  • Report:  #515924

Complaint Review: Niagara County Sheriff - Lockport New York

Reported By:
Anonymous - Gallatin, Tennessee, USA

Niagara County Sheriff
5526 Niagara Street Ext Lockport, 14095 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Wilson Police Attack

I now learn that I am a victim of violence in an attack in the town of Wilson NY where police and fire rescue personnel essentially lynched and beat me by restraining me, and intentionally severing my left ulnar nerve using a knife then fabricating a story that this was done accidentally. I woke in the ICM Hospital on William Street in Newfane NY beaten and crippled from the attack and had passed out from it. Now looking at the scar on the left arm it is obvious that it took two incisions to make the V shaped wound to expose the nerve and another to sever it rendering the left hand useless. That and whoever did this obviously had knowledge of anatomy, and the medical community later covered it up, never once telling me I had been attacked. This was in the summer of 1981 and I was 20 at the time, measuring from fingertip to incision, it is exactly 20 inches, a nice thought and considering Dr. Denzel and Argue who performed the repair of the arm after the fact claimed he had to go on a fishing expedition to locate the nerve ends and it would take about an inch per year to heal, his math seemed to be wrong since he expected 9 years for it to be resolved. My car was later stolen in the ensuing insurance fraud and since our Nationwide Insurance agent was also the town justice, William Ganshaw, it all worked out nicely it seems. I suffered from this attack for decades and still do and have yet to hear from anyone what actually happened that night. The car that was vandalized and taken from me is similar to this 1972 Pontiac Luxury LeMans:


Only difference I know of was that my interior was white. The location of the attack was at the corner of McChesney and Young Streets in Wilson NY 14172 in the summer of 1981 and the Lockport Union Sun and Journal ran a front page exclusive touting the "Accident" and involving the Lutheran Church in the sham claiming an "Early Morning Church Arrival". I was told the attack was done to cripple my hand to prohibit me from riding a motorcycle. A nice bit of ahead of the curve social engineering I'd say.

The police email and website:

[email protected]



141 Updates & Rebuttals

P. Wagner

Menlo Park,
More to add at this point.

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, January 25, 2015

Another thought....

You think you have a fix, that being blame me for something else (that you and others did to install a fix) and then leave it as that.

In that you suppress my witness, keep me from court, that is denial of service rendering me stateless, you agreed upon a prejudice, I was in court countless times in NY and other states, you broke the law in your courts and offered contempt, you knew about this all along and said nothing AND exacerbated and exploited the felonies against me for profit.

Now you have nullified witness.

Court clerk in Town of Hamlin Summer of 2004 admits that with a traffic stop.  The judge was wrong, so was the police officer who stopped me and she knew of the larger problems as did they.  She said I can't take this money as I paid her with a check.

Paying these criminals with a money order is too convenient since they can deny taking it from any one person in particular.

This is also seen as collusion, witness suppression, extortion, and offer of Police protection (A mafia) for felons who are allowed to go free since you (assume or think you) can blame the victim.

That likely only offers motive, and then allows felons who rape children to go free, and that serves not one person or the people.

Again your usual suspects (Friends of the law) are to blame and they are installed as friends of mine, being shills.

You caught YOU.

Now you offer your brothers, fellow police and firemen who got involved to cover it up, offer their "Wisdom and "larger than life" experience to suppress my witness.

Since you are heroes who are smarter than me I must be wrong about it all.


You support my claims of conspiracy by acting like a cabal. And making more impossible claims.

Recall that the shills you installed as friends of mine admitted they were paid.  Including lovers and women who wanted to marry me.  This is over for you.

Tim Farns admitted this, he was YOUR plant in Wilson High School, as of 1977-1978 for me.  He admits teachers are involved and so are my parents and to watch my back.

And you've cost the taxpayers and others like me their lives, and millions and millions of dollars and ruined other lives in the process.

My sister is one such person who is a victim and you ruined her life for it.

Used her to harm me and to remove her immunity from prosecution.

Good for you.

You won't touch mine.

You were interested in removing the immunity you caused but can't do so.

Murdering your brother likely gets you there for my sister.



And again to this fool who said this:

"#16 General Comment  All I see...

AUTHOR: Tyg - ()

SUBMITTED: Monday, July 21, 2014

.......A conspiracy requires a level of security that a bunch of small town hicks are NOT going to be able to address."

A conspiracy only takes two people to break the law and that is it defined.  I have two parents by the way and they both committed felonies against me, what is that?

All they need to do is break the law and lie about it like you do here.

And as you prove, Police and EMT persons are involved.  They have no witness and neither do you since you nullified it, or you do not have it to begin with, and you attempt to create it and invent it as you do here.

Anti witness is not witness.  And you are not very smart nor very honest.

The more you people talk the dumber you sound.  And I've had to put up with your nonsense for 50+ years.

I can still make sense out of your drivel and use it, this is a bunch of small town hicks who are incompetents playing God and playing Nation State.  They are given a toy box of CIA and Covert Ops tools and SATINT and the rest and start tossing honey pots, false flags, covert harms and torture, and euthanasia and espionage at their kids to make them disappear.

In your offer of nonsense you really shed some light on it, I knew this all along though and don't need you to poop on my foot to make this make sense to others by it.

All since you will never see it, since you are a blind loser of a fool who supports these people in their acts and atrocities.

You don't see a d**n thing since you refuse to do so, this is the point.

You never saw this since 1960 when this mess started in your own home town, of about 1,000 people or less.

YOU admitted this before 1981.

With situations like:

I hate to be rash here is Larry Lash!  You allow teachers to do this in the USA.

He intentionally harmed me forcing me to do trampoline exercises I was not able to do.  


Larry Lash had a bad car accident later on when he ran into a neighbor, Jimmy Pease, on his tractor.  I am betting it was intentional and my mother made as though she celebrated the harm to Lash, knowing she was complicit in the attacks with Lash.  This was done to make it seem she was on my side, she is not.

Tim Shultz was my Calculus teacher in HS and another student Jim Neville, was talking to me about exercise and what I ate at home.  He knew my mother was tampering with food, and Tim was listening intently and he stopped Jim just short of him saying too much, and Tim said be careful, Terry needs to live there and be here.  He knew of Lash and Mom....  Harrison Ford Blade Runner reference.

Evelyn Kleinberg who I worked with at SUNY Buffalo CEDAR commented along those lines in 1992 asking me if I ate at mom's  to which I replied of course, and she said she would not and not eat at Heike's either.

She also said I am a "Lightening Rod For Work".

Lash taught physical education at Wilson High Schools and is part of this mess.

Again to this fool's offer to prove him a fool:

".... All I see is someone who THINKS they are important enough to have a conspiracy against them. Sorry but I have spent time as a EMT and you would be surprised at how easy it is to get a V shaped wound from a piece of metal. I really hate to tell you this but SOMEONE has to. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HAVE PEOPLE GOING AFTER YOU!!!! ..."

So as an EMT none of us are important to you, ok that clinches it.  That supports my offer this is done and you are wrong.

YOU are more imporant and this is all about you, all you and the Police do is all about YOU! Thanks. QED.

Others don't agree with you in fact, and this seems to bolster the child abuse and offer my parents are helped by your offers.

My witness matters and you are as important as who you can witness against, that being against scum like YOU.

Nobody needs to be important to have more than one person harm them and lie about it as you do here. You, if you were alive and had a brain, could see a knife made that wound, puncture wounds won't do that nor will they slice the nerve in two, it would move and you'd break the arm doing it.

All of this is discussed already, you just can't bother to see it.  The skin is cut with a knife and the incisions overlap and I have witness of it now, as in I recall it and the dialog that went on.

This was done in the Wilson NY Ambulance as I said.

So you are wrong about that and can't see the wound for what it really is, I'd say your life as an EMT if not already over sure is now.... you have no future there.

And to this ... "I really hate to tell you this but SOMEONE has to. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HAVE PEOPLE GOING AFTER YOU!!!! ..."

You'd be dead wrong.

Thanks for your kind offers of support and being the voice of reason that is too little too late for you. As in nobody will get the truth from you ever, you just patronize the victims and treat us like kids.

You play into the vanity of the attack specifically with that remark.

Thanks for being a fool whatever your name is.

Your other statements of misleading assumption: --"Tenuous connections and supposition aren't going to cut it in a court of law. "

So who said they are tenuous?  Did you have to look that word up in the dictionary?

How could you say that?  Knife wounds made in a car accident with a car that sustained no damage?

What more do you need?  Can you find the door in your home based on the tenuous connections it is your home and square?  Or are you that blind?

You have proof.  All you ever needed, and your desperate acts to call it something else prove this anew.

You are too good at blaming your victims and then looking stupid and busy for it.

Recall the child harms, my parents, and who my friends were.


Sorry to ruin it for you at this late date, but for those who are conspiracy theorists, that claim anyone citing such claims is to be ignored.  Did you realize I had abusive parents?  Two of them, and that they harmed me?

That is a conspiracy.

How is the Easter Bunny doing these days?

I'd say YOUR story and that of the law is flimsy and really I'd call it impossible and absurd.

Doug Golde admits being paid to harm me, admits knife wounds, admits Church accident did not happen. His words "We were compensated, that is all I can tell you.".

Others admit knife wounds and members of our Church in 2003 witness same thing to me. It did not happen. This was not an accident.

You try too hard to hope and attempt to discredit someone you don't know and use obviously flawed ways of doing that.

Be fair to me, this is now January of 2015 and just this past two days I've discovered two more crucial points about this that I was completely unaware of:

1) I was erroneously paid Workers' Compensation monies for that attack in 1981, and should NOT have been.  NY State did this to cover up.  Vegomatic, slice and dice the work.  Why blame the employer for attacking me in your Ambulance?

2) Another childhood friend of mine David Farley was asked to help harm me in the winter of 1977 where my father had him do this and later my father attacked me violently since it did not work.

This goes on and on.

I have been doing this constantly for over a decade now.

P. Wagner

Menlo Park,
Noticed this now.

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, January 23, 2015

In all the chaff and crap storm of abuse that looks to hope to do the same thing, I just noticed this now. The ad hominem attacks directed at me by people who don't know me serve to do the same thing as much of their content suggests, that being blame me for something they or others did.  In that you blame me for what you do to me and your statements offer just that perfect hypocrisy.

NCSD and their reply along with others offer suggestions to associate this crime with those of a former spouse who came later and acted upon them to conspire and suppress witness.

Now you and NCSD did just as I said otherwise, hide behind her and her crimes and hope to blame me for THEM also.

This does not cut it in a court of law, someone held onto something for 28 years, etc and this is a want to blame me for something else all of which is related since they and YOU partook in this fraud that largely went on since I was a child. 

The other witness supports that as do the scars. 


Say hello to my parents for me, NCSD. 


This is YOUR doing.

And you and others knew about this all along.

R. Smith


#4Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2014

And part of the problem and this still goes on today, is that the relationships that come from this are contrived and by that not candid or credible. They are patterned on my vanity and of the situation in general or related to the attacks. You end up taking aspects of the predicament and placing some or all of them upon the next person who comes into my life in order to be a faux victim at my hand or by my inability or unwillingness to help them. Nobody helped me and not one person in these "communities" spoke against what was done to me. On the contrary actually, and they have had 50+ years to do so.

Your people including the police have made it known they knew about it, they supported what was done, and by that admitted they did it and offered the motive for their crimes. That is done as they say. You can't take back the knife wounds either.

You already went there and now you send more of your women with SOB stories and I am supposed to feel badly about something. Yeah, right. Tell me another one. You end up making me into one of you is your hope. By applications of dirt.

Like another woman at Amtrak who's husband died and she had to work all those years without a degree. I don't know, did she murder her kid and her husband or did someone else stab them in the back and I need to feel sorry for her? She really did not seem to care so it seemed to me she just was there to tell stories. Again it intersected too many times with my vanity to be credible. I called her on it and she did not have much to say past that point. This again speaks to lack of credibility, you've lied too many times to me and about me and none of these chance meetings are ad hoc.

That and basically everyone in Western NY lied to me about all of this to begin with. Again it looked like a nice way to blame me in advance or after the fact for something they did. This is the plan all along.

Srihari and others at CEDAR knew about the problem with the degree and were too clever at asking questions to avoid being blamed and to avoid indicating they knew of it. They wanted again to blame me for their fraud. Done by building clever traps with their misleading questions that indicate their guilt and knowledge of that. Look for problems of atomicity, the want to trap you on or with a question you might lie about or in response, and then their want to retaliate and justify their lies later with that. If all your relations are that fickle and fragile that you need to not make on mistake lest the other side tear them down, then you have none. Is my opine.

They also assumed they can "fix" it with prejudice and deception. It won't work since it led to murder and violence anew. Akin to making me humble for your sins, get me to accept that as being just, and then hope to have me get along with you and be a dove in your coven of faux hawks. In that we are so tough on crime, we just don't bother enforcing it or prosecuting it, we just blame the victims any way we can. Hogwash it is.

My opinion was that this was a fraud all along. Even more so now since I know more now, and they at that time knew more than I did.

They wanted to negotiate around it and used my wife towards that end also, hence the duress and other harms she used to force me to continue the flawed education for a stateless person. It never was going to get me anyplace.

And the police know this, duress does not work for you or them:


And not only did the lie to me about it, they did just as she did recently and they come around to make me feel badly for their crimes and this is just what was done. Blame the victim for it and then make them feel badly for it.

As though they stood against it by doing it, telling lies about it, then claiming they did not do it, and that they stand against it, but then they own it as being just since it is retaliation and deserved. This is after they threaten and negotiate on it.

Then since I felt they needed to be charged as it is their fault, then they offer since you won't be a friend then you have to pay. A deal without making one. But a bribe and threat nonetheless. Six ways to Sunday. It is not justice then since it is a set of crimes that are then offered as being accidental payback for crimes not charged against the victim and never would be. The State arranged them. The vanity problems as already discussed make it the apriori frauds all knew they were. It matters who is at fault who planned them and the intent. The State and usual suspects have malice aforethought all the way.

Again, this is not fate, this is fabrication and stalking and obstruction and extortion and witness intimidation and all the rest. Invented with a cosmic agenda and patina of fraud to make it look like acts of God and luck gone bad. Not here. This is fraud and snake oil at its finest.

You pattern your lies and your behavior, coming to meet me gets you all the way there, upon my vanity and indicate you know I was attacked and harmed. And I don't know all of my attackers and this is the problem, no closure. So you indicate that you targeted me for the attacks and knew you went there to attack me and that others did as well. Then you come around with your callous claims of harm and that you'd be a victim somehow other than by your own thuggery. Too bad.

Then you defer to base and stereotypical defenses and character assassination to offer justification for it. Really you just offer the motive and vote on the side of being a criminal, but you claim since I look like a tough guy (Recall what you did to me as a child, and how you, like a bunch of cowards, tied someone up and carved them up.) and I am a big person, and I have all these scars, etc it must have been something I "Deserved". Then, why lie about it? And hide behind women and children.


-- base ; adjective - Six and Seven work for me:

6 a : being of comparatively low value and having relatively inferior properties (as lack of resistance to corrosion) — compare noble

b : containing a larger than usual proportion of base metals

7 a : lacking or indicating the lack of higher qualities of mind or spirit : ignoble

And it goes like this; you and others attack me, offer motive for it and justify it, attempt to murder me later on it with the claim my attackers might have been harmed, attack me again, offer motive for it, attempt to take my life again, offer motive for that again with the claim another "Victim" who attacked me may have gotten harmed, and repeat. It is just that. And with all of that you sign up for the mafia and admit you took part in the lynch mob and follow me around to brag about your crimes and I need to feel badly for you. Why would I? You do it to support violent felonies against children and adults and then claim you stand for something which clearly you do not.

Now you again resort to character assassination after the overt acts to assassinate someone and would attempt to discredit my witness. In reality you planned all along to break the law and violently harm me and then call me a liar if I lived, or is that not an obvious motive for hoping to get away with murder? Slam your victim and call him names including a liar? Good luck with that. With the lies you told me and what you did to me? Good luck. You put too much faith and hope and trust in your last line of defense that has you grasping at straws to blame me for something, anything, to support your crimes and the faery tale that they never went on.

Calling me any name at all just does the same thing, offers motive and a plan to get away with molesting your kids and killing them later. You work too hard and too diligently at tossing mud on my character and you look the fools for it. And sending all the women victims now, awwww sooo sorry for you all....really I am. They really show up to protect their heroes in the law who are too cowardly too look me in the eye and tell me about it or to fight fair. In a fight they started but won't admit they had. Who was fighting? At what point does a child need to say yep, since you have a gun and are larger than me you must be blessed in all you do? I don't see it that way that you had any right to do any ONE thing that was done to me let alone ALL of it. Cowards you are, Police you are NOT.

For those in the law and the rest of the people, they don't need your help, you just help to incriminate them and you by that. Criminals are just that and now so are you if you defend them even if they wear a badge or drive a fire truck. They still harm children and then lie about it. You should have talked to me and not at me or about me. Speak to me. But now it is too late. You should have let my parents and those who attacked me in 1981 fry for this. Now you have a larger problem since you made it all ok, so you think.

What did you think I was going to do, roll over and die for you? Not a chance. So the lynch mob hides behind the peanut gallery. Film at 11. Business as usual for you all.

Now you are desperately attempting to protect those who attacked me and to make me look bad for it. I think it makes you smell like crap to be fair. Why go there at all? Just stand against it as you should have done these last 50 years? You and the Police preach about nothing. They have no witness since they nullified it and they need you now for some (that) reason and you have none since you nullified yours or have no witness to begin with. Either way.

You knew about it and still do. And I won't believe any of you now anyway, can't you see why? Who cares what YOU have to say about any of this NOW? You after all may have done some or any or all of this to me. And of course, gosh, golly, gee whiz, lied about it. If you will harm a child and vivisect someone like this I'd bet you'd steal from me and lie about me as well. And you did all that and more. Congratulations, sorry for your loss.

It still puts me in a bad position not unlike leaving me with abusive parents; Where I don't feel enriched having to live with and among a bunch of people I have to call liars, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, and killers. Who want to bless it all legally, morally, and ethically with their bad law, bad medicine, bad ethic, and bad religion not to mention bad media and banking.

And you want to blame me for the cost, do you know how much you were forced to pay for this without me doing a thing? And me not even knowing about 1/2 of this? I'd bet you'd be off by an order of magnitude to begin with. For 50+ years of a person's life?

And you run your "Communities" in this fashion? Insane. Counterproductive. Illegal. And so on. Antithetical to organized society, State making, and Police work for a few more.

And you just don't get it, attempting to blame me still does the same thing, there is nothing new here and nothing has been resolved, you just reinforce the motives for the violent crimes against my person. Now you hope to recant? By what? Un-knifing me and un-raping me as a child? It can't be done.

I don't feel badly for what you did, you don't, why should I feel sorry for you or about it? You break the law and then send me the bill and want to justify doing that after the fact. And you use my wife to send me another bill for no reason and then hide behind more women and kids when in reality your child abuse is where this always has been at.

You allow the State and the Police to turn us kids all into human battering rams you beat others up with and then go home and let out some steam by porking us in the butt to feel better about it all.

You are hypocrites and liars in the extreme and Nazis to a T.

Don't come to me with offers of sympathy for your bloody crimes, since I am not here seeking sympathy and forgiveness, I expect you to pay since you saw fit to bill me for your crimes, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and pay for them yourselves since you seem to stand for that. What do you believe in? That you are above the law and I am not? Who the hell are you?

You cripple someone and then are surprised they are crippled and use that to claim it never happened! You use the forensic evidence of your crimes to claim they never happened. And you must live your lives being blind since all you are about is finding fault with others and that allows you to be perfect and break the law as you please. Seems like a good plan to play God for you, is it working out? Can you heal yourselves? Create a life, or a planet, or a tree? Show me a miracle and do a trick for me.... Oh you are doing that now I see...

It seems to me your egos only allow you to ruin things and that is not essentially Godlike, since you also lack wisdom and judgment. Chaos and entropy are sufficient to ruin most things but you need to make it all more clever and complex and deniable and magical looking to make us all struck with awe and envy at how you can take distributed cheap shots at kids you sodomized at home and bragged about to your friends with your infinite wisdom, infinite intellect, and infinite collection of useless semi factual data, and use that to get away with murder again and blame God for it. In other words you brag too hard about your crimes and expect us all to be impressed by that. I am not.

We just see you as owning them and confessing to them with it all.

And if I have to play Rock Paper Scissors (20 Questions) with you verbally that says you know too much about someone you should be offering some credible support to, and by that stood against the violence, but you are now a day late and a dollar short to say anything to me at all. You already say too much and too little. Either say nothing or say something useful other than admitting you know of the vanity and then speak to it. Said without admitting anything bad was done. It gets you all in the same boat of being wrong and knowing about it and saying nothing. Shysters. Hoping to save your soul and appease your notion of God and transparency to the point you and others harm me, then ask God to help, and then say a few words to say you knew about it, but not enough to tell me I had been harmed or will be. Or who did it. Confessions by proxy.

But in effect when you stab your child in the back or harm your friend and then snap your fingers to ask God for help, what do you tell him? Or ask for?


I would not toss a stone here at all. I just toss them all back into your laps.

And I have nothing to celebrate here with what I've lost and you have NOTHING to be proud of.

Was it worth it for you all? Did you profit from it and how does the blood money spend?

It seems like you spend too much effort and resources on getting back and putting people down and cutting their throats, that if you worked together and invested in something else you'd be farther along. I guess the kid stories were lost on you all? Sorry to say it looks like you've proved that right and you wrong again in it all. From another person's yearbook photo - "It is not only necessary that I succeed, but others must fail". This seems to be your hallmark, succeed at all costs. Define the win here?

You divide yourselves and weaken your communities with what you do. You are self defeating in your own right and with your own moral excuse and religious excuses for doing just that.

Your law and your state and your police and your church and your medicine all negate and contradict each other and themselves in that.

Congrats on it, you've created a completely self defeating and useless system that is guaranteed to fail and ruin each and every one of you and your kids. And your self deprecating humor that makes a joke of you completes the confessions for all to witness that says you are doing it to yourselves. State sponsored suicide(s).

And you still hope to have me pay you for something, too late and too bad, you already screwed this all up and collected on it extra judicially and would never have been able to collect formally anyway and knew that all along. It is over for you in that regard. Now you have to pay me. Liar liar pants on fire.

And you are still hiding behind your kids and using them as human shields and baby bullets which is the same thing you did to me. Felony child abuse. Done to suppress my witness of things unspeakable etc.

I did see you for what you are though, there is no level to which you will not stoop to get away with something. It really is shocking.

And why come to me now and claim I owed you something that allows a wife to take my life and profit from it and resolve it that way? With no due process or right to appeal or to even be charged with anything? It seems again like a way to retaliate in advance for me making claims about your crimes of decades ago since I did not know of them. Your equitable tolling and want to defend against it at all costs even using murder and other violent felonies not to pay the victim of your crimes. I can't pay her a bill you never sent me and there'd be no merit in that either.

You can not defend against a process that is not formally there and this would be seen as being a defense against the State's crimes which are not defensible. Touche`.

I can't defend against ether and vague accusations that tell me you attacked me intentionally. Your short cuts to the legal system should backfire on you and your friends in low places. It ends up being just what it is, violent and financial and perverted felonies made against a victim. You later hope to bless it as being legal. How so?

And the path(s) you took in all of this tells me you were cognizant of your guilt and structured the attacks as I said, upon the vanity of them and the others to come or that came before. Even with predictors of your scripted harm of the future. The situational paradigms indicate this also, since they all seem to be the same pattern in that they repeat a number of logical foundations. Blame me for seeking help, blame me for associating with you, retaliate in advance for the fact you will harm me, etc. It is deep and long and wide and crosses all the harm made to me.

Your want to turn premeditation and ego into delayed gratification for your perverse lust for my blood tells me you are sickos who think you are God. You are not even dogs. I'd not disrespect the animal to call you them.

You engineered and planned all of this and to what end? Why bother putting on the show? Just do it and be done with it, you can't lie to yourselves about it can you? My wife knew she harmed me for profit, and so did the other quacks, legal, and medical, and clergy. Nobody else believes you either, and now I don't believe you and never will. Murder needs to be accidental, why? To fool yourselves?

My wife wanted to remain friends with me and would then use some other defense to blame me for not having me over to fix her computers now. I mean how arrogant is that? Decapitate someone and lobotomize them chemically akin to carving the brain out of their skull and then want to fix it by being friends? Insanity.

People like her, I'd not put it past them, to procreate to produce and give birth to infants so they can m********e with their blood as they deep fry their kids alive and make jokes about it. That begins to describe the lowest of the low and how such persons think and act. She wanted to have children with the man she planned to kill? Right.

Humanoid excrement. Literal human filth and scum. Dross. I don't consider them human.

And you support these people in harming kids and killing them as adults? Where do you end with it and what is enough for you and them? Where do you draw the line since you don't stand for the rule of law. That is plain.

The bible has it for you. And don't forget the Bible is speaking to women also. They seem to think they can go to Church to be everyone's mother and nothing applies to them. This is where you get into trouble with it all.


Oh and the Church broke the law too. So we have them on that also. I did not go there to be molested and murdered, did you take your kids to Church on Sunday to be knifed and sodomized? I bet not, care to discuss all of that over Lenten fish fries and Sunday pancake breakfasts at the local fire hall? I thought not. Why? It makes you happy and laugh? Be honest about it. Own it. I won't break bread with you, ever.

I'd not trust you with anything let alone a human life or to make decisions for one. And you wanted a relationship with me? Why? We are not friends. What is in it for you?

And we need to support you with tax dollars and keep you around to make it all look good, isn't that right? Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil. Who wants you around anyways is the question let alone pay you for it all? I call you, the trap door of support.

Seems to me you just harm yourselves and your country and State. Despite what you'd claim, you just made a mess and then sit around and feel sorry for yourselves. You and your friends in the law end up blowing up their own bridges and shooting each other with your own guns and laws. Then just like the Black Knight in Life Of Brian announce it as all good and you planned to ruin your reputations and castrate yourselves. Makes no sense at all.

People are always going to ask why, and why I talk about my former spouse, and now drag out the child abuse, since I never needed it. Be a man and talk about it implores one Federal Police Officer who decided to just show up at my bedroom door for no reason. Right, cowardly rape a child and take photos and later rape him with a knife and I need to be a man and not talk about it. Crapola.

Problems there are multi fold.

First of all, you went into my childhood long ago. And you hit below the belt. So now we are going to go there. Much of this was done to protect my parents, my father admitted that finally after his son nearly died but did not, you can figure out what he wished for, I won't bother.

He supported it and then used it to toss me out. Wife used that after leaving me to die by her hand to divide me against my mother and father. First time I heard of it was from her on /* June 28, 2003 */ when she thought to point out how my mother had harmed me and she could not forgive her for that. Pass the buck in other words.

Why shoot your husband in the head, leave him to die in his home as you vacation for three weeks in Germany, and then come back and start citing to him his mother is abusive? Why tell me that now? We should have talked about it before since I had forgotten it long ago. How did she know about it?

I lived in your "Communities" for decades and you said NOT ONE THING to me or for me or to help me. Never. You took it out on me actually. Punish the victim was your modus operandi. And you all talked at me and not to me making snipes at my back etc. I remember all of that now too.

Many of the shills claimed to be friends and were directly involved all along and that included women who claimed to be lovers or wives. You are far worse.

Secondly my wife may harm someone down the road (like children) and I don't want the next undead husband (father) meeting me in a parking lot with a pipe with the claim I should have told him about her (them). You and the LAW have been told. I also expect to be made whole again and my good name restored as it should be. Again you arrive to gossip and toss mud and lies and I just witness facts that you can't refute or rebut at all and never could. If you can't see a knife wound and trails of blood from a kid's back then you can't find your own d**k.

You compel truth based on other harms as you compel victims to starve and not have homes. Convenient again.

And another idea is that you don't like anyone smarter than you and you have a chip on your shoulders, as well as a smelly shitty past you'd like to clean up. My father never made it past 8th grade and thinks that stabbing his son in the back and telling lies about/to it/him makes him smarter, it does not. It does not make his Police friends look smart either.

That and you think it clever and funny to make fun of me and treat me like a retard when in reality I am probably making more sense than most of you COMBINED. Part of the problem again is ego, shame, guilt, and criminal complicity to murder your child, spouse, brother, friend, neighbor, employee, student, parishioner, or citizen you should have been protecting. Now you just don't like your mistake around, sounds again like your "Shall Not Reproduce" solution to getting your abortions wrong up front and deciding to literally say screw it.

Oh and there is no closure and I need to live someplace. But you knew all of that?

And you just want me to fix it for you and say it is ok. Which way do you want it, are you sure? If it is ok then we can all run around molesting your kids and cutting them up and burning the bodies in campfires each weekend. As adults I can slice open your backs and shoot you in the head with a free spiked milkshake that you are going to pay for. Just stop over to my place any time and you (I) can put your money where your mouths are. Any time.

I think I know what your answer is going to be. You can only live with the harm you cause others since it is fun, just don't expect to talk about it or to have it done to you. Hell I can't live with what you did to me, let alone your claims to call me the bad names you did TO me.

Another cheap cop out, call the child a pedophile for raping you, steal from him and call him a thief, lie to him and call him a liar, attempt to murder him and call him a killer. You know the drill.

Then call it "Tough Love". I don't consider people who rape children and murder them lovers, or authority figures. I'd think that makes you psychosexual killers and felons and rapists, not Police and parents. Your concerns about me and my character are getting s**t canned as we speak. And they will always end up there from now on. You burned down your own house with your credibility in it. And you have a long way to go to fix this one. And I am done listening to you.

And the violence never fixed it for them since they did not accept it or own it. No accountability means it never paid the bill and there was none owed. It only made it worse. This always was about the violence, theirs, not mine. The bill was invented later to support the violence, it can not. And it is not associated with any wrong doing, and the perversion is the next issue. Why punish with your pecker? Then take photos?

Justice done covertly is not justice. This is child rape and then you use the parents later to support your further perversions of faith.

It comes down to a few things; You don't like anyone better than you; You don't like someone who is honest; You can not accept your mistakes or that fact you harmed someone; You are too proud to apologize; You are always above everything and not accountable to anyone for anything; You, like the law, assume that I can not make right decisions for myself and I need you to tell me right from wrong. By that you can just arrest me anytime since I always owe you something for some reason and not the other way around; And any other flawed logical and legal premise you'd offer for being a lynch mob.

It comes down to Judges. Not all those who come before you owe you something, you assume they do. Why? When do you pay me? Now is a good time. Instead you have me pay the bill I don't owe to everyone and it never gets paid. You follow me all over the world and offer this hyper excessive scrutiny, feedback, and blame the victim retaliation show that says all I do is wrong. And that is not law enforcement since you are not observing, you are influencing. Why bother? You are at fault. I am immune from prosecution since you refuse me service in court and harm me as felons. So you hope to fix it on the sly and call it something else, your avoidance becomes my dysfunction and all I do is now wrong. Won't work.

Then you rotate around your own incompetence, guilt, complicity, and threats of prosecution, then rotate them around as being mine to hope to prosecute, not do so, stay out of court, get into court, not be heard there since you can't be, and so it goes. You dance with yourselves on it.

Take for example this tool, the computer, my father was too proud to ever ask me for help since he saw this as a challenge to his ego and his claimed profession and trade as a printer and pressman. My skills there in digital print probably would rival experts in that field at all levels but he is too proud and insecure to have his son teach him anything. And that was not my forte or full time vocation, I learned all of that including TeX and LaTex to print papers in college and completely understand the concepts needed to create device independent formatting and driver layers for the various print engines. But again I am the idiot here and I need some kind of antidote for living with violent, and creepy, and abusive people who just prefer to lie their way through life and harm others.

Him not accepting help is his way to invent zero sum, this is another concept, into the failed relationship. State does that also, two wrongs make a right. Harm and then bribe. In this case we don't accept help since we don't want a relation with Terry and we need to seem neutral and not accepting favors to be obligated to him appears to fix that. A form of human rot that says we just fell apart naturally. Puke. Cloud puke. Faux God.

This has been an ongoing problem for a long time and the community knew about this. They just want to give me a hard time about it still and this ends up offering justification and motive and support for the violent criminal harm. Those who claimed to be friends and their fun and games with Wack A Mole need to watch out that they don't get Wacked back.

Just because you have friends in law enforcement does not mean that they are really your friends, that they will stay your friends, that they will protect you as you both break the law, or that when someone else arrests you that the judge won't lock both you and your crooked cop friends up anyway. As they should have long ago.

The truth is my wife was brought here to do this, that was made possible by her Jewish boyfriend and later husband Roger Berlind and others including Dr. Sargur Srihari at SUNY Buffalo CEDAR. She was chosen or crafted upon my vanity and otherwise to cause this harm. Certainly she was trained and coached as to how to do this, she was far too good at causing harm, and she was coached about my past since she knew too much about me, far too much. Likely the Jewish community is involved for some reason, why punish someone who was attacked by a n**i hate group who likely was/is on your side? I have ZERO involvement with or ANY past display of anti semitism and none now either. That would be done to protect my former girlfriend Eve Rothman who attacked me and was paid to do so, and it ends up being this was all invented to cause me harm and the players involved now admit they were compensated for doing this. The wife spoke 3 languages fluently and this was taken from my resume of years ago, as well as other vanity plays including of course the Lutheran and German demographics that are there to cause harm as well.

The features of her vanity and condition are specific also to cause harm including her disability and other characteristics. This was done for a reason. She did NOT just happen to me.

And this fraud was compelled by SUNY via harm there, and my family, and built on the violence and opportunities made with it in the past. And it is a fraud and a murder not a marriage.

This was a psycho drama and virtual world you invented for me and used to knife me in the back, and used to murder me at home with and to dry my blood off your pecker that you bloodied with my young blood. Had I had real parents, this would likely have NOT been possible. I would have helped my son. ALL of this could have been avoided.

My father finally admitted this also, he spent all his money on his shrine and yellow billboard for the world telling all who witness it that he is a good person. The perfect home with nothing but his crap in it where we lived on junk food 364 days a year and after knifing his son in the a*s we can break out the steaks and celebrate with a real meal every New Years Day. And after that take a poop down over 100 feet of 4 inch copper pipe and flush with 400 feet of copper water line that he was told should be plastic.

The plumbers actually called him nuts for doing this and I agree with them. He ended up shoving that and all the other lightening rods he needed to live like a king in Solomon's Temple of foolishness, right up his own a*s. We were down in the basement right next to the water line one day, when a direct ground hit sent smoke and burning copper into the air so thick you could taste it and see the green haze for hours. That says the people who build homes were right but dad knows it all better. The mechanical energy of the pipe and the hit on it seemed enough to deafen us, I was standing right next to it, and enough to break it from the supports. And the stunt with the wrongly designed I Beam not supporting the whole home could have killed ME at any time. Again this is his friends in the law playing games. I worked on my electronics lab in the basement ALL the time. When that house did collapse I'd be down there and it would be on my head. These people are garbage.

 The later soap operas and ongoing drama with time travel, and the other approaches are brags and mocks that even other friends got involved in of the ilk; Dr. Who, The Tardis, Lissajous Figures, and the rest of the scripted and engineered harm where you all said it is not enough to molest and murder the boy, lets make it a sport and a game and kill him with it along the way later in life.

This is where the National Lampoon comes into focus, mock the nation and the nation mocks you, do you take yourselves that seriously? Whack A Mole, Post Natal Abortion, Shall Not Reproduce (Sounds like a Eugenics plan), Give You A Clinton, Rah Singh, Don't hurt yourself or anyone else and the rest of the statements made to me circa 1984 about what was to come by faux friends and live in money lovers who would be killers.

This is a link up with vanity from thefts of electronic equipment and components from me when I was a child including a purchase of a Vacuum Tube Volt Meter from Trigger Electronics in Minnesota. I saved for better part of a year as a child to purchase the Eico analog VTVM that was over $300, a lot of money to me in 1976. The company claimed it was shipped and I never received it and my father refused to allow me to purchase it on his credit card like I asked in order to protect me from this kind of fraud should it happen. I was unable to get my money returned and the USPS was involved since it was purchased with one of their money orders. I should have had some recourse but nobody was willing to help me. I later had to save up that much again and purchase a Fluke DMM but really also wanted the VTVM for other reasons. With my parents doing what they did I will never know the truth of what was done. My father proudly brags just that "You will never get the truth from me." Oh boy!

In addition my mother would constantly take electronic parts orders with capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits and tools and toss them in the garbage with the claim "You don't need those." So nothing I did to educate myself was needed since I was going to be dead anyway. Akin to Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. A constant waste of money and time and I'd frequently make parts orders for hundreds of dollars from DigiKey in Thief River Falls MN and Allied Electronics as well as Jameco in CA.

Lissajous Figures are generated on an oscilloscope by not using the normal time axis mode of horizontal deflection making it time periodic. Instead you use the amplifier/attenuator as you do with the vertical axis and measure both deflection waveforms combined. As in you control time. You don't, it moves in one direction, forward, and that never changes. Thinking you do means you'd be delusional, having delusions of grandeur, and likely would be living a fantasy and would be a criminal. Perfect oracles who predict their crimes.

In a man's life this would mean you play God and have him travel back and forth through time by being oracles who plot their crimes against him as my wife said in advance and brag about them along the way. As in I have told you all that I am going to do to you and I am going to kill you. And she would brag about and mention the time, date, place, and method of the murder using stories and other scripted plays in your day to day life with her and her friends in the lynch mob. Of course they were all lies and not about what she was talking about but about me.

This explains the physics/math of it very well, I can tell you how it is used to murder a child, a boy, and a man:



And the Greek Letter Lambda carved into my arm is the symbol used to indicate wave length. In this case location location location matters and 20 is your number. Also could be seen as a T for period.

My father Thomas Jones, bought me a couple of cars, never spent any time with me to decide what to buy or how to repair and maintain them. They just showed up, all top secret, told me nothing about the cost, where he got them, or how to know the value of any of it. This carried on into adult life with even new cars bought with his glorious GM discount, again not one word was spoken as to what he paid, how he bartered, what to do etc.

Again, not one thing was shared and I lived with baby sitters my whole life who really cared less and preferred to compete with their child rather than educate him. Dad said just that, it was you or me. Oh ok, I never knew this was adversarial and I did not treat it as such, again Agent Orange in lieu of CIA agent in lieu of father figure had better INTEL than I did on that one too. My father is Hitler.

Likely this was to help GM rip me off more with the car and truck purchases so they can later announce it as being harm that I deserved.

They never spent a moment with me ever to teach me anything, spent not one cent on my education or made any effort there, and it all was spent on his folly and self loathing and anger at his father directed at me. Hands off parents with an unwanted son who they bitterly hated, and the State they hated since they forced me back into their care. Hands on in my underwear, but hands off for you not to witness as parents. Faustian bargains to follow.

My father actually used to threaten me when I was a child when we'd go places alone without mom present. He did this even at Jim The Barber in Wilson. Said he was going to toss me in the lake from the boat since he did not want me, and mom made him do this. Said to me when we fished (A rare event) another day. He was going to abandon me at Harrison Radiator when I went there to visit his work, so he told mom. Left me in some huge empty room and came back and said he had hoped I had run away. I was maybe 4 or 5 at the time.

I did run away once since I got sick of it and packed up my little close and play that I used as a suitcase, put in a few things and walked out the front door, went down the steps, turned right and walked down Washington Street, took a left and head east down Young Street. I made it to Thomas Marks my elementary school and my father caught up with me and took me home:






Does it matter now? Sure it does, since they conspired to murder and harm their son. My friends did this also and so did the State. And I have to live with this and answer to, sorry to be this way, mothers who want to blame me for leaving my disabled parents in the cold. This is backwards and here is why and how. They closed the door on me and lied to me and about me to this day. And you all wanted to take part and believe that too and you knew better.

That and you all knew my folks and let this go on since I never really left that area. I came back in 2005/2006 after being gone for 6 months and what does a woman at M & T Bank do and say? Gives me a hard time for "Coming Back" as though that makes it all ok, since I left. You had over 40 years that I lived there in WNY and said not one thing for me and gave me a hard time about getting cut up like that. Good for you. She actually said why did you come back as though she had a right to accuse me of that also. There is never enough for you holier than thou people who stand for one thing then stand against it the next day. What do you stand for is the question?

My best friends were kids of the Principal of the School Thomas Palisano Sr and Jr and Doug and Ellen Golde who worked for child protective services and later the FBI comes to do business with Mom. How much more under your nose can a kid's murder be? Ellis was a Buffalo area FBI agent who's wife did business with my mother, they knew the harms ongoing.


The Golde's actually got involved before 1981 and after in a kind of informal food stamp program since we all hung out at their place at 520 Lake Street in Wilson NY 14172. Doug's father loved to cook and we loved to eat, and I see that now as a guilt offering. I never saw that I had to eat there and I did not know any better and could have dined at mom and dad's house instead, but they offered and I am not ungrateful for it. I just see it as being another way to informally, and formally, trap me in for more, and larger, later harms, injury, and death. Not unlike compelling kids back into the homes of parents who are killers. This is what you get and you did not expect death? How so? Do you keep all these secrets in Church too, since you knew of it there? I'd bet not.

My father actually used to complain that he had to feed me. etc. After working my hands bloody to clean up his new land and cut trees there and at Uncle Art's place for firewood. Insane.

Other problem for you? Statistics. You contrive dozens of features of the situation upon my vanity that says this is not a coin toss or dice roll. Akin to saying out of 6 combination lock dials on your safe, each having say 100 numbers, and only one right combination gets you in, that you are able to randomly spin all 6 and get them all right all the time for the dozens of times you attacked me and called it another happenstance event. Ad hoc it is not.

It comes down to ( 1 / 100 ) ^ 6 == Or one in one Trillion chance of getting it right, or 1 out of 1,000,000,000,000.

Then repeat that say for ten attacks. You won the NYS Lottery every time you played. Random? You bet.

It all intersects with my vanity at too many levels and too deeply saying it was planned in advance with me in mind and was premeditated. Hence it is a fraud and crime. It is collusion with the prior acts of violence and perversion that I am aware of now to which I am a victim. You work too hard now telling me I am not a victim, if I am not, then you have none.







R. Smith

To Stacey - Cutting you off now.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2014

To Stacey -

I won't respond to you further since you just demean this medium and make no statement of substance. Or fact. You've been caught in numerous lies and non truths. So has NCSD.

You also make statements that are ad hominem and otherwise don't support any claim you'd make, most of which are false, impossible for you to know, or otherwise slanderous.

Beyond that you really say a lot of nothing and offer inflammed rhetoric and ask us to accept your nonsense since you are smarter than me.

You insult the other readers here as well as the founder of this site by it.

You demean the spirit of the site and the law in general, it is antithetical to community.

I've already been falsely accused in the the media as well and that won't happen with you here either.

I am not sure why you'd hope to offer your input since you can't have any. And clearly do not.

Beyond that I will just keep witnessing here and ignore those like you.

Eventually you will account for it since it is harassment.

It is useful since it makes you look bad and me look good.

I look good enough already and no longer need you.

I've seen enough from you.

Consider yourself used like the cheap w**** you are.



R. Smith

You have no credibility since you.....

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2014

You have no credibility since you.....

....claim to do the impossible. And you can't read and answer questions.  Stacey.

Lady you sure are insane, aren't you? Is this a religion for you? Will you ever work again? I doubt it. Not with behavior like this. Employers will use this against you Stacey as they should.

Again, you don't know one thing about me, do you? Read what I wrote here. DO YOU KNOW ME AT ALL?


