  • Report:  #323855

Complaint Review: MURPHY STEAM TRUCKS - WAYNE MURPHY - Edson Alberta

Reported By:

4813 4th Avenue (2 Floor) Edson, T7E 1T9 Alberta, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
WAYNE MURPHY is a person with whom no company or person should do business. Wayne Murphy owns companies that no person should consider working for. Some of them are:

1) Murphy Steam Trucks Ltd

2) Murphy Industrial Oilfield Inc.

3) Brooklyn Oilfield Services Ltd.

4) Murphy Mats Ltd (Oilfield Rig Mats)

5) Lobo Music Corporation

6) ispyalberta.com

7) Alberta Business Directory

8) yellowhead.com


Wayne Murphy is nothing but a garden variety con-artist and slickster whose life revolves around ripping off his customers and his employees. In addition to ripping off his employees he routinely places their lives in danger by refusing to provide safety equipment as required.

Wayne Murphy owns many little companies and uses them in a shell-game at his convienience to avoid paying bills to both his suppliers and his employees. In addition to routine theft and fraud Wayne Murphy cannot be trusted to tell the truth for a second. If you enter into an agreement with Wayne Murphy you can count on having to chase Wayne Murphy with collection agencies and Law Courts in order to collect what you are owed. Even with court orders Wayne Murphy hides behind and moves quickly from one company to another. If you are a person or company seeking a service or product and you encounter Wayne Murphy don't walk away...run like hell!!!!

If you are an oilfield consultant or engineer doing business in the Alberta Oilpatch do not contract the services of any of the companies listed above. Wayne Murphy instructs his drivers and operators to overbill contractors as much "extra time" as they can. Wayne Murphy and his company Murphy Industrial Oilfield and Murphy Steam Trucks have ripped off some of the largest companies in the Alberta oilpatch such as Encana, Talisman, BP, Imperial Esso(Cold Lake). If, for example, you require water or frac-fluids to be hauled to your drilling/service rig you can be sure that you will be overcharged at least 2 hours on every invoice. Wayne Murphy regularly instructs his employees to lie about road conditions, travel time etc etc and use that as an excuse to add fraudulent hours to the time-tickets.

An example of overbilling that Wayne Murphy regularly uses is "clean-out" time or "flush" time. Wayne Murphy knows that there is little way of tracking how long one of his trucks has been at a clean-out facility such as NewAlta or C.C.S. Wayne Murphy will regularly claim that his trucks were at the facility for 1.5 to 3 hours when in reality the unit was only there for 20 minutes.

Even more serious is the complete disregard Wayne Murphy and his partner, Barry Berrgren, show for the environmental regulations of the oil companies they work for. Rather than spending money on installing "heat-tracing" on their trailers valves and sumps so the fluid won't freeze, they simply instruct their drivers to dump any remaining fluid on the contractors oil-leases. This incredible stupidity places their customers in positions of severe liability as federal and provincial inspectors could fine the prime contractors millions of dollars for spills.

Prime contractors should be very concerned about the training Wayne Murphy's employees have received as this places them in a position of tremendous liability in relation to Canadian Law (Federal Bill C-45). At Wayne Murphy's main yard (12 km east of Edson, Alberta, Hwy 16, south side of hwy near Wolf Creek) his employees can be seen working at over-heights with no fall protection and using extreme high pressure water with no safety glasses.

Hours of Service Regulations (log books) are a joke to Wayne Murphy and he insists his drivers routinely drive in excess of 24 to 36 hours straight. In addition Wayne Murphy will insist that the drivers falsify log books. This poses a severe hazard to workers on oil leases in close proximity to Wayne Murphy's trucks (Brooklyn Oilfield Services, Murphy Steam Trucks,

Wayne Murphy routinely does not properly train his employees nor provide them with the proper required safety equipment. If any employee objects Wayne Murphy becomes extremely vicious and vindictive, threatening the employee with the withholding of wages etc. If the employee persists Wayne Murphy then embarks on a harassment and intimidation campaign.

If the employee finally quits because of the threat to his or her life and safety or because he or she refuses to commit acts of fraud Wayne Murphy will not pay any outstanding wages owed. Once the person attempts to collect wages owed Wayne Murphy begins to manipulate the hours owed. For example: Wayne Murphy will claim some hours were "training hours" paid at half-rate, he will completely deny other hours. This will continue until the amount owed is a fraction of the true amount owed.

Once the employee attempts to collect wages owed there is no level to low for Wayne Murphy to sink to. Wayne Murphy considers himself somewhat of a legal expert and will begin a campaign of terror and intimidation threatening to sue the employee and seize his or her assets and wages. For the average employee this can be frightening but it gives the results Wayne Murphy wants: non-payment of wages owed. In the alternative if an employee is able to fight back Wayne Murphy immediately runs to the police and fabricates wild stories about the former employee, again a campaign of terror and intimidation. Wayne Murphy is nothing less than extremely vicious and vindictive who will stoop at nothing to achieve his own ends and desires.

