sense...

That and a lot of the respondents are jsut scammers who want to keep the gravy train runnign a little longer on their down line.  I can't wait for this one to be shut down.  It will be pretty soon 


New York,
UPDATE: MCA Is 100% Legit and I am living Proof

#54UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 22, 2013

I am not here to punch holes in anyone story but the fact that so many people will discredit anything and everything before they actually learn about it is beyond amazing. What proof do you have that MCA is a scam? A few unsuccessful people who either cried for a refund or just didn't have any success? This is flat out false claims and not only do I have solid proof but I have been a member recieving benefits as well for more than 10 months now, I am sure the gov't will not sit back and allow any company that has been around since 1926, has more than 7 million members and has paid it's members everytime on time. There is no "AKA's" to MCA Motor Club of America, it is completely impossible to have 1 company and many names, everyone promotes MCA which is TVC marketing which is the marketing platform for MCA online, and it is also the company that writes your check. This is 100% Legal and Honest!

 Like i said Im not here to punch holes in anyone story but would you rather work "A Real Job" and make $500 every 2 weeks or join a "Real Comapny" and "Earn" $500+ a week without breaking your neck for someone else? They don't teach you independence in school so maybe this is why so many people cry scam, because they nothing about it but if you want to know more and see real proof, check stubs, bank statements, video evidence, call me or whatevery just simply reply or visit http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQ_669A1bObanA1ExR8ew

Best wishes to anyone looking to make a change in their lives, this is the best way to go!!



Scam for sure

#55General Comment

Wed, May 22, 2013

First off.. anyone in their right mind knows this is a scam, it is illegal to ask for a down payment for employment. Anyone living in the United States should contact the federal trade commission and report anyone that dhis and never give out personal information to these bussiness scams. 



#56UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, May 21, 2013

If your looking to become an member with MCA you are going to be happy with there service's and benefits. if you came here to see if this is a real company and not a "SCAM".... I'm happy to tell you this is a legit business everyone with great service's.


Now for everyone that are screaming SCAM????? this is not a scam because you sign up to sell the membership and know one bought from YOU.... you are posting fales info about the company..... you need to do your research before you get involved with any direct sale company.


for more info you can call me Tyrell MCA associate of Motor Club Of America.


dont be afraid to call me Im here to help all the new people that want to join this company of become a member..





Know the company before you speak your bull sh*t

#57UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 15, 2013

 what doesnt make any sense is the fact that you claim that its illegall?

that you claim that you cant make money?

that you claim that its a scam you scheme?

tell me this if it was illegal then why are taxes taken out?

if taxes are taken out then obviously the government knows about it ....

if the government knows about it then why havent they been shut down yet???

also the reason you pay is due to the fact that you are getting BENEFITS!




becuase if it is then every single LEGAL JOB is technicly illigal in your eyes? ... yeah your f**king stupid.

I work for mca and I make over 2,000 a week I also work for sprint in cc tx ... which is a phone company ... therefore its commission based .... soo if you are talking about how "if someone quits your team you have to pay the 80$ back and talk like its a bad thing then you are a complete dumbass" every commission based job is like that ... be it phone sales .... be it car sales .... ANY COMMISION BASED JOB IS LIKE THAT ....  the difference between the two is that with mca you dont pay it back right away ... you pay 4.50 a month. till you get to 80.

you ovbiously dont know anything .!!!!!


MCA is no scam!!!

#58UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 15, 2013

I don't understand why in todays time people choose to bash something so good.  This is giving me and a lot of other people I now personally know.  The job Market today is still not ready for all of America.  Not to mention this is something that has been paying me better than anything else i've sone so far...   If any one reads this and would like to sign up, or points on making money with MCA, Or just need a service better than AAA.  Please feel free to call me. 

  Tremayne L. Pender

 MCA Advertising Assosciate


Report Attachments

Employee and Member

Be informed and know what you're talking about before bashing a legit company!!!

#59UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, May 15, 2013

Numer 1, there are TWO numbers to call for assistance 24/7. They are right on your MCA card about your name and ID number.  Secondly, MCA has a B rating with the BBB. They are not a scam, scheme, MLM or anything else you want to call them. We are making steady incomes and NOT lying to people. MCA was founded in 1926 and has more than 9,000,000 members. It's continuing to grow and is starting to go global. Not only is it for the US and Canada but it has just been offered in Puerto Rico!! Please do your research before you mislead others!!!!

Report Attachments


Number for tow service

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, May 15, 2013

Can anybody, salesmen, employee, anybody tell me two things.

1) What is the number to call for roadside assistence? Answer, there is none and if somebody gives a number, I want everyone to call it for validation.

2) Who under writes MCA?


They are NOT registered with BBB!

They added at least 50 years to their actual start up date.

They have been doing this insurance scam for years, the internet is their latest tool.

They get rich and move on, that's why they are difficult to prosecute, leaving thousands broke and blinking their eyes.

99% of people on here claiming they are the next coming are part of this get rich scheme and will take your money gleefully because you are stooopid in the first place.

Report Attachments


New York,

#61UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 06, 2013

HI Im Jamie a 23 year old single mom and Ive used MCA to be able to take care of me and my daughter or the past year Ive been able to purchase a condo and a car.. Now tell me its a scam lol

 Feel free to join me at MCA


Report Attachments

Rodney Walker (MCA TEAM LEADER)


#62UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 26, 2013

Listen, allow me to go ahead and put all this scam crap to rest. 

If you watch this video I created, and still call MCA a scam, your just a human that's not meant to do anything with your life but work a job. That's fine with me, 

Watch My Proof Of Income Video (Click Here)

Report Attachments

MCA isn''t a scam

New York,
Read this please

#63UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 23, 2013

1-You may want to try the actual website www.motorclubamerica.net. 

2- As an employee you have to be a member, so why wouldnt we be able to defend the fact that MCA isnt a scam.  Lets face the facts ere, every employee does not defend their employer, there are plenty of them ready to rip them apart.  We ourselves use the benefits; I for one sure have used the vision discounts

3- No one thinks AAA isnt a reputable company, and of course they are popular, but MCA has grown over the few years because they were bought by a marketing company in order to do just that

4- If you deal with scammy people maybe you will get scammed you need to deal with and work with an actual MCA associate

5- What do you consider expensive? The MCA total package is 19.95 a month.  While even an AAA premium service is $125 its still doesnt offer unlimited call for roadside assistance ER reimbursement, or a referral incentive program.  

AAA health discounts are up to 35% cool, but MCA discounts are up 65%.  I dont know about you but that is a big deal to me.  And guess what, if a person is no longer satisfied, then they can call up customer services and cancel. 


Brava to all the Rebuttals!

#64General Comment

Mon, April 22, 2013

I must say, when ever I'm looking at a company for potential employment, I always check this site. I look specifically at the ROR and if there's rebuttals or the "joining in of the bashing". But here I find, 99% rebuttals with FACTUAL INFORMATION!

I have the same information infront of me as everyone stated. I definitely will be signing up for MCA at the end of the week. Thank you everyone for confirming the information.

**This was apart of my research process, so don't get it twisted. I did my homework.**
This would be perfect for me as I just had my first born son 3 months ago and it's hard for me to detach myself from him as I am a single parent.

Thank MCA Associates! I'll be joining you soon.

I'll be working hard on marketing ideas all during the week.

The Original Report........I think almost everyone who's rebuttaled against yu, has shown yu your a**. 


Always do you Research

#65REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 19, 2013

I know you are doing your research on MCA, Motor Club Of America Don't Join Motor Club Of America until you call me. 

I have all the Info you need about this business.

You are going to Love Me :-) 

Have a bless day  


My name Is Tyrell my

click on my link below 


alsoyou can find me on 





#66UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 30, 2013

"MCA is championed by people who appear very shady."

That is your quote above, sir/madame.   I do champion the cause for MCA, and I have never been shady; I have never been a shill nor stolen anything on line.  So, let me not "cherry-pick" (as you clearly have done) and tell you straight:  You DO indeed generalise, and it is offensive.   Might I suggest you clean up your own image?

And another thing, RIPOFF Report.  Reread that in case it alluded you yet again.  RIPOFF report.  It's not for complaining about a company's image - it's for making ripoff claims.

I don't care for the image of several cell phone companies.  But you won't find any posts for them here.  I hope you're clearer now about the position you've taken here and that you can move on now. 



