  • Report:  #31232

Complaint Review: Ocwen Federal Bank FSB - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Zephyrhills, FL,

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
12650 Ingenuity Drive Orlando, 32826 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was contacted on Wednesday, September 25 that Ocwen intended to foreclose on me on Tuesday, October 1. I was notified via phone call.

I asked what I could do to bring the loan up to date. She gave me a figure of $3300 that was good only until 5PM yesterday.

I asked her to give me a figure if I could not get the money until Monday and it rose to $4200. She stated I had to pay attorney fees, etc.

My payment is over $1000 a month. No matter when I get the money there, it always seems to be late. There have been a few times that it was on time.

I intend on joining the class action lawsuit to rid the planet of these types of jerks that do this. I cannot believe that no state has stopped them yet!


Zephyrhills, Florida

10 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Ocwen got me also

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 01, 2004

I refinanced with Ocwen in 2000, when my husband left and stopped making payments I had to refinance. Well Wells Fargo was the mortgage company and needless to say six weeks later they sold my mortgage back to Ocwen. I was back in the same boat. I called Ocwen countless times only to receive a answering machine and when I tried to call the lawyers David Namm I only received a machine. There was noone there that I could make payment arrangements to. Finally I did and they told me to send in a payment and the foreclosure would stop but I did not trust them so I called again and they told me I had to send in 60,000 or else. Well every mortgage company I talk with now tell me Ocwen is the worst and I hope they get what they did to me. Yours,


New York,
Ocwen got me also

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 01, 2004

I refinanced with Ocwen in 2000, when my husband left and stopped making payments I had to refinance. Well Wells Fargo was the mortgage company and needless to say six weeks later they sold my mortgage back to Ocwen. I was back in the same boat. I called Ocwen countless times only to receive a answering machine and when I tried to call the lawyers David Namm I only received a machine. There was noone there that I could make payment arrangements to. Finally I did and they told me to send in a payment and the foreclosure would stop but I did not trust them so I called again and they told me I had to send in 60,000 or else. Well every mortgage company I talk with now tell me Ocwen is the worst and I hope they get what they did to me. Yours,


New York,
Ocwen got me also

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 01, 2004

I refinanced with Ocwen in 2000, when my husband left and stopped making payments I had to refinance. Well Wells Fargo was the mortgage company and needless to say six weeks later they sold my mortgage back to Ocwen. I was back in the same boat. I called Ocwen countless times only to receive a answering machine and when I tried to call the lawyers David Namm I only received a machine. There was noone there that I could make payment arrangements to. Finally I did and they told me to send in a payment and the foreclosure would stop but I did not trust them so I called again and they told me I had to send in 60,000 or else. Well every mortgage company I talk with now tell me Ocwen is the worst and I hope they get what they did to me. Yours,


New York,
Ocwen got me also

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 01, 2004

I refinanced with Ocwen in 2000, when my husband left and stopped making payments I had to refinance. Well Wells Fargo was the mortgage company and needless to say six weeks later they sold my mortgage back to Ocwen. I was back in the same boat. I called Ocwen countless times only to receive a answering machine and when I tried to call the lawyers David Namm I only received a machine. There was noone there that I could make payment arrangements to. Finally I did and they told me to send in a payment and the foreclosure would stop but I did not trust them so I called again and they told me I had to send in 60,000 or else. Well every mortgage company I talk with now tell me Ocwen is the worst and I hope they get what they did to me. Yours,


New York,
Thanks for the info Kat! ..laws they violate each and every time they conduct a foreclosure

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, September 30, 2002

I found the Notice of Settlement in the suit against Moss, Codilis for violating the FDCPA very interesting myself. I also find it ironic that their firm's site has a picture of Lady Justice and gives a link to the text of the U.S. Code; the very laws they violate each and every time they conduct a foreclosure. I also noticed that 99% of their lawyers and the lawyers of their affiliate firms have all graduated from 3rd and 4th tier law schools (these are the bottom of the barrel law schools) and not one of them has distinguished themselves in any way in the legal field. One affiliate firm doesn't even list their attorneys' education credentials but calls itself "a major player" in the foreclosure field; this is nothing more than hype. I also find it funny that the "attorneys" that do the calling to threaten people with foreclosure (I.E., ROSLYN CLOVIS, RENEE HENSLEY AND CARL CRUTCHFIELD) are not listed as a partner or associate of Moss, Codilis. These people are probably not attorneys and representing themselves as one is against the law! Record your conversations with them and report these firms, these people and Ocwen to the bar!!!


