  • Report:  #113394

Complaint Review: NHCD (aka) Workfromhomeparents - Sioux Iowa

Reported By:
- Amarillo, Texas,

NHCD (aka) Workfromhomeparents
nhcdonline.com(aka)workfromhomeparents.com Sioux, Iowa, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Don't work for this company, they will take your money!!! I found this company on line, I needed a job for a little extra money. At first it seemed really great, and then after the "probation" period, all hell broke loose. They want you to make calls for them on your phone, from all over the U.S. They take $74.00 for a phone deposit to hook up a 10-10 number on your phone so it wont cost you anything. It is refundable if you make 500 presentations in 5 weeks. They give you numbers online, and you copy them and get to calling. Then you go back online and put how many presentations you made for the day. I kept track of everything, and when I got to 500, it had been 4 1/2 weeks, so I put in a request for my deposit, they e-mailed me back and said I have only got 240!! I dont get my deposit back. I called, e-mailed , left messeges for 5 days. I never got a call back, and the e-mails said to call this number, (which was only a voice mail). They also scam you out of your pay. I have put so much of my time in this company for 5 weeks now and have got 1 check of $25.00. So if you want to work here go right ahead and lose your money and time.


Amarillo, Texas

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Only People Responding Are Certain Managers..

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 16, 2005

In response to the many things stated on this website I have this to say. Please read and take time to think please. I have posted other messages on other blogs on this website. I have had my issues with this company and not sure if I will continue working with them but there are those of you that have to be set straight regarding your comments above. 1. I am not a manager or certain type of employee with this company. I started on 2/28/05. I did not have to pay a start up cost. I did have to switch to their BUSINESS Long Distance Carrier. Did I have a choice of providing my own BUSINESS long distance carrier - yes, but could not find a cheaper plan. Therefore, I elected to use the one they had. 2. I became a recruiter with this company on 2/7/05. I have never been encouraged to be anything but honest with the people I hire. If you choose to work as a W-2 employee you are only going to get $8.00 an hour AND you will only be able to work between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., Monday - Friday ONLY. If you choose to be an independent contractor you will be able to work YOUR OWN hours and you will earn $6.00 for each lead submitted. Yes, you have to work to get those leads and that means dialing the numbers. This is telemarketing after all. 3. When you are W-2 status, you are on company payroll. They take taxes out of your check. You are basically working out of your home just as you would if your were going to an office each and every day. If you were to go out and distribute NBB or post flyers or whatever while working as a W-2 employee and god forbid something happen to you - car accident whether your fault or not, slip and fall, etc. - NHCD would be responsible and could be held liable. Yes, they are covering their butts and if you were the head of a company doing this type work wouldn't you? Think about it! 4. When you are an INDEPENDENT Contractor you are WORKING for yourself. You are responsible for your OWN taxes, you work your own hours, and yes you make a straight commission. You are responsible for yourself and your vehicle when you out working. I do not know of any person that when they work as Independent Contractor they get paid a base salary well above min. wage PLUS a commission that is this high. I have been a secretary for over 11 years prior to moving to Georgia, for many companies that were sales companies - THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS. I worked as that companies W-2 employee and I had to be there at 8:00, take my lunch and then work until 5:00. That way I was guaranteed my weekly pay. The sales people (or in other words Independent Contractor) came and went when they chose and, if they chose to loaf off and not sell (by phone or in person) they did not make their money! I suggest that if you want that guaranteed weekly money then you go out and get a job that is not in your home. Or you find that company that you can work out of your home - have to be at home to accomplish the task whether it is one hour or eight - and get that guaranteed hourly pay. Unless you are working as a feelancer (where you bid on individual jobs), but then that is on a per piece type of pay. If you can find an employer that is willing to pay you an hourly wage for a 40 hour week out of your home and you don't have to be at your home performing this job, let me know right away. I sure would like to work for that fool of an employer. Get your head out of your you know where and start thinking clearly. I'm sorry if you were lied to by the recruiter that hired you to work for NHCD. They really should be dealt with appropriately, as well as any Manager that is not dealing fully with the truth. THEY are the bad apples and are the ones giving the company a bad name - think about that. My Recruiting Managers have always stressed to ALL of us that we are to be truthful with potential employees. That includes stressing the point to them that there could be days where you dial hundreds of numbers and not get one lead. But you know what, there could be days you could call through just 100 numbers and have 12 leads - it is the luck of the draw - just as it is in any TELEMARKETING/SALES job. Now, if NHCD is telling their managers to lie through their teeth to get those employees, why does my manager still have her position. She sure isn't following their procedures if that is the case, is she. So why would NHCD keep her on the payroll? And you know what, I've also worked telemarketing jobs - at their offices - where I made maybe min. wage and then if made an appointment/or sale I received a bonus. Keyword: bonus! Also, there are many companies that pay their managers bonuses according to how well their employees below them are doing and a lot of these companies are Fortune 100 companies (McDonalds, Arby's, Wendy's, - should I go on?). Are they Pyramid scams. I understand you people are upset - but if you honestly think you are going to be able to get a class action lawsuit going against NHCD because of those issues I'd really surprised. I really think you had better have a d**n good attorney lined up. As I said, I am an employee of this company and not sure if I'm going to continue, but not because of this issue. I'm at least knowledgeable enough to understand the difference between a W-2 position or an Independent Contractor employee.


