  • Report:  #153889

Complaint Review: Omni North Leap - Nancy Burton - Southern California

Reported By:
- Lexington, Kentucky,

Omni North Leap - Nancy Burton
Southern, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hello everyone at this wonderful website. While I praise the website itself and am very glad I have found it for future use, it is only because I have been the victim of a rip-off that I came to be here.

Once again, the scamming business called itself North Leap, and the "counselor" I talked to was Nancy Burton, ext. 162.

It all started when I was searching the local newspaper WHILE at my other job, trying to find another part time job that would work around my college class schedule. I am currently a college sophomore, paying all my own expenses with scholarships or from work, and hoping to get married in about a year. For these reasons, you can imagine that money is a precious commodity to me.

The ad in the newspaper read "FT/PT Data entry position, $9-10/hr, casual office setting". Later, when I got off work and was at home, I called about several of the jobs, including this one. When I called the local number, I got the same slow-speaking male recording that many others have reported, telling me to please call their toll-free number. I did, and listened to the same male voice tell me that the office was not open yet, and gave the hours when they would open.

So, I waited a few hours, then called back, and listened to a male recording tell me "You have reached North Leap" (although it sounded a bit like he was saying "Norris or Norse") "...a provider of all the information you need to operate a full or part time data entry service. Please stay on the line and a counselor will be with you shortly."

When I talked to the eager counselor, she informed me that it wasn't the office job I had expected, but work from home sounded even better, as I am excellent at typing and prefer to work my own hours like anyone else. However, when she began talking of membership fees, my alarm was triggered and I told her I would call her back.

After talking it over with my mom, I decided if it was true, it was too good to pass up, especially in the midst of college and saving for marriage. So, I called back, and asked alot of questions about how the business worked and exactly how much I was to pay, and if there was a refund available. After hearing all seemingly legitimate answers, and having my conversation recorded saying that I authorized them to take the money out of my debit card for a membership fee, I hung up feeling excited about my package that was to arrive in 2 weeks.

Well, being the logical person that I am, and also the penny-pincher who can't afford to lose money for no cause, the job that seemed too good to be true ate at me, until I decided to research it on the internet. Finally finding this site, I read all I needed to know that I had been scammed.

Immediately, I called the company, and for fear that they would hang up on me, told them "I've found another job, so I just need to do the 90 day money back guarantee and get my money back." She asked who I had talked to, then took my name and put me on hold for a minute. Then the phone picked up and someone said "Hello?" Again, I explained my situation, and turns out it was the same person who had just "forgotten what line I was on". Regardless, she told me that my order had already been processed, so in order to get my money back, I had to wait for the package to get here, then return it.

Now, I'm sort of impatient when it comes to money matters, so I simply told her I would rather have the money deposited back into my account now, and I would have no problem sending the package back the other way as soon as it arrived. At this, she said "Hold on a second..." and put me on hold again. Then, a few rings and another recording, from the "Customer Service" department. This recording said they were currently busy helping other people, but I could leave my name and address and they would get back to me. At this my impatience grew, and so I hung up and called back.

Talking to Nancy once again, I told her that I had been transferred to CS and then got a recording, and I would rather get it solved right now rather than wait. Nancy, who still didn't know I was on to her little scheme (thanks to this website, of course) told me that there was nothing she could do, the CS people were in a meeting and they had told her to tell me to mail it back.

Here I chose to open the truth. I said "Listen, I've been on the internet, and I know what's going on here. It won't be a big deal if you will just deposit the money back in my account today. I am a college student and can not afford to be waiting around on it."

I also let her know what was going to happen if the money didn't get deposited within 24-36 hours, which is that my father, who happens to work at the state department here, would be taking legal action. Because it's only $79 that I'm out right now, I wouldn't worry about it as long as I got the money back. However, my father was infuriated that this type of business has apparently went on as long as it has, and is eager to take action against so-called Nancy Burton and the entire North Leap organization.

After being put on hold twice more, she finally came back on the line and informed me that they were going to go ahead and refund my money, minus $5 for handling. If they are this greedy for $5, then I will let them have it. They will need it as extra padding while they're burning in Hell.

And that's the story so far, I am about to call and check my transfers for my debit account, and hopefully Ms. Nancy Burton has chosen not to drag this matter out any further than it has to be. I will try to keep you all informed as to whether I get my money back the semi-easy way or whether it will take a law suit for fraudulent claims, misleading advertisements, compensation for our time, etc. It would almost be worth the $79 to see North Leap be prosecuted for more money than they have ever scammed for.

Thank you all for your information, and I'm sorry if this made for terribly long read.


Lexington, Kentucky

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