  • Report:  #1019598


Reported By:
Truth - , Virginia, United States of America

Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 

The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.

CONSUMERS:  Be kind.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.  Stick to the facts.  Do your research.  Keep the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper…not on Ripoff Report.

PLEASED TO SEE SUCH EFFORTS?  YOU CAN HELP RIPOFF REPORT COMBAT THOSE WHO ABUSE THE SYSTEM:  Ripoff Report, as resources allow, is working towards combatting Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with nasty personal allegations that can be serious.   Ripoff Report would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources.  If you think this is a worth-while endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project.  You can make a non-tax deductible donation by clicking on the PayPal icon at the bottom of the page located at the following URL:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/ConsumersSayThankYou/Donate.aspxThe more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.

Thank you!

~ Ripoff Report Staff


In the beginning our courtship and marriage was wonderful.  Shortly after we married (((REDACTED))) behavior became erratic and bizarre.  She was being treated by a psychiatrist but she stopped taking medication.

She would stay up all night playing the television loudly.  She came to the guest room where I had retreated and began kicking the door and stabbing it with a knife.  I stayed in the room with the door locked because I was afraid for my safety.  These outrages became more frequent.  I would ask if I could help her, and why she was doing this.  She would spit in my face to provoke me.

One day she began beating on the headboard and screaming "stop beating me".   I told her I was going to call the police.  Later I went to the pharmacy to have one of her prescriptions filled and they informed me that she had used too many pills and would not be getting any more prescriptions.  I also learned she was taking my pain pills.  When I told her she accused me of calling her a drug addict and went to a different doctor and pharmacy for more pills.

(((REDACTED))) called me one day and told me she was taking her daughter to see her parents on the other side of Florida.  I reminded her that the sheriff said she had missed too many school days already.  She hung up.  That afternoon the sheriff was at my house giving me a restraining domestic order.  (((REDACTED))) and her daughter accused me of hitting them then moved over to the other side of Florida with her boyfriend and partied.

After the DV hearing she repeatedly tried to have me arrested for violating the order.  She would say I was following her or near the house or entered the house.  I was never prosecuted because the allegations were untrue.  The police tried to prove I did the things but found they were impossible, even though (((REDACTED))) and her daughter swore to them on an affidavit.

At the end of our marriage I discovered that (((REDACTED))) had signed over $100,000 from my business account and put them in her personal accounts to pay for her school, plastic surgery and dental work. She also forged my signature on other checks and deposited them into her personal accounts.

She used the DV order to extort me, and she moved a boyfriend into our house she had been corresponding with throughout our marriage.  She uses the sheriff's office to get away with taking money and other assets.

My business went bankrupt as a result of her diverting money to her accounts.  She would contact me periodically saying she needed money, and I would send it to her.  I believe she moved in with a man in Vero Beach, then married a man from Texas.  And I heard she injured him very badly as well.

In 2011 she contacted me and said she finally found someone to fix her neck.  She contacted me around Christmas 2011 asking for money and I later found out she was on her honeymoon with another man at this time. 

She is evil, manipulative and has done this same thing to many other men. 

4 Updates & Rebuttals

The Club

More Truth About (((REDACTED)))

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 30, 2013

Yes, (((REDACTED)))reported me to my company and I was terminated.  However, independent, objective court proceedings are taking place and thus far I have prevailed in that I was justified under federal and state law, as well as company policy, because the information I was researching in online databases was investigating a committed and ongoing criminal activity. 

Thus far I have been well compensated for this, and will continue to be for quite some time.  And the larger part of the litigation is pending, with the initial decisions going in my favor.  I loved my job but do not want anything to do with a corporation that does not reasonably investigate the allegations of someone, or support an employee who is being shaken down by a con artist.

And it hurt her as much as me for me to get terminated, it ended her health insurance and she could no longer charge my insurer for her multiple-weekly chiropractor appointments or other health costs, which by the way are also under investigation. 

So take all of this into consideration before you form any kind of relationship with her... the multiple marriages, the dozens of addresses in the past ten years, the statements of those she has destroyed.  Two of them said she attacked them with a knife, she told me she was going to kill me in my sleep and take my dog, and she will absolutely eventually file a false criminal report against you and attempt to get you jailed.  It is part of the sociopathic personality, then she justifies it by making things up. 

