  • Report:  #512227

Complaint Review: Ocwen Fianancial - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
TX Transplant - Cedar Park, Texas, USA

Ocwen Fianancial
Orlando, 32878 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am so tired of trying to work with a company who doesn't really want to help me at all I could puke. Like many of you who have already lodged complaints about Ocwen here and most likely on other boards, I figured I may as well add on to the pile.

Actually, before this garbage with Ocwen started, I was having the same issues with Taylor, Bean, and Whitaker, until they went belly up and sold my paper to Ocwen. My husband has been unemployed since last year; I lost my job in April. We're not totally broke; my husband's still able to get unemployment and my former employer in Colorado gave me a good severance package.  We ended up moving to Texas to get jobs, and I was fortunate enough to land one. However, my husband's still looking.

Between my mortgage in Colorado, my rent here, and all of our living expenses, I fell behind two months on my mortgage. I knew this was going to happen, so before I even got into this situation, I tried to work on a loan mod with TBW. I began working with them on or around June 27 2009; I received a letter in early August that Ocwen now had my loan and that TBW was bankrupt. And this is where the fun begins, folks.

Now, I know that I may sound like a racist here, but I find it very frustrating in the first place speaking to people in India whose accents are so thick, I can barely understand what they're saying. Be that as it may, what I even find more frustrating is the daily calls even when I have made a payment arrangement with them and have SUPPOSEDLY been put on some kind of do not call list.

Secondly, their whole loan modification "program" I have sent in two packages to try and get things rolling. They never call you back to let you know they've received your paperwork; they don't even call you if the documentation is incomplete. I don't have access to a fax machine and I'm not going to pay 75 cents a page to have it scanned at my local mail/copy/fax place. I can scan everything with my printer, however, so I have sent them e-mails with my documentation. The first time I sent in the information to them was August 24th. I then called back a week later, only to find out that they never received it. So I sent it to a supervisor's mailbox on September 7 and 8, with some additional documentation they said they needed on my husband's unemployment. I called in the next day to see if he'd received it. He said no at first, and then when I complained, he said yes, he'd received it and he would review it.

Then about a week later, I got a call from one of their "collectors" trying to get me to make a payment. I asked him about the status of my loan mod; he then told me that my documentation was incomplete and that I needed to send in the paperwork again. By this time, I was so angry I demanded to speak to a supervisor, and I had to sit on hold for 40 minutes just for the privilege. Then this brainiac of a supervisor had the nerve to tell me that regardless of the paperwork, I don't qualify because I make too much money and I can afford my payments.  Huh? I asked him to go over with me what he was showing my expenses are and of course, he didn't have everything listed. So guess what? He....wait for it.....he tells me I need to fill out another package!!!

I don't know if what they're doing is legal or not, or if there's any real avenue to get Ocwen and companies like them to get their acts together and really TRY to help people in need. But if there is a legal route, someone please sign me up.

Thanks for listening.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Help Needed : Attention U.S. Government "Why Are you letting Ocwen do this to the American People?? What next?? Ocwen (newco) has acquired Ltton loan********

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2011

I am most grateful to the 1st Amendement and Ed Magedson and his staff at RipOff Report,Ripoff Report put a Criminal behind bars and stopped a foreclsoure scam that scammed 120" former homeowners"  out of 31 million dollars.
There were deaths ,1 suicide ,1 heart attack,some lost their homes and the remainder may still lose their homes. There were investors involved,aka "STRAW BUYERS ' the investors were paid 10,000 or more for each" Bait & Switch Transaction,"

The homes involved are now in Bankruptcy and or Foreclosure under the straw buyers name, it does not matter to them they don't occupy the homes :We do ,"the foreclosure victims" who were set up.Our equity was stolen in my case 150,000  was shared among DEMarco and his slugs, the rent charged was 2900.
 Needless to say Ocwen holds the mortgage on the property which is now In Bankruptcy by the Straw buyer, all 4 of the properties Mr.Rives purchsed are now in Bankruptcy.