#67Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 29, 2013

I'm glad that you used italics in your post in reference to the word "everyone". It highlights that I never wrote that word in my post. I don't deal in broad generalizations like that. I am intelligent enough to know that there are always successful people in any business.....hence my props to the intelligence

of the MCA apologist, "Artizhay".

Follow me here, and focus on the company's image. That is the only thing that is in question. My posts have been fair and not judgmental. Wheter or not MCA is a scam or not is irrelevant. This is Ripoff Report. This forum is about companies with image issues. Hence, this discussion. I believe that it is a real service. However, it's undeniable that the image of MCA is based on what the majority of people are outwardly doing with it. For every 2 positive and intelligent advertisements for MCA, there are 100 shady ones. (that's being conservative)  Can you honestly say that you are pleased with how the masses advertise your business?....assuming youre an MCA associate

Dont cherry pick at my overall post and then throw successful names around.  Image, in business is everything.  MCA has an image problem. To deny that is to be well, in denial.



#68UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 29, 2013

There are no experts regarding legalities since they differ from state to state...you only have the pros and cons.  (ref: Occupy Wallstreet).   And so it is with MCA.

I think "shady" is an insulting and nasty adjective to describe everyone who adertises for MCA via YouTube.  (ref: Krystal Taylor).  She's a young woman who made a lot of money with MCA, still does; and she went on to make thousands with PureLeverage and Empower Network. She has two small children and is only about 25 or 26.

Do you prefer she went on welfare?  If she's shady, then she's doing a good job at making 20-30 thousand a month being "shady", as opposed to those who work under the table while picking up the dole.


@ artizhay

#69Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 28, 2013

...from my earlier post "voice of reason"

  - "For all of you staunch defenders of MCA on this site, I'd say to write your company and try to clean up the image. (which in business, is everything) It did'nt matter about your 1926 or so company history or your benefits, as soon as I saw shady people, teens, and drunkards advertising, I went the other way. Maybe I should but I've never joined a motor club of any kind. On the other hand, I've never heard the legitimacy of AAA questioned as hard as MCA".

Artizhay, you are truly the first intellegent poster on any platform for MCA. (no bs) Reading your last 2 posst would convince near anyone to at least check it out. However, as in life, the intellegent people are far quieter than the idiots. MCA is not full of affiliates like you. MCA is championed by people who appear very shady. As in my last post, I don't question or care about the validity of MCA, but MCA's image is highly questionable. (ref. YouTube)

People yell scam when the majority of a company's "affiliates" exaggerate the potential. Being generous, only 5% of MCA marketing is about the actual product. The rest is cash flashing, "team joining", and videos about exotic vacations on MCA's dime. (btw Where is the REAL base website?)...seriously.)) not judging.))) just saying.))))

Apple products, designer jeans and expensive cable TV services are marketed by idiots as well. The difference is that they are marketed 100% on the product and 0% on income generation by means of "signing people up". There is nothing inherently wrong about MCA's business model. It does however have shady overtones, which seems to atrract shady people, which seems to attract the more vulnerable. However, I'm not saying that any of this is MCA's fault.

Don't lean too much on court decisions as defense for the ethical standards of U.S. companies. We both know that due to Washington lobbying, almost anything (I'm kind of an expert on this subject...you'd be surprised) is legal for a company to do anymore. The true test is longevity. (and not that 1926 bs) I'm referring to the longevity of this particular business model. As with everything, It'll all come out in the wash


$239 too much!!!! AAA Premiere $80 a year!!!!

#70Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2013

Why do you people keep comparing this hustler scheme to AAA? AAA doesn't even acknowledge you in it's advertising, so why do you constantly reference them? An AAA Premiere package for me and a friend (on same plan) is $80 for the year (with 4 100 mile tows a piece--8 total), and for less than $8 a month!!!! So go ahead and pay your $40 upfront and $20 a month for your MCA. Enjoy! Live and let live, I'm assuming that AAA has the lion share of the market since your company constantly compares itself to AAA. AAA doesn't have thugs with websites posted all over youtube with that crap! I hope the guy who shows up with roadside doesn't look like some of the gold teeth, baseball cap wearing pimps in the MCA vids!


League City,

#71UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 28, 2013

As a follow up to my previous post, it may be useful to mention some price points of other various services found in MCA. 

I have a local client who offers traffic court legal assistance at $70 per 6 months and does very well with it. He's not even targeting higher income individuals. This equates to $11.67 per month just for traffic legal assistance. Pair that with an $8.95 AAA fee, which provides less benefits still than MCA, and you're at $20.62 per month, just a little more than MCA. 

So when you pair the AAA roadside benefits with the cost of traffic court legal assistance - all benefits that are in MCA - you pay about the price MCA charges. Imagine that. Like I said, it's all about the value.

There are even "free" memberships out there, like Allstate. However, they charge exorbitant fees and again, a simple calculation will tell you if it's better to use MCA. Let's say you need 2 tows per year and 2 lockout services (reasonable, I would say; I've been locked out twice in one year and many people are towed multiple times):
2 x $75 (Allstate towing fee) = $150
2 x $50 (Allstate lockout fee) = $100
Total = $250

One year of MCA: $239

So based on a practical situation, it's already obviously more beneficial to use MCA, considering you get much more besides roadside assistance. 

Let's say you want Allstate plus traffic court legal assistance:
2 x $75 (Allstate towing fee) = $150
2 x $50 (Allstate lockout fee) = $100
1 x $120 (annual legal assistance fee; discounted from $70/6mo) = $120
Total = $370

One year of MCA: $239

d**n, MCA is just looking better an better.

Let's say you're with AAA and never go outside your towing limits. Unlimited towing with MCA is great because it can be used for any vehicle, but like someone said, if you're breaking through your AAA tow ceiling, you may just need a new car - but if you have multiple vehicles, the ceiling puts a bit of pressure on you. But disregarding that.

Say the retail value of the prescriptions you have to purchase each year is $1000 (very reasonable; undervalued depending on drug brand and dosage).

Apparent cost of one year of AAA: $107.40
Apparent cost of one year of MCA: $239.40

Cost of drugs after AAA 24% average discount: $760
Cost of drugs after MCA 65% average discount: $350

Actual cost of one year of AAA with medical expenses: $867.40
Actual cost of one year of MCA with medical expenses: $589.40

d**n, MCA is killing everyone, even with their higher monthly rate.

Okay, so let's say you for some reason don't have prescriptions. But let's say you're a family of four and don't have dental insurance.

Apparent cost of one year of AAA: $107.40
Apparent cost of one year of MCA: $239.40

Cost of dental visits (once every 6 months for 4 family members at $150 each) with AAA 0% discount: $1200
Cost of dental visits with MCA 35% discount: $780

Actual cost of one year of AAA with dental expenses: $1307.40
Actual cost of one year of MCA with dental expenses: $1019.40

MCA just wins every time. And the MCA dental discount goes up to 50%, but I just used the average of their 20-50% range. Plus some people will have dental insurance, but when you use the co-pay rather than the full cost, the ratios are still the same.

So like I've said countless times, simple calculations will let you know if MCA is right for you. And while many people think in terms of one vehicle - i.e. 5 tows applied to one vehicle or unlimited tows applied to one vehicle - the benefits are applicable to many vehicles. 

Say you have a family of 4 with 3 vehicles. With AAA you're limited to 1.67 tows per vehicle. Yet even nice vehicles break down due to poor maintenance. A friend's Acura MDX broke down just earlier this week due to serpentine belt issues and he had to pay $80 for a tow. 

It's broken down before, despite it being a nice vehicle. So why put a limit on yourself when you can have unlimited towing for an apparent higher price? - though undeniable math shows that MCA is much more valuable in the long run. By the way, the tow for the MDX was 3.6 miles, over the limit of the basic AAA plan tow limits.


League City,
@Joey's Allegations

#72UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 28, 2013

I think it's important to note Joey's wild accusations are in no way backed by solid evidence. Calling Amway a scam is a huge red flag speaking to his ignorance, given that Amway went to trial under pyramid scheme accusations and was cleared by the FTC itself of these accusations.

As opposed as to some ignorant person on the Internet calling it a scam when the Commission's decision itself contradicts his statements.

