  • Report:  #393906


Reported By:
- Los Angeles, California,

www.liveperson.com, www.insightsbynick.com, www.sourcesbeyond.com Internet, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Stay away from this evil person! LivePerson does have some great experts, but this guy takes the cake.

He lies to clients all the time!! He pretended he was on Canadian TV, using the A&E logos! Then, he removed them from his profiles because he could not prove that he was ever on A&E! He did not have permission to do so and A&E's Lawyers got a hold of him.

He then closed down his site of 6 months, before lying to people and LivePerson that this was his site! He said he was the manager, then did a bait and switch when others saw his name on this Scam Site of his.

People signed up for $89.00 to have a premium link, and the only person that made money here was Nick Field and his pal, The High Priestess, on LivePeron.

Now, experts want their monies back and all he does is lie. He is a pathological liar and a dangerous person!

He contacts experts via their emails on site, and also hacks into their private emails-Fact. He will harrass women and men alike because he is threatened by the success of other experts, that are authentic!!

Don't let his ratings fool you! He has friends and coworkers 'pad' his ratings all the time.

His credentials don't even exist! He is so full of himself, and such a vindictive person to fellow experts and clients that get on his wrong side.

He's such a mama's boy and can't take the truth when someone hits him with it between his evil eyes. He will cast a spell on you as well!

LivePerson.com is investigating him as we speak, and he knew it, and closed down his Scam Site off of LP!

He uses filthy language to women and other experts via email, and these have all been sent to the Owner of LP. He is digging his own grave,LOL.

If he rebutts this information, just know he is adding more lies to the public.

When he gets booted off LP, and it will be very soon, he will try and come back again under another name, maybe a female this time?!

He pretends to like people that pay him money, and then laughs all the way to the bank!

Don't let him take your money, and don't believe any of his readings. He even reads scripts to clients in live chat!! He can be convincing to some, but, once people realize he has used a bit of pseudo psychology on them and brags about who he thinks he is in his twisted mind, then they never pay him again!

We all hope he freezes in Canada or will be arrested by the FTC, where complaints were filed by many people against him this year.

Sick person, that is for sure!


Los Angeles, California


18 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
The moral of the story...

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 27, 2009

Thank you to the LP readers for sharing these hateful exchanges in plain sight of potential clients... Who are we to side with??? mmmmmmmmm, Conclusion: STAY CLEAR OF LIVEPERSON

Advisor Nick

The Terminator

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 16, 2009

Actually, I'm not "The Terminator" Donna. I do not feel the need to hide behind anonymous 'consumer' comments nor write about myself in the third person. I do not know who that person is. Nick Field [email protected]


Ft. Ldle.,

#4Author of original report

Mon, March 16, 2009

Nick Field Canada, is the same person titled: the Terminator. He has TERMINATED his account on LP all on his own. The police information is just a bunch of bull, for he has nothing to prove against the LP Expert he mentions. He is so sick and delusional that he will not admit that what he has done is against the Laws of the U.S. and Canada, subject to prison and fines! He does have a habit of forging signatures and rewriting emails that experts have replied to him! All information posted on this site can be proved and supported in the Courts, about this psychotic person Nick Field or whatever his real name is today?! We know he will try and get back onto LP as a client and continue to harrass experts, hire them under other names to fake them out in readings, proceed to 1 star them as well. His IP is blocked by LP's Legal Division. I know he will try under another IP to get into the site or have someone he knows do more of his dirty work. LP's ABUSE and LEGAL DIVISIONS have all the emails as well as pictures of a sexual nature that Nick Field sent to Morgana. Now this vile excuse for a human being's karma has come due! He needs to quit this behaviour because in the end, he has lost and will continue to be doomed in his life. Sadly, people paid this thing for services rendered when he needs a shrink with plenty of meds.


Ft. Ldle.,
Advisor Nick Field: TERMINATED FROM LIVE PERSON.COM Suggestion!

#5Author of original report

Mon, March 16, 2009

If anyone at anytime has been stalked by this person Nick Field, report all information to LP's Legal Department. His expert account has been terminated and Legal has confirmed that he was stalking Mystical Portal Morgana, a LP Expert in good standing. Her sir name is not what he has written here, nor is this her location. Case closed.