The U.S. Government has set up a mediation program to try and help us get back our homes. Ocwen has already notified me,they can offer no resolution for the property ,but I can still go to Mediation, and speaking of paper work. Ocwens attorneys did not even put the right property on the document advising me they were offering no resolution!!! They had some other property that belonged to Clay Rives the straw buyer. When I bought this to the attention of the U.S. Attorneys office,Ocwen's attorney said "A TYPO ERROR" BUT IT ALSO APPLIES TO MY PROPERTY"
"Well Merry XMAS TO YOU TOO".

We are all in TROBULE, This is a home,I worked 30 years for,30% down, 150,000 stolen in equity,2900 paid in rent, this is just me . I am hoping the other former homeowners have a bank that is more considerate and does not make" typo -errors."

The most disturbing about this all: Our Government chose Ovwen and Freddie Mac? Why,now Litton who has screwed so many is involved. This is what I am asking none of us want to lose these homes,I am working and am back in school " President Obama" are you aware of what Ocwen and Freddie Mac are doing???

You seem so sincere but please can't you get us a good Consumer Advocate or a stimulus so we can get our homes back. If there any lawyers out there who can help us out it would be appreciated.  At this time of my life I don't want to become homeless especially after I worked so hard,I am saving money ,I am also furtheing my education hoping to make more money.
Now if we could just get a Government Sponsored loan so we can back our homes and start paying a mortgage again.

We are not rich,Goldlman and Sack sold litton loan to Ocwen,someone plese help us.What is going to happen next??? Once again I thank Rip Off report,Ed Magedson you truly are a Savior to so many of us.

I am asking on behalf of all us that are in this predicament Plese help us get our homes. We don't want this for free,we will pay you back. A crimianl took our money and bought fancy cars, a lot of investors received loans and shared in our equity , Do we really deserve this??

Is this really the United States of America ???   Ed once again Thank You, if there is anyone who can help we are all drowning ,Help us Please!!!

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
How is Ocwen along with Freddie Mac getting away with Lying,and taking away our homes?????

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2011

As I read these horror stories I cannot   understand why they are stilll in business and why our government hired Ocwen and Freddie Mac!?

The situation I am in with ocwen is the result of a Foreclosure Scam involving 120 homes,31 million dollars scammed and stolen from the homeowners, the good news is thank sto RipOff Report and the FBI the company,DeMarco Rei has been shut down and Anthony DeMarco and his slugs are in jail awiting trial.

This was a lease buy back scam. We were told our escrow would be held in a reserve account and after we paid rent for 1 year ,we could buy back the homes, investors aka strawbuyers were paid to buy the homes,the straw buyers were paid 10,000 for each transaction they laid out no money just their credit-worthiness. This was all a scam,at closing our rent skyrocketed double our mortgage,there was no reserve account and DeMarco,REI stole over 31 million dollars from Foreclosure victims.

The homes are now in Foreclosure,the strawbuyers all were paid off so they just filed Bankruptcy or let the home go into foreclosure. The homes are in our names and now Ocwen, Indymac ,they want the homes back,they do not care about us.

The United States Government arranged for A Mediation Program and we had to send the banks in my case Ocwen ,paystubs,utility bills prooof of residency,etc.  Ocwen said they may offer us a new loan assumption or some other resolution. I received a letter from Ocwen that they can offer nothing ,if I would like to go to mediation sign the enclosed letter.

Ocwen did not even put the correct address on the document a different property in a different city.
All four of the properties purchased by the straw buyer have gone into Bankruptcy. This is a home I put 30% down on ,paid 2900 a month rent to DeMarco,Rei and 150,000 of equity went to DeMarco and his "Strawbuyers"

Where is Justice?our equity was stripped, some of the strawbuyers are very rich now and we are about to become homeless.

Something has to be done,it is awful ,they lose paper work,make typo errors,can't keep track of their properties and oh yes last but not least ,they now own Litton loan another Predatory lender.
There has to be something done,this is just getting worse and the rich get richer and this is a comapny our government chose!???  

Mr.Obama, The United States Government plese read the facts you can find them all on RipOff Report tahnks to Freedom of Speech.  Thanks again Ed and I hope someone can help us.
We just want help so we don't become homeless!!!


