  • Report:  #194615

Complaint Review: Natural Cures.com - Kevin Trudeau - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Painesville, Ohio,

Natural Cures.com - Kevin Trudeau
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I subcribed to NaturalCures.com and got some information from the site. I decided I wasn't getting enough from it to justify the $9.95/month fee so I went to the website and canceled. I checked my credit card statements and found I was still getting charged.

I emailed NaturalCures.com multiple times with no response. I finally started disputing the charges with my credit card. That was the only way I got the situation resolved.


Painesville, Ohio

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Good Information\???

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

Seems people here are rightfully upset about bad business practice. I too gave up on the web site but his information is solid. I went through a lot of doctors and the government before I had to place my mother in a nursing home. I almost had the cops called on me when I refused to use the treatment for my mother when I told them I wanted a second opinion. What does that say about the health care system? The nursing home has very limited meal chooses, non organic and they are charge about $5,000 per month. I know it's not for the food. Go to any store here in the US and read what is in non organic foods. Then look at the health of the people buying it, Read pet food labels. look at pets, do research on what is killing our pets. Cancer is number one for all pets. Why ? I 'll just say wild animals do not get cancer eating wild food. So Kevin is making more than we are. So is Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Orpah, and that p***k Simon from American Idol. Does that mean we should beat them up and bane their products? Should we stop watching TV and movies because most are supported my AOL? People grow up and learn from wise or informed people. The web site was a afterthought business. Like when you order a burger, would you like fries with that? Get his books from the library or read them at the store. The information is solid. Maybe he is a bit sleazy with his business but that doesn't take away from his information.


Is that you up there, Kevin?

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 12, 2007

The only reason the FTC and FDA is 'out to get' Kevin is because he's a liar and a fraud. He's the one obsessed with money. He was banned from selling any physical products on television because he lied about EVERY one of them! He had to pay out a couple good chunks of money to make the lawsuits about said products go away. The only reason he can pitch these books is because of his right to free speech. Now if the FTC and FDA were REALLY repressing him, they'd ban him from selling these books, too. I used to take orders for Kevin's products. I hated every order I took, knowing that unless they were complete novices at natural medicine, they would get nothing out of it. I knew that they would probably get charged for things they didn't want in the first place. Most of them never even receive their books. That's why I stopped. No amount of money is worth that. Open up your eyes, folks! All Kevin sees are dollar signs.


See it for what it is!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, January 19, 2007

Some people get emotionally charged and fail to recognize that facts are facts, and assumptions are only assumptions. It is true that the information within his books have helped many people (myself included) It is also true that there are MANY people who are angry about the inconvenience caused by the so-called "free" trial membership to naturalcures.com. Many people have reportedly been unsuccessful in getting this company to respond to requests for discontinuation of their membership and the monthly charges (myself included) Some people, the ones who have no complaints, are quick to assume that anybody who openly reports dissatisfaction with this company must be a shill hired by the FTC or FDA set out to trash this company. The fact that one group of people had no issues with this company has no bearing on the fact that another group of people received no response to their requests. It is true that "Big Pharma" is a huge money maker. This leads to the ASSUMPTION that they act less than ethically in order to perpetuate the profit made from sick people. Whatever the proof is, whatever the case may be, however convinced you are... it has nothing to do with naturalcures.com, Kevin Trudeau, or the customers who are DISSATISFIED with the level of customer support received. Big Pharma, FTC, FDA - their motives or business practices have no bearing on the simple fact that numerous people have experienced nothing less than a hassle regarding the cancellation of the membership to naturalcures.com. I myself have benefited from his books, but I also feel inclined to AVOID ever doing business with this company in the future. See it for what it is. And feel free to read about my own personal experience: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff231312.htm


University Place,
I totally agree

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, July 30, 2006

I recently tried to cancel my account with naturalcures.com because I did not feel that the $9.95 was justified. They said they would reimburse me, but instead just charged me again and overdrew my account (after they promised me a free year). Kevin Trudeau is a thief amongst theives. Also, it takes them two weeks just to respond to an e-mail for any advice or support problems.


Everyone has a past

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, July 17, 2006

Everyone has a past, and can be found out, especially now that the internet logs everything you've ever done in your entire life. No one has perfect credentials. Not even you. Anyone can bring up anything to discredit anyone if it serves there purpose. I think people are getting sick and tired of these character assasinations. They are so common now, that no one even pays attention anymore. People are not the idiots you take them for. Everyone knows the big drug companies make billions off of peoples sufferings, that they have never found a cure for anything, and that they could care less about you unless you have the money or insurance to pay the big megabucks for their poison. This goes for most doctors as well, all hospitals, x-ray technicians, and the whole medical establishment. Any commercial by the way, that the FDA, FTA, BIG DRUG company cartel sees as a threat to their monopoly will be pulled off the air, and the instigators of these commercials prosecuted.


