  • Report:  #1224045

Complaint Review: MV Commodities - Internet

Reported By:
Bilal M - London, Alabama, United Kingdom

MV Commodities
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 I was offered a job working for Kodzo Michael Massenya at MV Commodities in May 2013 within a commodities broking role for the company.

During my first few months with the company, Mr Massenya had asked me to complete a business plan for a coltan mine in the Bomabli district of sierra leone, which MV owne the lease and right for. Lease and rights were based on ten year ownership.

Massenya stated how he had 1 million USD, and required a further 200k in order to finalise the purchase of ufrther mining equipment for the project development. I asked him if he prefered institutional or private investors as I was helpng put this together, to which he insisted n private investors.

I had made the suggestion of investing some of my family funds, £200,000 to be specific, into this mining operation in order to secure a ssafe financial future for my family, to which Massenya suggested investing into MV Commodities in order to be part of the company for the long term. I had seen various mining documents relating to the mine so was under the impression this was a real offer.

After months and months of chasing my employer with regards to when the mining operation would commence, I was on a day to day basis given short answers such as , soon, soon dont worry ... and then it got to the point where he told me he would refund my money as the mine project was no longer moving forward, for reasons which he could no specify.

After it was evident that there was no mine, he said his business partner was going to send me back to money. After discussing with is business partner, who knew nothing of my investment, he told me had has never been told my Massenya that he was to pay me back.

I was then thrown out of the office immediately, my cmputer and phone cut off, and the office locks changed. This was summer last year.

Massenya has been hiding out in Sierra Leone, last know address is 26 main motor road, freetown sierra leone. He is an African orign man, orignally from Togo with a European accent, always well dressed in deigner suits, and is very well spoken. Around 6 foot 6 inches tall.

I have already started my private investingation on Massenya, but due to the amount in question being lower than 500k, the plice will not effecyively monitor this.

Massenya is also respnsible for riping off his one time business partner to the tune of 500k, a further 800k USD in Maryland, wehre you can find public records of the case against him.

He is now hiding behind a solicitor and has said he is doing me a favour by paying me back.

Masenya claimed he own this mine, as well as coffee and cocoa plantations in the badou mountains of togo. He was alos as the CEO, meant to bring forward financing and commodity suppliers in order for us to do out job, which he never made possible, as he simply put, has no suppliers of commodities that will work with him, and he is alos a compulsive liar.

He drives around in expensive cars that are all leased, lives in rented prooperties, never anyting owned by him.

He was evicted from is Chelsea Harbour appartment for not paying the rent, we were constantly locke dout of out offce as he alos never paid the ren their ontime.

Massenys is a serial fraudster, one of the best out there. DO not be fooled into investing into any mining, telecoms or agricultural prject he sais he has, as he will take your funds and then spend them on himself.

I have proof that he embexxled my families money. Within 1 week, he had purchased himself a new Toyota lan cruiser, white, which he had shipped out to Sierra Leone. He also then tranfereed 100k into his personal bank account somewhere in the world.

Hes is a thief, a liar and needs to be in jail. He has no problem in defrauding widows, cancer patients and hard working individuals out of their life savings, and is a disgrace to the African people.

He currently holds a Dutch passport, on number BN3PL8PJ.

MV Commodities is no longer in Chelsea Harbour London. There is no active London office, with the company being registred with the accountants firm in Harrow area. RMR Partenrhsip.

The accountant who is the CFO of MV Commodities saud he has no idea about the company finances. Funny that, seeing as he is the CFO. Hes either a crook working alongside Massenya, or too stupid to realise hes being conned as well.

I was naive once, it will not happen again.


2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United Kingdom
Absolutely untrue and unnecessary

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 13, 2016

As indicated by the writer Mr Bilar Mata he was one of the many employees in one of my companies in the UK employed to do a specific job. Mr Mata developed an interest in one of my overseas affiliate and without pressure introduced his mother into the business and then asked if they could invest in one the project to which a figure was agreed in return for an 6% equity stakeholding.


This is all that happened. There is absolutely no question of fraud, investment embezzlement, financial embezzlement or investment fraud as documented by Mr Bilal Mata. I categorically and wholeheartedly deny this allegation and as can be seen in the retraction written by Mr Bilal Mata they are absolutely unfounded. The investment is genuine and the company on which the investment is taken out exists as well to date.


I do not intent to add anymore than the two paragraph above as this is now a subject for legal proceedings in the United Kingdom. 

Retraction of post about Michael Massenya

#3Author of original report

Mon, November 23, 2015

This a retraction message from the author of the original message I posted on here earlier this year about Michael Massenya.

When I had initially posted the message, I was very angry with the way in which Michael had treated my families money. I have since heard from Michael, and he explained that he was unavailable due to work and family commitments overseas.

He has assured me that even though the mining project has fallen through, he is commited to re-paying my family as soon as he can.

He has also told me, that due to the my posting on this website, he has found it very difficult, if not impossible to conduct his business.

I had agreed with him that I would have the original posting removed, however it is the policy of Rip Off Report never to remove postings once they are published. I have tried on numerous occasions, however they do not bend on their policy. 

The next best thing, and only thing I can do, is to publish the above message .

In view of this, I would like people to know that having heard his explanation, Michael has now been given a second chance to repay his creditors, and if I could remove this post, I would, however it isnt possible.

I would like anyone who reads my post about Michael to know that I was very angry and felt abused when I wrote it. I no longer feel that way after receving Michaels response and re-assurances.

I will ask that any people reading this who are in negotiations or talks with Michael about business or investments, not to take my original message into account.


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