You can not speak to this at alll and never could and can't even read what I put here for you and then you get what you do read wrong. I never said 1/2 of what you claim I said that makes you a victim. Your vanity trap is obvious, you are not a victim and neither is the State.

SO instead of admitting you got that wrong and lied about that, you avoid all the dialog and get the rest wrong and claim since you are trained in something that this can't be true. Prove it. You can't and look stupid for saying what you say. I don't suffer fools and you are a fool but I will make you look as one every time all the time. No kidding lady.

Why ask anything about me now. You ask questions, did the Police rape you? WHY ASK THAT NOW? It is written here.

So you come back here and then lie again about me with the claim I said you need to take your own life. I NEVER said that. Not now or 5 years ago. But now since you are ok with murder and rape of kids go ahead, since you offer it as being so.

I SAID, you commit professional suicide in what you do and what do you you? Keep doing the same thing, that being make YOU look like a fool by saying what you said and do again here.

Admitting you are wrong would be the ONLY way you saved face here but I'd just top post over it and keep pointing out that failure of yours now forever since you can not read and then claim to read the minds of strangers who you never met and are thousands of miles away from you. You are delusional.

Why seek help for something the Police lied about, it was done. THEY LIED as did my family who is abusive.  Are you from planet Earth? They said accident.  It was a hate crime.  Those are knife wounds.  Argument over for you.  This was over 5 years ago for you. 

BUT you can't see that, since that ruins your argument beyond the fact you have none, and can not. Again, no witness.

But you only need expertise? How does that allow you to see people you never met and know they are not victims. Are you God Stacey? Can you see what I am wearing now?

You wear egg on your face.

In YOUR mind all people who are harmed and complain are INSANE since it was too long ago for you.

There are some cases of child abuse you don't hear about for OVER 30 years. And they need to go that far back to arrest priests etc who do this.

All you need to do is read what is here and see what I witness against.

Instead of calling me names, telling me to get over it, etc. SO why ask now since now it seems you realize you are wrong and that you lied about me and you make no sense.

You molest children this way also BTW 

What is the thrust of your argument?

That you know this better than me? HOW?

You can be Einstein and not know one d**n thing about me and not be able to refute ONE BIT OF MY WITNESS.

Why? You were not there.

You say this - #1 Consumer Comment

Once again your report is suspect to

AUTHOR: Stacey - ()

"insanity!! You have not one clue what rape victims go through!@! "

How so? I told you about child abuse of myself and my sister, being cut up with a knife, etc and this includes sexual assault and you got lost how? Give up the insanity defense, it won't work. You keep losing the same argument in the same way and won't see that. It looks worse and worse for you.

My report is suspect to...... What does that mean? Is that English?

Where was there any wiggle room on that? Are you for real? Answer all those questions I put forth to you about Stateless people, immunity, and the rest and actually read what is here. First I am supposed to get over it, now you avoid the knife once more, it is there, then I have to do something else for you since you know it all better, now it never happened, what next? Going to make me unborn? You are a circle jerk.

You will never convince me or anyone else that this did not happen. Why bother? Get a hobby.

You don't care and said as much since it can not be true for you and you base that on the fact that you don't know me and you are an expert. I am not employable and can not own property in the USA from this. But you won't see that either, will you? Police admit this, but you know that too? How?

The rest I already wrote, you need to read it. Then you say -

"You are nothing more than a attention seeker after 20 years!! Since you have no job or no life then I suggest you get a job at your local Kmart. "

I have lost the use of a hand, I have other injuries you can't see since you don't know me and they don't matter to you, they have no forensic value to you since you are an expert, and beyond that you just decide that I need to work someplace based on the fact you know the legal ramifactions of attempting to murder someone and then not getting it right?

Is that about it?

You are a fool.  And a quack and a fraud.  You can't admit you made a mistake or might be wrong and look just like the cops who did this.  So at the risk of being wrong you'd toss a life away to look pure.  Crap.  On you.

Go jump off a bridge Stacey, you are felon and liar.

Really, give it up, why do you keep responding to someone and something you have no interest in and only support the fact this site is here for people you don't care about?


Attention seeker, like all the rest of the people who file reports or complaints?

Right this is not that serious. Is this your thrust?

You don't know the first thing about me and never will. QED.

What next?

Going to rape your kid with a hot dog? 

Much luck pervert. 


Once again your report is suspect to

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2014

 insanity!! You have not one clue what rape victims go through!@! Did the police rape you? Did you go to a crisis center or seek counseling for this?? I think not.  BECAUSE I have worked with REAL victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and other violent crimes.

You are nothing more than a attention seeker after 20 years!! Since you have no job or no life then I suggest you get a job at your local Kmart. 

R. Smith

Let me untwist what I said for you.

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

Hey Stacey, since you seem so callous to this kind of child harm, and later efforts to rape and murder someone, if you did feel like taking your own life go ahead, I don't care. If you mess it up just get over it, and if you succeed, nobody will give a d**n least of all me, why should we? You disprespect us kids so who cares what goes on with you. 

As you read all that wrong, and I never said you should take your life, just that you made a good effort at making professional suicide work here, I wanted to lay it out for you.  If you want to, go ahead.  Nobody cares what felons like you think or where you end up.  Just don't harm anyone else, ok?  And don't make a mess. 

Since you stand on the wrong side of the law and support hate and murder and harm of kids, get it over with.  There, NOW I said it.  Have fun bleeding to death.  You are not a martyr.  And never will be, you are a criminal.  And nobody needs you and you bring nothing to the table. 

To the other point, most pedophiles are known to kill their victims to keep them from witness against, you knew that also?

After all, you just meddle in the violent harm of others and hope to see us die for it.  Don't expect sympathy from me now, you will never get it.  And I'd call you the troll.  You are fishing for pain and something else it seems.  You lost.  Get over it.

And you won't protect these people ever. Good luck in the career.  Now you look dead to me.  It looks good on you.  

Bye Bye.

R. Smith

Thanks for the boat. You own it now.

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

And for you and Stacey the problems are the same, you act as each other does and did.

You refuse to enact a legal process and solution despite the claim you are agents of the State.

You prefer to denigrate the character of the victim and make ad hominem attacks against him that does not preclude him being a crime victim.

I am a victim and that you knew is true, so you decided to exacerbate that harm and exploit it for more run and rape of more kids.

Then you hide behind that and mental health slurs and hope to justify your extra judicial lynch mobs with it.

And in the end you still lose since justice is never served and you end paying over and over and over again and in the end will finally pay right.

Then you act as children and took the bait, and offer a Dance Club.

You drank the Kool Aid, too late.



Thanks for making a fool of you anew.


R. Smith

Cereal rapist are you?

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

Love your title Stacey, "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs"


What food do you rape your kids with?  Or do you shove your foot into their mouths as well as yours?

You are joke and a loser.  And a felon. 


Don't bother saying anything, since I won't respond to it now. 

I've said it all before now.

R. Smith

Get a life lady.

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

""#5 Consumer Comment

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

AUTHOR: Stacey - ()

SUBMITTED: Monday, July 21, 2014

GET OVER IT!! As for your childish remark about me hanging myself in public - pathetic just like your trolling report.""


The last report should have ended with me asking Stacey Going to work waxing floors in Kabul??


But to this, you are pathetic,why hang on to that for so long? 5 years???? You can't even get over someone pointing out how YOU made a fool of YOU and ruined your career hopes of helping people by seeing them harmed and telling them nobody cares.


SO all you offer is insults to the kids who got harmed and then feign you got hurt here, so what? Move on lady.


Define "trolling" report? It is witness and commentary for those who thought to find fault with something they can't.


You are a freak lady.


Boo h*o. someone made you look badly, boo h*o....

Say something of value lady. Constructive. Other than attack me personally or play the victim.

You support hate crimes by what you do. Know that.


Here how about this, spare us your abysmal and self deprecating offers that you are smarter than me by using large words and by that know more than I do about me and my life.

You don't and then you suggest bad choices not to resolve it. 

Wrong on both levels/accounts. 

Why lose this argument again in the same way?

That would be insane of you.  You are getting nowhere with it. 

R. Smith

Noticed this earlier.

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

Blame the victim and suppress witness, here is one of Stacey's better lines in her dearth of dialog from 2009:

Stacey Sez:"Guess what! You made all the reports therefore YOU are subject to rebuttals be it good or bad - POOR baby"

Right so support your local child rapists and then blame us kids later in life and then say we needed to shut up about it now since you then can use that as cannon fodder. 

Too many reports means you just need to arrive and rebut them since you can't.


Since you have no witness.  So this is my fault since I complained here?  Right you make no sense still. 


Can you tell me what color my hair is.


And how many teeth I have left in my head or my eye color?

Let alone know anything about my life experience Stacey?


But rebut you must eh?

Just arrive and be contrary. 

You can't.  And would just be a felon and child molester. 

And you can not even read, I never suggested you take your life via suicide I said you DID commit professional suicide here and you still do again.


Going to work waxing floors in Kabul


R. Smith

You keep having the same problem.

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

You said this -- #114 Consumer Comment

Grow up

AUTHOR: Stacey - (U.S.A.)

SUBMITTED: Friday, October 30, 2009

Get a life and get over it - jeeeesss I have worked with Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and other violent crimes and THEY have gotten on with their lives - Maybe you should too

Oh I would suggest getting some counseling - you are holding onto a lot of anger that needs attention

AND before all the idiotic comment come out I am Educated in the field of Social Work ie: COLLEGE"


Did they have closure and you admitted harm to them? That matters.  I need counseling why?  I need prosecutions and justice.  You offer none. 


So here is your comment again I recall it 5 years later. So you said grow up, why? What is wrong with me?

How do I proceed now? Since you know it all, do I live with my parents and wife? You said this all along and they are at fault.

This is the point right? Since it is not fixed then how does one go on with their life?

You are in social work? What county? We need to have you fired NOW.

Since you have no clue what you are doing.

What you imply suggest and are demanding is not possible. I can not live there. I said that.

Now what?

Living someplace else is not possible or necessary. And you are too late with that non solution that seems to counter the other non solutions too late or in the wrong order and wrong time.


You do more harm than good.  And guess what?  Social services in Niagara County is involved, but you forget that since you sat and waited and made a shrine of hate and doom for me to come back to so you can ambush me once more?

Odd.  q***r really. 

After 5 years you still see a need to harass me for this, why? 

I think you are a stalker with some kind of need to harm kids and follow them as adults to rape them verbally. 


R. Smith

You need to do better Stacey.

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

Than your sandbox paranoid crap you keep shucking on all of us.  You and your looney tune defense that says all bad things done to us are to be ignored and not discussed. You turn this medium into the turd pool it is, with crap like you hanging around with nothing to say but the same old nonsense that already was agreed as being that, nonsense.

Doing so makes us inconvenient and not to be listened to, so you can call us nuts to shut us up.  Lame. Get a life lady and get real. You'd need a brain to discuss something here and you obviously lack one, since you can't even think of anything to say.

Polly want a cracker cracker polly want a paranoid paranoid.  Paranoid paranoid.  Fool. It does matter, do you hate all whites or just white men?  Or only victims you prefer not to see?  You are insane to come back here after all that?  And say the same thing?  I suggest you move on.  You look weird now, Stacey.    Seriously, find someone else to malign. 

R. Smith

Now they are getting defensive.

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

There is too much of this morphing over time to adapt to what I know and understand and believe, they have been caught in a lie and know it. They admit this now, and the point is this is NOW and not then.

Then they, like you, use the lapse of time to suggest it is ok, it is NOT. Other crimes went on to suppress my witness and take my life. I have harm from it AND it is permanent. I can NOT LIVE THERE STILL. THIS IS ENOUGH. That is not acceptable. THEY MUST BE CHARGED.

Instead of relying on what I know they should have come to me directly in 1981 and prosecuted those who did it instead of seeing what can be allowed to be gotten away with.

This seems to mirror and reciprocate my understanding over time. You keep harping on this concept of Conspiracy and offer such things are not possible, they are.

Have you not heard of a lynch mob? Are all hate crimes just something that develops akin to you stopping on the side of the road to partake ad hoc? Hey Bob what you got going on? A picnic? Hey let me call the wife and she can bring her axe.

Are you that stupid? Naive? Now you stop just short of making the erroneous assumption that all victims of lynchings are paranoid. But you hope to suggest that or no? Change your mind again?

To the point? You can not rely on these people at all and this is my point. Your paranoid fears are real. This is big trouble.  You don't want these cops and firemen around, at all.  They are felons and creeps and liars and paedophiles.  I have witness of that also, and they like you, want others to be ok with that, I would NOT be.

You concede you have a crime here, an injury, and now I have waited to report it. Not so, I did not wait I was misled and the Police are involved, more than one of them.   They said accident and it is not, a knife wound and there is no damage to the car.  Where does that put you? They conspired since they did it.

Now you claim injury in accident. Not so, you can not do it that way. You can't know that and offer expertise as per you to say you know it better. You don't, I witnessed it. They are knife wounds. Now you look stupid too. You are getting lost in what I knew and when and why and what I said. YOU said accident. I never said anything, did I?


You really don't know what I knew and when. It does not matter anyway since you cut me with a knife and lied about it. Now they say I wait, then they say accident, a lie.  Both of them. They are guilty and said as much and act that now. They just did not want to fix it after confessing. 


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

 GET OVER IT!! As for your childish remark about me hanging myself in public - pathetic just like your trolling report.

R. Smith

Tyg, you have a problem.....

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2014

Lets look at your post and see what else I can find wrong with it.

#1 General Comment

All I see...

AUTHOR: Tyg - ()

SUBMITTED: Monday, July 21, 2014

--"All I see is someone who THINKS they are important enough to have a conspiracy against them. Sorry but I have spent time as a EMT and you would be surprised at how easy it is to get a V shaped wound from a piece of metal. "

First of all I am the victim of other crimes and two and more people are involved.  That is a conspiracy.  They do exist, you look a fool for suggesting they don't and that anyone who gets harmed in protection of another is a ranting lunatic.  You'd be called a flake and ignorant shill at this point but lets move on.  You are a fool BTW to do this.

You'd never cut that arm this way and you know that.  It was a scalpel and my skin is too thick to do that and so is yours.  The incisions overlap, they measured 20 inches as I said and knew what they were doing.  They knew how to find the ulnar and then cut it.  More than one operation to make that mess.  I was awake for it and recall it.  I was sitting up and was restrained and this was in the Wilson NY Ambulance.  This was a planned lynching party.

You'd be surprised to know you are wrong.  It could not happen.

--"I really hate to tell you this but SOMEONE has to. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HAVE PEOPLE GOING AFTER YOU!!!! "

This is wrong, Police, judges, clergy, and doctors could be put in prison for decades, some charged with treason that could lead to death.  Wrong again.  Just from crimes against me.  My witness matters.  And since people like you show up to make fools of you to claim it does not and I don't know what I am talking about, tell me this, what did I have for lunch tomorrow?  Fool. 

--"While Im sure it makes YOU feel better to think all of this, the REALITY is MUCH different from your rantings. "

You won't know that or how it feels to be cut like that, I do.  You don't know my reality since you are not me, and you don't know the rest of it either.  Why would it make me feel better and how?  My father admits this is their fault and what I say is true and I need to not have a relationship with him as a result.  Are you changing his mind and words for him now and this is despite me being lied to for 22 years until 2003 to have him tell me this? 

You are an a** son.  Stop digging that hole.

--"Im NOT saying YOU did not have some incident, I AM saying that YOU are fishing around and looking for people to blame for incidents in YOUR life. "

What are you saying, this was an accident recall that and with no damage to my car to support it.  You'd never cut the arm that way in an accident.  Ganshaw made the insurance, fire rescue, police, and other frauds work, recall his 5 sided hat? 

You work too hard to support it meaning you have too much knowledge.  The math is wrong too, but your whole argument falls apart on that alone and you know that somehow, this is too complex but the pivotal point is the knife.  You found it too quickly and you did not read ALL my posts since they are not ALL here.  Liar.  And fraud.    You lost it on the knife.

Lets go on.  So now you will stonewall on it as predicted.  Recall others agree this is a knife wound and so do I.  They measured.  And it was almost impossible to get through my Tricep to cut the ulnar.  They had to pinch that to cut it against the bone.

--"I have read ALL of your posts."

This is not possible and is a lie.  They are not all here. It ALSO does NOT mAttEr...... ...  You are a joke.

--"The one thing that I can see from all of your writing is that YOU THINK there is a conspiracy against you. YOU refuse to see ANYTHING beyond the conspiracy that YOU have built up. "

This is wrong also, I know there is one since it is a legal term and not a medical condition that you hope to make it.  Hear of the Mafia?  They work in twos or more.  What is that?

I believed this was an accident as I was told, that is not true.  So you are wrong again. I see this for what it is and I see YOU as a liar and felon.  And you can NOT speak to what I feel or know or think EVER. Who are you?  God?

--"There is some FACTUAL information that you can look up at your own leisure that YOU are ignoring. "

And what is that?  You have ANY facts on this?  Where?  How would YOU know that? 

--"Do you have even ONE PERSON to validate YOUR assumption of a conspiracy?? "

Who said I ASSUME this?  YOU?  I can say that you FANTASIZE otherwise but I did not, I don't ASSUME one thing, this is my witness.  And yes I have many who say the same thing, knife wounds.

I hate to make YOU paranoid, but I have more than two who corroborate my witness.....

--"Odds are that you don't. Little know fact, ppl cant keep their mouths shut. And if a conspiracy of the level YOU have described was going on against YOU, then atleast 2 of the people involved would have spilled their guts to SOMEONE!! "

SO now you are betting?  Then you don't know one d**n thing do you?  Who said they did not already say something?  They told me later.  But you knew that too? 

--"What this means for YOU is that there probably isn't ANY conspiracy and all of this is just your way of handeling the issues YOU had back in 1981. "

This is going to end badly for you.  Probably?  So you admit you have no clue as to what you said here at all.

--"I find it FUNNY as all get out that YOU would accuse the EMT AND Fire dept of intentionally damaging you. "

Not really, they did just that and in the town where I had been raped and abused as a child, do you make kid porn with them too as they did with my sister and I as child stars?  Ooops.....


--"Odds are that they had ZERO to do with your injury OTHER then patching you up. "

Again you are admitting you are tossing another coin, so you lie once more.  You have no idea what you are talking about.  They delivered me to the ER and this was done in their care so they are responsible and so are the Police. 

-- "While it makes you feel better to whine and complain over a issue this old, what YOU are doing can cause YOU real trouble. This would be a civil matter, and it would give you your day in court. "

Seems redundant and useless at this point, I've had others attempt to take my life, is that trouble for you since you are not that important?  Recall you said and proved that to us here?  Nobody gives a d**n about you. 

Do you pretend to know how I feel?  About being Stateless?  Do you know what that means?  Discuss the State's position and the other concomitant harms associated with this that you don't know about or do you?

--"But YOU MUST PROVE a conspiracy. "

I don't have to prove one thing.  More than one person harmed me and the record shows that, you talk like an ignorant creep.  What is your IQ, about 80?

--"Tenuous connections and supposition aren't going to cut it in a court of law. "

Sure they are, who is going to "cut it", you?  What?  The cheese?  Now you offer you have it all solved and can bully it through again with your EMT expert OPINION?  Hogwash.  What makes them tenuous as per your rambling monsoon of useless drivel suggests?  Colourful enough for you?

They seem concrete to me.  It is called motive.

--"You need witnesses and proof. If you don't have ANY of these then how do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously?? A conspiracy requires a level of security that a bunch of small town hicks are NOT going to be able to address."

Huh?  What is that mess?  A level of security?  To harm someone and involve two people to beat someone up?  You feeling ok?

Who is going to take YOU seriously?  This is pure crap.

Small town hicks are the problem and you stink like one of them to be fair.  Police are involved, so does that solve the INTEL problem for you?

Define shill and fraud for us since you are both.

SO to boil your argument down to the facts, you offer this did not happen since:

1) I am not important.  So there goes all of the law in the USA since nobody is important.  Fire the cops and EMTs.   I see you failed on that job also? 

2) People never harm others and/or work in pairs of two or more.

3) Criminals never lie.

4) All knife wounds are accidents. 

5) People who witness are ranting lunatics.

I'd add that people who suppress victim's witness and make stupid arguments like yours are hate mongering child rapists who like to pretend to know it all better than the real victims like me.

You don't.  And prove that here.  Since you like to gamble and bet on this and that and then offer what does and does not cut it.  Prove I am wrong.

You can't prove who I am let alone what I know or think or feel. 

What is my shoe size?

Good luck loser.

If I was you?  I'd not bet your life on your abilities, you are going to need help.

And you are a fool.  You prove that here. 

Crawl back under your rock and hide. 

R. Smith

You'd be wrong.

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 21, 2014

You support all of your claims with expertise, since you are an EMT and that fact I am not important? 

You'd need more than that.  Many EMTs do as you do since they did the cutting, and their friends did the rest.  This was done in an ambulance with a knife, that is my witness since I recall it now.

The wounds are made with a knife and lay people can see that.  The skin was sliced by making two incisions but you did not bother to read or see that

You'd never server the ulnar nerve this way and get through muscle in the tricep areas.  It would move out of the way.

The Police and others agree with me.  So do doctors and forensice examiners. 

I have had other attempts made on my life to suppress witness of this and child harm.

I am that important since this witness is what they don't want to hear or read.

YOU are not that important and DO NOT know one thing about me.


YOU can not SAY ONE thing about me or my witness or rebut it.

YOU'D BE INSANE to suggest you could.

WHY DO YOU make such efforts to discredit someone you don't know about and something YOU HAVE ZERO interest in?




YOU look cheap and as a fraud. 


Address the substance of the problem and stop attacking me and supporting my NOT witnessing against it since I am not important enough for you.





This is about the child harm and my parents are involved.  You sir are a fraud.  Take your crap someplace else.

Everyone is important. 

Even idiots like you.

There has not been ONE post here in over two years while I worked on further witness and you had to show up NOW to make this claim? Why?

Do you sit and monitor this report for some reason?


You people are funny, and desperate to get away with this.  And do you blame all victims who witness against you as being not important and not knowing what they talk about?

You are an EMT, big deal.  Who cares?  That does not mean one d**n thing and I'd not trust you with my dog.


This is the problem with these people.  A bunch of felons with red trucks.  And flakes who want to be cops and judges.  You are one more of them. 


Get over yourself.  Harm any children today and call them names? 


Address the substance of the problem and stop attacking me and supporting my NOT witnessing against it since I am not important enough for you.


Report Attachments


All I see...

#19General Comment

Mon, July 21, 2014

 All I see is someone who THINKS they are important enough to have a conspiracy against them. Sorry but I have spent time as a EMT and you would be surprised at how easy it is to get a V shaped wound from a piece of metal. I really hate to tell you this but SOMEONE has to. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HAVE PEOPLE GOING AFTER YOU!!!! While Im sure it makes YOU feel better to think all of this, the REALITY is MUCH different from your rantings. Im NOT saying YOU did not have some incident, I AM saying that YOU are fishing around and looking for people to blame for incidents in YOUR life. I have read ALL of your posts. The one thing that I can see from all of your writing is that YOU THINK there is a conspiracy against you. YOU refuse to see ANYTHING beyond the conspiracy that YOU have built up. There is some FACTUAL information that you can look up at your own leisure that YOU are ignoring. Do you have even ONE PERSON to validate YOUR assumption of a conspiracy?? Odds are that you don't. Little know fact, ppl cant keep their mouths shut. And if a conspiracy of the level YOU have described was going on against YOU, then atleast 2 of the people involved would have spilled their guts to SOMEONE!! What this means for YOU is that there probably isn't ANY conspiracy and all of this is just your way of handeling the issues YOU had back in 1981. I find it FUNNY as all get out that YOU would accuse the EMT AND Fire dept of intentionally damaging you. Odds are that they had ZERO to do with your injury OTHER then patching you up. While it makes you feel better to whine and complain over a issue this old, what YOU are doing can cause YOU real trouble. This would be a civil matter, and it would give you your day in court. But YOU MUST PROVE a conspiracy. Tenuous connections and supposition aren't going to cut it in a court of law. You need witnesses and proof. If you don't have ANY of these then how do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously?? A conspiracy requires a level of security that a bunch of small town hicks are NOT going to be able to address.

R. Smith

Deputy Duncel

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2014

Deputy Duncel - Form Letter To Courts. Indicating my refusal to be fined or prosecuted and affirming my immunity based on the State's nullification of their witness via their crimes.

You have participated in sponsoring child harm to my sister and I as children. This is documented.

This involved using my sister and I as stars in your child sex show and making of pornography involving us kids and animals and other adults including my parents, officers of the law, and local members of clergy and medical providers. There is proof of this also.

You sponsored and engineered other harms to my sister and I as children including but not limited to:

My father attempting a hit and run with his car in an effort to hit me while I biked in Lockport NY. I was 6 years old.

My father intentionally led me to step onto a broken glass bottle as a child while I waded in one of NY's finger lakes.

My father involved me in his and your efforts at hate in Wilson NY when he used gasoline to burn down at least one home across from us at  Washington Street in Wilson NY.

Judge William Ganshaw conspired in that and served on the court for how long after 1981?

I was asked to help him fill more containers at another time for similar efforts.

You have participated in a hate crime in summer of 1981 where I was attacked and my left arm was vivisected with a knife.

This was done in your witness.

This was done to protect my violent pedophile parents.

This was a premeditated attack.

You involved medical providers and used firemen and Police and made that attack in the Wilson Fire Company's Ambulance.

You lied to me and others about the attack claiming it was an accident.

You went so far as to publish a fallacious article in the Lockport Union Sun Journal claiming another car is involved and the Lutheran Church was damaged.

Those facts are not true. That is libel and slander.

You and the Lutheran Church then filed a LAW SUIT against me circa 1983 citing harm to their Church. That is a lie.

You and your Police continued to stalk me as a teenager and young adult and cooperated and exploited my pedophile parents and their harm to me at home.

My parents cooperated in making that harm. You exacerbated it and compelled it.

This was done again via my wife, a stop on East Canal Road in Pendleton in 2002 with a NYS Trooper is a prime example of that.

Other efforts have been made via the Police in vehicular assaults and homicide attempts with them at the wheel.

Including efforts to hit/dump me while I rode motorcycles.

All my moving violations and non moving violations are a result of that fraud. You had no witness and have none now.

This is stalking, collusion, and efforts to suppress my witness.

You involved the courts in bogus offers of Jury Duty to do the same.

This was done via your installation of paid shills in lieu of friends into my life to make this harm.

That includes others such as Doug Golde, Tom Palisano, Larry Fried, Kenneth Morris Banks III, my parents, etc.

That also includes former lovers such as Eve Rothman and you went so far as to import a femme fatale from Germany to harm me.

The Lutheran connection is plain on that.

That went so far as to become a marital fraud with her as a State paid w***e used to murder me.

Judge Lee Klein of Pendleton NY knew I was a Stateless person and that this should not move forward.

He married us despite that. The fraud took a new level from 1995.

You then sponsored her efforts to murder me in an extra judicial death penalty that you threatened in advance, negotiated away from and bartered for something else, then justified after the fact as being just.

You now use the Police as a mafia to protect the violent felons who harmed me and you made possible the theft of all my money and possessions.

You participated and engineered efforts to assassinate my character via your shills and other methods even when I was A CHILD!!!!

You collected taxes and entered into employment and degree frauds with SUNY Buffalo and others that took more monies from me for employment I could never have been hired for and took monies for service I would never be provided.

My four year BSEE degree from them is a fraud, taking me 13 years to obtain with those wounds.

You involved other States and nations in making that harm and that continues to this day.

Your Police continue to conspire in breaking the law to harm me and have nullified their witness.

Resolving this yesterday at this point would not suffice since you have caused a lifetime of harm. This is now permanent.

You make no effort still to resolve it by prosecution of my attackers.

To the contrary you offer insults, blame the victim, and more crimes against me the victim.

Your bad faith extends further to other efforts of sophistry and cleverness to make the mess seem my fault and more palatable for the public who knew better all along and who partook in making me a leper as a child.

You have allowed and enabled and compelled this set of crimes to go on from the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, 2010's, to what will be 2015 and beyond.

You, the courts, and the Police et al have had knowledge all along.

You witnessed these crimes in your courts and via the Police and did nothing.

You have compensated your shills including Doug Golde, Eve Rothman and then Heike Jones with my monies and paid her for her efforts to take my life.

You have no witness and no authority and have nullified that witness and suborned/committed treason with your actions.

You have denied me service and medical care and used medicine to harm me even as a child.

To date you have served me ZERO justice as you must.

All your efforts to imply and pretend justice have been made to obstruct it.

You are not qualified or credentialed to make this decision and you are not sufficiently impartial to do so.

You have no witness.

I DO NOT recognize your authority.

YOU will pay for this.

I will NOT.

NOT all who come before your judges owed them anything, I never did.  

R. Smith

A dog ,Opana, returns to his own vomit.

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2014

Thought I'd comment on these two versions of verbal vomit.

""#7 Consumer Comment

Just reading all the posts now

AUTHOR: Opana - (USA)

SUBMITTED: Monday, July 09, 2012

You are a nut job. I hope you have been commited to an insane asylum. Your diatribes are unbelievable! Delusions of grandeur to the max.""

Is that your "Professional" "Diagnosis" Dr. Opana?

Just reading the posts now are you Mr. Opana? Caught in another lie, you were here back in 2009 saying the same thing, which is nothing. Of course you'd hope I go away and then you can arrive at the Victim Advocacy website to find fault with victims since you are an abusive pedophile that likes to suppress witness of crimes. Otherwise why would you do that?

Odd that people who are victims are now delusional and since they'd be disenfranchised this makes them having manifestations of grandeur. Did you see anything in my posts here indicating I felt I could take over the world? Or control you? No. The delusions would be yours since 1) You don't know me at all. 2) You claim to know my life better than I do. 3) You invent dysfunction and illness where there would be none and do so with no witness. The Police have this problem also, they have nullified their witness. Then hope to use fools like you to remove witness against them. It don't work son.

Of course all that a victim says is unbelievable to you since you are an abusive pedophile that likes to suppress witness of crimes.

Putting me in an insane asylum would likely be impossible and I'd burn it down from the inside out. That would be a set of about another dozen felonies that those attempting to rely on to suppress witness would be charged with and we can then prosecute you for being involved now.

My diatribes are unbelievable says you. Define that word for us? Please? And while you speak to credible witness, tell me how those knife wounds are made accidentally. Address that ONE point for us. They are knife wounds and NCSD and YOU say that was an accident. Explain it.

Do you know what the word means, any of the ones you used?

To the next statement of hopeful wishful thinking and pro pedophile fantasy.....

""#8 Consumer Comment

Did you get help yet?

AUTHOR: Opana - (USA)

SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 05, 2012

hey buddy, did you finally go and get some mental health counsiling? Just wondering if 2 years later you've been commited or jailed.""

I enjoy immunity from prosecution in the USA from these crimes and the Police admit their guilt. How could you arrest and jail the victim of a crime even for you Opana? Just to support your local child molesters?

You child rapists all have the same tactic to suppress witness of your crimes, just shove something into our mouths.

They made the move "Deliverance" for you, go watch it. Bring your shotgun.


Let me ask you this Opana (NCSD), did you rape any children today? Take photos of the crimes?

Be sure to tell the kids not to speak about it either and blame them for waiting to report it since you say it never happened, call it an accidental trip on your massive p***s.

You cops have huge members, you just can't keep track of where you put them.

 You do a good job of taking it in your own arse. You do stink.

 Any other stupid questions that you likely already know the answers to?  

Since your cop friend Faery was dirty, how did he die really?  Choked on his own guilt?  

Too bad.  

He will still face justice in death.

So will you.

Everyone loves a dirty cop, especially those who harm children.  Right Opana?

Hey Buddy, how is your friend Steve Metz doing?  HA HA HA HA HA......


R. Smith

This will get resolved, just not the way they thought.

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2014

Now you get into a new problem since this is really about something else, so you are wrong about the numbers. This goes back to 196x something. This is about harming children and protecting those who do it.

So you have all your excessive behaviors before 1981 that had you essentially stalk me and protect my mother and father who had harmed me. Your problem really ends in 1981 since you are done there, but it was ongoing WELL before that time.

YOU followed me EVERYWHERE I went to hope to assassinate my character and blame me for something. As you and your friends do here.

Excessive? What is new there?

To the NCSD, you are not big enough to get away with this.  

R. Smith

Happy Halloween. Reply to NCSD.

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2014

Given the nature of the harm and time it went on, I need to respond to the NCSD (Niagara County Sheriff Department) comment directly, since it is not correct and is misleading. I'd also not be sure why it was done on Thanksgiving. Probably another knife joke and turkey dinner mess. For some of you, your diet is your problem. What is on your plate?

Here it is again:

#10 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Stop Harassing This Man.

AUTHOR: Cour_Sco1990 - (USA)

SUBMITTED: Wednesday, November 25, 2009

""Okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinions...but stop harassing this man. If something happened to him 28 years ago and he is still angry over it...that is life to deal with. If he chooses to deal with by venting on a site that is ultimately meant for venting then leave him alone.

Who are we to judge him because he held on to something for 28 years? Plenty of people wait long periods of time to report situations that may have been traumatic for them. He just wants to know what happened to him and why. There is nothing wrong with wanting justice. Stop bickering back and forth with him and leave him alone. It's nonsense.""

So in the spirit of getting something resolved, we have this response. Lets look at it.

The first part again is:

""Okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinions...but stop harassing this man. If something happened to him 28 years ago and he is still angry over it...that is life to deal with. If he chooses to deal with by venting on a site that is ultimately meant for venting then leave him alone. ""

Agreed this is harassment, and you end up getting on the wrong side of the problem by doing so. Something did happen to me 28 years ago, now 33, and nothing has been done to resolve it. These crimes involve my family, those who claimed to be friends and I nearly died from them. I am Stateless as a result of this. I can't work or own property in the USA. Others acted to harm me from this, understand that. Now, would YOU be pleased about that? I doubt it. This is justice denied and delayed. I have skills you don't have and can't teach and I had a future, this is NOT where I wanted to be. Dead was not an option either just to accommodate pedophile parents and priests, thank you very much.

""Who are we to judge him because he held on to something for 28 years? Plenty of people wait long periods of time to report situations that may have been traumatic for them. He just wants to know what happened to him and why. There is nothing wrong with wanting justice. Stop bickering back and forth with him and leave him alone. It's nonsense.""

I did not wait to report anything, there is nothing to report. YOU said as much. And I agree that you make the right call NOW but you twist it just a bit to bend the truth and this is a lynch mob anew, you the NCSD can see that. I did NOT know about this. There is nothing wrong with wanting justice since it is mandatory, you have no choice here. Others are involved as are huge sums of money. Homes, cars, decades of employment, for me, others, insurance monies, medical bills, etc.

First of all the NCSD was on the scene in 1981. This IS your fault, this cutting and vivisection was done in the Town of Wilson's Ambulance. You know that. It was premeditated. You planned to do this. Your "Judge" Ganshaw is involved.

You claimed it was an accident and then published a front page article in the Lockport Union Sun Journal citing damage to the Lutheran Church on that corner. That never happened.

You involved others later as well as the "Usual Suspects" to promote this fraud moving forward, that being my father and mother who are known and documented abusers, as well as shills who would be friends.

I was attacked again as a result of this. Now you seem to want to blame me, and did so, and this offered motive for the crimes, all of them. Now you want to recant that offer and step back from it, but you got caught. You did justify this as being that, just. So you owned it first. Now you admit you did it by that, and you did, and now you want to change your mind again. Too late.

And with that there is no closure and that concept should be essentially the Holy Grail of law enforcement but you all seem to miss the obvious, that being, what do you do for a living?


The rest of this is a smear and you hoped never to see this witness, that IS the point.

The Jones Family Crest:

Heb dduw, heb ddim - Without God without anything, Welsh.

Crest: A lion rampant.

Motto: Heb dduw, heb ddim

Motto Translated: Without God, without anything.

Spelling variations include: Jones, Jonas, and others.

First found in in Denbighshire where they were seated from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.

Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Anne Jones who settled in 1648 in Virginia; also settled in Virginia were Charles Jones in 1636; Christopher Jones in 1652; David Jones in 1636; Dorothy Jones in 1654; Edward Jones in 1624; and others.

The blood on the left is significant and incriminating. The involvement of the Church would be plain in that also.

This to me further speaks to the fact this attack was planned in advance. Those on the scene for the lynch mob did not bring a copy of Gray's Anatomy nor did they bring along my family crest to consult how to cut me up in my left arm.

And these people, Doug Golde, et al are involved to make this happen:



This report:



R. Smith

And we are not friends. You can get behind anything.

#24Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014


You also seemed to miss the point that the victim did or did not know he had been attacked, this is not obvious in the postings you dilute with your drivel.

So your story now changes, before you said car accident, stay at home with those who did it and with the friends who did it, now you say I am holding onto something. That being a grudge? Right, missing your left hand and being told child rape is ok as long as it is done to you and not me is ok won't make you a Police officer, but a felon. You are felons and liars.

But you went for the jugular on it and missed with the claim it would be impossible to be harmed this way and not know about it. Not true.

Are you sure what he or she did or did not know and when?

Why find fault with that and only that problem and blame the person you attack?

You also seem to claim that nothing bad ever happens and that you'd not bother prosecuting this. And then indicate it would not lead to other felonies and harm against the victim before and later. Odd.

And this is venting? This is witness of horrid abuse, violent crime and atrocities. Again you get into the blame the victim paradigm, it does not help you. At all.

Do you go to other news sites and then claim that nothing you read is real?

This IS what you do here.

Going to count words again to support your "Argument"? Ha. ha ha.

And then cite the length of time this went on as proof positive this is my fault. I have child harm and rape done to me as a toddler I recall now, going to say this won't happen either since it was over 40 years ago? You'd be wrong there also.

Did you want to gamble on this more? You'd lose. Are you sure, "Buddy"? Kiss kiss....

... --- ... --- ... --- ...

I can do that too, funny.

This led to retaliation, copy cat crimes, and the rest and larger harms to me later. Done of course to suppress what? This witness.

Why blame the victim? You are paying for this and did all along, what do you think this costs the taxpayers for medical care, insurance frauds, lost taxes, involve of Police in useless cover ups, and the rest?

Millions. Millions of dollars and I'd offer more than tens thereof.

My lost wages are many millions of dollars, I make more than you do, lots more.

But for a good example of how people like to make this medium a mess read these two posts made in 2012 fully two years after the last comment of merit in 2010:

""Just reading all the posts now

AUTHOR: Opana - (USA)

SUBMITTED: Monday, July 09, 2012 You are a nut job. I hope you have been commited to an insane asylum. Your diatribes are unbelievable! Delusions of grandeur to the max.""

""Did you get help yet?

AUTHOR: Opana - (USA)

SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 05, 2012 hey buddy, did you finally go and get some mental health counsiling? Just wondering if 2 years later you've been commited or jailed.""

Do you see those as being constructive and how and why?

Point again is that he was around in 2009 making a mess and here is one post made then from Opana -

""You win, you know everything.

AUTHOR: Opana - (U.S.A.)

SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 17, 2009""

He goes on to comment how I am too smart for him. I am, and now he claims he just arrived in 2012 to read this and then to announce it as a mess that he made of it.

What do you think about that "solution"?

You get the idea, why bother? He needs to take his own medicine and advice, get a life, move on, stop finding fault with victims of crime and stop offering mental health shams to make him feel good and to suppress witness of harm of children.

Why come here? You stink.

You also miss another point, I have a younger sister who is involved, she was harmed as a child, I recall that now, and she now has two children. Going to harm them also as you did to me?

I think your situation gets worse and the causes you support with this harassive abuse makes you pedophiles and hate mongers.

Did you care to add more crimes to your repertoire?


Report Attachments

R. Smith

My conclusion is.

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 18, 2014

I find the other harassive comments here, as NCSD says, as being that, harassive. They all say essentially the same thing, nothing, and find fault with someone you'd not know. It denigrates this medium and the witness and largely makes the posters seem foolish.

They claim to know something about the witness and victim, claim to locate other posts here authored by the victim, I don't see that as possible, and then claim that nothing bad happens to people and then they make scads of posts all saying the same thing, nothing, and offer the fact none of this could happen.

I can locate 100's more articles of how women murder lovers and husbands, drown children in lakes by putting them in the trunk of their car and driving into lakes and the rest. I can also locate 100's of articles citing how Police get involved in rituals of abuse and self abuse, drinking their own urine, dunking their heads in buckets of piss, and then being arrested for things such as child pornography time and time again.

This local area Police officer likes to have sex with children and harm them, collect photos of children being raped and images of he and his friends having sex with children and animals. It also seems to excite them to see images of children being harmed. Why support this?


And then you offer that none of this is possible, akin to claiming that a person who has knife wounds obtained them in the course of a car accident.

You are as blind as the rest of Western NY who was aware of this crime for the better part of 30 years and said nothing.

Why say something now?

They, the NCSD, admit you are harassing in nature, you are, and you do this to essentially top post over the real commentary here. It is excessive and makes you look foolish.

The NCSD then admits they are wrong and their response says that.

For the reasons I've outlined before just now.

I'd offer that the abusive and spammy content be removed since it offers nothing to the problem other than collusion and witness suppression.

Again look at their response: "If something happened to him 28 years ago and he is still angry over it...that is life to deal with. If he chooses to deal with by venting on a site that is ultimately meant for venting then leave him alone. "

The point is the victim did not remember it, and this was established and discussed over and over again. Now for some reason this is the victim's fault since he is "holding onto" something. How is that possible?

Prosecuting these crimes would be a top priority in any county in the USA.  Harming children with knives and cutting them up like you are vivisecting cats?  It gets no worse.  But you are ok with it.

And we need to get over crimes like this why? Since they were not prosecuted? This says you support this violent harm of children and adults. Since their is no closure then the victim just needs to move, problem one is? You need to know about it and who did it.

Did you ask any of that? No.

Your denigrating comments and the NCSD response makes you look as frauds and enablers and you admit guilt by it.


R. Smith

More information.

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014

So we find that this person William Faery would be involved and related to Sherri Mahar at the Church the wife and I attended in Pendleton NY. Pendleton Center United Methodist Church under Pastor Tom Kraft.

These knife wounds were made in the Wilson NY ambulance at the corner of Young and McChesney Streets in Wilson NY and it was planned in advance. Doug Golde would have made that possible. Ganshaw was the town justice at the time and he is involved also.



Sheriff Anthony J. Villella

Undersheriff James Faery

Undersheriff Donald E. Plant Jr.


Sheriff Francis L. Giles

Undersheriff Donald E. Plant Jr.

So Faery leaves the job to go to Arizona to drive a truck? Why?  

The former spouse purchases a home in 12/2010 just as Faery dies from his "Illness".  Right, he dies from guilt and fear.  


December 18, 2010

William P. Faery

Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

CHANDLER, AZ — William P. Faery, of Chandler, AZ, passed away December 14, 2010 at his home, after a long illness. Bill was born on October 28, 1949 in Niagara Falls, NY and lived most of his life in Wilson, NY. He moved to Chandler, AZ in 1997. He was a Niagara County Sheriff Deputy for 10 years, and was a driver for various trucking companies across the country before becoming disabled in 2000.

