  • Report:  #915584

Complaint Review: Ohana Horse Rescue 501c3 non profit - Brooksville Florida

Reported By:
J. Grimes - Port Richey, Florida, United States of America

Ohana Horse Rescue 501c3 non profit
21151 Lake Lindsey Rd, Brooksville, Florida 34601 Brooksville, 34601 Florida, United States of America
1 (727) 326-7827
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Ohana Rescue receives donations for horses and then puts the horses down and/or uses the money for other services that the donations were not solicited for. They refuse horses unless they have an extreme story that will bring in donations. They have been seen breeding Isabelle to a stallion claiming that it will help the mares skin condition. They adopt horses to families claiming they are sound to ride and really are out-of-control. They have adopted a horse to minors causing injuries to one of the minors. They are always attacking other rescue facilities trying to alleviate competition as stated by Carrie Young. Carrie Young has been noted for stating that her State Representative Uncle keeps her skeeky clean with the authorities. Carrie young has been reported as turning individuals into the authorities that call her for assistance with their animals. This rescue organization uses equine to beg money from the public and operates as a heartless business rather than a loving community service. They recently brought in thousands of dollars of individuals hard earned money for a horse with a cracked skull from out-of-state and then immediately put the horse down. No offer of or return of the received donations. As an advocate for the horses it is my duty to warn the public when I am informed of individuals claiming to be a community service, that undermine true rescue organizations, and scam the public.                                               

17 Updates & Rebuttals


Wesley Chapel,
United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

Let me quote you word for word off your blog about the care of horses that went out of your "rescue".

"Last summer in 2011, the horses became high demand in need for rescue, so we opened our gates to start rescuing equine.  We didnt know all of the rules and there was a lot Bob needed a refresher course on. We did adopt a few horses out without coggins and we were not set up with the funds to give the medical care with teeth floating and shots at that time."

"Bob was treating her summer sore, but according to Jessica, he was not treating it properly.  We regret that we were not capable to provide her with everything she needed at the time, but we were ecstatic to see her reunite with her childhood owner, as this was very heartwarming."

The quotes of which I have screen shots, is located here. http://dominoeffectexaminer.wordpress.com/2012/07/24/reunion-of-the-heart-scorned-by-thrashing-waves-of-fury/

This was your reply to my response to your blog implicating my association to Ohana was why I made the email to the reporter. My comment on your blog was to set the record straight, that it was in fact FIRST hand experience I had with a horse from your rescue and stated Katie received no basic medical care that a rescue is both morally and legally obligated to do. You then admitted it along with that you weren't prepared to fulfill this horses needs and didn't hold the simple knowledge of how to treat a summer sore.

Yet you bash Ohana for speaking the truths, as well as myself when you freely admit them in print on your own blog? Seriously you expect reputable rescues to ignore that you are or were giving no more care to these horses than the owner you claim neglected them? If you aren't able to provide proper care, do the horses a favor and leave them alone. You act as though what you did taking on horses that you could not provide basic needs for is a good thing and expect people to say oh it was only a few times, so it doesn't count.

Your logic amazes me. Now you and your cohort are running around FB trying to destroy a rescue that DOES do not only basic moral and legal care, but extensive care and save horses across this state. They have a high profile rescue with many people, the same as mine visiting DAILY. They are an open book.  As I told you in my second reply that you chose not to allow posted, I hope you have made the necessary changes. But it does not change what was done. Accept it, you've admitted it PUBLICLY. Stop acting like a child because you got called out on illegal acts.

I suggested to you that offering an olive branch to Ohana would be far more productive for our horses and allow you to learn a great deal in how to rehab a rescued horse. You chose to ignore it. But then your husband did state on Channel 10 news, that Domino doesn't rehab didn't he? That's not rescue that's horse trading PERIOD. Time to sweep off your own porch and when it's clean and you are doing right by the horses, you will find open arms by all advocates.


United States of America
Enough is Enough!!!

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

I do not appreciate, Domino Effect, taking liberty with my name, and my comments posted on a Facebook page, where I chose to be. I did not choose to be in their report/rebuttal. I support Ohana, and find this Rip Off report and their efforts, to be damaging to Horse rescue, and Horse Welfare Advocacy. I find this to be a bunch of false accusations, character assasination, and a public display of cyber bullying. I will continue to support Ohana, regardless of this attempt to damage their reputations.

Why? Because I know better. Childish, immature drama, always has a way of biting the brat on the butt. In other words , backfiring. I feel that the original complaint author, will learn a valuable lesson, and pay for their slanderous remarks, character assasination, disrespectful and irresponsible behavior. In America, you can not just go, an make accusations as if fact, in a public manner, without absolute proof, it is against the law. I do not know Domino Effect or heard the name, until they started slandering Ohana.

