  • Report:  #185600

Complaint Review: NME National Magazine Exchange - Clearwater Florida

Reported By:
- Salinas, California,

NME National Magazine Exchange
16120 US 19 North Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The first time I got one of their mailings--mid 90's--they had a "celebrity" name (Robin Leach, what an appropriate name!) attached to their mailing and the "warm-up" was a prerecorded message from same "celebrity." They took almost $300 from me and I did not receive a single subscription! Talk about live and learn.

From that moment on, I have ignored their solicitations. I suggest you do the same.


Salinas, California

48 Updates & Rebuttals


St Pete,
The claims of EVIL are true. You can get your money back if you read how to do it on these postings. Horrible place to work.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 19, 2008

Glad I don't work there anymore. I wasn't in sales but worked in the office. Terrible place that's run by what they call the Brady Bully Bunch. Guess that's the president Scott Brady. It's all about getting money from the callers. The sales scripts are only there to keep them just within the law so they don't get any more government fines. The apparantly got a fine over $500,000 a couple years ago and they don't want that to happen again. If you are deaf dumb and blind but have a credit card or checking account they will assault you with their overbearing sales pitches. HANG UP!!!


Do NOT call them at all cost!

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, November 04, 2007

People, when you receive these junk mails from this company in your mailbox, don't even bother opening it, much less calling their number. Throw it straight into the trash. I don't understand how some can be so gullible enough as to give their credit card number or even their acct number to complete strangers over the phone without thoroughly researching the parties they're dealing with. Whenever I receive their mail in my mailbox (4 to date) I immediately rip it up and discard it. Be aware that if you call them, they CAN sell you things over the phone, even though you're on the Do NOt Call list, because of the simple fact that it was YOU who initiated contact.

Getting Screwed By Bill Hood

Elk River,
NME has added a new scam?

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, October 20, 2007

I've just got done reading about 300 pages from this website and google about NME/SDP. All I can say is wow. It's like watching an episode of Desprite House Wives, there's liers, drama, gossip and scandals. Here is my exsperiance with this company: 10/07/01 My wife ordered magazines from NME (called about the $1,000,000 they wanted to give her...) 03/07/03 Recived last Invoice from Readers Choice. Contract Amount $1188.00. $950.40 Paid to Date on credit card. 03/12/03 Asked to cancel remaining service, was refused. Paid Remaining Balance from my checking account over phone to end contract. I made it clear that it was paid in full, wanted to be added to the do not call list, do not renew list and never wanted to hear from them again. 03/14/03 Readers Service Magazine removed remainining balance from Bank Account. 04/03 Wife filed for Chapter 7 Bankuptcy, credit card included. 2006 Bank Account closed. 10/08/07 Missed call from 239-275-4391 and 239-275-3828 10/16/07 Missed call from 239-275-3185 10/17/07 Missed call from 239-275-3526 and 239-275-5804 Answerd call from 239-275-0926: It was a lady claiming my wife agreed to an automatic 5 year renewal that was recorded on tape and the subsriptions were allready paid for and we needed to pay them back. I told her we do not want any more magazines and to fix the problem. She said "fine" and hung up. I have a feeling this is'nt that last we'll hear from them. Next we will get an invoice and then a collections notice. Is the collections foney? My wife never agreed to an automatic 5 year renewal. I'm glad they dont have an active CC # or Bank account. But my wifes credit should'nt have to suffer. Plus they are trying to collect after bankruptcy, called us after being added to there Do Not Call list and refused to cancel. I hope the class action lawsuite goes through.


Brian - do you know why more management left?

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 18, 2007

Brian do you know why the CIO Thomas Lord and the VP Marketing Jeffery Fix left the company? Thomas Lord was listed as the #2 on the Web site but was knocked further down the listing shortly before he left. Has Brady ever built any team the was successful? (let alone sustainable)


Hillsborough Co.,
Very Ladylike or Bradylike

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 14, 2007

This lady definitely is a model Brady employee. She probably knows more about the "S" word than most people. Her use of the word maybe in her last sentence shows that she lacks confidence in what she stated. She certainly is used to diving under desks.


Charlotte you are a dysfunctional toilet toddler.

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

Charlotte you like NME because you can not get a real job and you can not perform honest work. NME targets VULNERABLE people such as the elderly, the young, the lower income, the less educated, etc. who fall victim to your aggressive evil predatory sales tactics. If people call NME I hope they stay on the phone for 30 minuets entering the contest and asking lots of questions and THEN HANG UP WITHOUT GIVING THEIR CREDIT CARD NUMBER AND WITHOUT BUYING MAGAZINES. Wash your hands! Have a crappy day. CLICK


To Charlotte and your Wicked Evil Web!!