He is survived by his wife of 24 years, Anne; three children, William G. (Krissy) Faery, Margaret (John) Mahar and Benjamin (Roberta) Faery, all of Wilson; and his father, George Faery of Ransomville, NY. Also surviving are sisters, Muriel (Larry) Brawn, Shirley (David) Benton; and brothers, Thomas (Barb), Jack (Debbie), Douglas (Diane) and Fred (Sharon); four grandsons, Mitchell, Benjamin, Evan and Jack Mahar; one granddaughter, Andrea Faery; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother, Lorraine.

Cremation will take place in Chandler, AZ. Visitation is planned for 3-7 PM on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at the Hamilton and Clark Funeral Home on Main Street in Wilson, NY. Interment will take place at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations in Bill's memory to the Wilson Fire Company or to a favorite charity.

Visit www.lockportjournal.com/obituaries for online guest register.

Heike and I spent our wedding night at the Asa Ransom house in Clarence NY. A joke thanks to Mike Scheuneman's wife Trish. They knew about this fraud all along.


Sheriff Asa Ransom

Undersheriff Joseph Landon

In my case local Judges like William Ganshaw are no more than legal hacks and quacks who are hate mongers, child abusers, have no legal training at all, sponsor crimes against children and adults, and wear too many hats. Ganshaw lived to be over 93 years old and saw not one day of jail time and likely should have spent 50+ years in prison or been put to death. He conspired directly in the crimes against me and with my abusive parents and others in local law and the State to make this happen.

Ganshaw was a Wilson NY Fireman, Our Nationwide Insurance agent, providing home, auto, and health insurance, a coworker of my father's at Lockport NY's Harrison Radiator now Delphi Thermal Systems a General Motors division, and the Wilson Town Justice and likely he was a KKK member as well. Conflicts of interest at least. Criminal as well.

Here is Ganshaw's Obit:


Ganshaw, William E. “Bill” of Yarmouthport Formerly of Wilson, NY died on Friday, January 13, 2012 at the age of 96.

He was the beloved husband of the late Marjory F. (Lawler) Ganshaw and father of the late Terry F. Ganshaw. He is preceded in death by his seven brothers and four sisters.

He is survived by his son David W. Ganshaw and his wife Peggy of Yarmouthport, daughter Mary Ellen Ganshaw of Niarara Falls and daughter in-law Wini Ganshaw. Grandfather of Linda Inkley, Kit Ganshaw, Gretchen (Tim) Sheehan Dieter (Mary Sue) Ganshaw, Heidi Ganshaw and Gretchen Rose Ganshaw. Great Grandfather of Preston, Lexa and Taylor Inkley, Tom Sheehan V, Katarina and Josephine Ganshaw.

Mr. Ganshaw was born and raised in Wilson, NY the son of the late Rose (Koeppen) and Herman Ganshaw. He graduated from Wilson Central School. He worked for Harrison Radiator, Lockport, NY for 25 years and Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. for 25 years and he was Town Magistrate, Wilson, NY during 12 of those years.

Mr. Ganshaw enjoyed all sports including golf, hunting, fishing and bowling. He was a communicant of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Long time member of the Lions Club, Chairman of the March of Dimes, active leader in the Girl Scouts, member of the B.P.O. Elks and a 60 year member of the Wilson Volunteer Fire Company serving as Treasurer for 40 years. He was instrumental in the 1940’s in brining ambulance service to Wilson.

A Memorial Service will be held on Monday, July 23, 2012 at 11:00 AM at St. Brendan’s on the lake Church, Wilson, NY. Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery.

Donations in his memory may be made to Wilson Volunteer Fire Company NO. 1, 250 Young Street, Wilson, New York 14172.


Report Attachments

R. Smith

Why all the drama? They are guilty.

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014

Held on to something for 28 years says NCSD? Wrong, this was forgotten and covered by the trauma of the attack.

This is called amnesia and is a well known problem with this kind of harm. Here the NCSD is complicit in the attack and they were also in 1981.

What you see here is a botched effort at witness suppression and character assassination.

You conspire in the crimes by it and what you write here. I'd not have said anything if I was you or NCSD.

Why find fault with the victim and then defend the crimes against him, which you can not do and why do that?

I'd not have posted that if I was the NCSD, not at all. And your other efforts and marathon of blame the victim says one thing, you have a problem.


You are guilty. Too much effort here.





R. Smith

This still is not fixed.

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014

Since the NCSD decided to respond, and here is what they said:

""Okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinions...but stop harassing this man. If something happened to him 28 years ago and he is still angry over it...that is life to deal with. If he chooses to deal with by venting on a site that is ultimately meant for venting then leave him alone.

Who are we to judge him because he held on to something for 28 years? Plenty of people wait long periods of time to report situations that may have been traumatic for them. He just wants to know what happened to him and why. There is nothing wrong with wanting justice. Stop bickering back and forth with him and leave him alone. It's nonsense.""

The overall point is, and you all seemed to miss it, and were too busy finding fault and harassing their witness, is that their attackers included their family and friends and they've seen no justice.

So you'd offer they need to get over it and move on and then live where? With their parents who harmed them this way?

Or did you miss another less obvious point while counting words again?

I think you are fools.

This is witness and the NCSD is wrong and they know it, this was done in their County.

This is not opinion, it is witness.

This is not about anger, this is about justice. If you won't serve it then you have no hope moving forward as Police.

If you can't see that then you are not a Police officer.

And you should know better.

With no closure the person has no place to live, and the harm has other costs.

You can't see that? Odd.

This stinks as does your lynch mob here.

He held on to something for 28 years?

Also wrong, the memory was buried by the attack and other harms.  Wrong on all counts.   See you keep getting it wrong and supporting the harm as being dysfunction of the victim.

You are a fraud.  As are your abusive comments about the witness.  I agree with the other supporting comments.  



New York,
New York,
Just reading all the posts now

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, July 09, 2012

You are a nut job. I hope you have been commited to an insane asylum. Your diatribes are unbelievable! Delusions of grandeur to the max.


New York,
New York,
Did you get help yet?

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, July 05, 2012

hey buddy, did you finally go and get some mental health counsiling? Just wondering if 2 years later you've been commited or jailed.


I am still waiting for the truth.....

#31Author of original report

Tue, July 20, 2010

I think it is interesting that at this late date the law offers some lame apology and support of that which never happened. Especially after making how many threats of the ilk "We'll get you straightened out", when in fact this was the law's private lynching party. After making how many threats, set aside for now the violent felonies you've commited and allowed others to commit in order to end my life, towards embroiling me in a legal process in which you'd be exposed for what you did and would be required to arrest those who did it including those on police payroll, and to restore my good name. Do you realize how many times I've been assaulted, crippled, stalked, harassed, threatened, nearly hit with a car, or otherwise been attacked, maligned, or out and out bled out?

The people already know all this, your judges knew all this, your prosecutors know all this, your police KNOW all this. My father knew about this for decades, yet did ONE SINGLE person come to me to make this right? No, NOT ONE. And what you've done is elegantly simple and effective, you've violated basically all rights a citizen of this country would have, you've closed the door to the entire legal system for me, I will never be served and never was served by all that I paid into in a government, and certainly not by the courts or agents of the state who should be protecting me, and you've announced to all the criminals out there that I am fair game. I really appreciate being born a second class citizen in this third world country you call America and the bang up job you've done of covering the whole mess up. I think the people, as do I now, see you as the criminals and flakes you really are. I really love the brilliant idiots you send to apply your lame logic at how I'd just want to forget about this since it was so long ago, how I "Conspired" with those who did it so I could be carved up with a knife and live in agony, ill health, and poverty for my entire life. And of course don't forget be treated like a leper for it. Those you send to peform damage control, image enhancement, and public relations duty do you a disservice as much as anything, and that includes those who attempt to hit me with cars, shove me down a staircase, or the up close and personal knife work you've seen fit to stoop to. Not ONE person has been prosecuted who's attacked me and I've gotten NONE of the truth, any and all overtures towards that or compensation to date are all hush money, a bribe, and don't forget the threats, yes, they do have it both ways. And neither one works. They know as much as most Americans who made it out of High School, the truth matters, without it, it never gets fixed.

I, as do others, also appreciate all the lies you've told the people about me, since they saw fit to act upon it as you desired and when they find out the truth are made to look the fools you really are. I am sure they also appreciate their rights to hear this in trial being tossed in the trash and with that you make them pay for your crimes, and shred the constitution for them at the same time, in front of them. Congratulations, we've have a new flag for you to wave around. Oh I forgot, you already fly chicken yellow. Their is a place in Canada for you, look it up. I'd call you arrogant, egomaniacal children with a God complex that requires you to treat us as toys and pets, but I think that would be too kind.


Thanx you for your voice of reason!

#32Author of original report

Wed, November 25, 2009

To Cour_Sco1990 - Thank YOU! Yes, this sure is harassment I agree 100% and by doing that they seem to validate the entire crime and set of crimes it took to make this work. Most seem to miss the point (Likely intentionally) that I just found out about this recently, and that is the problem. I had let it go a long time ago in other words and went on with my life, now I learned something else about it and it changes everything. You can't be forgiven for something you did not do and now they would claim I can't get over something I was lied to about it since I was told something else and they would STILL blame me as a result. In other words I had no choice but to act upon the misinformation I was told about this and this was done to protect my attackers. It is akin to backwards justice and rule by criminals, in other words they got away with murder and blamed me for it. And of course nobody else let this go these past 28 years, that is an IMPORTANT point, people still lie to me about this to this day.  That matters and it matters a great deal.

This obviously ruined my entire life and it was needless and I am still suffering the effects of it to this day. Others acted upon it also and in some very bad ways. But your are right since they don't want to hear anything about it, they just want to sell you on something else and make me out to be the fool still. And they come here to complain because someone uses this media for doing so. I think the people who'd support what happened to me and the way they act here will convict them in the long run. Reasonable people will see this for what it is and was, I just wonder why they kept silent for 28 years since I was probably one of the last people to figure this out. I have put a lot of thought and effort into this obviously and did so despite some very bad circumstances.

I see the site is getting revamped to make things a little better organized, that is a good thing. Thank you again for pointing out to me and others what I really felt was another lynch mob in the making. Why is it so hard to understand someone would be upset about this? Or beat me up for coming here to complain about it? Incredible and nonsense is right!


Stop Harassing This Man.

#33REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 25, 2009

Okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinions...but stop harassing this man. If something happened to him 28 years ago and he is still angry over it...that is life to deal with. If he chooses to deal with by venting on a site that is ultimately meant for venting then leave him alone. 

Who are we to judge him because he held on to something for 28 years? Plenty of people wait long periods of time to report situations that may have been traumatic for them. He just wants to know what happened to him and why. There is nothing wrong with wanting justice. Stop bickering back and forth with him and leave him alone. It's nonsense.


Diagnosis Du Jour.

#34Author of original report

Wed, November 25, 2009

[email protected] - REd Deer (Canada) Sez: "All you are doing is feeding this poor persons illness. "

What, did I catch a cold that causes scars to appear on my body when I sneeze?  All the way from Canada Eh Dr. Mengele?  Do they offer asylum up there for war criminals and quacks like you?



I reply to myself? Hmmmmm.....you are lost.

#35Author of original report

Wed, November 25, 2009

Who needs help here?  You post something, I reply, and then you claim I reply to myself?  Ouch, you are nuts. 

Since I have the complaint, and YOU have nothing to offer, why don't you stop posting things here since you obviously have no concern about it other than like to come and play "Doctor".  I mean why bother reading it at all if this bothers you so much.  Now you turn discussion into an "Illness"?  I think you have a problem, a big problem.

Since really nobody can post anything to defend any of this, you just need to make personal attacks against me to 1) Pretend to have the last word. 2) To protect those guilty of it at my expense and a hope to discredit me.


Good luck with that.  Keep coming back and making fools of yourselves, you really don't even need me to do that.  Just open your stupid little mouths.


[email protected]

REd Deer,

#36General Comment

Tue, November 24, 2009

All you are doing is feeding this poor persons illness.


Normally I would suggest...

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, November 24, 2009

that everyone just stop replying, and he will go away.  Unfortunately, that doesnt seem to be the case, since the OP just keeps replying to himself.

I look forward to the next 5+ responses that I will get, each crazier than the last.

Report Attachments


I don't think Tim can imagine anything.

#38Author of original report

Mon, November 23, 2009

Tim in all his festering ignorance Sez: "It was probably the most satisfying moment of their careers." - I am sure it will now be their last and possibly yours. They likely can review all case history that was generated since 1981 as well. Maybe you can help by dumping more of your vomit into that cesspool? I am sure though that weak, worthless, bigoted, egomaniacal, violent, and insecure people would initially feel enriched by fighting a fair fight like this. Tie someone up so they can cut him up, really the bravery and just awe inspiring power of such fine men and women of law enforcement. Yes sir, these are some fine folks. Maybe they took pictures of me bleeding all over so they could take them home and m********e with them? That would be satisfying for them, do you think? You obviously are of like mind, and my experience has been that those that seem so full of all these mental health suggestions that conveniently avoid the truth are some of the most maladjusted, dishonest, guilt ridden, perverse, psychotic, violent, callous, creepy, and morally bankrupt folks you will ever find. But sure, this probably would be something you'd put on your resume. I'll make sure it gets on there for them and you just helped out. I bet it won't bear fruit for them in the long haul, what do you think? You are the expert here.

"I can't imagine why his ex-wife would have tried to murder him, and I can just picture the judge laughing his a*s off as he sped away in his car." - You'd need to ask her, she promised to do it. My guess is that she is German and felt a need to "Retaliate" for the version of history she had heard about this. Vincent Doyle did not laugh long, he was arrested later. That gives me some satisfaction to be sure, a NYS Supreme Court Judge arrested. They both have some funny ideas as do you. Maybe you can hook up with her? I mean you know it all, so give her a try and see how you fare, put your money where your mouth is and while you are at it, paint a target on your elbow then come talk to me.  To be fair, neither Doyle or her are going very far at all.  I have time, plenty of it.


No love lost there I am sure.

#39Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

I think Leann needs to reread what I wrote and what she wrote, here it is again:

Then you add: "Please save us all the agony by not posting 16 rebuttals to this. I, for one, have not read anything else you posted. Life is too short!" - I see, so this was more "Support" from you, how did I read that slam wrong? Please enlighten me since you must have swithced over to German on that reply? I think you are too busy throwing numbers at the problem, 16 works for me, care to try seven? Or better yet, count to ten and stop at six. You'll figure it out soon enough. Know what? Read the words, don't count them, and you will do better in life, try it. It is part of being a human being. As of now, you appear to be a number and we have yours for sure. You have no right to ask this of me, I have no obligation to abide by it and likely will continue to respond as long as I d**n well please. After all, this is not up to you.

I doubt I lost a friend in you Leann, so I am NOT going to shed any tears over that. Real people of conviction and true friends would see this for what it is. You'd not even need to be my "Friend" to say this is not how you treat people and you offered nothing much better, now did you? Grow up, stop pitching a sissy fit, and just lay it on thick, you don't need to find a reason to blame me for you being a violent crud. Just be honest with us all, we love to see your teeth, do you have any?

Also note she says she did NOT BOTHER READING anything I wrote, so how can she claim she came here to help me?  Yeah, right, you are a real trip.

Again, you said: "Please save us all the agony by not posting 16 rebuttals to this. I, for one, have not read anything else you posted. Life is too short!"

There it is again for you.


Still counting? Good!!!

#40Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

So you know your opinion does not matter but you really agree with me but won't admit it. Since you'd not put up with this and you'd see no reason I should either, you offer more fud in essence and it is lame at best. Since this is not subjective or a matter for debate, the law is clear on this and this is what it comes down to. That is it really is black and white, your input only digs your personal hole deeper, see this as a chance to fail and you took it and ran. So the writing was on the wall, I held YOUR hand to help you, but you refused it. I see you as being the one getting "Left Behind" and not I. In other words Tim, I won't follow YOU anywhere. I'll leave you to mire, wallow, and drown in your own excrement. They call them pigs for a reason, find the pearl Tim, go ahead and look for it. See, you shed no light on this and I see that as being dishonest and protectionist of those who bear the guilt.

I'd watch out what animals you toss into your own lap or who's head you claim to sever, since it sure as hell won't be mine. I doubt I taste any better in person than I would here and I know something else, those that did this are sure to have a bad taste of me left in their mouths, consider that wise guy. I know a thing or two. I am glad to get your goat, I really am.

Bon Appetit!


Still counting? Good!!!

#41Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

So you know your opinion does not matter but you really agree with me but won't admit it. Since you'd not put up with this and you'd see no reason I should either, you offer more fud in essence and it is lame at best. Since this is not subjective or a matter for debate, the law is clear on this and this is what it comes down to. That is it really is black and white, your input only digs your personal hole deeper, see this as a chance to fail and you took it and ran. So the writing was on the wall, I held YOUR hand to help you, but you refused it. I see you as being the one getting "Left Behind" and not I. In other words Tim, I won't follow YOU anywhere. I'll leave you to mire, wallow, and drown in your own excrement. They call them pigs for a reason, find the pearl Tim, go ahead and look for it. See, you shed no light on this and I see that as being dishonest and protectionist of those who bear the guilt.

I'd watch out what animals you toss into your own lap or who's head you claim to sever, since it sure as hell won't be mine.  I doubt I taste any better in person than I would here and I know something else, those that did this are sure to have a bad taste of me left in their mouths, consider that wise guy. I know a thing or two.

Bon Appetit!


Seven "Insert Latest Fault Finding Syntax Slam Here" Yesterday!!! Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye. Tim has more "Proof" of defect in numerical form!!!

#42Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

Actually Tim you are more like a Parrot and not a Chicken. A bright and shiny, pompous, proud, and strutty little Parrot that keeps repeating the same thing, here try this: Tim The Parrot Sez: "Polly want a cracker, cracker, cracker...Polly want a cracker, cracker, seven. Polly want a Valium, Valium, Valium. Four" All the while sitting on his perch and preening his shiny dunce hat. "Pretty Polly...Polly want a cracker....Valium. Two".

You may replace Polly with Tim, Leann, Sheriff Ray Big Knife, or Dr. FeelGood since it seems to fit you all. Since you all seem to be legends in your own minds. 

I sure hope I did not step on anyone's toe here?  Good Lordy that would be too bad as they say, wouldn't it?


Tim proves my point, thanks.

#43Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

Look Tim can count and now plays "Doctor" and "LawMan" all at once. I really did not see anyone being nice and working with you people is akin to working with an abusive parent. You end up getting any foolish notion crammed down your throat and end up liking it or else you end up not having anything at all to eat. Short of having you cram other things down my throat, as you'd both want to do, I think I'll take my business someplace else and told you why. You can molest someone else's kid since I'll not be treated as one of yours. I think it unlikely anyone tried to help me at all and saw neither of your editorials as being helpful as was already explained. I think the fact that I prefer not to entertain your resolve or lack thereof for the problem, that has you now become violent and suggest more of same, puts you back on the side of the road with a knife in your hand because you don't like the fact I am upset. I think this has been a useful endeavor at finding the pond scum that seems to float in deeper water. Thanks for supporting my position on this and letting others know exactly how plausible this all is. I mean after all, if you can't have a conversation with someone and they don't agree with you and you can't hear why or read it then you may as well kick the snot out of them. Come see me in person and say that to my face. I am sure you would not. We will see who the whiny little puke is and I know for one thing, it sure is not me. And I am not going to pay for or put up with this even 30 years later. It is funny, you like to transfer your warts to me, since you see fit to pitch a stink about someone complaining about something and the fact your snide crap was not helpful. I mean if you want to get upset about something, why not donate your time to some local charity, you know, give time and money to some noble cause that appeals to your sense of justice, so you can line the pockets of some rich clergyman or better yet some muslim cleric since you really act as a terrorist. Are you a n**i perchance? You also seem to claim to be a "Psychology Expert", do you not? Or did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

I saw nothing nice in your reply Tim, and explained why, you don't even bother supporting that you were. Show me and explain to me how I missed that in your little jab? Come on big boy, you can do it, open your mouth and speak, explain it to me, you come here to make a point, let's hear it. You prefer to just pretend to now move to the other side. I think your vigilante and lynch mob mantra was there all along, we just needed to push a little to get your patina and veneer to flake off. But it is interesting, you now claim I can type passed out and I do doubt that, but you'll not be beating me over the head any time soon to find out nor will anyone else for that matter. I am wide awake, make no doubt about that.

Tim Sez: "I imagine that the police were trying to do him a favor, i.e. help change a tire. But he was such a loudmouthed, whiny jackass that they ended up beating him unconscious. Then they felt bad so they got him some medical treatment. " So in their effort to play God as you would do here, they lost their cool is what you are saying? In other words they snapped, and broke the law? I agree with that much, did you read anything I wrote or just count things along the way? Are you in fact able to read at all?

Tim Sez:"But as we have seen, the lack of conscious thought processes does not prevent our friend from spewing long-winded diatribes. So the treating physician was driven to the brink of madness and severed his ulnar nerve out of spite. " So in other words they snapped, and lost their cool? In other words they broke the law? I agree with that Tim, but guess what? I have been pointing out that fact all along. Thanks for getting on board now.

I think you are partially correct, since someone as egomaniacal as you, must have seen this as a just out and out travesty that would have them attack someone like this. But I forgot, you can't read and can't bother and expect us all to become awed with your use of such words as diatribe. You can also call it a rant, look either up in the dictionary and they are both valid terms used to describe nothing out of the norm. Common misperception and misuse makes them what you might have us believe. I think there is a TON of irony in this discourse and it is of course prolonged and you have a talent for taking my well placed support of the whole crime show and then nicely twist it to claim to have it NOT support my position. In that you use the fact I have no problem discussing it at length and even go so far as to make an effort but alas, all Tim can do is attempt to use the number of words defense to place his rubber stamp on my forehead that allows him to go back to sleep and not worry about anything of substance. In other words, Tim likes to take the easy way out and let he and his friends play God, and beat up smart mouth wise crackers and college boys who they don't like because they can use words like graft, simony, nepotism, extortion, and mayhem. Neglecting that, since he is too big to admit he or others made mistakes, he prefers just to knock his victim out and apply duct tape to their mouths so they level the playing field. You know, I need to be dumbed down to your level. So far nobody has asked I do that other than you, since all you seem to be able to do is 1) Count things. and 2) Agree with me while pretending to not.

You basically just proved my point but tried not to admit it. Want me to show you where to get a dunce hat? Visit the US DOJ website, they can help you out. After all this is a joke for your entertainment, I am sure they will agree with you. They are a fun bunch of folks who put killers to death, go play with them.

I'll bet that chicken is smarter than you, I don't see you doing anything other than pecking my leg Tim.  You can't even craft a reply to anything said here other than getting your feathers in a ruffle.  You never responded to anything said.  You act as a spam bot.


Grand Haven,
Seven "updates" yesterday!

#44Consumer Comment

Sun, November 22, 2009

You hit the nail right on the head, Leann!

I tried to be nice to the OP as well, but d**n does he make it hard!

I imagine that the police were trying to do him a favor, i.e. help change a tire. But he was such a loudmouthed, whiny jackass that they ended up beating him unconscious. Then they felt bad so they got him some medical treatment.

But as we have seen, the lack of conscious thought processes does not prevent our friend from spewing long-winded diatribes. So the treating physician was driven to the brink of madness and severed his ulnar nerve out of spite.

I would compare carrying on a conversation with this guy to being attacked by a chicken. You try to be humane at first, but the d**n thing just keeps coming back and pecking at your leg. The only way to get out of the situation is to kick the thing as hard as you can.


Grand Haven,
I think I got 6 rebuttals!

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, November 22, 2009

Exactly, Leann!

I tried to be nice at first as well, but jumpin' jesus on a pogo stick, does this guy ever make it hard to be nice!

The cops were probably trying to help him change a tire or something at first. But he acted like such a whiny, loudmouthed jackass that they couldn't help but knock him unconscious and sever his ulnar nerve. It was probably the most satisfying moment of their careers.

I can't imagine why his ex-wife would have tried to murder him, and I can just picture the judge laughing his a*s off as he sped away in his car.

Thank god for people like this . . . the world would be such a boring place without them.


The Gospel According to Leann.

#46Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

Leann, this is what you really said, I think you must have forgotten the words you used, lets haul those out again shall we?

"I just want to know why you must go on and on over something you can't change? What has happened has happened. I truly believe that someone (not the police or firefighters) beat the crap out of you. As someone said earlier, 911 was called and the police found you unconscious. As many others have also said, you need help. For whatever reason you can't get on with your life. That is a problem. Please seek the help you need." - Are you sure 9/11 was called in 1981? If so why? I never said that and bet that did not happen. Again, you'd need to read what I wrote. I am sure those people did beat the crap out of me, I did not deserve it as you now claim since you thought your pride was rattled by my reply to this. They had NO RIGHT to do what was done, who cares if YOU think I deserved it. Now your next statement implies I "Need Help", again you never say what help, only you suggest that what they did would be legal and apropos and that now I must need someone to arrive and shove medications on me to, get this, remove my capacity to witness this, conduct a normal life, and to eventually discredit anything I do. That is the hazard of doping folks you've beaten. First you admit you wrecked them and made a mess, then you twist what you've done to make it seem like you never beat them up committed mayhem and felony assault. What you offered unless I missed the point, I doubt I did, was to offer more Quackery and damage control for the guilty at my expense. I think you should be less willing to accept mob rules ethic and cram pills down people's throats to solve problems. Are you getting to the point you might expect I have looked into all this already and that as I said (Countless times in the past, but since you and others keep repeating the same d**n thing....) this suggestion does not work and was already discussed with health care professionals and legal personnel. Read the DOJ form and understand that bypassing the legal process (Sounds like you are of like mind and a repeat offender in that are you not?) does not result in justice being served and you end up paying for it also. You the go on to say this: "For whatever reason you can't get on with your life. That is a problem." - I think you missed that one also, I managed to do what you offered for 28 years and it did not work and it got worse. I had others attack me later, people like you who took the law into their own hands, and more harm was caused. You say "For some reason..." and what you suggest is when someone comes to you missing a limb or bleeding from a gunshot wound, you offer Valium to make it feel better. I'd address the fact Physical harm was caused and let the emotional distress take care of itself by treating the victim with respect and not by putting him off and letting the guilty go free. You again, conveniently, bypass the whole legal process, what is a lynch mob? Yes, it is the same thing. I don't feel sorry for you coming here to sweep all this under the carpet and suggesting something that 1) Does not resolve the crime. and 2) Was, you got that right, already discussed in by your own admission, 25, 30, 40, or a bazillion replies I've made to people who ask questions or pose something else, then end up running in circles all over again. You are like a broken record in other words. So to answer your question, no, nobody deserves to get lynched like this. If you have a case against them, arrest them and put them on trial. Since I had done nothing wrong that was not going to happen. I do believe you however in that you'd repeat the entire process, thanks for your vote and for standing with the violent crud who'd do such a thing. Stay right there in Hitlerburg, I am sure you fit right in.

"To Darryl -- I was saddened to hear the story of your childhood but very glad to hear you recovered and moved on to a great life. I hope this guys finds it within himself to do the same as you did." - So was I as I said, you'd need to actually read what I wrote, I guess illiterate and violent people can't do that. But I also pointed out some differences between what happened to him and to me and that he needs to be sure things get resolved also, especially since he could be in, yes folks, that is right, DANGER....if he wen't back to a violent parent. I asked some IMPORTANT questions but you, just want to, now get this, WANT TO, arrive at the wrong conclusion that allows you to feign upset at me. Let me ask you this, what is so important here that you reply at all, what is at stake for you in this and why bother? You don't care if someone gets stabbed and beaten, and your opinion is not worth defending, or is your ego that frail? You don't even know me, who cares what I think, right? What works for this person, whatever was used to "Fix" his situation, likely is NOT going to work for me. Again, I ASKED DID ANYONE ALLOCUTE TO THE CRIMES AND DID HE WITNESS THIS? Was anyone charged, again, not one reply, so you arrive to take advantage of someone else's chaos and the lack of information you WOULD NEED to compare this to me and hope to infer something from the two dilemnas. Equally dishonest and also likely done intentionally.

Then you add: "Please save us all the agony by not posting 16 rebuttals to this. I, for one, have not read anything else you posted. Life is too short!" - I see, so this was more "Support" from you, how did I read that slam wrong? Please enlighten me since you must have swithced over to German on that reply? I think you are too busy throwing numbers at the problem, 16 works for me, care to try seven? Or better yet, count to ten and stop at six. You'll figure it out soon enough. Know what? Read the words, don't count them, and you will do better in life, try it. It is part of being a human being. As of now, you appear to be a number and we have yours for sure. You have no right to ask this of me, I have no obligation to abide by it and likely will continue to respond as long as I d**n well please. After all, this is not up to you.

See, now I bet you will reply and complain about another response to your pitching a fit about something or nothing. What number will you try next? Twelve? I'd say you need help but they'd have to arrest you, since you probably knifed someone after runing them over in the parking lot since you did not like the way they walked or the expression (Of agony) on their face. As I said, it is nice to get the mob together again so others can see how things like this take place. So you know, I've done nothing to anyone here that would come ANY WHERE NEAR CLOSE to justify having someone put a knife into my flesh and you'd not find a judge in the land and a jury who'd order that to be done. You will be hard pressed to convince any reasonable person of that. I provoke people to make them: 1) Say something useful. 2) Make them upset with, not at me. 3) Barring that, make them show their true colors and if so make mistakes in the process. I think you and others fell nicely into that slot.

I suggest you expect less from people who have been thrown in the trash as I have and then crawled out of the grave to make someone pay for it when you disrespect them and the fact they'd likely go out of their way to help you. Instead you want to act like a little girl and throw a sissy fit and get the knife out again to hack open my jugular to get your jollies. I don't need to change you, nor will I want to change anyone else who'd knife me, I'll let the big boys and girls take care of that, they have places for you. Enjoy since there is a lot of truth to the adage about killing a man in that, if you attempt it, you better finish it. Otherwise he might come back and have you arrested and in the process be a little bit miffed. What do you think dear? Or are you just being "Attractive" for the opposite sex?

I think you come here to foster more misunderstanding to be honest, your associates do the same thing since I'll bet you don't miss and overlook as much as you claim.  I could be wrong, but bet I am not.  You know how to read.  So do I.



Leann Sez:

#47Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

Oh?  I thought you were in Agony over the fact I'd complain?  Now you were wanting to know more but decided later I deserved to get knifed.  I see, that is nice, well it is not up to you and it looks like the lynch mob forms all over again.  Have a nice life sugar, I am sure you'll make someone a real fine spouse with that violent ethic.

Again you say one thing, but then really claim to say something else. I don't think you really were here offering support and are like the other fickle and volatile person who feels at once this is not right but then decided later when the wind changed that me getting murdered was the right thing to do.  So I see, you were so firmly in the camp that had you feel I was in need of "Help", what was that?  But now you think I actually need to get "Butchered"?

Hmm...I think someone has some anger issues and resorts to violence against strangers when they feel their toe was stepped upon when they interject their ignorance into discussions that are beyond their ability to manage.  I thiink what you said to me earlier was NOT very supportive or eficacious.  It actually implied I just get over it, again leaving the guilty to go unpunished and now you suggest cutting me up again. Nice touch that.  I am sure you have all kinds of "Debate" tactics like this you haul out of the dungeon each and every day.  Thanks for sharing that with us.

I can't wait for you to do more "Victim" role play as the other "Responder" has now done.  Just all this typing and and other dialog has him running for another Valium and years of Psychotherapy, maybe you should get some professional help with your need to knife people and see them beat to death.  I suggest less first person shooter games and probably less TV shows depicting vivisection and mutilation.  Try shaking someone's hand instead of ripping it off their body and then feigning injury and emotional distress.  You are a joke.

Did you expect what?  Five rebuttals?  You said nothing new, did you deserve to have me say anything to you?  Open your mouth and say something of substance other than the usual:  "You are a nutcase, you need to get help, A pill will fix this for you, you just need to blah blah blah blah blah...."  See you are part of the escapist camp that as I said pretends to fix bad things in life with bandages and sedatives instead of making people accountable and getting to the bottom of it.  Now your ego has you arrive again and claim to be amused by such musings of someone who was violently deprived of the use of a limb and nearly killed since you really are ABOVE all of this and in fact would repeat the process since you don't like the fact I am upset about it.  I think that really does not surprise me since I've encountered FemiNazis just like you in person.  You'd be the woman who attempted to hit me with her car at the gas pump, or in the parking lot, or any other time such a thing was done.  I think you will have a hard time in life and bet your kids will grow up to be just like you, career felons and killers.  Move to a state that is soft on the death penalty just in case you don't get away with the next murder, I hear the electric chair is a particularly unpleasant way to die.

It is interesting, you say just enough not to come out and say anything.  Then when you suggest something which was already discusses and agreed that solves nothing other than to have me resign to accept it as such and sit around happy about it, you can't comprehend why someone would consider that foolish.  As in patronize me with more "There there sweety, just forget about it and see Dr. Happy, he will make it all better."  Ok, well do you run people over with your car regularly then decide they have no reason to be upset?  You need to accept that for folks to take you seriously you need to hope they take you seriously and consider what you say to them and accept it as such.  You'd need to comprehend that you just keep stonewalling the same flawed approach that, as per others replies, was explained to you at length.  Then when you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, you then resort to the defense of too many paragraphs and that you missed it along the way. Kind of like how a man getting nearly killed slipped through the cracks.  I think you are a fake and a liar as such.  What do you think?  Now I'd add violent criminal to that also.


Only two rebuttals to me?

#48General Comment

Sun, November 22, 2009

This has been the most entertaining rip off report for quite some time.  I am starting to understand why someone beat the crap out of you.  I was trying to be nice and understanding but not now.  You don't deserve it. 


Murder by numbers, 1, 2, 3...

#49Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

Here I can play all kinds of number games for you and don't doubt some of this was the idea but here you go:

I was 20 at the time it was Summer 1981. The Ten code for location is 10-20. Look up 10-81 and see what you get. Hindsight is always 20/20 as they say, my vision was not, I wore glasses but it corrected to 20/20 easily.

The car was a 1972 Pontiac Luxury LeMans. The zip code of Wilson NY is 14172. The car was 9 years old when this happened and I was 11 when the car was made in 1972. Dr. Denzel used nine large sutures to close the four inch wound he placed in the arm to locate and rejoin the severed nerve endings. Those doing the initial cutting measured 20 inches from the tip of my fingers to make the V shaped cuts to do the work of crippling the hand. The car was a V8 displacing 455 cubic inches and employed a TH400 transmission.

The Chinese number used to denote Power is 9. Temple doors display a matrix of 9x9 (81) dots as such. Lutherans prefer to refer to the Trinity. The resistor color code for white is 9. White is also the color denoting truth as per our flag and others you may ask. The number nine is also sometimes referred to as the number of judgment. Superstition and other ignorance calls it as something else.

The numeral or letter V was carved into my arm. This could be a roman numeral 5, or the letter V. V is the fifth from the end of the alphabet, and the 22nd letter from the start. My birthday is on the 22nd of the month. Parents of friends used to refer to me as a "Nickel and Dime Nobody". Maybe I took a wooden nickel on this one too? Those doing the cutting will likely "Plead The Fifth.". Something to do with the US Constitution.

Friends of my parents had a brother who lost an arm by hanging it out the window of his sports car prior to that, he lost it when his car and another collided on the driver side. Maybe they thought I owed them an arm as payment since I likely ran all the way down to the finger lakes to chop his off? Something about it costing you an arm and a leg? I slipped as a child playing in the attic of the same friend's house, putting my leg through some drywall in the ceiling. Maybe they thought I'd grow up and they could take the bill for that out of my flesh?

So, I can give you all kinds of numbers, want more "Bare Naked Numbers" to amuse yourself and others with?


What do you mean "We" Injun Joe?

#50Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

Tim Sez: ".....until he could no longer restrain himself from attacking me personally." Oh how grandiose yes, really this has simply gotten out of hand and poor Tim has been carved to the bone with my simply outlandish and draconian retort to something so trivial as this. We really do hope Tim will be ok after the recent fusilade of attacks that must have really made Tim cower in fear, anger, and stark raving paranoia since clearly there is great danger in the written word here for him as perceived by his paranoid and fear driven, cloak and dagger, personality. And yes, really this is just more doth protest too much dialog and outrage. Maybe you can get some counseling for that Tim? Explain to them why you are here, talk to them at length about the purpose of your visit here and how you were "Attacked" as such and even call the police, see what they say and if you want, hire a lawyer. My advice, get a real good one, you probably will need it sooner or later. Oh and I doubt you have consensus here either, so I'd leave terms like "We" and "Options" or "Few" out of the mix entirely.


Not playing doctor? Your lips are moving again Tim.

#51Author of original report

Sat, November 21, 2009

Tim Sez:"Let's put this in perspective" - In other words get your crap waders on, it is going to get pretty deep in guano around here. Ok Tim, please set us all straight on this.

"So for each rebuttal, the OP lodges an average of at least three updates (which aren't really "updates," they would more accurately be called "counter-rebuttals")." - If I am bleeding to death I'd have to discuss with you at length whether or not I called 9/11 or the land line number for the Police. You lost focus on the problem that mattered, I threw chaff to see where you'd go, and you get lost in the upset and the fact I push a button that says I can add more to "Update" the posting and you now start counting and labelling my replies as being "ReRebuttals"? Does that make you a ReButtHead? I post the information, you can argue amongst yourselves if I posted it using the Update Button, or if you interpreted it as being me rebutting my own posting. Since I seem to keep supporting the same topic and set of data I'd have to say I am actually updating and adding to the discussion. The repeated chants about me harboring resentment as a result of this taking as long as it has, is really really inane. I think to pursue and discount the offer that a pat on the shoulder and a placebo will fix this is my best approach and I will continue towards that end unswayed by your "Expert" opinions. They are worth less than what I paid for them which is nothing. Oh and so you know, EMT/Cop man especially, cops lie all the time, you'd be the first to know that.

"I'm not pretending to be a doctor, or to have any advanced knowledge of the inner workings of the human mind. The vast majority of my fellow, objcetive readers have come to the same conclusions." That is good because from where I sit your little dissertation on how I must be a lunatic and deranged psycho as described in your last exemplar of stupidity has you look to be doing just that. Next you will show up with EMT boy, scalpel in hand, to remove a part of my brain to fix it based on your recent purchase of the new digital version of "Operation" just to see my nose light up. I also doubt you speak for the vast majority of anyone here, it seems arrogant you'd pretend to do so. In other words, Oh yes you are, and this is about what we had in 1981. 

"So who is delusional: the fifteen or so rebuttalists who are in concensus regarding the lunacy behind these posts, the five or so that have given the OP the benefit of the doubt, or the OP, whose voluminous posts allege everything from road-side surgery at the hands of corrupt cops, to mega-financial conspiracies, to a murder plot involving a covert German double-agent. " Really? I count zero rebuttals that did anything other than have the authors make fools of themselves. You show up at this late date and announce victory in this? Based on your ability to count something? I see a few children show up and call names and then never respond to anything written and I made no mention of mega financial anything, or double agents of any kind. I think you went off the deep end and hopefully were reading a Jason Bourne novel and confused yourself with James Bond in the process. That is ok Tim, you can go back to dreamland now.

"And the aggression escalated, until finally we receive this: " Oh my God aggression, what a nice vague and elusive diagnosis of some really out of whack quirk that you've been able to discern through all this, nice call Tim, you win the prize for seer of the decade. Actually coming up with some misleading and inaccurate non-fault that lands you now in the victim, martyr, and Danger Will Robinson seat. Gosh this is serious stuff. I actually thought you deserved the rebuke you received and I stand by it, you have some serious issues with pretending to "Know it all".

"So a friendly suggestion that the OP seek some help must have lingered in this guy's head all day, causing more and more anger, until he could no longer restrain himself from attacking me personally." - You never said what help I should seek. Should I rent a cop? Shop for a judge as was done? Have a bionic arm installed? Know anyone there who can help? Your obviously lame and transparent distortions and attempt to smear this into something else speaks towards your lack of honesty and smacks of a desperate attempt to conceal this as has gone on for a long time. Again, why bother at all? Even doing so makes you look dirty, and no good is served as a result.

My assertions as well as my character are attacked, and when that is done, I respond to support my position. Who cares if you feel out of place with my replies, I lived with the discomfort and for Hero Boy, face it, you screwed up, and now you will have to pay. I've involved others who will resolve this. Not just the minority report you see here making attacks against me. I suggest if you can't stand the heat, get out of the blast furnace since I have work to do here and I love the BBQ.

"So we have a couple options: we can continue to fuel this lunatic's fire, or we can throw in the towel, let him settle down, and hope that he doesn't hurt anybody." - Actually you don't have any options, since this largely has been addressed already. The truth and time are on my side. You do the law and others a disservice by speaking for them, you might want to stop putting your foot into their mouth and digging that hole any deeper. Your recent hail mary really was a nice display, thanks for putting on that show.


More things I never said.

#52Author of original report

Sat, November 21, 2009

Newfenoix Sez: "Let me get this straight, you were attacked by the Wilson Police Dept and the Fire Rescue Personnel and they severed the ulnar nerve in your left arm and then the town justice (?) stole your car?"

No, I never said that, what I said is: I was attacked by a group of persons comprised of the Wilson NY Volunteer Firemen, Niagara County Sheriff, and other town people. One of the Town Justices, William Ganshaw, was also our Nationwide Insurance agent. That also is a crime, he should not have served in both capacities at all. That enabled and facilitated the insurance fraud associated with and following the attack. These are small towns and small minded people, things work different for these people, just ask them. I am NOT alone in this view of history, so don't take this out on me. My father knows this story, as do others, I was beaten until I passed out. My memory of it is vague and has been since that time. You know this is also possible and also completely likely if you have the least bit of "Science" training and claim to be a PsuedoMedic. Nobody cares that you went to college, that does not mean you can refute this from your armchair in Arlington with your "Big Brain". Were you out of diapers in 1981?

So you are an EMT, put on your Forensics hat and become a Medical Examiner. There was no crushing around the site of the injury, no bruising was made as would be consistent with impact and nothing in the car or outside of it could have caused the three slices it would take to make the two overlapping cuts to expose the nerve, and the third to sever it completely, that would likely have broken the bone beneath, and this would have looked more like crushing than cutting as was done here. Do woodwork? How thick is the kerf on your blade? That skin was neatly sliced open surgically and the nerve beneath severed. I was butchered like an animal. My car, a 1972 Pontiac Luxury LeMans 2 door white, was vandalized, tires slashed, four new Michelins, and that was about it, parts stolen from it. No damage caused by hitting anything. It was actually asked of me if I had my arm out of the window and backed into something to cut it like that, yeah right, and later on Monkeys will fly out of my butt. So did someone think that I had backed into a piece of angle iron that was sticking up out of the ground and bent over 90 degrees at just the right height as to have me backing down the road of progress with my elbow out the window? I do not think this happened either and you can not come up with any way to explain that wound and certainly not with it impacting something. A knife is the only way it was made. Next time someone gets stabbed, assume they fell onto your sword that you carry with you at all times or that their coffee exploded in the form of a shaped charge that severed their spinal cord somehow. Equally absurd.

The facts are:

A car accident was the purported cause of this.

No damage was noted on the car other than four tires cut and flattened. Parts were removed from it such as a new Rochester Quadrajet, know what that is? In other words it had hit nothing.