So their bashing efforts are reaching out to more than just their inner circle. What they fail to realise is that Ohana has a multitude of supporters, including animal enforcement officials, and law enforcement officials, who by knowing Ohana personally, will be exactly the type of witnesses to their character, and operations of the rescue, in a slanderous court case, should this attempt to discredit goes to court. I find that this has been one of the most outlandish attempts, to ruin reputation, and character against a horse rescue, and the Horse Welfare Advocacy, to date. Enough is Enough! Fools of a Feather.....

Domino Effect

Weeki Wachee,
United States of America
RE: Ohana

#4General Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

Just to educate yourself Carrie Young, a person cannot post something on their FB page until it has been published to the "Internet."  Once it has been published to the Internet and someone views it, they will see a "like" button on the right-hand corner of the Ripoff Report.  If someone clicks the FB "Like" button, the Ripoff Report gets sent to their FB page and into their feed.  YES, I am guilty of "SEEING" the Ripoff Report on the Internet, after it was published to the Internet, clicking "like" and it posting to my FB page, just like the other 103 people who clicked like on it.  If clicking like on the fact that someone wrote this Ripoff Report against you is a sin after all the hell you all have put us through, then I guess we are guilty as charged.  (I believe I clicked like more than once, does that count for anything)

But I wasn't smart enough to put 2 and 2 together and see that you were the one responsible for writing the Ripoff Report against us back in November 2011.  I have a pretty smart FB friend that brought that one to my attention after you slipped up and wrote your rebuttal.  "God is Good

I even posted on my FB page that "she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar" Did you get a screen shot of that too? 

And your name CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE all in CAPS is to emphasize to EVERYONE the continuous harassment that you have bestowed upon us and our rescue for an entire year, without reason, but pure hatred.  It is EMPHASIZED for the sole purpose that EVERYONE understands the harassment and slander you, Ohana Rescue, have done to another fellow rescue, Domino Effect Rescue Ranch. 

I'm not threatened by your legality, clearly you can see by all of my documentation against you and this group dating way back to August 2011, that you made this bed, not me.  And God Bless you too Carrie Young.  It will be such a blessing to finally put an end to this mess!!!  Dinelle Ashcraft.


Weeki Wachee,
United States of America
Is the Accuser Crazy?

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

Ohana Rescue is one of the best rescues that I have encountered.  They take in horses that no one else would even consider taking and nurse them back to health - mind, body and soul.  They have taken in two horses in the past month that needed special care.  It turned out that both went to University of Florida Veterinary Clinic in Gainesville for evaluation and treatment.  Because of the non-treatment that they did not receive prior to coming to Ohana, the doctors determined that they could not save either horse.  All of us were deeply affected by the passing of these two wonderful spirits who were so kind and gentle.  UF charges for their services and it was not cheap for either horse.  Ohana asked for donations to help defer the costs and received help from people who care about animals.  

It is obvious that the individual who wrote the complaint does not give a rats a*s about these horses or probably any animal and has no compassion for them either.  Ohana has given their time, own monies, love and attention to the horses entrusted to their care and have spent many nights without sleep just to make certain that they were alright.  I doubt if the accuser has spent one minute on anyone but himself.  

If you want to walk in Ohana's shoes, please go visit and see the conditions, attention, love and affection that is happening there and then tell me that they are a Rip Off you no good morans and followers of the devil - Bob Ashcraft at Domino Effect Ranch.  All of the allegations are false and the real culprit is Domino.  These alllegations come easy for them to say as they are the ones who have done all of the things mentioned in their allegations.  Cast doubts on others so they will not look at you.  Good practice Domino.  Your day will come and you will be put away for good.  You say you are a Christian.  Please don't disgrace God and His Son by claiming this.  He is ashamed of what you are and how you treat humans and animals.  You and your followers are so mislead by the devil that you cannot ever claim to be Christians.  Christians do not behave and do the hurtful destructive things that you are doing.  Shame on you and yours.  I pray for all of you because you need it as you are going to Hell.


port richey,
United States of America
Re: Domino

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 30, 2012

Thank you Domino for the rebuttal, it is obvious who has the personal vendetta against myself, Carrie Young by your rebuttal. My name is in caps and over and over. You can say by your rebuttal that you seen this rip off report by things that were being said. Wrong, I have several screen shots taken off your facebook page with the ripoff report, hours before it hit the internet. Thank you again, for all you have done to put a legal end to this mess that you seem to think that I have created. God Bless you Domino Effect, and make God have mercy on your soul.

another that really cares

north port,
United States of America
Domino Effect

#7General Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

All that ever comes out of your mouth (keyboard) is alot of bla bla bla. you should spend more time caring for your charges than making these ridiculously long Bla bla  bla's. Hot air and full of lies and contradictions. Grow up over there.