This is how Ocwen operates! They lie!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 19, 2010

I too have been trying to get a loan mod from Ocwen, I applied first in May 2009 right after it was announced you could try under the "Obama loan mod plan".  I did not hear anything back for a couple months, they did not even send me a courtsey email to tell me they got my package.  Then, in August 2009 I started getting unsigned letters from Ocwen stating they were missing some of my info and to send it again---as the letters were UNSIGNED, I did not, as they had all the info in one package.  Finally, about October, I sent a complaint via emails to my two US Senators, my US Rep, and Prez Obama on how Ocwen was dragging this out, and were very unprofessional to send unsigned letters asking me for private info!

Then, about November 1st, I got a phone call from some woman in India with a thick accent (yep folks Ocwen sends ALL your private info to INDIA!!) telling me that my loan mod was complete, that it was OK and all she needed was for me to fill out the financials page and send it back to her, and then my loan mod would be filed within 48 to 72 hours time.  I asked her to send me the financials page via snail mail as my computer at the time would not open PFD files and being on dial up internet, their website doesn't load very well for me, she agreed to do that.  Of course I was over the moon happy as I need major surgery and KNEW in advance I was going to be in some serious trouble paying bills as the first $4000 of my surgery is on me, and I am already on disability income.    Well, I waited and waited and waited, NO financials page came, then at the end of November, I got an email with an attachment stating I did not qualify for the Obama loan mod because I was in no danger of being foreclosed on!  I had missed one payment by then.

So I was mad and then sent a complaint to their ombudsman and did get a reply that I should apply again, this time for a regular loan modification.  This was late December I believe, maybe January. I had missed 2 payments by then anyway as I had had a water pipe freeze and with the added high water bill and hiring someone to fix the pipe, I was down $300 and I don't have that money to spare in my budget, my budges is all spoken for, every dime.

Then in Feb 2010 (remember, I started this in May 2009) I got an email stating they would send me more paperwork to fill out and submit for my 'regular loan mod", I got it, filled it out, went to an internet cafe to submit my scanned copies via email as I can't afford faxing either and did not want to wait for snail mail as I was in dire straits by missing 2 payments by now.  I DID ask for them to send me an email back as a reply they had received my info as it is very personal what you have to send, of course, that was too much to ask, I got NO reply!

Then, in March, I got a letter back from them telling me I did NOT qualify for an Obama loan mod and to re-apply for a regular loan mod!!!  By this time I was MAD and went off on the ombudsman telling them I HAD applied for a regular loan mod and my financials had not changed in 2 weeks time etc etc etc.  So, about a week later I got an email back telling me they had modified my loan and were sending it out for me to agree to.  I did get it in the mail on March 16th, 2010 and there was basically NO MODIFICATION!  They upped my payment and gave me all sorts of things to agree to like making my "heirs" responsible for my loan, or that is how I read the modification.  TOTALLY unacceptable!!

Now, if you google Ronald Faris (Prez of Ocwen) you will find a report he made on Feb 25-2010 to a house committee on the ongoing foreclosure crisis, chaired by Rep Kucinich.  In this report he tells this committee how Ocwen bends over backwards to work with their people in trouble, doing loan mods right and left, and also following the Obama guidelines of getting their mortgage, including tax and insurance, costs at or below 31% of the borrowers income!  THAT IS A LIE---mine is now 41% of my income and I have a small second on the house too!  So, currently 50% of my income goes to this house. 

I called them and got some gal in India who stated flat out they believed I could afford to pay more of my income to them, I had better budget better, ie apparently they live without electricity over there so don't care of you get yours turned off here to pay the mortgage payment!  And, if I did have my surgery, to re-apply for a loan mod at that time!  She could have cared less and I think that is why they fired all the USA people and sent the work to India to be processed, they don't care and can't identify.

Oh yes, the same day in the mail I got another "Obama loan mod" rejection from them telling me I did not qualify for an Obama loan mod!  I was told my my local bank,who I can't get a loan from due to bad credit from my being on disability at this time, that Ocwen was just jerking me around, and they have such a bad rep in the banking community, he can't understand why they have not been shut down by now!

