  • Report:  #719841

Complaint Review: Panda Research TRUSTED BUSINESS | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. PandaResearch.com is a US based market research company which compensates users for their time and supplying their valuable opinions about products and services. With so many hardships in the economy today PandaResearch.com website is free to join and it only require their users to be within the US and over 18 years of age. - Palatine Illinois

Reported By:
alex patane - canastota, New York, United States of America

Panda Research TRUSTED BUSINESS | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. PandaResearch.com is a US based market research company which compensates users for their time and supplying their valuable opinions about products and services. With so many hardships in the economy today PandaResearch.com website is free to join and it only require their users to be within the US and over 18 years of age.
1477 E Winslowe dr, Palatine, Illinois, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

REVIEW UPDATE: April 27, 2018: Panda Research remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Panda Research is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Panda Research has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business™.

Over time and since becoming a member, Panda Research has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Panda Research remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected].

Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW

EDitor's UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to HBC Strategies for its full commitment to quality customer service.

Ripoff Report's discussions with PandaResearch.com have uncovered an ongoing dedication by the company to total client satisfaction. This means that clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any concerns. PandaResearch.com listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the services offered and the support for those services.

PandaResearch.com's Vice President , has informed us that her personal philosophy is that her clients success are the heart of the business. As a successful business person she feels it is critical to listen to her clients and respond properly. By always putting her customers first, she hopes to maintain PandaResearch.com as a successful enterprise both now and for many more years to come.

Another top Executive , told us that his personal business philosophy is based on the premise that "strives to add value in service, understanding that a successful business model is based on value-added services, and client care".

PandaResearch.com takes pride in being one of the few online survey websites to provide the customer service. One of the things Ripoff Report learned in the course of its review is that typical customer feedback reads , PandaResearch.com truly communicate all aspects of the service in a timely and effective manner. We are very pleased with the responsiveness that the employees show us. They are serious about meeting commitments and deliver on their promises.

Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by Nina Narang during an onsite inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases towards Panda Research.

Panda Research is a website that offers individuals the opportunity to fill out surveys in order to make money for every survey they successfully complete. Those surveys are then provided to respective businesses, and are produced as leads for that business' product or service. The success of Panda Research is evident through the boasting of over $2,000,000 dollars paid to individuals completing surveys.

Leads for Panda Research are primarily generated through online searches and through the marketing company A&A Marketing Inc. Interested individuals can go to Panda Research's website and be thoroughly informed of what they have to offer. This information incudes what type of surveys they offer, various coupons and discounts individuals can obtain through their services, as well as the ability to sign up to start completing surveys for free.


When asked to address the complaints on Ripoff Report's website Nina Narang explained that some individuals become confused by the payment method of Panda Research. Panda Research will always be happy to explain how to appropriately view the money they have accrued through using the service. Originally there was a category titled 'viewed' which would showcase the pending money in their account. This would often lead to confusion, and now that category has been retitled 'pending'. This change has helped with the confusion on this matter. Ms. Narang stated the following about the reputation of her company, "my website just provides them a list of the service, a list of the different kind of offers available in the market, which I go to the different advertisers to get...I had to gain my reputation for that first otherwise no one will give me those offers."

Panda Research is proud to be a part of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program.


" PandaResearch.com is in business for more than ten years. Our marketing department keeps working on getting new surveys and offers for our clients. We continuously keep a check on the user issues, which gives us feedback to fix PandaResearch.com continuously. Please take time to review out site, with new section on "FAQ" / "How it works" Section.

PandaResearch.com's team have expressed that they feel very confident doing their job, PandaResearch.com takes employee satisfaction seriously as well. Employee feedback and surveys reveal comments such as this, "PandaResearch.com provides a very positive environment to work. Opportunities for suggestions and improvements are encouraged. Our CEO is truly concerned about our contribution to the company an providing growth opportunities for us. He takes the time to listen and communicate with employees. "

Ripoff Report was pleased to learn that PandaResearch.com's past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards client and employee satisfaction.


PandaResearch.com recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Report's review, PandaResearch.com has made organizational changes allowing its clients and employees a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a commitment to a great client experience. In summary, after our review, which included discussions with its Vice President, Ripoff Report is convinced that PandaResearch.com is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.


How does a business get Ripoff Report Verified™

The member business allows Ripoff report to email everyone from the past. Those who respond to Ripoff report with a valid complaint must be take care of.. they have made a commitment that if anyone contacts Ripoff Report in the future, they will make things right within 14 days. The member business must err on the side of their customers. Otherwise the member business is off the program.

Ripoff Report has determined that Panda Research meets Ripoff Report Verified™ standards which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. Members of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction program do pay a fee for our on-site review, 24 hour monitoring and for support with customers to resolve any disagreements.

