  • Report:  #141597

Complaint Review: Netdropshippers.com - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Seattle, Washington,

2857 E. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, 90023 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


2857 E. Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, California 90023

Phone: (323) 262-0700

Fax: (323) 262-4800

On 3/30/2005, I ordered 2 Treo 650 Cell phones from this company. On March 30, 2005, first Gabriel Soriano emailed me and then Mr. Arthur told me over the phone that any order over $400 has to be paid by wire transfer (although their website does not say so - copy of their website regarding Payment is given below).

So on March 31, 2005, before the wire transfer I confirmed from Mr. Arthur if they had Treo 650 in stock. He informed he that they do have the phone in stock and to go ahead and wire transfer the funds. So I wire transferred $1100 to NETDROPSHIPPER.

When the wire transfer was completed, I again called Mr. Arthur to ask when they would be able to ship the product. Now Mr. Arthur told me that they no longer carry any Treo 650 and changed my web order to show as Treo 600. But I have a confirmation email from them stating that I ordered Treo 650.

During this conversation itself I asked Mr. Arthur to refund the $1100 wire transferred, as they no longer had the product that I wanted. Mr. Arthur promised me on March 31, 2005 itself, that he would immediately refund the money by wire transferring it back to my account. Yet for days I did not see any refund.

After my repeated inquiries about the refund, they emailed me that it is their policy to refund money in 30 days, which too is not mentioned anywhere on their website. (I have copies of their web pages and please visit netdropshipper.com to see if you can find it anywhere on their website)

On May 2, 2005, after 30 days I contacted them again and asked for where the refund was to which they replied that they received the refund request only on April 11, 2005. Copy of my email dated April 6, 2005, once again asking for a refund (reiterating Mr. Arthur's commitment of March 31, 2005, to immediately refund the $1100 paid by me) are given below.

This company is in the business of scamming people and using their money to run their business. They do not follow their own policies and I have copied the Payment policy below with the url for one and all to check out and make a decision on their own.

And no where does their site say that to refund the money they will take 30 days. (In my case they did not have the goods and made me send the money and not having supplied me with any good or services they are not refunding my money, wanting 30 days to refund the money - what a "rip-off).

They are a perfect example of a rip-off company. Even if they can make a sucker of 10 people with $1000 each, they have $10,000 each week of interest free funds and who knows if they ever refund the money. I have not seen my refund as yet, even after 30 days as claimed by them.

Copies of emails: Further proof that they are in the business of telling lies and rip-off.


Subj: URGENT: For Mr. Arthur

Date: 04/06/2005

To: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Arthur,

On 3/30/2005, I sent you a wire transfer of $1100 for two Treo 650. On 3/31/2005, over the phone you acknowledged having received the wire transfer, but said you no longer carry the Treo 650 and so would refund the amount sent by wire transferring it back to me.

I have been calling you office number of times a day, since then as I have not received the $1100 as yet. You do not return my calls and I do not know when you intent to refund the money to me.

Please treat this matter as urgent and I would appreciate if the amount of $1100 wire transferred to you on 3/30/2005 is refunded immediately back to me.

A call from you will be appreciated. I am available at XXX-XXX-XXXX. No one can be that busy as to ignore a customer request for refund of money paid to you and no good received in return.

Thank you,

D. K.


Subj: Re: Subject: Fwd: URGENT: For Mr. Arthur

Date: 05/02/2005

To: [email protected]

Dear Sir,

What has happened with the refund of $1100? It is more than 30 days now and I do not see any refund. I shall be forced to report this matter to the local Police and other agencies if I do not see the refund by tomorrow 5/3/2005 (which is 33 days since you received the money).


DK Parsai


Subj: Subject: Re: Subject: Fwd: URGENT: For Mr. Arthur

Date: 05/03/2005 5:34:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time

From: [email protected]

Sent from the Internet (Details)

Hello Mr. DK

Your account shows that you requested your credit on 4-11-2005. Your refund is being processed and will be mailed shortly.

We thank you for your patience and understating.


Sales Department

NetDropshipper, Inc




Payment Options

We accept the following forms of payment for your online purchases:

Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express

Money Order, Cashier checks and wire transfers:

Once your payment is received you will be issued credit within 2 business days.