I thought maybe she actually believed these lies but when she texted her one ex and told him she "finally found a sucker to fix my neck" and that she was "living on the streets and needed money" on our wedding night, I now realize she was knowingly and calculatingly destroying me and taking whatever she could get away with.  Mix with her at your own peril.


Just Ask Yourself

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, October 30, 2013

 If you choose to believe (((REDACTED))), just ask yourself the following:

Why did she commit perjury in court, saying in recorded testimony she had filed one previous domestic violence filing when in fact four more exist, along with one civil protection order?

Why is she being investigated by the IRS for tax fraud?

Why is she under investigation by the state of NJ for life insurance fraud, and possibly much worse?

Why did she falsify information on her marriage application?

Why did she assert false DV accusations against multiple husbands?

Why are so many of her ex-husbands willing to testify against her?

Why did she empty the accounts of one of her ex-husband's businesses and bankrupt it?

Why did she forge the registration of the car she took from one ex?

Why did she falsify info on her ex-husband's life insurance claim documents?

Why does every ex husband I communicated with say they caught her cheating on them?

Why is she always the victim?

Why does she say she has a protection order when she knows it was dropped when she extorted it from one ex in exchange for trying to get back his car, money, etc?

Why, when one ex tried to fight back in court, did his tires get slashed repeatedly and his house vandalized, and she was witnessed entering the house against a direct court order on the day of the vandalism?

It's difficult because she is very convincing.  She is a con.  She will lead you to believe you are the only person she ever loved, she will leave out many past relationships, or say something like they were only for "economic reasons..."  But keep her away from your assets, your computer, your cell phone, your paperwork.  The entire time you know her, she is building a case against you and planning how to clean you out.  And she is very polished and experienced in court and before you know it, she will be trying to have you jailed.  And the judges, prosecutors and police all believe her because she looks frail and weak but she will destroy you and laugh while she is doing it.

On my WEDDING NIGHT, whe was texting with an ex-husband (whose life she destroyed) and telling him she was living on the streets and needed money.  He sent it to her.  I gave her money, use of a nice car, a nice home, food, vacations, clothes, expensive medical care and she still stole all I had, filed a DV against me based on pure lies and destroyed my life.

Another Ruined Ex

New Jersey,
A Perfect Description of Her

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 01, 2013


Yes, I was pretty beat up, and yes, I went through absolute hell, but I finally see it. I will never have to go back to that ugly place again. I know what they are, I know how they operate, and I know how many of them are actually out there, everywhere. I’m no longer easy prey, and I hope to educate as many others as possible about this. The only way to fight this is to shine the light of truth on it, and expose it

I saw her complete lack of empathy, and her actions clearly showed that she did not care about how her behavior would crush me. She actually enjoyed getting over on me, and doing what she was behind my back. Why then would she need to use projection in those moments when discussions were heating up about things between us not being “right?” I do not understand this, but there is no doubt that, when we were arguing about the things that I felt were very wrong with our “relationship,” and she was under stress, she projected onto me on many occasions. Not understanding what was happening, but definitely understanding that something very odd was taking place, I could only make mental notes, and try to make sense of something so bizarre.

One trait of a psychopath is that they are easily bored, and this is a large part of why they are ALL sexually promiscuous: the need for excitement. I think it is also worth pointing out that they carry out their “duping delight” games not only as an exhibit of dominance and control, but also as simple entertainment for themselves.

These people know exactly what they are doing. They know very well that they are destroying families, and innocent lives, but it never bothers them one bit, because they lack the very things that make us human to begin with: empathy and the ability to love. Just because they do not care (it does not bother them in the slightest), does not make what they do any less evil. Furthermore, considering how they ACTUALLY ENJOY what they are doing, which is clearly demonstrated in their “duping delight,” when someone tries to call this anything less than absolute evil, it almost makes me furious!

If this experience has taught me one thing, it is that evil exists in this world, not only in things that are blatantly obvious, like someone flying an airplane into a building full of innocent people, but even more so, in people and places that most would never expect to find it.

Another common theme with many of the cluster b disordered individuals (NPD, ASPD, HPD, BPD), is that relationships with these people all follow the same progression. There are three phases that make up this relational progression: idealization, devaluing, and discarding.