Domino Effect

Weeki Wachee,
United States of America
RE: Unbelievable that the original poster was afraid to use their own name COWARDS

#8General Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

In regards to annonymous post above who quoted my words out of my blog:

"Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog on the Ripoff Report.  I didnt accept it because it had nothing to do with the Ripoff Report or the point I was trying to get across. "

I wrote a blog last week regarding this particular Ripoff Report written by J. Grimes.  The significance of my blog was not so much to bring light to this particular Ripoff Report that J. Grimes wrote against Carrie Young and Ohana Rescue, but it was to clarify that Carrie Young with Ohana Rescue proved with the rebuttal that they wrote above that she was indeed responsible for writing a Ripoff report against our rescue, Domino Effect Rescue Ranch, last year on November 16, 2011.  Carrie Young used her user name "horsesinneed" to compose the Ripoff report against us last year and then used the same user name "horsesinneed" to compose the rebuttal above.


In my blog I was comparing the 2 Ripoff reports, I clarified how Carrie Young with Ohana Rescue has been trying to sabotage the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch since August 2011.  Everything that is stated in this blog is factual with documentation to prove this.


After I wrote this blog, Beverly Levitt wrote a quite extensive response to my blog "WE SEEN THIS WITH OUR OWN TWO EYES, no rumor here(Quotes by Carrie Young)"  Her response had nothing to do with this particular blog "WE SEEN THIS WITH OUR OWN TWO EYES, no rumor here(Quotes by Carrie Young)", so I did NOT accept her response, but I therefore wrote another blog regarding Beverly Levitt's response to the previous blog "WE SEEN THIS WITH OUR OWN TWO EYES, no rumor here(Quotes by Carrie Young)"

In the blog "Reunion of the Heart Scorned by Thrashing Waves of Fury" My first paragraph was as follows:

"Reunion of the Heart Scorned by Thrashing Waves of Fury

July 24, 2012 by Domino Effect Examiner

"Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog on the Ripoff Report.  I didnt accept it because it had nothing to do with the Ripoff Report or the point I was trying to get across. "

For those who do not understand plain English, this means Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog about the Ripoff Report that I wrote comparing the 2 Ripoffs, the one that Carrie Young (horsesinneed) wrote against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch and the rebuttal that Carrie Young (horsesinneed) wrote in this Ripoff Report against Ohana written by J. Grimes.

This is the blog I wrote below:


I was simply explaining that Beverly Levitt's response had NOTHING to do with the above blog regarding the 2 Ripoff Reports, ONE that Carrie Young of Ohana Rescue wrote against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch and the SECOND one that Carrie Young wrote a rebuttal to, both with the same sign on name "horsesinneed' 

My statement

"Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog on the Ripoff Report.  I didnt accept it because it had nothing to do with the Ripoff Report or the point I was trying to get across. " was referring to this particular blog and nothing else!!!  It simply was not the appropriate spot to accept Beverly Levitt's comment.


I have been watching this unfold this past week, day after day, someone else jumping on the bandwagon to pass on hatred comments towards our rescue or whomever they think composed this Ripoff Report.  I have been receiving hate e-mails from this group, seen posts here against us, and had people come to our page to attack us.

I have seen in several different spots, including here and throughout Facebook, that Ohana and their followers are accusing us for this Ripoff Report.  Do you really think that Domino Effect Rescue Ranch is the only enemy that Ohana has???

Annonymous post:  Unbelievable

"This is a vendetta being pursued against Ohana Rescue by another, so called rescue of questionable ethics, run by a convicted felon with no training, which is clearly shown in their pics on their FB page. This person, along with another, equally unbalanced person, is waging this war."

Jennifer Facer Brown

"Why do rescues do this stuff? Pick on each other? This all so wrong. And it gives rescues a really bad name. And rescues, all of them will pay for this, by losing donations. people will not donate to drama. Ohana is one rescue I have known, and have for a long while. The negative reports are just that, and nothing more. They work very hard, as you probably do as well. This is wrong on so many levels, and only hurts the cause and the horses. Ohana through this situation, has not been as concerned about what you say, as they are about what folks read, and how that will effect the horses currently in dire need at their facility..So why cant you be that concerned, as well?"


Yall need to knock it off. Rescues bashing rescues just doesnt work. From where I stand it looks like Domino started this round with their unfair Ohana bashing. I say unfair, because I know some of the work Ohana has done with horses others couldnt take, and I know the kind of help and advice they share freely FOR THE SAKE OF THE HORSES. Ripoff Report is a ripoff in it self. You should be ashamed to use it. They take claims from anyone and charge over $2000 to take false claims off the site. Domino you best hope you arent the next one reported to Ripoff.

Ohana Rescue, is one of the good rescues and Dominos "Rescue" is one of the bad.

