  • Report:  #92374

Complaint Review: MSI--Merchant Services Inc. ; CIT Lease Finance Group - Painview New York

Reported By:
- Cottonwood, California,

MSI--Merchant Services Inc. ; CIT Lease Finance Group
51 E Bethpage Rd Painview, 11803 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here is how it all started: Micheal Brownlee, a rep for MSI, caming waltzing into my store asking if I had a charge machine. Of course, he ignored my no soloisters sign. My first response was no and I don't want one. He had to ask why and I explained I had already had a bad experience and didn't want one. I didn't even have a phone in my store for a hook up, I used my cell phone.

He said I could take the machine home and do it there. With Christmas coming it was the perfect time to try it out as he told me it was just a rent "month by month" service and if I found I didn't use it that much I could cancel at any time. He also told me that the charges would be enter into my checking account as soon as they were entered.

I asked again to be sure, that it was a month to month service and that I could cancel at any time. He assured me that's how it work's. The only paper I signed was pink and had MSI, Merchant application on the top. He got info needed and I signed.

Nothing was ever mention about CIT, and at that point never even knew of such a company. The first charge I did never appeared, and finially I called the Rep Micheal Brownlee, and told him. Within hours the charge finially show up in my account. Three months later, I had made about 3 charges total, I decided using the machine was not a profitable thing and called the rep to cancel my services and to come pick up the machine. The following month, I still received a charge for the machine from my account. I tried the call to rep, who by know had totally disappeared. Another store down the road from me incountered the same Micheal Brownlee with the same story. I put to stop payment on the auto payment.

Then all of the sudden I got a phone call from someone for CIT leasing company. I said, Who?, they explained who they were, I said, I don't have anything with you, I went through MSI. They began calling me at least 5 times a day, each time I said I never signed anything with you. Finially, I asked for a copy of the contract they had. It was sent to me. To my surprise, a CIT contract with big dark letter across the top, NON CANCELLABLE LEASE. It was filled out by someone else, with a look alike signature, and a witness signature that you can't read. The rest of the print on the contract I had to use a magnifing glass with my glasses on.

The person down the road from me report her case to the police dept. and DA of our county. I also filled a report. This is definitely consumer fraud. I never has asked or even know I was applying for a lease! And if I had seen such a title on anything I had to sign, it would have never happened. I was totally deceived, lied to, and RIPPED OFF!

They can report me, threaten me, and hopefully bring me to court, and I'll become the winner! That will have to be in California, my county court. So bring it on. Don't take their calls, hang up. I already told them to report me, but they keep calling like it's going to make a difference. I'm not paying one dime more. It's become a game now, what a bust, they need all that fraudulent money to pay operators and phone bills.

Report your cases to the better business bureau, DA, police, anyone interested in companies that make a living of RIPPING PEOPLE OFF who really do work for a living.


Cottonwood, California

2 Updates & Rebuttals


How It Ended

#2Author of original report

Mon, April 07, 2008

Well I guess the Lease Finance Group got the last stab. They did file a Credit Report as a lost debt. How, they lose I really don't know since the actual machine can be purchased for less than $100. In my opinion IRREVOCABLE LEASES should be OUTLAWED. However, I recently refinanced my home. I showed the Financing Company all the correspondence I had with this company, plus the many RipOff Reports, and she had a great laugh and I got my loan at a very low interest rate. Here is what I have been telling others: I have been making this suggestion to many other people being RippedOff by CIT & Independent Reps. So far, I have received no additional calls since I did this plus told CIT that this was FRAUD & FORGERY. But who knows???? So check this out>>>> You may want to send a complaint to FTC (Federal Trade Commission). I did and received a response saying they dont do individual cases. However, if they log enough complaints, they will start an investigation and possibly legal action. So here is the link: https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01 to the FTC complaint forms. Ive told many people about it, so you may want to do the same. Make sure you give specific examples or even let them know you have documentation of deceptive or misleading information. Please remember if things werent CLEARLY disclosed at time of sale, this may be FRAUD in most states Also, you may want to file with your State Attorney General. I havent given up, but it does take a while for the squeaky wheel to be heard. As far as CIT, here is their main site: http://www.cit.com/main/default.htm . Also, within this site, I found e-mails and have sent copies of my rip-off report, including a copy of all the complaints listed under Lease Finance Group in the Rip-Off site. Here are some e-mail addresses, you may want to send your concerns to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Just to let them know how you feel about their fraudulent relationships with Independent Sales Representatives. I did get the Rip-Off Report Do-It-Yourself Guide and it did have some good steps to follow. However, it was a little lacking in the cyberspace rip-offs. Ive been paralleling the thoughts or ideas in this Guide to try to apply them to the internet. For example, instead of sending faxes, send e-mails. So every web site I am interested in, I look for e-mails and make up a group listing & start bombarding them with e-mails and include my rip-off report, plus any other rip-off concerns. I hope this helps. Thanks, G for California


CIT Lease Finance Group & MSI Merchant Services, Inc.

#3Author of original report

Mon, June 28, 2004

Since I wrote this report, I have written letters to the companies, CIT & MSI and I am still getting daily phone calls from CIT. Plus CIT said the Representative from MSI was not associated with them. How strange..since his name appears on the Forged CIT document. I have reported this incident to the FTC. They did respond and said, even though they don't cover individual cases, they will log this incident. If enough complaints are made, they will start investigating & even take it to the courts. So help out and send your rip-off report to them. Try to emphasize how you were tricked, or how the Representative used false tactics. The site to log your complaint is: https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01 For those who where ripped off by MSI here is a site to get e-mail addresses: http://www.merchantservices.com/support.htm I would advise sending letters to everyone at this site, demanding you get your $$$$'s back & let them know how you were deceived.. Do it daily. Make a group mailing of all the e-mails to save time (Hopefully, this can have the same effect a faxes) Also, please send me any suspicious documentation at [DELETED] I also got the rip-off report-Do-It-Yourself Guide. There were a lot of good ideas, but it was a little lacking on how to handle the every growing rip-offs on the internet. I hope they might have an update or share successes of people who have been ripped off on the internet Thanks,

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