My left arm was numb, in great pain, and useless, the back of the elbow had been cut. The wound indicates it was done with a knife. Even if there was a car accident, it would have been just that, but now a crime was added and somebody decided to make me pay for it on the spot if so. Truth is there was no accident and the arm was cut intentionally. You as an EMT, and since you are, or think you are, a hot shot, assume I don't know how to drive and I "Screwed up", see you can't admit someone would be better at something like driving than you and I must be an idiot as such. It is called ego and pride and prejudice. Try driving with me in a WNY winter or see me ride a sport bike. I ride anyway despite what some people would want, my clutch hand works good enough for me. I hear more macho BS coming from your neck of the woods on that one too. I see people screw up all the time, and I tend to be the one that covers for them, other folks seem to want to run into them for some reason. My driving record is spotless and yes, I am that good at it. I am d**n careful and I pay attention, this was something else.

Fire rescue and police were there and I was taken to the hospital and released, no charges were filed. Ganshaw later filed papers to total the car, presented me a check for less than scrap value, and wrote me a ticket for noise violation or some such crap. Putting on his insurance agent hat then jumping into his SMA garb later. He may well have put on another hat to play town chiropractor in his spare time, who knows.

There is a site out there that has photos of a car similar to mine, a search of Scott Holten should point that out since his is just like it.


To be fair to Tim.

#53Author of original report

Sat, November 21, 2009

But again, Tim Sez: "Without even addressing the substance of the report and updates, it is readily apparent, from these bare numbers, that the author is seriously mentally ill. It doesn't take any psychiatric training to figure that out. "

Tim admits he missed the substance of the reports and can do all this by the numbers. So Tim, let me ask you this, in your quest for the truth and not really looking into any of what is written, said, or done, you can solve all of this numerically? How is that? Is this a new form of Russian Roulette, meets Tarot Cards, meets Ouija Board, meets Astrology? Where you can get the truth just by counting words, paragraphs, or pages? Complain to the doctors about how many words and pages are in my medical history, how many stitches are in that arm, and how much did the hospital bill cost you, yes YOU? I've talked to counselors about this, they agree they can't help me, it only takes one violent act and until it is resolved, I need to keep doing what I am doing. People like you act to protect guilty and violent people, that makes you part of the problem.  Consider what it takes to mount lawsuits of this size, it keeps entire legal departments busy for a long time, and guess what?  That would be THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of letters, phone calls, documents, and on and on and on.  I think you offer some foolish notions here son.  I'd have to ask what "Substance" you are on, and do you as a person have ANY?  You probably need to medicate your version of reality so you can push it on others as an antidote for your crap and bad karma.

In other words Tim, you don't know what you are talking about but come here and offer some really bad advice and act as though you are some kind of expert. Leave that to the real experts, ok? Someone may actually listen to your crap and act upon it, lets hope not. My advice if you are a victim of violence is get mad, stay mad, and make them pay for it. Don't let anyone tell you different. Not even, you guessed it, Hero Boy and Tim.

Read the DOJ website, you will find answers there. Or actually ask someone who knows.



#54Author of original report

Sat, November 21, 2009

But sure, I'll answer this: 1: Why would the police attack you? Maybe because they did not like me? Does it matter? Ask them. Why does anyone break the law? Because they are arrogant and expect to get away with it?

2: Why would the fire/rescue people attack you? Maybe because they did not like me? Does it matter? Ask them.

3: Why would a city official, church or whatever steal your car? To destroy the evidence? As in the accident they claimed happened did not. My blood was shed OUTSIDE the car and the wound made that way also.

4: Why would they not want you to ride a motorcycle? I don't know, ask them, others indicated to me that this was the reason. Again, why did the Cleveland cop murder his wife? Ego? Likely.

5: Why are you so important/dangerous that they would do this? I am not, and if I was, then arrest, try and convict me, avail yourself of the legal process. This also does not justify the attack you claim did not happen, you can't justify it with some cause and pretend it never happened, you can't have it both ways. I see you as more dangerous than anyone else since you allow people who break the law to protect us. Again, your rebuttal lacks foundation and simply asking me to justify being attacked is not sufficient to imply it did not happen. You do the same thing as the other poster who would offer this did not happen, you are not able to refute it since you have not looked into it. Again, the knife wounds are enough and it took knowledge, so someone had some idea about anatomy. It speaks to something else. It opens the door to the fact the truth was not told, and this was not done accidentally.

Here is the question, why not ask them and not me?  I have as many questions as you do and for good reason.  Wake up in the hospital beaten bloody, and then fill in the blanks.  YOU of ALL people should KNOW THAT.  Shame on you.

"You sir are a nut case. I don't know you but here it is, 21 years later and you are claiming to have been attacked by the police and fire departments." Nobody else agrees with you, I likely have more on the ball than you ever did or will and the medical and legal communities do not support your claim. Ask them.  You sir are a fool and probably a closet axe murderer.  There, I can call folks names too, does that solve this?  Unsolved crimes often take decades to get resolved.  What happened to Amelia Earhart?  Jon Benet Ramsey? I bet you can think of a dozen other high profile crimes that take a long time to get sorted out.  The DC Intern that disappeared, etc etc etc.  Get off the psycho drama luge, you aren't that smart or that good.

"Why? Which cop(s) attacked you?" Does it matter? I am not able to prosecute them, others need to make the determination of who knew what and when and who was involved, more than one person is.  They all share information so they know about it, start with any cop in Western NY and go from there.  That is enough.  Consider them all suspects at this late date.

"What were you doing at the time?" Driving home through town.

"You are a liar." You are the only liars here. Again, the legal communities do not agree with you, ask my employers also, you'd fail the background checks I passed to obtain those positions. My character is likely orders of magnitude above yours, you can be bought, I can not. My word is worth something even if it costs me something, this is one such example. You offer a biased and concerted effort NOT to see both sides, there would be no reason not to do so and if nothing else, you'd probably honestly be the first to admit cops are crooks, especially if you know any. I do and they are. With that, find the lies I've told you or anyone as proof, you have none. I was lied to about this, it matters.

"No cop would have the knowledge of anatomy to have done this. I have been a cop and an EMT and I have a science degree and I couldn't do it. Not in the manner that you claim that is was done." He would not have to and I doubt you can diagnose most common conditions and as I said, I am 100% confident you are NEITHER a rocket scientist NOR a brain surgeon. I also don't agree that NO COP would know this, I bet some would. There are lots of cops, lots probably served as Army medics, or had some level of training, so I think your statement is statistically flawed. You can NOT say with ANY certainty that ALL people would NEVER have any specific bit of wisdom, it does not work. Your ignorance, theirs, nor anyone else's implies this is not possible or refutes my complaints. You rely on flawed logic and manipulation of cause, effect, symptom, and problem to arrive at YOUR prejudicial and formed in advance conclusion. More than one person partook in the "Operation" of this I am sure and yes folks, that makes this, hold on to your paranoid hats, a conspiracy. That is a legal term and not an indicator of a victim's lack of coherence or credibility. You need to stop mixing your foolish notions about law and medicine since you clearly know nothing about either.

"Get a life. You screwed up, got hurt and now want to blame others for your stupidity." Oh really? There is an adult response to some fairly weighty topics of debate, nice retort on that one. Harvard debate team? Class of 1492? Nobody agrees with you there either, maybe you are so sick and tired of hearing me complain you'd stick a knife in me again? Just because you don't know where to cut does not mean you could not remove an eye, they are easy to find. Good luck with your ethic and lack of depth on that. I suggest you find a new line of work, since you seem to want to show up here and make a fool out of yourself by performing professional Harakiri and displaying your ignorance for all to see. I'll bet you are another small town yokel who thinks his crap don't stink?

Tim goes into some seemingly well organized and psuedo official looking display of numerical genius by counting things, then claims brilliantly:

"Without even addressing the substance of the report and updates, it is readily apparent, from these bare numbers, that the author is seriously mentally ill. It doesn't take any psychiatric training to figure that out. "

This is important, as you say, without addressing anything of substance. Ok thanks Tim, you are right, you fail to see the forest for the trees and consider that the court testimony for something like this would fill a book, but you expect me to explain this along with the UPSET that would be present about it and do so without getting upset or in what, three words? You are a flake and an idiot. I also love the drama, pomp, and circumstance that you offer this truly thorough analysis as a resolve of this and do so with such con man, sure of himself, style! I mean with things expressed this way "Tim Must Be Right!". It is great that so many Psycho experts like you lurk out there foisting medical miracles on us all. It really is something to see. And with this going on I really feel badly for other victims of crime who will never see justice because everyone is to busy telling them to "Forget About It" like some Mafia Don. You folks are hypochondriacs and seem to want to whitewash some violent things with all this hand holding and happy fest stuff that really is insulting. Everyone has a doctor for something is the problem, deal with the truth, embrace it, feel the pain, and make those that caused it pay in kind. Real simple stuff. Get hurt, let it hurt, call it hurt, and make them pay for it. Don't send me the bill. I don't owe you an apology either, nor do I owe scalpel boy one either. I don't care if he can drive an ambulance. My mother could drive one, so what?

"Let me give a specific example of the mind behind this craziness. I posted a rebuttal giving the OP the benefit of the doubt regarding his report. I clearly stated that I had no reason to doubt the validity of his report and suggested that the trauma he endured may be the source of the emotional difficulties underlying his odd beavior in this report. I advised that he seek therapeutic help." But you never seemed to grasp that those people will not get you closer to the truth and this next hero, Newfonix, brings us back to the same point were were at before. Also as you will see if you knew anything, visit the website I refer to below, and you will see there is nothing ODD about my behavior at all, this would be expected and required of someone who's been through this, you turn reality into dysfunction. Get over that problem since that is yours, not mine. As soon as you involve mental health people, they will protect the state, who do you think they work for? They work hand and hand with police and my experience tells me they are not honest and have been more harm than good since they do what you do in that they all seem to avoid the truth and consider this out of the norm. It is not, try slapping your father, would he get upset? Or did I miss something? The other person had his father beat him, probably for no reason. That is out of hand, people getting robbed, as this site is about, then getting upset, seems right to me, you suggest otherwise and call me a liar? I think I'd add hypocrite, to your feature matrix. As I said, they have no solution to this problem with more circular dialog, the ONLY way to resolve this is to prosecute the guilty and arrive at the truth. You'd want nothing different for you. What you do here is a classic pattern of using the result of the crime and the harm to discredit the victim, this is where this falls apart and WHY it is so upsetting to see YOU keep going back to where I've already told you NOT to bother going since I already outlined as you said it succinctly. As in I explained this OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER yet you then start counting replies when YOU force me to repeat it. Here it is again, therapists know they can NOT resolve this and here is why, I have an honest suggestion:

Go to the Department of Justice website, it is called USDOJ, you can fill in the blanks to visit the page.

Look on the ride side of the home page for the link :"Find A Form" and click on it.

Click on Next and get to the 12th page of the list of forms.

Go to the third form up form the bottom on page 12. Click on Victim Impact Statement/Financial Crime. View the PDF form if you have Adobe Reader and go to page 2 of the form. In the middle READ and UNDERSTAND the portion that says: "Have you experienced any of the following reactions to the crime: PLEASE REALIZE THESE ARE NORMAL REACTIONS TO A TRAUMATIC EVENT OR SITUATION."

Notice the part about NORMAL and REACTIONS and go from there. Also you can insert or replace Financial Crime with Violent Crime, since I think you can believe that would be the same or worse.

Then realize and ask yourself how a man becomes cut like I was and go from there.

"I, for one, will surely get a weekend's worth of entertainment out of the udpates that are sure to follow this rebuttal." Tim I think your dedication to a cause that would arrive at truth is really lukewarm at best since you offered nothing like: "That is just over the top, these guys need to be prosecuted and now!!" But instead you offer, well maybe someone needs to hold your hand to make this all better for you, seems lame and dishonest does it not? Again, where is the truth? Two different things entirely and I think you being so brutally attacked here by just the most heinous rebuke that I offer makes you seem, well a little too thin skinned, possibly too ready and willing to get to the point that has you label me as a hate monger, I am not, and again, paints you as a crook and a flake to even now go there again and still. The fact you so quickly jump to the other side to enjoy someone getting bloodlet really is fickle of you. As you suggest of me, that is your shoe, you put it on and wear it well, it fits you. You don't know me and I think all the experts and miracle workers who show up and brand me as some festering, fuming, psychotic, axe weilding, violent, goose stepping, Hitler like despot is unfair since it does not fit. You overreact and your offer of advise I think is lost since I outlined how and why what you suggested is part of the larger problem, yes it does matter, and YOU should be upset about it, since the approach you offer has some very serious flaws. They can harm you also, does that make sense? Learn from MY misery, and stop tossing the chance to do so in the trash. Understand my pain and upset and see why it is what it is. Then go from there. You made more of an accusation and impugned my character and capacity to recount this. And to hero boy, no, I am not a liar. So thanks anyway, unless you mean by me recounting your version of history? Much luck with that also. I think you speak with forked tongue also. Don't worry, the world is full of liars, I married one. Also consider I nearly starved to death from the financial harm, who was going to pay Dr. Feel Good for his efforts to put me through some verbal circle jerk that he cares less about? I already talked to them, they can't help me and said as such, see the form. Realize that.

I can't wait to see who starts counting words next. Lets see, 1981 to 2009, that would be 28 years not 21, othewise we'd be at 2002 I guess? Does it matter? Not really, but at least if you are going to cite numerical examples, get them right and be accurate. Cut twice, measure once. Or are you that bored and your life so lacking in substance you need to sit at a computer and take shots at people like me? I think you need to lower your expectations and be less prickly about being rebuked by someone when you revisit places that were known to be of no value as outlined already. But then again you already said you can't bother getting through this, it is too much for you to read. You poor dear, maybe just look at the photos or play more video games since you can't handle people who are upset about something. I must be the only man in the world who has been wronged, right? Since we live in a perfect world. Yours. I can't wait for the next Perry Mason of law enfarcement to show up announcing victory and more c**k sure describe of the "Facts".

But you are right, my replies are well worded, I am well spoken, and I am upset about this. It is effective at getting this resolved, eventually in order to get people to take notice and act, you need to wake them up. Sometimes you have to yell, imagine that? Actually let someone see you get hot and put them on the spot. I suggest you get burned badly and see what it takes to get it fixed, try being everyone's friend and have a civilized debate about getting hacked up or shot, it won't work. I again as I said, told you, be honest with yourself first, I doubt you'd do be any less angry than I. And just because it is outrageous or you can not understand it, does NOT mean it is not possible, it can happen. Things were different in 1981 recall also, people get let out of prisons decades later because new evidence convicts them with the new technologies now present. Likewise, old cases get solved in the same way. Open your mind.

Tim, I think you are less imporant than you might think and your screaming fire in the movie theater as you do really makes you look like a little old lady who's lost her favorite cookie recipe, are you really that lame? So now I am going to run around hurting someone because of something you said? Oh gosh, yes you are a paranoid loon. You already threw in the towel but you need to keep it, you are all wet. You are so adept at making this something it is not, sounds familiar doesn't it? Just more stigmata and blame the victim, so when someone makes an accusation against you, you just need to accept it as such since it HAS to be true. Or someone really imporant said it so it has to be so. But you cause the upset and evoke the replies you now want to complain about, I offer to explain it better, you fail to read it in the past, but now complain because you asked for it again, sound about right?

To the EMT, when you arrive on a scene, assume the person who was just shot deserved it and stick an M80 into the wound and blow them up with it and if it was me as the victim, by all means let me bleed to death, is that your policy since this is all up to you as they say? This is, and people like you, are exactly the problem. Something to do with knowing what falls under your domain of responsibility commensurate with your ability, character, and knowledge. That is ok, you are probably not much different than most people and not really motivated to get to the bottom of anything. You just snipe from afar since this is a safe way to attack someone. We will see who is right in the end and how this works out for you. Opinions are funny things, eventually people will use them for and against you. You might get called on something you said and made to walk the walk that you talk. There are people out there that believe all kinds of things, many of them are really crazy things at that. Like getting up on the wrong side of the bed is bad for you, or that something bad will happen on Friday the 13th. If you want to believe I backed into a knife three times and cut my elbow open then I guess we have to let you, you won't be working for or with me any time soon and you'll not be making any decisions about me that is for sure. Oh and so you know, the earth is not flat. You won't fall off it if you travel too far, but since you've probably never made it out of Hickville, you'd not know that.


The wound was made at the scene.

#55Author of original report

Sat, November 21, 2009

Police and emergency people were at the scene, they had knowledge of it, and they partook in it.  I already said, these people likely lacked your training, probably your character (Probably not), and your accountability, this was 1981, a small town, there was no 9/11 at that time if I recall in that area, and you know what?  I bet you have ALL kinds of naive ideas about how rosy the world is and I bet you are wrong about many of them.

This also begs the question why they all act so guilty, desperate, and evasive, or protectionist and hostile as you do here when I continue to make noise about it?  Your dramatic rescue here offering truth as you so boldy announce simply because of your expertise in nothing and your now being the savior at large to save the world from my lunacy I think is also more melodrama that makes you look the fool you are.

This is a typical police and psuedomedic arrogance, ego, and God play trip for you, I see that a lot in people like you and they.  In other words, get over yourself, you are not that good and yes, my life is worth every penny as yours or anyone else's.  Go pander your drivel someplace else.



Newfonix offers more lame analysis based on his...

#56Author of original report

Sat, November 21, 2009

Expertise in nothing.  You are not qualified to make such determinations and neither is the other poster who cites what they feel is support of some claim that offers a diagnosis I am, in your expert opinion, a "Nut Case".  Just because you can't do something, I am sure there are plenty of things you can't do, I have no problem believing that, does not make it impossible. You can't remove my appendix either, so what?  And I already said I can't explain why someone would do it, just that it was done.  What happened could not have been done accidentally, I did not "Screw Up" as you put it, and your offer of "Perspective" is worthless and of course biased.

This was already discussed, and the medical data supports the fact it is a crime as was determined.  Why did 7 State Troopers rape a college girl or steal 200 cars from car dealers during Katrina?  I can tell you it is because they are felons, simple as that and crooks do all kinds of stupid things, don't ask me to validate them as to why.

This other person claims my replies lack focus, they don't and again he offers a diagnosis without addressing the points I made relative to his problems of having an abusive parent with which I sympathized.  Of course he missed all of that AND the fact his situation pales in compare to mine, as in, he really suggested nothing of merit other than get over it, or talk to someone who will just shove some happy pill on me and say the same thing.  I think as I said before you WAY overestimate your abilities to offer advice and the manner in which you do it, it all speaks to the same outcome, and that is to protect the guilty.  You can't justify the wounds any other way than them being made with a knife.  Forensics makes that clear.  You just seemingly want to make a bad situation worse.  Face it, you can't bother hearing the truth and just show up to protect our "Heroes" without bothering to get the facts, this is done no questions asked if you will since you want to assume they are "All Good".

I personally think you both are crooks to suggest what you suggest, and really never come out and say what you think resolves this. Do you do this to all victims of violence?



Grand Haven,
Let's put this in perspective

#57Consumer Comment

Sat, November 21, 2009

The original report was lodged 25 days ago. Since that time, 19 "rebuttals" have been entered. The OP has written sixty (60) "updates."

So for each rebuttal, the OP lodges an average of at least three updates (which aren't really "updates," they would more accurately be called "counter-rebuttals").

And for each day this report has been active, an average of at least two updates has been written.

The updates are LONG, rambling, and surprisingly well-worded. Yet they lack any focus or direction, and new alleged conspiracies pop up on a fairly consistent basis.

Without even addressing the substance of the report and updates, it is readily apparent, from these bare numbers, that the author is seriously mentally ill. It doesn't take any psychiatric training to figure that out.

I'm not pretending to be a doctor, or to have any advanced knowledge of the inner workings of the human mind. The vast majority of my fellow, objcetive readers have come to the same conclusions.

So who is delusional: the fifteen or so rebuttalists who are in concensus regarding the lunacy behind these posts, the five or so that have given the OP the benefit of the doubt, or the OP, whose voluminous posts allege everything from road-side surgery at the hands of corrupt cops, to mega-financial conspiracies, to a murder plot involving a covert German double-agent.

Let me give a specific example of the mind behind this craziness. I posted a rebuttal giving the OP the benefit of the doubt regarding his report. I clearly stated that I had no reason to doubt the validity of his report and suggested that the trauma he endured may be the source of the emotional difficulties underlying his odd beavior in this report. I advised that he seek therapeutic help.

That same day, he posted three updates addressing my rebuttal. The first was fairly congenial and stated "I don't need someone to tell me how to feel about being harmed violently. They won't fix anything. Thanks anyway."

Apparently, my statements caused more anger as the day progressed. In the next update he states "How dramatic: Tim Sez: 'Seek help for your own sake.'  . . . Come one, be honest with yourself first then with me and the rest of us."

And the aggression escalated, until finally we receive this: "Tim, I have never seen anyone as callous and dishonest as you . . . I feel you have some serious emotional issues as well as character flaws  . . . and by some delusional and grandiose manifestation of your inflated ego and need to be in control you pretend to offer a medical opinion and suggest a course of treatment as well as a diagnosis to boot."

So a friendly suggestion that the OP seek some help must have lingered in this guy's head all day, causing more and more anger, until he could no longer restrain himself from attacking me personally.

And this seems to be the norm. When his assertions are called into question, he attacks rather than defends. I didn't question his assertions, but apparently the feathers were nonetheless too ruffled to tolerate.

So we have a couple options: we can continue to fuel this lunatic's fire, or we can throw in the towel, let him settle down, and hope that he doesn't hurt anybody.

I, for one, will surely get a weekend's worth of entertainment out of the udpates that are sure to follow this rebuttal.



What The........

#58General Comment

Fri, November 20, 2009

I have read a lot of strange stuff on this site but this has to be the strangest.

Let me get this straight, you were attacked by the Wilson Police Dept and the Fire Rescue Personnel and they severed the ulnar nerve in your left arm and then the town justice (?) stole your car?

1:  Why would the police attack you?
2:  Why would the fire/rescue people attack you?
3:  Why would a city official, church or whatever steal your car?
4:  Why would they not want you to ride a motorcycle?
5:  Why are you so important/dangerous that they would do this?

You sir are a nut case.  I don't know you but here it is, 21 years later and you are claiming to have been attacked by the police and fire departments.  Why?  Which cop(s) attacked you?  What were you doing at the time?  You are a liar.  No cop would have the knowledge of anatomy to have done this.  I have been a cop and an EMT and I have a science degree and I couldn't do it.  Not in the manner that you claim that is was done. 

Get a life.  You screwed up, got hurt and now want to blame others for your stupidity. 


Leann offers more wisdom for us all! This is a first! She SeZ: Just Get OVER IT!!!!!!!! How original....

#59Author of original report

Fri, November 20, 2009

I go on because some people, unlike you, ask reasonable questions and I am glad to answer them. You prefer just to whine about the complaints here, find fault, so how hard to figure out is that? I continue to complain because IT IS NOT RESOLVED. Makes sense right? There, a few short and sweet statements. Thanks for nothing.  Oh and the truth matters so I can be treated for the injuries, or did you overlook that too in all the happiness you have been shucking all over?

So you think I should just give up and let it all go?  I don't think so, you would not. But then again you would have died long ago, your character would have made you roll over and die a decade ago at least, so don't lecture me about this. 




Another Expert Opinion!!! Read All About It!!!!!

#60Author of original report

Fri, November 20, 2009

Leann, you read it wrong, so don't bother to comment, nobody said 9/11 was called. If you can't take the time to get the facts, don't bother offering your opinion since you have NO idea what you are talking about, I don't need you to show up and not bother reading anything and then shoving your opinion on me. What help did you think I needed? It never ceases to amaze me that folks that simply must be too ignorant to breathe would pretend to know how to fix this. The only solution to this lies within the courts, and those guilty of the violence to be prosecuted. I offered Darrel my sympathies, something you offer him, and not to me. Why is that? What did it take for Darrel to reach the point he is at now? You offer him one solution and me something else, AND you offer me hostility because of the too many words complaint. I asked him some important questions that would make all the difference, as in is he going to walk back into an abusive relationship, see you need to fix things and make people stop being violent before you put folks like us back among them.  But you just don't have the sound mind and judgment to know these things, lesser minds make larger mistakes.  My advice to you, don't come to a website for people with complaints since you seem not to care that they would complain. Idiots like you are all of like mind, this was already discussed above anyway. Can't read? Don't talk or type. Take a hike in other words.

What agony is there in this, just turn the page. Why did you bother reading any of it or did you just come here to look at the blood?

If someone did this other than those I've mentioned, then who was it and why? Where are they now, living next door to you I hope? Why did the police not inform me? See, you make no sense woman. That does not shock me at all, go back to whatever it is you pretend to do since you bring nothing of substance to this problem and your attention span seems not up to the task.  The police did it and I and they know it, they've admitted as such, I just want to know when it will be made right.

You get today's vote for.....Two Faced Creamy Police Brown Noser!!!!  Congratulations and thanks for playing. 

I mean why support them at all?  They are all scum and you may as well open all the prisons and let them run free too.  There is no difference between them.  Anybody that would do this is not worth a pinch of snot.

So Leann, yes there is a Santa Claus and he is going to visit you soon and make everything all happy and nice for you.  Right after the tooth fairy shows up and leaves a nickel under your pillow.



This is unbelievable!

#61General Comment

Fri, November 20, 2009

I just want to know why you must go on and on over something you can't change?  What has happened has happened.  I truly believe that someone (not the police or firefighters) beat the crap out of you.  As someone said earlier, 911 was called and the police found you unconscious.  As many others have also said, you need help.  For whatever reason you can't get on with your life.  That is a problem.  Please seek the help you need.

To Darryl -- I was saddened to hear the story of your childhood but very glad to hear you recovered and moved on to a great life.  I hope this guys finds it within himself to do the same as you did.

Please save us all the agony by not posting 16 rebuttals to this.  I, for one, have not read anything else you posted.  Life is too short!


The State needs to allocute, that is the only way.

#62Author of original report

Thu, November 19, 2009

And for Darrel and others, until this is fixed, everything that is done can either be seen as an offer of favoritism, or an attempt to compel my silence and acceptance that the guilty are never prosecuted. Those are crimes also. The state and those who attacked me need to allocute and this would not be the first time someone has shown up to protect the guilty and ask me to be a "Goode Sport" about it and shut up. Lies have a way of getting out of hand as in you need to tell new ones to keep the old ones going, and they get bigger and bolder and more folks get involved. This is grade school stuff and when adults and those in control act as kids, this is what you get.

You need to understand why suggesting what was suggested is upsetting, it has been tried countless times in the past and it only protects my attackers.  I get sick and tired of heaing it.  Enforce the law, make the guilty pay, put them on trial, let the people hear what was done, lock up the crooks who do such things, and make it right. 


For no reason? Interesting question.

#63Author of original report

Thu, November 19, 2009

Jes, as for background I left out, you mean mine? There is nothing there, I was not in trouble with the law and never was prior to that or since. Your government already decided that and checked my background.

So if you think they would "Have it in for me" well I guess if your goal is to crush people for sport then you'd probably be right. This was about something else, and your comment about Police not typically doing this for "No Reason", do you imply that Police would normally cut someone up for a good reason? I think what you suggest is not apropriate but you certainly admit you are open minded enough to suggest it likely would be done. As in, just attack the guy because you don't have anything else on him and you really don't like him. For some people, just questioning authority is sufficient to elict a violent response. I always spoke my mind when I saw something or heard something I did not believe in, or knew was wrong.

That is my right as a citizen, I don't need to agree with everything and if I see a cop killing a kid as was done to me, I'll do something about it.


Jes, please also consider this.

#64Author of original report

Thu, November 19, 2009

Those that did this knew where to cut, how it would affect me, and actually measured to make the marks to expose the nerve and then sever it, making two overlapping cuts in the skin to get into the meat of the matter. 

I would not have known that, would you?  I am not in possession of the knowledge that tells me where all the nerves in my body run and it is not likely that taking a shot at one would have you get through one completely, as was done here.  They tend to be hard to nail down and are fairly elusive squiggly things.  Someone knew what they were doing when they did this and they made a concerted effort to get through it.




I agree you'd want to assume you can trust those people, but you can't.

#65Author of original report

Thu, November 19, 2009

Jes, that is a good and valid point, I think what you have is some small town people who do things "Casually" and do so based on personal prejudice. As in, as I said, these people took the law into their own hands and did what I said, in that they lynched me. These are volunteer firemen with little or no training, no credentials, and this is small town America. I think people actually worry what I do and don't recall, this is part of the problem. If you did this, you'd have a real wonder if I recalled your face, your name, and who else was involved. The knife work makes this a crime, and NOT an accident, that is enough. The fireman, and police KNEW that, and this took place one block from the town, fire hall, and the court, and anyone else that would arrive to say I was attacked by a psycho would have had a real good chance to apprehend and prosecute that psycho, that has not happened yet. The fact that there is no truth in any of what was done and the fact there are other attacks makes this what it is, a crime that people tried to conceal. Yes, fire rescue people are involved, my neighbor 22 years later was such a volunteer, and he knew the story and the truth. So do the police, so do the doctors. This is not bad luck, this is persecution, this is attempted murder, this is whatever else you can think of. This is why I am so upset. If nothing else, some knife weidling psycho is running around out there playing doctor. I think you will find it is the people that were trusted to enforce the law, and to keep our houses from burning down, or to pick us up in the ambulance when we have a heart attack. These people acted with prejudice and it is also as I said, like calling 9/11 and have them hang up on you because they don't like you or have some kind of bias against you. Anyone that cuts someone like this has a real passionate hatred for them and I can't explain, justify, or offer reasons why people are like that, why they act with such ignorance, ego, or anything else, you'd have to ask whoever did the cutting and go from there.

I appreciate your point of view and this was mine for three decades, I now have to question it all, as in I trusted those people, I no longer do. As per the police, your are right, they don't do this that YOU HEAR OF, but there are I am sure things that go on that you never hear of. Plenty of behind the scenes crap that does not get told. That and they had no RIGHT to do what they did, so even suggesting a REASON for it, is out of line. If they want to punish, they need to charge, arrest, file the paperwork and a complaint, let a judge and a jury have it. This DOES NOT get done on the side of the road with a knife. I think ANYONE, all legal experts aside, would tell you that. Otherwise you don't live in America. Do a search for how many Louisiana police stole Cadillacs during Katrina, how seven of them raped a college coed, or who the Cleveland cop was who shot his wife. You do hear of a few now and then, but I'll bet there are a lot more you DON'T hear of. Like this one. Maybe they wanted my car, they were rare. Maybe they thought I was a geek or smart alec kid, who knows. Two Border Patrol agents in my one apartment exchanged gunfire when off duty one day, perfect I thought, two cops having a shoot out next to my dining room window. These people are lunatics and it seems they can and do get away with murder and this Patriot Act makes it that much worse, thanks to Bin Laden. He knew this would happen, he is using this to implode our country and it is working. Our people, citizens, and government spends so much time generating more friction, and pain and worse such that life here gets to be intolerable, we all love to see our neigbor beaten bloody and this is the mob mentality that prevails. Look at people showing up here to do the same thing. In other words, we are dividing our house, and destroying it from within. Every man for himself, take as much as you can, no regard for how you do it, and even spend so much effort putting the next guy down. But this is a tangent I am on, I think there is nothing new there, but I see it as getting worse.

I appreciate the question and agree, but don't ask me to justify or explain what I agree is absurd and outrageous behavior of some very violent criminals, there is no justification for it, and I can't tell you what motivates evil people or explain why it would be done. This is a typical defense, why something so brutal and foul and ask me to support it? I have no answer for you (Well yes I do, it is criminal and leave it at that.), but can assume ego, prejudice, fear, guilt, arrogance, pride, and lack of character are part of the root of the problem. Some people have funny ideas about how things are done and small towns can and do typically exhibit these warts. I know a neighbor in that town who kept her son locked in the basement, I was too young to know better, but I should have told someone about it a long time ago and wonder how long that went on. My parents knew about it for a long time and they lived right across the street. Does that help put this in perspective? Lock a child in the basement? Or cut him with a knife to tattoo, scar, brand him like cattle, and cripple him? Actually measure to make the mark? These are backwards folks.

Darrel, I appreciate your story and can understand where you come from, my parents were abusive, but were likely smarter than yours. They knew what they could get away with. I think for you, and I hope this is the case, something was done about this abuse, as in you had ONE OTHER HUMAN BEING admit it happned at all, and that someone intervened to fix it. As in, do you still have contact with your father? Has that been made right? Was there any contrition on his part? Are you in a safe place now? These are all important questions. I suffered for decades in serious, chronic, constant, pain, physical and mental anguish. I built a career on top of all of that, and someone else, 22 years later, attacked me again and nearly killed me. So, this would be akin to you building a life as you are doing, and then have your father arrive 22 years later to put you into a coma, or worse, and take it all away again. I do what I can, I have some serious handicap, ended up homeless as a result of this, not many people hire homeless engineers, even good ones, and at some point enough is enough. I am glad you were able to get out from under what must have been a terrible situation, there is nothing worse than depending on someone for food, shelter, clothing, and support who uses that as leverage to get away with murder. And I'll bet sometimes you even forget the bad, and wish to have a relationship with your father, am I wrong? So, my wiser side tells me I need to embrace the pain if you will, even just a little, so I don't end up back in with a father, as you have, who would beat me to death. I hate to make it so blunt, but this is where I am at. I am sorry this happened to you, I possibly understand some of it, but I did not live in your shoes. I am sure that hurt, and hurt a lot, in many ways. And I'll bet it still does. For me this is a funeral, I lost a wife, a home, a career, and a family as well as my sense of belonging to a community that I called home. Going back there now is a huge problem for me. I never had the chance to have kids, and likely won't. I am glad you have been able to move on, I spent the last seven years homeless and near dead, a lot of time was lost. Before that I suffered in ill health since 1981, so this went from bad to worse as they say. But you are right, life is not fair, and I think the Police need to put that on the side of their cars from now on, something like:

To Serve And To Protect (Those who we feel like protecting, and only those who we have not victimized such that we have to investigate and arrest ourselves, and those that we like and only if we have time and it is worth our while. Otherwise so what?)

You need to read the fine print and your mileage may vary.

Jes you need to realize, if somebody harmed you and broke the law, they would want to get away with it, why is that so hard to see in this? Criminals are by definition dishonest and if you would cut and kill me, you'd lie to me and others about it. I don't see many killers showing up, or crooked cops, saying I'd love to get the death penalty or be stripped of my gun and badge and my career ruined as a result of kicking the snot out of somebody and then signing my handiwork with a KBar?

That and this is a black eye for law enforcement and government and we can't have that can we?  I need to read more about Kent State, but the fact those families received apologies from the police was about like making the earth stand still. The cops did NOT want to do it and they knew they should have.  Same thing is true here, you don't do this to people, this is dark ages communist crud.  Or just call it what is is, a bunch of felons running the show.




#66Consumer Comment

Thu, November 19, 2009

Life is not fair to most of us. When I was young, my father used to beat me til I was unconscious. He'd get drunk and start pounding on me and my brother. I have scars from the wounds he delivered to me with a leather leash used as a whip. Back in the 60's and 70's when this occurred, everyone looked the other way. I had to endure years of suffering, emotional and physical.

I cannot control what others do to me, but I can control how I react to it.

I chose to accept the pain of those years, since I cannot change it. Getting mad or angry will not make it go away. I can start a ripoff page and let everyone know it happend, but what's the point?

What happend, happend. It does not change what opportunities I have now. I choose to live "TODAY", and not re-live yesterday.

I make 6 figures and have a beautiful loving wife. I have 3 children that I have never spanked or beat.

Life is really really good to me despite the pain of my past.


New Hampshire,
Why pick on the Police and Fireman

#67General Comment

Wed, November 18, 2009

You know.  If something happened to me and I had absolutely no memory of what actually happened but I woke up in the hospital, I was severely injured and I found out the Police and Fire Rescue brought me in?  My first thought would be that I had been attacked by a criminal/psycho, someone called 911 and the Police and Fireman responded to help me.  Just sayin'.

I have had enough problems with the Police to know that they are not always the best people and can be as bad as any criminal that has ever walked the street but to the best of my knowledge they don't typically go around beating up people and performing street surgery on them at random for no reason.

If what you are saying is true than there is a lot of backgrouns that you have left out (or you are one of the most unlucky people I have ever heard of).


Here, this is less than one page.

#68Author of original report

Wed, November 18, 2009

Also consider how we tried the punish the victim approach first so we could later claim we used it to inform him that we knew what was going on. In that we punish him with the truth but claim not to know it, or not to care or admit that it matters. That is an interesting bit of wisdom in what was done here. So that way he could appeal all of that and we could then pretend to get it right then and that we did it to search for the truth. In other words the truth WAS known here for some time and that fact was made clear to me all along, just that I was misled about it. An important point of fact. They had knowledge and kept it from me, acted upon it, and denied it all at once.


As in all legal battles result in a loss for some reason, and they ALL go the wrong way to protect the guilty.  Why would that be?



Earth to Dr. Tim.....Today's blue plate special...Free Medical Advice. Worth every penny.

#69Author of original report

Wed, November 18, 2009

Tim, I have never seen anyone as callous and dishonest as you, well maybe not, but you come close. I feel you have some serious emotional issues as well as character flaws that somehow allow you to show up, not know one thing about my past let alone me, and then by some delusional and grandiose manifestation of your inflated ego and need to be in control you pretend to offer a medical opinion and suggest a course of treatment as well as a diagnosis to boot. I feel your delusions of grandeur and maniacal tendencies cloud your judgment and force us all to run around bowing to your will in order to coexist with you in this world. Your feelings of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience that would allow you to divine this diagnosis from typed documents as presented on this website speak to your distorted perceptions of your own self and overstate your abilities so profoundly as to cause us all concern you may destroy the world and us with it with one flick of your pinky finger should we type something wrong here or use too many words, large ones at that.

I feel you need to seek immediate therapy and a treatment regimen consisting of protracted court battles, retention of overpriced and underuseful legal representation for same, large financial judgments against you, professional censure, and possibly incarceration for impersonating a physician.

You sir have today's vote for the most recent RipOff and, you got it, "Two Faced Creamy Police Brown Noser".

Still protecting the guilty by beating up the victim are we?


You are too much.

#70Author of original report

Wed, November 18, 2009

How dramatic: Tim Sez: "Seek help for your own sake."

Is everthing in life solved with a pill or a doctor? If you get robbed, do you pop a pill to feel good about it?  Come one, be honest with yourself first then with me and the rest of us.

There, was that few enough words for you all?



Sorry Tim, that won't work out.

#71Author of original report

Wed, November 18, 2009

Tim, I'd not waste my time with that for obvious reasons, mostly that I don't need someone to tell me how to feel about being harmed violently. They won't fix anything. Thanks anyway and good luck with that.

sylver8248 Sez: "The point I'm trying to make is...Every one of your rebuttals, is REALLY REALLY long...and quite frankly, I'm not going to read them. I doubt anyone else is going to either. Especially when you are replying 4-5 times (or more) a day (often times, even when no one else has left a comment). Keep the information simple, otherwise you are wasting your own time writing endless rebuttals that no one will ever read."

This is also not true, I only reply when others show up and make additional suggestions or offers of advice or comments, this site for some reason, places your comments and my replies to them OUT OF ORDER and with that unless you look at the dates it all gets confused. Looking at the bottom post by Opana you can see the date is earlier than my replies that are in the middle of the page for some reason.

As for nobody reading this: You are wrong again, people must be reading them since they keep commenting and that generates replies from me. So it seems to be working, what is wrong with dialog? You can't read and can't talk, then why bother? I can't help it if I have something to say, I won't apologize for it and if there is too much to read, then don't because this is the last time I will tell someone that I can type, I can talk, I have something to say worth listening to and if you can't bother with something that takes more than 5 seconds, then I won't bother with you. Go get a copy of Dr. Suess and get out of my face. But to be fair at least you offered some tangible reply other than ::ROLLS EYES:: YOU ARE INSANE.....YOU USE TOO MANY WORDS....give me break and get a clue, oh, and grow up. I also have no doubt others WILL read them do so. You likely are in the minority with that. Guess what? I have some experience, a ton of it that might kill you otherwise to get, that you could benefit from, consider that. I've been through a lot, more than just this complaint, and have some things that could enlighten you but you prefer not to see that. It matters not to me. But everyone has to take a shot, get the knife in again, or show up and make fools of themselves. My feeling is let them and I will keep responding, I don't care.

The point is I WOULD NOT rely on a therapist to tell you anything like this is acceptable or that you have no right to be upset about it. I'd advise against it as a matter of fact. They and that would be classified as another RipOff and you guessed it, would generate more words being typed here.  Oh God, I can hear the pissing and moaning now.....


Grand Haven,
Seek help for your own sake

#72Consumer Comment

Wed, November 18, 2009

Anonymous . . .

I'm not here to judge the validity of your report. I have no reason to disbelieve your main allegation, and I don't have a problem with the fact that you're bringing it up a few decades later.

I'll try to be as tactful about this as possible: you need some therapeutic intervention. I've never seen someone write SO much about the same subject, and in such a repetitive fashion. It's highly indicative of a serious emotional problem. 

And honestly, there is not enough time in the day to read all that you have posted. I doubt that anybody has read more than ten percent of it.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this incident has caused you some serious emotional trauma, and there is no reason to expect it to dissipate over the course of time without help.

If continuing this thread is giving you some kind of emotional release, then by all means continue. But if you're just reliving painful events, and getting increasingly frustrated with your unreceptive audience, maybe it's time to throw in the towel.

Do yourself a favor and seek some counselling. Forget about advice regarding lawyers, you're way too late for that to do you any good anyways.

For my fellow readers, especially the purported social workers who have weighed in on this: please recognize what you are dealing with here and treat it accordingly. Have a little sympathy for god's sake.

Best of luck, anonymous, and I hope you can get this all worked out.


The point I'm trying to make is...

#73Consumer Comment

Tue, November 17, 2009

Every one of your rebuttals, is REALLY REALLY long...and quite frankly, I'm not going to read them.   I doubt anyone else is going to either.  Especially when you are replying 4-5 times (or more) a day (often times, even when no one else has left a comment).

Keep the information simple, otherwise you are wasting your own time writing endless rebuttals that no one will ever read.


Pragmatic as defined by you(Opana)?

#74Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Opana needs to be sure about definitions since pragmatic means practical, and if anyone here is rooted in the practical it is me. I have to deal with the practical concerns of getting through each day because of this and convicting a bunch of crooked cops should not be that hard, they already flipped on themselves. I don't think putting them on trial is abstract, or impossible, and I sure don't float around waving peace signs all over the place as people starve and bleed to death. It sure seems that those who would wish all bad things to disappear, not talk about them, and not fix them are those that are lost in the abstract. It is about assigning blame because until you find out what is broken, you can't fix it. When you stumble upon a body, dead one, other than mine it would seem, probably somebody needs to NOT assume they killed themselves because there may be a killer running around out there who did it. Folks that pay insurance, enforce the law, and have to deal with the mess have a burden to know the truth. Where is it here is my question?

I see the pragmatic view as well as the abstract, because I see it one way does not preclude me from seeing it the other way. By the way, read what I wrote and you'd likely arrive at that conclusion, the abstract tells me this is wrong also. I deal with abstraction and reality all the time, it is part of being an adult. Add to that my gut and instincts may tell me something else also. Anyway, good luck proving that peace and happiness can be summoned with the tip of your hat.  I don't need nor want a PhD in anything, they are a dime a dozen these days.  My life experience trumps that anyway and I have all I need to make this work but despite that, who cares if I did?

I also think your biased dictionary needs some tweaking as well.  Grab a copy and look up pragmatic.  You come here offering lies or was that an honest mistake also?



Opana Sez I know it all. More self envisioned truth from the panderer of useless factual data.

