  • Report:  #1132346


Reported By:
Monica - Wherever, California,

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 


The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.


CONSUMERS:  Be kind.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.  Stick to the facts.  Do your research.  Keep the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper…not on Ripoff Report.


PLEASED TO SEE SUCH EFFORTS?  YOU CAN HELP RIPOFF REPORT COMBAT THESE TYPES OF ISSUES:  Ripoff Report, as resources allow, is working towards combatting Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with personal commentary and/or allegations that can be serious.   Ripoff Report would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources.  If you think this is a worth-while endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project.  You can make a non-tax deductible donation by clicking HERE NOW or learn a little more by visiting our “Donate to our Efforts” page.  The more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.


Thank you!


~ Ripoff Report Team




 (((REDACTED))) is a sex trafficker and con man.

he is currently holing our in vegas as a security man for (((REDACTED))) and is picking up women and taking their money.  he is conning people for something called "script coverage" for writers to pay his dumb a** to get his opinion if he likes it or not.!  You gotta be kidding me.

the fbi was contacted earlier today and their is a current case pending.  i have been in touch with others he has tried to hurt recently.  their is also an active restraining order on his a** and their are a lot of people after him including me and local law enforcement at lapd.  when he comes back to la he will have a warrant for his arrest.

(((REDACTED))) is his fake production company in vegas and la.  he tried to hurt one of my gal pals nakita in the industry and tried to rape and kill her.  

he lies on his youtube rants about everything and everyone including me. this guy is a serious nut and he has so much s*** coming his way its actually funny.  

he pimps out underage women as well and he takes money from everyone who will give it to him to use for fake porn movies.  he just needs to get laid and thats what all this is about.  nobody wants to sleep with his fat a***.  he is an imbred and his momma (((REDACTED))) in north carolina has been made aware of all his bs.

run from this guy.  he is dying anyway.  he is very sickly and has contracted an std from a friend of mine.  

he will get you for thousands...

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Tristan Stadtmuller

Las Vegas,
One Last Thing!

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 16, 2014

I wasn't the one that filed the rebuttal on the 20th of March under the name of Stacy.  I never saw this ad until now.  Another thing, please go into detail about the restraining order!  Please tell everyone about how the couple that did it, I was doing business with them because they're supposed to be well known filmmakers and after they stole my money, they moved to Colorado and harassed me for 10 months.  

Please explain why they tell people that they were forced to move from LA to Colorado because of me and they waited 10 months before they took any kind of legal action while claiming that I was stalking them and hurting their business!  What kind of man would run away 3000 miles to another state and wait 10 months to get the law into it?  If you're going to bring up the restraining order, then you need to tell the FULL STORY, not just part of it.  

It's funny how people keep trying to discredit me and try to hurt me, but everything that you have tried just doesn't work! You have no evidence against me, you have major story holes in your testimony, you just don't think. PLUS the average American doesn't care about restraining orders because they know that the courts hand them out like candy and they're given to weak people that can't defend themselves and rely on the government to protect them.  

But once again, if I have a warrant for my arrest, if the FEDS have been notified about me and other things, why am I still working my job and still putting videos on Youtube?  

FYI, script coverage is for producers and agents to read because it tells the plot of the story and it list the goods and the bads about it.  The film industry uses these because no producer and agent and director wants to read 90-100 pages when they can read the whole story and everything in 3-4 pages, if you were a legit film industry person, you would know this, but that's why you got exposed online because you don't know anything.  Which is why the producers for "The Mob" with Eric Roberts told you to never contact them again or they would call the cops on you.

Also, good job at going to Monica Foster about me! She tweets death threats to people, she claims that people have been stalking her and harassing her for 3 years yet she hasn't done anything about it, she claims to have filed police and FBI reports on people for illegal prostitution and other things yet no arrest or anything has been made because her reports are false!!!  LOL!!!

When are you going to give up? Get a real job and stop scamming people and stop trying to discredit me. I was in a movie riding in the car from KNITT RIDER. Everyone knows that I f*cked Dominique Simone and Nikita Denise, even though you keep wanting to make fun of my appearance because I don't mess with ugly girls like you, you know who you are!

So how does it feel knowing that you keep failing to take me down? I took off my contact page on my website because I'm sick of you emaiing me your BS threats, it's annoying.  People will take the word of a Marine and someone that was actually in a mainstream film over a couple that claims to be very succesful filmakers and yet have no proof.  Use common sense for once. You're annoying!  But I laugh at you because i know that your scam operation isn't what it used to be. LOL!!!!

Tristan Stadtmuller

Las Vegas,
WOW! Another RipOff Report on me with no PROOF!!! LOL!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 16, 2014

Well, here's another Ripoff Report on me claiming that I'm into pimping women and that I make porn films.  Well, if I did that, would I be working as a security guard?  Also, Look at the date that this was filed, almost a whole month has passed and I haven't been arrested and I no criminal charges have been filed against me!!!

Yes people, I am a real danger and there's so much eveidence against me that the FBI is taking their sweet time in arresting me and putting me away.  This Ripoff Report states that I work at the Galleria Mall; therefore, the FEDS have been known where I was working and so why haven't they arrested me?  Common sense should tell you this!  

If I were making porn films, then please contact the porn agencies, porn studios and etc and ask them about me!  

I'll be more than happy to provide proof that I'm STD clean, even though I did have unptrotected sex with a porn actress over a year ago in West Hollywood, I won't deny this!  LOL!!!

My mother got harassed on Facebook and my mother knows that all of this is BS.  I have a question, I'm a grown man that lives on my own, why would someone tell my mom that lives in North Carolina?  

Anyway, for anyone who sees this RipOff Report, please believe whatever you want, but I will be more than happy to provide legit references from security and mainstream entertainment that will prove that this is all FAKE!  I am being harassed and this was done by a cyberbully that is trying to defame me because they have no guts to come get up in my face and start some mess with me.  Me on the other hand, if I have a problem with you, I get up in your face. A couple of scam artist from back in 2012 that stole $7G from me can tell you this.  

Even if I did make porn films, over 50% of the US watches porn and as long as I did it LEGALLY, what's the issue? 

I alreay know who did this RipOff Report and they're acting like an 11 year old spoiled little brat.  Almost a whole month has passed since this got published.  If what they're saying is true and that there's enough evidence to convict me of anything illegal and the FEDS have been notified about me, then why in the hell am I still working my job?  

in order for you to believe this ad, you would have to have no common sense!  As far as the STDs are concerned, I'm 100% clean of everything and I can provide proof because I have sex with pretty women like Dominique Simone a well known black porn actress in the 90's and I don't pay for nothing.  I don't mess with little blonde girls that look like $10 crack w**** that marry fat guys who are deformed looking and are very feminen. 



#4Author of original report

Fri, March 21, 2014




#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2014

 Please provide documented proof that he is "dying" from an STD that your "friend" gave him - if so your friend is also dying.  Also proof that he is a sex trafficer - if you can't then you a LIBEL in a big ol fat lawsuit he can file against you.  If you are just trying to be vindictive then you deserve what you get.

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