  • Report:  #45621

Complaint Review: Mwi Simple Escapes - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- 15025, Pennsylvania,

Mwi Simple Escapes
9500 Westdodge Rd, Omaha, 68114 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
ok heres the deal

my boyfriend had 109.95 taken out of his debit checking account. when his statement came it said mwi simple escapes. he looked at me and i looked at him ..... and said who in the hell is this?? and what is this charge?? neither of us knew so i did a little investigatin here on the computer ...... here i found all kinds of things on the mwi simple escapes. nobody knew where this company was located everyone thought baltimore well see i broke their defenses after about the 32 call i made to them and demanded to a different operator that i wasnt going to go away until they told me the address. here it was in omaha nebraska. i then procedded to call the omaha nebraska police because see i live in pittsburgh pa.

It is not too viable for me to be able to go to omaha! But i proceeded to call news stations in and around the omaha area to let eveveryone be aware who this company is!! i want to file a lawsuit becaue they are rippiing people off when nobody even purchases their things!!!

if anyone else has been ripped off by this company and would like to start a list of names that we coudl all go after this company by posting your own Rip-off Report. Rip-off Reprot will make arrangements with lawyers to contact all the victims.

thanks for listening to my story

i hope this helps others!!


15025, Pennsylvania

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