  • Report:  #402463


Reported By:
- CHARLESTON, South Carolina,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was contacted from a telemarketer from Nationwide Modification Agency about 4 months ago for information on a loan modification. I checked out there website www.natmod.com, which featured a picture of Katie Couric from CBS channel 2 news. They appeared to be a legitimate company with a 100% refund policy, licensed, bonded and insured.

After numerous phone conversations, Nationwide Modification Agency convinced me that if I followed their instructions I would be guaranteed a loan modification with an interest rate of 2% fixed for 30 years. Nationwide Modification Agency told me first and most important I needed to stop paying my mortgage in order to qualify for a modification and I had to fall at least 30-60 days behind on my payment. Up until this point, I was current and never made a late payment. I spoke to Nationwide Modification Agency almost daily until I was convinced to give Nationwide Modification Agency my mortgage payment instead of using it to pay my mortgage and in 30 days we would have a modification. I sent Nationwide Modification Agency $1,600.00 and that was the last time I received a call from their office.

After 3 weeks of not hearing from their office, I got worried and left messages everyday for my advisor or anyone that could give me status. Finally, I called my bank to find out what was happening with my mortgage. I was told by my bank that I now facing foreclosure because I was approaching 90 days late without any contact from Nationwide Modification Agency or myself in regards to why my payment was defaulted. It turned out Nationwide Modification Agency never even called my bank or sent them any information on my financial situation. After numerous attempts to speak to a supervisor, I finally got the owners name, which is Charles Montalbano. Since no one in the office would talk to me at 888-98-modify or at 631-851-4448 I drove 800 miles to the offices located at 700 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 100, Hauppauge, NY 11788. I was pushed off to one of the office assistants who apologized about my situation and still did not have any explanation to why this was happening to me.

When I got home I did some research on the owner of Nationwide Modification Agency Charles Montalbano and found out he was an ex-mortgage broker who's company went under because of fraudulent activity. Charles Montalbano was a mortgage broker who put hundreds of people in mortgages with adjustable rates when he knew they would default on them because they did not make enough money to pay the mortgage when the rates adjusted. Now Mr. Montalbano found a new way of scamming people out of money by pretending to do mortgage modifications. I also found out that there is no licensing for modification agencies, which Nationwide Modification Agency has advertised right on the home page of their website. I also contacted CBS news to find out their affiliation and what the affiliation Katie Couric has with Nationwide Modification Agency. CBS has said they are not affiliated with Nationwide Modification Agency and they are investigating the illegal usage of the reporter's picture and the insinuation that they promote this company.

It is really sad what this company is doing to hardworking people who are just trying to not lose their homes. I know personally it not only affected me but the saddest part is watching what it is doing to my children and the thought of not having a home especially with the holidays around the corner. Please beware of these scam artists do not let them ruin your life the way they ruined mine. Loan Modifications companies are complete scams and now it is costing me everything I worked so hard for to provide for my family. If you decide to do a modification, you should consult an attorney.


CHARLESTON, South Carolina


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Nationwide Is Not On Your Side

New York,
Burn Baby Burn

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 17, 2009

Where do we start. 1. They hire sales people as 1099 employees and then require them to work certain days and hours. that is illegal, they must pay a salary and overtime if worked. 2. They are not lawyers doing the modifications, they are Charlies wife Stephanie(last i checked she is not an attorney). 3. To my understanding and knowledge they have done very few modifications over the course of the past 14 months. 4. They moved from fell ct. in Hauppauge to a much bigger office in hauppauge on Veterans memorial highway, that never filled past 10-12 sales people. It had the capacity for over 50. 5. They had to leave the 2nd office because of back rent, and i believe they are being pursued by the landlord for that as well. 6. They are under investigation by the AG of new york. 7. they have a class action lawsuit against them from a former sales rep for lost wages and overtime. 8. Their sales ad promises and states no cold calling, all in bound calls. that is lie. they used did direct mail for a while and some crazy press 1 campaign that the policed were called for, again, nice job charlie. They mostly bought data for homeowners behind on the mortgages and called that a hot lead. 9. they went through about 8-10 managers in a year, of which none lasted past 2-3 months. 10. He hired a spanish sales rep, had him make the agreement in spanish, which took a long time, and then never compensated him for it, even fired him shortly after. 11. they now are united Financial Consultants, are at another address, and no old information works as far as websites or phone numbers. Hmmmmm..... 12. He bought a moving bill board and had it stolen the first day out in the parking lot, right across from his second office, in clear view of his office and didn't know for hours. This information all comes from various valid sources mind you. if anyone else has or needs information just reply. Charlie, Long Island is a small place when it comes to sales. Being an salesman yourself, i would think you want to be more careful how you treat people. And as far as not paying your outside reps their commissions due, you should be a shamed of yourself. If I were you, I would close shop now, get your resume together( i would leave off NMA), and leave town. People do not forget, and everybody will know about you if they already don't very quickly. I'm Out!!