Grand Forks,
British Columbia,
Out of Control

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 14, 2009

I cannot get over the anger and ridiculousness of how the person above and her "friend" goes on and on with lies and smears of their own regarding the reader, Nick. The negative energy that flows from you both is completely toxic. I assume you are reader on Liveperson. Perhaps consumers need to be warned of your own toxicity and lack mental stability. Perhaps you need to start meditating, energy healing, and get some serious psychological help! Sadly not only are you affecting your own wellbeing, but others you come into cantact with as well. I really think you need to get help before you try to help others! You lady are seriously fragmented and perhaps need to piece it together and stop your sick vendetta! I think there might some energy healers on Liveperson that you might want to contact :)

Advisor Nick

Donna Longo

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, March 14, 2009

Hello, This is simply to advise all concerned parties that the above post again has once again been articled by Mystical Portal Morgana, namely Donna Longo (Brooklyn, New York). There is an open police investigation with the Ontario Provincial Police Service, Occurence #1631-001301 and the Investigating Officer is Detective Constable Isobelle McVey of the Grenville County OPP Detachment, available at 1-888-310-1122. Anyone who is genuine concerned about the issue at hand should contact the Detective named above. Regards, Nick Field [email protected]


Ft. Ldle.,
Advisor Nick at LivePerson.com is a Cyber-Stalker!!

#8Author of original report

Mon, March 09, 2009

NICK FIELD THE THEIF AND CYBER-STALKER! LIVEpERSON.COM, INTERNET I have heard from many advisors on this site that have been there for years, that this fruit cake Nick Field, Canada, has been hiring experts and then giving them 1 star ratings in order to boost his own! He goes by other screen names, and has put other advisors or friends up to this as well. WE all know it is this phoney, scammer, thief, woman hater!! Everything he answers to just as he did here, tries to show he is normal!? Experts have emails from him to date with porn, abusive language, pictures from this nut because he knows he is hated by most people on LivePerson. He will not stop and no one is emailing him, first! He has hacked into one experts account, which would be the fine woman, Mystical Portal Morgana, and the "real" name he used above is NOT her real name, and NOT where she lives! He is a pathological liar as well!! In 2008 he got into her live person's expert account, stole and used her personal information, and sent emails to LP from her email account PRETENDING to be her! He then created another account using her name or a form of it, started trouble on the forums and with LP, again PRETENDING to be her! I have been victimized by this person Nick Field and what I know is what this reputable psychic, Morgana has told me and LivePerson. Live Person is just waiting for more information from Identity Theft, Harrassment, Stalking, Police and their own investigation which has been underway for months, to rid the site of Nick Field, Advisor Nick, or whatever new name he changes it to. Most likely he will be sued by all parties concerned!! He has been warned all of the above are FELONIES subject to jail in Canada where he lives as well as the U.S. Don't be fooled by the con man, who states he is 27 and uses fake credentials on LP and other online psychic sites!! The PROOF is available for the authorities at any time.

Advisor Nick


#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

Any intelligent person can read this thread and see that it doesn't make sense and most of the conversation doesn't even relate to me. The original thread was created by another Expert. Namely, Donna Longo from Brooklyn, New York.. Mystical Portal Morgana. This expert seems to think I have wronged her by outperforming her on the platform. Regards, Nick Field [email protected]


Poor Mr Psycho

#10UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 27, 2009

What a bunch of crap flies from your mouth...you wouldnt know your a*s from your elbow most likely,much less who is who on LP. I have had 1 ...thats one,in case you are slower then seem....since day 1,and nayone who doesnt thinnk so can write LP and ask. LP never did remove people to my wishes,you idiot...I dont work for LP. And I dont know who this Nick Fields is,but he sure sounds like a bad apple,so that makes me wonder why you are rushing to defend him and somehow associate him with me. But then you wouldnt know some oen who tried to help you from some one who wouldmnt. My Psycho tells these lies because myself and some of these other readers he talked to outed him on the PB for stalking an underaged girl who he thinks wants tohave sex with is ignorant a*s. he is going to jail soon,someone has reported him to the cops and they are watching him. Finally this pedophile will be in jail making some friends like he should have been all along. Just more garbage with NO PROOF from a major loony who named himself correctly...