During the idealization phase, the disordered is treating their partner as if they are the best thing that they have ever known. This is at least partly because they are in the process of hooking the victim. They are very skilled at sizing up a victim, quickly learning what the person wants and needs, and then becoming exactly what is needed to ensure that the victim is hooked. This is important, because it is this bond to the disordered that will ensure that the victim remains once the abuse starts in the next phases of the relationship, the devaluing phase.

Immediately after the victim is hooked, the disordered will begin to devalue the victim. This may be a gradual process, and it will likely begin with little comments at opportune times, when the victim is made to feel less-then in some way, or made to feel not quite good enough. Other ways that the disordered may devalue the victim is through the use of other abusive tools of the trade used by the disordered. These tools include manipulation, projection, gaslighting (making the victim think that they are crazy, and that the problems are because of them), duping delight, dishonesty (lies, some of them for no other reason that it is entertaining to them), subtle put downs, deception, and deceit.

For someone who has not been through this, one might think, “I’d pack my bags as soon as someone began to treat me this way!” I would think that very same thing. What needs to be understood is that these tactics are never overtly used, in blatant, obvious ways. Disordered people are very skilled at this game, so they know how to be very subtle in what they are doing, and they are able to blend enough good in the mix so that the victim usually does not even notice what is happening to them.

What ends up happening in the “relationship”, is that the victim begins trying to compensate and correct, to restore the “relationship” to what “it was” in the beginning. The only problem is that, the victim does not yet know that their entire “relationship” was never real to begin with, and therefore can never be “restored” to its original state. Still, the victim begins buying into the lies, and jumping through hoops, trying to appease the disordered in some way. This is all in an effort to resurrect the perfect person and “relationship” that they once had.

The final stage of relationships with the disordered is brought about in one of two cases. The first case is when the victim no longer of any use to the predator, usually because they have either gotten what they wanted, or because whatever they wanted has been all used up. The other case is when the predator is found out, the mask is removed, and the game is up. Either way, the victim is callously discarded like yesterday’s trash. This is a very difficult thing to experience, and it often drives the victim to the point of suicide.

This relational progression took place in my “relationship” in the same way that it did in all of the other cases that I have read about. It is amazing how similar all of our stories are. The details may be different, but the stories are almost identical, and there are hundreds of them, probably many times more, but most are not talked about.

The discarding was the most incredibly painful experience. I honestly thought we loved and cared for each other. When I discovered the hard evidence of what she was doing, and when I still offered mercy, forgiveness, and a chance to make it all right, but instead, got it all turned around on me, more lies and deceit to shift the blame, and coldly discarded, it was emotional pain like nothing I have ever experienced.

When one of these people is either found out, or when they have completely used up the victim, and thus have discarded them, the smear campaign is sure to follow. This is because they must maintain cover for what they are, out of the basic need for survival. In order to do this, blame must be shifted. For the victim, this is like the final nails in their coffin.

Try to imagine going through a “relationship” with one of these sick people, being covertly abused, having been idealized, then slowly devalued for years, and finally discarded like a worthless piece of trash once you prove that this person, whom you genuinely and deeply loved, had been lying and cheating the entire time. Imagine the depth of pain and confusion that you’d feel at that time (believe me, it is more painful than you can imaging).

Now try to imagine how you would feel, if you were in this state, and you also had to deal with this person, whom you loved and cherished, and whom you thought loved you, begin to spread lies about you to your friends, family, and neighbors, to explain the breakup. These people are ruthless, and they lie as easily as they breathe, so they will not hesitate to do this, because it serves their purpose. That is the only thing that ever matters to them. It is completely devastating to the victim.


Amazing how easily she is described when you find out what she really is... except that CL is far worse...

(((link redacted)))


It took me a while to break my denial, and it was after I began to put the pieces together, but I could eventually see that she was not there emotionally, and that my “relationship” was likely not what I thought it was. It became obvious to me that something was very wrong, yet on the surface, she was careful that things seemed to be just fine. I could feel that she was only playing along in the “relationship.” As hard as I tried to rationalize and deny the truth, as much as I did not want to face it, and as much as she tried to make me think that things were normal, and that it was me with the problem, I simply could not ignore all of the glaring signs. I knew that I was intelligent, sane, and fairly in tune with my surroundings. I knew that the behavior that I saw in her was very odd. I eventually knew that things were very different under the surface in our “relationship.”