#75Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

No as a matter of fact I do not win and I DO NOT know everything, again you missed everything that was said here, no shock coming from you. You seem to be the only one with the monopoly on the truth that has me just putting up with all of this so it can happen again and again and again and again. If I knew everything this would never have happened and would not have gone on for as long as it did. The idea was for me NOT to find out about it. Did you miss that point also? I do know one thing, you offer some terrible advice. That and you refuse to get any of it, it is not possible and you act as a simple contrarian. I can't wait when others treat you as you treat them. Be sure to complain about something since not one person will care. I also doubt your life is perfect or did you break a nail? So when that next trinket arrives broken via UPS, even though you dished out $81 hard earned dollars, just smile and throw it and another $20 in the trash for good measure and smile smile smile, since as per you, it is all good.

And those who did this rely on your ignorance to get away with it. Everyone assumes that just because someone is accused of something or heaven forbid beaten as I was, they must have deserved it and are a criminal. I was never charged with anything and a crooked judge can do anything he wants. He knew better than to "Throw The Book" at me. That would have pushed too far and it would have fallen apart then and there as it should have. You need to learn that the enemy of my enemy is not my friend and the police are NOT friends of mine. That DOES NOT make me Al Capone and this has already been established. Even Al Capone and terrorists get more due process, rights to appeal, and legal representation than I ever had and they got a whole lot more respect than I did. And guess what? I did not take over the world, bomb the world trade center, or kill anyone even for profit which seems to be ok these days. We only worry about the folks who kill for fun, I guess if you actually eat and sell the meat it is ok? You'd have to ask experts like Opana since they have so much fun dining on my blood, personally I consider all of them killers and murderers. You don't get the pass for good behavior and polite axe weilding to cut up your victims in a civilized, Hannibal Lecter, kind of cool and cucumber like fashion if you know what I mean, nudge nudge, wink wink.

Just because someone attempts to murder me, does not imply or mean that I even have to know about it, that is the part you also miss. At some point the law has to intervene since it has knowledge of the crimes, that is ALL THEY NEED. Having knowledge of a crime and proof of it, requires action. The victim does NOT have to do a thing to make that happen. I can be d**n near dead in the hospital, that is all it takes.

As this Stacey person assumes in some wild, off the cuff remark that would have her believe that I conspired with my insurance agent and the town justice so I could get beaten and robbed, this is original. I also assume with that logical abortion that the victims of the World Trade Center attacks conspired to commit treason by selling their secrets to the atom bomb to the Eskimos along with their plans of such conspiracy in order that they could enact their own executions, without proper controls or structure and done in a public venue in order to allow all of you to partake and become collateral damage if possible, for such acts of treason when they come to happen such that they could reap the benefits of burning to death for disseminating knowledge they did not have and make it look like they were bad Americans. Does that sound equally plausible based on what Stacey presented as something that "Made Sense" in all of this? It is equally foolish and about 100% right on target as far as analogies go.

To sum it up? Your ignorance AND dishonesty is bewildering but does not surprise me, I do wonder why you come here at all? I'll have to start looking for some of your "Complaints" on this site if you made the mistake of making any so I can show up there and make you look stupid there as well. But really, that can be done without my input at all, see the points I made above about the police, it happens all by itself. Just open your mouth and stupid things pop out.

Oh and you offer your solution as being pragmatic? You say one thing, define it as something else, and would never live by it. In that, by definition of pragmatic, you would then say that there is nothing practical about having people tried and convicted for of all things attempted murder? I don't see your view, if this is what you call that "Philosohpy", as being pragmatic or practical. This was the offer I made in the last replies to what you propose, it is NOT practical since it is NOT legal and for a reason. That is by definition why this does not work. You offer the demise of your own philosophy by what you say but feign ignorance in seeing it. People solve decades old homicide cases, police get arrested for murder, innocent people get arrested, innocent people get killed, bad people get away with murder, it does not make your solution to just ignore all that is wrong, wave your hands, announce I know everything, explain to me why you are wrong, then claim it is me that does not see why my point of view, that is nothing like yours, is not realistic. I lived in ignorance of this for decades and the fact I was lied to about it does not change the fact it was wrong, you had what you propose now all along, and it was never enough. Now you claim since I have figured it out, I was right all along, but for the wrong reason, so now it will be better. In that you admit I was a victim of a crime, you threaten more in that if I DON'T get over it, I will be attacked again, since NOW I have the knowledge. I think to be fair you never implied that, but this would be the next genesis of that foolish and criminal offer to shut me up and let the guilty call the shots. The truth is this is WHY I was attacked again in the first place, to make sure I did not figure it out AND to keep me from doing this and making those that did it pay. You have the wrong thing at the wrong time again. When it is fixed, THEN I will get over it. Not until. What you do is again a pathology in that you attempt to exhaust EVERY permutation of getting this 100% wrong by steering, manipulating, and twisting the truth based on my level of or lack of recall of the crimes and the fact I was beaten nearly to death. So now we try this, then we hint at that, now we assume this, pretend that, once he sees this then tell him that, now suggest this and eventually after 28 years you see it for what it is and was. You now claim what they would like you to do, since they got away with it for so long, it is too late. What if you found out now, that in 1981 someone had infected you, intentionally with a rare form of AIDS as you slept. Now you are told in three weeks you will die as a result, how would you react. So before you fly off the handle, label me some kind of loon, consider that as a hypothetical, or consider you would suffer for the next 30 years and then bleed to death from your bowels and waste away to nothing. Is it all good? Or would you like to see that cold blooded killer made to pay AND to not do it to someone else?

I see the pragmatic view, THAT IS WHAT IF OFFER HERE!!!! Your view is if nothing else, fatalistic, defeatist, apathetic, or worse. Your view is criminal, since you throw the law in the trash and announce it has NO value or use at all. Seems fatalist also doesn't it? I mean make the next logical step and that being, when someone murders your loved one, nothing will be done, just forget about it. And now you beat me up because I am smarter than you? We don't even know that maybe you are just lazy and dishonest? I don't think that is fair either, I make an honest effort and DON'T consider myself an intellectual terrorist here. I don't need to prove I am smarter than anyone to make this point, nobody likes to get hurt like this and nobody should have to put up with it. You are so stingy you can't concede that you offer something you'd NEVER put up with then offer a callous and sarcastic good luck with my 28 year battle. So what do you want from me, an apology for being a cripple? You reduce it to luck, already discussed wasn't it? Are you throwing knives at me again? Then you offer more of nothing, keep coming back with the same chant of foolishness, declare peace and love and joy not unlike some cosmic version of Tammy Faye Bakker meets Mr. Magoo (Read that as daft, oblivious, and naive.) as a man bleeds to death in front of you. People like YOU have been the problem since 1981 and I see for some, you never figured out why that would be.

Good luck for you really is more apropos since you just painted a target on your back that says "Kick Me, I Won't Care". Or better yet, "Rip Me Off, I Won't Do Anything About It.". Or here is another one: "Since I am wrong and can't see a d**n thing, I just need to keep coming back to prove that point and have the last word to make sure you all recall my creedo of Get Over It All Defeatism." You need a hobby other than getting in the way of progress, realism, and truth. Courage, Truth, Justice. Or try this....Read the Ten Commandments concentrate on the sixth. They all make sense or do you throw all those out too, all 13?

I forgot, you live in Communist Poland, never mind. Did they appoint you the village idiot and spokesperson for the ethically challenged? I mean you make such an effort here, your drama and pleadings to make this right are without bounds and defy comprehension. My view is the pragmatic view, it is unfortunate that you offer violence, hatred, anarchy, and pain and carve a smile in my face with a stiletto. My arm smiles all the time and can wink at you with my elbow as well. Go back to selling your instant karma to someone else. You say one thing, and mean something else, making you today's, you got it: "Two Faced Police Creamy Brown Noser". As in you speak with forked tongue, and talk out the side of your face.

Be sure to come back again and do the same, here I'll write your reply for you since it is equally predictable. After all, my content here really pales in comparison to your offer of wrongs made right in keeping with this site's goal:

It is a shame that you did not die in 1981 and could have been spared the last 28 years of abuse, insult, injury, and suffering. We'd all love to see that happen and wish you peace and joy while chopping your limbs off with chain saws. Gosh this is golly good fun. There now, don't fuss over that, soon you will be in a better place and we welcome your demise since we come in peace. But since you lived, well then tough luck and don't take any wooden nickels, you need to be more of a bubble head like me and just wander around in a daze waiting for the next knife in the back.

Ignorance, apathy, and graft to you all!!!! And to all a good kickback!!!!

There, here is your blessing for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Did you bring the knife?

So are you done, really? Or did you have more to say that you have not already? It is repetitive and redundant at this point it would seem. I'll do as I please and don't need your advice. Nor does anyone else here.


Still waving the PBA flag for us? Made in Germany was it?

#76Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

And I think the "How badly can I screw this up" approach that has people weave their way around the truth as deftly as was done by Stacey, and others, parallels the plan that has idiots who did this concoct the looney story that they did. That speaks to pathology and knowledge, in that, how can I avoid seeing the truth here and get all of it wrong by refusing to see all that I KNOW is true? Statistics tells us that maybe some people will get some of it right and get some of it wrong, but fooling all of the people all of the time with all of it is not possible. As in, some smart people will see right through all of it right away if they take the time to actually look into it. Others will get part of it wrong, but the real crooks will get it all wrong somehow and in doing so admit by that they are not being honest about it. It is not possible.

Let me see, how did this work? You say you stopped this person for what reason? Then he fell over backwards onto the knife that he brought from home or did you bring that with you? I see, so you restrained him then and in the ensuing struggle, three other people held him and then you accidentally slipped, cutting open the back of his arm, twice, and then a third time thereby accidentally cutting through his ulnar nerve, is that right? You really wished to free the man from the ropes you tied him with and this is part of the Lutheran Religious Crackpot(Tm) defense whereby you wished to convert the man and save his soul along the way and do so by cutting his bonds and his bones? So in fact this really was akin to a "Virgin Sacrifice" at the Lutheran Altar of Truth and Enlightenment where this man's soul was set free from the bondage of good health, happiness, and complete functioning and you as an officer of the law, in accordance with your sworn duties to serve, protect, and uphold that law, saw this holier than thou baptism of blood as being in keeping with the rules of law as defined by The State of NY, The Town of Wilson, The County of Niagara, and The US of A? And did this appeal to your definition of and your personal prejudice relative to the notion of separating church and State? How about the right of the people? Did this man have a chance to appeal the decision for your Shanghai of him into your fold of religious flakes, crackpots, loonies, killers, and Praise The Lord axe murderers? I think the answer is that no, these people had no right to do this.

And you and others come here and judge me for the foolish story that was told about this, I agree, it makes no sense. I don't buy it any more than you. There is a certain amount of truth about beating a man and not leaving a mark, this speaks towards that since all you need to know is that what you see was done with a knife. A bullet would have been a different problem, as would a police sidearm being used to fire it, that generates paper, I think this did anyway whether those involved know it or not, but the fact this was done with a knife, that it was not an accident, and it took knowledge, means it is a crime. The rest of their story can be discounted since this alone discredits it. Anyone with half a brain that took the time to look knows that.


I am intense? How about people who knife folks for fun? What are they?

#77Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

I also love the comment Stacey made that would claim that "Insurance fraud is a federal offense and if your insurance agent helps you commit it, he is in trouble too." and then ask me if I have coverage for psych care. It really is amazing how many people jump on the beat up the victim parade float and then start shoving psych defense down our throats. Expain to me how me getting beaten, carved up, and losing a brand new car (I saw no money from it as a result of it being taken) makes me guilty of insurance fraud in which I conspired with my Insurance Company who was represented by the Wilson Town Justice William Ganshaw the presiding judge in the charade? In all of what that screams, I just don't see where that makes ME guilty of insurance fraud. I think making that cross galactic stellar leap of foolishness makes you look a little bit, lets say, grasping at straws to protect some fairly dishonest and violent folks. I agree, they made it a federal stink with that also. Ambushing me and doing this and then claiming I did it for profit of $0.00 in "Selling" a basically new car so I could be cut to the bone and left to bleed out makes you also look like a Psycho I am afraid to say. You are insane to suggest it as a matter of fact.

For Opana and others who say just "Get Over It". You missed the point that scared people who see this getting to court, as I aleady mentioned about a dozen times before, continue to stalk, harass, threaten, and assault, yes, assault me and if left to continue, one day they will succeed. As I said before, the police continue to break the law and apply pressure in order to protect their "Interests", that being not being prosecuted. They also would like to try the "Kiss and make up" defense that would have me just say "Gosh shucks, it is all goode now...gee whiz.". Well excuse me if I am not that stupid. You can feel free to drown in that bucket of snot and foolishness, I'll not bother to save you.

I guess it was not that important since I don't see either of them or anyone else making anything that resembles a valid support of the Da da da da......Federal Offense Stink that Stacey so brilliantly waves under our noses with all her self envisioned expertise. Next she will show up and claim I hired the cops to chop of my arm as a publicity stunt and for profit so I could run for public office in some twisted and backwards version of 'The Fugitive' that would make me equal portions of the one armed man (A cop as you recall who did the killing), Richard Kimble (A doctor as you recall), and Kimble's wife (Murdered as you recall for profit). Sounds about right? Seems like lunacy to me and thanks for suggesting it, it was a brilliant idea to offer that I planned to get carved up for profit and fun. We all love when flakes, idiots, and loonies crawl out of the woodwork to rear their ugly heads and air their stupid notions in public. Of course the dishonest twisting and intentional non-understanding of what I clearly wrote also tells us you don't care to understand which means something else. In that you did not abide by the terms of use for this website, in that, you just came here to make personal attacks against me and did not even offer your "Honest" opinion. You actually it seems came here to enforce your version of censorship in order to conceal crimes and then claim to accuse me of something as a result with your outlandish and paranoid delusion that offers I was a party to the planning of a roadside stomp fest. That makes you a criminal. I have a different pill for that. You could mail me a hate letter or chain letter, that is also a Federal Offense. What is your point beyond the fact you endorse violence and care to insult victims of same about it and view those who did this as "Above The Law" and refuse to see it any other way AND have such expertise and personal knowledge of me, a perfect stranger almost 3000 miles away who you have never met, that would cause you to attempt to attack and discredit me with the vehemence you'd display here? I assume all people that the police knife on the side of the road in your mind deserve it especially if they use Cutco Cutlery from home to do so? And you somehow blow more smoke on the a*s end of that and offer that tripe that I conspired with a magistrate, insurance agent, police, and fire rescue personnel, all of whom I have no relationship with, in order to come out on top 28 years later and suffer some fairly painful handicap so I can have some pretty scars for you to admire? Wow is right, you need to read more Science Fiction or something since your grasp of reality has certainly pointed out the obvious to me, thanks for that ray of sunshine on this mess.

What you just did is to make this look just as dirty as it is, and by doing that, you bring into focus the fact that people like you, desire to protect people like them, and offer such foolish flim flam and hucksterism in order to play us all as fools. The cops try this all the time and it is a sales pitch and you can tell they don't even believe what they are saying and they can't help from smirking about it, thinking they are all big and smart and clever and can just bully their way through this. Guess what? That is until they realize, they came there for one reason, as in someone assaulted me with a car, and I then start to discuss the knife work, the attempted murder, guess what happens then? The smile evaporates, they start to stutter, and in ten seconds head for the door mumbling something like "I will get back to you". Guess what else? It has happened more than once and it will continue to happen until I see people in prison as a result of what they did. So to answer your question: No Stacey, I don't give a d**n what you think about anything. And people that stick knives in my flesh and hold me so others can do so do NOT have opinions I care to entertain, not now, not ever.


New York,
You win, you know everything.

#78Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 17, 2009

You are just too smart for me. I'm surprised you don't have a PHd in something. 

It's unfortunate you can only see your view and not the pragmatic view. 

Have fun figting your 28 year battle.

Peace, joy and happiness to you.  You could really use some in your life.




The case of the missing noodle.

#79Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Honeywell Says: "Geezo people...." Well this is the point also, I'd not waste all this effort if it was not true AND I sure did not cut myself up like that. You have the photos. Maybe I backed into the ashtray of my car? I doubt that also don't you?

Ask anyone that knows me, those scars were there for a long time and looking at them you can be sure how they were made. That and those that did the cutting knew where to look. Oh and I did not hold still for them to do that. Consider how all that played out with me tied up and waiting to get cut like that. There is a certain bit of logic in hiding the identity of these people from me but this is not my problem. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time or in this case, some dreams do have sharp teeth.


I have a solution for Opana.

#80Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Or better yet, want to try and hit me with a car? Want to see how that works out for you? I mean that has been tried before, guess how those turn out? You seem to suggest that all of this is ok so maybe you feel doing this stuff to me or others is ok too and something we need to just "Get Over" and "Move On" about. The long arm of the law is a funny thing, do you recall what arm of mine got cut? And how long was it? These are tough questions. d**n tough ones. You break teeth with these killer quizzes but go ahead, take one and run with it if you dare.


Oh No??? IS OPANA....Ack...MOVING ON??

#81Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Oh my Gosh, where have all the Opana droids gone???

Here let's recall what Opana Sez: "Have you met Rita and Charles? There are two other posters you should get in touch with that use this site, Rita and Charles. You all can form your own support group for people "who need to get over it and get on with their lives" Accept your tragic past, because it is and now MOVE ON. Peace!"

Ok so we can form a support group for people who waste your time complaining about things on websites dedicated to accepting complaints. Next we will sign you up for the National Rifle Association's splinter group that hopes to remove all images from television, since the graphic content is just too visually distracting for you. Lets hear it for more televised radio!!!

But Opana speaks, we must heed the sage and ever so wise commands and words from Opana. MOVE ON it demands....my response is or what? Another bullet in the head? I plan to stay as long as I like, get used to it. 

Oh and you declare peace now.  Should we begin to worship you at this point? Send you charitable gifts and donations to appease your godly wrath and just stop all this bellyachin'?  MOVE ON it declares, this is too much complaining.  How completely unreasonable.  You would think I purchased a defective toothbrush or something, now that would be serious.  Can I add dental jokes at this point also or is that taboo in this forum as well?  You know, we only show up here to send people away.  Sounds like lynching someone then running him out of town.  Is that about right?

I mean please don't leave, answer one, just ONE of my questions, prove you read any of this at all and did not just cut and paste the same reply into the box once you saw I added another update.  Come on, say something else stupid, we will miss you if you leave now.  Please??


I see plenty of solutions for me, just no Opanaism thanks.

#82Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Oh really? No solutions for me? Now you declare futility in all of this and more loss? I never said that, you did, but then again you said a lot of things that are off base. But to get back to reality, you missed it then I guess, it is called convict the guilty, prosecute them, it is called a trial, ever hear of it? But you would not since you are a crook or anarchist or communist? I will have a nice life thanks, and you are right, you offered nothing towards resolving this, you just made it worse for you, and those like you and those that did this. I thank you for your diplomacy and support of a bunch of crooked killers and thugs, you've helped me out a great deal. You can crawl back under your rock now since we know what you are all about. You offered no solution, is that why you showed up here? To offer foolish and misguided advice designed to obscure the truth? Seems so. Or did you just have to have the last word? I mean I will keep filling in the blanks as long as you keep putting your foot in your mouth and as I go I'll put your other foot in there also. There is plenty of room for all your feet in there. Or did you need them to count to 20? But you are partially correct, your babbles, rants, and other nonsense did not one little bit make this arm work any better. Guess what? In all your infinite wisdom, power, might, and optimism, the darn thing still hurts like hell, does not work right, and cost me 28 years. Was this your expectation or have you healed the sick with a gun and knife and done so from a thousand miles away using a keyboard as a shield before? That is a cop story I'd not believe, I find mine to be completely believable. I know someone in Arizona who was stopped at an INS checkpoint and he dared to ask why. The cop threatened to shoot him in the back of the head when he was off duty for questioning his authority for the stop. I guess when they find this person dead with a gunshot wound to the back of the head, he and his family may be thankful he told someone about it just in case the evidence never gets located. Same thing for me, when I end up dead at the bottom of some ravine I hope someone does not miss the knife wound that is freshly bleeding even if it exactly overlaps the one that was made 30 years earlier.

But yes, thanks again, I think you ran out of drivel to dispense and made no progress here. You should have quit while you were behind. Sounds allegorically sweet does it not?


Honeywell is right.

#83Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Thank YOU!!!!! And this is the point, these zealots show up pushing the John Q. Justice hero and snake oil show and wonder why people see them as flakes and the liars that they are. And they don't make any d**n sense at all and can't even read what is written. They keep doing and saying the same thing and it all ends up back where we started from. Why defend the police at all? They don't need it and it is just a job, where it falls apart is when they break the law they are sworn to uphold. Most of them think this is not possible, therein lies the problem. And even some of these people pretend to offer some solace but load it with threats, slams, or other attempts to rub salt into the wounds, in other words it is just another mockery of the law and those that serve it. You can't punish the innocent and solve the crime wave you seem to want to begin with and chopping a man to shreds because you don't like him does not serve justice and this is the place to publish complaints as this person says. What is the d**n problem? What helps all of this despite what these nay sayers may think, is the ferver in which people will come to protect a bunch of crooked cops, it looks just as bad and they do this all the time. You should hear some of the phone conversations I've had that are just as bad. Talk about ego, pride, arrogance, and prejudice, man. You are right again, they are likely cops, friends thereof, and those that think they can do no wrong. And coming and telling me I am consumed with anger and pain is about as obvious as telling a amputee he lost a limb, or that the person you just hit in the head with a hammer has a headache. When in doubt, state the obvious, and then turn it into an accusation and see how that flies. Again, those that come and gripe about me would NEVER and I mean NEVER put up with this and probably that Opana is right, the anger alone plus their insult would have killed them long long long ago. I won't allow that.

I wish it were not true, but it is and it stinks, really stinks. They lied to me, and, they lied to you about me. You don't cut people like this and call it law. This smacks of third world and middle east ethic. They stole from me, cut their hands off. They lied to me, cut their tongues out. They attack and crippled me, take their life. It seems about right. Oh I forgot, this is a civilized society, or is NY in a different country?

Those that do and did this rely on the fact it is so bold, brazen, and audacious and this would be the defense of absurdity or unbelievability.  Crooks know that, do something so bad or so outrageous nobody will believe it. Or if you run the show, just lie about it and say something else happened.  As in we are playing chess but I changed the rules since it is my house and those rules say I always win.  Fairly simple, no need to make it any more complex than that.

There was no moral to this story, no wrong was corrected or made right, and no justice was served.  I think you will find that whoever touched this, became soiled by my blood and their lame attempts to hide it.  Even if they suffered in silence and paid for it, I never witnessed it, you were never given the chance to hear it in court and judge it, and with that you were robbed also.  Opana looks for more of same and worries about getting the date of the Green Lightening debacle wrong.  It was not 1981, and I know that for sure since this happened in 1981.  The Doyle, Griffin, dancing genitalia fiasco was years later as Wiki says.  More chaff.

I agree with this person; where is your sense of justice and fair play? Why all the anger directed at me? I don't owe you or anyone else anything and if you knew me I probably helped you out along the way or would have if you bothered to take the time to ask and know me. Instead most of you just heard something from someone and decided to take a shot at me before getting the facts. Now you arrive and throw mud to cover the blood and then declare peace while searching for your dagger lost in my elbow. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, right? Watch out for those guns that shoot knives and those boomerang bullets that come back and hit you in the arse. As this person points out, 28 years is a long time to lose and I don't consider this any where near resolved. I keep track, I remember what people say and do, and I have a long memory. I probably was not the person to do this to, I tend to follow up on things even if people try to dissuade me. But death levels the playing field for lesser men to prevail, and barring that, if your opponent happens to be right, and honest, and better than you, well just hobble him up a little to make it a "Fair Fight". Funny thing about starting a fight, eventually you will end up in one. I plan to make it one they'd rather not have started. I'll finish it and fix it good.


New York,
No solutions for you.

#84Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 17, 2009

Well, I am so sorry, but I guess there's just no solutions for you. 

Have a nice life!

Peace and joy,

Opana Z


More wishful thinking.

#85Author of original report

Tue, November 17, 2009

Oh, Opana, by the way, with the injuries I now have, it takes a constant level of anger to get through each day. In order to maintain balance, and to motivate the portions of the hand and arm despite the pain it presents, I basically have to stay mad all the time. You are right, it is exhausting, it will wear you out and it is like running a marathon constantly. So as for your advice, stick it where the Sun don't shine.

You need to start disseminating some realistic information and advice, here have some of mine:  It is ok to get mad, don't let anyone deprive you of your God given right to get angry about things that are wrong and things that MATTER.  There is such a thing as merited anger, I suggest you learn that and stop treating us all as petulant children throwing a tantrum over loosing their favorite Pez dispenser because people come here to express complaints about things that, gosh, you got it, piss them the hell off.

Look at the Police, they run around mad at the world all the time and they'd kill you over a parking ticket if they could.  Talk about self righteous hypocrites and thugs. Good Lord, try accusing them of something and if you think your crap don't stink, well try theirs.  So from where I sit, I plan to be mad for a long time, I deserve it and they asked for it.  Let them have some of mine now. 

You are welcome to participate or sit back and make fun of us all here, whatever bloats your ego and makes you feel all big inside.  As I said, it all serves what I come here to accomplish.  Truth is, nobody cares to have honest dialog with me about this and it should be obvious why.


Oh geez, that was helpful! Not.

#86Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

"You really should get out of your shack in the back county of Tennesse and seek help. All this anger can't be good for your mind or body." Nor can the pain that results from the injuries. You don't know where I live so you should not speak for it. Anger is a good thing when people do bad things to you. Why not get happy when your child burns down your house? You know, just get over it and smile a lot and get on with your life.

"Clearly you are intelligent, but you are overcome with rage that is consuming your life." That seems to contradict your earlier statements treating me like an idiot and child. You can't speak towards my state of mind, and would not know what is apropriate anyway since it seems there is nothing in life that one would get upset about for you, such as loss of loved one, loss of home, loss of a job, loss of a career, or being a victim of violence. I doubt you know anything about me or what consumes my life. You only see the effect (Myopically at that) without acknowledging the cause and you confuse symptom with problem and with that embellish, assume, force us to arrive at an apriori fallacious conclusion that again, protects the attackers and dismisses their violence or ignores it.

"You are stuck in the past and anger keeps you from enjoy life." I have injuries from the past that have not healed and have not been discussed honestly and openly. They need to be so that we can move on and treat them with the correct measures. Without that, the process falls apart and the legal process and other government functions also fall by the wayside. Consider how accurate is my medical history following this? How does that affect the rest of my life? My income? As long as you keep covering for others who did this, as long as they keep dragging it out and making a spectacle of it, as long as they continue to deny and evade it, the longer this whole thing gets delayed. I will just have to keep complaining about it until it gets resolved. Those that do this rely on people like you to get away with it and they hope the problem will just go away. It should have NOT been this long, late, or difficult to get this resolved and I will lay odds that when something bad happens to you, you will be in for a rude awakening.

"Do you have a wife and children? A hobby? Maybe you should volunteer at a domestic abuse center and you'll see your past (although horrible) is not the worst that can happen." That would be especially unwise since I'd have to be a client of such center and with plenty of people like you around to essentially tell us all "So What?, Get Over It" what would the point of that be? How would that demonstrate anything about how good my life is compared to someone else's? Another client of a domestic violence shelter, why? So what about them, they had a bad spouse? Who cares, how does that matter, they should just get on with it and remarry, right away. After all they did not have happen to them what was done to me, right? How does that help and why would you choose that? I may as well donate my time and money to the PBA so they can run around waving guns and knives in my face and piss all over my blood. As far as I am concerned, you can donate your time at an abuse shelter and maybe you can learn some respect, compassion, and get with the program.

"Take your anger that has consumed you, your time, your mind and life, let it go. Doesn't mean forget what happened, it means let the anger go. It's going to kill you in the end." My anger is directed toward positive goals and one of those is to make sure that people know about this. The other is that the killers who did this get to pay. One day it will kill them in the end and my days are already shortened as a result. Don't show up now to blame me again for the train wreck they put me on just because I am not "A Happy Camper". Again, you have too many excuses, and permutations to see all of this their way and NONE of it my way. Kind of like blaming me for having too much anger and blood pressure causing me to bleed to death from that knife wound caused by the rapier sticking out of my back. Do I make sense now? You have a gift for letting folks get away with murder and making folks like me wonder from what rock you crawled out from under? Did you see the father of this Goldman guy who's son was butchered by OJ Simpson? Did you see the rage in his face over this? He even had his day in court, I did not, but consider how he must have felt? If your kid gets murdered, where will you be on that? If he lives, will you be beating him up about it? I don't have children, it was not possible, guess why? Let me see, you still have an answer for everything? I can't wait.

Oh and so you know, ignoring this is not an option since I am obligated to let others know so I can seek and get medical treatment as well as other benefits that allow me to live.  Otherwise I would have died from starvation and neglect.  You need to steer others into that human dumping ground and not people who you really should be thanking for setting the record straight.  In other words, unless you complain about things that are not right, they don't get fixed.  Seems simple enough and again, that is WHAT this site is all about.......Do you like the way I type?  You seem to like to copy it, see if you can tell me where that construct comes from and what it is supposed to mean.  Of course you probably just do it to insult me and I can copy your style just as easy, already did actually, look up there for it.

Here try it again: 

- Begin Opana Template -

You seem to have all this misdirected anger and aggression towards people you don't even know. Such that you need to tell them they are wrong for coming here.

You feel a need to meddle in their personal lives and offer foolish advice knowing nothing about them, or the situation at all.  Do you have children?  Maybe your neighbor can murder them and you can feel good about it?  Perhaps donate your time reloading shells for the local crime lords and Mafia wannabes?

In the end, ignorance will prevail and likely be the downfall of us all, so why not foster and promote more of it.

- End Opana Template -

See, it was a piece of cake and I had fun!  Maybe others can try and we can share notes on it?  We can form a victims of foolish Opanaese advice support group and share cookies and bandages?




Geezo people

#87Consumer Comment

Mon, November 16, 2009

I don't get all of this animousity.  The guy had something happen to him, he found this website and he spoke his mind.  The last I checked, that's what this site was for.  Have you ever read all the stuff on this site?

Many of them are people complaining about being charged $50 on their credit card for something they didn't buy.  And that would tick me off too but this guy was wounded by the police and everyone has to gang up on him.  Half of these rebuttals are probably cops anyways, so we can write them right off.  The other half of them are probably people that spend half of their own lives talking about 'ONE TIME AT BAND CAMP'.

You never know if any of these reports are actually true but you also don't know they're not either.  The fact that it did happen to him so long ago makes it all the more believable that it really did happen since he is so passionate about it.


Opana, The Court Jester Speaks! Hear Ye Hear Ye...

#88Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

Hey Opana, since you are so smart, consider this, how many juries did I serve on that I should NOT have been anywhere near? Go ahead, take a guess? And should I still sit in a jury? The answer is of course no. Those cases should be thrown out and retried.  How long ago was that? What was the outcome? The cost? To who? See, I think you are so naive as to be beyond dangerous. You need to wake up and grow up.


In other words....

#89Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

We tried nice, and it never worked. So now we are going to try nasty, and that works, and works really well, despite what you say.  You need to slap people to get them to do something and rub their nose in it good and hard. So thanks for your albeit well mannered, but likely hostile, feigned efforts to help that really are nothing of the kind.

See I've dealt with dishonest people before and you'd be amazed at how many people show up with kind words that thinly veil something else.  I don't care, your input is going to be ignored ad infinitum since it really is worth what I paid for it, nothing.

A lot of folks in WNY knew about this for a long time and knew more than me, talk to them, you were around in 1981, see what they have to say about it.  You may even have seen me countless times in and around that area, the knife work you can't miss since I usually wore short sleeve shirts.  So where was your voice then?  I don't need it now, that is for sure, you had your chance for decades and not one person bothered to talk to me about it for almost 30 years.  Did you have something to say now?  I can't hear you.  Just put it on my tombstone.



More cosmic crap in lieu of truth.

#90Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

Opana Sez, Duh..

It is also interesting you never even made the mistake of saying I deserved this, which I did not. I was not even charged with anything, what a shock that is. Even so, you can't even say that because you never took it to court, you settled it on the side of the road in the middle of the night then you call me a revenge monger? You are one slick willy, are you a shuyster by any chance? How can I seek revenge for something I was told did not happen, it is not possible. And of course when someone sticks a knife in you, even these brave men and women of law enfarcement, as much as they like to brag and play tough, they won't say a thing about it. They don't want to lose the house, the boat, the Lincoln Navigator, and a career of being a crap shined hero, are you kidding me? Problem is? They already admitted to it, and that they lied about it. It is all written down and discussed, still nothing is being done about it. Why should I apoligize to you for you letting them STILL get away with it after 28 years? It should have been fixed right away. That is not my fault. If I am in a coma for 28 years, are you looking out for me? How about when I wake up? I guess not.

You seem to think I am some kind of festering hate bucket, I think you have it wrong and as soon as I walk around saying how wonderful everything is, you then show up to put on the other face and then claim I should be more angry over what was done. I forgot, you can't read, I already told you that. Next time you break a leg, or pinch a nerve, be sure to ignore it and get out there doing things, ok? Try having someone clamp a small vise grip on your funny bone (Ulnar) and walk around all day in pain as though you just bumped the back of your elbow. Live with that constantly and if you do break a leg, just ignore it and get out jogging on it right away, sound like good advice? You tell me, you just did the same thing to me. I think you need to be careful what you tell people about what you believe in since the next time a Cheektowaga cop stops you, you should be prepared to be dragged from the car and knifed to death because someone did not like you or your smart college boy mouth. Sound about right to you? I'd not put up with it or ask you to, but you seem to believe in it, live by it then. You know that old adage also, live by the sword, then die by it. The truth....It cuts my way, not yours. You only offer more chaff, we are here looking for wheat.

Oh and so you know, don't worry about me being happy, making fools of folks like you and the police, if there is any difference, criminals, felons, and cops are all the same to me, is something that gives me no end of joy. The more you stick your necks out, the more chickens we get in the pot. They broke the law, make them pay for it.


Another Bun In The Oven.

#91Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

Opana, in case you missed it, you are just part of the lynch mob. I think you also have the wrong country as well as the wrong website. You sure aren't an American by what you say. I had rights and they were violated as much as I was. You just come here to support that cause and continue to step all over me, the law, and the US Constitution. Stay in Auschwitz, we don't need you or your opinion, you are in the minority thankfully and Buffalo is not in the top ten places of enlightened places to live so that should not surprise me or anyone else.


I see folks like you a lot, you judge people all the time, you claim to be a Christian, but act more like a Jew who stands for nothing or hides behind religion to break the law, and you seem to always have it such that I owe you something for getting beat up or robbed.  It is all good as you say and all you can ever complain about is somebody making a bloody mess on your carpet after your friend sticks a knife in their heart.  If the only thing that gets your dander up is that somebody complains about something, not that the violent crime matters, then I suggest you take your own advice, and continue to hear no evil, see no evil, and speak about no evil and get over it.  Maybe spend more time NOT watching the news, local or national, DON'T read the paper, and don't bother coming here since you can't see anything through your rose colored glasses. Maybe bake more cookies or make some coffee, since food fixes it for you?  You know, talk about the weather and change the subject when it gets too hot for you.  The guilty want and do the same thing.


Oh Opana, Don't you Brainwash me, Cuz I come from Alamogordo with a Tumor For Your Knee.

#92Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

"When do you plan on start living your life?" I am disabled, you'd have to read what I wrote to understand that. Again, I talk, nobody (Especially you) hears. What do you think I can afford at this point and short of sitting or living in a dumpster as a result of someone's violence, what are your plans for me for the future? Does your naive happy face solution to everything make the guilty pay or does it just leave me cleaning up someone else's mess as I've had to do all along and just put up with it?

But again, this point was already discussed in prior postings here. You failed to read it.

"Instead of being stuck in your rut of misery, hate and revenge? Don't you get tired of being angery and hateful all the time. It must take so much engery to be that way." My attackers still walk the streets, nobody has been charged, is that the way things work? Again, I talk, you refuse to hear. According to you the law has no use then, since that is just petty revenge? I already wrote this and as predicted you never respond to any point made other than to say get over it. Why don't you sell your foolishness someplace else, nobody here came here to be told to get over the fact they got ripped off. I live in constant pain, that takes energy as does dealing with fools who refuse to see the truth. You sell something else actually, and that is freedom for criminals, at least until you get burned. What happens then? And who said I am in a rut of anything especially misery and revenge? All I do is file legal papers, make complaints, express my opinions, do so without getting into name calling, and grade school dirt kicking as you and others do here. Don't get me wrong, a lot of harm has been caused and I need to live with it, you don't, you just pay for it in taxes, so get busy, we need your money and yes, you pay for it like it or not. You also pay the crooks who did it like it or not. You feel a need to twist justice into something else, it smacks of something equally dishonest as what others have done and STILL do. As in, putting up with you and what you do today, does not fix it since YOU and those like you, won't let it rest. I already discussed all of this and STILL, you need to come back and repeat more of the same foolishness that neither YOU nor anyone else would put up with. Look at you, you can't even stand to have someone correct you about ANYTHING here and you come to a website designed to air complaints and you pitch a fit about people doing so. What happens when someone really steps on your toe? Good Lord watch out then, talk about screaming, moaning, complaining, bellyaching, and God awful misery. You just have to have the last word and get another foot in your mouth, right? As I said, you did not addresss even one point I made other than to say so what and get the dates wrong about some piece of neon that you paid to build, and then tear down for no good reason other than to make a stink about nothing. You complain about where I live and how but you know nothing about it, I know all of that area and Cheektowaga is nothing special, that is for sure. There is nothing there worth arguing about and even so, as per you, who cares? Go buy another pink flamingo at Walmart and leave us to worry about things that matter since you don't have the capacity to do so it seems.  You just don't get it.  Not to worry, you don't make any important decisions here anyway and we can be thankful for that.

But again, this point was already discussed in prior postings here. You failed to read it.

"How many years have you waited to "get even"? Where has all this gotten you?" This is not about getting even, this has cost me my life and made it impossible to work. When someone robs you as was done to me or worse, what do you do? Do you consider having that person prosecuted "getting even"? I think you are lost beyond describe if you'd let this go without getting some sense of closure and, that is right, justice as a result. I never had any plan to get even at all, and since no effort was made to make it right, it of course got worse. You are a fool with my flesh and I am sure when it comes to you, your sense of fair play and "getting even" will have you do something 180 degrees opposed to what you suggest here. Do you know how many times I've had people do what you so erroneously accuse me of here, as in "Getting Even"?  More than you can imagine and it is called vigilantism, it is a crime. I have a right to express my complaints, tell others about it, and require the law to prosecute those involved.  Since you are so adamant about NOT doing so, are you also at fault and involved?  Why protect those who do this since doing so makes you look guilty?

Again, people like to put things off so they can later blame me for letting it go on for so long and that as a result this is my fault now for not being a "Good Sport".   You again tried to have it both ways, as in why bother now, just get over it as per you.

Let me ask you this, you do come here and tell all those who write articles about lemon law complaints, or bad business relationships to just get over it? Since there is so much more harm here for me, you feel a need to pitch a stink about it and beat me up with it is that it? I mean you could get on someone else's case about even bothering to write a complaint about a bad landlord, right? I mean just forget about the broken picnic table you bought and eat the $100 and get on with your life, BUT, since I've lost millions, nearly died, more than once, and have some scars not even you would care to look at, this must just be me being unreasonable? Is that it? Again, at this point, I won't even bother listening to your likely similar pattern of chanting that says the same thing you already said, you've broken no new ground with this reply either.

But again, this point was already discussed in prior postings here. You failed to read it.

"How many opportunities have passed you by because you're caught up in the drama of your past?" The drama is my fault? When someone beats the life out of you, do you feel having others blame you for that "Drama" fixes it? Your template is fairly simple, blame the victim. I missed a lifetime of opportunities as a result of the injuries I sustained, so why beat me up about it? Your question is apropos but the spirit of blaming me for it is not. This is the point, why twist it all as you do?  I missed plenty as a result of the poor health I enjoy from the violence.  Ignoring the drama of bleeding to death, you can try it, won't make it go away.  Close your eyes if you want, it still wont help you to "Wish it away".  Or did they let you out of first grade too soon?

You aren't going to regrow my arm or anything else now are you? And all you do is let people get away with it and in doing so keep the truth hiding in the dark. Try having someone attack you as was done to me, your opinion will change, forever.

But again, this point was already discussed in prior postings here. You failed to read it.

"Try living in the present. You're going to be dead before you know it. What do you have to show for you life?" Also a good point, see why you are wrong again as explained above by making it an accusation against me. Again, since nothing was ever done to correct the wrongs, and people like you and your bad advice, and the lifetime of harm caused, and as a result I have to live in the past since the past defines the current day. Did you read I am disabled? Should I say that again? I am disabled as a result of this, did you read that now? Here it is again, I am disabled. Did I spell that correctly? Did you read any of what I wrote in the last (Insert Number) replies? Or did you just count them. You actually work someplace? That must be a joke, they do that as a courtesy or something, a no show job? Again, run into the hospitals and trauma wards, shove everyone into the street and tell them to stop complaining and get on with their life, wish them as you say "Peace and joy........" and put your head back into the sand. You again made my point, I will be dead before my time and almost was anyway, that is the point. So how is the present any different than the past? You have not changed any of it and there is no truth in you, and nothing has been resolved.

But again, this point was already discussed in prior postings here. You failed to read it.

"PS: Green Lighting was lit up for 4 nights in 1981. Mayor Jimmy Griffen had it shut off. I saw the display and I didn't know what they were. i thought they were green dog bones...I was driving to work for the 11-7:30 shift." Your dates are wrong, check Wiki or any other article about it. The important point was not the date, again a number to you like all else, but the idea that a NYS Supreme Court Judge saw fit to bother with it at all, and he was later arrested for shoplifting. It should speak to the foolishness of the place you call home and the government therein. You do a fine job all by yourself sweeping some fairly violent dirt under the carpet. Tell the victims of the Amherst rapist to get over it and see what you get. Or those who built homes on the swamp there, or those who died or are disabled from using defective medications, tell them to just get over it. Why not do it in person and be a real hero?

You take the cake, you really do. But again, this point was already discussed in prior postings here. You failed to read it.

So anyway, there you are. As predicted, you concede none of the truth and toss it all in the trash and expect any reasonable person to put up with something you'd scream bloody murder about and come here to whine about someone being upset about it. As such you support it. You just were sorted, like it or not, and as such you stand for nothing. You cast your vote and with that took a stand as the violent felon that you are. Put that on your resume, or here, I'll do it for you. People like you are of like mind, they only see tomorrow and can't learn from the past, theirs, or anyone else's and you are too busy running from yesterday, you don't realize you never left it. You should know better, I was wiser at 20 than you are now and I'd think someone who's lived that long, would have something on the ball. I knew otherwise however, I know people almost twice my age who are half as bright and always were. I'd count you as one heading in that direction. So keep digging, you'll get to hell soon enough and I can show you the way. Here is your chance to spend a few minutes to parrot some other, equally lame and shallow reply not unlike the others you've already crafted.  

In other words, sell your foolishness someplace else, I don't buy it and neither do you and you know it.


New York,

#93Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 15, 2009

When do you plan on start living your life? 


 Instead of being stuck in your rut of misery, hate and revenge?  Don't you get tired of being angery and hateful all the time.  It must take so much engery to be that way. 

How many years have you waited to "get even"?  Where has all this gotten you?


How many opportunities have passed you by because you're caught up in the drama of your past?


