  • Report:  #433716


Reported By:
- St. Louis, Missouri,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Today was my second interview, and I was excited that I was accepted. Yes, I had to call back at 3:00 to confirm that I got the job. I told them that I would call them tomorrow with my final answer, as I needed to talk with my spouse. The gentlemen seemed very taken aback, and stressed that he needed to fill these positions right away.

I said that I just received all of the final information an hour earlier (duh), and I don't make any big decisions without discussing them with my husband. (I think accepting a job, and starting next week is a big deal). He finally seemed ok with it.

I talked it over with my husband, and I agreed to take the position. I told him that there were a few things that bothered me, but I could probably explain them away...

1) The office building did not have a sign outside.

2) I still couldn't find any information on the company on the internet, and I am very good at researching.

3) They had me sign paperwork, and part of it was a "no slander" clause.

4) My training period was to be paid in cash, yet it would be reported to I.R.S.

5) The fact that my training period had no definite payment schedule; it depended on my attitude, bonuses, etc...(wierd)

6) My first interview, the guy didn't want me to talk at all. It was like pulling teeth for me to ask any questions. I still have some questions.

7) There were no business cards anywhere when I was in the office.

I was still having reservations, but I was going to tell them yes, tomorrow morning. I was still going to try to find something on the net, to try to ease my misgivings, because I thought that I would love the job. I did actually ask the other gentlemen straight-out if we were ever paid on commission, and he said no.

After 30 minutes on the internet, I found this Rip-off Report. The company has a different name, but the scenarios are exactly the same. I cannot believe that I fell for it. They were so smoothe. This morning when the one guy left me a message confirming my interview, and told me to dress professionally, I thought that was strange. I was like, no, I was going to show up in my pajammas. What are they used to dealing with, or are they really hard up?

The point is, that I am really upset right now, because I thought that I was going to a new job on Monday, and instead I got duped, scammed, and I feel stupid. I'm not one of those who would fall for an internet scam or do something really dumb. They are taking advantage of needy people.

I just hope this helps some of the people who were there today!!!!!!

Sorry also for venting!


St. Louis, Missouri


38 Updates & Rebuttals


Scentura Still Sleazing Along

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 19, 2014

I can't believe how people rush to the defense of this pseudo-pyramid scheme. They are either willfully blind or have no moral compass.

Designers International, xxx Management, Blah-Blah Wholesale, whatever incarnation it is at any given moment, are all connected to either Scentura or World Perfume. Their recruiting practices are misleading, dishonest and unethical. People considering this "opportunity" - please read the negative comments here and on other complaint sites. I cannot vouch for individual experiences and unique horror stories, but be assured that the "business model" is always the same.

The defenders of this scheme always try to emphasize that this is a "business opportunity".   I have yet to see a single one of their ubiquitous "Management Trainee" classified ads state this in print.

The defenders of this scheme always state that "it's not for everyone".   Correct.  It’s not for anyone who wants to sleep soundly at night and pay their bills.


The whole system is based on lies. The recruits are lied to and misled before they even walk in the door. They are then trained to lie to prospective customers. If they lie long enough and well enough, they get to open their own office, become a Chief Liar and perpetuate the scam.

The defenders of the system insist that it's not a pyramid scheme. Bull.  Sure, the recruits don't directly shell out money up front, but what about the fuel spent driving around during "training" for 6-8+ weeks?  What about the initial "practice" sales to friends, family, starter kits, etc?

The fact is that this system requires a constant influx of new recruits to replace the bright ones who leave almost immediately.  In fact, if it weren't for the "new blood" continually coming into the office it would close.  This is the definition of a pyramid scheme and was found to be such: "In 2001, the Illinois Appellate Court ruled that the contract between Scentura and Long (office owner) was a "pyramid sales scheme", violated the law and was unenforceable under the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act."


The year is 2014.  I put up with 2 days of this bullshit back in 1990.  It’s still going on.  Rob & Ricki Zuckert were the owners of the Illinois office I blundered into.  They move around the country quite a bit, it seems – currently operating as “Wholesale Texas Fashion” on Facebook.  If you had a successful business, with a quality product and an effective sales force why would it be necessary to move several hundred miles from your previous location every 2-3 years?


