  • Report:  #22992

Complaint Review: NADN AND TAX READY - LAS VEGAS Nevada

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4330 S. VALLEY VIEW BLVD LAS VEGAS, 89013 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I've been reading reports of Tax Ready and NADN on the Ripoff Report for almost a year now. The best advice I can give all of you is to get a life. Yes, NADN and Tax Ready are big ripoffs, no, HUGE rip-offs, but writing the Ripoff Report is a complete waste of time. You need to be writing the BBB, FTC and the Attorney General of Nevada, NOW, before anybody else gets scammed.

I am an insider and am going to give you an overview of how they work. NADN has representatives traveling across the country appearing on radio shows. One of the key people was a former Federal Marshall, who is no more, because of a drug problem and he lost a prisoner because of it.

When you call for the free book you are sent to a membership salesman who's job is to sell you to a membership to a tax defense organization. This sales rep is paid on a commission. They have an option, 10% and refunds be taken out of commissions or 7% and no charge backs. In other words, they can lie and not be punished.

They charge you a membership fee, which can run from $425 to over $2,000 if you have a business. If you have a pre-existing problem, in other words you currently have an issue with the IRS, owe money or are facing an audit; they charge an extra $350 for a pre-existing fee. This fee is not refundable regardless of whether they can fix your problem or not. Once you agree to what they have sold you, you will be transferred to a verification office where they verify what you have bought.

If you did not bite on the pitch then a closer will get on the line and will hard close you on the membership. The closers will tell you anything up to and including the fact that they themselves are a Tax Attorney and they can help you by either eliminating your tax problem entirely or reducing it by eliminating the interest and penalties.

They do not have Tax Attorneys on the sales floor nor can they eliminate penalties and interest. These are statutory additions the IRS has to collect and it would take a terrorist attack to get the IRS to consider removing penalties.

Once you have become a member, a personal liaison will call you to do a profile. The purpose of a profile is to sell you additional services. The profile is turned over to advance member services where you will be called and sold everything from corporations to trusts, solutions for your current tax problems to tax reduction packages like Tax Break 2000.

Just for your information, when the Tax Break 2000 was presented to NADN, it was reviewed by every member of the NADN technical staff, former IRS employee's, and to a man NOT ONE of them endorsed the package. NADN has had many calls, from people who have purchased the Tax Break 2000 and other similar packages, wanting refunds because their CPA's told them they didn't qualify for the $5000 credit, they're now being audited, or they bought multiple packages and can't use them because they didn't qualify for the credit. The customer service cancellation department has strict orders not give ANY refunds.

If you have a current tax problem, and have paid the pre-existing $350 fee, you will called by another salesman in the Pre-existing department. His sole job is to upsell you on the additional service of fixing your problem.

This salesman is not trained on IRS regulations and his sole job is to get your money and let the customer service department work to not refund it when they can't help you. At one time NADN's technical was a dream team of former IRS agents, but the department has been decimated by lay offs. After all, they are not sales people and don't bring revenue into the company. NADN has been trying to eliminate the department for over a year, but when they we're raided by the AG and the FTC in February of 2002, they we're asked if they really had former IRS agents on hand. So now they can't totally eliminate the technical department.

The technical department is the only department that will give you any help, if you can get to them by phone. NADN prefers you go thru customer service or your liaison, in other words, another sales person who can generate sales. These people have licenses they have to maintain to be able practice in front of the IRS.

NADN has rules they have to follow since the raids in February, but they don't. The principal players are still running the company because when it was sold, it was sold on paper to satisfy the courts. Tax Ready has been bought out by NADN but has more problems then ever. NADN sells memberships from a second off site location in Las Vegas and a third off site location in Los Angeles. Both are run by former managers who we're fired after the raids but put back in place after the fake sale of the business.

There is much more to this story but I don't have the time to tell it. The best advice is stay away from NADN, Tax Ready and any other affiliates they have. They are only out for your money.



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