denver,#2General Comment
Fri, October 01, 2010
Are we addicted to narcotic pain pills? First you do a lot of doctor shopping, when the doctors catch on and the pharmacy's call the doctor to approve it because you have 20 scripts in a 2 week period, you start to go out of town to hospitals, you go through family and friend's medicine cabinet looking for your little helper aka vicodin, percocet, or whatever has opium in it. Then when the well starts to dry up you start to get desperate, very desperate. So what's next going on line and buying pills. How do I know this I was addicted to pain pills to for 3 years I know how the insanity of getting pills is like. I have been clean from pain pills for 1year and 1/2. I was diagnosed with lumbar spinal stenosis when i was put on percocet and nothing got in the way of my addiction. Once i got off the pills i don't have severe flair ups anymore. I started exercising my back and I take aleve.
Is there times I would like to get some percocet? yes.
Is it easy to sop and get help? no
But if you want a better life a clear head you have to take the first step admit you have a problem. You can look at the positive side of sobriety you gain your empowerment back see right now you've given away all your powers to the narcotic pain pills that's why its got such a strong hold on you, that's why it drives you to get more and more and d**n the end result. But once you stop you start to empower yourself again, you don't have to spend countless hours at the ER or doctor's office. Waste all that money trying to buy pills. Imagine what you could do with that money!!
And once you stop I know that reality becomes to real and you're going to want to retreat to the pills. But give it a chance life isn't all that bad once you learn how to cope with reality. Its not always going to be rosy in fact sometimes it bites but its better than the alternative.
I wish you luck and I hope you can turn this around it's never to late.