  • Report:  #1053501

Complaint Review: Newberry Habitat for Humanity - LaPine Oregon

Reported By:
Newberry Habitat for Humanity Home Owner - LaPine, Oregon,

Newberry Habitat for Humanity
LaPine, 97739 Oregon, USA
(541) 593-5005
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 Good Day, the Sun has Risen, the Birds are Singing, it's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, it is now 5:40 AM, on May 24th 2013. Current Temp 21 Degrees.


We are the First and Initial Home-Purchasers from the Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity in South-Central Oregon.


We Delightedly Helped Build & then Pleasurably Purchased a Home that was Supposed to be Better, Safer & Healthier Living Conditions than our Previous Home. Our Habitat for Humanity's Jerry-Build Home is now "Uninsurable" thanks to the Adamant and Unyielding Insistence of Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity and their Steadfast & Clamorous Demands and their Self-Centered Requirements that we Unwantedly Purchase Homeowners Insurance from the Fraudulent, Lying and Deceitful Allstate Insurance Corporation..... "The Good-Hands" People.


On a Stunningly Spectacular Sunny Summer September Day, back in 1994, We Pleasurably, Pleasingly & Proudly Purchased a Brand New Home through the Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. You know, the Non-Profit Corporation that was Founded on the Belief and Assurance that Every Man, Woman & Child Should Have a Decent, Healthy and Safe Place to Live.

They Didn’t “Advise Us”, They “TOLD” us that we "HAD TO" Purchase "Financial Protection" Home-Owners Insurance through their Sanctioned “AllState Insurance Company“. It just so Happened that a Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity Board Member was also a Corrupt AllState Insurance Agent. We were Vigorously “Disallowed” Any-Other Options.


I have Over 35 Years of Experience, Knowledge & Skill, Gained through Being Thoroughly Involved In and Permanently Exposed to the Automotive Collision Repair, Customization, Fabrication & Restoration Business and I Professionally, Competently & Advisingly Counseled, the then Acting, Newberry Habitat for Humanity’s President, Vick Russell & the Entire Board of Directors, Verbally and in Writing, that AllState Insurance Corporation is Not a “Piece of s**t” Insurance Company, they are a “Heaping PILE of s**t” {Excuse my French} Insurance Company and they Don't Pay Legitimate Claims and I Don’t Feel that We are in “Good Hands,” more like “Gorging Hands with Sticky-Fingers”! Through many Business Dealings over 35 Years, we have been Ripped-Off and Willfully Injured by Allstate Insurance Company on Voluminous Occasions!


After Obsequiously Procuring Homeowners Insurance through their Influential Commands and Vehemently Obligatory Guidelines..... Well, Needless to Say, Approximately 15 Years Later and Well Over $12,000 Dollars to the Permitted, Accepted & Sanctioned yet Felonious, AllState Insurance Corporation, we Undesirably had a Water-Leak Hidden in the Wall, that was Unpredicted, Unwelcomed & Unforeseen. It Only Leaked when the Shower/Tub was in use. We could have left for 7 Years on a Restful, Relaxing African Sabbatical or Journeyed to Iraq & Afghanistan to Combat Fake & Phony Terrorist's and it wouldn’t have Unforeseeably or Drenchingly Dripped one Damaging, Unforeseen and Undesirable Drop.


It Completely, Top to Bottom, Damaged and Ruined Our Floors All The Way Down to the Principal Reinforcing Main Beams that are the Foremost and Principal Core Support for Our Kitchen Floor, Two Bathroom Floors and the Hot-Water Heater Hall Closet Floor. {Basically, the Supportable and Sustainable Center of Our Decadent, Insalubrious and Precarious Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity’s Jerry-Build Home}


De-ja-vu, Just as I had Amenably Warned and Yieldingly Counseled! ... The Exploiting, Fraudulent & Dishonest AllState Insurance Company, that was Coercibly Mandatory through the Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity, that we were Compelled to Acquire & Obtain, Refused to Financially Protect and Recompense the Legitimate, Unforeseen, Undesirable, Unpredictable Event and Rightful Claim!