Job-seekers, do yourselves a favor and run from this “opportunity”. 


Defenders of the Scam, please don’t attack someone who is trying to save others from grief and disappointment.  Besides, if I can identify you and you’re anywhere within 100 miles of my location I’ll come drag you out of your respective parent’s basements and kick your asses.


United States of America
An Objective Perspective

#3General Comment

Tue, June 14, 2011

Unfortunately, it seems theres a lot of negativity and false information circulating the internet regarding Scentura, and I think its based mostly on peoples misunderstanding of the Scentura Opportunity. I thought Id post something brief that would help make things clear.

First of all, Scentura Creations is a manufacturer and supplier of rendition fragrances. They distribute their product line to Independent Wholesale Business owners throughout the U.S. and have been in business for more than 35 years. Theyre unique in that they provide merchandise without any capital outlay to these Independent Wholesale Distributors, meaning they dont pay Scentura until after theyve sold the merchandise. This is key because it removes a huge barrier of entry into business Inventory costs.

Second, the sales model used by most independent businesses that sell Scenturas products is that of Direct Selling. Its a business to business, face-to-face sales strategy that has worked for over 35 years. Its not glamorous, and its probably not for everyone, but it just works.

Last, and most importantly, Scentura doesn't ask you to invest any money, it's not a franchise, it's not a pyramid or multi-level marketing business, there's nothing to purchase, there are no sign-up fees. The only thing required from you is your time and hard work, and youll get a chance to run your own business. How many companies out there are willing to offer that?

It probably sounds too good to be true, but it makes sense when you understand Scentura's incentive: It's a Win-Win scenario for everyone. You get a chance to own your own business, and Scentura gains a new customer, which means more volume. If Scentura only dealt with individuals who had hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest, they'd be waiting a long time,

especially in this economy. So they're willing to take all the financial risk.

Again, this is not for everyone, but the opportunity is definitely real, and many owners have gone on to make six-figure incomes running their own businesses that sell Scentura's products.

Please visit the following website dedicated to new business owners that answered the ad and started just like everyone else:(((ROR redacted)))

If youd like to read more about Scentura Creations, please visit the following

(((ROR redacted)))

If you have any further complaints, please direct them to (((ROR redacted)))

Thank you.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America
My efforts

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 31, 2011

Hello all,

I am writing to say that I think it is atrocious that this company with its many different names has been plaguing our community for almost 10 years with this nonsense. I see that there are many different reports here on Rip Off, but has anything else been done about it?

Well whether it has or not I am making it my personal duty to try and bring some attention to what is going on. Having said that I am going to every news outlet I can in the St. Louis/E. St. Louis area so that more unsuspecting people may not be negatively affected by the shenanigans of this company.

I understand that the company may not be operating illegally, but I would like for them to start advertising for what the position really is. That way the wool will no longer be pulled over the eyes of those not wanting a 100% commission sales job.

For those of you who work for this company...I could care less about what you think. If you cared as much about your company's reputation like you seem to care about the personality of the people you want to hire maybe this could have been avoided.

You all have a nice day!!!  


United States of America
Moving on

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

Just an FYI, this company is now in Minneapolis, operating under the name "United." Same spiel, verbatim.


Papa Maroon, as always

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 04, 2011

I haven't gone anywhere, fool. But I do consider my work here done. No doubt you will post about your 'continued success' on January 15th, and I could care less.

Number one, it is most likely a lie. Number two, you can't prove it anyway.

I have written a great deal about the joke that is Scentura, and my articles will be here for as long as there is electricity and computers. They will serve to educate the masses and detour anybody foolish enough to believe your lies, Papa.

This is my last post on the subject. I will not be back. You'll have to celebrate all on your own.



If you don''''t know by now..........