You will be able to make purchases using that credit.

We will ship your products after your money order, cashiers check, or cash wire have cleared. Please do not send cash.

Your credit card will be charged and invoiced by NetDropshipper, Inc.


Seattle, Washington

4 Updates & Rebuttals


DK did you receive your check?

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, June 17, 2005

Hi, I was reading the posts about this particular company and must say it sounds much like what Overstock.com did to my sister. Not only did they take her money but they mailed to her a product she didn't pay for. She went through the process of dealingg with lying employees stating they had her refund underway but when she contacted them a week later, one of the live reps on their site said no refund was showing in the system. I can go on because it doesn't even end there. But she has yet to receive her refund from them and it's been about 2 months now. I do believe if she gets in touch with the owner things will get done quicker. They tried substituting the product she wanted with another. The product she wanted was out of stock but was showing that it was in stock at the time she purchased it and she has a receipt for it. But they sent her a substitute. How that happened I have no clue. Bad business to me; they should have contacted her FIRST to see if that was okay to get a substitute. And then it was of lesser value than what she initially purchased. More to it, but all of this to say, your situation with NetDropshipper sounds much like something Overstock would do. Most companies would rather do anything in their power to keep your money than refund it. Why do you think companies do rebates? Because they bank on people forgetting about it, that's my belief. My sister has had an experience with a company that actually tried NOT giving her her entitled rebate. I can't remember the name. It's a shame you have companies who's employees are terrible. But what company with more than 10 employees doesn't have at least one employee who won't give you the run around; online or off?! That's not an excuse, just the way it is. If you want to change it then go apply or start an honest company; I'll give you my business guaranteed. Let's say you get your money back, now what? Instead of warning people about your bad experience, give people an alternative. Otherwise, you've helped absolutely nobody but yourself, if even that. Everyone knows, or should that doing business over the Internet it usually takes a while to get a refund. Brick and mortar stores is easier and much quicker. Why that is - I don't know, either. I guess it's easier for an upset customer to raise havoc in a store where the company can more than likely lose customers if they don't address the issue at once. Just a thought. Internet, they don't have that worry for the most part. You do have forums and whatnot around the net and sites like this one, but it's not the same. Impact is greater when people are literally witnessing in person than over the net. Like I'll go in Target every blue moon and if I come across a product that is just WAY TOO MUCH MONEY, I'll voice it loud, "You know you can get this cheaper at Wal-mart." And I'll walk on. Give people an alternative if you're really NOT wanting people to do business with a particular company. People like options. When you don't give them options while bashing another company, you leave them with no other choice but to try it out anyway. So, you'd actually be helping the company gain more business rather than not. Doing just the opposite of what you intend. But an employee made a comment some posts above that wasn't addressed by you, or maybe I read over it, did you receive your check that they said was "mailed as promised"? Whether it was mailed in the timeframe that you expected it or was told by an employee that it would be, did you get a check back? And what alternatives do you have, if you don't suggest a person do business with NetDropShipper.com where the employees are all honest all the time and admit their faults all the time? That way I can take my business elsewhere based on your referral. Thanks so much in advance.