Another Ohana Follower:  Lee Buckley Ellis

I didn't see that I was insulting you!  Only asking a question or two.  I see you have nothing nice to say to a curious new comer?  That's a shame!  You are a true F*KTARD!   Really you are!  Stop abusing and neglecting horses and Gods creatures!  Stop blaming everyone else because you are too d**n stupid to give a sh*.  Grow the hell up and own up to the responsibilities that you have brought onto your property.  Oh and another thing....you idiot....Feeding a horse hay off the ground will cause them to colic.  You are the reason the one died!  You are so dumb!  You think they are not eating dirt along with that hay?  DUMBASS!

Your instincts are sh*....look at the pictures of how you are treating the animals!  Oh and googling your name was HORRIFYING.  You call yourself a "rescue" and I call you a pile of sh*.

And then I see this today written by Ohana Rescue on her FB page:

Ohana Rescue  "I am sure that is the name that they used..but they made a mistake on their blog, she admitted to writing the rip off..I will tell you more later, have to run...check out what is going on now...see the above picture, Kelly Blevins and Domino seem to think this is me, and that is more prove of slander because DE has met me, so they are letting Kelly run with this."

After seeing this, curiosity brought me back to this page to indeed see another post against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch, but this time specifically referring that we are responsible for their Ripoff Report.

Unbelievable that the original poster was afraid to use their own name COWARDS

AUTHOR: another that really cares - north port (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 28, 2012POSTED: Saturday, July 28, 2012

This is directly from your own blog.

Reunion of the Heart Scorned by Thrashing Waves of Fury

July 24, 2012 by Domino Effect Examiner

"Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog on the Ripoff Report.  I didnt accept it because it had nothing to do with the Ripoff Report or the point I was trying to get across. "

So you USE the ripoff report to make a point. whats that , nothing at all you say cna be believed.. works for me !!

This is not out of context but abbreviated so not to waste any ones time with your trash.

Grow up

Let me repeat this once again

For those who do not understand plain English,

"Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog on the Ripoff Report.  I didnt accept it because it had nothing to do with the Ripoff Report or the point I was trying to get across. "

This statement means Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog about the Ripoff Report that I wrote comparing the 2 Ripoffs, the one that Carrie Young (horsesinneed) wrote against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch and the rebuttal that she (horsesinneed) wrote in this Ripoff Report against Ohana by J. Grimes, which is the blog I wrote below:


I was simply explaining that Beverly Levitt's response had NOTHING to do with the above blog regarding the 2 Ripoff Reports, ONE that Carrie Young of Ohana Rescue wrote against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch and the SECOND one that Carrie Young wrote a rebuttal to, both with the same sign on name "horsesinneed'  

I started a blog back in March 2011, to document the attacks and harassment by Carrie Young and Allan Wilson of Ohana Rescue, Ted and Karen Koran with The Critter Place, Sandy Woods, Nikki and Maryann Tobin, and the other neighbors Tom Logsdon, along with others who have jumped on board along the way. 


AUTHOR: horsesinneed - port richey (United States of America)THE AUTHOR who wrote the Ripoff report against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch is HORSESINNEED.  The owner of Ohana Rescue wrote a rebuttal on the Ripoff Report that someone posted against them.  The author to this rebuttal is HORSESINNEED. 



Submitted: Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Last Posting: Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reported By: horsesinneed port richey Florida United States of America

Domino Effect Rescue Ranch

10370 s****.>
Weeki Wachee Florida 34654

United States of America

Phone: 352- 596-3104

Web: Category: Nonprofit Organizations

Domino Effect Rescue Ranch Robert & Dinelle Ashcraft This is a fake rescue that asks for donations to help the animals in their care and they do not use the donations for the animals. Weeki Wachee, Florida

Domino Effect Rescue Ranch is owned by a Robert and Dinelle Ashcraft. They portray being Christians who care about animals. They find free animals on Craig's List and then state that the animals are rescues and plea to the good hearted people to donate. These funds are not going to the animals because: The horses are eating the bark off the trees, the leaves off the palmetto bushes, and they are given cow hay to eat. Only getting fed once a day when they are fed, and only when people are coming out. Their feet are not seen by a farrier, and the horses have no vet care. They adopt out the horses at ridiculous prices, and without coggins. They preach that they are Christians and they talk a great talk, but if people would go out and see just how the horses are living. The number of horses at this time are 13 and they are living on less then two acres of sand. They are tied to barb wire to eat. They are chased by a pit bull all day long. The legs of the horses are constantly being cut by stumps in their yard. Please do not give a horse to Domino Effect Rescue Ranch, please look for another reputable rescue to rehome your horse too. They have been the cause of many horses being injured, and several deaths of horses due to their negligence. BEWARE, THEY TALK THE TALK, BUT CANNOT WALK THE WALK.