Another glaring red flag that I chose to ignore was around her other relationships. She had really no friends that she was close to. There were co-workers and ex co-workers that she would get together for lunch from time to time, but not a single friend that she was obviously close to. What’s more, was that her mother’s relationship had been strained for years before we met, and the most of her family all had basically no relationship to speak of with her.

It sounds incredible now to me that I would just ignore this mess, thinking that it didn’t really mean anything. Something was very wrong with me. I was hooked early on, and did not want to consider anything else except that I somehow found the most incredible woman, and was lucky enough to have her all to myself.,….. What a fool I chose to be…

I initially explained in detail the strange behavior that I saw with my wife. I knew basically nothing of sociopaths or psychopaths, but I explained to this therapist the interactions with my wife when I knew that she was accusing me, completely without any merit, of things that I totally suspected her of actually doing and thinking. I had come to question these things, to myself, because of behavior that I observed over long periods of time. In other words, there was merit to my thoughts, good reasons to doubt and question, yet the very things that I had begun to question in her, she was accusing me of doing, and completely without reason. This was one of the most bizarre things that I experienced with this sick woman.

I KNEW it was happening (which was absolutely true), her eyes changed, and her face changed. The closest thing that I could use to describe it was the way people change in movies about exorcism. Her eyes became large and deep black, and her mouth was a little twisted. I took me back for a second. I recognized it as demonic and evil, the hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I was stunned that I saw this from this woman that I had loved and doted on for the past three years. It was incredible what she looked like, and I could see the evil all over her. It was like she was a totally different person, and she said some very nasty things. This was something that I absolutely did not expect, and it really caught me off guard. Her entire persona changed that night, and after she calmed down from that night, she still seemed like a completely different person. It was like she flipped a switch, and she completely changed the way that she talked to me, and the things that she said.

I kept every email that she ever sent to me, both before, and after this event. Not only did her communication change through the things that she said to me, but her sentence structure changed, and the words that she used changed as well. It was like she was a completely different person. There was never any resemblance of the woman that I thought I knew for the past 3 years. She was never to be seen again. She was not real. The real woman was the one that I met that night when I confronted her with the ugly truth. This was completely baffling to me, until I learned what I was actually dealing with.

When I confronted her, I thought she would react in a completely different way. I was still looking at my mess as if I were dealing with someone like me: a normal, loving person. Although I had solid proof, she still denied it, and what’s more is that she called me crazy, evil, and did everything that she could to smear my name and discredit me to our neighbors in an attempt to explain what had happened.

Again, I knew nothing about what I was really dealing with, so this just crushed me. I was near suicide, and completely devastated that this was happening. Unless you go through this, you cannot imaging the depth of pain at the end of one of these “relationships.” You realize that EVERYTHING that you genuinely bonded with and cared about was a joke and a game to the other person. It meant absolutely nothing to them. I meant nothing to her at all. This is more painful than anything, and completely devastating. It drives many people over the edge. It is much greater than a normal breakup, but rather the end of an incredibly dysfunctional relationship built on and around abuse, and the victim’s unknown addiction to the abuser.

For the abused, it is just about the end of the whole world, and a pain that is indescribable. I lost over 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I was destroyed. For the disordered abuser, it is merely a mild inconvenience of having to move, and having to protect their façade through another smear campaign. They do not have the ability to bond to anyone, so they feel absolutely no loss. They feel no attachment to other people, and they can only fake their way through their “relationships.” It’s all a game to them. My entire life with this woman was completely false. Nothing was real at all.

I met with her a few weeks after the confrontation and her leaving, and I expressed to her how much of a wreck I was because of this. My pants literally fell off of me while buttoned up. When I showed her this, she retorted with something like, “me too.” I looked at her, and she had not dropped a single pound that I could see. Her little belly was just as it had always been. I remember thinking, “This woman really is a lunatic,…a true nut case!”

At this point I was totally bewildered and completely devastated. Nothing at all made sense to me. I remembered all of the strange events that happened throughout our “relationship,” and I knew that they all tied together somehow, but even the events themselves were so bizarre, that my mind just could not make sense of them. I knew that she was a very sick woman, that’s all.

