  • Report:  #1059186

Complaint Review: OKDHS/C.P.S - DUNCAN Oklahoma

Reported By:
DKE73533 - DUNCAN, Oklahoma,

P.O BOX 1303 DUNCAN, 73533 Oklahoma, USA
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IM GOING TO TRY VERY HARD TO MAKE A VERY LONG STORY SHORT. I WILL NOT INCLUDE ALL DETAILS BECAUSE MY CASE IS STILL OPEN AN IT CAN GET ME IN HUGE TROUBLE BUT I WILL INCLUDE ANYTHING & EVERYTHING THAT IS IMPORTANT TO POSSIBLY SAVE SOMEONE FROM THE SAME HEART BREAK MY HUSBAND & I ARE GOING THRU.. SO HERE BEGINS MY STORY: TO start off with my husband & I have VERY CLEAN criminal records & always try to be the best parents we can be & thats why this is so hard for us to except & deal with.. On JAN. 26, 2013 I Had invited my adopted mother over to take part in a program my husband & I had bought called the total transformation. My now 9 yr old son has ADD/ADHD & a few other simular problems & at times it has caused our family to have disagreements & inorder to mend our family & fix the problems we decided to buy this program an apply it to our family.. my adopted mother & I have always had issues because of the way she chose to live her life & I didnt want any part of it so the day we got this program in the mail i invited her to my house to finish helping me unpack an clean up an then later on once everything was done we where going to all sit down an start this program.

well the same day i had also gotten my new cell phone thru the mail which was a new company new number bnew phone new everything, while i was unpacking my adopted mother had opened the box an started messing with my phone an i paid no mind to her since i figured it wasnt already active since it came thru the mail. well as the night turned into early morning hours she decited she was tired an was going to go to sleep in my daughters room it was a little short of 6 am when she went to bed an since my husband an kids where in my room now sleeping i figured it was a great time to finish up the fine details of getting everything put up, so i did so an i went to be around 9 am. well at noon i woke up to my front door slamming an my other screaming an storming out the door an since it wasnt the first time she had done this i let her go an made up my mind to call her later. well since my mother an i had issues in the past i choose to keep my new number private an only gave it to a very few people which worked out fine since i still had my old cell phone & it was still active an she already knew the number. i had told her that if she didnt take part in this program that i would no longer allow my kids around her an would move an not let her know where.. well as i went to the bathroom on jan. 28, 2013 my son had pulled me aside an began to tell me about his "nanny's" plans to call dhs/cps an i kind of let it go an went on about what i was doing an before i knew it i had a wall shaking knock at my front door so i went to answer it an it was 2 cops standing outside an they began to ask me about a black truck which i had infromed them belong to the neighbors an they left, not 5 mins. later i get another knock at my front door an as i go to answer it they are trying to open the door them selves so i answer the door a little mad an realie i had 2 cps workers an 2 cops at my door.. before i can get 2 words out they are pushing there way into my home & tell me they want to speak to my kids NOW well as i stand gaurd over my kids which happen to be about 5 feet away i tell them NO NOT WITHOUT A LAWYER because i had been bullied an harrassed by cps/dhs so many times in the past an everytime it had been dismissed except the last because i stood up to this worker named melissa strain she had called my adopted mothers cell phone looking for me in a panic because if she didnt meet with me that day she had to close her case so i told her she had an hour to meet up with me an if she didnt i was leaving to my sons ear appointment which i had waited almost a yr for. well as we are loading up into the car she pulls up an says if i dont let her speak to my kids alone she will have call the cops an have me arrested which i now know was a bogus claim then i was infromed that the female worker with him was the same worker who tried to screw me a yr + before so i told them i didnt want her in my house an i wouldnt talk to her but i would talk to him the male worker cody smith told me he couldnt be away from her because she was his boss so i stuck to my guns an told them they would have to return the next days not only due to it being to late in the day to find a lawyer but due to the age of my kids 5 & 8 so i gave them my husbands cell phone number an mine an told the they could return the next day which was jan. 29, 2013 an after almost an hour of them trying to bully me they left. the next day jan. 29, 2013 i get the same knock on my door my husband asnwers it an cody smith, melissa strain, jeremy plumley an about 4+ cops where at my door demanding i hand over my kids an i told them no a police officer speaks up an says " if i dont give them my kids he will arrest my a*s throw my a*s in jail an take my kkids anyways"  as they push there way pasted me again they throw a stack of papers in my husbands face an my son starts screaming "please mommy dont let them take us please mommy dont let them take us we love u we want to stay here" an i start to cry as i am forced to pack a bag for each child cody smith tells me an the kids they will be back home in 2 days an they will remain together as i am packing there bags i am not allowed with my kids allone an a cop is fallowing me so i re-asure my kids that i love them an i will never stop loving them an i will get them back home an i will never stop fighting for them an do my best to tell them to be strong an for big brother to take care of little sister..