Another accusation this ignorant poster has made is in light of more recent events - Herbalife. A hedge fund manager has called Herbalife a pyramid scheme. Other hedge funds managers have stepped up in defense of the company. If professional investors and hedge fund managers can't agree on the legitimacy of a company, what gives the random accusations of some online poster any leverage? 

The FTC itself has said that there is no ongoing investigation into Herbalife despite these accusations.

So then you have self-proclaimed geniuses throwing around their uneducated thoughts while professionals and government agencies say something entirely different. That makes them just as bad as the MCA associates who promote dishonestly. Spreading your false statements about the legitimacy of a company in which you have no knowledge is dishonest.

Regardless, as I've stated in an earlier post, whether or not the cost is affordable is entirely dependent on the particular consumer. A simple mathematical calculation can determine if the consumer will save more with or without an MCA membership. If no one understands how to do these calculations, that's their problem, not the company's.

"Overpriced" products (which is subjective, regardless) don't mean something is a scam, anyway. Why buy a Mac computer? Why buy designer clothes? Why buy an exotic car? Why buy these things when they provide the same functionality as their counterparts and often are the same quality or only slightly better? Because the company is a scam!!! No, really, that's just preposterous to say. I'm shaking my head at the thought. How can someone has such inane thoughts based solely on price?

Have you ever used MCA? If not, you can't respectably compare the product to its competitors or say it's better solely based on price. If that were true, there would be no retailers other than Wal-Mart. If the most important thing was price, then everyone else would be out of business. No one competes with Wal-Mart's prices. So there must be something else. Hmmm. I wonder what it is? Oh, value! Right, so like I said, go do those mathematical calculations.


Los Angeles,
Motor Club of America is a Pyramid Scheme

#73Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2013

I agree with you. Motor Club of America is a Scam. It's very similar to Amway, Herbalife, Ameriplan, and all the other Pyramid Schemes out there. My experience with them is no different than my experience with Herbalife. Yes, they sell a real product. But just like all pyramid schemes, their product is overpriced, so it's hard to sell. So how do these pryamid schemes make their money?

They make some money from selling their products (in this case, protection against car problems). But most of the money they make is from the "greater fool" they convince to join and pay the high "membership fees." As long as there are plenty of fools in the world (and there are many) it's easy to convince them to join the "next great thing." This is all they hype they use (like saying, I'm making $2000 a week, i drive a mercedes, blah blah blah) to pull in the suckers.

The truth is, all the people who join (to get rich) are the ones who are making the money for these shady companies. Just look at Herbalife. Their products are overpriced. There are zillions of Herbalife members competiting with each other. why not simply go to Walmart and get the same product for half price?

Why not simply go to a local road side service and save money instead of paying overpriced MCA fees? Since theses companies can't beat the Walmarts and local cheaper services, they have no chocie but to use marketing techniques to exagerate (lies) the get rich quick scheme so YOU can make them rich.

The people at the top get rich, while all the ones who join get suckered. Just look at the stats, 70% of most people who join pyramid schemes quit within 1 year. And then the scammers always have an answer for this: oh these people didn't give 100%, blah blah blah.

Of course, they wont admit that in real life it takes hard work and integrity to make on honest buck. But with the economy the way it is, don't be surprised if more and more of these scammers try to rip off the public. My advice: if you want to use a road side service, google and you will find a cheaper company with same service than expensive MCA. You auto insurance company may even offer this service for you. Don't waste your hard earned money on these scams.

Also, just because the company has been around since 1927 doesnt mean anything. Many pryamid schemes (like amway) have been around for a long time. As long as there are greater fools, these scammers will always find a way to make a quick buck. So don't be fooled by the longevity, it doesn't mean anything.

Note: Many of the rebuttals are by employees (or people at the top of the pyramid) who obviously will tell you that MCA is the so called "real deal." Just remember, they are motivated by their own personal selfish desires, not by the truth.


Hallandale Beach,
MCA is a great company

#74UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 20, 2013

When folks don't know what they are talking about they shouldn't bad mouth it. MCA or Motor Club of America has a B+ rating with the BBB http://www.bbb.org/oklahoma-city/business-reviews/road-service-automotive/tvc-in-oklahoma-city-ok-9002308. Of thousand of customers only 38 complaints not bad, and of those 38, 38 were addressed satisfactorily. They are not accredited so no money was paid to enhance their rating. MCA was established in 1926 so if there were a problem I think they would have been shut down long ago. Great company, easy sale and 200% commission. If you want to make money online then this is the place to do it. 'Nuff said. Thank you.


Report Attachments


Don't miss out on MCA

#75UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 20, 2013

Hello Everyone don't miss out on this great business opportunity I have been with this company for 4 months now and I'm in one of the largest mall in Southern California my team and I sale Mca membership from our kiosk everyday. People are super excited about us being here and my team is earning a health paycheck every week. This is far from a scam call me any time 909-581-2779 my name is Tyrell Mca associate always take advice from a person that is living and working the business not overnighter's Call me anytime and be apart of this American business Check out my business partner and I kiosk.

Report Attachments


Don't miss out on MCA

#76UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 20, 2013

Hello Everyone don't miss out on this great business opportunity I have been with this company for 4 months now and I'm in one of the largest mall in Southern California my team and I sale Mca membership from our kiosk everyday. People are super excited about us being here and my team is earning a health paycheck every week. This is far from a scam call me any time 909-581-2779 my name is Tyrell Mca associate always take advice from a person that is living and working the business not overnighter's Call me anytime and be apart of this American business Check out my business partner and I kiosk.

Report Attachments

Helen Torres

Motor Club of America Scam

#77UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 17, 2013

I would like to give my input on the scam accusations. MCA is not I scam. I started as a consumer and really enjoyed the benefits. I would not refer anything to anyone without testing it myself first so that is exactly what I did. I had a flat tire they came to my home and changed it. I also had a couple of other different mishaps and I felt if I am paying for this service I'm going to use it. I never had a problem when calling. The promptness of the tow service was great. I then decided to make some extra money selling it. I am successful with MCA because I did my research and followed all the training material the way I was told to. You can be successful but you have to learn about the product. You have to also realize its not a get rich over night scheme. You do have to put in the work and the people who think that they are going to sign up and money is just going to start falling out of the sky are the people who call it a scam. If you have any further questions about the service I am willing to help anyone in MCA or not. Here is some videos about MCA below.



Report Attachments


United States of America

#78UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 05, 2013

Apple doesn't have to mention the Galaxy S3 or other phones that many, many other people believe are better, because Apple is the leading company for all things techy...except the iphone.

Comparisons are common in advertising.  Example:  "We don't streak like those other window washers do" (oxy clean w/ a clear image of a Windex bottle).  More popular doesn't mean better.  And there's your reason for that type of advertising.  Windex (like the iphone) doesn't need to respond (yet) - because they are more notable.  Which of us grew up with Oxyclean as opposed to Windex?  So, until Windex and Apple no longer have a monopoly over the people - there's no need to say anything. 

I still agree that MCA should be advertised offline and through Customer Service, though.  This has gotten pathetic.


United States of America
I agree with voice of reason...

#79REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 05, 2013

They definitely need to clean up the shady characters that are presenting their product, but my whole thing is why are these people constantly comparing their product to AAA? It reminds me of how other smartphone companies and users constantly compare themselves or attack the iPhone, and never once does Apple mention or make reference to them! They don't need to, just as AAA doesn't reference or use MCA as the "product or service that they're better than" (smaller market share complex--similar to small mans complex)...maybe it's because AAA is a standalone service and doesn't have folks "hustling" it on the side. The whole stay broke concept is tacky and wreaks of an MLM that will dry up. Good luck to you all who can make money, but it gets harder every day because the American public has started to tune out on family and friends that call and ask, "You want to make some money?" or "Can I present an opportunity to you?"


United States of America
You Are Spot On!

#80UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 05, 2013

The very reason I stay off YouTube and promote MCA offline is for the exact reasons you just mentioned.  However, I will say that the product stands alone..it is awesome!  But I do wish David Kircher would get his act together and tell affiliates not to use YouTube just for the buck (or at all for that matter).  The product stands on it's own - believe me.  I use car magnets that I bought from VistaPrint..and business cards that I take from time to time to all the different car dealerships in
the city.  I do very well, and therefore people can also have a great product with their new car.