When I talked to a neighbor a few days after she left, I even told them that there was something very different about this “breakup.” It was nothing like a normal breakup, but it was so much more painful than anything I had ever experienced before. I could not figure out why, so I just thought that it was because I loved her so much. It was not until months later when I began to learn about narcissism, psychopathy, and covert abuse that I learned why I was in such incredible pain. I had been in an abusive relationship for 3 years, and did not even realize it. I was so hooked on her, emotionally addicted, and determined to show her how much I loved her, so that when she left, there was so much more there above and beyond the loss of a relationship, which actually never existed in the first place. It was this addiction and the emotional abuse of the past 3 years that caused the much deeper pain during the breakup. It’s not an easy concept to accept and to truly understand, but it is what happens, and it was the reason for very difficult time that I had at this point.

Now I finally knew exactly what happened to me. I began to learn why it happened to me, also. These people target their victims because of weaknesses that they quickly find in the potential target. They have spent their entire lives putting on facades and preying upon others, so they become very skilled at manipulation, and at quickly evaluating a potential target, to determine where their weaknesses are. They then exploit those weaknesses as they put on whatever facade is needed to gain whatever they seek from the victim. They are masters of this game, because they have had to be in order to survive, and because they have perfected this game over their entire lifetime. 

Yes, I was pretty beat up, and yes, I went through absolute hell, but I finally see it. I will never have to go back to that ugly place again. I know what they are, I know how they operate, and I know how many of them are actually out there, everywhere. I’m no longer easy prey, and I hope to educate as many others as possible about this. The only way to fight this is to shine the light of truth on it, and expose it

I saw her complete lack of empathy, and her actions clearly showed that she did not care about how her behavior would crush me. She actually enjoyed getting over on me, and doing what she was behind my back. Why then would she need to use projection in those moments when discussions were heating up about things between us not being “right?” I do not understand this, but there is no doubt that, when we were arguing about the things that I felt were very wrong with our “relationship,” and she was under stress, she projected onto me on many occasions. Not understanding what was happening, but definitely understanding that something very odd was taking place, I could only make mental notes, and try to make sense of something so bizarre.

One trait of a psychopath is that they are easily bored, and this is a large part of why they are ALL sexually promiscuous: the need for excitement. I think it is also worth pointing out that they carry out their “duping delight” games not only as an exhibit of dominance and control, but also as simple entertainment for themselves.

These people know exactly what they are doing. They know very well that they are destroying families, and innocent lives, but it never bothers them one bit, because they lack the very things that make us human to begin with: empathy and the ability to love. Just because they do not care (it does not bother them in the slightest), does not make what they do any less evil. Furthermore, considering how they ACTUALLY ENJOY what they are doing, which is clearly demonstrated in their “duping delight,” when someone tries to call this anything less than absolute evil, it almost makes me furious!

If this experience has taught me one thing, it is that evil exists in this world, not only in things that are blatantly obvious, like someone flying an airplane into a building full of innocent people, but even more so, in people and places that most would never expect to find it.

Another common theme with many of the cluster b disordered individuals (NPD, ASPD, HPD, BPD), is that relationships with these people all follow the same progression. There are three phases that make up this relational progression: idealization, devaluing, and discarding.

During the idealization phase, the disordered is treating their partner as if they are the best thing that they have ever known. This is at least partly because they are in the process of hooking the victim. They are very skilled at sizing up a victim, quickly learning what the person wants and needs, and then becoming exactly what is needed to ensure that the victim is hooked. This is important, because it is this bond to the disordered that will ensure that the victim remains once the abuse starts in the next phases of the relationship, the devaluing phase.

Immediately after the victim is hooked, the disordered will begin to devalue the victim. This may be a gradual process, and it will likely begin with little comments at opportune times, when the victim is made to feel less-then in some way, or made to feel not quite good enough. Other ways that the disordered may devalue the victim is through the use of other abusive tools of the trade used by the disordered. These tools include manipulation, projection, gaslighting (making the victim think that they are crazy, and that the problems are because of them), duping delight, dishonesty (lies, some of them for no other reason that it is entertaining to them), subtle put downs, deception, and deceit.

For someone who has not been through this, one might think, “I’d pack my bags as soon as someone began to treat me this way!” I would think that very same thing. What needs to be understood is that these tactics are never overtly used, in blatant, obvious ways. Disordered people are very skilled at this game, so they know how to be very subtle in what they are doing, and they are able to blend enough good in the mix so that the victim usually does not even notice what is happening to them.

