  • Report:  #68646

Complaint Review: Oakwood Acceptance Corp - Greensboro North Carolina

Reported By:
- Dickinson, Texas,

Oakwood Acceptance Corp
PO Box 35807 Greensboro, 27425 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Me and my husband bought our Oakwood home 7 years ago, when we were 19 years old. We didnt have any credit and so it was easier to get in a mobile home.

First of all the house we looked at had a sign out front that said "buy this home and get free TV and VCR", which we NEVER saw. There were many things promised with the home and we saw none of it, they just filled us with promises to get us to buy the home!

When we got the home it was nothing like what we looked at. The basic floor plan was the same but that was it. There were places where they didnt put any trim, there were plug ins that were hanging out, they forgot ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, the bedroom doors were on crooked, there were knicks in the counters, the walls in our bedrooms were bubbling out, the mirror on our bathroom was falling off, there were no covers on the lights.

On the outside the siding was buckled. It was not the home I had hoped for, but i figured no big deal, i will just get them to come fix it. Well it took them over a year to come and fix it, and then they didnt have all the materials, so they said they would come back, well they didnt and when i called I was told that my one year warranty on cosmetic items had expired, so I was screwed. I kept trying but it never happened, they never came.

Since then we have had several problems, like when i moppsed my floors after the first month or so the paint on the counters starting peeling up, it is a VERY cheaply made house. Everythign has slowly been falling apart. I signed my life away in blood to these people.

They are very uncaring, my son was diagnosed with cancer after about 3 years in the home and we got behind on payments becuase I had to quit working, and they didnt care at all, they just wanted their money. They have sinced raised my payments from $376 to $550 for insurance. It is not worth it, and if I werent worried about a repossion on my credit i would walk away in a heartbeat!

DONT buy an Oakwood Home! They are poor quality, and it is very shady dealings with them!


Dickinson, Texas

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