The benefits can't be beat - but you're right:  the advertising can be.  Still, even if a drunk and rude street urchin wanted to sell me a membership at Planet Fitness, I would have to take responsibility for my own due diligence to see if it's good or not.   Just because there are rude, greedy scammERS, doesn't make MCA a scam.


United States of America
Voice of reason

#81General Comment

Mon, March 04, 2013

I have had 2 people that I know introduce me to MCA. I am a reasonalble person, so this goes both ways. I'm all about people finding multiple income streams. I have every reason to believe in the legitimacy of this company. However, MCA presents itself as a scam.

Check YouTube, and you'll find people posting drunk, high, sleep, and otherwise incoherant. Most posters, as the people I know could not give a detailed description of the actual product and much like cable, gym membership, etc, if I'm buying a subscription, I want details. The majority presentation of this company is "turn $40.00 into $XXX. The difference in MCA and Planet Fitness is that Planet Fitness primarily advertises their service. The affiliate program is just a bonus and not presented as a financial breakthrough.

Before you say it, I already know that affiliates are independent and they run their business as they see fit. Therein lays your "scam" image problem. They are outwardly representing the company, so you can't get too upset at someone calling it a scam when its presented in a "scam-like" way. 

Legit company or not, I could care less. I'm sure somebody is making money. However, regular people go away from a company that allows the promotion to be so sleazy. People are turned off by videos showing cash, being told to "stay broke" if they don't join and constantly defending the "scam" image. Most people would think that if there is such a defense against a title, something might just be wrong. It's almost entertaining, but in a bad way.

For all of you staunch defenders on this site, I'd say to write your company and try to clean up the image. (which in business, is everything) It did'nt matter about your 1926 or so company history or your benefits, as soon as I saw shady people, teens, and drunkards advertising, I went the other way. maybe I should but I've never joined a motor club of any kind. On the other hand, I've never heard the legitimacy of AAA questioned as hard as MCA.


New Jersey,
United States of America
Learn Your Facts Please!

#82UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 27, 2013

To the writer of the report, it seems like you signed up strictly for the business aspect not the benefits and your bitter because you weren't good at it, you have your facts totally off though.MCA isn't BBB accredited you say. Ok, so, .everybody knows you have to pay for bbb accreditation, al quaeda has an a+ rating and accreditation. TVC Marketing has a b+ rating.You say there's a lot of aka's. How? MCA/motor club of america or tvc matrix, that's it.You say the company post articles and press releases, saying their not a scam, and YouTube videos flashing money. Your confusing independent associates with the company. This is a company that uses direct sales, like Avon, Tupperware, dish network etc, and has a great direct sales program at that. You obviously don't understand direct sales or network marketingYou seem to think mcamotorclubofamerica .com is the company website. It is not, it is an independent website by an associate who spammed seo his way to the top of Google. The official website is tvcmatrix.com. If you need information on MCA just go to What Is MCA

You claim most positive Motor Club of America Reviews online are by people in MCA. Um ok doesn't that make sense?You say MCA took the name Motor Club of America to blend in with the National Motor Club of America which has been in business for ten years. Totally wrong, National Motor Club of America has been in business since 1956. Motor Club of America has been in business since 1926

As far as MCA vs AAA, anybody who's ever been a AAA member who is now in MCA knows AAA coverage doesn't compare, unlimited yearly benefits, dental, vision, 150k in discounts, benefits and perks, no immediate service fee, independent business owner program...

As far as the get a real job ignorant comment. I would say the dead end 9-5 job is the biggest pyramid scheme in history.


League City,
United States of America
Ignorance abounds @Ernestejust and everyone else

#83UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 26, 2013

Wow, the lack of knowledge in this rebuttal is astounding. Really, you pointed out your ignorance by stating "premiere package." Clearly, if a company offers a "premiere package" (or premium, top-level, etc), there are obviously packages below it with lesser benefits, which you don't seem to be aware of. Quite embarrassing, really.

Yvonne is correct - the basic plan tows you up to 3 miles, 3 separate times per year. Wow, all that money for a total of 9 miles of towing that you can't even use at the same time.

By the way, if you're new to AAA, they require you to be on the basic plan until you can prove your "worth" of being on a higher package. Wow, maybe not a scam, but that sure is rude. I don't even have the freedom to choose what package I want, and I have to prove that I'm worthy of paying AAA even more money. At least with MCA, I can choose to pay anywhere from $9.99 to $39.99 per month. I don't have to jump through hoops to prove my worth to the company.

Also, just thought I'd let you know - the FTC says you're confused. "Some people confuse pyramid and Ponzi schemes with legitimate multilevel marketing." I'm sorry that you have to fall into that category. Not everyone's minds can be well-informed or easily understand business concepts.

What's even more shameful is that you said "Ponzi scheme" and "pyramid scheme" in the same comment, when there are striking differences between these two illegal structures. Frankly, you're just further displaying your lack of knowledge of what either of these is.

Ponzi schemes involve no products or services, by the way. It's merely an investment scheme. What you're shakily accusing MCA of is a pyramid scheme (well, assuming you even know what that is). There are many properties a business model needs to meet to be a pyramid scheme. Some of them being:

  • forcing associates to buy bulk products up front - oh look, it would seem MCA doesn't do this; it's a service company

  • a product that is not viable for the market or is not sold to consumers - oh look, it would seem the viable target market is at least 153 million people - the drivers of America - not to mention Canada

  • pushing associates to recruit heavily over product sales - oh look, MCA definitely does not do this, as I do not receive e-mails telling me to recruit; actually the only e-mail I've received outside of my sales receipts is one letting associates know how to legally use their trademark images and associate promotion limitations; hmm

  • incentives for recruiting - oh look, these would include extra bonuses for recruitment or meeting recruitment goals; yet when product sales and recruitment both yield $80 (especially considering product is sold in both instances), this is definitely not the case; oh, and there are no recruitment goals or quotas

  • product sold only within the pyramid - oh look, a customer does not need to join the associate program to buy the product; customers can buy what they want without even joining a sponsor; wow
I mean, if you don't agree with me, you're free to tell your friendly neighborhood government agency, the FTC, what idiots they are: http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/other/dvimf16.shtm But considering your displayed lack of knowledge, they may just laugh at you and tell you to go away. Be warned.

Anyway, a product being at a price higher than what you would pay does not make it a scam, by the way. I mean, some people love buying Mac computers that cost thousands of dollars, compared to similar Windows-based PC at half the cost. Yet, it would just so happen that Apple is one of the biggest corporations in America. Really, you should go start a RoR about how big of a scam they are and how they've infiltrated America with shady tactics and Ponzi/pyramid schemes. That'll do the trick. They'll be out of business by tomorrow once everyone realizes the truth because of you. Thank goodness for your intuition.

Oh! Did you know that AAA only saves members an average of 24% off their prescriptions? While MCA saves an average of 65%, even at well-known pharmacies such as CVS and Walgreens. Oh, and their optometry and dental discounts go up to 50%.

So, while I know that you think the 300+ million people of America are just like you and spend their money just like perfect you, it may just so happen that someone, through a simple mathematical calculation that you probably don't know how to do, may actually spend less over time by paying $19.95/mo for MCA and receiving a 170% increase of medical discounts over AAA's lesser fee but also lower discounts.

Just some food for thought. But you are omniscient and very well-informed, so I understand if you still think you are right. Have a good day!


League City,
United States of America
"Real Job"...

#84General Comment

Mon, February 04, 2013

I understand the concern in the ROR, as many people view MLMs as "scams" without even researching. However, the ROR only lists "observations" you seem to have made, without any real evidence that this is a poor company.

If you have presented examples of situations that MCA had failed to follow through with its guarantees of service, or that MCA had failed to pay affiliates, then those would be valid enough to start a ROR. You are just wary, however, of MLMs and feel that is enough to warrant an ROR. There is nothing in your ROR that even speaks from personal experience.

It's also upsetting that you mentioned people should "get a real job" if they want to make money. Due to the close-mindedness exhibited earlier in your ROR, since you are attacking a company without tangible proof of anything shady, it's people like you who will never live the lifestyle of people who accept new ways of income.