Try living in the present.  You're going to be dead before you know it.  What do you have to show for you life? 


Peace and joy........


PS: Green Lighting was lit up for 4 nights in 1981.  Mayor Jimmy Griffen had it shut off. I saw the display and I didn't know what they were. i thought they were green dog bones...I was driving to work for the 11-7:30 shift.


Dot Dot Dot Dash Dash Dash Dot Dot Dot Dash Dash Dash ...---...

#94Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

Anyway to the folks in Murfreesboro, I think we addressed this already in my previous postings, you'd need to read them and not count them though. That is the problem with people like you who see everything as a number, you need to actually read the words and arrive at some kind of semblence of understanding which you prefer not to do. I saw a show last night that quoted Mark Twain among others and someone else said that making those people who's livelihood depends on not understanding something understand just that likely will not be possible. And we need to be not afraid of what we do not know, but to be afraid of the things we are so sure about and take for granted every day. We may be wrong about it all, or it may kill us when we miss something in the routine and cut that last corner. Like a friend of mine who lost his boss in an accident he would have known better about, being an expert machinist and rigger, he was crushed beneath his car while working on it on ramps by removing the drive shaft that held the car in park. It rolled off crushing him to death. Anyone would have known NOT to do that especially him.  Things are done for a reason and people who carry guns, and enforce the law need to be extra careful otherwise people like me get created. We are thorns in the side of a legal system that does not work to begin with and they made a poor choice with me. Do this to someone else and you would get away with it forever.  Do it to someone with skills and you have something else.  Do it to someone who has money, which I do not, you'd have a real huge problem.  Try doing this to Bill Gate's kid and see what you get or to Warren Buffet.  You trust these people with too much and give them too much power, they will take it all from you if you let them.  I say let them bleed to death on their own crap, I am done with it.

But I know, cops like numbers since that is all they know, but at some point you need to get down to the facts and actually use words.

Here try life according to you and when you get robbed at knife point here is how your interaction with law enforcement will go:

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, Describe the person who attacked you, 10-3"

You: 18.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, Can you be more specific, did they carry a gun or a knife?, 10-3"

You: 20.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, How big was the knife, did they wear a badge?, 10-3"

You: Three.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, How tall were they?, 10-3"

You: Four.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, Are you taking any prescription medication?, 10-3"

You: Three.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, What were they wearing, did they have snoopy underwear?, 10-3"

You: Six.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, Were there any witnesses?, 10-3"

You: Seven.

Law Enfarcement: "10-4, Hold still while I shoot you then cut you up. 10-3"

You: 20.

Neglecting all of that, actually read the pages posted by the hosts of this site, here I will take the liberty of quoting them:

Read "Thank You" e-mails from consumers saving millions because Ripoff Report protects consumer's right to speak out.

Or should I post this to the PBA website also?


I suppose I should shut up forever about this since it is not resolved and we exceeded the numerical threshold of truth?

#95Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

sylver8248 Sez: "You just posted, like, 18 rebuttals to your own report, scares me. You need help. " You had better count the words and characters also, that way you can get really paranoid. I bet you have a conspiracy theory also. Maybe I can donate my time at a domestic violence shelter or some other organization that deals with the handicapped victims of crime and Opana can show up and tell us what to say to people like me who you really have nothing to say to, and it would go something like this: "Stop your complainin' and git over it you worthless and weak sissy!". See because there is no excuse for this and nothing you can say will justify it, support, or to resolve it. Can you think of anything other than counting to 18 and giving up when we get to 28?

I think you are the one to need help, nobody helped me during this time and for the last 30 years, so why bother now? What do you think is wrong with me, I complain too much? Or did you just trip on the number 18 again? I mean try 17, that one works too, start at 1 and go all the way. 20 works, as does 81, so does 72. Try reading the court transcripts, that is going to be something like 18 PAGES....holy smokes, you got trouble there son. Maybe even 20 whole pages. Let me ask you this, do you eat more than three meals a day? I feel lucky to have one, you probably would have no clue as to why. When I was 18 I probably worked harder than you ever did or will, try that one out, and guess what else? Those that did this were older than 18, so was NYS, so I don't think we can let them off as juvenile offenders, do you? But I forgot, you again revert to the axiom of too many words to support your claim of what? I need help toward what end? A large check and a written apology and to see those who did this tried and convicted, sounds like the right idea to me.

You are a number, thanks for letting us all know in advance so we can ignore anything further from you. Go back to counting your fingers and toes and complain to God because he gave you too many, a sloth only needs two. And it seems your command of the english language would brand you equally lazy. After all, we admire your conviction and tenacity in your......fifteen word.......inaccurate and misleading mathematical dissertation. You probably think you are smart and clever and the inside joke is on me. I offer this, if this scares you too much, then maybe you need to consider this, I was not able to eat for 14 months, why not bank all that "Quiet Time" along with the 30 years I suffered in silence and consider this payback, does that work for you? See you keep offering the same wall of foolishness that makes you look insane, next time someone carves you up in the night or attacks you in your home, we will send the looney bin folks for you because you will be so gosh darn happy and pleased about bleeding all over the place masturbating with your or my blood, does that work your noodle? After all those people get concerned when people cut themselves with knives, or hurt themselves or others, and allowing others to do it to you is no different. It makes you look like a liar, a crook, a flake, and a lunatic to say nobody would be upset about such things and that 18 or in reality 28 paragraphs would be too much. I have typed over 5000 letters, get that. But hey, Indians, or Hindus, put large metal hooks through their chests and swing from trees suspended by them, so what is your point? I won't be doing that any time soon and don't need you or them to tell me I am or am not a man as a result. I'd lay odds I've passed more tests than you'd live through and even the ones that would not cost you your life you'd still get wrong as you continue to do here. Don't despair, you will be convicted by what you believe in and you seem to have some funny ideas, you are not alone in this world in that regard. The world is full of crooked and foolish people. So go run for that shelter of that mother's little helper, sound familiar? I have a surprise for you there also and it is a good one. Bon Appetit!

What is the score now? Me 33 and you zero?  Are you a n**i perchance?  Like to burn crosses and run around with bed sheets on your head?  We really want to know....Come on, you can do it, put a few words together and form a reply once you stop drooling on yourself.  Don't trip, it is slick out there. Why not write letters to all the news agencies and complain there is too much news coverage on, I mean 30 minutes of national news, what the heck is that.  Oh, by the way, what did you come here expecting to read? Boy's Life?



I suppose I should shut up forever about this since it is not resolved and we exceeded the numerical threshold of truth?

#96Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

sylver8248 Sez: "You just posted, like, 18 rebuttals to your own report, scares me. You need help. " You had better count the words and characters also, that way you can get really paranoid. I bet you have a conspiracy theory also. Maybe I can donate my time at a domestic violence shelter or some other organization that deals with the handicapped victims of crime and Opana can show up and tell us what to say to people like me who you really have nothing to say to, and it would go something like this: "Stop your complainin' and git over it you worthless and weak sissy!". See because there is no excuse for this and nothing you can say will justify it, support, or to resolve it. Can you think of anything other than counting to 18 and giving up when we get to 28?

I think you are the one to need help, nobody helped me during this time and for the last 30 years, so why bother now? What do you think is wrong with me, I complain too much? Or did you just trip on the number 18 again? I mean try 17, that one works too, start at 1 and go all the way. 20 works, as does 81, so does 72. Try reading the court transcripts, that is going to be something like 18 PAGES....holy smokes, you got trouble there son. Maybe even 20 whole pages. Let me ask you this, do you eat more than three meals a day? I feel lucky to have one, you probably would have no clue as to why. When I was 18 I probably worked harder than you ever did or will, try that one out, and guess what else? Those that did this were older than 18, so was NYS, so I don't think we can let them off as juvenile offenders, do you? But I forgot, you again revert to the axiom of too many words to support your claim of what? I need help toward what end? A large check and a written apology and to see those who did this tried and convicted, sounds like the right idea to me.

You are a number, thanks for letting us all know in advance so we can ignore anything further from you. Go back to counting your fingers and toes and complain to God because he gave you too many, a sloth only needs two. And it seems your command of the english language would brand you equally lazy. After all, we admire your conviction and tenacity in your......fifteen word.......inaccurate and misleading mathematical dissertation. You probably think you are smart and clever and the inside joke is on me. I offer this, if this scares you too much, then maybe you need to consider this, I was not able to eat for 14 months, why not bank all that "Quiet Time" along with the 30 years I suffered in silence and consider this payback, does that work for you? See you keep offering the same wall of foolishness that makes you look insane, next time someone carves you up in the night or attacks you in your home, we will send the looney bin folks for you because you will be so gosh darn happy and pleased about bleeding all over the place masturbating with your or my blood, does that work your noodle? After all those people get concerned when people cut themselves with knives, or hurt themselves or others, and allowing others to do it to you is no different. It makes you look like a liar, a crook, a flake, and a lunatic to say nobody would be upset about such things and that 18 or in reality 28 paragraphs would be too much. I have typed over 5000 letters, get that. But hey, Indians, or Hindus, put large metal hooks through their chests and swing from trees suspended by them, so what is your point? I won't be doing that any time soon and don't need you or them to tell me I am or am not a man as a result. I'd lay odds I've passed more tests than you'd live through and even the ones that would not cost you your life you'd still get wrong as you continue to do here. Don't despair, you will be convicted by what you believe in and you seem to have some funny ideas, you are not alone in this world in that regard. The world is full of crooked and foolish people. So go run for that shelter of that mother's little helper, sound familiar? I have a surprise for you there also and it is a good one. Bon Appetit!

What is the score now? Me 33 and you zero?  Are you a n**i perchance?  Like to burn crosses and run around with bed sheets on your head?  We really want to know....Come on, you can do it, put a few words together and form a reply once you stop drooling on yourself.  Don't trip, it is slick out there.


Keep those contributions to the PBA coming. We have more knives to purchase for off duty trims.

#97Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

So Opana, do you believe in the death penalty? Can you put yourself in the place of someone who would? Say a person that lost a life, a child, or a loved one? Or someone who was treated as I was? I think you do gooders and feel gooders need to get a clue. We do execute people as we are told but we are also led to believe there is a court system, I don't see it. But are the police just being spiteful haters on that one and just need to run around handing out free cutlery strapped to the hood of their crown victorias by running them into my back and then shaking my hand? I think you are lost. So now the cops are pushing Jesus as the way? If so, what happened to justice? You and they have both concepts backwards, last time I checked the cops claimed to be about the law and not about getting over it. Next time a cop writes you a speeding ticket, hope he either shoots you in the throat for going 5 over, or that he pays you $50 for the chance to shake your hand. What way do you (They) want it? You tried to have it both ways already, and got it wrong, care to try again? What is that about going to the well too many times? Or crying wolf?

But before you make some rant about me not being dead and missing all of this post as you have done in the past by asking questions about things I already discussed, I may in fact die from these injuries. I will NOT live a long and productive life as a result and will die as a result of this harm. Who pays for that other than me and those that would be guilty of murder? Guess what? Those that did this? They want to blame me for it, pretend it never happened, or make it "All Better", right? Thanks, we love you too.


Oh Opana, Don't you partonize me, Cuz I come from Bhopalopia with a skin graft two or three....

#98Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

Hey Opana, maybe this will make you feel better, you can light an aroma therapy candle, something like Blood Curdling Scream or Stink of Death with an essence of Bubonic Plague to make everyone feel better. Your optimism really is lunacy and I can't for the life of me figure out what gets your goat here so much you need to keep cramming golly gushy happy crud down our throats? People come here to complain and folks like you show up to give advice you really should be taking yourselves, like the comment about complaining here won't do any good. So we do need to advise the sponsors of this site that information and knowledge are not important and we all need to just get over it all, whatvever it is, and whenever it happens. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow? The only way to NOT let people get away with this it to tell others about it and this is the perfect place for this. I hate to sound trite but when you spend $30,000.00 on a new car that does not work and you come here to complain, am I supposed to care at all? Consider it from where I sit and with all that was said, and done to me, how should I and why should I care? The truth is I'd like to know about your experience because I MIGHT be able to make a difference, in that case I'd look into what you said, I'd consider NOT purchasing at that dealer, or even that brand of car for that reason. But again, you miss the whole point and it seems so does everyone else. Look at GM, they can't make a car that works, they proved that to me time and time again, and now YOU have to pay for it since they can't profit from ripping people off and your government wants to reward failure. The same thing applies to crooks who run the business of government. Vote with your mouth and your wallet and stop beating me up about it because you need to understand, these people nearly killed me and you won't put a dent in me at all. I can take anything you've got and keep coming back to give you more, this is nothing compared to what I did and DO have to put up with and had to endure. I lived alone for decades and was never so alone as when married to an abusive spouse and did so in some severe pain. So who's fault is that if I do sit alone in my "Little Shack In The Back County Of Tennessee"? You don't have anything better to offer there that is for sure and it is no skin off my back that you have some snow to shovel as well, better get to it, since I am not going to lift a finger to help. Again, why not visit someone in the ICU of some hospital and shove all the patients who drifted off into a coma out into the February snow for a Valentines Day hug fest to get over it? I mean what the heck do you know about my state of health? I have to ask this again, can I walk? Can I speak? Can I see? Can I smell? Can I hear? You assume this, you rely on that, you pretend not to know this, and you offer all that anyone else like you does, just forget about it. You sound like some Mafioso...."Hey......Fuggetta About It!!!!!". Care to sing Soprano for us?

But again, you can't read, you only cherry pick portions of all of this, and keep missing the point that I just pitched into your lap. So take a hike, you offer nothing other than making you look a fool. Check out my other posts, you all seem to get so prickly about this one, why is that? I have others you are going to love and need to get on those today. This is going to be good.


Oh Opana, Don't you lie to me, Cuz I come from New Havana with a dentist on my knee.

#99Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

And of course you still avoided the entire concept of the post and ALL of the concerns with your reply. Good luck with that, I don't buy it and doubt anyone else will either. I thought I'd add that. Since the silence was deafening in your reply in regard to the matters of concern and you still left the truth to die in the dark.

Do you get paid to do this? A professional spin doctor and prevaricator?


Oh my gosh, is my house broken down and gimpy?

#100Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

Opana Sez: "Spending too much time alone in your little shack?"

Oooh, you forgot the part about the screaming, bleeding, starvation, homelessness, pain, handicap, anguish, and other concerns that are concomitant with losing part of one's anatomy, or did you not figure that out? I spent 30 years suffering, as a result of this and now you make this end around to blame me for the current situation? As a matter of fact my place is likely nicer than yours, I used to own a home, and I've travelled all over the world, likely farther than you will ever go. You see despite all of this, there are those that never had enough, and just making it all good as you do here never got it resolved. I am a victim of other crimes that followed on later and enough never was enough. You represent and promote anarchy and vigilantism with your advice. If it was you, you'd be seeking justice and accountability for those who did this. Tell me you would not. But you, like those like you, will not directly address even that point, mark my words. You will read this and completely gloss over it. Here it is again: If it was you, you'd be seeking justice and accountability for those who did this. Why is that important? I leave that for you, the expert, to figure out. In any event, what do you care? You care not about my state of health, you prefer to insult me about it, and just make it seem as though it never happened. Why? What is wrong with the truth? Again, you are not honest. You just revert to the same old chant that sounds like you just fell off some Reverend Jim Jones' rattlesnake show and holy roller parade float. Again, you just fired all the police, judges, district attorneys, and anyone in our legal system with your philosopy since we don't need them. They can be replaced by a one liner that you so sagely offer in: "Don't worry about it, just forget about it and move on.".

I think donating my time and distracting me from making others aware of this and getting to the truth of the matter is again, dishonest, and we had this all along. I think you underestimate the harm caused here and the trust that has been lost as a result. But to answer your question, I donated time and money to such causes for decades and eventually it just was lost all over again when a spouse attempted to murder me as a result of this mess that started in 1981. You see, when you do this to people and leave them to die in the street, and tell lies about them, as was predicted, others will act upon it. This it seems is the American way and part of "Getting Involved". What makes you think I have anything to offer those like you who make a joke out of all of this? Discussing this with you is about as much fun as pulling teeth, I bleed and and suffer, you enjoy it. I think you will find the same will be true of others who have no soul, just like you, until you have your day in the sun. You will learn it eventually, it may take a long time, but if you were driving in 1981, then you should have figured this out by then already.

I appreciate you attempting to help after insulting me about this initially and if nothing else you get a "T" for Teflon persona and that was a nice segue to be sure. I don't agree that my ire is misplaced, unwarranted, out of line with reality, or anything that any other person would feel once he or she found this out and did so after it got as bad as it did. There is a cost for avoiding the truth, and that may seem like kid stuff, but even the police know that. You can't hide from the truth and they had some very good lawyers. It won't help them. It only takes one violent act, and there are many here and they all started there in 1981. I know desperate, guilty, and shamed men and women when I see them.

The point of Doyle was that he ruled on this in something like 5 days, wanting to keep the thing, and I sit here wating for my day in court for 28 years? You paid for that also. Also note Doyle was arrested for shoplifting in 2006, he stole an inkjet cartridge from Target. Do you think he was starving to death and wanted something to eat? I doubt it. You paid for that also. He even got some top notch media coverage to be sure. Oh and Green Lightning did not exist in 1981, you see, you spin more fairy tales. You must have seen something else. I think it was built over a span of two years and dedicated in 11/1984. But if you want something more current, for what it is worth, my left arm and hand still do not work, and that is as of this morning, does that count for anything? Oh and it still causes me constant pain. Here is some extra credit and a quizz, how does that affect a person and should I have to pay for it? How much do I owe you for the surgery and now your attempt at "Cosmetic Surgery" to make it look better? Or better yet, consider this, you provided GM $13 Billion to burn and waste in just the first quarter of this year and last year's burn rate was also in the billions. Since you clearly are not concerned about my health, safety, welfare, or the legal concerns here, you must be just in it for the money? See you sound like a legal droid who can't see he's painted into the corner, you protect those who break the law, those that cause personal harm, even death, and then care not to prosecute the guilty, you make a joke of the harm caused, or the fact the victim is upset, and then you pretend to stand on some legal, moral, or ethical foundation and then add a dollop of Florence Nightengale. In other words you are lost and I get this from the police all the time. Are you by chance affiliated with law enfarcement? You talk in circles just like them and eventually you all do the same thing, hover out the door when you figure out you've been had. This is their fault and they know it. I don't need to run that by every crooked cop out there to prove the point. I think the fact you feel a need to respond at all seems odd. You offer nothing and only make it worse. The more I talk and type the worse I will make it for you or those who did this or support it, it is fairly simple.

Good luck and peace? I think you need to spend less time gambling with other people's flesh and this is again your problem. You reduce the justice system and your government to a crap shoot, kind of liking ordering a pizza and wondering if they pissed in it, or laced it with Drano. Which would you prefer, door number one, or door number two? I think one needs to take your good wishes in context but I can also tell you: Don't take any wooden nickels, but I think you just did and I love it when people promote violence and demean result of same and then offer peace. Not unlike stabbing me in the back then shaking my hand. You have to run the rat race, not me, and I've dispatched wiser folks than you, so luck had nothing to do with it. It eventually comes down to who is right. That will be how this shakes out despite people like you who I enjoy discrediting, so keep coming back, I have time and better than you have tried and have not been able to make this right. You made no progress thus far but hey, try a slot machine, want to steal my arm again and give it another pull? Maybe you can pull my leg and see what comes out. Up to you, you know it all, right? So be sure to observe the rules of the road and yield and/or stop at all red lights and stop signs or someone may write you a ticket. After all, it is a dangerous place out there and not everyone who drives is an idiot, and not everyone will make up for your mistakes next time. After all you may fall down and get hurt.

You spend too much time building your house on a swamp, good luck with that. You need to get onto some solid ground and do so soon. After all, there is a lot of water out there and it is getting deeper, or have you not noticed? Pull your knife out of my house and stop complaining about the mess you made of it. Keep it in your pants for your next victim, I will make you eat it.


Must be using a different radix. I count 28.

#101Author of original report

Sun, November 15, 2009

sylver8248 Sez: "The fact that...You just posted, like, 18 rebuttals to your own report, scares me. You need help. "

Ouch, another numerology expert. And of course I was responding to others who posted here, this would be a rebut of those such as you who would change this media forum to something called the "Its All Goode Report". Going to break out the hearts, flowers, and the pity party for the State of NY and those brave men and women in law enfarcement next or the Cleveland cop who killed his wife? I think the fact you can't count, I see something like 28 well honed responses to some really lame crap akin to yours makes you a flake and guess what else? You got it, A Two Faced Creamy Police Brown Noser. See I coined that term for you and those that fall into the same template of replies as you do. Why support this at all?  I think doing so makes you look insane and well, yes thats it, Ted Bundy like. 


But basically....So what? Don't like it? Don't read it. What help did you plan to offer? Maybe pretend it never happened, does that help you out? Maybe chop off my left arm completely and destroy the evidence, makes sense right? I lost the use of it so might as well just get it done and put it behind you. Maybe you can work with that a little bit, here I can clench my left fist and you can bend over, ready? I have a surprise for you.


New York,
Spending too much time alone in your little shack?

#102Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 03, 2009

Wow, you are intense!!!


You really should get out of your shack in the back county of Tennesse and seek help.  All this anger can't be good for your mind or body.  Clearly you are intelligent, but you are overcome with rage that is consuming your life.  You are stuck in the past and anger keeps you from enjoy life.  Do you have a wife and children?  A hobby?  Maybe you should volunteer at a domestic abuse center and you'll see your past (although horrible) is not the worst that can happen.  Take your anger that has consumed you, your time, your mind and life, let it go. Doesn't mean forget what happened, it means let the anger go.  It's going to kill you in the end. 

By the way, I haven't thought of Green Lighting in years.  I saw it lit up when I was driving to work in 1981. 

Good luck and peace.


The fact that...

#103Consumer Comment

Mon, November 02, 2009

You just posted, like, 18 rebuttals to your own report, scares me.  You need help.


Thanx you HVN for another voice of reason.

#104Author of original report

Mon, November 02, 2009

HVN I appreciate that you took the time to respond and I knew there had to be at least one person out there that saw the light on this one. They say that knowledge is power and spelling is not important so there is no need to apologize for that, some people like to come here to enforce spelling and grammar rules at the cost of all else and with that shift the focus from that which matters to that which does not. My point is the same as yours, how can someone in Social Services come here to abuse people they'd be pretending to help, claim her clients are this and that and getting on with life, and then blame me for the mess she and others made. I wonder how she managed to get her clients back to work and if this is the case, I guess they don't need her. This Stacey person must have either insulted them back to work, or in her omnipotence just healed them on the spot and demanded they do so. My experience tells me that she is not alone in her disregard for that which matters. I also agree with you that some of the worst people around claim to be good church going folks. I think you hit the nail on the head with that one also. My parents were abusive, and you'd be shocked, or maybe not since you work or did work in that area, what people like that will do to keep people like me from knowing about it. And for this Stacey person who visits to twist people's words so she can feign some level of insult from that which was not said, and then to make fun of what has gone on, it leaves me to wonder where such as her come from? I guess the point is and from what she would have for me, this was done already. Tell her happy campers to get back on with life after being sexually assaulted, butchered on the side of the road, abandoned and abused by their parents, to get back to work and get over it. Then have them slave for 30 years as I did and marry a German national, then have them get murdered and live by their spouse. So what happens then after all that and a lifetime of work is lost, again, as a result of some violent, greedy, petty, immature, and dishonest person? The optimist club is a dangerous bludgeon to be using at this point, at some stage of the game enough is enough and those doing the harm are the first ones to scream get over it and wish it were all ok. It is not is the problem.

As for the law, they are at fault, so that means the State bears the burden, and law enforcement broke the law and shares the blame as well. As for your tax monies, they are already spent, you paid to keep me out of court, you paid others to attack me in more ways than you and I will ever know, and what I do know is enough and would make YOUR blood boil and not just mine. I paid a ton of taxes in NY State when I lived and worked there, paid school taxes to send your kids to schools since my wife and I had none, thank God, and I also, if you ran a business, spend thousands every month in disposable income. I worked long and hard and did so in constant pain, it only got worse and I nearly died, needlessly. The problem is your tax money is wasted in so many ways it is not funny and a lot was spent to keep the guilty running around in your community. For instance, my former spouse still works for SUNY Buffalo, spending the money she made from essentially killing me, and now making more from you. And she is not even a US Citizen, came over here to take my money, and see me die. Nice stuff these Americans eh?

You are right again, I hate to sound like some rabble rouser, or some tired old whiner, but I see banks fail, businesses go under, and people out in the cold and NONE of it shocks me. From my direct experience I see how it happens and the State allowed me to personally lose millions of dollars, my health, and all my property during this from its acts of omission, commission, and out and out crime. I've had businesses defraud me in the worst ways, GM included, selling me a lemon and ripping me off in car repairs on garbage products, and now we throw billions of dollars at them to reward their failure so they can punish my success and those who would take my life. Most businesses, the larger ones, seem to go out of their way to rip me off, offer me sub par products and abusive service, and it really seems to be done with intent and knowledge, in that they go the extra mile to make life difficult and with that we pay for it and so do they. It creates extra work for them, makes their products less attractive, and slows it all down. Eventually I say so what? Let them fail and be done with it, it is their fault and despite my wisdom and attempts to make things go with the flow, they buck it all the way. Seems analogous to other things in my personal life as well. The police had no right to do what they did to me and they know it, this was done as a personal attack against me no doubt and my family was part of it. They kept it from me and now waited until I had a spouse attempt to murder me to pretend to come clean on it and at the same time, since I now had knowledge and would figure out soon enough they were to blame as well, cut me out of the family. This also nicely allows my sister to inherit the $500,000 in lakefront property as well as any other assets in my parents estate and although they are not gone yet, we obviously could have benefited from sharing this property during this time. As in, at the risk of sounding trite, are stronger together then a family divided as they did. Others see this and realize it also, and they act on it believe it or not. The stray sheep analogy is apropos, get separated from the fold and you have trouble. When you are in ill health, had someone attack you, have no place to live, no food to eat, and the police can't and won't help you, as was known in advance by the way, your life expectancy is not very long and the odds are NOT in your favor. It is a miracle I made it at all and the idea was that I was NOT going to. Those that would work to make that last push down the stairs for me and failed, would later show up to shake my hand and say "Glad you made it" and offer to be friends. I think at this point choosing friends is going to be difficult and I think I need to recall the pain and who was there to make it all happen. You don't need to get nearly run over with a car too many times before you get the idea it was not an accident and the fact it is the police does not make it right. They did and do it for a reason, and that is to get away with the past. Desperate people do desperate things and some think that making threats, or playing tough with me will protect them and her. Guess what? They tried that and it worked for a while and they had to use others to continue to mislead me, my parents for instance, but when the support there evaporated, and I figured it out, then it was over. Point being, I suffered too much, they went for the jugular too many times and missed, and now not only do they have no credibility or legal, let alone moral, foundation, now I am mad AND there is nothing they can do that has NOT been done, and there is nothing they can take away. I plan to sue all those that are responsible, that is a great idea, I agree with it, and I also don't doubt that the police will fall on their sword and likely have already. It is funny to see police doing things they should not be doing and confronting them about ANY of this. They are as bad as and as stupid as the felons they claim to catch, and prosecute and I see them as all the same. I find it easy to believe that the police would make trouble for others and do so for fun, because they can and get away with it, and to feed their frail egos. These are not men and the women are not women, the men are weak and insecure, they hide behind lies, secrets, and a gun and the fact they are always right, and the women are no different and add to that barren as a Saharan tomb. What man would bother with a woman who knows no: respect, love, honor, truth, and who's character would have her abuse and molest her child, enable and allow it in others, and torture and kill others for no reason other than to inflate her sense of self, and would protect others who broke the law then come around here and make demands, threats, and accusations of me and claim some moral or legal basis to do so. I guess the point is, you hire and pay the law to make a mockery of the US Constitution, to terrorize and victimize the weak and law abiding in order to "Keep up appearances" and probably just to nose into your business, as in lets stop Joe Blow and see what he is wearing today and check out that new GPS he installed, my gang banger friend can lift that tonight when he is at work, to keep victims such as me from seeing anything from the courts, and to play God with us as toys. Do you think I am too harsh? I don't, consider what whas done to me and hitting a man as he walks across the street to court is a sure sign somebody does not want you in there to witness. There are not too many ways I can see that. Getting cuffed, tied up, and then cut, more like branded, tells me this is personal and you were robbed of the chance to sit on a jury and see your civic rights through. And you continue to have killers call the shots in your neck of the woods. How many people paid for that? How about the ones you don't know about yet? Consider how many cases need to be reviewed as a result and even Elliot Spitzer may cause the same thing to happen. How much work does NY have to REDO as a result of him, and say the police in JUST WNY? It opens the door to a lot of questions and calls under scrutiny that which they would prefer you took for granted, or would not talk about. This is the idea. I was never charged with anything, not a shock to you is it? And I won't and even so, this is not how things are done. You don't chain people up as pets and cut them apart to see them scream, squirm, and bleed. Those that do? Police? I have a special place for them since they deserve better treatment than Ted Bundy or Gacey since they are far worse. What I wish on them you'd need to speak to me in person to fully understand, and then you'd see the blood in all this, I can explain to you what I'd like to see for them is not very nice at all. We can start with that. The money fixes it some, but it cost me too much, took too long, and should have been paid me and this made right decades ago. But I want more, I want to see people lose jobs, lose homes, insulted in the worst way, to be cut as I was and to bleed like a pig and THEN left to rot, die, and be beaten daily for the rest of their lives in the prisons they were supposed to protect, police, run, and serve honestly. That begins to address it. This is personal as they say and I have ZERO sympathy or respect for them and those who would do this.

You are right again, this is a travesty and you paid for it so did I. I paid millions in taxes and other wages, earned and lost, that are all lost now. You paid these crooks to do this and they made and still do make you and I out to be fools with it. Even hearing them talk makes me want to spit blood and would you likely also. Make them pay for it, they can pay salaries to those who did this, they pay to make it seem like something else, to cover it up, keep it out of court, pay the medical costs, and that will only get worse, not better, I am not 20 any more, don't heal like I used to, it all adds up at some level, other harm has been caused, just starving for years is enough to kill someone, damage their heart and organs, make old injuries worse, and it goes on and on. It was a gamble, a risk, and investment for them to keep you in the dark and me also, as in invest to keep it out of court so they did not have to pay since they knew they'd lose, and the idea was to make them look good and right, and do so at the expense of the innocent and the victim, kind of like a public relations and cosmetic surgery scam on your dime to make you feel good. A placebo of law enfarcement. I think I made my point and I agree with and thank those that bring a voice of reason and even the naysayers (Kids) accomplish something in that I share more information and discredit more people along the way that need it. I want it fixed and you should too. You don't want this going on and it can and may happen to you. This should not be like the lottery where the law just ruins good people to prove it can and to play God. I don't worship the US, or the law, nor should you, they won't heal the sick, or create a life, or make right things that have been wronged and last time I checked they won't create a planet or a tree. They can shoot their guns all they want, puff up their chests and order another moon to orbit the Earth but my guess is that even with a lot of coffee donuts and threats, we will still only have the one we need. Maybe they will show up with another cardboard and duct tape version of Moon V 2.0, but I don't plan to buy into it, you better not either.


Ocean ShoresW,

#105General Comment

Sun, November 01, 2009

I am apauld at the rebuttals in this report!!  Some say they are College educated, but it is obvious that they have a personal problem with the uppermost part of their body stuck their exit cavity.  I know that is bad but I really feel like KMH.  I know first hand that the police can and will do whatever they feel like doing.  I have personally filed a report on an officer of the law harrassing a citizen because they didn't like him.  The report was found to have no merit.  I was not surprised at the result but did find out something about the internal affairs department of that particular police department.  They didn't care either.  I also had a friend beat up in a bar by two off duty police officers, because he won a pool game, was threatened bodily harm to his family if he reported them.  Not all law enforcement officers are morally bankrupt, however, it is beyond my comprehension that they do and can get away with such violent acts against the very people they have sworn to protect and serve.

Mr. Anonymous, you deserve justice for the years of having to live without the full use of your god given body.  I would sue the police department the state and the federal government if at all possible.  Noone has a right to decide if should or should not be able to do something you enjoy on the basis of their feelings about you  or what you are doing, as long as you haven't hurt anyone, or broken any laws by your actions.  

It is a shame but the older I get the more the american way seems to have changed.   Befor it was for the people by the people and now it is for some of the people by the powers that be.  American society from my perspective is no better than a herd of sheep.  They are easily convinced if the words are put in the right order.  I hear and see as my vision is not impaired, I wear glasses and my hearing aid works very well.   Although I am not college educated I do have common sense.  I know people with common sense don't disregard people that say something that is morally hard to accept.  I worked in the child protection field for over a decade and know first hand what a morally deficient person is capable of.  One thing I noticed is that the majority of the morally defunct people profess to be good Church going god fearing human beings.  Most child molesters I had to come in contact with were always good Christian folk.  My ex-father-in-law was a good Christian man that attended church every sunday and beat his son with a belt during the week for discipline purposes, told the dirtiest jokes that you have ever heard "But a good Christian".  Belt was used in my home for obedience problems, but not for long, guess that is why he is my ex-father-in-law.  Just food for thought.

To get back to the subject, I think that Mr. Anonymous should be compensated for the deliberate travesty perpetrated on him by so called protectors of society.  I think we as americans should be supportive of his right to peace of mind and if sueing the criminals that limited Mr. Anonymous from living to his full potential is what will make that happen I am all for it.  I hope that you will be able to get the evidence that you need to take this to court and I don't believe you can ask for to much.  I would be willing to see my tax dollars go for getting some justice for you, instead of seeing the rich get richer at the expense of the people.  I hope that you do get justice for the years you have had to endure the deliberately inflicked injuries upon you by the very people that are paid to protect.

In closing let me apoligize to those who will be critical of my spelling and grammar.  I am not a college educated individual but if you can understand what I have just written then I have not wasted my time.  I hope all of you can feel what this man has had to go through for over two decades.  I also want to say that Mr. Anonymous is a very strong person to have been able to keep it together for all this time knowing that he has been deprived of a physically normal life because someone didn't want him enjoy what we are all supposed to have.  I applaud your ability to keep your mental health under these circumstances.

Take care and good luck.


What goes around comes around.

#106Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

So in essence Stacey, right back at you and have it in your lap.

Consider this also, would not your off duty efforts and energies be better directed towards working along the same lines of those you would claim to help or would at work? As in why waste your breath coming here to lurk in the shadows to pounce on victims and beat them up for complaining? You do claim to help people correct? So as a hobby do you harm them? Do you get kickbacks from those in the medical community, maybe run around beating people up so they can see your friends for help? It just seems counterproductive, a waste of time and money, fostering negativity, breeding confusion, developing dissent, fertilizing frustration, increasing division, marketing violence, and making bad things worse and not to forget letting criminals get away with it. Is this the spirit of this website? I doubt it. I bet you don't have a framed plaque on your wall either that outlines this creed either.

Frame this and place it on your desk or wall:

Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to be free. - You are free to die in the dumpster and the insults are at no cost to you.

Here at Social Service we offer aid to persons in need despite, race, religion, marital status, gender, sexual orientation. - But only to those people we like and if we have the time.

But did you or anyone else once ask of me:

"Hey that is really terrible, are you ok?"

"Good God, where was your family during all this?"

"How did you manage to make it this far? Can you offer me any ideas if it were to happen to me or someone I love or know?"

"Do you have a safe place to live and food to eat?"

"What was the outcome of the attack? How did that affect you? Can you still walk?"

"Where are these people now? Does your ex-wife continue to stalk you?" "

Was there any lasting brain or nerve damage from the attack?"

Instead you want to show up and act like some little girl who is about five years old and says: "Hey look at the retard! He is a dumb retard!!! Look at the way he walks and talks! What a dumb nutcase this guy is! Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard what a dumb Retard Retard..."

So you see, I really think you have a problem and I wish you the best of luck on Monday at work. See I read something I happen to believe in and that is that experience is the worst teacher, it gives the test before you get the lesson and like many things, the world is a bit backwards at times. You are no exception, so keep walking backwards, you'll pass yourself slapping yourself in the face one of these days and maybe you will need MY help along the way, what should my response be to you at that time? And I know you like to hide and all that but fate is a funny thing, I've seen it countless times in action, but what should I tell Stacey when she asks me for help?


Stacey commits professional suicide in public arena. Blames supporters for her demise.

#107Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

Stacey Said: "How kind of you To suggest I commit suicide - Nah I don't take advice from unstable, irrational individuals such as yourself" I was being kind before but you know what? You aleady killed yourself by opening your mouth and saying what you said to me. You did it already lady, don't blame me for pointing it out to you. Albeit it was obtuse, but I spelled it out for you just the same and I think you missed it again. This is an ongoing problem for you and will continue to be for some time. Fools are quick to speak and you are a fool Stacey. Open your ears, open your mind and open your eyes.

I was on your side. But I don't need more nasty, cruel, obnoxious, and uncaring people around, I don't find it attractive, demonstrative of character, proof of intelligence, or a hallmark of authority.  Acting bad proves none of that.  You will learn that over time I guess.  I hate to disapppoint you in forming some fairly complex responses that add insight to your otherwise crude attempts at making sense about this and just finding fault with me about it.  Or was the log in your eye larger than the chip on your shoulder?

I don't feel your pain on this since I don't see you have any.  Modulo that, tough luck and get over it. 



Freedom And Justice For All.

#108Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

Even friends I know claim or would use the defense of impossibility making such statements as I see here with claims this could not happen but in their own personal lives have examples of just that with their direct experience. As in how could you nearly die from medications? I have allergies and have nearly died in just that way. Yet they would feign some amount of disbelief but then another day recount nearly succumbing to a bee sting, or nearly die on the operating room table. Doctors make mistakes all the time, you need to be sure you don't allow them to make fatal ones and not be put on the spot about it. And people for some reason have imperfect vision when it comes to others, even people they know very well.

I also know many (Honest and law abiding) people who have had some very bad experiences with the law.  And saying you can avoid the law is also naive.  You sign a mortgage, purchase a car, have a job, and with that the legal system is firmly entrenched in all of that and wait until you get ripped off.  Recall the name of this web site?  Or better yet, wait until some crook knocks you over the head and steals your purse or wallet.  Think the police will be helpful?  You better be prepared for the shock of your life.  It won't be much worse than getting insulted in the worst possible way only to see the cop later spending your money having a beer with the crook who took it from you and having the cop's brother offering to sell you some drugs. 

Our legal system in this country is a joke, just ask a cop, he will tell you and show you how and why. Or just try and rely on it, you'll find out either way.



Now accepting donations for the Police Brutality Association.

#109Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

See it is funny that only the reports about the police misconduct get such vehement attacks against me and attempts at rebut here and elsewhere, why is that? The police don't need your support, they get paid anyway and we don't have a choice, they are tough killers and crooks devoid of emotion, compassion, respect, or sense of right and wrong and don't need you to hold their hand. To them this is just a wild west shoot out where they can do as they please and pride themselves in wasting your money to make it all work with information share that has no limits or boundaries. I can have an Oklahoma State Trooper insult me in 2004 about the knife work his associate did back in Niagara County in NY in 1981, are you impressed? I sure am.

So why bother protecting them at all? Who cares what they think if they can think at all? From my perspective, all they do is shoot first and ask questions later. Now they want to talk about this? No, it seems they want to "Negotiate" about this. It never ceases to amaze me how I get attacked when I question the actions of law enforcement that has them assault a man with a car, threaten him, or cut him with a knife. Their position is not defensible and they already said as such, why protect them when they know this is their fault and by definition must? They have the evidence since they did it. The actions of those in forums like this speak volumes about desperate guiltly people making desperate attacks against victims who really you should not be kicking at all and doing so makes you look all the worse. You keep digging that hole and think you can prove something by attacking me, it will never work. That and part of this is ego that says how dare you question someone in law enforcement about ANYTHING???? Who do you think you are anyway? Well guess what? Put them on the spot and watch them crumble. Bullies are like that, once you call them, they will back down. Bully is too kind of a word, and even killers are chickens. They are weak and flaccid, it comes down to character, and what is right. It IS that simple. And they had knowledge and you act as fools throwing around this "You complain about something that happened 28 years ago? You are insane" BS, and it is BS. You always get it backward, why is that? They had three decades to make this right and never did, they actually tried to make it worse or make it wrong and did so with knowledge. I think that speaks volumes to how bad this was allowed to get and that there was NO good faith effort to make it right. Stop throwing yourselves on the sword the law places there for you to martyr yourselves with on my blood. It is hard to miss and you need to see it for what it is, a crock, a sham, and a shallow attempt to sell it as justice, it is not.

When I walk down the street and get hit with a Police cruiser I did not see, will you call it justice? I do NOT consider these people heroes at all. You just hired felons, put labels on them, and sent them out into the street to play on our dime. Look up the definition of "Uniform" and consider why they are all the same. Nobody wants to pay. They will one way or the other. They pay when they look me in the eye or try to avoid me, either way works. Your PBA or Cops Are Friends marketing is lost on me and when you have someone get away with what is essentially your murder, even forgetting the 1981 stuff, then you will see why. I actually enjoy the phone calls from the PBA asking for support, suffice it to say they don't get any. I have a toilet I can flush money down and do so such that I can extract tax benefit from, I'll do that before I feed a cop, or support his family in any way. Let them starve to death as I nearly did, what do I care? What do you care? And what do they expect at this late date? They would only use the money to purchase knives for personal use to attack me again, or to buy a better car to run me over with.  Why contribute at all?  Those that come here to support them actually make it worse, so I welcome you to continue to try.  I bet the police actually prefer you just sit in silence and say nothing, that won't save them either, but they no doubt prefer that since they hope it will all just blow over, as you would offer here with your "Suggestions".  Duh?

They likely know that all roads lead to the truth and all attempts to suppress it will fail eventually.  As in, don't ask me too many questions, since at some point I will figure out what they know and so will their associates and others.  It does not matter now, it is too late and too many people are involved.  That and the damage has been done to me, they can't fix it, what is possible is too expensive, enter the damage control experts, and the rest is beyond their feeble ability to do so.  Something about violating a trust.



Wow, look it speaks! Stacey types and plays Don Rickles at Comedy Central!

#110Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

Stacey Sez:"How kind of you" Well from where I sit you heaped the violence on me and seem to condone, support, and demean the outcome thereof. So what did you expect in return? You poor baby. I have had others suggest I do just that and you sure look no different in that regard. A man's (Mine) life is worth nothing to you and the way you treat people is a measure of your worth, you are a dime a metric ton.