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 10, 2007

Charlotte the ex-employees are speaking the truth. So it sounds like you are saying that the truth appalls and offends you. Charlotte maybe you think what you do is legal but it certainly IS NOT MORAL. Don't you know that SDP paid a $535,000 fine to the FTC for dare I say doing something illegal! And ex-employees do not suck as you suggest. SDP goes through over 4000 employees per year because people can not stand your AGGRESSIVE EVIL IMMORAL sales and collection tactics. You certainly are proof that SDP will hire just about anyone. I guess you have the ability to read a sales script and you lack moral integrity. And don't come back and spew that the magazines are a great deal. That is outrageous baloney and I won't waste a lot of time and space detailing why. And if the economy is so bad why don't you give people a break so that they do not waste hundreds and hundreds of dollars on magazines? Obviously you can not work a real job. Charlotte you and SDP have a real crappy day. CLICK get it.



#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 10, 2007



Tarpon Springs,
Don't call and Don't work at SDP

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 16, 2006

Many have fought there Many have bled there Many have been left on the side of the road There is no honor there There is a cold mist over Tampa tonight Do you really want to call? Do you really want to work there? Freedom?Freedom?Freedom Let Freedom RING!! Longshanks you will get yours!!


Hillsborough Co.,
Gordon Gecko's Gang Is Not Undefeated

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 14, 2006

It seems that some members of the staff, and management at that company have been stating for some time that the company has never lost an unemployment insurance claim case. If anyone believes that, I have some "prime" property in Southern Georgia near the Okefenokee Swamp that I would like to sell to them.


Any new updates from current or ex-employees??

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 05, 2006

WOW this is an educational posting. Do any current or ex-employees have anything new to post here? I should have found this site before I worked at NME. I probably would have never wasted my time working there. I also think a lot or people try working there because they don't do a drug test.


61 days of the Brady Bunch and counting

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 09, 2006

Alright now you employee hangers on must have something to report. SHARE will you!!!!!!!! We have all suffered at the xxxxxxxxx of Brady. Give us some update and a little releif will you - you will sleep better.


Hillsborough Co.,
Drum Roll Please........

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 12, 2006

According to several websites that compile business statistics, as well as information provided by others on this message board, the company earned less then 50 million dollars in revenue in fiscal year 2005.


31 Days of the Brady regime and counting

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 01, 2006

It has been 31 days of the Brady Bully Bunch regime. Does anyone have anything interesting to post? Any more changes in management or reporting structure? Pay changes? HR policy changes? How are things in Ops, Sales, Marketing, HR, Legal? Does Kathy report to David P? Brian you seem to know a lot how is revenue and profits (or losses)?


Hillsborough Co.,
As We Listen One Last Time and Watch With One Last Look

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 11, 2006

After reviewing the resignation letter, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of inaccuracies stated in the letter. On the other hand, after reviewing my messages, I believe my messages have been very accurate. It is rather obvious that Bill Hood's intention was for Scott Brady to become CEO from the moment he recruited him. Hood personally recruited Brady. That means that the principle of intent overrode the principle of results oriented logic. Hood's state of mind as to Brady's role with the company was based on a series of organizational ascensions. No regard was given to the results of each position he held within the organization. Of course, others were held to a results based standard. Hood's personal policy of intent in regard to Brady altered the chemistry of every level of management within the company. Problems ensued when people found out that Brady was heir to the throne based on an entirely different set of standards.


comments on the resination letter

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 05, 2006

Let's look at some statements in the resignation email. Scott ... values its employees and their contributions as I do. Well a lot of salaried employees made contributions beyond the call of duty to build and turn around SDP. How were they valued by Scott and Bill? Answer - they were pushed out of the company and replaced with new Brady Bunch members. Those of you still there and those contemplating working there should understand the value system in place. Anyone who has been at SDP a while knows the list of survivors who perform marginally, come in late, leave early, take long lunches, take extra days off. Take heed of the value system that keeps these people and pushes others out. How about this statement, ... someone said they had heard rumors that I was leaving the company. My response was positively not. Yet didn't Mr. Hood just leave? Along with the statement, Scott and I have been working closely together now for the last year preparing him to succeed me as CEO. Looks like positively yes that Mr. Hood WAS leaving the company, it just took a while to prepare Mr. Brady.


