  • Report:  #24725

Complaint Review: OCWEN - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Glen Allen, VA,

12650 Ingenuite Drive Orlando, 32826 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our loan was sold to OCWEN in 1999. My husband's car was hit by a semi and another car while on his way to work. He had to have 3 surgeries. We fell behind and OCWEN put us on a forbearance plan. We spoke with our account rep who told us we were current in our payments except for $75 due for July. We mailed that in with our August payment. OCWEN sent it back and told us they were going to foreclose.

They never provided us a monthly statement, the itemized account information they gave us was impossible to read or understand by our attorney, they placed hazard insurance on our property although we already had our own insurance, they ruined our credit by reporting we were in foreclosure when our attorney had stopped it. They continue to "code" our credit report that states the loan is paid with "check with us first." We are out thousands of dollars and lost equity due to the predatory tactics of this company.

When I first filed a complaint about OCWEN in October of 2001, I was the sixth posting - now there are over 200!! Thank you Rip Off Report for your help!!


Richmond, Virginia

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