Stacey Sez:"To suggest I commit suicide - Nah I don't take advice from unstable, irrational individuals such as yourself" I think you are the unstable, unreasonable, not to mention callous and flip person here who thinks as part of doing social work they can disrespect those who nearly end up dead by the hands of others or have those such as you wish them to die. By wishing it all away, or covering it up, or just beating it out of people with the optimist club, you really set people up for it to repeat, send them back into flawed relationships, and seem dishonest all at the same time. For me to just be happy about getting sliced nearly to death and then have me return to an abusive spouse would fit MOST REASONABLE person's definition of insanity. As in keep pounding your head into the same wall expecting a different result. You are the flake here lady. I think you need to be less prickly about taking what you dish out. Of course all of that was sarcasm that I wrote and you missed the entire point of what I said and even using analogy by extreme is lost on you. The problem is that people as naive as you, who in the spirit of making progress, really just prefer to be prigs about the whole thing. As in you cull my response, missing any of the important aspects of it, looking for a word, phrase, or spelling error to find fault with and exploiting what you see as a c***k in that armor only proves my point again and again and again. Did you ever concede this was a tragedy and a wrong to be righted? And if not what hope do you have in reading ANY and I mean ANY article on THIS ENTIRE WEB SITE? Since most if not ALL concerns here would pale in comparison to this? See and you could not even figure out that this was sarcasm, which is not true, you just prefer not to understand, and the concept was that I suggest and offer this is basically what you had me doing. And the analogy still applies now, you made no effort to broach that gap and I would also suggest treating your clients like this would have you fired on the spot for certain. You won't convince me otherwise and I've dealt with social servants just like you and guess how it turned out for them? I am no pushover in person either and looking me in the eye, which you'd not be able to do, and tell me to go take a flying frig about getting blood let on the side of the road won't get you promoted any time soon. But again, you can't even bother to come up with anything more than three short and sweet insults to something you prefer not to or are not able to understand. I stand by my previous observation, I bet the State of Texas and City of Dallas neither need nor want you as a spokeswoman and your days there will be short lived with this attitude and Dr. Mengele approach. Good luck in the bread line.

Stacey Sez:"Guess what! You made all the reports therefore YOU are subject to rebuttals be it good or bad - POOR baby" Yes and your response has always been the same, to arrive and act no differently than those who commit the violence. What did you expect? A pity party for you? The welcome mat in the form of a target tattooed on my jugular vein? You are in the wrong line of work if you work with people in need, you really should consider a career change. Not everyone who is impoverished, handicapped, or poor deserves it. I'd say that you do though based on what I read here so far since when it happens to you, you will learn compassion, respect, empathy, sympathy, and truth. The rebuttals as yours serve no purpose other than to do the following: 1) Make the claim nobody on this website wants to hear complaints. I'd say this is, well lets say, foolish, agreed? 2) Offer that none of this ever happened. I'd say the medical data refutes that position as do the scars and possibly your choice of terms and need to joust or fence with me. It speaks to knowledge. 3) That none of this matters. I think we can throw that concept out as well since of course it does, otherwise you'd be out of work. Bad things happen to people, it seems the state and others are so loathe to act, that the malaise and harm can persist for years before someone HAS to act and even at that, people end up dead from neglect after the fact. I think you belong in prison since it is likely you'd murder someone who did not agree with you. I've had women just like you attempt to hit me with a car because you thought it took me too long to gimp across the street and did not like the way I walked. Do you pride yourself in the show you put on here? I'd be careful how you answered that but you really won't and you just did a little chimpanzee act again tossing out three little quips that said nothing of substance. Where is the heart of your argument? You just showed up to fight, see anything similar in that pattern? You made three points that really were none at all. Your first said you can't take what you dish out and that you missed the entire concept of the discussion and what was done to me. Others as you suggested I take my own life, tried to compel that end, and then made a charade out of it all. The second complained about me making the reports and then you justify your foolish response to them by saying I am subject to the rebuttals? What is that? I mean you pitch a fit about the fact I complain, you claim to stand for something good then support, condone, promote, enable, and sell violent felonies as things we just shrug off, and then use your tough gal act to make us think it is all good, sound about right? As I said, go to the VFW hall and insult people like this in person, or shove someone in a wheelchair down the stairs and then wait for the get well cards, happy birthday balloons, and holiday cheer to wash you into oblivion. You mock a man's blood, tough crap lady, we don't need your input. And the third made fun of the fact people like you allowed this to happen to me, made a bad situation worse and as in I came to you for help and you and your associates did just what you do now. So you see this as a win for you and your "Cause"? There is a problem with denial and you are living in it and just being stubborn and knowing you are wrong but just want to take a contrary position has some hazard also. My wife did this all the time, eventually I will and did see her for what she is, and by taking all sides of an argument, you finally demonstrate you stand for nothing, which is where you are at. You are a zero lady. A fleck of dirt. You probably feel like an important person since you are probably a control freak, get off on the fact you have poor needy people to shove around and be superior to, and your commentary here confirms that. Here is another example and analogy that I will tell you NOT to take literally, can you deal with allegorical constructs, you seem to be a bard, so I figured you'd catch the slit your wrists example as not being literal but then again the civil service exam is not that tough, but I digress. Here it goes: Why not visit a homeless shelter and insult all those people there and brag to them how they need to get over it, tell them how happy, healthy, and rich you are sucking on their blood, and how really nobody cares about them, certainly not you, and why not do this after a major storm or flood takes away people's lives? Or you can chase ambulances and visit crime scenes and make fun of all the victims right on the spot, don't waste any time, get a police scanner and visit the homes that killers and flakes like you break into and rob and if the poor sleepy saps did not get knifed or shot to death, make fun of them and tell them they will never get their money, property, or health back and really it is up to them just to wish it away and get over it.

Stacey Sez:"Ah the joy - Least I have a JOB, HOME and am a stable individual who has a life - as for my clients - they are good, happy and living life unlike you" Oh? And when someone takes all that away? You don't need to take advice from anyone, you can lose that later this afternoon and there will not be a thing you can do about it. Consider having a heart attack or develop melanoma or better yet, have someone attempt to take your life as was done to me? What on earth do you think we are discussing here? So when that happens what then? Should I send someone like you to beat you up about it, tell you to regrow a heart and get over it, and then make fun of you for not owning anything after languishing in a hospital for years in ill health? I bet your clients are not all that well off, their jobs are probably not that great, they could do better, and they have not been through what I have been through and your client list is probably not very large since people like me would NOT put up with you, I'd go someplace else for help, like your boss for example. I think you would prefer not to have people with a spine or people who ask tough questions around. You also present yourself as a full speed ahead, d**n the torpedos, snake oil pitch huckster for those who made this mess. As in, lets smooth the whole thing over by blaming the victim since the state messed it up. It would not have cost you anything to admit this was wrong, but you prefer to play Lizzy Borden. It does not surprise me however.

Stacey Sez:"I await your witty repartee" Really I see mine as more than wit, it is actually provocative and makes people think. You just want to prove you are smarter than me, which you are not, and in doing so you also miss the heart of the matter which is even more important. If I was an idiot, you still should explain to me why none of this is right even if I could not comprehend what went on. I see this as your chance to shine and from what is happening, you just made a fool of you and that which we call the social network that is there to help us. I mean someone who claims to help those in need making fun of those who have no home, are malnourished, poor, and disabled does not strike me as a good investment of the taxpayer's dime, as in you can be replaced. I suppose those who are bedridden just need to get off their lazy butt and get back to work, is that right? Gosh and the use of a french word to boot, you are impressive and all that embedded within what was about a dozen other words, kind of like a robot spewing forth trite little one liners. I mean you really strike me as a sloth of a conversationalist and having to survive a murderous spouse, did you feel you are a victim in this now too? I mean I sure won't be purchasing dinner, roses, or chocolates for you any time soon and I sure would not eat a meal you prepared. Try looking this word up: Vivisection. And get back to me.  Better yet read the whole dictionary since it sure seems you need help with the following:

Disability, Injury, Death, Handicap, Felony, Crime, Scar, Medicine, Assistance, Welfare, Social, Service, Truth, Honesty, Compassion, Respect, Character, Dignity, Justice, Courage, and did I say truth?  You get the idea.

I consider my responses are not that unreasonable given the fact the sarcasm is really not avoidable, consider the outrage of something like this and what was done really was done as an insult conceptially as well. It sure seems you need to slap people like you verbally to get them to sit up and take notice as it appears you have some real issues dealing with things like this. Just shutting it all out for me does not work and unless you are going to play God and wave your magic wand, you sure as Moses was a woman are not going to heal me any time soon. I think you need to start with that and then consider that your wall of arrogance and indifference makes you look like a killer. Are you and do you pride yourself in that fact?

So really here is something more to read and I give you an F for effort on this one. But you are efficient, you can make a fool of yourself and those you work for in three easy pieces. Akin to an Al Capone version of Beavis and Butthead meets public service. I await your lackluster, simple, misguided, prejudicial, and sexist reply.

So you know, I consider woman who belittle domestic abuse of men and men as victims of violence to be sexist at least and likely worse. This speaks to more than prejudice. Oh and we never met, so you don't know me at all. I don't need to meet you to know when you disrespect me and condone abuse which you did with your commentary. The situation is not invertible in that regard and symmetry does not apply as such. You need to know me better before you can suggest I deserved to be cut, raped, robbed, or murdered. All you need to do is make fun of that and I have your number. This is the hazard of being abusive to others, it only takes a little and it goes a long way. Don't be shocked when you abuse people or make them upset that they, for lack of a better term, get hurt and upset. Or did that make too much sense for your big brain? Did you go to college?  Gosh you must be smart.  Ever see gifted kids medicated because their parents were too stupid to deal with them?  Consider having gifted kids with parents who never made it past seventh grade then ask yourself why I ended up in a garbage bag as a child?  But you knew all that since my parents were in the "System" you so proudly call "Social Services".  I am glad I did not marry and have kids with my mystery sister I never knew I had.  So you see, the more you talk the deeper you dig that hole and if you think it is not possible to lie to people as was done to me, you better take a long and hard look at my childhood, and the other abuse that went on before you run out of room in that pretty little mouth of yours for both your feet.  You made it all possible and let my parents get away with some very unsavory things.  Recent history is no better and I bet you are younger than I but I don't give you the pass of ignorance since you are not taking it when offered, as in you better get the facts before you fall into a trap.  I've given you enough here and there is more, it only gets worse.  For instance I have a mother who poisons food, care to tell me why that is allowed to persist and for how long it goes on before someone ends up dead?  I would blame you for that as well, I brought all this to people like you, and what is your response?  You do work with families correct?  Abuse victims?  What do you do for a living lady?  You lost me.

I also see what you do as being repressive, as in get people down and keep them there and this is of like mind of what the police do in this case. They arrive to keep up appearances as you do, to make things look suspicious, to cast doubt on me, to make me or others think they are getting to the bottom of it, working on things, and serving justice when in reality it is anything but. It is designed to keep me at arm's length, let the clock tick more, allow more distance to be extended between the crime and me, fall back on this nuance of the law, that border of jurisdiction, that person not knowing anything, or to just shine us on and pretend we are helping when in fact they are doing the opposite and covering their own arse. As in I'll get back to you on that knife attack. We are working on that homicide attempt Mr. Jones. And in your case, you offer that you don't care that someone takes my life but in the next statement you support me in some way, your job requires it or is this just a hobby for you since this is your private time?  Kind of like the cop who kills people off duty or the fireman who burns down your house for something to do and to be a hero. In your case you are a closet villian who likes to think their professional life covers for it.  I think those you work for will expect you to also be good citizens in your off hours and for you showing up to steal the food from the families you offer aid to or visiting them over the weekend to insult them really won't work out for you long term.  Are you sure you know me and who you talk to?  It really is not just me watching you know, I thought I would be fair and warn you. 

Really you promote chaos, abuse, starvation, and death then blame me for not liking your disrespect of same, you engage in personal attacks of me that make you look like a little girl who stole my ice cream on the playground and then stuck a pair of scissors in my neck and laughed about it. It is people like you who ruin this for me and I used to have faith and trust in others but I have had to reevaluate that position. In fact I have really been taken aback at how cold, callous, cruel, indifferent, and abusive people can be and you set the bar, while maybe not incrementally lower, I will say you don't surprise me. I lived with a woman who's sole purpose in life was to end mine, that is the God's honest truth, and she enjoyed her work and executed it with glee, reckless abandon, and a passion I will never be able to comprehend. She was that good at it. Suffice it to say she had no soul, none at all and calling her a shark would be too kind. Sociopath I think is the term but really just a killer, lets not fall back on this being a sickness, there is no pill for murderers either lock them up or put them to death. I see you as little better I am afraid and you seem proud of it, am I wrong Stacey? You freely admit you are Jane Dillinger by your words, at least be honest about it right? Stand up for whatever you believe in. So what is that? Is your job all about the forms and shoving people out the door and in your mind I am not worthy of public assistance? You seem to already suggest that I just need to get over all this, forget about it, and get on with my life. Explain that to me in something like a tangible reply and so you know, your last rebut was nothing even close to that. You know why? You can't rebut this, the only other side is the wrong side and taking it says you are a killer, it IS that simple. I even showed you the way and still I left the door open for you, but you won't take it will you? When you get lost, are you one of those people who refuses to ask for directions or look at a map because you refuse to admit you are wrong? I bet you are. I think once someone attempts to take your life, even if they miss with the bullet, the fact the trigger was pulled was enough. In my case I took it in the head, I lived, you think that is funny? You have a problem. A serious problem, get help with it. You are not the first person to sell their soul along the way, your is long gone, I hope you can get it back. Beating me up won't do it.

I think for you, your job is less about putting up a wall to protect the state and should be more about helping people who honestly need it.  Those that come to abuse your system will get theirs in the end and just beating up people who come for help does not work towards that end.  Generally you can tell the people who take advantage and I bet there are tons of them in your system as we speak. Or are those your friends?  In my case the fraud and worse was already done, this went on for decades and you paid for it and so did I. I had NO idea how bad this was and don't blame me for the system that literally churned me to death.  I made NO active attempt to defraud anyone and I beat myself up for years over nothing and for no good reason. I nearly died again and it still is not resolved and I should have been taken care of in 1981.  So yes, you do owe me and while I may not have been part of the State of Texas' problem, if NY is not going to fix it and I end up spending my last dime on Dallas, then I don't think you saying this is not our problem is going to work either. I paid plenty of federal taxes as well and you'd know that by checking with the IRS or SSA. I saw that game played as well.  It comes down to you would claim I slipped through the cracks, you had something else going on here.

You are out of your league on this one dear child.  I'd love to make a fool of you in person but this has a wider audience.  Acting as you do and then claiming you are right really is funny. And your inability to see the obvious and admit you are wrong is, well, lets say equally vain. But I love doing this to people like you in person, but for me I usually end up in tears recounting this and going through it.  That still happens when I type at times also.  Again consider losing a home, a family you now learn is abusive and complicit, a lifetime of work and savings, and your health and all of it could have been avoided and you may begin to have some idea.  But you are not able or willing to see it, you prefer to avoid it. But lets say it generally is worth it when useless scum who make fun of this get read the riot act later.  Your time will come.  I will answer any reply you may have.  So far I've seen nothing of merit and yes I do bleed red when cut and no, you won't be repeating that process.  Get the picture?



Wow, look it speaks! Stacey types and plays Don Rickles at Comedy Central!

#111Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

Stacey Sez:"How kind of you" Well from where I sit you heaped the violence on me and seem to condone, support, and demean the outcome thereof. So what did you expect in return? You poor baby. I have had others suggest I do just that and you sure look no different in that regard. A man's (Mine) life is worth nothing to you and the way you treat people is a measure of your worth, you are a dime a metric ton.

Stacey Sez:"To suggest I commit suicide - Nah I don't take advice from unstable, irrational individuals such as yourself" I think you are the unstable, unreasonable, not to mention callous and flip person here who thinks as part of doing social work they can disrespect those who nearly end up dead by the hands of others or have those such as you wish them to die. By wishing it all away, or covering it up, or just beating it out of people with the optimist club, you really set people up for it to repeat, send them back into flawed relationships, and seem dishonest all at the same time. For me to just be happy about getting sliced nearly to death and then have me return to an abusive spouse would fit MOST REASONABLE person's definition of insanity. As in keep pounding your head into the same wall expecting a different result. You are the flake here lady. I think you need to be less prickly about taking what you dish out. Of course all of that was sarcasm that I wrote and you missed the entire point of what I said and even using analogy by extreme is lost on you. The problem is that people as naive as you, who in the spirit of making progress, really just prefer to be prigs about the whole thing. As in you cull my response, missing any of the important aspects of it, looking for a word, phrase, or spelling error to find fault with and exploiting what you see as a c***k in that armor only proves my point again and again and again. Did you ever concede this was a tragedy and a wrong to be righted? And if not what hope do you have in reading ANY and I mean ANY article on THIS ENTIRE WEB SITE? Since most if not ALL concerns here would pale in comparison to this? See and you could not even figure out that this was sarcasm, which is not true, you just prefer not to understand, and the concept was that I suggest and offer this is basically what you had me doing. And the analogy still applies now, you made no effort to broach that gap and I would also suggest treating your clients like this would have you fired on the spot for certain. You won't convince me otherwise and I've dealt with social servants just like you and guess how it turned out for them? I am no pushover in person either and looking me in the eye, which you'd not be able to do, and tell me to go take a flying frig about getting blood let on the side of the road won't get you promoted any time soon. But again, you can't even bother to come up with anything more than three short and sweet insults to something you prefer not to or are not able to understand. I stand by my previous observation, I bet the State of Texas and City of Dallas neither need nor want you as a spokeswoman and your days there will be short lived with this attitude and Dr. Mengele approach. Good luck in the bread line.

Stacey Sez:"Guess what! You made all the reports therefore YOU are subject to rebuttals be it good or bad - POOR baby" Yes and your response has always been the same, to arrive and act no differently than those who commit the violence. What did you expect? A pity party for you? The welcome mat in the form of a target tattooed on my jugular vein? You are in the wrong line of work if you work with people in need, you really should consider a career change. Not everyone who is impoverished, handicapped, or poor deserves it. I'd say that you do though based on what I read here so far since when it happens to you, you will learn compassion, respect, empathy, sympathy, and truth. The rebuttals as yours serve no purpose other than to do the following: 1) Make the claim nobody on this website wants to hear complaints. I'd say this is, well lets say, foolish, agreed? 2) Offer that none of this ever happened. I'd say the medical data refutes that position as do the scars and possibly your choice of terms and need to joust or fence with me. It speaks to knowledge. 3) That none of this matters. I think we can throw that concept out as well since of course it does, otherwise you'd be out of work. Bad things happen to people, it seems the state and others are so loathe to act, that the malaise and harm can persist for years before some HAS to act and even at that, people end up dead from neglect after the fact. I think you belong in prison since it is likely you'd murder someone who did not agree with you. I've had women just like you attempt to hit me with a car because you thought it took me too long to gimp across the street and did not like the way I walked. Do you pride yourself in the show you put on here? I'd be careful how you answered that but you really won't and you just did a little chimpanzee act again tossing out three little quips that said nothing of substance. Where is the heart of your argument? You just showed up to fight, see anything similar in that pattern? You made three points that really were none at all. Your first said you can't take what you dish out and that you missed the entire concept of the discussion and what was done to me. Others as you suggested I take my own life, tried to compel that end, and then made a charade out of it all. The second complained about me making the reports and then you justify your foolish response to them by saying I am subject to the rebuttals? What is that? I mean you pitch a fit about the fact I complain, you claim to stand for something good then support, condone, promote, enable, and sell violent felonies as things we just shrug off, and then use your tough gal act to make us think it is all good, sound about right? As I said, go to the VFW hall and insult people like this in person, or shove someone in a wheelchair down the stairs and then wait for the get well cards, happy birthday balloons, and holiday cheer to wash you into oblivion. You mock a man's blood, tough crap lady, we don't need your input. And the third made fun of the fact people like you allowed this to happen to me, made a bad situation worse and as in I came to you for help and you and your associates did just what you do now. So you see this as a win for you and your "Cause"? There is a problem with denial and you are living in it and just being stubborn and knowing you are wrong but just want to take a contrary position has some hazard also. My wife did this all the time, eventually I will and did see her for what she is, and by taking all sides of an argument, you finally demonstrate you stand for nothing, which is where you are at. You are a zero lady. A fleck of dirt. You probably feel like an important person since you are probably a control freak, get off on the fact you have poor needy people to shove around and be superior to, and your commentary here confirms that. Here is another example and analogy that I will tell you NOT to take literally, can you deal with allegorical constructs, you seem to be a bard, so I figured you'd catch the slit your wrists example as not being literal but then again the civil service exam is not that tough, but I digress. Here it goes: Why not visit a homeless shelter and insult all those people there and brag to them how they need to get over it, tell them how happy, healthy, and rich you are sucking on their blood, and how really nobody cares about them, certainly not you, and why not do this after a major storm or flood takes away people's lives? Or you can chase ambulances and visit crime scenes and make fun of all the victims right on the spot, don't waste any time, get a police scanner and visit the homes that killers and flakes like you break into and rob and if the poor sleepy saps did not get knifed or shot to death, make fun of them and tell them they will never get their money, property, or health back and really it is up to them just to wish it away and get over it.

Stacey Sez:"Ah the joy - Least I have a JOB, HOME and am a stable individual who has a life - as for my clients - they are good, happy and living life unlike you" Oh? And when someone takes all that away? You don't need to take advice from anyone, you can lose that later this afternoon and there will not be a thing you can do about it. Consider having a heart attack or develop melanoma or better yet, have someone attempt to take your life as was done to me? What on earth do you think we are discussing here? So when that happens what then? Should I send someone like you to beat you up about it, tell you to regrow a heart and get over it, and then make fun of you for not owning anything after languishing in a hospital for years in ill health? I bet your clients are not all that well off, their jobs are probably not that great, they could do better, and they have not been through what I have been through and your client list is probably not very large since people like me would NOT put up with you, I'd go someplace else for help, like your boss for example. I think you would prefer not to have people with a spine or people who ask tough questions around. You also present yourself as a full speed ahead, d**n the torpedos, snake oil pitch huckster for those who made this mess. As in, lets smooth the whole thing over by blaming the victim since the state messed it up. It would not have cost you anything to admit this was wrong, but you prefer to play Lizzy Borden. It does not surprise me however.

Stacey Sez:"I await your witty repartee" Really I see mine as more than wit, it is actually provocative and makes people think. You just want to prove you are smarter than me, which you are not, and in doing so you also miss the heart of the matter which is even more important. If I was an idiot, you still should explain to me why none of this is right even if I could not comprehend what went on. I see this as your chance to shine and from what is happening, you just made a fool of you and that which we call the social network that is there to help us. I mean someone who claims to help those in need making fun of those who have no home, are malnourished, poor, and disabled. I suppose those who are bedridden just need to get off their lazy but and get back to work, is that right? Gosh and the use of a french word to boot, you are impressive and all that embedded within what was about a dozen other words, kind of like a robot spewing forth trite little one liners. I mean you really strike me as a sloth of a conversationalist and having to survive a murderous spouse, did you feel you are a victim in this how too? I mean I sure won't be purchasing dinner, roses, or chocolates for you any time soon and I sure would not eat a meal you prepared. Try looking this word up: Vivisection. And get back to me.

I consider my responses are not that unreasonable given the fact the sarcasm is really not avoidable, consider the outrage of something like this and what was done really was done as an insult conceptially as well. It sure seems you need to slap people like you verbally to get them to sit up and take notice as it appears you have some real issues dealing with things like this. Just shutting it all out for me does not work and unless you are going to play God and wave your magic wand, you sure as Moses was a woman are not going to heal me any time soon. I think you need to start with that and then consider your wall of arrogance and indifference makes you look like a killer. Are you and do you pride yourself in that fact?

So really here is something more to read and I give you an F for effort on this one. But you are efficient, you can make a fool of yourself and those you work for in three easy pieces. Akin to an Al Capone version of Beavis and Butthead meets public service. I await your lackluster, simple, misguided, prejudicial, and sexist reply.

So you know, I consider woman who belittle domestic abuse of men and men as victims of violence to be sexist at least and likely worse. This speaks to more than prejudice. Oh and we never met, so you don't know me at all. I don't need to meet you to know when you disrespect me and condone abuse which you did with your commentary. The situation is not invertable in that regard. You need to know me better before you can suggest I deserved to be cut, raped, robbed, or murdered. All you need to do is make fun of that and I have your number. This is the hazard of being abusive to others. Don't be shocked when you abuse people or make them upset that they, for lack of a better term, get hurt and upset. Or did that make too much sense for your big brain?

I also see what you do as being repressive, as in get people down and keep them there and this is of like mind of what the police do in this case. They arrive to keep up appearances as you do, to make thing look suspicious, to cast doubt on me, to make me or others think they are getting to the bottom of it, working on things, and serving justice when in reality it is anything but. It is designed to keep me at arm's length, let the clock tick more, allow more distance to be extended between the crime and me, fall back on this nuance of the law, that border of jurisdiction, that person not knowing anything, or to just shine us on and pretend we are helping when in fact they are doing the opposite and covering their own arse. As in I'll get back to you on that knife attack. We are working on that homicide attempt Mr. Jones. And in your case, you offer that you don't care that someone takes my life but in the next statement you support me in some way. Really you promote chaos, abuse, starvation, and death then blame me for not liking your disrespect of same, you engage in personal attacks of me that make you look like a little girl who stole my ice cream on the playground and then stuck a pair of scissors in my neck and laughed about it. It is people like you who ruin this for me and I used to have faith and trust in others but I have had to reevaluate that position. In fact I have really been taken aback at how cold, callous, cruel, indifferent, and abusive people can be and you set the bar, while maybe not incrementally lower, I will say you don't surprise me. I lived with a woman who's sole purpose in life was to end mine, that is the God's honest truth, and she enjoyed her work and executed it with glee, reckless abandon, and a passion I will never be able to comprehend. She was that good at it. Suffice it to say she had no soul, none at all and calling her a shark would be too kind. Sociopath I think is the term but really just a killer, lets not fall back on this being a sickness, there is no pill for murderers either lock them up or put them to death. I see you as little better I am afraid and you seem proud of it, am I wrong Stacey? You freely admit you are Jane Dillinger, at least be honest about it right? Stand up for whatever you believe in. So what is that? Is your job all about the forms and shoving people out the door and in your mind I am not worthy of public assistance? You seem to already suggest that I just need to get over all this, forget about it, and get on with my life. Explain that to me in something like a tangible reply and so you know, your last rebut was nothing even close to that. You know why? You can't rebut this, the only other side is the wrong side and taking it says you are a killer, it IS that simple. I even showed you the way and still I left the door open for you, but you won't take it will you? When you get lost, are you one of those people who refuses to ask for directions or look at a map because you refuse to admit you are wrong? I bet you are. I think once someone attempts to take your life, even if they miss with the bullet, the fact the trigger was pulled was enough. In my case I took it in the head, I lived, you think that is funny? You have a problem. A serious problem, get help with it. You are not the first person to sell their soul along the way, your is long gone, I hope you can get it back. Beating me up won't do it.

You are out of your league on this one dear child.  I'd love to make a fool of you in person but this has a wider audience.  Acting as you do and then claiming you are right really is funny. And your inability to see the obvious and admit you are wrong is, well, lets say equally vain. But I love doing this to people like you in person, but for me I usually end up in tears recounting this and going through it.  That still happens when I type at times also.  But lets say it generally as worth it when useless scum who make fun of this get read the riot act later.  Your time will come.  I will answer any reply you may have.  So far I've seen nothing of merit and yes I do bleed red when cut and no, you won't be repeating that process.  Get the picture?



Speaking of Cheektowaga.

#112Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

Actually Cheektowaga is a nice place, I had a Cheektowaga cop almost hit me on my bike as I rode in the rain on Walden Avenue. They are all a bunch of fat drunks anyway, he was probably in a hurry to get back to the station for dinner and a dozen donuts. You know how hungry those 800lb heroes get after a tough day of sitting on their duff and who doesn't want to get run over on their new Honda by a cop driving with his lights off in a rain storm? More likely he was drunk and forgot where he worked or burst another vericose vein in his nose.

Be sure to be careful out there, those roads are tricky aren't they? Especially in the winter. You'll need a good insurance policy and play your cards right and you'll be all set for a vacation in the south of France! Bon Appetit!


Oh and so you know, I had right of way that time also.



Opana is right, censorship is alive and well and living in Cheektowarsaw!

#113Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

But again, no, you may as well just have told me to shut up right? Why would I? You can't resist coming here to stifle someone's witness and what gives you that right? Or did you want to pay my medical bills? You have it all together and figured out, so who pays the freight on this, will you? Or do you enjoy staring at web sites that have ZERO content? Let me guess, you are so perverse that you shop at Walmart for cheap printer paper, take the whole ream of paper out of the package, and read the blank pages? You are a real trooper and legend in your own mind to be sure. What a great idea, we can get together with people and discuss nothing or stare at blank pages. I think the internet should require an IQ and character test before they hook you up such that we can rid the media of people who can't use it wisely and with tact. I suppose for Opana, you could always just leave the computer off or pull the plug? Do you have dialup? Cable modem? Pay the big bucks for FIOS? You could just use smoke signals and get together with Sasquatch over there and be less burdened with all this text to read? I do feel sorry for you, I really do. And did you see all that stuff printed in the Lockport Union Sun and Journal the other day? What were they thinking of over there? Maybe you should call them first thing on Monday and have them stop the presses and shut this web site down also since it really is just too much for you? Do you think you will be ok or do you want to file a wrongful enlightenment lawsuit against the sponsors of this site? I mean you may actually learn something here and ruin your reputation as an idiot? We can't have that can we?

Why not visit Poland? Maybe they have a place for you there as a government flunky cleaning toilets at Dachau?  You know what they say:

Arbeit Macht Frei

Good Luck.



Oh Opana Don't You Cry For Me Cuz I Come From Texarkana With A Tumor On My Knee!

#114Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

Opana - Actually better yet, how about I get in touch with you so I can make fun of all that is wrong with your life? I mean you can call me whenever you need help getting your car out of the ditch, maybe jump start you in the winter, or plow out your driveway for you? Maybe if you break down on the side of the road I can stop over and tell you to get over it and drive past laughing myself silly and watch you freeze to death? I mean what do I care right? The funny thing is that people who actually took the time to know me would say I was a good neighbor and always there when someone needed something, I think people mistook kindness for weakness and they took advantage however.

But you know what? Make a mistake in front of me, and I'll show you the door and with that I plan to pitch a fit about this as long as I live, I suggest you set your expectations accordingly and get used to it. The rub is going to last a lifetime since it is what it is. Take your own advice and get lost. Nobody cares that you showed up to count paragraphs and complain about the tragedy since it is too much for you to hear about. Maybe you can get a job as a hero someplace like Walmart hitting customers with snow plows in the parking lot? Sounds about your speed. Be sure to pick on the ones with wheelchairs, they are worth more points in Heaven. Are you Catholic by chance? Don't they teach that in the Bingo halls? Or did we just have an audience with the Pope? I mean you ordered us to have Peace. Was that directly from God or did you see that on television? Cheektowaga? Are you kidding me? Where is that and where is Geronimo? Going to reply to this? Here let me help you since you seem to have a pattern:

Hi my name is Opana. Why don't you just leave since nobody here wants to see any complaints from anyone since this website is not designed for any other reason than for us whiny people to pitch a fit about those who show up here to complain.

God you are a nutcase. I would suggest visiting the CNN HQ in Atlanta, I think it is Atlanta, and tell them to shut the heck up and stop all that jabbering about stuff. Did you offer the same suggestion to those who had lemon law gripes? Tell them to just get over it? Or send them to another website? Let me guess, those with GM lemons get sent to Ford, or those with Toyota gripes get shoved over Home Depot and those with medical malpractice concerns you direct to Roto Rooter and those who got mugged or shot you send to the NRA? How about this? If you can't stand all this free speach, and the other rights we are told we have here, why don't you move to another country, say the middle east? Try and steal something from someone as was done to me and do it to a muslim man or some other such person and see if he cuts your hands off or removes your tongue with a branding iron. You sure are not an American, so then are you just visiting the US? I know people who can take care of your Visa concerns if so?


How kind of you

#115Consumer Comment

Sun, November 01, 2009

To suggest I commit suicide - Nah I don't take advice from unstable, irrational individuals such as yourself

Guess what! You made all the reports therefore YOU are subject to rebuttals be it good or bad - POOR baby

Ah the joy - Least I have a JOB, HOME and am a stable individual who has a life - as for my clients - they are good, happy and living life unlike you

I await your witty repartee


Who are Rita and Charles?

#116Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2009

What is an Opana anyway?  But really no thanks, I'll pursue justice and do as I please.  I suggest you visit a website that is more in keeping with your tastes, whatever that is?  Too much complaining on the website designed to air complaints?  Why not publish your own, here I can help you with it:

Welcome to Opana's Website:  For all those people who are victims of violence or seeking justice in the legal system our one line response is this -



There, be sure to get the spelling correct.  And thanks for the truly original and gosh awful helpful contribution here.  Let me guess, your mom helped you with it?  Or you are affiliated with law enforcement?  I'll bet it is the latter.  What if I don't move on, will you stab me again? Try to hit me with your car?  I'll bet you are a big strong man aren't you?  It makes you feel powerful to order folks around and tell them off or even better yet see them bleed doesn't it?  Come on, this is good stuff, I mean what could be better than a bunch of cops screwing themselves like this, this is truly great content and you don't see this every day.  Move on?  You must be kidding me, try and make me.  Go ahead.  Or stay and let me take more shots at you, either way, I enjoy it.  I love it when the killers declare peace on someone, it really is great to see folks get so confused over what they want.

Did you have a question or just not want to hear it?  What made you respond at all then?  Probably saying nothing would have been smarter right? Or did I force you to read this particular page?  At least you acknowledge the tragedy of the past, you made some progress for whatever that is worth.  I prefer to hold those responsible accountable and see to it they pay.  Of course those who are responsible won't prefer to see that, so what do you care?  You'd not put up with it so why accept what it cost YOU?  You paid for it too.  I don't know either of Rita or Charles but you obviously don't know what is going on with me. Oh and don't forget I have some permanent harm caused me that you and others won't allow me to forget.  You see if nothing else, the financial harm will be there forever and running my credit when you rent me an aparment will show that.  Again, you are a fool with my flesh.  Walk the walk you talk which will not be possible.  My suggestion for you?  Eat a knife and then get back to me, let me know how it tastes so I can tell you to get over it and get out of my sight. Or better yet, don't even bother since I don't care what you think. 

Opinions are funny things, I am not here for any nor am I here to make friends. Or did you not figure that out?


New York,
Have you met Rita and Charles?

#117Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 31, 2009

There are two other posters you should get in touch with that use this site, Rita and Charles.  You all can form your own support group for people "who need to get over it and get on with their lives" 

Accept your tragic past, because it is and now MOVE ON.



That's entertainment!

#118Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Anyway, since it is Halloween and keeping in the spirit of the day, enjoy the photos of the knife work. I am always dressed for the occasion and one of your sisters summed it up looking at me as though I was a leper and saying "Ooooh....you look like Frankenstein!!!". Maybe those that did it filmed it and you can sit back and see me get carved up and have some popcorn. Do you think that would make you puke to see and hear me getting sliced open? Or would you just get so upset at me for bleeding all over your sidewalk and dulling your knife?

I think your tools got left out in the rain on this one and all your sharp things just lost their edge. They lost their luster as they say, it won't be up to you now.


I think you are at the wrong website, this is not the Goode Deal Report.

#119Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Anyway, I don't care if you won the Nobel Prize for Social Work, showing up here saying murder is legal and fun, and you consider that cops with knives butchering kids is ok, your credentials won't support the claims of what you believe as being right simply because of that since they certainly are not right at all. You'd not put up with it and I'd bet if someone looks at you funny you get upset. I doubt Einstein would disagree with me, and Forrest Gump probably would offer more insight than you have so far. Maybe you can get your money back from your college tuition? I think you got ripped off there too and so did we if any of it was done on the taxpayer's dime. Do you know what you paid for what I personally witnessed in this? State and Federal monies were spent to make this fraud work as long as it did. Consider the health care costs alone, none of which were necessary. Lost wages mean lost taxes and do you know what my earning potential was, how much I made despite this, and how much money I spent in local economies? And that is not going to happen, did not for decades, and will not happen now. But you were smart enough not to cry poor, right? Your complaint is really that as a social servant you want what? More happy people who are victims of violence so you can give them food stamps? I am nor sure what you gripe is actually, just that you want to complain about someone who came to a valid forum and uses the proper media to express such complaints. Did you want them to change the title of the website to Ashley's Social Service happy fest? Or how about this, we can have you play Don Rickles and invite those that have survived murder attempts as I have here and you can just plaster your "Get Over It" chant on the home page and save you all that typing and you can sit back and sip lattes on the taxpayer dime and just admire how much money you save the state by sending away all the needy, poor, sick, homeless, starving, and handicapped people who come to the State for the assistance they paid for and pay you for? Sound right to you? Do you know how many times I've heard how NY State has saved all this money making just those people shovel snow, or sit outside homeless and go without food and NOT provide them food stamps? How about having me call 911 and have nobody respond, sound like a deal to you? Save some money there right? Those cops make good money, overtime is expensive, Crown Victorias use tons of gas, and good gasoline at that! See, I really don't see that you offer credible government or "right thinking" to any of this and you notion of service is flawed as well.

You are welcome to mire in your own ignorance, but don't come to a website that is designed to voice these exact concerns as I have and then complain about it, ok? Why not go to a health care website and suggest those people slit their wrists so you can have a good time watching us bleed? Or go to a Chrisitan website and announce how you can murder men for fun and profit and hope to get a response that says "Gee, this Stacey person is right. We need to kill more folks and then worry about the cost of food stamps and just stop all this fuss about right and wrong.". And of course from where you sit the government is just here for what purpose then? Collect taxes? Write parking tickets? Offer courtesy positions to folks like you so they can sit back and enjoy the ride? Let me know where you end up so I can sit back and enjoy the fireworks. I have an M-81 sitting here with your name on it for just that occasion.


Show us the money.

#120Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Do you know how much this has cost and what could have been avoided if this was fixed right in the first place, something like 28 years ago? I bet you will have a hard time accounting for it and the costs associated with this are out of sight. I know a ton of money was spent to dress this up as something else and that is just in the last ten years. It went on longer and consider that the police knew full well that they did this and would continue to represent something else to me, to you, and to the others in the community. Even writing me a parking ticket could not be done honestly because it was likely the officer was there worried about what I might find out, to promote the appearance of me doing something wrong to people who care to be paranoid about such things, or to keep an eye on me to protect the guilty. In other words they were there under false pretense and to do wrong and care to make it look like justice being served. As in how can I in good faith investigate crimes my associates have committed and why am I here to interact with this person at all? As in what brings you over here at this time and did you have knowledge of crimes to which I am the victim and you SHOULD be doing something to address?

You know what? It all stinks and you should see it as such. Don't let people bully you into anything, I won't.


Consider this Ashley.

#121Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

It is possible that I never would have regained consciousness and would you not expect someone to pursue justice on my behalf? I would not be out getting attorneys to fix this sitting in a hospital with tubes running into and out of me and my eyes taped shut. Why do I have to force those who are paid to protect us to make this right and do their jobs? Why do I need to PURCHASE justice, it should be free and I will not pay for it. Some people crossed the line a long time ago and don't want to be accountable for it and the State does not want to pay, it is that simple. And the fact it was done dishonestly makes it that much worse, and now you show up to blame ME for the unsavory manner in which it was done? I mean why not brag about the fact you stomped the life out of some 20 year old kid? Because it was wrong, that is why. It seems I need to shame everyone into getting this fixed, it has worked thus far and I will continue to do it. They know what they did and many of you do also and have for some time. And I am not fooling around with any of it. We tried the go along to get along, and be a good sport about it approach and it never worked since they wanted more. Something about give someone an inch and they will take a mile and you can't negotiate with criminals, you need to put them down and make them pay and do it hard, fast, and long. It has to burn badly for decades so they feel the pain for a long long long time. And it has to be expensive, very very expensive. When someone attacks you, be ready to hear that resounding "So What?" from your associates pushing the "Get over it" wisdom.

This is why we have laws in this country you'd think. There are associated problems with letting things like this happen. If you were my wife and someone ran me over with a car, would your response be as it is here? Why is that I wonder? At some point you will discredit yourselves enough that not one person will take you seriously and just being provocational and callous solves nothing. Use the cry wolf analogy your sister misapplied to me. I never cried wolf about anything, and it seems that these people sold you a bill of goods and you bought it hook line and sinker. Now you show up again with them in tow and don't cry wolf, now you shout lies and blame me for something else. I never rained on your parade but you want to blame me for something. The same is true for attacking the innocent and you need to be sensitive to how thick you allow your skin to get and what you expect of mine at this point. Others will test you on it. I find that ignoring bad things does not make them go away, your experience will not be any different, you just need to learn that the hard way it seems. The police have a rather unique problem, they know it is their fault and now so do I, and forgetting about it is not possible, since they have a burden to remember, and to correct it. They don't sell forgiveness and if you live by the sword you need to perish by it as well, it cuts both ways. It will happen no matter what. Maybe they can take a pill to feel better? I can still get in there to make it hurt, they are a target a mile wide and a mile tall and impossible to miss. That is the beauty of their dilemna and you are part of the fun, you are being used, like it or not. How does that feel? And now you will be soiled with my blood, again, you wear it well.

And don't pretend to offer me help that really is sarcasm and more harm loaded with insult, since you don't have anyone's interests in mind in doing so. You just wished the worse form of pain and death on me and brushed aside the efforts already made to do so. Feigning compassion and care or lacing insult with boasts of being morally right seem typically feminine in what has been my experience of how wives abuse husbands and then hide behind some rationalization that makes it seem legally, morally, or otherwise a good thing and really is just a very duplicitous way of fooling yourselves into the pride you feel in knowing you can kill a man and get away with it and if not, take me to the cleaners in a divorce that should really profit you not one cent. For those that would call me ignorant, I've been around the block more than most men twice my age and lived through things that would likely kill professional soldiers or their superior officers, doubt that? Consider having someone you trust with your life not be on your side and attempt to take it? Also consider how my life was since the age of 20 and if you think prisoners of war won't understand this, then you have another thing coming also. I have knowledge about some things you never will, direct, personal, experience that you (I sure hope) will never experience. And I am not enriched of it. What was done to me is by definition UnAmerican and it is a blight, blot, and insult to what we tell others this country is about. So don't wave the flag around here or send your son in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, State Police, Sheriff, or otherwise to tell me I don't know what I am talking about. We already spoke about it and those worth any salt know why this is not right and who and what they are supposed to be protecting. Those that signed up to get stoned, kill some rag heads, and blow up some cool stuff, won't come back here to but a knife in my back and call it hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet Americana. That is even if they live long enough not to come back here in a body bag. Discipline is a funny thing, and fooling around in bad places and falling back on ego and arrogance will catch up to them, the same is true of the law in this regard, I see it all the time. It is called falling on one's own sword and I bet that stings all the worse and it makes me cry with such joy you can't not begin to understand. My father is right about that one, ever see a cop shoot himself in the foot? It makes my day and the hits just keep on coming. I have a lifetime of salt to rub into that wound and plan to do so as long as I live.

Welcome to my world, we are just getting started and I am glad you can participate, I will use you either way, like it or not.  You have just been had again and I am not here to make friends at the expense of or built on my blood.  You are too heavy to carry around like that and I won't do it.  Go ahead, say something worthwhile, I am still waiting.



Ashley should also realize that....

#122Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

If you head for the gutter, I will leave you to wallow in it.  Bring UpChuck with you if you want, you can both play in your own puke for all I care.

Now putting us back on topic, explain how a man gets knifed accidentally three times like this.  See this is only two paragraphs and less than one page, can you count to four?  Five?  When in Rome, V is for vapid. I will help you with that one:



CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Using the too many words defense Ashely?

#123Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Then maybe you prefer to watch TV since reading is not your bag?

Really, Ashley, that is actually a good question and right up to the statement about puking on charles you had me take you seriously. I think that need not be said and really makes no sense to me at all but I will answer the questions anyway. If you care to count pages, why not count the scars on my body? See you just need to keep putting your foot in your mouth, and as long as you do, I will take advantage of it time and time again. What gets you off is your problem not mine and if my blood excites you, well lets just say you need some help. I won't bleed for your pleasure.