resignation letter

#18UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 05, 2006

This is the title of the e-mail that was sent out to employess on 7/28. You asked for a copy and here it is. Special Data Processing is once again strong and vibrant. An unyielding team has persevered and overcome the difficulties that our industry and SDP have been encountering the last couple of years. I held a company-wide meeting with employees some years back to discuss the difficulty SDP was experiencing. As you may recall, I referred to that discussion as the company is under construction meeting. During the Q&A session following the meeting, someone said they had heard rumors that I was leaving the company. My response was positively not. I further responded that we are either turning this business around together or we are turning out the lights together. Well, I'm pleased to say, we have turned this business around. This can be attributed to several factors. To name a few, we have strengthened our leadership team; renegotiated our bank covenants and have an excellent banking relationship; created a new and fresh magazine promotion along with newly negotiated co-op contracts with the publishers; and we have substantially reduced overhead. The results are much more solid, predictable profits. I would like to thank each of you for your hard work and assistance in this company-wide turn around. That being said I believe now is a good time for me to step aside as Chairman and CEO of Special Data Processing. Effective August 1, 2006, Scott Brady will become SDP's CEO and I will be leaving the company. I recruited Scott from AT&T eight years ago to become the Director of Partnership Marketing, then on to Vice President of MMC Partnership Marketing in July 2000. He became Sr. Vice President-General Manager NME in September 2003, followed by a promotion to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. He assumed the job of President in August 2005. Scott and I have been working closely together now for the last year preparing him to succeed me as CEO. Scott has the passion for the business and values its employees and their contributions as I do. I feel very comfortable and confident in Scott's ability to take on this leadership role. Since I began the company in 1984, it has been an all encompassing part of my life. I've loved and appreciated every minute of running this business, nurturing it from a modest beginning and watching it grow into the successful business it is today. Being a founder of this business, it will always have a special place in my heart and I will always be SDP's greatest cheerleader. I'm so proud of what we've accomplished together and now feel that my work here is complete. I am looking forward to some relaxation, spending quality time with my lovely wife and two children. I thank you all for your dedication, support, friendship and encouragement, and for being such a wonderful part of my life. PS 3 days later the pay was cut for the 3rd time in 4 months.


Hillsborough Co.,
Ginny's Resume is More Impressive

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 01, 2006

Ginny has more experience in operations management. She has operations experience in both middle and upper management levels. Remember, operations is the heartbeat of any company.


Dear Chuck, Dear Brian, Dear John, Dear Others

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 30, 2006

Chuck in your farewell posting to SDP and Bill Hood you state that you did not know Scott Brady. While you did not know him face to face a huge portion of your writings for years has been the direct result of Scott Brady's leadership (or dare one say the lack thereof). In your farewell posting you state Bill Hood has not spoken to the employees in years. A more profound statement than you realize because that includes ALL employees. Years ago Bill Hood put Scott Brady between himself and ALL of SDP including all its employees including management. Scott Brady pushed Ginny J out. Scott Brady pushed out a long list of competent managers with BACKBONE and INTEGRITY. Where was Bill Hood certainly not in the game with his eye on the ball? Bill Hood has had one foot out the exit for years and is now gone and management with backbone is gone. Hood is guilty of condoning the Brady regime in order to orchestrate his own exit. In my opinion if you are still working at SDP you either lack backbone or you are a Brady target. Does anyone have Bill's letter of resignation for posting on this site?


Hillsborough Co.,
Another Old Adage

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 25, 2006

"All that glitters is not necessarily gold." Judging from this investment, I believe those gold coins have rusted by now. Willis & Stein have not taken the company beyond the 100 million dollar mark in revenue since they acquired the company. After all, it is not about me. It is about someone else. In the words of Bob Dylan, "For each and every underdog, there is a soldier in the night."


Palm Harbor,
An old adage

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 21, 2006

"He who has the GOLD makes the rules." Willis, Stein and Partners of Chicago possess that gold and have been making the rules and re-shaping the company since its merger. The CEO, President, COO, or whatever else you want to call him or her, now or in the future is just a figurehead, another cog in the machine. A symbol, smoke and mirrors like George W.Bu...,sorry I mean Bill Faust...., no Bill HOOD and his sucessor(s).


Hillsborough Co.,
I Have Never Stated Any Support For Scott Brady

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 21, 2006

It is rather obvious who I am defending. If you read my first post, you would have found out by now. I have never once posted anything positive about Scott Brady. I don't know Scott Brady from a bag of Veg-O-Matics. I have only stated that one man, and that one man being Bill Hood could have stopped him. Hood allowed a climate of fear and intimidation to rule the day. Another man stated in a post that Bill Hood recently issued a letter of "resignation" to his staff. In the letter, Hood alluded to the company finally being on "track" due to savings in overhead costs. I believe Hood played a huge part in reducing overhead costs because he ran out of ideas. Hood instructed Brady to cut overhead costs in certain departments. Brady then made selections in regard to minimizing overhead costs. Scott Brady was granted his position in the year 2002. He took over from a guy by the name of Wayne Romanchuk. He was an executive in the financial services division of General Electric. GE has always been notorious for cutting costs. During his reign, several pay cuts were initiated, and several departments were abolished. The terror began in February of 2002 when about 30% of the supervisory staff was terminated. Around that time, members of middle management were being terminated on a regular basis over a period of time. The reason that I stated the company has deteriorated over the past four years is because the massive downsizing started in 2002. Unfortunately, Brady continued those initiatives with even greater zeal. No, I am no supporter of Scott Brady. On the other hand, Scott Brady is no supporter of me either.


