  • Report:  #69210

Complaint Review: Ocwen Federal Bank - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- miami, Florida,

Ocwen Federal Bank
Ingenuity Drive Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To both of you:

I don't personally know you. I can assure you that I'm an Ocwen Victim since May 31, 2003. I am the following: member of a minority (Latin), a single mother head of household, the care taker of my also single and very frail old mother. I'm also cash poor and equity rich; therefore, a preferred Ocwen's victim.

Ocwen purposely miscalculated an illegal escrow account and preplanned forced insurance for me. Ocwen is guilty of fraud in all aspects of Real Estate since the very beginning. Ocwen stole equity out of my home.

In all this time, more than a year, I have never taken a day OFF (I need to work every day of my life to compensate for the many hours lost to stress, phone calls, letter-writing, research, and also tears.)

I am guilty of feeling guilty about the ever present menace from Ocwen and the harm that it inflicts upon my family. My mother is depressed and taking medications for it.

I have reported Ocwen's behavior to all kind of gov. entities, including FBI and IRS. I have been followed and there is a police report to that effect. I had and have to deal with all sorts of stressors on daily basis.

I hate Ocwen with all my strength not only for what it's doing to me and to my family, but for all it is doing to so many families. I am hurt because of the many good men and women out there crying out for their loved ones. I know the taste of humiliation and abandonment. I know the pain of all of us, Ocwen's victims.

I also believe the following: Attacking each other is a joy for Ocwen. Robin has the right to be her ways, since she/he is not a victim herself or himself. This last detail gives him/her a lot of merit for that interest for us. Robin spends a lot of time and effort trying to help us. That person is there for us, a valuable friend. A HELPING HAND IS A HELPING HAND IS A HELPING HAND.

Dear JoAnn, I've been there where you are now. I, too, have lost faith in people and institutions. However, I keep with me the ability to recognize that A HELPING HAND IS A HELPING HAND IS A HELPING HAND. Ocwen will not take that away from me!

If we are about to die in a pool we are not going to judge the person who is offering his/her help. WE JUST ACCEPT IT. We don't care if that person is dry when we are wet, we don't critize our life saver relaxed face and good humor, just because we are trying to grasp air and feel like crying.

I know, JoAnn, and I tell you this from the bottom of my heart, that I am humbled for Robin's attention, no matter her motives, they are not bad. See the outcome. Robin has provided information of vital importance to all os us, victims. She/He is doing what every decent American should be doing now: helping us to destroy Ocwen monster. Please, don't think there is some kind of common link between Robin and me. Robin and I are people from different backgrounds and culture, and I don't even know his/her gender. I just knee with my soul and restrain my ego to acknowledge his/her her work.

It is true that we have to write to the Judges: I am not going to hold Robin responsible for not understanding how afraid we may be of doing that. If we are not afraid for us, we are afraid for our families, and if not, we are plain tired. But we are to ignore how afraid or how tired we are if we are going to win this war. And Robin is not required to understand all victims emotions. Robin understands Ocwen's Injustice and Crimes. For all of us, that is enough. I am thankful to Robin for reminding us to write those letters.

I am thankful to Robin for spending time and effort in a cause that is not her/his cause; but the sure cause of his/her children. I enjoy Robin's sense of humor, particularly because Ocwen tryes to destroy my own sense of humor, every day of my life.

I salute the strength of Robin's spirit, particularly because Ocwen tryies to break my own spirit every day of my life.

I am thankful because a nonvictim is not calling me a deadbeat or an irresponsible borrower.

I am sorry, JoAnn. So sorry. I hate the idea of disappointing any victim, since we are all Brothers and Sisters in Adversity. I just want to make clear that strong wording from friends should always be welcome. You take criticism from your friends, and stay away from the sweet phrases of your enemies.


You JoeAnn, and you, Robin, are more than welcome.

Let's not divide our home (the home of the neglected and victimized) to please the home of Satan and the Ocwens of the world.

Bitterness is not going to dominate our emotions. Let's keep our generosity to make room in our afflicted hearts for helping hands because A HELPING HAND IS A HELPING HAND IS A HELPING HAND.

God Bless you All.


Miami, Florida

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on OCWEN Federal Bank Financial Services

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Kweku Hanson

OcWEN --- Marlene is Right on the Money!

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2003

I am so ultrabusy collaborating with my lawyers keeping this class action lawsuit alive and healthy (and giving the shameless fraudsters at Ocwen constipation in the process). I also have a regular heavy load of client work to handle (everyone here knows by now that I am a lawyer by profession) that I decided NOT to post anything online or even respond to victim emails for the next five days, just to catch up on deadline work. However, Marlene's very poignant and powerful comment above left me stunned, because it is right on point in my judgment. Ocwen would love nothing better than to see us discredit each other and squabble with each other and sabotage each other. Ocwen, which has unleashed a new round of anonymous "workers" to work us up with insults and false statements, all the while brutally raping us in ways even a pathalogical serial killer psychopath would not stoop to, is laughing on the sidelines. I 100% support Marlene's statement without reserve. United we stand; divided we fall. Robin's exhortation may have rubbed some as too conceited or too "pushy" but I for one can say I wish every case of exploitation had a dedicated consumer advocate with nothing to gain, chiming in for the betterment of the victims. We are all heroes for resisting Ocwen in the first place; some of us have been more active than others in visible ways; others are behind the scenes lobbying their Attorneys General, elected federal officials, contacting local news media, etc., etc. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean (some once said). So to all, especially those who have joined me in faith that we shall not only fight Ocwen as a class, but we shall BEAT Ocwen as a class: please take every post here for whatever good you can exract out of it. If you feel compelled to send in a sworn statement, please do so. If you wish to donate money, feel free to do so. If you wish to simply send a "God speed the class action case", you're very welcome. We shall fight in the trenches; we shall fight in the hills; we shall fight from our basements; we shall fight from our roofs; we shall fight Ocwen in the courts of law and in the corridors of public opinion. One rouge company CANNOT defeat a people united. Yes, Robin was right in that the people of the colonies rose up with one accord and threw off the yoke of oppression they perceived from the King of England (whose lasting legacy, ironically is that we are all able to communicate in English). We shall also shake off Ocwen's yoke. We shall also expose the wrongs we have tolerated. This is not some fanciful thinking on my part, because I have little time for fancy. I am a man of action, and my kind of action figure is Moses before Pharaoh, or David before Goliath, or Daniel before Nebucadnezzer, or Ruth before Mordecai's accuser. PLEASE STAY TUNED DURING THE NEXT TEN DAYS FOR A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING THIS CASE!


Lake Placid,
New York,
My thanks to ALL the helping hands, now and in the future!

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2003

Everyone is frustrated at this point. Our hopes have been dashed more times than can be counted. We need to stand together and fight until we win. This morning I sent a check to Kweku to help pay for the ad. Once exposed to the light, the vampire Ocwen will lose it's power to destroy. And we will continue to shine the light until Ocwen and its kind are no more!!!!!!

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