New York,

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 30, 2002

that Moss, Codilis, Satan, Hitler & Dahmer, L.L.P. is supposed to be headquartered in Colorado but it's "foreclosure manager" (probably some title the top brass made up when this person -- and I use that term loosely -- asked for a raise) has an Orlando area code. I don't even think Sue Lieber is an attorney given that she's not listed anywhere. Funny, a non-lawyer telling lawyers what they should do. Maybe this is for when their lawyers eventually get busted by the bar, they'll blame their actions on her. Yeah, that's right, Sue made me do it, so please your honor don't disbar me. Moreover, their letterhead only has a post office box where mail goes to but gives Ocwen's HQ address as its address. I'm beginning to think that this law firm is probably just a front (just like Century and MetWest were probably fronts) to give Ocwen's wrongful foreclosures an "air" of legitimacy that doesn't really exist. And what is this $90+ legal fee they charge "to protect their interest" when they threaten to foreclose? Don't these people know how to file a mortgage lien?? And that it's supposed to be done that right after closing? What more are they trying to protect?? My guess is the $90 is their hourly rate (come on guys, even the worst ambulance chaser bills more than that per hour) for these "attorneys" to sit around and figure out how they're going to screw over the homeowner. Oh wait, I forgot, that procedure is probably already in the employee handbook since Ocwen uses the same M.O. with each borrower. I have a couple more observations. This ship is sinking, and fast. Ocwen has failed to turn a profit for the past umpteen quarters. Company insiders have been dumping Ocwen's stock left and right. Ocwen has one of the highest short ratios of all NYSE listed stocks. Why? Because management is terrible!! (Notice that someone that started in the mailroom now helps run this company). In fact, Ocwen's stock is below $3 a share and analysts predict it's only going where the Erby Brothers and each one of their lackeys are going: straight down. WHY HAS NO OCWEN INVESTOR FILED A DERIVATIVE ACTION YET AGAINST THESE MORONS?? THIS IS CORPORATE MISMANAGEMENT AT ITS WORST!!! Erby gets approximately $745,000 a year in regular compensation, plus stock options and bonuses. I'm sure the rest of corporate brass is overpaid as well for poor results (ask them what kind of bonuses the rank and file get). From my understanding William Erby fancies himself as a titan of corporate industry but in reality, he couldn't run a business out of a wet paper bag. In fact, most think he only knows how to run companies into the ground. This company is losing money hand over fist. They're paying off expensive long term debt and unable to make much income on new loans, thus causing a negative yield spread. They're inflating their books by securitizing yet-to-be received loans (didn't WorldCom also do something like this with it's expected fiber optic reveneues?). They can't sell their so-called "advanced" mortgage software. Sure they have gotten some high-profile clients, but Ocwen can't even make a profit on these sales. So how do they cover for that and prop up their stock price? Well, as each person here can attest, the geniuses that run this company have decided that you screw your customers over by accepting their payments but deny the customer made them, "flip" mortgages on homeowners that have built up equity to strip all the equity out and then foreclose on all your customers so you can sell their houses at a profit and also avoid having to pay taxes to boot! This will add some pennies to quarterly EPS and keep the shareholders happy, right?! Pretty good scam you got going here guys, too bad Wall Street doesn't buy it. Ocwen's move to India is a front, too. Ocwen claims, in part, it's because Indian software engineers don't demand as much in salary as American software engineers do. But come on guys, let's get real here. It's going to take these Indians two years to understand how your core source code actually works, not to mention the entire program. Also, how the hell are people that have no concept of what a mortgage is going to make a program that tracks mortgages? Maybe this explains how all those payments mysteriously get lost. I'm also willing a bet this Indian move is just a front for Ocwen to shift its assets overseas, where they are unreachable, when Ocwen loses in court. That's right boys, your stock has also plummeted because investors know about this class action suit and they think there's something to it. I'm just amazed this company hasn't filed for bankruptcy yet because that's exactly where it's headed.


south haven,
Moss, Codilis, Stawiarski, Morris, Schneider and Prior, LLP

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 30, 2002

Interesting links I have come across on this so called law firm. After searching for a while I finally found SOMETHING on this firm. Let me just say that recently.... after believing our mortgage was in good standing, no fees left undone.... they socked it to us again and with no response as to why or how. Our payments are in great standing. I am keeping a watchful eye on Ocwen and this law firm because of the fact that in December of 2001 I sent in a payment and it was never applied to our loan but sat in a forbearance account (which we DO NOT even have) until I contacted Ocwen and asked why it was there and what are they going to apply it to. Being that the only intelligent thing to do would be apply it to our principal or SOMETHING....NOPE...they applied it to over a thousand dollars of fees they came up with we owe all of a sudden. I am still waiting to find out what it means. Anyhow....here are some links below. Copy and paste them if you can. http://search.aol.com/dirsearch.adp?start=&from=bottomsearchbox.%2Fdirsearch.adp&query=moss%2C+codilis%2C+stawiarski%2C+morris%2C+schneider+nd+prior%2C+llp