St Pete,
That's a lot of defensive boilerplate!

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 20, 2006

Brian that sounds like well thought out defensive boilerplate textbook. Who are you defending? The tone doesn't sound like an ex-employee. Interestingly, quoting you, that your comment only addresses the past four years. What does that mean? What about the other 16 plus years of this company? Or are you focusing on the four years that Scott Brady has been COO? Isn't it during Brady's reign as COO that the long list of successful middle management with backbone departed (or dare one say severed)?


Hillsborough Co.,
It Is All About Representation

#25UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 20, 2006

People like Scott Brady may have authority in regard to personnel matters. However, they function under a system of representation. The Chief Executive Officer initiates policies. The Chief Operating Officer, or President carries the policies out. The CEO provides the framework. Those with relevant positions within the chain of command carry those policies out. Those individuals within the chain of command are representing the CEO in carrying out the policies. Policy matters flow through upper management levels and circulate downward through middle and lower levels of management. Even a line supervisor represents the CEO because ultimately they carry out the particular policy. Employees hear about rules and policies directly from a line supervisor. The CEO of Special Data Processing has been responsible for the general direction the company has taken over the past four years. Bottom line, everything flows from the top.


Palm Harbor,
A cog in the machine

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 19, 2006

Ginny was a fine woman who was the life blood of that company in the early years. She retired several years back, from my conversations with her, I do not feel she was entirely happy with the direction in which the company was headed. But that is only my opinion. The "purpose" SDP serves is the purpose of Willis Stein and Partners. It will act as essentially the marketing and distribution arm for the publishers it has in its portfolio such as Ziff-Davis. SDP "merged" with Willis Stein in the mid 90's and, in my opinion is responsible for most of what has happened both internally and externally to the company since then. Here is a listing of their portfolio to date: [Business Services] Advantage Payroll Services, Inc.Aurum Technology, Inc. Baker & Taylor Corporation *CompuPay, Inc. *One, Inc.Protocol Communications, Inc. *USApubs, Inc. (Special Data Processing Corp.) *WAN Technologies, Inc. *Zeborg, Inc./Emptoris, Inc. [Consumer Products & Services] Custom Industries, L.P.Humphreys Inc.Intercraft Holdings, L.P.Interval Acquisition Corporation Ubiquity Brands, L.L.C. *LNS Group, Inc.Marks Bros. Jewelers, Inc. Racing Champions Corporation Roundy's, Inc. *Sunbelt National Mortgage Corporation Education Corporation of America [Health Care] Dynamic Hospitals, L.P.Home Technology Healthcare, Inc.Merit Health Systems Corporation *National Veterinary Associates, Inc. *PersonalPath Systems, Inc.Saba Medical Group, L.P. [Manufacturing] Aavid Thermal Technologies, Inc. *Advanced Quick Circuits, L.P.Arr-Maz Products. L.P.Donlar CorporationNeoplan USA Corporation *Plastic Engineered Components, Inc.Roll Coater, Inc. *Strategic Materials, Inc. *UDC Homes, Inc. [Media] CTN Media Group, Inc.Falcon First Communications L.P.InterLink Communications Partners, LLLPNew Vision TV, L.P.SRDS Media Information, L.P.The Petersen Companies, Inc.Transwestern Publishing Company, L.P.Troll Communications, L.L.C.Ziff Davis Media Inc. * [Telecommunications] Celutel, Inc.Orius Corp.Premiere Page, Inc.US One Communications Corp.VelociTel, L.L.C. * *- Current portfolio company As you can see, SDP is simply a cog in this gigantic multi-BILLION dollar portfolio. To accomplish its purpose in this machine, I am reasonably certain that SDP itself will be brought down to bare minimums in terms of staffing. In his letter of resignation Bill Hood bragged about reduction of overhead and cost controls. In many models of manufacturing, this means keeping the "great middle" in place. The gradual shuffle to mediocrity began, in my opinion, the day the ink was dry on the agreement with Willis Stein. Those who are too low in quotas are shown the door, and those who excel are driven out by inferior wages, negative incentives, an oppressive working environment, no real benefits, no future. Human capital - cattle. The place will be an eternal revolving door for employees who will be paid insubstantial wages, and will be forced to work long hours to make ends meet. They have been doing this progressively for the last 3 years AT LEAST, in addition to slashing benefits to typical Florida poverty level and dumbing down the work force to boot, as intelligent, confidant people do not tolerate that form of abuse. As to the customers, simple fuel to keep the doors open, the deal will remain good as the remit rates for magazines in many instances is almost non-existent (particularly when you also own the publishers). This is, also in my opinion a potential candidate for "offshoring" as the job is really a no-brainer and why pay someone in Clearwater $7.50 an hour when they will fall all over themselves in Bombay or Calcutta for $150 an hour? This is what really terrified them with the prospect of unionization in my view, but the employees were quite honestly too stupid and scared to act in their own best interest, and (again in my opinion) the CWA too SPINELESS to support them. Did you know that employees of SDP/NME are not given copies of their own time sheets or even DISCIPLINARY reports that could get them "separated" when harassed..... I mean corrected ...by the company? Is that the actions of an honorable company or an ethical Human Resources manager? What do you think Kathie Margarantondo? Still looking for hidden tape recorders so the possible company malfeasance or misfeasance to its employees you worry about so much (but we all KNOW that your Department wouldn't commit) won't be OFFICIALLY uncovered? Oh that couldn't POSSIBLY be the reaction of a guilty conscience - or guilty party, could it?...LOL In my opinion, with Bill leaving (by his choice or not) the mega-group will hope that much of the negativity surrounding him personally and the OLD SDP/NME (the Union, the lawsuits, the fines, ME, etc.), will also just go away. Willis Stein with new management in place, will then inject huge amounts of capital into the company to attempt to shore up its badly damaged reputation in not only the community, but nationwide because of sites such as this. They have in fact already begun to do so. It will be interesting to see what happens after August 1. I for one will be watching.