Not much HAS changed

#7General Comment

Sat, January 01, 2011

So lets see a year later and not one Scentura office owner has taken steps to improve this JOKE OF A COMPANYS reputation. Their best defense is to call people terrorists, weak and D-Bags. Really thats your defense? 2 new cars? Big Deal I have 3. New place? I have a new one as well. I am a CEO and just finished my first year of part-time Law School. I do not scam people for a living and could never be proud of selling imitation products in parking lots. I provide employee benefits, overtime pay and mileage reimbursement and I dont falsely advertise job openings.

As they say its an opportunity therefore it should be advertised as one, not deceitfully disguised as a management or receptionist job.

News Stories





Court Case


papa perfume

United States of America
It's almost been a year!!

#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 31, 2010

Isn't funny how in a year so many things can change yet so many stay the same. The only people on this website now are the die hard internet terrorist and theuneducated D-bags that go in for a interview or are there for less then 3 days. Some things never change. Scentura is going into 2011, it's 37th year, as strong as ever.

Knowledge is power. Those of you who read this and blow-out you are to weak anyways. And those of you who read and ask questions to someone who's been there done that will succeed here. I challeged Rio almost a year ago to compare his year to mine. I've been in the business 7 years now and in the last 11 months i've helped open up 6 new offices. And there is another group of people getting ready to open after New Years.

This year I've bought two new cars, got a nice new place, and in the process of settling down on a personal level. I've been blessed in 2010. And Scentura is my vechicle for success. It's a opportunity take advantage of it or don't waste ours or your time.

Good Luck Best Wishes Happy Holidays


United States of America
Interview Process

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 22, 2010

I cannot say I was scammed by this company but I can say I was mislead by this company, whatever their actual name is. I have six years of retail management experience and the company I worked for recently closed all of their stores. Looking for work, I had applied to just about every place imaginable. I was excited when I heard from them and made it to the interview. After the second interview the alarm bells had already gone off and I realized all was not as it seemed. Several questions came to mind:

1) What kind of company operates in a stark office space with no semblance of permanence?

2) What kind of company lacks an actual web presence in the modern age of the internet?

3)What kind of company pays in cash with no paper trail?

4)What company agrees to hire people without basic legal documentation? (i.e. W-2 Forms, Proof of ID, etc...)

5)What reputable company advertises for a sales management position when the expectation is to sling knock-off perfume in Wal-Mart parking lots?

6)What kind of "international company" that is "all over the place" has no semblance of organization? When I asked the question, "tell me a little bit about your company" I was met with a blank, dumbfounded, idiotic stare.

It all adds up to a business that is operating in a shady fashion. I would say the only management opportunity with them would be the opportunity for you to one day open up your own shady office under one of the six or seven generic sounding company names and dupe people into slinging perfume for you.

Now, I will say that posters who are "pro" this company are correct on one or two points. One, I was never asked to give money and the only thing "ripped-off" was the time I wasted dealing with these people. So I wasn't "ripped-off" in the traditional sense of being "ripped-off". Two, I suppose slinging fake perfume, without a legal permit to do so, in a YMCA parking lot might really be a jolly experience for someone. At the commission rates stated to me, one would have to sell around 150,000 bottles a month to earn the wages quoted in add I responded to. Again, technically I suppose this is possible. However, based on the smell of the perfumes I would find it highly unlikely.

Bottom Line:If this company would just be honest and upfront about the position being offered they would save themselves all of the headache negititive internet posts. They should write an add that states: Person-to-person sales opportunity. Sell knock-off perfume in the finest park lots in town. Sell to your family and friends. Paid in cash *wink *wink. Of course if they did this few people would apply.

I have contacted the IRS about them...for obvious reasons.

Kelly the bartender

South park,

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 21, 2010

I can't believe the people who are actually proud to sell cheap junk in parking lots ! Like many of these people I was mislead too. I even gave the company benifet from the doubt thinking they had contracts with major store chains and we would be selling in bulk and handleing the invoices . I would be embarrased to say the only skill I had was to peddle cat urine garbage in parking lots . Now I'm a bartender at the same place for almost 9 years !! I am hosting a New Years eve Party and will triple what the perfume peddlers make in a month in 1 night !!!