CARRIE YOUNG STATES I Dont Have to Prove that I am Telling the Truth ~ You Have to Prove that I am Lying

CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE started attacking our rescue back in August 2011, just days after they arrived here to Brooksville.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE started rallying her hate group against us shortly after she arrived.


The entire group who are responsible for attacking the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch are ALL friends with CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE:  Nikki & Maryanne Tobin, Ted & Karen Koran, Sandy Woods, Tom Logsdon, Kathleen Walton, Bevery Levitt.

http://dominoeffectexaminer.wordpress.com/category/birds-of-a-feather-flock-together/CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE and Maryann Tobin sent in complaints to HCAS against us.


CARRIE YOUNGS FRIEND,  Maryann Tobin wrote many articles against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch trying to have us shut down.


This group accused us of the following:

Maryann Tobin Accuses Domino Effect of Illegal Transport to a Church Function


Domino Effect was Accused of Sending Horses to SLAUGHTER


DOMINO EFFECT was Accused of Riding a Horse with EPM


Domino Effect Accused of Stealing Horses:  Domino Effect Examiner ~ Craigslist Caption Domino Effect Are Horse Thieves & Scammers


Domino Effect Accused of Feeding Moldy Produce to Animals:  Domino Effect FREE Produce Days


Nikki Tobin Spread Lies on FB against us: 


They Sent Us Threatening E-mails with Ultimatums:


This group has bashed us on CRAIGSLIST:  Craigslist Bashing ~ Hate Crime Towards Domino Effect Rescue Ranch


They have harassed us continually:  HARRASSMENT, SLANDER, LIES, and now STALKING!!!


The Harassment Continues ~ July 15-16, 2012


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE underminded a rescue we had scheduled placing these horses in jeopardy.


CARRIE YOUNGS FRIEND, Maryann Tobin, wrote an article to undermine our success story that we wrote about a horse we adopted out named Katie. 

Our Success story about Katie


It was presented as an e-mail narrated by Beverly Levitt (also friends with CARRIE YOUNG)  against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch about a horse that we adopted out last year named Katie.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE went to the BOCC in Brooksville to pass laws to change the zoning here in Brooksville and bring stricter penalties against animal neglect and abuse-using the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch as her reference in doing so.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE  teamed up with our neighbors, TED & KAREN KORAN (THE CRITTER PLACE), SANDY WOODS, TOM LOGSDON, KATHLEEN WALTON on both sides of us as part of her hate group against us.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE presented lies to Channel 10 News and Mike Deeson against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch to have us shut down.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE'S friend, Ted Koran composed lies against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch by posing 2 horses to be one and then accusing us of starving this horse to death. 


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE'S friend, Ted Koran Admitted to feeding this horse, Shia, in the sand to government officials.


After he first tried to sabotage us himself.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE has a Facebook friend, Jenny Rodden Sloan who writes for the Horse & Pony News.  In June, 2012,  Horse and Pony News came out with an anonymous article against the Domino Effect Rescue Ranch.


CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE and Maryann Tobin were seen together by a person surrendering their horse to Ohana, devising a plan to shut us down.

CARRIE YOUNG OF OHANA RESCUE and Claire North posted in the group FLORIDA CITIZENS COUNCIL FOR AT-RISK EQUINES under fileskill buyers/traders/people to be wary of in rehoming your horse: 


Domino Effect Rescue RanchDinelle and Robert Delaney Ashcraft Je Je HepplerStephanie Prater: always seems to be on the lookout for horses on the free horses page..claims to be a trainer but horses are then rehomed with little training. Just be wary of her.  Dylan Spin: horse trader  Samantha Lynne?? unsure!




Carrie Young States Things dont just come your way and happen, you make them happen.

How many times has Ohana claimed that everyone is out to get her and everyone is falsely accusing them for attacking others.  How many times has Ohana protrayed themselves to be the INNOCENT PARTY.Just sayin.

In the future, dont publicize information if you dont want recognized for doing this, because if youre posting negatively against the Domino Effect, you may be seeking all the attention you desire.  Im not into the kid games.  I dont bash others in the privacy of my home hinding behind a screen name.  I speak the truth and I post my documentation regarding what others have posted against the ranch.  I am not seeking to hurt other rescues or other people, but to defend our name with the truth.  You will never see me post an anonymous article without leaving my name.  If you cant leave your John Hancock, then you have no business posting it.

I DID NOT write this Ripoff Report above, but I tip my hat to the one who did, as it revealed the "anonymous" writer to our Ripoff report out of the wood pile, noneother than Carrie Young, herself, horsesinneed.  This Ripoff Report above is not how I write and I don't write things without documentation.  I am not afraid to admit when we have done wrong and I am not afraid to confront my accusers.  I do NOT hide behind an anonymous name and everything I write I sign my name to it.  Just because I have an enormous amount of evidence against Ohana Rescue for trying to sabotage us, doesn't mean that I am the only one out there that doesn't care for them.  If you have proof that I would deliberately post the above stated garbage, then let see it.  Otherwise, you all are barking up the wrong tree because the only one who is responsible for such acts against another rescue is yours truly, Ohana Rescue.

