  • Report:  #32262

Complaint Review: OCWEN Federal Bank - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Hainesville, IL,

OCWEN Federal Bank
12650 Ingenuity Drive Orlando, 32826 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had previously posted about Ocwen holding my payments and posting them late so they could add late charges. My earlier post was in August 2002.

I tried in vain to resolve the problems with Ocwen directly and also went through the BBB in Florida. They were unable to help me either. I talked to a friend who works in the banking industry. He told me that federal savings banks are regulated by a division of the treasury called "The Office of Thrift Supervision" or OTS.

I sent them a letter and within 30 days, I not only had an apology letter from Ocwen, but a refund of all the late fees they had charged.

Write to these people! If they get enough letters, maybe they can start an investigation into their entire operation. Here's what you need to do....

Write a letter outlining your problems with Ocwen. Be as professional as possible. They need your name, address, and telephone number. Include the name of the institution you are having trouble with (Ocwen), their address and your account number. Send them any documentation you have to back up your claim.

Mail it to:

Office of Thrift Supervision

Consumer Affairs Division

1700 G Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20552

One other suggestion I have...Whenever you deal with Ocwen, ALWAYS get the name of the person you're talking to. Write down everything while it's fresh in your mind and notate your comments with the date and time. VERY IMPORTANT! Keep copies of everything you send and send a copy to Ocwen of everything you send to the OTS. Let these guys know we mean business!!!

Hope this helps someone else out there who is struggling with Ocwen.


Grayslake, Illinois

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Comments About OTS ... Clarification

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 16, 2002

I wrote that the OTS was not helpful to my husband and me in our case. I was not trying to be rude and apologize if I came across that way. It was remembering the feeling of exasperation as the deadline for foreclosure of our home loomed over us. The helplessness you feel is hard to describe - the despair weighs so heavy day by day as the deadline approaches. Home ownership, the American Dream turned into a nightmare by OCWEN. Where do you turn? What agency? Who will help? Let us all thank The Rip Off Report and Mr. Hanson for listening and caring and doing something. Today I wrote to our governor asking that a law be established against predatory lenders in our state. Several states have instituted laws against predatory lending. May we soon see a light at the end of this tunnel.


Donna - Don't Take It Personally ...hit or miss whether or not you will receive help

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 15, 2002

Please don't think that Diana was being nasty towards you, per se. It sounds more like she was venting about their bad experience with the OTS. Something I had myself. It was a slam against them (the OTS) and the lack of help they got from them. I called AG Ryan's office a year ago about OcRon. Since they aren't state regulated, I was given the OTS phone number, address etc. Did everything the OTS asked me to, which included sending them 4 inches worth of paperwork to back up my complaint. To this day, they have NOT been able to get a straight story out of anyone they've talked to at OcRon or resolve my problems with them. According to OcRon, there is no problem. In truth, after I filed my complaint with them, my problems grew. I have been in touch with them several times in the past year regarding the continuing problems that supposedly don't exist. The OTS is like any government agency. It's hit or miss whether or not you will receive help. It all depends on who is handling your complaint and how hard they pursue a resolution.


Another Ocwen Victim ..follow Mr. Hanson's advice and send a notarized statement

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 14, 2002

I have written in the past regarding the predatory treatment incurred by Ocwen. I have finally had to file chapter 13 in order to keep my home. Ocwen has charged me over $5,000 dollars in misc. fees and lawyer fees. This is outrageous and I intend to do what I can to remedy myself of this situation. I now have a lawyer and I would suggest everyone that can afford at least $400 to get them a lawyer. My lawyer has told me that it is against the law for a mortgage company to charge more $1500 in lawyers fees against a loan. He said he will make sure that I will only pay what is actually owed to Ocwen and in the mean time while I'm paying the court will see to it that I don't incur anymore fees or interest. I have also wrote letters to OTS, BBB, Don't Borrow Trouble, and Ocwen. Under the OTS site you can pull up similar treatment and you will see that those companies were sued. If everyone follows Mr. Hanson's advice and send a notarized statement to be included in the class action suit, then I think we may have a very good chance at getting this company to at least compensate us or stop practicing predatory/subprime loans on us. There are regulations to these companies, but they have to be made aware. There is strength in numbers and if we pull together everything that we have put down on this site, then we are half way there. Keep sending in helpful suggestions because it may help someone. Thanks for letting me know about the OTS, I believe they will help us all in the long run if we continue to contact them.


San Diego,
We must stand together against these scumbags.

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, October 14, 2002

Donna, I really don't think Diana meant to be rude to you. We all appreciate your suggestions/comments. I beleive she's rightfully angry, as the rest of us are, with these cowards who hide behind the corporate name of Ocwen. I hope that someday soon we can all take great joy in seeing them sent to prison where they belong!

Linda J

Missouri City,
Mislead Property Was Foreclosed and Ocwen Allow Other To Pay Note and Performing Illegal Acts In My Name and Credit!