Ripoff Report sends a 3rd party service to do an onsite inspection of the new member business. The on-site inspection / review does not mean that the products or services offered by the business have been evaluated or endorsed by Ripoff Report, and has not made a determination as to the business' product quality or competency in performing services. We can verify, that Ripoff Report went to the business, verified their business or “work from home business”, there for, if a customer in the future does not get treated correctly, Ripoff Report can get the problem resolved. If not, and the customers is right, the member business will be taken off the Corporate Advocacy Program. Remember, Ripoff Report emailed every customer from the past that filed a complaint to make sure the member business made things right with customers from the past. Again, to err on the side of their customer, those from the past and those in the future.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.



panda research A&A Marketing Inc surveys Palatine, Illinois

hello, this company Panda Research, advertises to get you money for taking surveys, as soon as you enter your info and begin to take a survey it transitions you to begin putting your personal information in and siginging up for offers and ultimately wants your money.

after i took the first second survey which ended at nowhere, but aggravation and wanting my money, i began to research this company and they have been submitted to Scam sites everywhere.


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Arlington heights,
United States of America
Panda Research.com is a legitimate website

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 27, 2011

Hello. We would like to help this member understand how the program works. We have an email Support Ticketing system where our members can ask questions via email support tickets and receive answers to help them with any questions they may have.

We did not receive a support ticket from this member asking any questions.

Please review section M. PROVIDE CASH INCENTIVES in our terms and conditions which state the following: Panda Research offers cash incentives to members in exchange for completing surveys and sign up for trial offers. Members won't be eligible for cash incentives by only completing the surveys. Signing up for the offers, advertised by our partners, is necessary in order to be eligible for cash incentives. If you complete a survey and sign up for the corresponding offer, it will take up to 8 weeks to receive the cash funds from the advertiser. Please do not delete the confirmation emails you
receive from the advertisers. These confirmation emails are required in order for us to investigate if your account is not credited in 8 weeks. The funds will be sent to the PayPal e-mail address you register with us.

Many frequently asked questions are posted on our website.
Please visit out FAQ page or simply follow this link. http://www.pandaresearch.com/uc?a=st&pt=faq

For more information, please see the terms and conditions. http://www.pandaresearch.com/uc?a=st&pt=terms

We hope this information is helpful.


Panda Research Support

alex patane

New York,
United States of America

#3Author of original report

Mon, April 25, 2011

I am sorry but i am educated and can read your directions, This is a scam, you use people who need money to take a survey and ultimately make them put there personal information in and they are duped into purchasing from your advertisers.

your company is a scam, read all the complaints and think about changing your career becauese you work for a scam company that takes advantage of people.

SCAM, SCAM, SCAM.......  i will make it my personal mission to contact all your advertisers and let them know how your scam works and let them try for themselves. and see if they really want to be a part of this scam. 

GET A LIFE, stop taking advantage of people.

this inst the last you heard from me, i will be contacting all the other scam vicitims who have filed complaints and we will get a lawyer to persue shutting down your scam company.

I HATE SCAMMERS who take advantage of people, I am contact ing walmart now because i am sure they dont want to be part of a this scam.

good luck with your lawsuits


Arlington heights,
United States of America
It is very important to review the terms and conditions

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 25, 2011

Hello. We would like to help this member understand how the program works, but there is no information provided to look up the member's account.

If you can provide us with your email address so we can further assist you,  we have an email Support Ticketing system where our members can ask questions via email support tickets and receive answers to help them with any questions they may have.

Also, it is very important for members to review the terms and conditions along with the FAQ (frequently asked questions) page as they explain the rules and answer many questions.

The minimum payout threshold of $50. must be in Approved status before a payment  can be requested.

You can view all of the offers status in the "Account Status" tab.

Every time a new offer is clicked on, it will show up as a VIEWED status. Once both the Product Evaluation and the Survey are finished and the sponsor approves it and informs us of the approval, then the account will be updated from VIEWED to Approved status. 

Please note that just viewing an offer does not mean all the
requirements have been completed for credit.

When an offer is completed, the advertiser will send a
confirmation email or confirmation page to the member.
If a confirmation email or confirmation page is not received by the member, they may not have completed all the requirements necessary to receive credit, and they can review them again for completion. 

We state in our "terms and conditions"-Please do not delete the confirmation emails you receive
from the advertisers. These confirmation emails are required in order for us to investigate if your account is not credited in 8 weeks.

Many frequently asked questions are posted on our website.
Please visit our  FAQ page or simply follow this link. http://www.pandaresearch.com/uc?a=st&pt=faq

For more information, please see the terms and conditions. http://www.pandaresearch.com/uc?a=st&pt=terms


We hope this information is helpful.






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