Worst Thread? More like Worst Comment

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 20, 2010

Wow. I don't even know where to start. I think I'll just keep it short and not illustrate what a dope smoking shame you must be to your parents and anybody else who might love you. Your lack of writing skills confirms all of that alone.

You're an idiot.

Congradulations, dumbass! Welcome to the world of the most deluded people on Earth!

Scentura Creations is going to, A) Steal all your time and money. B) Erode any sense of confidence you might have had. C) Seperate yourself from anybody who actually cares for you. And, D) Make you feel like an even bigger chump than when you came in the door.

What a deal! Have fun!



Drea D

United States of America
Worst Thread Ever

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 05, 2010

I got accepted today in an office after the 2nd interview.  I was told if I wanted to, to look up on this site for the complaints.   OMG, this thread is absolutely terrible.  You would think someone would actually try to at least remedy the situation but instead, it's just a bunch of malcontents who should probably go look for a job.  If you have one, do something more productive than go on this site and try to bash others.  All you people do is make anything sound bad.  You're like my brother's girlfriend.  When my roommate got a new car she was so negative about it that she said,"You know that's the number 1 stolen car in the US."  Seriously.  you're all just miserable people.  You have to be that miserable to be so passionate about bashing a bunch of people who just have a different way of looking at business.  You want a job, go and get a job.  You want to run a location with no experience and learn the ins and outs of it.  Work with Scentura. 

I understand I'm going to be an independent contractor in training.  Well duh, almost any company nowadays does that.  Look at FedEx, dummies.  They're not a real company also. 

I understand that I have to go out and sell perfume and cologne.  First of all I don't understand why anyone thinks it's bad.  It's a business.  What business doesn't do sales?  For those of you who think it's hard, that's probably because you either look like crap or you have a bad attitude about it.  It's not hard, it's just work.  Like anything else.  It's so silly that even grown men are acting like little girls.  I'm a 30 year old woman  who used to do real estate until the market crashed, I went from job to job and I think this company can propel me back to may six figure income.  I'm excited.  If I can sell a house, I can sell a bottle of fake perfume.   So what if it's fake.  I bought a bottle myself a year ago.  Still use it. Still have it.  Still love it. 

If you want a steady paycheck and just want to get by and mindlessly be drone, don't work with Scentura. 

Steady paychecks suck imo.  Why? Because some CEO could just say, "well I feel I want a new jet or buy a vacation home.  Let's lay off some people and call it budget cuts."  Now where's your paycheck? My mom is now jobless and has a masters degree and still 2 years can't get hired.  She used to work for HP until they laid people off.  Her advice to me was to save money and work for myself.  She said the biggest mistake she ever made was trust her company.  She had a six figure income with HP and they just tossed her out like she was piece of trash. 

That will never happen to me.  My "bosses"  are 2 very nice young(younger than me) people who are just excited and intelligent.  The one who did my 2nd interview was so straight forward, I was kind of shocked he didn't hide some of the things he said.  I read through some this stuff and what he said I'd find was exactly what I found.  But it's all BS and embellished. 

One thing I should mention that I figured out is in response to the person who posted why do the scentura owners always change their answers about everything.  I realized, they're not changing their answers.  It's kind of funny how thick some of you people are.  ALL OF THESE OFFICES ARE OBVIOUSLY INDEPENDENTLY RUN!  OF COURSE NONE OF THEM DO THE SAME EXACT THING!  Some of them learn from each other.  This is just obvious to me.  I'm gonna run my office and make my money.  That's it. 

The best part about this forum and all forums and that people are so rude and tough on the internet.  Simple formula for those people:

Normal person + Anonymity + Audience = Internet Tough Guy.   What losers.

That's enough from me.  For all of you who read this that are considering whether or not you should work with a Scentura office, I'm here to tell you, one last thing:

If you want to work for yourself, have successful guidance, and merchandise given to you for free then yes you should.  If you're just concerned with partying and screwing around while getting paid hourly for chump change, then just don't.  Don't even bother starting, you probably won't make it anyway. 

If you don''t know by now..........