as cps/dhs are making all these promises to my kids my husband an i we are both just totaly in dis beleif as to whats being done to us. as they go to take my kids they have to rip my son out of my arms an off my leg screaming an fighting them to the point of leaving deep cuts in my leg from his nailing digging in an my daughter is trying to get any from them an hide behind my husband an i an shes was so scared she wasnt talking or saying anything which u have to know my daughter to know thats pretty normal for her.. well it took us about an hour to gather ourselvs to just to be able to read the papers which in short said that on jan. 28 2013 that i refused the cops an cps/dhs access to my home an to my kids an that i was mentally unstable (which is illegal for them to state since they arent doctors an no proof i was mentally unstable) an that they feared for the well being of my kids because of  text messages turned in to them.. not a voice recording not a video text messages!!! so by the 2 day mark we r still looking for a lawyer that will even take a case dealing with cps an take payments since we where nothing short of broke due to the move. a lawyer we spoke to told us to stipualte which ment we werent guilty and that they have the text messages they said they did which i knew who they came from an we where also told that it was the easiest  an quickest way to get our kids back.. so that day at our sho cause hearing thats what we did at the last min. a lawyer shows up saying he will take the payments an so forth an said the same thing to take the stipulation well as we start to hear the lies an details of cps/dhs our jaws hit the floor that the only "proof" they had where text messages with threatening words towards my son.. to cut thru the rest f the crap i called everyone up to the director of cps in oklahoma which a message was sent to cecil boydston an cecil told me if i made another report they would make my case worse we also found out at the court hearing the 2 days after they took my kids that they put my little girl in foster care an my son in kin ship with his real dads parents which i told them before they even took my kids that if they did that that they would try to brain wash him because they have tried before thats why i stopped there visation... we werent allowed to see my daughter until almost a full month after they where taken an we havent seen my son since he was taken... 11 days after my kids where taken the lady who interviews the kids for abuse said that my son said we beat him with a mental pole/pipe that we duct taped him from head to toe except his eyes an he was made to take the tape on an wd-40 was also used to take the tape off that we used gorilla glue tape to tape him up which we had never owned or bought we had never ever had wd-40 in the house or even bought he said we put his head thru a wall an blah blah blah but when she was asked if she could tell if he was telling the truth she couldnt say yes or no because he re-tracked his story a couple of times.. an the proof they say they have of abuse are text messages an what my son said 11 days after they took him.. my kids had not one mark or bruise on them when they left have had no record of any broken bones an what not.. infact as many times as we delt with cps/dhs i would always tell them its my sons grandparents because in oklahoma there are no grandparents right an it ate there lunch an they knew the only way they could get my son was thru cps.. cps also claimed that no one had seen my kids in months which was also a lie but the A.D.A/CPS/DHS AN THE JUDGE REFUSED to hear any of what we had to say or any proof we had.. the same lady interviewed my daughter an asked my aughter is she had ever seen her bother abused she said NO asked if she felt safe at home with her mommy and daddy an she said YES she asked my daughter if she had ever been hurt but us an she said NO!!! we had witnesses from our local family dollar which was 2 blocks from our home where my kids an i would walk just about daily to but them treats for doing there school work an to also give them time out of the house since they where home schooled.. at our adjudication cody smith the same worker who lied in the petition to take my kids, theone who said i denied them access to my home an kids got on the stand under oath to recall the events of there visits an said they came in an i told them no i wouldnt allow them to speak to my kids without a lawyer an that after trying for awhile they left but they had seen the kids an they seemed to be fine... our crappy court app. lawyer asked him well its her right to a lawyer isnt is an cody said yes our lawyer also asked since the kids are minors its there right to a