  • Report:  #1355981

Complaint Review: Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
Oxebridge_Target - (Possible retaliation target), USA

Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC
1503 South US Highway 301 Suite 36 Tampa, 33619 Florida, USA
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Editor’s Comment:  10/22/2019-.  Ripoff Report believes in transparency and the more information the better.  In this instance, there has been court action regarding this subject Report.  We believe it important to note that not all Court Orders are alike.  Many court orders are absolutely legitimate and we make no representations about this court order situation However, we want our users to be aware that sometimes courts enter orders based upon default which typically means that the defendant didn’t show up.  Sometimes a defendant won’t show up because they didn’t even get notice of the case proceedings in the first place and other times defendants may not show up because they don’t necessarily have the knowledge and/or the financial resources to fight.  Still, in other instances, a defendant may simply appear only to stipulate (settle) the case by agreeing to stipulate to a court order because they are being bullied by the plaintiff and whether what they said was true or not, they just want the matter to go away so they can move on with life and make the plaintiff go away.  Again, we make no representations about this particular court order situation.  We are simply providing you with additional information so that you may be more informed and, coupled with any additional research you feel is necessary, may make your own informed decision regarding the validity of this Report.  As always, we encourage our readers to do their homework and not just rely on one single source for information.  Google, through the Lumen Database, has provided the following document relating to this subject Report:


Paris v. Levinson - Order o... by Ripoff Report on Scribd





I will start this complaint by stating emphatically that I cannot say anything good or bad about the actual quality of Christopher Mark Paris' consulting services because I know nothing about it. I can however see, and anybody else can see it as well, the fake news that he propagates on his Web site and through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This material consists of reckless and baseless allegations, half-truths, distortions, and out of context statements that he directs at quality management professionals, certification bodies, and professional societies. To put this in perspective, the U.S. Military Academy's Honor Code defines a lie not only as a flat-out falsehood but "the telling of a partial truth and the vague or ambiguous use of information or language with the intent to deceive or mislead."

 I will not give two of Mr. Paris' specific false accusations any more "legs" than they already have by quoting them here. The following examples, however, exemplify those two allegations while having the Westboro Baptist Church and a generic white power music group represent the entities that Mr. Paris' target actually criticized in online opinion columns. Mr. Paris then distorted what his target actually said to define it as hate speech against an entire religion and a public figure.

  • Fake news distortion: "The writer equates Christians to excrement."
  • Actual statement: "The Westboro Baptist Church's hate speech under color of Christianity is excrement." [If you want a real laugh, take a look at WBC's Web site which counts "people whom God has cast into hell since you loaded this page."]
  • Fake news distortion: "The writer accused public figure X of promoting racism because X likes rock music."
  • Actual statement: "Public figure X promoted racism by inviting a white power band to a public function."

 The next one is an actual quote from Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC.

  •  Chris Paris: "[NASA's] 'corrective action' was to launch the shuttle, have it roll over for a visual inspection of tiles at the ISS, presumably so if any tiles were found missing the astronauts had time to alert their wives that they would be burning to death upon re-entry."
  •  Facts: http://www.space.com/4234-nasa-heat-shield-repair-required-shuttle-endeavour.html (NASA: No Heat Shield Repair Required for Shuttle Endeavour by Tariq Malik, Space.com Managing Editor | August 16, 2007 11:18pm ET) describes how astronauts can repair damaged tiles that are discovered by the inspection. Other genuine news articles back this up.

 This is but the tip of the iceberg, noting that Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC has published false, disparaging, derogatory, and quite possibly defamatory allegations about numerous quality management professionals, certification bodies, accreditation bodies, and professional societies. These include not only reckless allegations of unprofessional conduct but also crimes. Mr. Paris even disparages his own clients' certification bodies while touting his association with the same clients and using them as references. "ISO Certification Bodies Must Be Held Accountable for Their Clients’ Disasters" (he took down the Web page but it is available in Google cache as of Feb. 14 2017) says of his client's economic loss, "Why does their certification body get a free pass?"

Christopher Mark Paris' technical work might be adequate, good, or even world class, but remember this. The USMA will expel a cadet with a 4.0 average for lying just as quickly as it will expel a cadet at the bottom of his or her class for lying. Somebody who is ethically capable of lying to visitors to his Web site and lying to peers in social media is ethically capable of lying to you.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Oxebridge Owner Chris Paris is Broke!

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 17, 2017

It's laughable how Chris Paris writes on his blog as if he actually has an audience. In reality, he has no known customers or even a single testimonial after 20+ years in business! The guy is a real nut case. The innocent people he attacks in his numerous smear campaigns should ban together and sue him in a class action lawsuit. A court order and financial settlement is the only way to to get rid of this dirtbag. I doubt little Chrissy wants to violate a court order and find himself in the arms of his new husband -- behind bars!


Paris is bankrupt (Chapter 7) and you can get any money out of the scum bag. However, you can get a court order to garnish is income.. when he gets one! He may still be empoyed by or work for Pulse Medical, Inc. in Georgia.


Paris screwed creditors out of $600,000! It's unfortunate that people supporting Paris will be brought into this mess, but that's exactly how Paris operates. He goes after family members, employers and business associates of every one of his defamation targets. His objective is to destroy careers, get people fired from their jobs, embarrass people to their families that search them online, and destroy the reputation of competitors so he can take their customers. However, he has failed at every level. As they say, the only difference between stupidity and genuis, is genuis has its limits.


Paris is a classic narcissist... just read any one of his fake news articles on his Oxebridge blog and you'll see he has all the symptons of narcissism. Chris clearly has an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings and livelihood. And most of all Christopher Mark Paris has proven over and over again he has an inability to handle any criticism, while having a bizzare sense of entitlement.


I feel bad for the current wife of Christopher Mark Paris. The poor Peruvian woman probably has no idea she married a complete whack job. She most likely does not speak or read English, because any decent woman that sees his ongoing attempts to destroy families will run away as fast as she can. know immediately he neither acts or thinks like a grown man. Paris is a feminine character, a little man and weak minded. No decent person would ever defend or support such a scum bag.

Target # 42

It only takes a little investigation. ...

#3General Comment

Tue, February 28, 2017

 Mr Paris seems to specialize in taking a few words out of context and respinning them with an inflammatory title to attack individuals. His website is full of them. It has been interesting to see websites like www.oxebridge.co spring up to refute him and to debunk some of his "stories", the majority of which he really has no personal knowledge of. This is hardly how a credible defender would operate. His demise seems to be drawing near.

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