  • Report:  #1158047


Reported By:
gerri - phoenix, Arizona,

Select State/Province, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 

The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.

CONSUMERS:  Be kind.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.  Stick to the facts.  Do your research.  Keep the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper…not on Ripoff Report.

PLEASED TO SEE SUCH EFFORTS?  YOU CAN HELP RIPOFF REPORT COMBAT THOSE WHO ABUSE THE SYSTEM:  Ripoff Report, as resources allow, is working towards combatting Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with nasty personal allegations that can be serious.   Ripoff Report would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources.  If you think this is a worth-while endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project.  You can make a non-tax deductible donation by clicking on the PayPal icon at the bottom of the page located at the following URL:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/ConsumersSayThankYou/Donate.aspxThe more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.

Thank you!

~ Ripoff Report Staff



We hired this firm to collect for us an outstanding debt.

They ASSURED us that we would get at least 75% of what we were owed.

They said this was a slam dunk case.

We gave them a $10,000 retainer.

They then asked for more and more-always telling us that they were "almost there".

We ended up paying these crooks $24,000 - we received nothing!


Keep away from these sheisters!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Second Notice of Rebuttal

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 09, 2014

This serves as notice that the July 31, 2014 deadline has passed and that (((REDACTED))) (the "Firm") has filed suit in the Maricopa County Superior Court against the anonymous author of the above remark for the false publication of defamatory content.  As part of the lawsuit, which can be found at Case Number CV2014-010706, the Firm has issued a subpoena to the custodian of records of Xcentric Ventures LLC to obtain the identity of the anonymous author.  Be advised that the anonymous author has the right to anonymously serve and file a response to the the Firm's lawsuit/request.


Notice of Rebuttal

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 15, 2014

The anonymous author of the false post above dated June 27, 2014 (the "Post") is hereby notified that (((REDACTED))) (the "Firm") shall be filing an action in the Maricopa County Superior Court to uncover the author's identity and to seek monetary damages through a defamation action.

The Firm denies the allegations.  The Firm has had no involvement with collections matters requiring a $10,000.00 retainer, nor has it received $24,000.00 from a client who "received nothing."  Rather, the Post constitutes defamation, as it is an intentional, false communication made for the purpose of harming the Firm's reputation.  Should the Post remain published after July 31, 2014, a Subpoena Duces Tecum will be issued to the Custodian of Records of Xcentric Ventures, LLC and the author's identity will be determined.

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