St Pete,
What consumer NEED does SDP/NME fulfill? Who is the REAL CEO who should be held accountable?

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 19, 2006

Can anyone tell us what consumer need does NME fulfill? We know the consumer needs fulfilled by GE, Ford, Microsoft, Blue Cross, Wal-Mart, and Windex. What consumer NEED does NME fulfill? The company has been run for years by Scott Brady. Brady has maneuvered himself to President (title was COO for years) and he would like to be called CEO. It has been said that Brady is a kindergarten sandbox bully and that is why Ginny and others are gone. Brian ? why do you think Ginny is gone? They say Bill Hood ?CEO? is just a part time absentee babysitter figurehead for Wills Stein (less than 20 hours per week).


Hillsborough Co.,
The CEO Sets The Tone

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 19, 2006

Chief Executive Officers are supposed to be beholden to their organizations. Investors, shareholders, owners, employees, etc. are concerned with how a company does financially. Investment decisions are based on earnings and earnings alone. A Chief Executive Officer's main objective is to enhance growth. That is what they are paid to do. The salary that they earn is not a factor when investment decisions are made. Mr. Hood may have made a lot of money when he sold his company to Willis & Stein. On the other hand, Willis & Stein have lost money with him at the helm. Mr. Hood has not benefited them, has he? Mr. Hood will be remembered for not benefiting the company. He will not be remembered for benefiting himself. By the way, if Ginny had been in charge, none of this chaos would have happened.


St Pete,
Where's the management leadership? Yes the company did not benefit!

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 18, 2006

When Bill Hood owned SDP the objective was for Hood to MAKE MONEY, not for the company to benefit. It is as simple as that. Hood made a lot of money when SDP sold thousands of magazines. He scored the big one when he sold his company to Willis Stein. Now does anyone doubt that Willis Stein's objective is to make money? Except Willis Stein doesn't manage SDP like Hood did. On a daily basis SDP has been managed for years by Scott Brady, COO. How has SDP done under the many years of Brady's leadership? Per Brian SDP has lost half its net worth. To DB's question how many good managers (like Ginny) have left or been forced out under Brady's leadership? Brady is a hired gun (an ATT discard per sdp's web site?) not an entrepreneur. Has Hood been a part time figurehead because Willis Stein must have done something to entice him (building rent, a minority ownership, a big salary)? Hood has his money and must be glad to get out. To Brian, can you share any other interesting facts and statistics about the company? To that long list of ex-managers, don't you folks have anything to contribute to this forum?


Hillsborough Co.,
His Company Did Not Benefit Though

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 18, 2006

I stated that Bill Hood did not succeed as CEO of SDP/NME. Yes, he personally gained financially when Special Data Processing merged with Willis & Stein. However, he gained financially due to his position as CEO. He had the power and authority to make the merger happen. The primary responsibility of a Chief Executive Officer is to enhance revenue. Bottom line, increase their company's revenue year in and year out. CEO performance is based upon how well their company does financially. A CEO may make a "ton" of money, but that does not necessarily translate into greater revenue for their prospective company. Since 2001, Special Data Processing has lost over half its net worth. To me, that is a staggering statistic.


Bill must have made his money

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 10, 2006

I think Bill Hood made a ton of money when he sold SDP to Willis Stein. He must have done well. Willis Stein is holding the SDP stock - what's that worth? Scott Brady gets the mess. Good luck to Mr. Brady and the Brady Bunch. To DB: Here are a few more managers that are gone Chip Block - Vice Chairman - gone. Dawn Russo - VP - gone. Jack Linder - VP - he must be gone since he is no longer listed on the web site. DB's original question is below: Does anyone know why all these SDP/NME managers are gone? Jim Shalale ? OneSwitch GM ? gone Cindy the CIO ? gone Ginny ? VP Operations ? gone Pat the Corporate Attorney ? gone Suzanne ? the other attorney ? gone Sam Salvo ? gone The CFO ? gone The Controller ? gone Edna in lists ? gone Why did all these people go?