I would suggest strongly that ANYONE having trouble with a loan mod from Ocwen email/call Rep Kucinich's office and file a complaint--NOW!!!  He needs to know how the CUSTOMER is being treated because Mr Faris is telling him the Disneyland story!  Now maybe Mr Faris THINKS his people are doing what he tells the sub-committee, but they aren't and everyone needs to know this!  Or he is lying and that is a federal offense and he needs to be punished for it!  It only takes a few minutes to do a word doc with your complaint, and copy/paste email it to your US Senators, Reps, Rep Kucinich and President Obama!  Send it to your Attorney Generals office too and to your states Department of Financial Institutions.  And, do it again next week, and the week after and the week after that until you hear back from someone!  To reach Mr Kucinich sometimes you have to play with the form and say in the form area you live in Ohio as it is for his constituents but I came clean at the bottom of the email with my true address---frankly if they chair sub-committees on huge problems like this, they NEED to hear from everyone all across the country, not just their constituents as my Rep is not on that committee!  Oh yea, I would also cc Ocwen, attention Mr Faris at the same time, maybe snail mail him, each and every time!!  And, the Ocwen ombudsman!


The mod program is a sham

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 11, 2010

Hmm... They lost ours too. We sent in another and ..... Deja vu.

This program is a sham and I'm not sure why they offer it if they aren't going to fall through. They must offer it because they have too but no one ever said they actually had to modify a loan, just make it available? (only to deny or lose the documents)

These guys don't care about modifying a loan, they just want to harass people into foreclosure because they don't care. HSBC didn't care either. Sad thing is that I didn't chose to do business with this company or HSBC.  Both companies bought our loan so now we're stuck.

Report Attachments

TX Transplant

Cedar Park,
An Update to the Continuing Saga

#6Author of original report

Fri, March 05, 2010

Hi there, thought I'd share my latest round of Ocwen mis-adventures. Since my first post in October 2009, I have faxed and/or emailed two more loan modificaiton packages in to Ocwen.

On January 12 of 2010 I faxed a 42 page document to Ocwen at the cost of a little over $55, because I don't have a fax machine at my house I had to go to a copy place. I called in a couple of days later to check if they'd received all my information and I was told that yes, they had all of my paperwork, but I needed to wait for 30 days to find out whether or not my loan mod was approved. So, I waited a little longer than 30 days. Last week, on February 25, I decided to call Ocwen back and check on the status of my loan mod and I was told by the first woman I spoke to that yes, my loan mod was approved and she was going to transfer me back to the home retention department. I thought to myself, "What a relief. I can finally start working on getting my financial affairs back in order." So I'm holding on the phone, only to discover that she didn't transfer me, but disconnected me instead. So, I call back.

This time, the gentleman I spoke to tells me that he doesn't see that I have submitted any paperwork at all. So I uncharacteristically 'went off' and I demanded to speak to his supervisor. After about ten minutes, another gentleman gets on the phone and I proceed to chew on his ear about my frustrations; he then transfers me to the Freddie Mac desk within Ocwen. I talk to yet another gentleman, who tells me to google "Form 1126" and download it, fill it out and send in the paperwork it asks for along with two check stubs, and he gives me a direct fax number to send it to, and tells me that I could call back, ask for their extension and have an answer in 48 hours. So, I had my husband fax this 16-page document to that number. I call them back yesterday (March 4) and after 25 minutes on the phone with one of Ocwen's collectors, he finally transfers me back to the Freddie Mac extension that I originally asked him to do 24 minutes prior.

A woman answers the phone and I tell her why I'm calling. She then proceeds to tell me that there's no way she can give me an answer in 48 hours, because these reviews take time and self-righteously points out that I am not the only one requesting a loan modification. So after telling her that I've been working on a loan mod with Ocwen since August of 2009, she decides to look at my submission and tells me that since I'm working for a temp agency, that they don't consider it steady income and I probably won't qualify, but she can't tell me for certain. My husband was fortunate enough to finally find full-time, permanent work, which he started working this week. So my mod is on hold until I can either get an offer letter from my husband's company, or wait another three weeks until he acquires two weeks worth of paystubs.

There has to be some legal recourse here. They have dragged this out for seven months now; in the meantime, the few limited financial resources I had are all but drained. I am still very interested in becoming part of a class action lawsuit against Ocwen in Colorado, if there happens to be one.

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