Dinelle Ashcraft

Domino Effect Rescue Ranch

People Helping Animals Helping People

Robert & Dinelle Ashcraft

10370 s****.>
Weeki Wachee, Florida 34614

(352) 596-3104

another that really cares

north port,
United States of America
Unbelievable that the original poster was afraid to use their own name COWARDS

#9General Comment

Sun, July 29, 2012

This is directly from your own blog.

Reunion of the Heart Scorned by Thrashing Waves of Fury
July 24, 2012 by Domino Effect Examiner

"Beverly Levitt sent me a comment on my blog on the Ripoff Report.  I didnt accept it because it had nothing to do with the Ripoff Report or the point I was trying to get across. "

So you USE the ripoff report to make a point. whats that , nothing at all you say cna be believed.. works for me !!
This is not out of context but abbreviated so not to waste any ones time with your trash.
Grow up


Spring Hill,
United States of America
My own eyes

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2012

I was there at Ohana the day KK was brought to Carrie and Allen. This was a beautiful horse who had a very serious injury. This was my first and only visit to Ohana Rescue, although I have known Carrie for many years through a mutual friend.

On first sight KK was unstable and very off-centered, but Ohana did everything they could to make this animal comfortable and calm. After leaving I had thought maybe I could adopt this horse once she had recovered enough to go to a forever home.

Upon getting home that evening I immediately sent Ohana a donation to help care for this and all their other animals. Several days later I had to leave town for work, and upon arriving in Nevada, I saw Ohana was taking KK to testing at UF. I made another donation directly to her Vet care.

Let me explain to anyone reading these reports. If you take an animal to the Vet for testing for serious injuries, and the animal eventually is diagnosed unrecoverable, the Vet does not refund the testing fees. And anyone who was truly knowledgeable in this field would know this and not make a comment about refunding donations taken in for the care of an animal. I never would have expected a refund of a donation to this or any other charitable organization.

I do not know this person who has made this accusation against Ohana, but I would put enough money down to buy a dozen horse to bet he is either jealous, greedy, or just plain ignorant of the facts and has too much time on his hands. All he has done to my thoughts of Ohana and the great, passionate, caring and incredibly generous couple that run it, is to go straight to Pay-Pal and send them another $100 to help them continue the great work they do for the neglected animals in our community.

Ted Koran

Weeki Wachee,
Way off base Mr? Grimes!

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2012

I have known Ohana, Carrie Young and Allan Wilson for over a year. I have met every horse they have taken in. Most have come in where most rescues won't take in. Ohana takes the worst of the worst and performs miracles. Christians? They define what Christians are sir! You, sir, define Satan with your lies! Any horse that was beyond saving was diagnosed by a vet and a humane, excruciating decision to end any suffering was done with tears and a very heavy heart. Any donations were asked for honestly and with righteous intentions with any horses concerns as number one priority. Your intentions, Mr? Grimes, have evil intentions with ulterior motives guided by the evil of others! I have personally witnessed miracles at Ohana and have personally witness the heartbreak of a lost horse beyond saving despite Ohana's absolute and unwavering dedication to saving ANY animal they take in. Your accusations are absolutely absurd Mr? Grimes and you should be ashamed of yourself but obviously you are not a Christian who follows the preachings of your book. You will rot in your lies! You, sir, will face your judgement on your final day. You should be ashamed! You posted what you did so obviously you have no soul!  

Report Attachments

Ted Koran

Weeki Wachee,
United States of America
Way Off Base J. Grimes

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2012

I have known Ohana, Carrie Young and Allan Wilson for a year. I have met every horse that Ohana has taken in. Many were in horrible shape and I have witnessed "miracles" that Ohana has done. A few have come into Ohana in hopeless condition and Ohana went to extreme measures above and beyond  to save each and every one. Some were beyond saving but not without Ohana's utmost efforts!
Fake Christians? Don't be absurd! They are the definition of Christians! You J. Grimes ARE NOT!
Lie To Receive Donations? J. Grimes... Look in the mirror! You lie!
Lie About Adoptive Horses? Apparently, J. Grimes, you have no mirrors in your home to look in!
Adopt To Minors? J. Grimes, Ohana has records of their adoptions!
Lie About Equine Medical Conditions? J. Grimes, You are ludicrous!
Ohana defines what a REAL horse rescue is!
J. Grimes, You define stupidity! Who put you up to this?

Report Attachments


New Hampshire,
United States of America
Leap to judgement- personal agenda perhaps?

