Los Angeles,#2REBUTTAL Individual responds
Sat, October 18, 2003
Naive- Seeing that you posted this over a year after we separated, I think you forgot a few things: Your violent outbursts when I made a stupid comment about r***. Second, Yes I did push you, in self defense, I still have scars on my arms from you grabbing me. Third, I swear on all that is sacred to me that I was faithful to you the entire time of our relationship. besides i spent every waking moment with you when I wasn't at work or on the bus to work. Fourth, you were just as controlling, if not more, than I. I must admit I did lie to you about never loving you, you wouldn't let go of a bad relationship, even though we were both miserable. Im sorry I did it, but I think we are both better off now. Im sorry I hurt you so deeply. We did have some good times in our four month relationship, but the bad times were to intense and to often, so I had to do what I needed to do, to save my sanity, and sobriety. I wish you and Thomas a wonderful life together, and i hope to see you on "Star Trek" soon.
Paso Robles,#3Consumer Comment
Sat, August 30, 2003
If Nathan is the kind hearted, wonderful person you are describing Eric, Why would this girl be so angry and hurt and go to the trouble of airing this in public, DONT TRIVIALZE HER PAIN.
Los Angeles,#4Consumer Comment
Wed, August 06, 2003
I am the girl's boyfriend. I have been living with her for the past year and have known her for much longer. The very idea that she would EVER make something like this up is not only ridiculous, it is laughable. Anyone who knows her well knows that she is a wonderful and honest girl, and not the least bit, as the very "holier than thou but creepy" eric says; "sick". In fact if she ever starts to border on any kind of exaggeration she immediately corrects herself, that's how honest she is. She is funny, she makes me laugh with life, kindhearted, and intelligent; she is finishing her Master's degree next year. Obviously this eric person does not know her at all, and is just lashing out by making ludicrous, unfounded statements. Perhaps he is just afraid to find out that he does not know his friend Nathan as well as he had thought. In any case, he certainly does NOT know my girlfriend and judging her without having spent any time getting to know her is simply idiotic. Anyone who knows her knows that she is a healthy, sweet, loveable woman who has a soft heart for scoundrels. Luckily, I treat her like a human being, unlike others. I'm the one who lives with her and most certainly knows her better than some guy named eric who she met a couple of times. Shame on you eric. I am proud of her for having the guts to try and save other girls from the same abusive treatment, and I'm going to make sure that no one ever abuses her again. (I wish I could get my hands on this Nathan but he'll get what's coming to him eventually) Everyone who knows her loves her; co-workers, friends, and me, and I couldn't have picked a better person to be with.
Seattle,#5UPDATE Employee
Sun, July 20, 2003
So Mr. Eric, does that make me sick too because I remember the phone calls my sister made to me back then describing the things he did to her? Do you think I'm making up the fact that I witnessed her crying on the phone after he would hit her, or when after telling her he loved her he ran off with another woman? My memory is very accurate, and your accusations are asinine. I am not making up my memory just as my sister would never make up anything. You don't even know her! How dare you say she never went through everything that she went through, you weren't on the other line of the phone, you didn't have to hear her crying. How could you profess to know someone's character after only meeting her a couple of times? I've known her for her whole life and know what an honest person she is. When you've know her as long as I have then maybe you can make an accurate assessment of her character, and then I'm sure it would be the same as all of her friends and family, that she is a loving, trusting, true soul. By the way, you're a hypocrite, because the intent of that letter you wrote was to hurt her, and then you tell others not to hurt her. You must think we're all pretty stupid to fall for that slimy backdoor angle. My sister is brave and cares about the fate of other women. Your friend needs therapy, or jail, and you need to think before you speak, or at least get to know the person before you make judgements. The fact remains the you were NOT there when these things happened, only the people directly involved know, and only those who have known her for over two decades can know her character.
Los Angeles,#6UPDATE Employee
Sat, July 19, 2003
You wish he was hitting on you all night but that isn't the truth. Secondly, she put his name up here to hurt him with lies and I put her's up make people aware of this beautiful woman who has some serious issues. This is America and people have the right to face their accuser. By the way I do work my steps and work them very well, thank you. I help many people in the program. I probably should help your brother because it sounds like he isn't in the program anymore. And just because he knows about the steps doesn't mean you know anything about them until you work them Ms. Brown. As I recall you have a little drug habit yourself. So don't pull the wool over your own eyes. Wake up people.
Los Angeles,#7Consumer Comment
Tue, July 15, 2003
Dude, I knew this guy from way back, haven't talked to him in a few years but man he was an ***hole. He was violent, man this dude used freaking heroin and coke, he liked to just get laid by chicks. I really don't think he'd change that much in a few years. If you ask me, the real sick one is the guy who bashed her head into the wall.
Hollywood,#8Consumer Comment
Tue, July 15, 2003
Ok, I also happen to know both individuals in the discussion. I am a very close friend of the girl who wrote it and have known her for a very long time. She is the most honest and sweet person you could meet, and waaay too trusting of a person. If she has any sickness, it is that she puts her trust in jerks and gets taken advantage of. I met Nathan one night with her when we were in Hollywood, and when she wasn't around he hit on me all night. I didn't want to tell her because I didn't want to hurt her. Also, I know she is NOT lying about the physical violence Nathan inflicted on her. She told me about everything she went through with him at the time it was happening and she would not lie. By the way, I think was so silly that she went to meetings because she thought she might have a problem because once in a while she had more than one drink, but I have known her and she has never been irresponsible or had any kind of problem in her personal life caused by it. Someone who supposedly is in the program, Eric, should know better than to hypocritically name her and where she is from and then immediately tell people not to hurt her and pray for her. What bullcrap! He knows he might be hurting her by naming her and where she was from and he did that on purpose. Eric, you'd better re-work those steps. My brother was in the program so I know about these things. Bottom line: she is a good and honest person, and was misled and abused by Nathan. She is actually one of the most sane people I know, and is certainly not sick on any level. The only sick thing she did was choose to hang out with you pretentious barbarians.
Los Angeles,#9Consumer Comment
Mon, July 14, 2003
I know both individuals involved in this report. But I am a very close friend of Nathan. I met her through Nathan and she seemed nice at first. I am responding to this report so the truth can be known.The woman(Sherry from Pasadena) who wrote this report filed it more than a year after their relationship had ended. Their relationship lasted only four months. She is not naive but she is a sick person with some serious issues. I suggest that we all pray for her to get well and stay clean and sober. Nathan is one of the most polite, honest and trustworthy people I have ever met. Nathan is a very giving person and helps many people. He has been faithful to every woman that he has been in a relationship with since I have known him and that is more than two years. He is a very loving and spiritual person who follows GOD'S path. Once again I suggest we all pray for Sherry since she is a sick person. Don't be mean or hateful to her because anybody with any decency would be nice to a person who has any other disease(like cancer for example). I hope that anybody who reads this will realize that the statements made in her report are slanderous and malicious lies. May God Bless you all. Sincerely