One of the scams Wayne Murphy was running to the detriment of young hopeful musicians was "Lobo Music Corp". Wayne Murphy represented himself as the President of an "Independent Record Label with a bright future that was well connected in Nashville". Wayne Murphy would take large cash advances for "record contracts" and then fail to produce anything. If the musician asked for a refund Wayne Murphy would dream up every excuse not to pay, claiming false expenses and fees. Some of the record producers in Nashville like Lonnie Ratliff and Jim Pierce who have been in Nashville for decades have never heard of Wayne Murphy. Wayne Murphy use slick talk to steal from young musicians. He is nothing less than a thief and a con artist.

Another example of Wayne Murphy's disregard for safety was the renovations he was doing on a piece of property he owned in Edson,Alberta. (414 50st). Wayne Murphy refused to take out a development permit and was told by the Town of Edson to cease construction. The construction also posed a serious threat of fire to tenants that resided in the upper portion of the building. Wayne Murphy had a fit of temper and showed complete disregard for both safe construction and the safety of his tenants. He was finally forced to cease construction with a court order.

There are hundreds of people who paid fees to be listed with "ispyalberta.com" and the Alberta Business Directory. Again this was little more than a scam, a well organized ripoff.






6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2010

Wayne Murphy is a pillar of our community.  I have known Wayne Murphy since 1992.  Wayne Murphy is an excellent business man who treats his customers and employees superbly.  Wayne Murphy coached monor hockey in Edson Alberta for over a decade, including my son.  It is because of Wayne Murphy and his connections in the music world that our little town was able to have musicians like Valdy and the Johner Brothers perform at the Yeollowhead music festival. Wayne Murphy was the leading supporter and organizer of the Yellowhead music festival.  Wayne Murphy and his companies support every organization in Edson.

Everyone in our little town knows the story about the guy who worked for him for one day.  The guy above is not his real name, but he has done the same thing to several bussinesses trying to make a buck by getting a payout.  This guy is an idiot.

Wayne, keep doing what you are doing, our town needs more people like you and we with this other idiot would leave and haunt some other town.


Nova Scotia,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 17, 2009

I worked for murphy steam trucks for some time and have to say that during my time with the company wayne murphy cared greatly for my safety always suplied all the proper P.P.E. required for me to perform my job in a safe maner and also paid for me to take the following safety coarses -H2S Alive -Confined Space Entry -Transportation of Dangerous Goods -First Aid/CPR -Whimis also i was never once asked to make fraudulent charges in the means of extra labour cost to any customer of the company nore did i ever have any troubles collecting my pay all in all i enjoyed the time i spent working with this company and only left becuase i returned home to nova scotia

Christine Urlacher

I Must Apologize to Mr. Murphy - *Payments made in a Timely Manner*

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 20, 2009

Upon receiving a call from Mr. Murphy on March 20, 2009 regarding my statement that was posted on July 9, 2008, I would like to apolgize for this. Upon going back to my invoices and bank statements, Mr. Murphy is completely paid in full with Hinton Oil & Gas. I feel that my statements were not negative and I was not associated with the fellow with whom defaced Mr. Murphy's reputation. Again, I apologize for any inconvience this might have caused. Regards, Christine

Christine Urlacher

Payments made in TIMELY MANNER??

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 10, 2008

As a contractor that was hired on by Murphy Industrial, I would like to comment on Mr. Murphy's statement saying that all his employees/contractors were paid in a timely manner... Is 6 - 7 months waiting to get paid a timely manner? And when payments are made, they are only small portions of the invoices. The agreement was made that invoices would be paid in 60 days from date of invoice. If Mr. Murphy would like to take this matter up with me, he can contact me. Regards, Christine U. Hinton Oil & Gas Services Inc.


Complete Falsehoods

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 08, 2008

I would like to respond to the outlandish and offensive accusations of this individual in regards to the report he has filed with this site. The accuracy of this individual's information is so far from the truth it is incredible and questions the very reality that he lives in. One would think that he might get his facts straight before he goes shooting off his mouth or keyboard, in this case. First off most of the "supposed" companies are not and have never been companies. Two are only domain names, one of which is owned by a businessman who doesn't even live in Edson while 2 of the others have never even been companies. The rest are or were upstanding, legitimate companies. Secondly, I have first hand knowledge of the antics this fellow has pulled and the lies that he fabricates, which 99.999% of his report is. The only truth in his report is the company name, Murphy Industrial Oilfield, which this individual never even worked for. It boggles my mind how someone, who only worked for a company for 1 day, has so many accusations and "supposed" knowledge of how these legitimate businesses operate. As for the nonsense about not being paid wages I would like to comment on that as well. I have worked for these companies for 8 years and not once has there been an employee that has not been paid their wages for the time they have worked. This guy was paid his full wages, according to the business policy of the company, despite the fact that he never handed in a time card, drivers log sheet or client invoice for that 1 day and despite the fact that he quit on the spot at the end of the day without explanation or notice. It seems to me that this individual either does not have the capability of holding down a full time job or he gets his kicks out of working for companies for a day and then reeking havoc by spreading malicious lies and accusations about them. The word about town is that, apparently, he has done this before to other upstanding companies. Another insight into this individual is the fact that he doesn't even have the guts to use his real name which would and should suggest to anyone that reads his report that it is without fact. If all of his accusations are truths why hide behind a false name???? In closing I would like to reiterate that all of this individuals' "supposed" truths are, in fact, lies and misrepresentations and I concur with Mr. Murphy's statement "If every company you've ever worked for are assholes, thieves, liars and con artists..... it's time to look in the mirror."