lawyer isnt it an cody said yes!! in the passed several months with still huge parts of our story not on here my 5 yr old baby girl has begged an pleed to come home she has been sexually, mentally phys., emotionally abused in the foster home the sexual abuse has gone ignored it was also blamed on another older foster child that had no sexual abuse in her past, at a visit wth out daughter i kept telling my husband something very wrong an infact i told the "baby sitter" that watches us for the 1 hour a week we see our baby  an she ignored me 2-3 weeks later the sexual abuse came out an come to find out it had happen right before the visit we had with out daughter an cps didnt catch it until 2-3 weeks passed she has had black eyes many many pumps bruises on her face an forehead an her head... which one time she was taken to the doc. to make sure she was okay but when we asked if she would be taken to the doc. for the sexual abuse jeremy plumley said no because there was no penatration... as if she already looked himself because everything they where told was the accounts of a 4 yr old 2-3 weeks after the assult... our daughter to this day packs her bags before each visit because she thinks shes coming home at every visit she askes if she can come home an alll i can tell her is soon hunny we are working on it because thats all i can say... i know this story is hard to understand an it jumps around an its long but i can give u my word that cps/dhs, judge g. brent russell an the A.D.A jamie phipps have  knowingly violated out rights an the rights of our babys... they ignore my daughters cries to come home an i can see in her little eyes shes giving up faith in her father an i to get her home, but i havent given up an i wont give up... at this point the lives of my kids are truly in my hands an all i can do is tell you DO NOT EVER EVER EVER TRUST CPS/DHS BECAUSE THEY WILL KIDNAPP UR KIDS THE FIRST CHANCE THEY GET... DONT THINK BECAUSE U R INNOCENT U DONT NEED A LAWYER LIKE WE DID.. DONT THINK BECAUSE U HAVE MONEY IT CANT HAPPEN TO U BECAUSE IT CAN!!! MY HUSBAND AN I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE ASKED AN WE STILL KEEP GETTING SCREWED NOT ONLY BY THE JUDGE BUT BY OUR OWN LAWYER,CPS/DHS THE A.D.A... I CANT HELP BUT TO THINK IF I HADNT ANSWERED THE DOOR THAT DAY MY BABIES WOULD STILL BE HERE SITTING NEXT TO ME AN NOW NO MATTER WHAT WE DO EVEN IF ITS WHAT THEY SAY WE ARE WRONG!!!  IF U HAVE ANYTHING U CAN OFFER EVEN IF ITS ADVICE PLEASE LET ME KNOW??? IF U KNOW OF ANY GOOD LAWYER THATS WILLING TO HELP US PRO BONO OR THAT CAN HELP US SUE THE JUDGE CPS/DHS TO INCLUDE THE WORKERS AN THE A.D.A PLEASE LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I CAN TELL MY KIDS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AFTER THIS... IF U TAKE NOTHING AWAY FROM MY STORY JUST TAKE MY WORD AN INFROM URSELF OF UR CIVIL RIGHTS!!!!  BEING INFROMED IS THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP THEM FROM KIDNAPPING UR KIDS ALSO!!!


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Frustrated mother

Changes needed

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 11, 2015

 I too have had my family abused in the Duncan court system. My story is too long to tell here, however I think there may be more calls to DHS about my children than anyone else ever. I am questioning wether there could be a grand jury investigation of Brent Russell at a minimum as I have been told and have experienced him placing children in dangerous conditions and I believe there might be other areas of law where he precides where he has not followed the rule of law. I do not live in the area and it would require creating a petition to achieve this goal. I think it is time something is done to dismantle this criminal.

Keith Edwards

Oklahoma city,
Keith Edwards

#3General Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014

My name is Keith Edwards. I support anyone that fights DHS. I was employeed with the Oklahoma County as a probation officer before i quit as i watched these people hurt kids.

Recently my daugther 1 month old was kidnapped by dhs.    Tanya Mossier has repeatedly made false statements to the court, but i have paid for the transcripts and now im about to attack back. Im going to take federal court action.

Im going to try to take down the whole organization. I know im one person but i cant stand people who harm children and i dont play good on the sideline.

Stay strong and fight using everything you got what ever you do dont quit.

Cat Ballous Bar supports anyone violated by DHS.







#4Consumer Comment

Sun, June 16, 2013

 Make a long story short??? Hell I can't even read it!!!!

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