WOW! AMAZING! Who Would Have Thought!? Who Could Have Possibly Have Known!? A Moral & Ethical President of ANY-Company Would Have Welcomed & Mindfully Heeded Any Professional Advice or Counsel on what a Sanctioned & Permitted “Fraud” and “Rip-Off“ Enterprise, AllState Insurance Corporation is! If someone could have only had Over 35 Years of Experience Dealing with the Corrupt and Fraudulent AllState Insurance Corporation!


Their Foreknown, Contemptible & Pathetic Excuse for the Oregon State Attorney General & the Oregon State Insurance Board Accepted, Deception, Robbery and Stealing of almost $15,000 Dollars from their Client, Patron & Victimized Oregon Consumer was because the Leak was “In The Wall” “Hidden” and “Unforeseen“, which was Undesirable!


We were Statutorily Forced to Pay Almost $15,000 to an Unregulated “Insurance Company“, you know, you’ve heard of them, they are in Business, here in Oregon and elsewhere in our Quickly Deteriorating Amerika because of such Corrupt Corporations, to “Insure Financial Protection Against Loss, and Provision that Gives Financial Protection Against An Undesirable or Unforeseen Event“, ALL Down the Drain, Literally!


What happened to the Home-Owners Financial Protection and Security of Allstate Insurance Corporation? Security Means - Safety, Safekeeping, Defense, Protection, Precautions, Confidence, Well-Being, Reassurance, Guarantee, Collateral, Surety, Indemnity and “Insurance“. The Antonym to Security is “Danger & Insecurity“. What happened to Our Paid “Protection Money” that we were Forcedly Obligated to Pay to the Habitat for Humanity’s Allotted Allstate Insurance Corporation?


The Immoral and Dishonest Oregon State Insurance Commission and Equally Debauched and Mendacious Oregon State Attorney General, Sanctioned the Faux Financial Protection, Security and Thievery from the Permissibly Acceptable & Corrupt AllState Insurance Corporation but that’s Another Book. I won’t Hash it out here.


The Silly & Clumsy Contractor who Fervently Searched and Finally Found the Hidden, Concealed, Unseen & Insidious Hidden Leak, after the Unethical and Dishonest AllState Insurance Corporation “Assured Full and Total Payment“, Advised him, Over the Phone, to Begin Dislocating and Dislodging Our Gorgeous Kitchen Cabinets, Handsome Kitchen Counter Tops and their Aesthetically Matching Back-Splash’s from their Permanent Mountings on the Wall and to Commence Macerating and Chopping a Large 4x4 Foot Hole in Our Guiltless Kitchen Wall, behind the Battered Stove and Beautiful Cabinets, and then to Cut a Revolting Swath in Anything that Separates the Kitchen from the Main Bathroom Plumbing Fixtures Hidden & Buried Deep Behind the Wall & Shower! Because it was Unseen, Unnoticed, Unobserved, Invisible, Concealed & Unnoticeable.


The Gawkily Graceless & Inelegant Contractor said that it had Apparently and Undoubtedly been Leaking Since the Day We Proudly & Financially Protected and then Purchased the Jerry-Build House from the Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. He asked me if the House was ever Authentically Inspected by the County.


Now, Our Hastily Deteriorating and Fleetingly Failing Floors are Quickly Collapsing in the Kitchen more than 2 Canadian Inches, Our Faultless Stove is Creepily Leaning, the Dented & Damaged Door on the Antiquated Fridge Refuse’s to Automatically and Routinely Close because of the Appalling Angle of the Dispirited, Deleteriously Bankrupt and Unhealthy Floor. Our Protective & Defending Ceiling that Gracefully Divides the Petrifying Kitchen & Darling Little Living Room has an Unsafe, Unsightly & Hideous 12 Foot-Long Unpleasant and Cautionary Fracture. (Center of the House is Sinking)