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2012

Having been a supporter of Ohana for quite some time, I have found them to be forthcoming and open about everything that goes on there. I have found them responsive and willing to answer questions. They have given follow ups as to how donations have been spent.  I personally believe that someone has an axe to grind.

As far as the horse that was recently put down, Ohana did what any responsible person would. They brought the horse to a professional for diagnosis. They were very clear that the vet would have the ultimate say and did not candy coat anything about the horses situation. They accepted a horse that nobody else did. Simple. Those who gave funds for this to happen were not lied to, they were not promised that a miracle would happen. This is life. Things do happen. For the author to fault Ohana makes me wonder what their agenda really is.

Ohana is good and I will continue to support and donate to them.


Ohana Rescue is one of the Good rescues

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2012

This report is false and contains information that is incorrect and dubious at best.  I have had several dealings with Ohana and they have been upfront and have provided excellent care for the horses.  They are transparent.  This report is about a horse which was seriously injured prior to coming to Ohana rescue.  

Regarding the horse in question, they were asked to take this horse by the barn owner, they agreed, they did not pull this horse from an auction,etc.  Yes they did fundraise to help pay for the costs of treatment for the horse.  This horse had serious brand injuries, multiple fractures of the skull and a completely broken oribital bone.  This horse received the best of care, and was taken to the University vet school because of the unusual and serious head injuries misdiagnosed prior to Ohana being asked to take her.  
After a great deal of money and care, the VETERINARIANS made the decision that this horse did not have any kind of a good prognosis and the decision was made to put her to sleep.  

This is a vendetta being pursued against Ohana Rescue by another, so called rescue of questionable ethics, run by a convicted felon with no training, which is clearly shown in their pics on their FB page. This person, along with another, equally unbalanced person, is waging this war. 

Ohana Rescue, is one of the good rescues and Dominos "Rescue" is one of the bad. 

Marny L

United States of America
Ohana rescue is one of the best !!

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, July 25, 2012

For someone to say that they put horse down is the biggest of all the lies being told ! they give any horse a chance at a life that none else would !! also apoted to underage people they wont even let you on the property unless you have parent or a sign permission form !!!!

 I have adopted 2 horse from ohana i was told everything and even more about my horses and they are the best people i have met in a long time.

I have never known a rescue to take in the animals with medical condition like them most rescue would turn them away i have also gone on a pick up with them and seen with my own eyes how they are !!

 I work very close to this rescue so if anyone wants to bad mouth them i would love a phone call because i can say the person or persons who put this post up you have nerve to do so the lies you come up with because your bored or you cant do what they do .

Ohana rescue has people behind them because they do such a  good job don't you think if they were doing what the have been accused of that they would be trying to hide something . they have a open door polices so go on over and see for your own eyes what Ohana rescue is all about .


Cathy Cannon

Spring Hill,
United States of America
This is a False Report

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, July 24, 2012

Ohana is an example of what a Horse Rescue TRULY is!!  I am NOT just an internet aquaitance of Carrie Young! We have been friends for over 30 years!  I have seen first hand the extreme LOVE and CARE these animals recieve! 

I know FIRST HAND the sacrifice she makes for these Animals!  I have seen her do without for herself to do for the horses.  I have seen the emotional pain of seeing these horses come in.  I have seen the tears and heartache.

I have had horses since I was 9 years old and I am now 52 so I would call myself a very experienced Horsewomen.  I have a 38 year old Quarter horse I have owned for 10 years and a 15 year old Quarter Horse/Foxtrotter that I have owned for 14 years and now one of the Rescures from Ohana! She is a 4 year old partially blind horse that Ohana recieved back in April and I have had for 3 weeks.

Ohana wants good forever homes or will keep and take care of these horses for life! 

They take in the misfits and horribly abused.  The horses that are discarded because for one reason or another someone has decided are no longer useful or desirable and not worth the effort to feed or love anymore. 

And Kisses from a King!  I was there the very day she arrived!  I am a witness to the ENORMOUS expence that Ohana took on to give this baby a chance.  The Amazing love that was showered on this baby! I was a part of the constant Prayers for her recovery. And one of the devistated and heart broken at the final report from University of Florida. ( and incase you have never had to take a horse to have these types of test ect,  it is a VERY EXPENSIVE decision and most people just put these type of cases to sleep rather than incure that type of expence) Ohana left NO STONE unturned to save this baby!

I am so very proud and honored to be associated with Ohana and all it stands for and count myself very blessed to know and Call Carrie Young and Allan Wilson FRIENDS  God bless and Keep you Both 

Cathy Cannon,  Mysakagirl, Ladybug and now my Beautiful Heidi 

Beverly Levitt

Wesley Chapel,
United States of America
Ohana does incredible work.