Robbed By Ufc

Red Bank,
New Jersey,
United financial Consultants/Nat mod-New Co same theif

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 17, 2009

Good day all Charles Montalbano the owner of nat mod closed that company and opened a new one.This ones name is United Financial Consultants. There address is 280 Middle Country road,suite s Selden,NY 11784 ufccorp.net Seems Charlie has a new scam. Not paying the salesman!!! I have been working for this deadbeat for 2 months. Here what he did to me and two others.[He pays on the 1st and the 15th] Instead of mailing me my check.He tells me that ANOTHER agent of his had alot of bounced checks, and that his bank froze his acct for 180 days.??? I told him that has nothing to do with me and i want and need my money. His bottom line was he don't have it,and we all need to wait.So i guess i am at your mercy charlie.. Here's his new game-he has his agents,selling loan audits then charging the homeowner $100 IF and after they get modified.Some clients pay up to $3000 for that loan audit... Suite s is a corner store,i think it was a bakery? Steven Walker,the one who wrote the rebuttal.He is charlie boys father in law.Charlie fired him btw:Guys all class huh I used all my real info signing up,if there is a lawyer that is interested in this case,please contact me.The three of us are owed over $15,000 So far NONE of my clients received a modification or even received their loan audit.They are lucky if they get a phone call back.These people are not happy. Anybody want to take a guess what his new companies name will be?I give this place 3 more months See you in court charlie,i just did a google search on you.Seems there is already a lawsuit coming up against you..Another salesman you didn't pay This is a great site,great place to send all my unhappy clients too. Give my clients back there money..you took it and did nothing! Karma baby...it's a b***h. UFC....As far as this company is concerned.Do yourself a favor.STAY AWAY Revealing the truth.....He a theif.


New York,
Rebuttal to Jessy 1234 -

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 10, 2009

Nationwide Modification Agency's Rebuttal To Complaint of Jessy 1234. The complaint purportedly filed by a Jessy 1234, Charleston S.C. is a rip off". No such person exists. NMA has no file for any resident in the State of South Carolina. If Jessy 1243 exists and she has been treated as unfairly as she says; WE URGE HER TO CONTACT THE SOUTH CAROLINA ATTORNEY GENERAL IMMEDIATELY. That is the proper protocol to deal with a complaint of this nature involving interstate transactions. We welcome the opportunity to address this complaint with a state authority. However, that won't happen. We are confident no such person exists. A disgruntled former employee or a jealous unethical competitor posted this complaint. The later is more likely the case. The date of this complaint coincides exactly with the date of the theft of an advertising trailer owned by NMA that, upon information and belief, police believe was likely stolen by a competitor. As to the complaint itself, statements made within border on being absurd. Supposedly, after getting no response from NMA, Jessy 1234 states she, drove 800 miles to the offices located at 700 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 100, Hauppauge, NY 11788. ... Imagine that. Someone who supposedly doesn't have the money to pay a mortgage would waste the time and gas at +- $4.00 per gallon to drive 800 miles to NY to confront her nemesis,... without first calling a lawyer or writing and sending a certified letter... That is total insanity. No one could believe such nonsense. As to details within this complaint they reveal public knowledge that is partially correct. Mr. Charles Montalbano is the owner of Nationwide Modification Agency Inc. However, that is where truth ends and fabrication and lying begins. Pubic records show that Mr. Montalbano NEVER had a mortgage company, let alone one that went out of business for fraudulent activity. NEVER. Mr. Montalbano NEVER put hundreds of people in mortgages with adjustable rates when he knew they would default. NEVER. Jessy 1234 further states she contacted CBS about Katie Couric's picture. More nonsense. The President of National Positions attests that Ms. Couric's likeness along with thousands of other well-known personalities is legally available for use from a variety of sources. Any other statements made in this complaint not specifically addressed herein are not worthy of wasting the time to comment on. I challenge anyone to produce a single document that substantiates any allegation in this complaint. This compliant is absolute pure garbage. For the record, Mr. Montalabano is a gentleman who always tries to do the right thing. He is a man of integrity and conscience. An immature and jealous competitor, and we are fairly confidant we know who you are, posted this anonymous complaint. No legitimate consumer has a gripe with NMA. Anyone that deals with NMA is treated fairly and with respect. Should any issue arise between NMA and a consumer, it addressed promptly and resolved. Our professional and dedicated staff, which includes attorneys, takes pride in helping homeowners with their difficulties. That is why NMA is successful. NMA creates solutions. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. What is really sad is that garbage like this complaint gets posted on this web site, anonymously'. The owner of the site, Ed Magedson (the founder) allows anonymity of complaints. He hides the names of accusers. This policy reeks with contamination and is an invitation for abuse and unethical conduct. It is a pathetically poor example of resolving conflict and totally lacks any measure of fundamental fairness. Apparently, this web site seems to be more about sensationalism than it is about giving people (consumers and business folks) the opportunity to resolve legitimate conflict. Mr. Magedson should revise the format of this web site so that trash like this complaint does not unjustly stigmatize anyone without the opportunity to confront the accuser, eye to eye. Transparency works because it keeps everyone honest. The premise upon which this web site is based, a forum to expose unscrupulous unethical conduct etc., is sound. However, this site lacks credibility and is tainted because this site's present policy of giving an accuser a veil to hide behind, makes this site a rip off. Stephen J. Walker, NMA

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