Hillsborough Co.,
If I were a Gambler

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 02, 2006

I would bet that SDP/NME will continue to lose money. Since 2001, the company has lost over half its net worth. I would also bet that Ginny was the most accomplished person to have ever worked for the company. As far as Bill Hood's "resignation", I have absolutely no sympathy for the man. He is going to soon realize how cold and cruel the world is. After all, it is a world that he helped create. He certainly did not succeed as CEO of SDP/NME.


Brady the new Lion King? people will be kissing his behind or they will be kissing their own behinds goodbye

#33UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 27, 2006

Looks like these managers weren't in Brady's inner circle. If Brady is the new Lion King then people will be kissing his behind or they will be kissing their own behinds goodbye. Where can we place our bets for/against Brady's success as the new Lion King?



#34UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 20, 2006

Bill Hood leaving? Scott Brady the new lion king? WOW Congratulations and Kudos to Chuck for breaking this news. This news deserves a whole new posting.


Palm Harbor,
And guess who is going to share retirement with them?

#35UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 18, 2006

DB, I can't say why all those people are gone, but I CAN tell you who will be joining them. It is supposed to be a BIG SECRET, so I can only give you his initials which are William H. Hood III. WHOOPS, I guess that was more than just his initials, I'm bad! That's right folks, Bill is going to pack his magazines, and extra watches with the Black Face and the Diamond (splinter) at the 12:00 position and move off into the sunset joining Pat Haines in retirement. He is leaving as his successor, that friend of the common man, Scott E. Brady. One of Bill's last acts as President and CEO, will be to lower wages one more time and increase conversion requirements for you SSA's and Verifiers. He wants to make CERTAIN you remember him. So tote that barge and lift them phones SSA's, the "good times" are OVER. Congratulations Bill, you almost succeeded in making the place a total low wage boiler room before you left, just like I told you three years ago Robert Moravek, right?? I guess you will leave the completion of that to Mr. Brady. However I understand the Verifiers are leaving at such velocity they are almost lowering the barometric pressure in the building. So public at large - beware, the new group of what will be called "supervisors" should be a real bunch of hot shots. Just one point of curiosity, are you going to sell or mortgage the building you own to fund your retirement or just live off the old B-3? Oh, by the way congratulations, I also understand you finally picked a sweepstakes winner and awarded the Million Dollars in an uncharacteristically low key ceremony. I will give credit where credit is due. Too bad it required embarrassing amounts of exposure on this web site, plus visits by the Florida Attorney General's Office and Department of Consumer Affairs to inspire you to fulfill your obligations. Now about the Texas winner...


Why is management turnover high?

#36UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 14, 2006

Does anyone know why all these SDP/NME managers are gone? Jim Shalale OneSwitch GM gone Cindy the CIO gone Ginny VP Operations gone Pat the Corporate Attorney gone Suzanne the other attorney gone Sam Salvo gone The CFO gone The Controller gone Edna in lists gone Why did all these people go?


Respone to Tiffany

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 24, 2006

To Tiffany It is my understanding that SDP turns over thousands of employees every year. That's a lot of employees how can they invest their time and effort learning a job that fails and not experience some misery? It is also my understanding that SDP as of fall 2005 has only given away the $1 million three times in 20 years. If I am wrong then let's see SDP provide a listing of the winners since the company started.


Palm Harbor,
Start packing Tiffany

#38UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 22, 2006

"OH by the way it was a winner and the ceremony is......." in your imagination Tiffany. The same place where the $25,000 Texas winner exists. Yes, I know about that one also. I'll leave it to your imagination as to who else does. Did you draw the short straw and was ordered to give a petulant reply? Or do you really buy into the company BS that there are "legal issues" being worked out with the winner? That is what the verifiers have been instructed to say if anyone asks, isn't it? If that were even close to the truth a winner would have been officially announced at the time the Company was legally required to do so. It would seem your company has now officially defrauded the public, so polish up your resume, pack your desk and prepare to move on. In the unlikely event you are just a customer, better renew now, maybe your lapdog loyalty will get you remit rates. Between the NLRB, Attorney General, US Postal Service's Postmaster General's Fraud Division, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice, the FCC and a few other agencies federal, state and local your professional lives are about to get... interesting. Putting bad companies out of business is not the mission of a "bitter" person, just one who wants to see justice done for all the good people inside and outside of Special Data Processing Corporation past and present who were mistreated, lied to, ripped off, spied on, set up, cheated and screwed by your beloved company. You are right, most people would have just spit on the ground and walked away in disgust, I CHOSE not to. That is where SDP always got away with it, people would just give up. I do not. Bill Hood has had it in his power from DAY ONE to do the right thing by his company and employees, he has ALWAYS held the solution to this problem in his hands, but in my opinion, his arrogance and ego would not permit it. So where does that leave you and the few remaining "loyalists" Tiffany? Do you think "sucking up" is going to save you? Think he won't throw you under the bus as he as countless others? What do you believe Robert Moravek, J.C., Kathie, Linda H., Vicki? Has harassing those organizing the union been worth it? Those closed session meetings pumping you up? Do you know whose bonuses have paid for the anti-union people? Are you going to be any less unemployed when the time comes? Too d**n bad for all of you, you are all going to have to pay the price of the ill advised choices the company made. Oh, incidentally Bill, do you or any of your brain trust know a magicians most fundamental trick? LOL Chuck and Eileen