Wayne Murphy


#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 22, 2008

Frankly, I hate to respond to this article as it adds credibility to this site which in itself permits psychotic mentally unstable individuals to post wildly inaccurate and totally fabricated lies and statements to the detriment of Companies and indivuals that have had an impeccable business career in a community they have supported for nearly a quarter of a century. The individual that posted these fabricated and malicious lies doesn't even have the balls to post his real name and goes under the alias of Allen James. Wayne Murphy is currently taking legal action against the individual in question for slander and liable. After reporting this to the RCMP on numerous occasions it has been determined that this is a civil matter and that there is nothing the authorities can do about this wacko. Unfortunately due to the freedom of information act I can not release the name of the individual because he worked for an associated Company for 1 day. However there are issues below that need to be addressed. The individual that posted this report is mentally a small man. Having had a totally unsuccessful life and after a complete and full breakdown with essentially everyone in his personal and business life he now moves from business to business in the Edson area working 1 day here and there for various Companies and then reeking havoc on them by reporting them to Alberta Environment, EUB, Commissioner of Privacy, Labour Board, RCMP and any other organization that may listen to him. Our discussions with most of the authorities regarding his allegations have been quickly wrapped up as he is known to them. One of them Government Agencies employees referred to him as a crackpot that they have dealt with since 2005, but given a complaint they were compelled to follow it up. The complaint interview lasted less that 5 minute. No one is quite sure what motivates this guy, as he doesn't ask for money and simply lives in an underworld of deceit lies and confrontation. How he make money no one knows, but he runs around Edson, Alberta on his bicycle (his only mode of transportation) carrying his knapsack (which appears to represent his belongings). So here are the facts: There is no such company (and never has been) as Murphy Steam Trucks Ltd. There is no such company (and never has been) as Murphy Mats Ltd. There is no such company (and never has been) as ISpyAlberta.com although it was a website name for Alberta Business Directory Inc. Yellowhead.com is a domain name owned by 2 Edson Business Men (I believe) who have nothing to do with Wayne Murphy's Businesses and visa versa Wayne Murphy and his companies have paid every employee who has ever worked for them in a timely manner in accordance with the cut-off policies set up at the time of hiring. Each employee is responsible to hand in time tickets, log books and client invoices on a daily basis. Interestingly enough the wacko that made this complaint refused to hand in any of the information. Immediately after working for his one day upon which he took a temper tantrum because they did not provide him with a vehicle to drive to and from work, he started a campaign of terror against Brooklyn Oilfield Service Inc. (the company he worked for) as well as all associated companies including Murphy Industrial Oilfield Inc. (which he has nothing to do with), Don Simmons Trucking (which he has nothing to do with) and Octane Oilfield Services (again a Company which he has nothing to do with). He faxed demands, letters threats at all hours of the day and night to every known fax number including the homes of various shareholders in the middle of the night. Most of his work is done in the dark hours, which no doubt is a reflection of his personality. He phoned the homes of various shareholders and employees in the middle of the night to wake them up, and phoned one shareholders wife saying that he knew where they lived and then provided the exact address of the shareholders. Once again the RCMP was contacted as there may be a real threat from this mentally unstable individual. In the big scheme of life this guy is essentially insignificant and more of a pain in the a*s then anything. He is useless as a person, a drain on society. A loner without friends and everyone ignores him. He is craving attention by living in his make believe world of "we are not really sure what". Even the authorities are done listening to this wacko and it would be a waste of my time to go any further in rebuttal of his comments since they are essentially all lies and misrepresentations. ANYONE WISHING TO DO BUSINESS WITH BROOKLYN OILFIELD SERVICES INC., OR MURPHY INDUSTRIAL OILFIELD INC., PLEASE CONTACT US AT (780) 723-5800 AND WE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A LIST OF VERY SATISFIED CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS. My final advice to this wacko. "If every Company you ever worked for are assholes and thieves and liars and con artists ......... it's time to look in the mirror."

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