The guy is a fraud

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, July 13, 2006

He was convicted of 2 felonies, and paid a hefty fine for making false claims in his infomercial life and was forced out of that business completely. Now he's just finding different ways to steal money. Apparently that is all Trudeau has done his whole life.


Do any of you work for the FTA , FDA, or big drug company?

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 13, 2006

I was just curious? Do any of the above posters work for the FTA, FDA or big drug companies? As I said earlier, the big drug companies have one thing in mind and that is to make a lot of money. I think it's funny when I see a poster in here who posts something like that but doesn't offer details. Is it because there is no details? There was a cure for diabetes at one time, but the big drug companies came along and bought out the cure from the inventor. And then they trashed it. Why? Even if they sold this simple remedy for 10,000.00, that you would have had to only taken once, it wouldn't compare to keeping somebody on a lifetime of profitable insuline and syringes and all the little eletronic gadgets they now sell to go with it. They've had fifty years of taking gullible good hearted peoples money and invested it in these scams that are supposed to do all this research to cure all these diseases. But guess what? They are runned by the drug companies. You can't make money if you discover a cure. Who cares if there hair falls our and they vomit all over the place, we are making billions. Pump in the chemicals till they run out of insurance, and then send them to the street to die from all the poisoning done to them. Or how about running a fundraiser for those who don't have insurance or adequate insurance, so these fat slobs in their thousand dollar suits sitting behind their mahogany desks will be able to have a good report for their stockholders and the billions they have made from one drug alone. Vioxx anyone? Anyone seen the new warning lables for Effexor, that they just quietly put in a couple of weeks ago? Small side effect - it makes you drown all your children and suffocated them like this lady in Texas on trial for killing all her children. It might make you violent. Don't forget the anti-depressants that make children want to commit suicide. Hey, but they are happy when they go, right? Hey and maybe the Viox suffers, at least don't feel no joint pain when they blood quit's pumping to their heart. How about good old Zyprexa? It makes you swell up to 500 lbs, and gives you Diabetes. But wait isn't there a cure for that? No! Well at least they got shots of insulin you can take for the rest of your life. You can sue right? Yeah if you want to be part of a class action where you might get a couple of hundred dollars after all the lawyers and doctors and everyone else gets there share. And guess what happens next? You go on the medical blacklist. They have one of those you know. You sue a doctor, hospital, or any of these other freaks, and they put you in a database, and you never ever get good care again. And not only this, but once you sue a doctor, you can never sue a doctor again, because a lawyer won't take you on. You look sue happy. I hope the people on here who post for the FTA, FDA and the big drug companies who post on here just to try and bring down people who are sick and tired of your sorry antics feel good about what you are doing. Someday you might get sick and then you will be on the drug merry go round. Or maybe you won't, maybe you are smart enough, to know not to take your own poison. I bet you are. I bet you laugh anytime someone asks are you going to go to the doctor for that?

Carmen Renee

Did not Want

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 13, 2006

Any involvement at all and was charged an addtional $106.50 without authorization! I am still after 2 months trying to get my money back!


I had no problems

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, July 06, 2006

I got all the information I feel I needed off the site, so I cancelled. Also because I feel I could get the same kind of information from another site that I liked better, but I'm not here to push products or websites. To get down to my main point. I cancelled my account, and I had no problems whatsoever. Not only did they do what I requested, but they gave me a couple of free months as they said they would. As far as the religion spirituality thing. The drug companies are out to hurt Kevin and all the people who are putting a dent in their pocket books. They are using the FDA, FTA, and countless websites, to discredit these people. What I would do as a consumer is buy his book and just read it for yourself, and make your own informed decision. I wouldn't let a website, drug company, FDA, FTA, or anyone else, who has a corrupt, greedy, and immoral, duty to make lots and lots of money for themselves tell you what you should and shouldn't know. Read for yourselves, get both sides of the issue. Don't be a pawn for anyone. People lie all the time. People are very corrupt. It's all about the money.


North Carolina,
Similar Experience

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, June 23, 2006

Todd, I went through a similar experience, but I was lucky enough to come out the better.... Two weeks after I signed up and was charged the first $9.95, I emailed them to cancel since I was tight on money to begin with and there wasn't enough info on the site to justify the cost, in my opinion. It took a few emails, but they complied. Then, two months after that, I was charged again. I emailed them, stating they are bouncing my checking account cause of that. They quickly refunded me. Strangely enough, they kept my account active at the website, but I never went back after those first 2 weeks. I am sorry you went through all that, but am glad you got your money back. Also, if you do a search on this company, there is a growing theory that Kevin's company sold customer names to a "religious/spiritual path" society. It's an interesting story that one! LOL

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