#9UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 28, 2002

First, I know amny of the LRC's ( the onese that try to fc on your home, and they are all scam artists. One LRC in particular recently tried to fc on someone that sent in a forbearance payment that should have been returned to the bwr. When confronted he said "the bwr will never know". I am a current employee of Moss Codilis, the legal pawns that Ocwen uses to handle and cover up its dirty work. We, as employees, are completely fed up with the "mafia like" collection practices Ocwen uses. One firm in Chicago that Ocwen used to use was actually shut down last year for having Mob ties, if that sheds any more light on the type of business practices Ocwen implores. My main point of this rebuttal is to allow bwrs a way to vent their frustrations to those in charge of this joke of a bank/law firm and to hope many of you take advantage of this gift I am giving you to be a thorn in he side of these individuals on a daily basis. GOOD LUCK AND START CALLING. FILL UP THIER VOICE MAILS AND EMAIL BOXES!!! p.s. these are the people that run Ocwen/Moss on a daily basis and have made your lives miserable. WILLIAM ERBY (CHAIRMAN/CEO OCWEN) 561-682-8520 [email protected] TERESA BRATCHER (SENOR DEFAULT LIASON/OCWEN) 561-682-8946 [email protected] MARGIE ROTUNDO (VP LOSS MIT/REO/OCWEN) FORMER LRC 561-682-8522 [email protected] Art Castner (VP DEFAULT SERVICING/OCWEN) STARTED IN THE MAILROOM 8 YEARS AGO 561-682-8938 [email protected] SUE LIEBER (FORECLOSURE MANAGER/MOSS CODILIS) 407-737-6228 [email protected]

Kweku Hanson

Ocwen's Lawyers Are In The Ethical Cross-Hairs

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 27, 2002

I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion that Ocwen's Collection Lawyers are just as much a part of the problem as Ocwen. I am also aware that Ocwen and its lawyers HEAVILY monitors this website (Ocwen's John Erbey, brother of you know who, acknowledged as much in an emailed press release to the British newsmedia blasting the Hanson Class Action Lawsuit as frivolous). As a lawyer myself, I think it is a very good idea for all the victims of Moss, Codilis to complain to the bar authorities in their state as well as Moss, Codilis' home state (Colorado). They may be well-connected in their home state, but the Grievance Committee, as arms of the Judicial Branch, must call a spade a spade if the spade is clearly visible. I cannot at this juncture say much more than that, but I think these lawyers will realize in a short while that the practice of law and unethical conduct don't mix. No, you read that correctly, by someone with the guts to post his real name and his real email address in this forum. I have patiently read all the bogus rebuttals by Ocwen's employees insulting all the frustrated folk who have posted complaints here. I am the named plaintiff in this action, and have just been threatened with a libel lawsuit by Ocwen's lawyers (ooooh, I am petrified and shaking in my pants:). I can't wait for them to go ahead so that a jury can remind them that TRUTH is an ABSOLUTE defense to defamation. Was it Abraham Lincoln who said: You CANNOT fool ALL of the people ALL of the time? Well, our lawsuit will test the limits of that adage!


Ocwen's fake attorneys

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, September 27, 2002

I did a search on the Martindale Hubble website (one of the oldest and most respected attorney directories in the world) and at BigYellow.com for the "law firm" that purports to represent Ocwen and mails letters to customers when their payment is "late" or they fall behind on payments. This law firm is not listed anywhere nor are the individual "attorneys" that work for this "firm" listed. I wonder why. Is it just that they are embarassed to be associated with a predatory lender? I think not. These people assume you will not question that they are real attorneys but question their credentials. If someone from Ocwen or this law firm calls you and represents themselves as being an attorney, sends a letter claiming to be an attorney, etc., if they truly are one, they will have no problem telling you what state(s) they are licensed to practice in as well as their bar registration number. In many states, true lawyers that are admitted to practice are given wallet-sized cards so that they can easily have this information at hand. If they refuse to give you this information, chances are they are probably not an attorney. Just to be certain, contact the state bar where the person who calls claims to be from (not the state's bar association but the state's agency that is charged with licensure and admission of attorneys to practice in the state) and check if this person is indeed licensed to practice law in that state. If they are not, this is the unauthorized practice of law and is a FELONY in most states. Finally, make a complaint against this person to the state bar, tell them what firm they say they are from and that they represent Ocwen. The bar has the authority to take action against persons that falsely hold themselves out as attorneys.

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