Jerry David Babb

#13General Comment

Tue, October 26, 2010

I just came across this story from back in April of this year and thought I should share it with everyone. Perhaps, Babb is the one who calls himself Papa Perfume.


Yep, a realistic comparison.

#14General Comment

Thu, October 21, 2010

I find it hard to believe any Scentura Cult Leaders because the stories and answers constantly change with you people. So then why is your colleague so scared of revealing his identity and the name of his business? In most other lines of work outside of Scentura any publicity would be welcomed with open arms. Yet you guys avoid the media tooth & nail! Why are so many of you so secretive?

IF you choose to stay brainwashed and throw your morals and business ethics out the window Scentura will make you rich Ill give you that. But dont try saying its not a scam just because you get an office and make money. Why is it so hard for any Scentura cult leader to admit that theyre not in the most ethical business?

Also, what gives you the idea that every other job out there pays $10 per hour? Every Scentura Cult Leader seems to think that's the only other option out there. I started at $11.50/hour at a call center at the beginning of my career years ago and now Im a CEO and in Law School. 

Just be honest and upfront with what youre advertising and how you're advertising it. I think that's really the only point a lot of people are trying to make on this site.

So allow me to again compare the standard practice of a normal company with that of a Scentura distributor.


                Most companies provide employees with a full benefits package including medical, dental, vision, 401k and Paid-Time Off upon hire. Scentura provides none.


                Most companies pay employees for every single hour they put in, plus time and a half for any hours over 40 in a week, plus bonuses for bringing in new business, plus mileage for the driving they do in the field, plus any and all business related expenses they incur on the job. Scentura pay only commission and reimburses nothing.


                Most companies advertise for sales people when looking for sales people. Scentura falsely advertises an extremely risky business opportunity as a Management or Receptionist job.


                Most companies hire people with experience in their respective fields. Scentura hires anyone off the street that can be easily brainwashed, knows nothing about the business world or is just plain greedy.


                Most companies run background checks at no charge to any prospective employees. Scentura makes everyone pay for a background check that they most likely never conduct.


                Most companies have a customer based website, an established customer base and provides all employees (even non-sales staff) with Business Cards which is standard in almost every industry these days. Scentura has none of these things.


You can sell fake perfume in parking lots with no benefits or sales permits and later run you own operation getting people to do the same thing by recruiting them through deceptive advertising and encouraging them to become alienated from their family and friends and base your entire life around Scentura. 

Or you can do it the right way by proving yourself to a company that pays you for the hours you work, offers benefits and doesn't lie to and deceive it's employees. Later you can work your way up and move on to a better job at another company steadily learning new skills and going home satisfied after an honest days work.

your local perfume guy

nope, did not move to Cali

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 12, 2010

no sir, that is another one of scentura's offices. not the same people from MO popping over there. what you all seem to fail to realize that even though you claim that no one becomes a manager,there are constantly more and more offices opening every week...now, who's running those offices if all of us are still in MO? hmmm someone's getting these manager spots. As good as I am i'm not managing all these offices myself. I'm too busy handling my own.


United States of America
New name in CA - GTW Management

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 22, 2010

Just wanted to warn everyone that they are now in Los Angeles, CA  (Woodland Hills area) and they are using the name GTW Management.

Please be careful!

Ben (your local perfume guy)

went from the field to the office...i love my office!

#17UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 16, 2010

hello its the return of everyone's favorite perfume guy. some things have changed since then, like the opening of my own office. which i got from enterprises. fact of the matter is its 100% real. I now have my own office to manage. I did that same thing as everyone else i went out and learned how to sell, and i got d**n good at it too. but now I am sitting at my desk at this momment on my computer and have interviews waiting for me in the lobby. (don't worry poppa perfume, im getting back to work! thanks for the office btw) 

to Pete: sorry about your relationship issues with the girl in question in the posts above. I know her as well, never got the opportunity to work directly with her but from all i've heard she is a super star. Pretty soon her own office will be opening up. Will you bash her on rip off report as well when she's eventually "reported"? You've known her for three years correct? is she the horrible type of person that many other office managers are portrayed as? No? Neither are the rest of us. Its hard to accurately judge us while looking from the outside in. as far as all you've read about us, try to take a good hard look at the source of the negative feedback, blowouts that rarely even made it to orientation.