Ft. Ldle.,
Advisor Nick, Sourcesbeyond.com,Insightsbynick.com,Liveperson.com-HE IS TWISTED AND EVIL!

#11Author of original report

Mon, February 23, 2009

OGM, This characted in Canada is twisted to say the least! Just look at his pics online and you will see the pure evil in his eyes. The LP expert that said he was not a fake was fooled by this looser! He shut down his bogus site, took experts monies and is still on LP! The only reason for this slip through the cracks is because he has a few high rated experts fending for him on the site. LP doesn't want to loose the money machine friends of Nick's so they are going along with what she/he is telling LP about this guy. He claims to be 27 years old, but has the mentality of a 9 year old boy! To this day he continues to cyber-stalk and harrass the experts that FOUND HIM OUT on LP. One of the expert's fiance' is a Captain with the NYPD for about 25 years. She told me that he recently emailed her again, after looking for ways to contact her online, which is stalking! His IP address and all emails have been sent to the proper authorities by several experts he has crossed. He crossed the wrong ones that can see through him, he knows this as well, and his big ego can't take the heat! He sent pornographic emails to experts lately, with filthy language, all of which have been sent to the proper sources! He will also go on other sites and bad mouth the experts that know he's a thief and a fraud. Karma will and is going to take very good care of Nick Field and his dogs, too,LOL! Please do not email or hire this guy, he is mentally ill! His profiles on sites are all copied from other sources, his credentials most of which DO NOT EXIST! I am sure someone will come here and say this is untrue. That doesnt matter to us because we have the HARD EVIDENCE against this worm. It's only a matter of time before justice and papers are served to this thief and fake psychic. He has a good line with the ladies that have fallen for his crap online, which is the ONLY reason he has some ratings to speak of. His expert friends send him people and tell him beforehand the clients' information, which makes Advisor Nick look like a gifted person. After being WARNED many times he continues to harrass and stalk mostly female experts. This is not a man, this is a mouse!


Ile Dupas,
good old Robin Ford

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2008

This reek of a smear campaing by the real twister sick sick soul Robin bluedragon, Especially when he says he helped 1000's in his profile and here he say 1000's of dollar. Don't forget that money is his god. Yes this is just a smear campaigne by shoshone,robin bluedragon,psychic emily rose,serenity garden, So what happened this person was in your scamming group and you threw them out. Don'T worry Robin Bluedragon is loosing control liveperson don'T ban clients at his will like before. They got tired of their mass emailing and their treats to leave if they don'T comply. He is a stalker that wants to feel he have control over a certain group of person. Now his power weaken and he is becoming dangerously agrresive.



#13Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 05, 2008

LOL What a load of crap! Nick Field is not a fraud. You people need to go and get a life and leave other people alone already



#14Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 05, 2008

LOL What a load of crap! Nick Field is not a fraud. You people need to go and get a life and leave other people alone already



#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 05, 2008

LOL What a load of crap! Nick Field is not a fraud. You people need to go and get a life and leave other people alone already



#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 05, 2008

LOL What a load of crap! Nick Field is not a fraud. You people need to go and get a life and leave other people alone already


Nick Field

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, November 29, 2008

Nick Field is a liar Do not trust this guy. There is an old saying Nick Field, if you are reading this report "what goes around comes around" You have taken innocent peoples' money and had shown absolute no remorse You have lied and cheated and have hurt a lot of people. You are a sick sick twisted person living inside your own mind with the type of person you are, I am not surprised if your so called 'friends' or 'allies' leave you one after the other and in the end, you are all alone How sad, huh?



#18Consumer Comment

Sun, November 23, 2008

I have to say something though... Though I know absolutely nothing about any Scam site or A&E logos or anything like that, I feel I have to say something about Nick Field as a psychic. HE IS NOT A FRAUD. I know first hand he isn't. He is very gifted and professional and doesn't use scripts or anything like that. I had a reading from him and he completely shocked me in a very good way. His accuracy is dead on. He is very gifted and very nice and very kind. Just my two cents, perhaps you have a misunderstanding with him and took things too far. Nick Field is not a fraud, this is what I know


New York,
Too funny!

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

Let me see if I understand what's going on... A charlaton is taking money from other charlatons! LOL!

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