#39UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 22, 2006

I feel as if these people have time out of their so call busy schedules to worry about a d**n sweepstakes, and when they get the letter in the mail, and It tell them: We are trying to reach you regarding you million dollar sweepstakes Id number, they never take the time out to read the d**n mail piece entirely. So if they wanna take the magazines it's up to them. I feel as if these ex employees that have negative stuff to say are bitter. And misery needs company... OH by the way it was a winner and the ceremony is.......



#40UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 22, 2006

I feel as if these people have time out of their so call busy schedules to worry about a d**n sweepstakes, and when they get the letter in the mail, and It tell them: We are trying to reach you regarding you million dollar sweepstakes Id number, they never take the time out to read the d**n mail piece entirely. So if they wanna take the magazines it's up to them. I feel as if these ex employees that have negative stuff to say are bitter. And misery needs company... OH by the way it was a winner and the ceremony is.......



#41UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 22, 2006

I feel as if these people have time out of their so call busy schedules to worry about a d**n sweepstakes, and when they get the letter in the mail, and It tell them: We are trying to reach you regarding you million dollar sweepstakes Id number, they never take the time out to read the d**n mail piece entirely. So if they wanna take the magazines it's up to them. I feel as if these ex employees that have negative stuff to say are bitter. And misery needs company... OH by the way it was a winner and the ceremony is.......


Palm Harbor,
No answer Bill? Action taken.

#42UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 17, 2006

As a result of Bill Hood's refusal to respond to a simple question about the sweepstakes which a winner was supposed to have been drawn in December 2005, but apparently was not, I have sent out the following letter: Monday, April 17, 2006 To: State of Florida Attorney General Office Att: Ms Victoria Butler 3507 E FRONTAGE RD TAMPA, FL 33607 Re: Special Data Processing Corporation/National Magazine Exchange 16120 US 19 NORTH, CLEARWATER FLORIDA 33764 Phone: 800-303-6247 Dear Ms Butler; You and I met and had a conference regarding Special Data Processing Corporation about three years ago. You asked me to inform you if I ever became aware of another ?incident? involving SDP. The company was supposed to have another Sweepstakes drawing this past December which they advertised for through the mail and entered people into via the telephone. I have been informed by people within the company that the drawing never took place. I believe this would involve sufficient violation of State and Federal laws for you to initiate an investigation. I have also contacted the Postmaster General. Regards, I would urge each and every one of you to send a similar letter to the appropriate authorities in your area as well as the US Postal Service and to SDM (NME) demanding answers. If this drawing was not held after you were guaranteed an entry you really were Ripped Off. That is known in some circles as racketeering. PS A-C, Sam's brothers name is Bill, a VERY nice and honest man who was not in any way caught up in the corruption of the company. I personally like Sam very much, but I have no sympathy for him or anyone else who claims to want to do the "right thing" and then play for the bad guys.



#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 14, 2006

I know who Sam Salvo is but I didn't work with him. Didn't he have a brother that worked there also? Sounds like he got a really bad hand. It was my impression that Sam was a company man that was going to be there forever. I was there only a very short time. Only place I ever worked that had security guards and employee badges. I found this site and every time I check there are lots of interesting entries. I have learned a heck of a lot just reading the entries - I should have read this site before I ever went there. Probably won't stay in Honolulu forever although that would be nice. Maybe someday these people will get their reward (the owners and management). Am I wrong or does this place have lots of employee turnover at all levels? I plan on regularly reading the future entries on this site.