Sure, many MLMs are scams, but attacking someone because they've found a way to produce income without much work is unnecessary. I've been an affiliate for many companies for about 3 years now, and make roughly $1700/month in commissions without doing much work. Granted, I say that as if I clicked a button and made money. It required a ton of work upfront, but now I hardly do anything. My girlfriend gets mad that I wake up to new commissions that I received from sales made while I was asleep, yet she has to go to a 9-5 to earn her money.

That's not to say I don't have a "real job." I co-own a design and marketing firm in Houston, yet since I still work from home, even that's not considered a "real job" by a lot of the population. There are people, however, earning much more than $1700/month from affiliate sales, and some of them make much more than whatever you make (I don't even need to know what you make; I've seen and spoken to affiliates making anywhere from $0 to millions). I can guarantee you they consider it a "real job."


United States of America
Sorry but you are misinformed

#85UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 29, 2013

This is a prime example of a misinformed disgruntled person pushing misinformation online.
You are totally misinformed about Motor Club of America & TVC and the concept of being an independent business owner for that matter. Firstly there are not a lot of aka's, TVC
is a Marketing firm that acquired MCA recently, MCA has been
in business since 1926. Get Weekly Paychecks is not directly affiliated
it is a 3rd party marketing system that some independent associates pay to join and use
to help them market MCA. No MCA is not BBB accredited but they do have a
great rating, everyone knows you have to pay for BBB accreditation, al
quaeda and the kkk are both accredited. You say the product is a rip off
with no proof, how this report was allows to go live is crazy to me,
the product is 150k in benefits, a lot more than AAA for that matter,
including unlimited yearly sign an go towing, and you also state members
will be stuck with MCA. How? There's no contractual obligation and you
have 72 hours to get a refund, and you can cancel at anytime. There also great discounts, dental, vision, medical, hotel, car rental etc. Like any discount club they have a network of
providers that they work with, the MCA Motor Club has a lot of big names I might add. 

You seem to believe that mcamotorclubofamerica .com is the official site, that is incorrect, that is a site run by an independent rep who seo spammed he way to the top of google.
Motor Club of America was founded by William H Green in 1926, you can google that, the New York
Times article will appear. It overall sounds like your assuming MCA is
some sort of a pyramid scheme, I'm not sure you know the definition of pyramid scheme
and the definition of what independent direct sales is..., but a pyramid scheme has NO
ACTUAL PRODUCT, just people recruiting others with the person at the top
making the most. MCA is a great company with an independent DIRECT SALES program
through TVC Marketing Associates. Your remark about MCA targeting people desperate for money, I would say its more people looking for a way to make more money who went looking for a
program like MCA, but even if MCA did target people desperate for money, SO, have you seen the job market.
Most of the reps when they first, stumbled upon MCA where looking for a better way to
make money while being there own boss and now they're making very good
money working for themselves. This isn't a get rich quick scheme you get
in what you put in based on effort, there are reps making
$500-$7000/week, and there are reps who have made no money but love the
benefits. No one pays to be an associate you pay for MCA benefits
19.95/m so where is the risk again? And yes its commission based its
DIRECT SALES, you are an IBO working for your self you receive
$80/referral is my great aunt who does direct sales with Avon for much
less involved in a pyramid as well? You must do your research next time
before posting slander. I don't mean to be harsh but It sounds like you
got sucked in by a rep who had his own system of marketing and he may
have oversold you without giving you a complete overview. If you want to
see real reviews from MCA customers go to Motor Club of America reviews or better yet go there site if you want to know What Is Motor Club of America.

Report Attachments

Rodney Walker (MCA TEAM LEADER)

United States of America
This Report Is All Lies

#86UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 26, 2013

Here's a real story,

Now, You can piss on the truth all you want, but I'm just being real with you. I was a guy that had everything, I've made more money in my lifetime than most Americans. I've had fancy cars, and fancy homes. I actually used to live 3 doors down from a famous celebrity. Then, I lost it all. I spent 2 years on the couch, in foreclosure, with no car. Today, I'm a new man. 

I have been with Motor Club of America for about 10 months. I didn't start working hard until Oct. 2012. I was already earning money from home in another program that people also claimed was a scam, but I decided to give it a try, and I went from broke to earning $500 to $800 per week with that program. It saved my life, as I was at home daily just letting my life go to waste. Watching TV, online, doing nothing. Just looking for something to remove out of my brain that I was a loser. After joining that program, the person who brought me into that program, introduced me to MCA. 

I gave it a shot, because if he took me from being broke to $800 a week sometimes, then why not. I focused on my old program and worked MCA a little, and signed up 1 to 2 people a week. Still, that was an extra $320 $720 a month. After 3 months of that, I decided to put my all into MCA. 

Again, my family and I were living in a run down condo, in foreclosure. I worked hard with MCA, and climbed the ladder. I started seeing weekly checks of about $300 to $600. I kept going and going, then those checks went to $1,000 to $2,000 a week. I have now moved my family out of the run down condo, we bought a 2,500 Square Foot Home. We have a house full of brand new furniture, as we through out all the old furniture (didn't want the roaches in the new house) .

My life has changed thanks to Motor Club of America. I love the company and our President is a great guy. A few weeks ago I got a new SUV and was able to put down half the money to purchase it, which made my car note of course less. I am now earning $2,000 per week. My biggest sales week was yesterday where I receive a direct deposit for $3,600.00 . 

Listen, the fact is that people will call everything a scam because they want to blame the world as to why there life sucks. They don't want to work, they want to do what I used to do, but I never blamed anyone. They want to blame the government, blame scammers, blame god, blame wallstreet, the job market, an everyone they can. The problem is not everyone else, the problem is YOU. 

Their are hundreds of legit ways to earn money from home, but everything is not for everyone. You see, most people don't have the ambition that me, and other MCA Associates have. They don't want to work 18 hour days, 7 days a week like I do. If I worked 8 hour days, I'd be broke also. I'm only being real with you. Please don't think I'm being evil, or mean. Most people in MCA are going to quit, that's a fact. Most don't make good money, because they don't do what it takes to make good money. 

Now let's touch basis on this post ...

Motor Club of America (MCA) Also known as GWP (Get Weekly Paychecks) , aka TVC, aka 3WayCashFlow  is a SCAM and there are REAL VICTIMS!  

ME: "TVC Marketing is the parent company of Motor Club of America. TVC Marketing, who's website is TVCMATRIX.com has no affiliation with GWP (get Weekly Paychecks), 3WayCashFlow, EasyMoneyMethod, Empower Network, or any other system out their that is being used to promote Motor Club of America services."

ME: "Motor Club of America (MCA) has no affiliation with GWP (get Weekly Paychecks), 3WayCashFlow, EasyMoneyMethod, Automated Empower Network, or any other system out their that is being used to promote Motor Club of America services."

ME: I do not suggest that any one uses any of these marketing systems. It only gives the company a bad look, when their are so many marketing systems being used to promote the same company. So when people have problems and complaints with the actual marketing system, then the company gets the bad image. This is a major problem, yet the solution is stick to a professional approach. More on how to do that below... 

They are NOT a BBB accredited business, and are completely unprofessional.  Offering a product that is a total rip off, and making promises to prospective members of their pyramid that will never be kept. 

ME: Why Americans are brainwashed that being a BBB accredited business makes a business trustworthy, and an operation with class? I don't know. Fact's are, their are thousands of BBB acredited corporations that not only have scammed people, but they have thousands of complaints against them. So on that note, why does someone need to be BBB accredited? Best Buy Stores and Headquarters have thousands of complaints against them, yet people continue to do business with them. You think people are going to stop using Motor Club of America or Best Buy because of an accreditation on a website?

Here were the initial red flags:
* The company has so many names posted online and websites promising big bucks for a small investment.  Lots of AKA's means lots to hide. 

ME: I already touched on this above, the only name we are doing business as is Motor Club of America. We have no control over marketing systems outside companies make, which is their right. I personally suggest that they stay away from all marketing systems. 

* They target people who are desperate for cash

ME: So what your saying is it is a scam for people to show others who need to earn money a way to not sit around and be broke? You remind me of the people who work for a certain group in this country who were purposely put on the internet to call everything a scam that way American's would stay addicted to poverty and using Government handouts. Oh wait, you probably are one of those people. Trust me, I know about you. 

* The company posts on the internet EVERYWHERE press releases and articles saying they are not a scam, clearly manipulating the search results to bury real scam reports.  This is just suspicious altogether.