All a bunch of BS by Netdropshippers

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, May 29, 2005

Amen to Wally - Warana, Australia Wally you got the correct picture. Artur - Los Angeles, California, you are a part of the scam and so you will defend Netdropshipper. Testimonials by two or three. No one know if these people are for real, but I know my experience with you and I know that is for real. Interestingly your company was started, as per BBB, on Date: 10/17/2004 and the first BBB Record on created: 11/22/2004 (Complaint I presume since you are not a Member of Better Business Bureau). About my complaint too you lied to the BBB that I was asked to wire funds since my order was international. I proved it to BBB that you lied and I can prove it here or anywhere. You know you cannot prove it other wise because you are not telling the truth. The number of reasons for the wire of funds has varied from: 1. Funds for all orders over $500 have to wire transferred. 2. Funds for all orders over $400 have to wire transferred. 3. My order was international order so the wire transfer was required. The truth of the matter is simple math. You are running you business on the money of innocent victims like me. Even if in a month you are able to get 100 people (from the so-called thousands of customers) like me to wire $1000 each, you have $100,000 interest free funds to run your business for 30 days. YES, $100,000 INTERESTS FREE FUNDS PER MONTH FROM INNOCENT VICTIMS. THIS IS THE REAL SCAM. And who knows how many of these fund you actually refund. So eventually you end up getting free funds. If you need funds, simply ask for charity and maybe some people will accommodate you. Not me. We have seen your facilities in Los Angels and know how busy you are with thousands of customers that you do not have time to send refund to Customers immediately and need to take over 30 days to process refunds. Fool some one who has not taken you up on each lie of yours. Yes, your type wholesale business or any business is not for me. I am into honest and straightforward business. If you ran an honest busies you would clearly mention on your website the requirement to wire funds and not change this policy on a minute to minute basis. You will clearly mention on you web site that the refund takes 30 days (which you will never do because then you will not be able to get innocent victims to send you funds). You would respond to the Customer yes the good old-fashioned Customer Service it is called. So just admit you screwed up and make a public statement that from now on you will run an honest business or for sure you will be out of business.


2-4 minutes to take the money 2-4 weeks to refund - B*LLSH*T !!!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

netdropshipper.com do you think we are idiots! 2 x testimonials from [email protected] and [email protected] - solid business people whose references you must highly value!!! -Not !! If you are happy to take peoples money so quickly get off your behinds and refund it when YOU MAKE A MISTAKE. Why would someone who ordered and paid for a Treo650 be happy with or want a superceded Treo600 let alone 2 of them? You made the mistake - fix it straight away not over a month later. It is called customer service that is C-U-S-T-O-M-E-R S-E-R-V-I-C-E. I know they are two foreign words to you so thought I would spell it - perhaps you may take the time to research it. I dare say this one rip off report will have lost you many potential customers because they, like me would not want to be subjected to the same arrogance that your business has exhibited with this transaction. You might have thousands of customers now but treat them like this and you will successfully turn what presently is quite a lucrative business into something that does exist. Admit when you are wrong, step up to the plate, apologise and FIX IT - then you'll be on the way to having an enduring successful business. We, the retailers are not idiots!!!


Los Angeles,
Unfair of you to make such false accusations

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 07, 2005

There is absolutely no need to make such false remarks about NetDropshipper.com refund policy. Your check was mailed to you just as it was promised. You need to understand that refunds take time, generally between 2 to 4 weeks. With the amount of volume we process daily, it is very difficult to accommodate everyone at the same time. Accusing us of taking peoples money???? You have some nerve to make such assumptions. We satisfy thousands of members and help them make money at the same time. Wholesale business is not for everyone and obviously you fall in that category and here are just some of the testimonials from our members so you would stop this nonsense of false accusations. ----- Original Message ----- From: "monica barton" To: "GENERAL INFORMATION" Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 4:06 PM Subject: Web Site - Comment > > NetDropshipper.com web site COMMENT. > ____________________________________ > > From: monica barton > Phone: 859-356-XXX> Email: [email protected] > Email: Survey > ________________________________________ > > I just took a survey that had complaints. I do want to let you know that overall I\'ve had very successful transactions with netdropshipper and sincerely hope to keep doing business here. It\'s obvious that you are trying very hard to make your business efficient for both yourselves and your customers.Thank you ----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Pacifico" To: "CUSTOMER SUPPORT" Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 6:52 PM Subject: Web Site - Comment > > NetDropshipper.com web site COMMENT. > ____________________________________ > > From: Paul Pacifico > Phone: 205xxxxx > Email: [email protected] > Email: Service > ________________________________________ > > I would just like to say Thank You for your outstanding service lately. For always getting my items shipped so fast, and for providing me with superb customer service when I need it. > > I truly appreciate this! > > Thank you! > > Paul Please don't regret - you saved my you-know-what - the order and the confirmation e-mails from BidPay where one big fraud. If I could I would come to California and kiss each and every one of you. Thank you so much for your quick action in this matter. I assure you that more stringent checks and ballances have been placed on all my orders as a result of this. Hopefull this will not happen again - but with internet fraud to wide spread, it is good to know I am dealing with someone who can respond so quickly. Again thank you soooooooooooo much! MV Conroy

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