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, October 14, 2002

I had wrote this web site numerous of time and Attorney Hanson has a several legal documents of my actions and knows that I want to be part of this lawsuit. I want to see how I can testify from Houston via telephone against this terror company name Ocwen. I recent learned that what this company is doing is very illegal in my situation. First, I got the document from Harris County Clerk office and had it certified that this lawfirm Carolyn Taylor took my property and signed a Deed of Trust on July 2002. I was only sent a letter from her office in July stating this sell would be in August of 2002. Then later in that month when I informed her about this lawsuit for a class action, her office stated it was transferred to another office named Mary Speigle. Then that office tell me the foreclosure sell would take place in Harris County Family Law Center on September 3, 2002. Never took place the only document that Harris County Clerk of Real Property has is this document filed by this Attorney carlyon Taylor office in Houston, Texas. Now, after this document of Deed of Trust document filed with the county, I received a document showing Ocwen placed insurance on this property which when they sent me another foreclosure letter stating this property would be foreclosed again it went up almost $900.00. I am very confused I never knew that a company can foreclose back to back like this and all my rights has been violated. It is a mysteria how Thomas John Burns is the owner of my property, how the taxes is not paid and is $2,900 outstanding in my name, how this property remains listed in my name, how the insurance is in my name. Now tell me is this the way a mortgage service company handle an account or what. All the charcters involved with this situations has performed all forms of rackteer act. Let me tell you how, wire fraud, mail fraud, identiy theft, obtaining insurance fraudlent as if I own this property- there is a $100,00. policy for fire on this property as if I am the owner. Last allowing others to assess this account, pay money on this account, filing phony documents as this property is foreclosed, breaching my contract, and etc. I want this company closed and all charcters to go to jail. I couldn't do these acts and not go to jail. Now tell me how these people are allow to do as they have done to me. I well not rest until justice is prevail. I am really upset with their means of practices. This is not a third world country. We have laws that was put in place by our law makers. Let see how these laws will work for us. I don't care if they are a giant corporation, they can go under like all the rest of deceptive organzations.Let the world hear our crys and messages. When I learned this misdeed, I called a man who works for this Moss, Codilis law firm and all he did was try to mislead me even more, like I informed him all of Ocwen knew my disposition with this man Thomas John Burns who was trying to steal my property and I had wrote letter sent them to all staff of Ocwen, and Moss Codilis, I even got William Erby e-mail and fax number and sent a letter, and talked with him on the telephone. I learned thru that phone conversation that Ocwen was not the lender of loan but only servicer of the loan for an investor who was Stanely and Morgan. No one would provide me with any telephone numbers and this Ceo was very unconcern and only wanted to get off the phone. Look at his picture this man is from the place India that is why they practices as they do. This form of practice is allowed like this in third world country. They don't I remain you go by laws. It people practice business in this great country of ours we have laws and so let them works for all of us. It makes no different it we are little people as this giant company thinks little people can move big in numbers, remember the elections are coming and let these senators get involve with our problems. Don't stop our mission until justice prevails. I want to say thanks to Mr. hanson, I am behind you 100%. I am going to support you all the way. This corruption must be address and stop by all these illegal people who are breaking the law. I even had internal revenue auditing my taxes but I got a Senator who over the IRS Committee looking into this matter. I had not done any thing wrong but hoping to be a member of this class action. Thomas John Burn and Carraige Credit who is doing all this illegal acts got something to be worried about due to filing illegal taxes, and John Burn don't file taxes at all. Thank you, Missouri City, Texas


Ocwen wants to destroy our faith

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 14, 2002

Sometimes we sound nasty; but we are all mainly bitter because of the pain Ocwen cuases in all of us. One of Ocwen's goals is to destroy our "faith" so we can not trust others. Let's not let these criminals to take away that much from us. We all hurt and everybody's reaction to giant stress is different. Let's forgive each other. Ocwen is the criminal. Ocwen beware! Your day are already counted! P.S. The OTS did not help me either, but I know some people have better lock. We got to know the differences among gov. entities. Down here in Florida I found out the Department of Banking and Finance is kind of "lazy" or "indiferent" to put in friendly terms. Other gov. departments are more effective and agressive. Others are "so so"


Only Trying to Help

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, October 13, 2002

You don't have to get nasty with the people posting here who are tyring to help. I'm sorry the OTS hasn't helped you. I hate Ocwen as much as anybody else ... I've had my share of problems with them. The OTS was able to get Ocwen to respond to my complaints, so I thought they might be of help to someone else. I guess it doesn't pay to try to be helpful in this world.


Office of Thrift Supervision was of little help to me!! ..OTS Bull !!

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, October 11, 2002

My husband and I also wrote to the OTS, among others, trying to stop OCWEN. We had NO SUCCESS!! After placing unnecessary hazzard insurance on our property, ruining our credit, lying about the balance owed, and never sending us a statement of principal and interest, I could go on and on. It is impossible to get anyone to listen. I even wrote to the governor of my state. He implemented a "home buying" class in the high schools. That helps us a lot, now. The last letter I received from OTS stated they had spoken to OCWEN and OCWEN told them we had resolved everything. Baloney!! All the OTS is doing now is CYA similar to the SEC because people are taking notice. OTS has changed their website since I first checked on them. They are afraid to be part of this class action. Check the historical ratings they've given OCWEN - "satisfactory" without any consumer input at all. Anyone else get good response from OTS?

Office of Thrift Supervision Web Sites


Fri, October 11, 2002

Here a couple of web pages for the OTS. I encourage everyone who has had problems to write to this agency. We need to make them aware of Ocwen's illegal habits! Good luck to everyone! http://www.ots.treas.gov/pagehtml.cfm?catNumber=88 (This is their main consumer web page) http://www.ots.treas.gov/docs/48780.html (This page tells you exactly how to file a complaint with OTS)

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