ME: UM, OK that's just redicoulous. Fact is MCA is not a scam, and the only scam going on, is the people who claim that it is with no proof. It is impossible to prove that this company is a scam, because it's 100% legit. 

* The company posts youtube videos constantly of people flashing cash.  (NOT IMPRESSED).

ME: I must say, fact is that some of the videos of people flashing money are bad, but some are good. Here's why. A lot of videos show people flashing money, but they don't actually show any proof of how they earned the money. They just claim in the video that they earned it with MCA, but that's not real proof. If they flashed money and logged into their bank account, and showed the direct deposit, then it's even more proof that the company is not a scam.

I think in this day and age where so many trained people are programmed that everything is a scam, that way they can feel good about the Government handouts, and do nothing with thier lives, we should be having more proof of income videos showing how real a company is. Flashing money or not. As long as the video show's where the actual money came from. It's far more easier to make money in this company than Coffee Companies, Weight Loss Companies, or Technology companies that want you to switch over your services to them. I won't say any names, but you know who they are. 

* The company REQUIRES in order to join their program to make money that you PAY FEES MONTHLY

ME: Absolutely not true: The company requires absolutely no money at all to become an Independent Sales Associate, but a requirement is made for you to maintain your monthly benefits. Now, how is that a crime, when at your current job (IF YOU HAVE A JOB) they take deductions from your check every week or bi-weekly for benefits? I rest my case. Now, if anyone out their is crazy enough to not pay $19.95 for all of the benefits this company gives you, and at the same time allows you to earn as much money as you want, then please, stay where your at in life. 

I will also say this. MCA does have people cancel, and the reason why they cancel is 1. They don't care about protecting themselves with great benefits for pennies a day, and 2. They have no ambition. Again, you have to work hard to earn great money, but you will earn great money faster in this opportunity than any other opportunity in this country (IN MY OPINION) I'm a living example. 

* Their website http://www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com/ is completely unprofessional, awfully designed, and just screams SCAM.

ME: I totally agree, but fact is that's NOT the companies website. That's someone in the company who has violated the rights and claims to be the official web site for the company. Now if you go to do a WHOIS database search, you will see the owner of this web site is some guy who lives in Canada. 

The greatest web site for you to check out to see how professional we are would be http://www.motorclubofamerica.com 

* The program is commission only (and again requires money down to join)
Thank God! I'm so thankful as an Independent Sales Associate that I can earn as much money as I want, and I'm not capped out at making some tiny wage per hour. So let's say that a college graduate is earning $40,000 a year before taxes. That's about $730.00 per week. Well instead of working 40 hours a week and dealing with the stress of a boss and getting to and from work, why not stay home and enroll 9 people a week into MCA? Honestly, some days I enroll more than that in 1 day. I do not want to be on an hour wage, so now your on the internet lying and saying commission based means scam? (Truly pathetic and actually your embarrassing yourself). I guess most Real Estate Agents are working under scam brokers also correct? WOW 

* MCA picked a name that is very similar to National Motor Club of America which helps them blend in, and look more reputable.  They are NOT associated with National Motor Club of America which has been in business for over 10 years.

Ok so let's get this straight, your saying that Motor Club of America took National Motor Club of America's name, and this company has been in business 10 years? Well your facts are wrong. Actually everything you have said is pretty much wrong. Fact is MCA has been in business since 1926. Here is an article from the NYtimes.com explaining about the founder and Motor Club of America. Oh yea, and your wrong. National Motor Club of America has been in business since the 1950's. So I guess it's safe to say that your wrong again. 

* MCA is NOT listed by the Better Business Bureau.  They are hidden under the name TVC Marketing.

No kidding. TVC Marketing is the parent company of MCA. I mean it's common sense. The DBA Doing Business As name is Motor Club of America. I'm quite sure with your education level, you don't even know what DBA means. 

* Motor Club of America is EXTREMELY expensive for what they are trying to sell.  AAA is much cheaper and unquestionably reputable.

OK, so let's break this down shall we. Yes, you can get other Motor Club memberships way cheaper, so if cost is your issue, then by all means, go with what's cheaper, you will get the quantity of services for that price. Yet, what happens when you run out of those 3 calls your allowed per year? Many people have older cars that break down a lot. MCA offers you Unlimited Roadside Assistance, along with many other benefits that the "BIG BOYS" do not offer you. This is a fact. No other Motor Club allows you the ease of earning money from home like MCA does. "NONE" 

With that said, MCA is $19.95 per month for all of our great benefits, if you were to refer 3 people to Motor Club of Ameica, the company will pay you $240. You could take that $240 and pay for your entire membership for 1 year. I signed up 11 people into MCA yesterday. 

I Rest My Case..........

The MCA Pyramid Scheme is definitely a RISK for anyone who gives it a shot with a very high chance for failure.  Their practices are manipulative, sneaky, and their associates will say anything to get new people.

ME: Every business in America is a Pyramid. Now the Scheme part, you have no evidence of. Your speaking lies, with no evidence. Risk? So $40 to protect yourself with benefits is a risk? $20 a month to protect yourself is a risk? The only risk is not having MCA. The risk is not having us when you may need us. I guess in your world $20 to go to the movies or entertainment is not a risk, but benefits are a risk. 



ME: I think it's great that a company has thousands of soliders online proving to the world how legit our company is. Fact is, all MCA Associates are customers because they must be a customer to be an Associate. So on that note, thanks for bringing that up. No other company in the United States has more people on the internet speaking on how great their company is. 

Great Job MCA Associates AKA Customers

They are going to rebut this claim, but DONT BUY IN!  These people are just going to rip you off.  Your going to be stuck with a MCA membership when you can get AAA for half the price. 

ME: AAA  is a great company. Bottom line is, with AAA you get half the benefits that MCA offers. With AAA you get 3 calls per year in their basic package. With MCA, you get Unlimited roadside assistance. 

Enough Said...........

One of their sharks includes this guy:
(Real name Unknown) LL Cool Harlem https://www.facebook.com/coolharlem 

ME: I do not know LL Cool Harlem personally. From the videos that I've seen him put together, he does a fine job. I think he is a great example of what Motor Club of America Independent Sales Associates should be. 

Join our program for 40 bucks! (and 20 a month to follow) and you will be rich!  Yeah right f**kers.  Even without the fee to join it still screams scam.  

That's correct, $40 will get you started. If anyone is claiming to be rich, then that's not right. Yet, you can't expect a business to control what thousands of people put out their on the internet. So absolutely not, no one should claim that you will be rich, but anything is possible with hard work. Based on the efforts I'm putting in, I will be rich in my mind, and I have that right to have the faith.  Keep in mind, your not paying to be an Independent Sales Associate, your paying for your benefits your covered with. In my opinion, our benefits are worth $50 a month easily. It is a requirement of you to maintain your benefits to be blessed with the opportunity to earn money with the company. Yes in my opinion, this is a blessing. 

These shady business practices are likely illegal.  Steer clear and people beware!

ME: Motor Club of America has been in business since 1926. For more information, please read this information. http://motorclubofamerica.com/about/our-story/ 

Bottom line is, if we have been in business that long, and we are Illegal, then maybe you need to go to another country, because your GOV clearly doesn't care. 

If you want to make money - GET A REAL JOB.

ME: Getting a real job in America these days takes a lot of luck,  which most don't have. Yes, you can pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for education and go in debt for years, but with the internet and technology being the way it is, why do that? Why not just believe in yourself and work hard? This country is built on Sales. Id rather work on Commission than having someone limit how much I can make based on what position is available. It's your life, it's your decision. 

My decision is made, MCA until I take my last breath. By 2014 I expect to be earning $500,000.00 per year. I believe it's possiblel, because I believe in me. Will you make that after being in a company 2 years, maybe, maybe not, but if you work 7 days a week like me, and work the hours I do, anything is possible. I know people with Master Degrees that only make $30,000 a year. The world is changing, either jump onboard to Self Wealth, or not. I have always lived my life that I will take control of my life and even with no high school diploma, college degree, or masters degree, I make more money in month, than millions of people do in 6 months. No one makes you work a job, that's what you were programmed to do. It's your decision.

If you have any questions, you can contact me.

