  • Report:  #623411

Complaint Review: National Art Association - American Made Art - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
RiseAbove - Tampa, Florida, United States of America

National Art Association - American Made Art
333 Falkenburg Rd Suite 221 Tampa, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
A friend told me about this amazing job... Have fun, free beer at work, casual dress, punk rockers welcome!  Who wouldn't want to check this out!

So the first interview with the owner was cool, although I was a little put off by the shabby office he told me they had just opened and were in the process of building... So what we would be doing selling art business to business at rock bottom prices with unlimited earning potential and fast promotion...

What you are actually doing is driving to your designated "territory" and cold calling on every single business you pass giving them a complete line of bs about how you work with <insert local builders here> and how you had a bunch of art work left over and "they" (I am still not sure who "they" is) told you to stop and check with everyone to see if anyone was interested in buying great art at 80% off... Just come out to the car, I am on my way to back to the warehouse and then the pitch continued with how this is the same art sold at Z Gallery, Ashley Furniture, etc...

After 8 hours of driving around in the blazing heat my "trainer" who had been with the company for 7 years driving a beat up truck with no AC sold a handful of paintings to unsuspecting folks who bought the pitch... So with about 60 bucks in earnings for the day we went back to the shabby office where I learned that he makes six figures a year yadda yadda yadda...

Too much didn't add up and quite honestly I could not spend my days full on lying to everyone I met... Karma is a b*tch...

Sad part is, the art work isn't that bad, the framing and prices are decent, but the pitch is total bs... I think they target young kids and promise them castles in the sky if they are good at hustling people... It is just not me. 

So if you want a straight commission gig, have gas money to burn and can bullshit your a*s off this is a great job for you... If you have any self respect and integrity, don't waste your time.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Reasonable Response

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 29, 2011

Hi All,

I wanted to offer a level-headed, accurate review of this company free of curse words, insults, or incorrect accusations of illegality.

I did not work for this company for long--a day in fact. I worked at the Ft. Lauderdale branch (also known as Art Management Group) and sold 3 paintings totaling a $35 commission for that day (net earnings of about $22--will explain in a second) and quit the next day. My reasons for quitting were largely personal in that I just do not feel comfortable with direct marketing (door-to-door)--I can't stand the thought of soliciting to someone that may not want to be solicited to.

Nothing about this company is illegal, however:

They get past having to pay you minimum wage because you are classified as an independent contractor so technically working for yourself. This means that if you wanted to try and peddle bamboo or something else while you're going around it would be fine--you just can't sell art for anyone else because they have a non-compete clause that continues for a year after you stop working for them.

This also means you'll have to be accounting for your own taxes. They tell you to expect about $700/week in commission (like I said, I only worked there for a day so I can not attest to whether this is accurate) which, in Florida where there is no state income tax would put you at about $34K making your tax rate about 13%. I spent about a quarter tank of gas in one day going around so that's where I came up with my actual earnings for the day: $35 minus $9 in gas minus about $4 in taxes. Your trainer may try and tell you you can also write off your lunch--that WOULD be illegal and I would not recommend it unless you're buying lunch for a potential customer.

The girl I trained with did not sell much but between the days I trained with her and what the other guy at the company told me he sold, it seems average sales while I was there were about 8 a day which would put you at pre-tax $20,800 /year -- for some, still nothing to shake a stick at--leaps and bounds beyond minimum wage.

There is a lot of travel and partying paid for, young employees to make friends with, and there is very real opportunity for advancement if you can stand to just work real hard (60+ hrs/wk) for a year or two to become a branch manager (then you can start making money off the people beneath you--they say $70K to $150K per year but that's before the cost of running the branch--without having to do any direct sales yourself).

In the end, for me, I have a college degree and do not enjoy direct marketing so I thought I'd rather find something more traditional. For those who do not have a degree, who have a record that makes it hard to find traditional work, or who have a thick skin and do not mind working lots and going door-to-door, it could be a very good opportunity. Definitely a fun one for young people. Also, you can say that you were making over $(blank) amount being "self-employed" for however long and that could be pretty impressive on a resume as well.