The Worse for Wear, Tub-Shower Combo is Slowly Sinking into the Basement we “Don’t Have” and the Infinitesimal Floor in the Affiliate Bathroom is Leisurely Separating from the Wall a Distance of Almost 2" Inches Now and Unhurriedly Spreading. The Archaic Bathroom Sink and Comely Counter has Dawdling Pulled away from the Wall Approximately 1-1/2 Inches. When you Shamelessly & Nakedly Stride by the Malodorous Chamber-Pot Nearest the Worn-Out Shower-Tub Assembly, because of the Mushy Floor, the Outmoded Toilet Tank Top will Lean Back, Thwack & Thump the Wall & Then Return.....


Not Only is the Friendless yet, Picturesque Town of LaPine Oregon a Poverty Stricken Ghetto with No Jobs, Resources or Potential Future that Habitat Promised, with Plenty of Pedophiles and Drug-Addicted, Low-Life Degenerates, but we also have the Prospect and Possibility of 10 Feet of Snow here During the Course of the 7 Winter Months and the Temperature can Easily Plunge to 30 Below Zero.


January 11th 2013 Low -11 Degrees High 22 Degrees

January 12th 2013 Low -14 Degrees High 19 Degrees

January 13th 2013 Low -7 Degrees High 27 Degrees

January 14th 2013 Low -5 Degrees High 28 Degrees

January 15th 2013 Low -3 Degrees High 35 Degrees


We can Sorrowfully, Recurrently and Persistently Feel the Unhealthy, Cold, Dank & Moldy Air coming from Under the House through Habitat for Humanity’s Allstate Sanctioned Insurance Corporations Demolished Holes in the Kitchen/Bathroom Wall and the Undesirable or Unforeseen Damaged Floors, the Collapsing Kitchen Floor Feels Mushy, Soggy and Damp even though the Invisible, Unforeseen, Unpredictable and Undesirable Leak that was Hidden in the Wall has been Repaired for Over 4 Years Now.


The Rudely Detached 4x4 Foot Repugnant Hole is still Dreadfully Chopped Out of Our Kitchen to Bathroom West-Wall, our Alluring Cabinets, Counter and Back-Splash’s are still Horridly Dislocated & Dislodged from the South-Wall and, Before it Gives Up The Ghost, Our Exhausted and Worn-Out Refrigerator has been Relocated to our Miniscule Living Room to Live out its Last Days in Peace.


It is Essential that You View Our Enlightening Still Images and Lurid Disclosure Videos of the Chilly Temperature Differences between the Top of the Counter in the Kitchen to the Coldness and nearly Immobilizing Freezing Floor.


The Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity, the Non-Profit, Non-Denominational Christian Housing Ministry, the Non-Profit Organization that Proudly use’s Gods Name, who was Supposedly Founded on the Passion and Assurance that every Man, Woman and Child should have a “Decent & Safe” Place to Live, Refused to Repair the Floors and they Refused to Provide us with a Loan to Repair the Floors. Which the Latter is Understandable, they are Not in the “Loan Business“. But, that’s Another Book, Due out September 5th 2014, so I won’t Hash it out here.


Our Daily Dwindling Investment is now Cruelly Indecent, Nastily Unhealthy, Heartlessly Unsafe and almost Mercilessly Unlivable, certainly Un-Insurable and Un-Saleable. We Deserve to Not be Mistreated, or Persecuted, to Live Decent, Healthy, Safe, and Sanitary, Mold Free, Not Cold, Damp and Unhealthy with Higher than Necessary Energy Bills with Insalubrious Decomposing & Collapsing Floors.


We Now have Numerous Documented Health Problems, Sneezing, Watery Eyes, Uncontrollable Coughing, Shortness of Breath, Depression, Fatigue, Dizziness, Lethargy and Digestive Problems, not to mention the Enormous Financial Loss.


Can you Imagine a World, State or even a Community where People TRUELY Put “People” First, a World, State or Community where People TRUELY Love People more than Ego’s, Money, Power or Position!?