You Said: "If You have so much irrefutable scientific evidence about your injury and violence by the police, Why havent you talked to a lawyer? This site is going to do nothing for you. Only a lawyer can help you find justice." That is not true, a lawyer will typically only protect the guilty and can not investigate and prosecute crimes, it is up to the police to do this and they need to be FORCED to do so. They are doing so now but it is taking TOO LONG and for a reason. It is going to be difficult to get people who kill for a living, who lie for a living, and who will protect secrets to the point of death or use same not to be caught to "Fess Up" Are you with me so far? Lawyers will not resolve this and I've discussed this with them already and I am NOT going to waste thousands of dollars on folly like that. To be fair to you, even despite the crap about chuck or whatever you are talking about, it is a valid question and I do appreciate it. I do hope I did (Did not?) disappoint you. What did you expect as a response from someone who's been through this, hearts, flowers, and gushy sappy good gosh this is great mantra? You need to be fair to me and expect I'd be upset and rightly so. Try this as a test, go to a VFW hall, or some other place and insult someone injured in battle like this in person and see what you get. Or better yet, go shove your dad down the cellar stairs then mock him about it, does that sound apropos?

You Said: "I'm going to enjoy the 3 page rant about me puking on charles that will ensue over my post." I never claimed anyone puked on anything, where did you get this? I did say that the verbal vomit that really is a rut that has your predecessors screaming (Recall this?): YOU ARE NUTS, YOU JUST SHUT UP, JUST GET OVER IT (Notice Stacey went there again?), YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY, YOU MUST BE INSANE, THIS NEVER HAPPENED, THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, YOU MUST BE DELUSIONAL.....is getting old, anyway you knew that already, it does get tiring and is like a tape loop. I actually respond to what is written, Stacey, Susan, et al really seem little more than spam bots. Just emitting the same drivel over and over again. Ever hear of that AI program that asks you questions and pretends to be a therapist? You have the same thing here basically, people with no point of view, no perspective, no insight, no wisdom, no originality, no compassion, no respect, no truth, and no decency but yet they show up and drop three one liners and run for cover. Now you complain about three pages of dialog from someone who could witness hundreds. What, is the competition too strong? I thought women prided themselves on dominating every conversation? You know, win the argument by volume, tone, number of statements, the rate at which the tirade spews forth and modulo that, change the subject when you lose? I was married for ten years to a woman who promised to murder me and she nearly did. I see you as a transparent despot no different than her if you think any of this is right and can't bother reading any of it and can only count pages. The crimes are related, like it or not.

I have a computer program that counts characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and lines, I don't need the numerical analysis to confuse what is important. What matters is the violence and the crimes, not my being upset about it. When I sit around and act all happy about it you will show up to claim I need to be more upset about it and use the same to complain about the fact it is not an issue. Recall the portion about "Having it both ways", we tried all that already, it does not work. But so you know, I enjoyed the three line half hearted, offer of help and the comment about more puke. Do you vomit on charles often and if so why? Does he enjoy that and do you consider that healthy for either of you? So you know I've experienced pain so severe as to cause me to vomit blood, does that help you out any? I've also had pain recur so badly as to nearly pass out from it, does that make it all better for you? You ladies have all the answers, I hope you never are in a position to care for someone who is ill, angels of death we don't need. Are you in health care by any chance? Consider a career change if so. And to head you off at the pass, I never had a problem taking care of others, treating them with respect, and actually waiting on them when they are ill or injured. I sure did not show up to rub their nose in their own blood. Selling yourself as Jane Dillinger will no doubt have the men killing themselves to win your favor, the thing about beauty is that it comes from within, and some people are rotten to the bone. I will let you in on a secret about men, they don't need you to beat them up to feel like men and they don't admire you for being a killer. They have doctors for that and those who like to hurt themselves as such, and yes, they push pills on them, I won't be having any. It is not attractive and not many people will go out of their way to get past your "Hard to get" routine. You need to refine your marketing. The point is, you'd not raise my kids with that attitude and you'd not get anywhere near them with your creedo. The world does not need any more violent felons and they won't use my name or blood to promote the same. Stand up for something lady, tell us what you are all about. Show up and put your foot down for something decent and right, you know, make a difference, not a mess. Care to try? You have not so far, nor has anyone else who took a shot at me and missed. The point you did it is enough, even though you missed. It was enough to kick the guy when he is down even if you stubbed your toe in the process and missed my chin. And don't put a diaper on my head and then announce "Grow Up". You behave as kids who want to be moms and you are out of your area of expertise. I challenged you to make a difference and voice something that means something about anything important but you don't have what it takes. Go back to being Jane Dillinger or Lizzy Borden, I love it when crooks get on a soapbox and pretend to have a moral or legal basis for doing so. But again, with more puke behind us, your question was valid. You just need to understand a lawyer can't fix this. You also realize one of the judges in my case was arrested? A NY State Supreme Court judge, Vincent Doyle. Also do a search for the Green Lightening debacle on which he ruled. It really is a crime show in NY, the area is rife with corruption and crime. But you knew that already, right? Or did you think everyone in public service is honest? I heard it from the tooth fairy so it must be true. Look, I am making an effort here. I think you need to do the same and you have a chip on your shoulder and come for a fight. I'll get you either way if so. Again, if you disrespect me, you are going to hear about it, I bet you'd have it no different if someone did the same to you, why hold me to a different standard? That would make you a hypocrite and a bigot as well as dishonest. Don't worry, you are not alone in that dilemna, you have a lot of company and the world is full of callous thugs. Care to prove me wrong?

There, you have been called to put your money where your mouth is and prove that you stand for something, care to respond to it?  I don't show up, throw words on a page, then head for the exit.  Tell me what you are all about and what really appeals to your sense of "Justice" and right and wrong.  Or are you just another holier than thou killer?  Tell us what you stand for.  Go ahead.



Stacey, you saved the day!

#124Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Gosh another woman with a plan? Where have you been all my life? I would never have thought of "Just getting over it". Guess what? We tried that and it never worked, or have you not gotten that concept so far?  What do you think went on for the 28 years of me "Getting over it"?  How did it get resolved?  The answer is it did not and it got worse.  You are a fool to suggest this, but let me elaborate.  It seems again you show up, offer misguided and useless advice, and do so based on your knowledge of nothing? That is original, lets see:

You Said: "Grow up" Take your own advice, since the only children I see are you, Susan, and Kathie. Why is it only the women can't understand any of this? Mature people can have discussions and actually make meaningful comments without making personal attacks, resorting to name calling, and making fun of bad situations. I'd guess I have about three lifetime's more experience than you ever will have and likely am more mature than you ever will be. As in I did not show up here to disrespect you or anyone else, you however did. Adults don't do such things and you dear child are NOT an adult. Ever hear of the term harpy? I think that shoe fits you. Again, you offer nothing original, if you don't like this discussion, or it hits a nerve, then take a hike and don't read it. Change the channel lady and move on, you only reaffirm my assertions. I can't get over something you won't admit ever happened. Why lie about it? What do you care, let them pay and rot in prison, why support them, at all? You think I should live with the pain, injury, loss, upset, but want better for the guilty, why is that? What did you wish on me as a child? My fault also I suppose? You win the prize today for most useless, misguided, and callous state sponsored flunky. I said it before, you may as well shutter the doors to the courts and other government offices, put up a sign that says "Closed Forever", fire all the people and save us some money since you just reduced justice in this country to that one liner I told you already accomplishes nothing: Get over it. Gee that is helpful. Read what I wrote and respond to it, the problem is you can't and for some reason refuse to. Something like, Good GOD! That must have hurt. Or Holy Cow! That is NOT RIGHT? I mean what really makes your blood boil as a (Self) righteous woman? I mean you claim to be that correct? A morally correct, legally straight arrow that shows up here to "Take care of business" and set me right because this is all my fault, do I have that right? I'd call you predictable, and redundant, do you all share notes and discuss strategy? You seem to sound like clones at this point.

You Said: "Get a life and get over it - jeeeesss I have worked with Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and other violent crimes and THEY have gotten on with their lives - Maybe you should too" That sounds like some bad advice also, consider that violent people who attacked me still are at large. Why should they not be brought to trial and punished? So you suggest this country is really lacking a government at all and we all live in anarchy? Did you tell the other victims to live amongst their violent spouse's and just to "Get Over It"? If so I think you are more dangerous than you realize. Did those people ever see their attackers punished? It makes a difference you know. What are the extent of my injuries, that would make a difference also. Oh and when someone violently attacks you for no reason, try getting over it. I mean without you suggesting that, I never would have been "Smart" enough to figure that out. You ladies slay me, you really do. I pity anyone you'd marry since you are shallow tombs. Maybe those responsible should allocute to their crimes and that includes the state and I need to wait for the truth? Sounds like a plan to me. I mean before you send me back into a relationship with a violent spouse. You also show up here to promote more falsehood and a stereotype that you really should know better than to promote, that being men as victims of domestic and other violence DO NOT need to put up with it as you claim here. That and women are just as likely to be abusive as men, the numbers are the same. Men for some reason never see any justice. Why is that? You do more harm to your cause and that one than good by coming here. It should backfire on you. It seems fools are the quickest to speak to demonstrate that point, you are one such exemplar.

You Said: "Oh I would suggest getting some counseling - you are holding onto a lot of anger that needs attention" Counseling of this ilk you mean? I can have you offer useless advice for free, I am not going pay for it. You don't know me personally and can't speak to my state of mind. You assume this, assume that, and claim to know it all. And having experts at smoothing things over for you to just wish it all away does nothing to get to the truth. This has been the problem all along and you just foster and promote more lies. Why all the evasion? This cost me three decades, get a grip lady. It also cost me millions in lost wages as well as my health. What you just said is akin to fire all the police since their is no justice for victims because you show up to tell them: 1) You have no right to be angry. 2) Get over it since nothing will ever be done 3) That it never happened. Also interesting that you never address anything I said. Do you back over your husband five times with the Mercedes and think it is an accident also? You just show up and make wide sweeping misstatements of non-fact, gloss over everything I say, offer nothing of substance, and continue to blame me. Isn't that right? Now you have some self envisioned expertise in something, social work you say? I think that is a joke.

You Said: "AND before all the idiotic comment come out I am Educated in the field of Social Work ie: COLLEGE" Never argue with a fool? I don't care where you are educated, and this only makes you look worse, how can someone who pretends to be in social work brush something like this off? I think you need a new line of work because this is NOT the job for you. Why defend any of this at my expense? I've had people like you in social services laugh at me when I was homeless and without food. I think getting over losing a limb or use of one is naive as is allowing the guilty to go unpunished. I think you need to learn respect of others, and to get the facts before you offer advice. I advise you to work for Walmart, possibly sweeping floors. It will give you some perspective and teach you humilty, as in think before you speak. Your boss will also see it this way and I will make sure your career in social services is short lived, very short lived. We don't need you.

I think beating me to death with the optimist club is nothing knew and you should know that. Or are people in Texas all as stupid as you? You know what, you do your state, city, and gender a disservice by showing up here and opening your hilbilly mouth at all, I know the answer to that question already. As they say, your diplomacy skills are not well refined and you have no moral or legal foundation at all. I bet that neither Texas, the city of Dallas, or women at large care to have you as a spokeswoman for the "Cause", don't pretend to speak for them. It boils down to the fact you just took the wrong side and with that have been sorted. You offer opinions that has you calling victims of violence idiots and see nothing in any of this other than attempting to find fault with diction, spelling, and syntax in the hopes to make a bad situation worse. I also think your opinion is off base, this is better dialog than you can handle and better than you will get anywhere. So you step up to the plate and can make really important sounding tirades with four words at a time, so what? You are educated in nothing, there are plenty of useless colleges and useless degrees, I know PhDs who are fools, you have a long way to go before you even begin to get close to that level. And yes, this was difficult for me, that would seem obvious. I have and have had no family support, lost a spouse, lost a home, lost a career, and lost my health. Did you see any of that or did you get lost looking for the forest and not the trees? I get tired of carrying all the baggage people like you present, what is in it for you? Do you get paid to place duct tape over the mouths of victims of crime? I am still here and not going anywhere and I am still talking. I doubt you will respond with anything of substance either. To answer your question; No I won't get over it until it is fixed. It is not fixed and you did nothing to make it any better, you only made it worse. Care to try again? Oh and I expect an apology from those responsible and one from you is not out of line either. But people like you don't make mistakes and certainly never admit them, I know all too well how you work. I could hand you a written confession and court transcript and you'd just change the subject and run away. Sounds about right doesn't it? I made these points already, you fit the same pattern as I've laid out already.


Here, try it your way. I can reply to you as you did to me. Let me put on the Stacy hat:

I think you are just too lazy to do any work. Did you show up here needing money and hope to win the lottery? (Notice I added a non sequitir so as not to discuss any of the points of fact.)

I would suggest choking down a dozen valium since reality is too difficult for you. When someone harms you I think you need to be ready to get over it right away and then feel all good about it. Probably taking a strong sedative is really what is right for you. Then you need to discuss the problems at length with people who are not on your side and would prefer not to know the truth. What better way to get to the bottom of something than just reliving it to those who stonewall all of it?

Just so you know I have all kinds of credentials that mean nothing and I run around wearing TShirts that say "State" and "College" on them and have a firm grasp of the obvious. After all this is complex stuff and I am an expert because I went to college. Certainly everyone else here are fools because they never did attend college.

See, there are three short and sweet statements that mean nothing and took about two seconds to come up with, does that fix all this for you? I mean you arrive on the scene and brush it all aside with all the aplomb and bombast I'd expect from some useless lackey such as you.  But you know what?  I know farmers who never made it out of high school who are smarter than you. They agree with me. Go back to patting yourself on the back for kicking a handicapped guy and someone you should have helped along the way. I know, you never claimed to be a samaritan, not even a good one. You don't need to bother claiming to be one now. I have your number and now so do others if they did not already.

But to answer your questions and demands; No, I won't be heeding any of your advice, since it really is terrible advice at that.  Open your mouth again and I'll feed you more of your words, go ahead and try me out.  I'll be here.




#125Consumer Comment

Sat, October 31, 2009

If You have so much irrefutable scientific evidence about your injury and violence by the police, Why havent you talked to a lawyer?

This site is going to do nothing for you. Only a lawyer can help you find justice. 

I'm going to enjoy the 3 page rant about me puking on charles that will ensue over my post.


Susan, yes I have insurance.

#126Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

You Said: "For that thought and others, do you have health insurance that covers psych care?" I guess I should answer that question also. Yes I do have insurance and it is actually very good, it covers all care at no cost to me, and you know the best part about it? You pay for it!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

God this is fun. I appreciate that one.  Right between the eyes. 



A boy named Sue and Tattoo me.

#127Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Susan, read what KMH said. His sentiment is correct. This ruined 28 years of my life and people like YOU took the law into their own hands to make it worse. I want to put your remarks into perspective here by quoting them and then pointing out the flaws again:

You Said: "Twenty eight years later and you just decided you were "lynched" and cut by they police or fire department? You obviously were not lynched because you are still alive." So since I am alive still it did not happen, how is that? You make no sense.

You Said: "Let me guess, you need money and are looking for someone to sue." You got that right, I nearly died from the financial harm alone. So what? Was it you that sued McDonalds because the coffee was too hot? Guess what, my heart pumps purple piss if you feel badly about the fact I would sue the state over this. Why would I NOT sue them into oblivion?

You Said: "According to your story a cop had knowledge of anatomy, had a scapel with him and cut a nice neat V in your arm. Then he conspired with the hospital etc.. " This proves my point, he sure did not shoot me, and he sure does not carry a knife on duty. Who said anything about a scalpel? But you are right, that is HOW that wound was made. Did you just step into something on that one also? You support the truth and my point here, you just don't seem to realize it do you? I never said the cop had anything, you put those words into my mouth. I'll bet he had someone get a knife and assisted in the "Operation". Again, you add some amount of truth to the information I provided as well as some lies and then claim I said it as such. That was not what I said. He did not act alone is the point you should take from it, and he had no RIGHT to do it. It was NOT an accident but you know what? I don't think you care to get to the bottom of this, you just want us all to founder around in the dark so you can make sport of it all, right? You just feel all big inside sitting there and taking shots at people with your large brain theory that has us little inferior people getting shoved around because we do too much complaining and court paper filing. I think arrogant describes you, also callous, insincere, and dishonest. Did I mention two faced creamy police brown noser also? I laugh myself silly over seeing these stupid cops and people like you try to worm their way out of this one and some of the crap they say and suggest. You should see their expressions when I call them on this and show them those cuts....talk about red faced liars!!!! And they claim the crooks are stupid, well ever talk to a cop? I see your defense of them and put down of me as about the same caliber, lame and misguided, ignorant also comes to mind as does simple.

You Said: "Then your car was stolen and "in the ensuing insurance fraud".. It doesn't matter if your mayor governor or the president were your insurance representative. Insurance fraud is a federal offense and if your insurance agent helps you commit it, he is in trouble too. " Wow, where did that come from? How did my agent "Help" me with anything, are we speaking the same language here, I did write this in English correct? My car was written off and I never saw it again, but the fact is that it was vandalized, and not involved in an accident. The fact the insurance company made a claim as such, and I lost the car makes it another crime, and yes Virginia I am the victim of that also. See how that works? I get attacked, my car gets attacked too, then my car is gone, I get nothing, and am now crippled, did I profit from this? No. I am not in any trouble, those who did this are. I think you are too for taking their side and pretending not to understand and making efforts to support felons. A federal offense? Wow this is something, insurance fraud? That has real teeth now, this is serious stuff. Forget all my blood splashed all over the place, right? No money there. You take the cake lady, good luck in whatever shallow dirge of a life you pretend to make.

You Said: "Then your car was supposedly vandalized by a church in 1981 to prevent you from riding your motorcycle?" Wrong again, thanks for playing. Did the church jump out and attack my car? No. But the story that was told involved them, they are part of the lie and allowed it to persist. You make no sense at all. I said the arm was cut to cripple the hand to prohibit me from riding. That is the clutch hand and my father told me this, he knew about it and did so for decades since 1981 but never came out and explained it, just dropping hints here and there. Now it all makes sense.

You Said: "For that thought and others, do you have health insurance that covers psych care?" As indicated by who? A State doctor? How will that work? In case you missed it, the medical community is remiss here also. I'd say derelict but this is criminal. I don't suffer from your inability to hear or whatever thoughts you happen to have about that which you can't read in written form. I think to be fair to you, what thought did you mean? The one that tells me that that arm hurts as it does or how it felt to be cut like that? I have that thought all the time, but you tell me, you are the expert here? I don't need insurance and psych care does not resolve this since I never got the truth and I have no obligation to put up with insult and injury after the fact about it. Does your husband pop pills to put up with your ignorance and arrogance and is that why you shuck and jive it here to me?

I mean you asked for this, so you got it. I doubt you'll have any response that resembles anything beyond some histrionic female menstrual fit as we've seen thus far but you never know, you may offer some logical reply, I doubt it though. I'll keep an open mind but there is enough chaff here to dissuade you anyway and when all is said and done, your opinion means nothing, not to me anyway. I'll bet not to many other people either. Do you work at Walmart by any chance?


Grow up

#128Consumer Comment

Sat, October 31, 2009

Get a life and get over it - jeeeesss I have worked with Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and other violent crimes and THEY have gotten on with their lives - Maybe you should too

Oh I would suggest getting some counseling - you are holding onto a lot of anger that needs attention

AND before all the idiotic comment come out I am Educated in the field of Social Work ie: COLLEGE


Susan, you poor little girl, yes there is a Santa Clause!!!!!

#129Author of original report

Sat, October 31, 2009

Did you read any of my preceding statements about people like you who seem to rely on a psych defense for some reason? They apply to you, since you can't seem to believe that bad things happen to people done by dishonest people. Lynch does not imply murder, and I've survived other things that could have been fatal but were not. But again, your gripe is trite, banal, and hackneyed. Explain the wound then, how was it made? Since you seem to be a "Medical Expert". Others TOLD me this was what was done, and the wounds confirm it. You can't justify the scars with the accident claim, it took three incisions with a sharp instrument to make it. Your retorts of impossibility just reaffirm my complaints. Who did it knew anatomy, it was done in a small town, and it was a crime. Simple enough? Go slander someone else with your psycho puke, I won't put up with it just because you are too ignorant to see, hear, and understand. People like you are how people like that get away with things like this. But as I said, I already addressed all of that with you for the preceding poster who is just as lame as you. But what was your point and what do you care anyway?

To address your first comment, which I already did, you offer no support that I was not lynched, me being alive does not preclude me being attacked. So you fail on the rebut on the first point. I think that is plain and easy for all to see. People like you like to offer some flawed logic to refute a point and then claim victory in doing so. I see that as being dishonest. Supporting the local PBA are we dear? It never ceases to amaze me how people just stick their neck out for perfect strangers based on an affiliatation with law enforcement, the military, or some other club of thugs. The arm was cut with a knife, deal with that fact first and explain why it was done. Don't treat me like a child because you don't understand, consider how I feel about it. Oh and you are not my mother, or my wife and you are probably thinking gosh, I thought I could just show up here and brow beat the guy to see it my way. I really think you make a fool of yourself in a public forum, you can't even hold your own in a written conversation with me or make any valid points. You seem to use the same template as the other person before you in that it goes something like this; YOU ARE NUTS, JUST FORGET ABOUT IT, I CANT BOTHER HEARING IT, YOU ARE NUTS, POP A PILL TO MAKE IT ALL BETTER. Would you feel better when it happens to your son and then you could make fun of him?

How about I nearly died and am owed a great deal? I'd like those doing the cutting to pay? Again, reread what I wrote and this would be clear. It is called justice for victims of violence. There is a reason for it. Do you have a clue why? Any clue at all what you are talking about? What do you think this cost me? And yes I have the right to sue and should, do you have a problem with that and why?  You paid for it too, do you realize that?  And you are paying for it now like it or not. Consider lost wages for three decades, how much money do you make?  Less than me for sure, you aren't that good.

How about this; He consipred on the scene with a friend in the fire department, all casual organizations in that town. Again, to be fair I don't need to know all the "who knew what when" details, that is for the investigators and internal affairs people to work out. When I awake beaten nearly to death or pulled from a car wreck, I don't need you there to interrogate me while I am in a coma to get to the truth. Let me ask you this, are you a n**i? You seem to act as one.

Oh, what was that? How did I now commit insurance fraud?  How did you care to twist my words on that one?  I never said that, did you read this wrong somehow or was that just another "Honest" mistake?  If my car is vandalized, someone else claims it is an accident, then how does this become my fault? If you show up here and offer me medical advice and I accept it, and you did it to harm me, and I die as a result, that is murder. Care to make more stupid comments dear? Again, as I said, it is a crime and since the judge was also an insurance agent, and had the ability to make it all work out, then he is at fault and guilty of the crime as well. Ready yourself for the next psycho babble, grab your PDR and get busy because this is also called CONSPIRACY....whoooooo....I can hear the medical experts now. Or are you just paranoid? And I don't agree, none of those people SHOULD be insurance agents, the conflict of interest would preclude that for obvious reasons. Arguing with fools is something I need to do less of, I'll finish this reply for you then leave it at that. But get this, they lied about it. How difficult is that to believe? You are crazy if you think the world is full of and run by honest people.  Now you want to get Obama into the fray?  This is serious.

Why, do I need it? Was something bad done to me? Or will you just decide for us and cram something down my throat to shut me up? I don't see how having scars like this and being upset about it makes the fact I am upset about it as demonstrative of the fact it did not happen and I must have imagined it, do you? Or do you think people fall over backwards onto knives and cut their elbows open something like three times in a row and end up tickling their funny bone in the process? If so, I think we need to send the guys with the rubber room for you. I think you are one of those wives who backs over their husband five times with the Mercedes and then plays the victim and calls it an accident. It is about as likely. I will say this, you are gifted at twisting the facts It all comes down to the forensics. The knife wound makes the accident claim impossible. How it was done, and the fact it took medical expertise just makes it that much worse, it speaks to premeditation, and does not support your claims that it did not happen and is a function of mental defect of me and seeming a slam against me as well since I never heard, oh you poor dear, you must be just sick over this, instead I get the typical treat the guy as a leper solution and pretend it never happened.

Again, I come here in good faith and you dream up this crap. Did you read the article about the cars stolen in Katrina? The Cleveland officer who shot his wife? The kids locked in their parents basement for decades? How is this so hard to believe in view of that? Cops know crooks, cops have friends who sell dope, I see it all the time, cops lie about everything, and basically think we should worship the water they walk on. I think you are not as naive as you claim. But I covered all this, come up with something new, we are tired of hearing it. If nothing else, you must be nuts, you keep saying the same thing. Or you are too blind to see and I don't need the practice in explaining the obvious to those who won't listen and can't see right from wrong. It also really makes me ask the question, what do you care? Of all the articles here about folks who can't balance a checkbook, bought a junk used car and are shocked about it, do you beat them up like this? If you can't believe that someone got attacked then what can you believe? Police do this all the time and end up in the news, getting arrested, and losing their jobs and you know why? Because they are arrogant, and think they can get away with it since they are ABOVE the law. I see you as no different, arrogant at least. And the foolish notion that you have any influence or authority is a typical female flaw. Just throw mud and claim to make it all stick, or shoot first and get the facts later. Sorry dear, I wear the pants in this family, not you. Go push your diagnosis elsewhere, I don't buy it.

Replies of this ilk I'll just ignore.  Anyone with valid questions I'll answer, but I've already covered this ground more than once since you offer nothing new and just more dishonesty.  You could claim to have just tuned in but here it is, all in black and white for you once more.  I won't bother cutting and pasting the same thing in for your sister waiting in the wings to arrive with another "Fresh" take on things.  Thatwould be like vacuuming the beach to rid it of sand, the world is full of flakes who make no sense, I'll add you to that list.  I took it easy on you and used small words, did you need a dictionary?  Was English ok or did you want it in German?


This City,

#130Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

Twenty eight years later and you just decided you were "lynched" and cut by they police or fire department?  You obviously were not lynched because you are still alive. 

Let me guess, you need money and are looking for someone to sue. 

According to your story a cop had knowledge of anatomy, had a scapel with him and cut a nice neat V in your arm.  Then he conspired with the hospital etc..

Then your car was stolen and "in the ensuing insurance fraud".. It doesn't matter if your mayor governor or the president were your insurance representative.  Insurance fraud is a federal offense and if your insurance agent helps you commit it, he is in trouble too. 

Then your car was supposedly vandalized by a church in 1981 to prevent you from riding your motorcycle? 

For that thought and others, do you have health insurance that covers psych care? 


Where's the beef?

#131Author of original report

Fri, October 30, 2009

Of course consider this when complaining about the three decades this has gone on; Nobody has been charged with this and those guilty of the violence still run free. At the risk of seeming "Paranoid" where do you think there is a safe place for me? Ever have someone stalk you? I have, and it happens all the time, I see it on the news all the time. There is a cost for justice delayed and justice denied, I don't see hiding behind the blame the victim with a mental health defense as being valid either, do you? Do you run around killing people because they are crippled? Depressed? Retarded? Have a speech impediment? Or do you run around calling them such names because you tried to kill them, I think it starts someplace.  Next time someone mugs you waiting for the bus, be ready when they pat you on the shoulder and beat you up for your protesting too much and your lack of compassion for them as they draw the knife out of your heart.  After all, you did dull it, where is your respect for that person's rights and that of his property and of course his person?  The police of course rely on all affirmative defenses:

I am too busy.

I did not see anything.

It was not me.

I have more important things to do.

I am too stupid to figure it out.

It is not my job.

I knew it anyway and don't care, it is time for lunch.

You seem upset. I can't deal with that.

You should be more upset, I can't deal with that.

My friend did it and is proud of it.

Since I call the shots around here it is all up to me and you just have to like it.  But I'll not be responsible for it.  As in I know it all, know nothing, I am control, it is not my fault, it is up to me, and is not up to me. 

We are not sure who did it and it is just too darn complex to figure out. But we can send our associates from the west coast to insult you about it.

etc etc etc etc etc

They still search for and prosecute war criminals and solve cold cases, why not this one? Who here wants to step up to the plate to take a shot at all the handicapped people? Send in the Marines for that one? Ever see a grown man cry when he loses his home? I have, right on national television during Katrina, some Lousiana cop was belly achin' because his house blew down. I said good, they raped, robbed and murdered mine, let God take his. I sure won't shed a tear over it, not now. I feel sorry for the other innocent people who lost lives during that time and guess who was the first to get bailed out by FEMA? I am sure it was him. How many Cadillacs did they steal during that time, ever read that one:


Who paid for that? You got that right, I did and you did to a lesser degree. What do you think this cost me? What is your arm worth? Is it worth more than mine? Then or now?

Ripping people off, making them upset, then treating them like idiots, and cutting them up should not surprise anyone when they get upset and bleed. Especially when you rub their nose in their own blood and repeat the whole thing.

Or did I miss something?



The Mob Rules?

#132Author of original report

Fri, October 30, 2009

This seemed to have been dropped from the last update, relative to justification for the lynching:

But what all that means is they admit that such a thing is more than likely fact, and it is completely believable, but then they dress it up with a legal blessing after the fact, kind of like a murder dressed to walk like an execution. Of course it lacked all that legal nonsense like a judge, jury, lawyers, evidence, right to appeal, etc etc etc etc. Ring a bell? Or they do this then claim I must be nuts for suggesting it since it is believable? Go ahead, try and have it both ways, they already did, that presents another problem as you may find out eventually. Do you realize what that is? Crime (Organized) being sold to you as justice and the American way. Do you buy it?

I love the religious flakes who show up and murder me with the Bible, essentially doing the same thing.  "Yeah Brother, yet we are all but sinners deserving of death." So there you go, you've reduced Christ to a legal (moral?) excuse to murder men for profit.  Works for you also?  Which is it?  Legally the right thing to do, morally the correct thing to do, or Godly wisdom and right thinking?  I'll bet their religion contradicts their legalism and their laws and scoff thereof violate their religion. In other words they get it wrong on all accounts and then hide behind loopholes, and a cloak of superstition marketed as faith.

And a typo in: "I think you need to read the US Constitution because someday something bad mad happen to you and you may need to stand for something."

Should read MAY happen, of course.


Why all the fuss?

#133Author of original report

Fri, October 30, 2009

Also interesting to note that for all the other posts I made, the only two that get these prickly, name calling, and stab in the back responses are the ones that condemn law enforcement. Why is that I wonder? I did strike a nerve it seems. Good, then I've accomplished something, let it bleed and see where it goes. I have time. Time on my side. If it were not for the fact this has essentially cost me my life, I'd say I was enjoying this. As they say, this is personal, this has nothing to do with business and face it, law and enforcement thereof is just a business.  It all boils down to money and at the end of the day, the police go home and beat their wife and abuse their kids and it goes on day after day.  This is something else.



It is not OK and this is the problem.

#134Author of original report

Fri, October 30, 2009

I agree with KMH and don't think either of us is unreasonable. The point he makes are true also. So much of this reply is towards the people who jump on the name calling bandwagon and start using complex defense tactics such as throwing medical miracle mud in the form of stigmata dressed up like medicine by offering delusional, paranoid, and insanity claims. I'll bet by your own definition, each and every person in this world is all of the above, and your daily life would prove that of you also. Oh and if you think I've suffered mental harm, ever consider that this would be caused by the harm and not the other way around?  Why discredit the victim with the harm caused him, seems crooked does it not, that you'd suggest it?

Try robbing someone of ALL their adult life and their health and see how that works out. I doubt you can relate because this would require a few things you lack and that being; empathy, intellect, and an open mind. I think such a zealous defense and adopt of a position contrarian to mine and with that so hostile towards me, to be fair, makes you look a fool and, well, let's say, of like mind of a group of thugs, hicks, simpletons, and small town creeps who'd do this all over again. Is every story you see in the news or in print born of a delusional nutcase and did the world just start to run amok with peace, love, respect, honesty, and wisdom? I doubt it and people end up killed all the time.

The police have too much power and did so in 1981. I think the person from Murfreesboro needs to crawl back under their rock since these concepts are too difficult for them to discuss without the need for such drama as rolling one's eyes. I mean gee whizz, ever been shot or stabbed? Another hero has arrived on the scene folks to keep the American dream alive, safe, and secure, for all the world to see. Police break the law and lie about it all the time, I don't think they are any different than the worst criminal you'd find anywhere else. They share information, act upon it, and will do most anything not to get caught or to protect an associate, it is fairly simple. They are not honest women and men and they've used others to get away with this, and that includes using women to "Clean it up". Oh and consider how much you paid for it as a taxpayer, it was expensive and what do you think was going on for the last 28 years? If you have trouble with the 28 years, consider what my life was like for that time and the fact it still goes on today, I've been threatened, assaulted, and attacked even just recently and guess what? I have no criminal record, held positions of trust with the State and Federal Government requiring background checks, and used to be an engineer despite all this. In other words, a regular guy who deserved none of this. Don't let the law sell you on the shortcuts taken here, because before you know it, they will be shoving their way into your home, and doing as they please when they please. And don't have one metric you apply for me then use another when it comes to you. I think it is not possible to justify a lynch mob that ties a person up and then carves him up with a knife because you don't like him, he is smarter than you, or you just want to feel like a man because as soon as you do, you no longer live in America, you've moved someplace else or allowed some very UnAmerican folks to take over.

Consider that those who did this actually took the time to measure 20 (My age at the time) inches from my fingertip to the back of my arm to carve two incisions in the back of the arm, one overlapping the other, to expose the nerve below and then make another cut trapping the nerve against the bone to sever it. Does that seem like justice for you? Your rants about delusion or insanity do not change the physical evidence of the crime. Would doing something like this to someone cause them some amount of mental anguish in your esteemed opinion or are you just in all this for the one liners and three word retorts? I don't want to tax your brain power any, it must be akin to sweating bullets to come up with that "Diagnosis", do I owe you anything for it? I think you need to stop being sheep and start knowing that just because someone has a badge and a gun, does not make them a good, right, or righteous person. They hide behind it all the time and the law in this country is nothing more than a group of special interest, organized criminals, on your dime. The only people served by it are those who have friends who work for it (In power for you conspiracy theorists) and those with money (Business for you delusional crackpots) and the rest is just an excuse for a bunch of thugs to run around and play God where we are here to coddle their frail egos and to be like pets for their amusement. Try questioning a cop about something and see what happens, call them on something they tell you and call them a liar. I bet the sparks will fly. Worse yet, impugn their character about something and then just wait for the threats to roll out. Guess what? You have that right and so do I. From where I sit, they are out of business and they know it. KMH is right, this is an interesting story for those not involved, for me it is something else, and for the guilty it is a shoe waiting to drop. I wonder where they got the knife and who did the research where to cut? Court is adjourned, forever. Care to just fix it yourself and avoid all that nasty legal nonsense we call a trial? This seems like the American way now, screw them all and let God sort them out and expect that they must have deserved it. Vigilantes are criminals and I love when crooks show up to blame their victim in advance for the crime they are going to commit. I think you need to read the US Constitution because someday something bad mad happen to you and you may need to stand for something. As of now, you don't, and I think that is a dangerous place to be. As in, those that stand for nothing will fall for anything and when someone murders your son, people like me will be there to say "So what?" or others will recall your words and make you eat them. And yes, people like me have memories that last a lifetime, 28 years is just the beginning. And so do you is the problem, it all comes back as they say.

I think if you can't read these stories on this site, then you may want to go someplace else. It seems simple, nobody MAKES you read any of the pissing, moaning, grumbling, and just really low down wimpy complainin' goin' on here.

Maybe you should take up knitting? I'd not read the paper or watch the news either, since that is just more bellyachin', right? What motivates me is that for every one person out there that wastes their time sniping at me with their well honed three word reply, there are countless others who read and understand and don't feel the need to get into a grade school shoot out with me over it. Those like this sylver8248 character need to realize I survived some very lethal things no man should have to endure and done so despite some fairly impossible odds. In other words, wiser men than he have tried and failed. I think it is also likely they are not being honest either since I don't think they believe the world actually works the way they'd pretend it does or suggest it does as is being done here. In other words, I've seen plenty who would represent this as being untrue all the while knowing it is true. Been there, seen that.

I actually had another person make a statement in another thread "Sounds like someone got a righteous beating by the PoPo". There is no such thing as a "Righteous beating", it is called a lynch mob. I think that mentality has just set that person up to be beaten bloody on the side of a lonely interstate someplace and left to die, and when that happens, the mystery will somehow never be resolved. It seems a slippery slope and a dark place that you allow people to put you. In other words, you just allowed criminals to run your world and probably moved behind the iron curtain. I love it when those in the military do this, makes me wonder who's flag they wave and claimed to love and protect? Oh and do they know what the colors really mean?


Ok buddy...

#135Consumer Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

Whatever you say.  ::rolls eyes::


Walled Lake,
Let the man answer your questions

#136Consumer Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

The man has a story to tell but everyone is so quick to jump in with their dumb comments.  I didn't realize that there was time limit as to how long you can talk about something.  All it tells me is that he is very passionate about his experience.  When something affects you for 28 years, it must have been a traumatic experience.

The only insane or delusional person I see, is someone that knows absolutely nothing about a story yet has to go out of their way to call someone else insane or delusional.

As far as the police go, I certainly don't like to say all police but MANY of them think that they have a badge to just go out and do whatever they want.  If you don't think a bunch of cops could get together, do something wrong and cover it all up then you are completely wrong.  As a matter of fact, if anyone were to get away with some big cover up, it would be the police.


More questions? Or just more name calling?

#137Author of original report

Thu, October 29, 2009


1) If you were knocked out cold and woke up in a hospital, how do you know what happened to you and how do you know who did it?

By numerous means, police and fire rescue personnel were at the scene and must have known since they witnessed it. By looking at the wound itself, from the statements of others who knew, and the admissions by the police.

2) How did you come to these conclusions 28 years later? Mostly by examining the wound, realizing it could not have been made accidentally, and it was done with a knife. Then talking to others, it fell into place from there. The structure of the cuts and the fact it severed a nerve as it did makes it imposible to have been done accidentally. 

3) Who exactly ripped you off? Obviously those involved. I was not able to work or earn an engineering degree as a result. I suffered for decades and still do, lost what was essentially a new car, paid risk pool insurance rates for no reason, and nearly died from the attack. Specifically who? Those involved as I mentioned, and of course NY State. Also consider my parents knew about this and never told me other than my father saying it was done intentionally to prevent me from riding. I think question three really need not be asked, as you SHOULD be able to understand how this is a little bit worse than a "RipOff". Unless you cared to remove the left arm totally?



#138General Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

1) If you were knocked out cold and woke up in a hospital, how do you know what happened to you and how do you know who did it?

2) How did you come to these conclusions 28 years later?

3) Who exactly ripped you off?


That is right, it did not happen yesterday. Were you born then?

#139Author of original report

Thu, October 29, 2009

To the poster with the comment about me complaining now about this:

So you support the attack then since it happened 28 years ago and it took me this long to determine it? Since you rebut the posting we can then assume you support law enforcement and their right to tie people up, beat them until they pass out, and carve them up like your holiday turkey with a butcher knife? If this is the case why don't they admit it?  What was the crime?  I was not charged with anything, why lie about it?

Did you expect the Police to prosecute themselves for the attack or where you going to do that for me since I was not able to? What have I been doing for the last 28 years, did you figure that out already also? Since I now complain about it then I must be insane, is that right? Based on your expertise about what?

I think the rebuttal guidelines are clear; offer a contrarty position that refutes the evidence of the claim other than showing up and calling people names. I still suffer from the attack, even 28 years later.

Is everyone you don't agree with "Delusional" or "Insane", it seems a common defense for the guilty and for you. Or are you just another two faced creamy Police brown noser who despite anything and everything will step up to the plate to protect a fellow killer and crook in blue regardless of his or her crime?  What was that about not mud wrestling pigs? I win all the time at it, see if someone starts it I am going to finish it, you won't have the choice. 

The medical data supports the fact I was knifed. Care to refute that in some way or justify it? And do so based on what morally upright concept you come here and boast about?

You give the Police too much power, you need to take some back or they will run you over with it. The cry wolf analogy is well put albeit misapplied, threaten someone like me enough and I'll push back. This is where we are at now. I think those that can't balance a checkbook can take their advice elsewhere. Let's leave it at that.


That is right, it did not happen yesterday.

#140Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2009

Is everyone you don't agree with "Delusional" or "Insane", it seems a common defense for the guilty. Or are you just another two faced creamy Police brown noser?

What was that about not mud wrestling pigs? I win all the time, I'd stay out of the mud as well if I was you. The medical data supports the fact I was knifed. Care to refute that in some way or justify it? And do so based on what morally upright concept you come here and boast about?


You give the Police too much power, you need to take some back or they will run you over with it. The cry wolf analogy is well put albeit misapplied, threaten someone like me enough and I'll push back. This is where we are at now. I think those that can't balance a checkbook can take their advice elsewhere. Let's leave it at that.




Niagara County Sheriff Judge William Ganshaw Police Beat And Lynch Innocent Man, Hogtie And Sever His Ulnar Nerve Using Knife. Lockport, New York

#141Author of original report

Wed, October 28, 2009

Wilson Police Attack

I now learn that I am a victim of violence in an attack in the town of Wilson NY where police and fire rescue personnel essentially lynched and beat me by restraining me, and intentionally severing my left ulnar nerve using a knife then fabricating a story that this was done accidentally. I woke in the ICM Hospital on William Street in Newfane NY beaten and crippled from the attack and had passed out from it. Now looking at the scar on the left arm it is obvious that it took two incisions to make the V shaped wound to expose the nerve and another to sever it rendering the left hand useless. That and whoever did this obviously had knowledge of anatomy, and the medical community later covered it up, never once telling me I had been attacked. This was in the summer of 1981 and I was 20 at the time, measuring from fingertip to incision, it is exactly 20 inches, a nice thought and considering Dr. Denzel and Argue who performed the repair of the arm after the fact claimed he had to go on a fishing expedition to locate the nerve ends and it would take about an inch per year to heal, his math seemed to be wrong since he expected 9 years for it to be resolved. My car was later stolen in the ensuing insurance fraud and since our Nationwide Insurance agent was also the town justice, William Ganshaw, it all worked out nicely it seems. I suffered from this attack for decades and still do and have yet to hear from anyone what actually happened that night. The car that was vandalized and taken from me is similar to this 1972 Pontiac Luxury LeMans:


Only difference I know of was that my interior was white.

The location of the attack was at the corner of McChesney and Young Streets in Wilson NY 14172 in the summer of 1981 and the Lockport Union Sun and Journal ran a front page exclusive touting the "Accident" and involving the Lutheran Church in the sham claiming an "Early Morning Church Arrival". I was told the attack was done to cripple my hand to prohibit me from riding a motorcycle. A nice bit of ahead of the curve social engineering I'd say.

The police email and website:

[email protected]


To the poster with the comment about me complaining now about this:

So you support the attack then since it happened 28 years ago and it took me this long to determine it? Since you rebut the posting we can then assume you support law enforcement and their right to tie people up, beat them until they pass out, and carve them up? Did you expect the Police to prosecute themselves for the attack or where you going to do that for me since I was not able to? What have I been doing for the last 28 years, did you figure that out already also? Since I now complain about it then I must be insane, is that right? Based on your expertise about what? I think the rebuttal guidelines are clear, offer a contrarty position that refutes the evidence of the claim other than showing up and calling people names. I still suffer from the attack, even 28 years later.

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#142Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2009

You are reporting something that supposedly happened to you 28 YEARS AGO???  Are you insane?

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