Palm Harbor,
Hi back at ya A-C

#44UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 14, 2006

As the people on this website and elsewhere wise up, let's just say that their "fresh blood supply" is draining. As predicted they turned on a lot of their "true believers" and house sycophants like poor old Sam Salvo when they ceased to be of use showing them the door. In my opinion, poor ole Sam must ache in more orifices and body cavities than a "professional woman" when the Seventh Fleet is on shore leave after the way they treated him, LOL. But they are STILL using their less than clever ways to try to disrupt union organizing. Some people are scared to death still to lose their $7.50 per hour jobs with virtually no benefits (another prediction Eileen and I made).They are advertising an "open House" on the 17th and 18th, I have NO idea what that means unless Bill has put up the building with REMAX or something. You do know that he owns or did own that building personally don't you? (I think he put the money in his BIII Trust, but I really can't be certain where that 5 Million or so came from, the timing was close though.) In all probability, they are trolling for the last few people in the Tampa Bay area who have not yet experienced their "unique" treatment of employees like we have! Better still maybe its "Customer Appreciation Day", RIGHT. Maybe Bill will tell THEM, who won the December 2005 drawing. For some reason, no one has come forward with the answer. But one or two employees, who shall remain nameless, told me that there WAS no drawing...can you believe THAT? I just find it hard to believe they would commit DELIBERATE, PROVABLE CRIMINAL FRAUD!! In my opinion that is just not possible, what do you think? By the way, how is Hawaii? Which island are you on? Eileen lived there a few years ago. Aloha! - Chuck and Eileen


cheers to Chuck

#45UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Chuck, Good to hear from you - where have you been? We have missed your comments. Is it true that SDP's parking lot is usually less than half full? Are they declining?


Palm Harbor,

#46UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Dear Bill or any member of management or any employee of SDP for that matter; Who won the sweepstakes that was supposed to have closed in December 2005? I seemed to miss the announcement. What date was the awards ceremony? What lucky SSA and Verifier got their reward for entering that person (assuming NATURALLY that they were not "separated")? Was it at the corporate office as it was in 2004? WAS there a drawing Bill, or do I have my dates wrong? After all advertising for a sweepstakes that doesn't exist could be considered fraud couldn't it? We all know how honorable you all are. Do you know Robert Moravek? How about you Jack Linder? Scott Brady? Vicki? Leslie Stein, as company attorney you MUST know. Could it be that with all your efforts to disrupt union organizing by firing Jim, and harassing others...that you FORGOT??? I don't believe that, or that you would pay out money to union busters, NOT YOU, IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!! So again, who won the sweepstakes? Your friend; Chuck


Palm Harbor,

#47UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Dear Bill or any member of management or any employee of SDP for that matter; Who won the sweepstakes that was supposed to have closed in December 2005? I seemed to miss the announcement. What date was the awards ceremony? What lucky SSA and Verifier got their reward for entering that person (assuming NATURALLY that they were not "separated")? Was it at the corporate office as it was in 2004? WAS there a drawing Bill, or do I have my dates wrong? After all advertising for a sweepstakes that doesn't exist could be considered fraud couldn't it? We all know how honorable you all are. Do you know Robert Moravek? How about you Jack Linder? Scott Brady? Vicki? Leslie Stein, as company attorney you MUST know. Could it be that with all your efforts to disrupt union organizing by firing Jim, and harassing others...that you FORGOT??? I don't believe that, or that you would pay out money to union busters, NOT YOU, IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!! So again, who won the sweepstakes? Your friend; Chuck


Palm Harbor,

#48UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Dear Bill or any member of management or any employee of SDP for that matter; Who won the sweepstakes that was supposed to have closed in December 2005? I seemed to miss the announcement. What date was the awards ceremony? What lucky SSA and Verifier got their reward for entering that person (assuming NATURALLY that they were not "separated")? Was it at the corporate office as it was in 2004? WAS there a drawing Bill, or do I have my dates wrong? After all advertising for a sweepstakes that doesn't exist could be considered fraud couldn't it? We all know how honorable you all are. Do you know Robert Moravek? How about you Jack Linder? Scott Brady? Vicki? Leslie Stein, as company attorney you MUST know. Could it be that with all your efforts to disrupt union organizing by firing Jim, and harassing others...that you FORGOT??? I don't believe that, or that you would pay out money to union busters, NOT YOU, IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!! So again, who won the sweepstakes? Your friend; Chuck


Palm Harbor,

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Dear Bill or any member of management or any employee of SDP for that matter; Who won the sweepstakes that was supposed to have closed in December 2005? I seemed to miss the announcement. What date was the awards ceremony? What lucky SSA and Verifier got their reward for entering that person (assuming NATURALLY that they were not "separated")? Was it at the corporate office as it was in 2004? WAS there a drawing Bill, or do I have my dates wrong? After all advertising for a sweepstakes that doesn't exist could be considered fraud couldn't it? We all know how honorable you all are. Do you know Robert Moravek? How about you Jack Linder? Scott Brady? Vicki? Leslie Stein, as company attorney you MUST know. Could it be that with all your efforts to disrupt union organizing by firing Jim, and harassing others...that you FORGOT??? I don't believe that, or that you would pay out money to union busters, NOT YOU, IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!! So again, who won the sweepstakes? Your friend; Chuck

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