Another thing to add for the record: they say you are selling these prints for 80% off retail value. Do the math and you'll see that based on what they tell you with the high-low it's more like 50-75% off. I went to Home Goods, however, later on in the day that I quit looking for area rugs and happened across a couple of the same prints (also framed) that this company was selling--guess what? They were about $10-20 cheaper at Home Goods.

Hope this helps.


United States of America

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 27, 2011

This report can't be anything further from the truth! I've worked for these guys for a while and everything they say is great. EVERY last thing that you said is almost a complete 180 of what they do. You're an idiot, these guys are awesome and it's people like you that complain and put things down that they can't do that make people so afraid to try anything new. Have fun waiting tables at 40 or driving your rusted out carolla -- because I'm rocking out with these guys, just got back from the Bahamas (for free), just paid off my student loans, and get to party all the time while making crazy $$$! 

And, honestly, maybe it's your 'friend that told you about the job' that you should take the issue up with.  Speaking of KARMA, why don't you try writing GOOD things about something instead of jumping on every chance to write NEGATIVE things.  What a tool, anyone who talks about karma knows, or should know, that the more positive you put out the more you get back. 


United States of America
Been working with RPM for six months!!!

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 22, 2011

I read the last post and i can't believe it. I'm 22 years old and I've been working with RPM art for 6 months. I'm making more money than any of my friends and I'm having a blast. My car note is payed up a month ahead and i've been on some killer trips.
Everyone there is cool as s**t and Brian is the best boss I've ever had. I bet whoever wrote that last post is still out of work and I guarantee I'm making more money than he is. I made manager after only 6 weeks and I've found a bitchin career that I'll never leave. We aren't for everybody...only the cool people. Good luck and thanks for applying, negative dude!


United States of America
Should've spent more than 8 hrs before coming to your conclusions...

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 03, 2011

I worked with RPM Art for a year in 2009.  If I didn't have to move to Washington for college, I'd still be working there.  I miss the job and the people that I worked with every day.  The only reason I found this page is because I was thinking of those guys and searched the company on Google.

The job itself is very outside-the-box and different from any desk job that you may have been looking for, but to act like it's some kind of jokey career offered to fools only is ridiculous.  I highly reccommend this job to anyone who doesn't like being inside an office all day, or doesn't like having a price tag on themselves and a limit on how much money they're allowed to make.

The 'salesman' at RPM Art do just that, they 'sell' artwork.  The cool thing about their product is that it's not limited to one demographic like most anything else sold.  At the prices they offer, anyone can afford to decorate their homes, offices, or even get gifts for friends or loved ones.  It might be the only product I've ever come accross that doesn't exclude anyone.  And in my time there, I honestly never heard of anyone not liking artwork.  On the contrary, I actually met thousands of cool people who related to artwork, loved to look at it and discuss it, and would tell amazing stories about themselves...All because of art!!  Really cool!

Like you said (but actually isn't BS), it IS the same artwork sold in Z Gallery and at Ashley Furniture stores.  The national company that manufactures the artwork also supplies those larger companies.  And they do work with builders!  I personally worked with designers who were decorating models for larger homebuilders and can name several model homes or apartments that have the art i supplied hanging on their walls. 

As for the trainer who had been with the company for 7 years...there was nobody there at that location for that long while I worked there.  If there was while you were trained, that person must have been making good money to stick with the company.  Who would stick with a company for 7 years if they were only making $60 a day?  Oh, I know why, it's probably because on that given day, that salesperson had a slower day.  It may happen from time to time.  On my training day, my trainer showed me how to sell 27 pieces.  At an average of $10-12 a piece, he made $270-$324 and he had only been with the company for 3 weeks.  I remember on my first day working for RPM, I sold 10 pieces and my trainer sold 35 pieces (at least $350).  The sales were easy as long as you wanted to do it.

Maybe the job wasn't for you, but the people that it is for are awesome to hang out with.  Sometimes I wonder why I've come to college only to learn what I've already learned with that company.  Along with making great money, going on amazing paid vacations, and partying all the time, I learned how to manage employees and run a very lucritive business.

I'm sorry that you didn't take the time to delve deeper into the company, you might have found the same enjoyment that I found in it.  But like in music, not everyone understands or likes your favorite band, but that music sure makes sense to you.

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