  • Report:  #1079942

Complaint Review: MyBeachApps - Select State/Province

Reported By:
M4382 - Petaluma, California,

Select State/Province, USA
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mybeachapps.com promises social media services.

mybeachapps.com love to take your money up front (even suggest a deposit)

once mybeachapps.com has your money, they will never email or call you

So they have this system called highrise that many companies use, it manages customers. In highrise you can set up pre-planned emails. They put you on this drip system and send you worthless PDFs, ebooks and other crap you don't need. When you tell them "hey, this isn't what I wanted" they will never respond. Asking for your money back is a LONG process. You will have to call your credit card company, put a hold on the account, etc, etc.

The best thing you can do if you are contacted by this company is to NEVER EVER send them money, they are very concvincing. Ask them to prove EVERYTHING to you with existing accounts they have created. The promise the stars and deliver plain dirt

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