Robyn & I are Pragmatists, we look for a Straight-Forward Practical Way of Thinking about Things and Dealing with Problems. We are More Concerned with the Final Results rather than with Fraudulent & Deceptive Theories, and Principles of Misleading People with Delusions of Grandeur. We are Happiest Working with Other People, Offering Our Help or Service's, Spiritual Healing, Advice, or with Our Creative Skills. We are Open-Hearted and Empathetic and We are Always Prepared to do a Great Deal for Others, even if this means sometimes Sacrificing our own Wishes, Desires or Needs.


We are also able to work through Periods of Difficulty and Tribulation when Others Might Easily Give Up and Try something else. We are Insightful and Intuitive about Other People and we meet Opposition with the Backbone, Motivation & Determination of a Fighter and Our Thinking & Actions are Motivated by an Iron Will to Succeed.

We need the Finances to Repair Our Indecent, Unsafe & Unhealthy Home. We don’t Need or Want a Loan. Why should we have to Acquire a $15,000 Dollar Loan!? Why should we have to BORROW Money!? Why should we have to bring upon Our Family to Pre-Qualify, Incur Debt and to Pay Dishonest Finance Charges & Illicit Interest Rates!?


Why should we have to PAY THREE times for our Floors!? AllState was paid almost $15,000 as per Habitat for Humanity’s Insistence, Requirements, Instructions and Demands, to Properly INSURE and “Financially Protect” Our Habitat for Humanity Home against UNFORESEEN Circumstances! How more "UNFORESEEN" is a "HIDDEN LEAK", that only Leaked on Occasion!?


In September of 1994 I PERSONALLY TOLD Newberry Habitat for Humanity that I DID NOT WANT ALLSTATE INSURING My Home because they REFUSE to pay Legitimate Claims! Newberry Habitat for Humanity said that we “DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE“! I don't have a Choice but I have to PAY THREE TIMES FOR MY FLOORS!?


LaPine Oregon is a Forlornly Town of Extremely Deadly Dark Deviates but the Winters are Doublely as Dark with Spine and Artery Hardening Temperatures that Plummet Well Under-20 Below Zero. That’s 50 Degrees Below Freezing!


(NOTE from Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity) - ...We are Aware that for Various Reasons beyond our control, the LOAN that we HELPED ARRANGE last year to MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS TO YOUR HOUSE never closed and THOSE REPAIRS WERE NEVER COMPLETED. This has made it IMPOSSIBLE TO RENEW THE INSURANCE ON THE HOUSE"


What happened to the Money that was Paid or should I say “Deducted”?

We would also like to know what happened to Our “Impound Account“? It Apparently was Lost, Stolen or Embezzled -

From 09/02/1994 to 02/10/2000 we had over $4000 in the Impound Account. They Issued a Check, we didn’t ask for, for $4000 and said that we can’t have that much Money in Our Impound Account. We have Never seen Another Dime & when we had Problems with Our Hot Water Heater a Couple Years Later, Habitat for Humanity said there was NO MONEY in the Impound Account.


When we had Problems with Our Well Pump, Habitat for Humanity said there was NO MONEY in the Impound Account. When we wanted to Repair the Damaged, Unsafe and Unhealthy Floors, Habitat for Humanity said there was NO MONEY in the Impound Account. What Happened to Our Impound Account after February 2000?


We are simply asking for a $15,000 Check or Cash so we can have Our Newberry Chapter of Habitat for Humanity Jerry-Built House Repaired or Restored to its Pre-AllState Felonious Insurance Corporation Condition. We HAVE TO HAVE Homeowners Insurance! Our Habitat for Humanity Home is Unsafe, Unhealthy, Indecent & UNINSURABLE!


We don’t want a Another Loan and we don’t want Habitat for Humanity Touching Our Home, we have an Experienced Contractor ready to Begin all Necessary Repairs.


We want and Deserve a Decent, Healthy and Safe Place to Live!

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