Also have Leads Manager Woes

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 16, 2005

I have to agree in regards to SOME of the managers not getting back to their people. My leads manager is terrible about this. I finally had to contact my Senior Recruiting Manager as well as my Leads Manager by email. That got her moving. However she outright lied because she said she never received an email/phone call from me that she did not respond to. When I pointed out that yes there were emails/calls she ignored because other questions had been answered but others were not, she just worked her way around it. I understand that Managers have many people working under them as well as paperwork to do, families to be with, but when one of their workers is experiencing a problem - either with a deposit or THEIR PAYCHECK - THEY NEED TO RESPOND. Let's face it, there are alot of us that absolutely depend on this money to live on! It's not just our beauty shop money!

You Guess

My Town,
New York,
re: class action lawsuit

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 18, 2004

How do i get ahold of Amber i would love to join in the lawsuit against this company. If you have any info on this i would loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee to have it!


Broward County,
very important to not have any more people work for this Rip-Off of a company.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 18, 2004

YOU NEED TO JOIN IN A CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT Please read the report about contacting Amber and joining a CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT. It's very important to not have any more people work for this Rip-Off of a company. I assume the only people that reply on a positive note are only certain Managers, etc. just to make the company look better, but us employees or independent contractors (which I was also),we no better than that.And for all the still employed Managers,I will say how do they look at themselves in the mirror or sleep at night.Most of them are Moms raising their own children, but knowing they lie and lie again in how they hire people is beyond me.I guess they have no conscious,or they do make a decent paycheck because they are on top of this Pyramid and have us work like dogs for them!!!!!! If their children were grown and made a $25.00 paycheck I'm sure they would feel the same way in protecting their interests.Remember, nothing lasts forever and NHCD will go Down in time.We will also have to make sure NHCD does not start up a business again under a different name in filing a Class Action Law Suit.Again, contact Amber which is one of the other Rip-Off Reports..Good Luck to us all. Ex-Employee

You Guess

My Town,
New York,
NHCD Work for no pay

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, December 17, 2004

I worked for this company for 8 months and Im sorry for those of you who decide to defend this company but truth be told this company works you like a dog for NO MONEY! Oh sure they dropped the 74.00 deposit to hire people and now there is no fee and then we were promised 5.15 a hr for a work time but then as you log your hours you will notice that its not 5.15 a hour. I can see why this compnay is being sued by past managers who worked for the company. And it is beyond me how they get away with the things they do through the labor board. Your manager will love you and help you with anything you need AS long as you are getting alot of hires you will hear from her daily to help you with things but as soon as your hires or your leads are not as productive she wont have much to say to you then there wont be words of engouragement then. So for those who want to work for nothing then by all means apply! If you like working 40 + hrs a week for 20-30 bucks then be my guest. they made us employees(which im sure had to do with the law suits against them)now you have a choice in how you are payed or if you want to stay as a employee or a independant contractor. See they are tyring to force those who are employees back to a independant contractor. How are they doing this? By telling people they cant advertise out side the home, cant do natures beauty bar, your hires have to match you hours worked or you will be fired (as i was) now if your a independant contractor well then you can do what you want you can work outside the home advertise and theres no hires to match hrs. If you go back to independant contractor then they dont have to pay you for your time just your work. so anyone thinking they want to work from home with this company think again. Anyone that does work for this company already God Bless and good luck!


Just Tell How Great NHCD IS!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, December 09, 2004

NHCD is not a rip off.I started with NHCD in June 2004.I love this company.It has made my living and I get to be home with my children.First of all when you start with the company you are told everything about the company before you are hired in.And like the lady said above aboout 500 presentations.Do you even know what a presentation is?That means how many people you talked to!You may have worked, but if you did'nt make 500 presentations of course it was'nt time to refund your money.This is a ligit work from home business and it takes people that are willing to work!Most people think they can work at home and get paid for sitting there looking at their toes.This work at home job is not like that.So you know most of these report are from people that thought they would work at home for nothing.(I believe I'll look at my feet today.....you know those kind)When you have a job it is usually Mon-Fri..right?Well most of these people like the ones in this report think they will work Mon,Wed,&Fri and take the rest of the week off just because they are at home!And that's why you don't get a good pay check and that's why your complaining on the company!If you would learn the word WORK you might get some where in life! And be happy at home working, with your family there with you!Like Me! I love NHCD and would not trade it for any job outside my home!NHCD IS HERE TO STAY!!YEAH GO NHCD!! I LOVE YOU!


Kansas City,

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, December 07, 2004

I am an ex-employee, I was very sorry that I had worked for them. (If I had only listened to my gut reaction in the first place). Just ask yourself, If you would want your elderly grandmother to have this? Or a sick father who really needs help? Would you trust someone to take their credit card info over the phone? Lie to them, steal from them. And, bully them??? I wasted 1 year of my time, and got very small checks. Definatly not worth it!!!!!


Raiesha - Pittburgh, Pennsylvania, This is for you to read the other Rip-Off Report also dated 12/4/2004.DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 06, 2004

This is for Raiesha - Pittburgh, Pennsylvania who wanted to know about being ripped off. You will never be paid hourly and leads. You are wasting your time. Again read the rip-off report also dated 12/4/2004. It's a fraudulent,lying and deceptive company. NHCD has so many lawsuits against them. They want W-2's to switch to Independent Contractors. Save yourself some heartache and move on to another job. But please read the other rip-off report as I mentioned. All recruiters are lying just to get the hires.Do you see anything in your employee information that you will be paid either by hours or leads,hires,etc. whichever is greater? That's what happened to me. Hours were 0 and hires $7.00 per hire..I was not told whichever is greater, minimum wage or hires, Never paid for both.Unbelievable!!!! Good Luck in your Decesion!


whats going on with nhcd ive been with them for a little over a week

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 04, 2004

i dont have any thing to report im just curious about this rip off thing i dont want to put my self in a hole i would like to talk to this person that was ripped off

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