Thank You,

Office: 1-800-796-7710 ext. 2
web: www.motorclubofamerica.com
Twitter: @RodneyWalkerMCA

By the way, for those of you that think I'm not being honest about my income, all you have to do is watch this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh7Q0T1gEXo

Report Attachments


New Jersey,
United States of America
Facts vs Fiction

#87Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2013

The author has associated individual views with company views. The differences in the many names used is only because once you join you become and individual rep and are legally allowed to represent the company. But with so many others the only way to promote our individualities us to use unique names. My company name is POTENTIAL MCA but by no means am I saying that this is the official company name. If anyone wants to go to the official site MCA is under its parent company which is TvC-MATRIX and that is the only official website to get direct MCA info. All other sites including mines are representing the products and services of MCA. And anyone who wants to see some real info or get questions answered directly can contact me at http://www.kenzellcozart.com I welcome the opportunity to clarify all questions and if we are within 50 miles of each other I'm willing to meet face to face to answer any and all questions.


Motor Club Of America

#88REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 24, 2013

I know you are doing your research on MCA, Don't Join Motor Club Of America until you call me.

I have all the Info you need about this business.

You are going to Love Me :-)

Have a bless day  


My name Is Tyrell

click on my link below 



United States of America
Oh Ernie! :D

#89General Comment

Thu, January 17, 2013

Cynthia Bellezza is right and you are wrong, dear.  AAA (basic plan) tows only up to three miles back to a AAA destination.  Basic MCA tows up to 100.

Do YOUR due diligence before you cast that big ol' stone, love. :D


United States of America
MCA aka Motor Club Of America

#90UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 09, 2013

Hello , I've Started With MCA in Oct and I was Told that I would pay 40$ for a membership that is similar to AAA, and that if I refer new members the company will pay me a reward commission. Now this is voluntary the 80$ commission is a bonus to having a affiliation with something. Two days after getting my MCA membership I locked my keys in my car. I called the Road Assistance Number and they Sent LockSmith out to me in about a hour. I'm grateful for having signed up for it when I did. Also the next week I referred 3 people to the membership as well and earned 240$ which came in handy because My job had cut my hours big time and I had so many bills to pay. I understand that many people do not understand what a referral program is but a lot of programs/memberships have them.

1) It's cheaper to use word of mouth advertising to bring in more business

2) I pay 700$/month for rent at my Apartment Complex, The management says if we refer a new resident we can earn 200$ If I wanted to put my energy into referring multiple residents I could make a living but it's my choice just like with MCA.

3)I am also a member with Anytime Fitness they also have a referral program in place , for every new member you get two months free so with that in mind I could refer 6 members and get a whole year free. I hope you guys are catching on to why companies put and incentive on to members to refer members.    Just because you can make money DOES not mean it is a pyramid scheme.
And AAA has its perks and so does MCA no need to keep comparing the two like one difference makes it not worth it to be apart of the other.

I listen to reason but it has to make sense. Justin and others go out of there way to make scam claims but people have to find a way to succeed in a world that is changing. There are plenty scams out here, but paying someone for word of mouth advertising is no SCAM. MCA carries a service and pays all Associates who refer. It's Unfortunate that some people are not motivated enough to stay with a membership long enough to see results but I've been in 3 months and made 3,000 from a 240$/year membership AAA does not give you that opportunity... With out MCA I would have been Evicted because my Job decided they where over labor hours and needed to cut me down from 5 days to 1 day.. Thanks for reading this I support businesses like this that give people a chance. No one think they will get rich over night but you can make good money 80$ at a time... I have and so have many others.

Report Attachments


New Jersey,
United States of America
Facts about MCA that can be proved

#91Consumer Comment

Mon, January 07, 2013

first iI will start with your first lie, it is very simple to contact them if you know how to read, People it is ok for someone to keep you informed but this post is bias and based on nothing but lies, You pay more for the benefits because you get more, I have used several of their services and I have not had one problem. I am not here to bash aaa either because I have both services but I will say I will not be renewing aaa because mca gives you better bang for your buck and below is the info that the author claims you can find which is right on there  official website which is http://www.tvcmatrix.com and none of the others he posted,

The other sites are from independent reps who are trying to market their own links to make money with the company. anyone wants some real facts please check your own resources and don't take his word or mines. I know after you do an unbiased search and fact finding that mine point of view will be vindicated and his wont have a leg to stand on, Also if you notice no post are in disagreement with him. Don't that seem weird, and its because he deletes them if it does not have his side, And anyone who wants to contact me for real info please feel free to do so at 609-372-3174 or [email protected]  

This info was taken directly from the tvc only site.

You may contact us several different ways:

    Motor Club of America: You may call our toll free number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
    TVC Pro-Driver: You may call our toll free number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
    You may send us an e-mail at
    [email protected]
    Our fax number is 1-405-607-2500
    Our mailing address is:
    TVC Matrix
    3200 W. Wilshire Blvd
    OKC, OK 73116


United States of America
Your report is TOTALLY misinformed

#92UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 24, 2012

Its really sad that it's so easy to spread misinformation online nowadays. You are totally misinformed about MCA & TVC and direct sales for that matter. Firstly there are not a lot of aka's, TVC Marketing is a Marketing firm that acquired MCA recently, MCA has been in business since 1926. Get Weekly Paychecks is not directly affiliated it is a 3rd pard marketing system that some independent associates use to help them market. No MCA is not BBB accredited but they do have a great rating, everyone knows you have to pay for BBB accreditation, al quaeda and the kkk are both accredited. You say the product is a rip off with no proof, how this report was allows to go live is crazy to me, the product is 150k in benefits, a lot more than AAA for that matter, including unlimited yearly sign an go towing, and you also state members will be stuck with MCA. How? There's no contractual obligation and you have 72 hours to get a refund, and you can cancel at anytime.

You claim mcamotorclubofamerica.com is the official site, um wrong, that is a site run by an independent rep. Yoy make the flat out lie that it is a pyramid scheme, do you even know what a pyramid scheme is...nevermind I won't get in to that, but a pyramid scheme has NO ACTUAL PRODUCT, just people recruiting others with the person at the top making the most. MCA is a great company with a DIRECT SALES program through TVC. You claim reps target people desperate for money, um ok why not because most reps when they stumbled upon MCA where looking for a better way to make money whole being there own boss and now they're making very good money working for themselves. This isn't a get rich quick scheme you get in what you put in based on effort, there are reps making $500-$7000/week, and there are reps who have made no money but love the benefits. No one pays to be an associate you pay for MCA benefits 19.95/m so where is the risk again? And yes its commission based its DIRECT SALES, you are an IBO working for your self you receive $80/referral is my great aunt who does direct sales with Avon for much less involved in a pyramid as well? Please do your research next time before posting slander.


United States of America

#93General Comment

Tue, December 18, 2012

Where did you get the bad info on AAA? 3 miles? That's absurd, wake up from your ponzi scheme and check the Internet so that you see that AAA premiere package tows up to 100miles, and you receive up to 4. If your vehicle is that crappy where it requires unlimited tows then maybe you should take that $20 a month and put it towards a new car. $80 for a year, compared to an $240 of unnecessary fluff that a pyramid scheme (as clear as day) is attached to. Very few get rich off of such fairy tales, but if you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything.


United States of America
GWP Monthly Fees

#94Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 15, 2012

I am considering signing up for the GWP program, but always check this site before I do to make sure I have all the information. So at the moment, this is a completely unbiased review. I am not surprised that GWP charges you a $20/month member fee (that it looks like you can decline if you choose). My wife sells green cleaning products through a company called Norwex which charges her a monthly fee as well. Like people have said, this is a business opportunity which does require some sort of investment even if it is relatively small (my wife has to pay $7.99/month to remain eligible to sell the products). If she has at least one "party" in a month, it pays her at least 3x that amount (and usually much more) depending on what people order. Like I said, I don't (as of yet) have any stake in GWP or MCA for that matter. I have tried other "biz ops" however and those WERE a ripoff like Pre-Paid Legal, charging people to attend a meeting AND charging them to get materials at the same meeting they paid to get into IS a ripoff. You could spend more in meeting/suppy fees in one night than a whole month worth of MCA service. So, I'm holding out hope and doing a little more research, hoping this really IS what it claims to be. I just think slamming a company that you pay a monthly fee for isn't a reason to call it a scam. I'm sure GWP has some costs to cover afterall.