What ends up happening in the “relationship”, is that the victim begins trying to compensate and correct, to restore the “relationship” to what “it was” in the beginning. The only problem is that, the victim does not yet know that their entire “relationship” was never real to begin with, and therefore can never be “restored” to its original state. Still, the victim begins buying into the lies, and jumping through hoops, trying to appease the disordered in some way. This is all in an effort to resurrect the perfect person and “relationship” that they once had.

The final stage of relationships with the disordered is brought about in one of two cases. The first case is when the victim no longer of any use to the predator, usually because they have either gotten what they wanted, or because whatever they wanted has been all used up. The other case is when the predator is found out, the mask is removed, and the game is up. Either way, the victim is callously discarded like yesterday’s trash. This is a very difficult thing to experience, and it often drives the victim to the point of suicide.

This relational progression took place in my “relationship” in the same way that it did in all of the other cases that I have read about. It is amazing how similar all of our stories are. The details may be different, but the stories are almost identical, and there are hundreds of them, probably many times more, but most are not talked about.

The discarding was the most incredibly painful experience. I honestly thought we loved and cared for each other. When I discovered the hard evidence of what she was doing, and when I still offered mercy, forgiveness, and a chance to make it all right, but instead, got it all turned around on me, more lies and deceit to shift the blame, and coldly discarded, it was emotional pain like nothing I have ever experienced.

When one of these people is either found out, or when they have completely used up the victim, and thus have discarded them, the smear campaign is sure to follow. This is because they must maintain cover for what they are, out of the basic need for survival. In order to do this, blame must be shifted. For the victim, this is like the final nails in their coffin.

Try to imagine going through a “relationship” with one of these sick people, being covertly abused, having been idealized, then slowly devalued for years, and finally discarded like a worthless piece of trash once you prove that this person, whom you genuinely and deeply loved, had been lying and cheating the entire time. Imagine the depth of pain and confusion that you’d feel at that time (believe me, it is more painful than you can imaging).

Now try to imagine how you would feel, if you were in this state, and you also had to deal with this person, whom you loved and cherished, and whom you thought loved you, begin to spread lies about you to your friends, family, and neighbors, to explain the breakup. These people are ruthless, and they lie as easily as they breathe, so they will not hesitate to do this, because it serves their purpose. That is the only thing that ever matters to them. It is completely devastating to the victim.

Another Ruined Ex

(((REDACTED))), the Victim or the Monster?

#5General Comment

Sat, July 13, 2013

 I just saw that (((REDACTED))) has joined a group complaining about the Ripoff Report.  Amazing.  She is a con artist, plain and simple.  Ask any of her seven previous husbands, at least the ones that are still alive.

She steals cars, homes, empties accounts, steals from employers... she will tell you what a great parent she was, but the truth is too graphic to tell here.  Plain and simple, she is a monster.  She is a forger, a perjurer, a liar... if you allow her into your life you will soon be engulfed in civil and criminal litigation.  And she is such an experienced liar, con and manipulator, she seems to always prevail.

Soon, however, the truth about her will be exposed to the entire world.  She is under investigation for many of her past deeds and when she is located, well, let's just hope the authorities, and the world, look at the actual evidence and not listen to her repeated lies. 

If she is not messing with your life, she is not having fun.  She gets bored in a few months, then goes on a mission to destroy every aspect of your life.  She has ruined businesses and then listed the same businesses on her resume!  How amazing is that?

Unfortunately for her, many of her ex-husbands, and others she has conned, are communicating with various entities and agencies.  It is certain she is telling a new story now, how she was "ruined" by her last ex, how terrible he was, etc... all made up. 

To get an idea of just how cold this monster is, she told her fiancee that her "ex" (he was actually two-or-three exes ago) was dangerous and would surely kill her if he found her... well, the entire time she was texting with the "dangerous ex", telling him how she was going to shake down the "fiancee" and later telling him she was broke, living on the street and needed money, ON HER WEDDING NIGHT! 

The poor ex sent her money, not knowing she was living in a nice home, with a new car and a weekly allowance in addition to her unemployment payments.  Fortunately, the "dangerous ex" saved the texts and they are currently being reviewed for an action against her. 

She put fraudulent information on her marriage application, car titles, insurance beneficiary forms and much more.  This is a monster.  A nightmare.  She will ruin you, your job, your business, your accounts, your health...

And it's funny how after ruining so many lives, afterward she is always the "victim"...

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