#17General Comment

Mon, July 23, 2012

I have worked with Ohana on several rescues across the State of Florida. I have come to know them well over the last couple of years and understand their mission. I also know that the folks that filed this report did it out of malicious intent. The sad part is it hurts the horses.

I personally have witnessed Ohana's devotion and hard work. Know many of their volunteers and visitors and also know that they don't breed. I use the same veterinarian they use. I know personally that they geld all stallions that come to their rescue. I also know that like any good rescue, they don't breed. They have had pregnant mares that arrived at the rescue pregnant. There is a huge difference between the two.

I also know first hand the vet expenses that came from the horse KK, with a fractured scull. The donations went to pay for the vet expenses and testing the horse received. Without the testing, there was no way to know if the horse could recover. All that was done, would have been done by any reputable rescue. When all testing was done and the vet at UF knew the horse could not be saved, the right decision was made by Ohana to send KK over the bridge. I knew many of the donors on this case, one in particular was a very large donor, who had absolutely no qualms with the money being spent to find out if the horse had a chance of recovery.  All of us who donated knew it was to be a big expense for these tests, plus the expense of vet visits already made. Our mutual veterinarian was on this case from beginning to end. You don't have the privilege of not paying for the veterinarian bills and tests done just because the horse wasn't able to be saved. The bills still have to be paid.

Further more I am the person who referred the breeding farm that had this horse to Ohana. I didn't have room here and knew Ohana would do all in their power to help the horse. The horse also did not come from out of state as this claims. Nor was Ohana, myself or the farm the horse came from aware that the horses scull was fractured UNTIL the test were done.

Any rescue that finds abuse when called to pick up a horse has a legal obligation to report animal abuse to the proper authorities. It is a crime to starve, neglect or abuse an animal. Yet you act in this report as though to report these actions is wrong. Rescues like Ohana work with law enforcement consistently, it is their job.

There is not one accusation in this report that holds one iota of truths. If anyone cares to question me, a fellow rescue owner, a donor to KK's medical needs and a donor to Ohana on other rescues and my personal experiences with Ohana, feel free to contact me.

To the two people, not one, that cooked this up, please don't refer to yourselves any longer as horse advocates. You are part of the problem, not the solution. You have not one shred of evidence to any claim you have made here. If you did your name would be public and you would have stepped forward with proof.


port richey,
United States of America
Second Opinion

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 23, 2012

I would like to thank those that have defended Ohana in the course of all this. I had refused to rebut until it was suggested by a professional. 

Lets start with me calling the authorities about a horse that Ohana was called on to rescue. This horse was so far emaciated that it would not have made the trip. The woman waited to long for the call for help. Yes, I did call the authorities. Our trailer would not have made the trip down the dirt road that was filled with ruts safely with a horse that couldnt even stand. Guilty...and thank you, because we know where this came from.

No, there is NO breeding here. It was mentioned that a pregnant mare's hormones changed while pregnant and it could help a horse with skin problems, but it was never done. We are a rescue and we try to stop the over breeding. We geld all the  stallions that come here. All are separated into their own paddocks until gelding is done.  Again, we know where this came from..thank you..:)

??? Rehoming to a minor, and one that got hurt? Everyone that comes to Ohana signs a release form, and if they are underage, their parents have to sign it... we would never rehome to a minor, that would make the contract null and void, so not sure where this one came from..

Asking donations then putting a horse down??? They do not have their info straight. The horse that had the serious brain injury was brought to us from a Florida Show Barn, which we will not speak the name. We did everything we could for her, and all reports have been posted. Ohana has an open door policy and we have unexpected visitors all the time. We have nothing to hide.

The report states info about my family, big mistake, because they insinuated that he protects family by covering with his authority...oops, real big mistake...and what was said was..BECAUSE I GREW UP WITH A CONGRESSMAN AS AN UNCLE, THAT TENDS TO KEEP A PERSON SQUEAKY CLEAN, you know, protecting your name.. Competition, you have got to be kidding me..we have our hands full..please please more decent rescues open..the horses need more safe havens.

Ohana does take in the hard to place horses, the injured and the starved. We might get in a horse that is healthy once in a blue moon. We have horses here that have been with us for years. As far as EXTREME story....every horse that ends up in a rescue has a story..every horse. We do not scan Craigs List looking for free horses as others do, that can be flipped over for a profit a few days later...we receive calls and emails on a daily basis. If the horse isnt in real bad shape, we will try and help find that horse a home. If it is an emergency then we will make room here. We do not need any more horses here, but when a call comes in we will do our best to help. We are not in this for profit, there is no profit. We do not take in horses, and then turn around and adopt them out for monies. The last two horses that were rehomed, had no adoption fee...this report is just another way to try and bring Ohana down. Which hasnt worked..if we cannot take in the hard to place horses, and the horses that are in need of medical help, it is the horses that suffer. So this report attacks horses, not Ohana. 

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