#95UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 13, 2012

  Motor Club of America (MCA) is an 86 year-old company. It is a full service roadside service and assistance provider, available in the US and Canada. Everyone has heard of AAA, and it is a reputable company, no doubt. But AAA does not offer compensation for bringing in new clients. MCA recognized the power of the Internet and developed a marketing and compensation plan that is outstanding. There are also overrides and other benefits you will enjoy as an associate. Plus, if nothing else, you have the benefits of the plan for yourself. 

The start up cost of this unique work-at-home program is $39.90 and then $19.95 per month to continue your base membership and associate/affiliate status. BUT, you receive $80 for each new client you bring in. In the ad listing I quoted $20,000 - $40,000 as the salary. That was only because I had to put something in the square. Actually, you can make more a lot more, or you may not make the quoted salary. Some folks are making $500 - $2000 per week. But, the potential is there and how you follow up determines how much you earn. I know there a lot of scams and pie-in-sky programs out there, but this one deserves a close review. If you have any understanding of Internet marketing, you know affiliate marketing programs are available EVERYWHERE. Many companies are realizing the advantage and profit potential of using independent agents to promote their services or goods. It is a win-win for both the vendor and the affiliate. For this reason MCA has developed this marketing program in association with TVC Matrix. You call TVC directly and talk to live agents who will provide you information and details about both the service and the affiliate marketing program. Because the program is expanding so rapidly I will tell you that you may be on hold for a several minute as you move up through the queue.

When you think about all the millions of cars on the road, and the fact that every one them could break down at any time, it is easy to think that the security and peace-of-mind for this inexpensive assistance plan is well worth the money. There is a whole list of other benefits to the MCA program and you can see them all when you review the plan details. 

I urge you to review the plan and then contact me if you require further information and details.

All you have to do is go to: http://www.checkmca.com or contact me. My name is Tyrell and I will do all I can to help you understand the program and its benefits. I am in the Pacific Time Zone, but you can leave a message anytime 24/7/365 and I will be back to you as soon as possible. Also check out my youtube just click the link below

http://youtu.be/Yjz4w7DRwG0 and enjoy

Report Attachments


MCA is the real deal!!!

#96General Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

The information contained in this report is exaggerated and incorrect. 

Associates of Motor Club of America are considered Independent Representatives. If you did not make any money with MCA it is not because of the product/service. You simply didn't know what you were doing. Too many people who are "desperate for money" join online businesses with dollar signs in their eyes. They just want to make money. If people would take the time to read the information in their back office they would know that income in MCA is NOT guaranteed and your results are based on your efforts.

MCA offer similar services as AAA so I really don't understand how MCA is scam. I get access to my benefits when I need them. MCA has never declined any of my claims. AAA does not give you the ability to market their service and earn a commission so yes, I would expect MCA to cost a bit more. Also, there are a few services the MCA offers that AAA does not. Let me know when AAA sends you a $500 check for an emergency room visit.

I would not consider a rating with the BBB a sign of credibility. The BBB has given an A+ rating to HAMAS (a terrorist group). All you have to do is pay for the membership with BBB. 

Independent reps have created self replicated websites (with their own domain names) for their MCA businesses. The official name of the company is located on the website. The website mentioned in the report is NOT the official website of MCA.

MCA does not go out and post articles, classified ads, etc. on the internet. Independent Representatives are posting these items to advertise their business. It is called marketing.

The company does not require you to pay a monthly fee in order to make money with them. If you want access to the benefits you have to pay for them like everyone else but you can join MCA and promote the business WITHOUT access to the benefits for zero cost. Again, this information is available in the back office of the website (if people would just read).

The report mentions if you want to make money go get a "real job". There are 23 million Americans out of work (as of December, 2012). Please let me know how that "real job" is working out for you. 


MCA is the real deal!!!

#97Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

The information contained in this report is exaggerated and incorrect. 

Associates of Motor Club of America are considered Independent Representatives. If you did not make any money with MCA it is not because of the product/service. You simply didn't know what you were doing. Too many people who are "desperate for money" join online businesses with dollar signs in their eyes. They just want to make money. If people would take the time to read the information in their back office they would know that income in MCA is NOT guaranteed and your results are based on your efforts.

MCA offer similar services as AAA so I really don't understand how MCA is scam. I get access to my benefits when I need them. MCA has never declined any of my claims. AAA does not give you the ability to market their service and earn a commission so yes, I would expect MCA to cost a bit more. Also, there are a few services the MCA offers that AAA does not. Let me know when AAA sends you a $500 check for an emergency room visit.

I would not consider a rating with the BBB a sign of credibility. The BBB has given an A+ rating to HAMAS (a terrorist group). All you have to do is pay for the membership with BBB. 

Independent reps have created self replicated websites (with their own domain names) for their MCA businesses. The official name of the company is located on the website. The website mentioned in the report is NOT the official website of MCA.

MCA does not go out and post articles, classified ads, etc. on the internet. Independent Representatives are posting these items to advertise their business. It is called marketing.

The company does not require you to pay a monthly fee in order to make money with them. If you want access to the benefits you have to pay for them like everyone else but you can join MCA and promote the business WITHOUT access to the benefits for zero cost. Again, this information is available in the back office of the website (if people would just read).

I started in MCA as a customer (May, 2012). I liked the benefits they offered so I decided to become an Associate to share this opportunity with others.

The report mentions if you want to make money go get a "real job". There are 23 million Americans out of work (as of December, 2012). Please let me know how that "real job" is working out for you. 


United States of America
I have used MCA's benefits

#98Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

Let me start off by saying that I have not made one cent with MCA but maybe one day I will :( It is hard to push the benefits even though they are necessary I HAVE however used them as a member. Again, I have not made any money off of MCA, I am merely a consumer. When I called in after locking my keys out of my car, the representative was so friendly and professional.. I wont lie I did wait about two hours but that wasn't the fault of MCA apparently the tow company was busy. As far as more expensive than AAA, keep in mind that AAA only tows up to three miles for free with a cap on your twos whereas MCA tows for 100 miles for free and you get those benefits unlimited.. they are good to compare however MCA offers a tad more.

David Liciaga

United States of America
MCA is not a Scam.

#99Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

I've read through your entire rip off report.  There are some issues with your complaint as you have confused multiple companies:

TVC Marketing is the parent company of MCA (Motor Club of America).

GWP (Get Weekly Paychecks) is a marketing system created by a 3rd party, and thus MCA cannot be held responsible for their actions, words or videos.  The same is true for 3WayCashFlow.

You are right that they are not accredited with BBB, but there are several companies that are not.  And the company itself has never promoted big bucks from a small investment.  The company has publicly released their payment schedule for affiliates.

TVC Marketing handles the complete payment process for MCA affiliates, and TVC itself has been providing legal benefits, amongst others, for the truck driving community for decades.

The is no fee to join TVC Marketing's affiliate program.  Many of the affiliates who are involved have provided misinformation, but this represents that lack of individual education and not the company's policies.  The start up costs you reference (the $40) pay for a membership to the automotive club and has no bearing on you as an affiliate.  Affiliates have always been able to sign up for free, and can continue to sign up for free.

Because your premise was built upon misinformation, the remainder of your argument is mute.

You are correct that they are not associated with the National Motor Club who has been in business for 10 years......MCA has been in business since 1926, and thus has lived out multiple recessions.  Their exponential growth as a company in recent months is due to the acquisition by TVC.

MCA is not expensive in comparison as they have benefits that AAA does not have, including (but not limited to):
-Unlimited towing (100 miles per tow)
-Unlimited lock out service (AAA only provides 1 instance)
-$25,000 Bail Bond Protection (AAA doesn't provide this)
-$54,750 Hospital Confinement Policy (AAA doesn't provide this)
-$60,000 Accidental Death Benefit (AAA doesn't provide this)
-$500 ER Injury Benefit (AAA doesn't provide this)

MCA is the furthest thing from a pyramid scheme.  In order to be a pyramid, you need to charge your associates to sell, which AAA does not.  You are correct in saying that most of the information that has been posted has been from MCA members & associates; this is because the members and associates are happy with the service.

And there is no way that you can take a single un-monitored associate and hail him as the voice of the company.

I'm sorry but your argument is based off of false information and is quite slanderous considering 90% of it is untrue.

MCA is a roadside assistance company with better benefits that AAA, which is why it costs more.  They have been in business for close to 90 years, and that is testament to their management and security.

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