And give "she's country" a break, if someone started bashing your company whom you feel strongly for and appreciate all they've done for you, wouldn't you be protective of what is said about it? I know I am.


St. Louis,
United States of America
my rebuttal

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, March 29, 2010

Dear "She's Country,"

I would really appreciate you not saying such things about me.  You don't know me and the things you wrote about me and my girlfriend are untrue.  Why would you choose to fault me and put me down for being concerned about the woman I love?

She began working at your office in early December, not February.  So, she has been in training well beyond 90 days.

I am unemployed by choice in the process of being self-employed.  I was never fired or laid off, and have made more than $500 a week for many years now at 40 hours a week.  I was recently offered a promotion, but decided to quit my job to start a small business.  I am financially secure and have enough in savings to support myself for, at least, a couple of years without needing any outside income.

I had been very supportive of my girlfriend as she went through training since day one.  It wasn't until she went on satellite in Minneapolis that I became concerned, since it was so hard to get ahold of her.  When I was able to speak with her, I continued to be supportive as she pushed towards her goal of selling 100 bottles, but began looking into this business.  It was then that I began to read over all the bad press surrounding the office.  At the time I spoke to you on the phone, I had been 100% supportive and you would've had no reason to believe I was making her negative.  The fact that you told her not to bring her phone confirms my statement that you were trying to deter communication with friends and family.  I spoke with her parents and they were also having a great deal of trouble contacting her.

I apologize that I was unclear of the hours worked.  Yet, she left on Thursday, February 24th and did not return until Sunday, March 13th.  That's 15 working days plus 2 more days travel.  Even if a few of those days were not 12-hour days, the overall total number of hours worked was exceedingly high.

Which brings me to my next point.  That's the investment.  Sure, you don't ask anyone to put up money to open their office, but you do require a lot of time.  Last I checked, the federal government concluded that an hour worked was worth a minimum of $7.25.  Her commissions at the end of each week have never come close to matching that if broken down to an hourly rate.  That's the problem I have.  The office managers are will make the bulk of income off the hard work of her and others while they scrape by and have no time for friends or family.

Believe me, I love her more than anything in this world, and I want nothing more than to see her succeed.  In fact, I continue to encourage her despite my misgivings about the business.  After she came back from her first satellite as a leader, she was depressed about their less than stellar sales.  I told her to stick with it, and just focus on the next one and making each subsequent one better.

In summary, I don't wish any ill will to the office she works for or anyone involved. She has told me that everyone is very nice, and she has made some good friends while working there.  Again, despite my misgivings and concerns, I hope you will all take very good care of her.

shes country

United States of America
Pete you are a idiot!!

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 17, 2010

 Hello Mr. Pete.  Sorry to have to do this but I'll tell you the truth on what happened on that satellite.  But lets start from the beginning......

Since you didn't use your girlfriends name I won't either, but she's only been in the business since Feb. for 1.  And she was a slow started because she didn't get around the best people to learn from.  Now she is a Rock Star!!  She is not "stuck" in the sales it's what we do!!  But she will be in a office sooner then later. 

We don't do any bait and switch, she was offered a management position and that's what she'll get upon completion of her training.  She was explained that we are a wholesale fragrance company and that'd she'd learn all aspects of how the business does sales and marketing.  And she's been here for about 60 days if she doesn't love it or the people then why is she still here.  Because she can see the big picture beyond the sales!  I personally think she's one of the best people I've met in the year that I've been in the business my self. 

And as far as the income that is the income $200-$500 a week and people that make it past 10 days all make about that.  But from my understanding you haven't made close to that the last 3 years??  Is that correct most of the time being unemployed?  And yet you are the one who is giving her advice and pulling her down.  Hmmmm.   And you seriously are gonna argue whether it's better to be unemployed or working for $200-$500 a week.  Man you really are a loser.  And then you even make the statement that she collected a $500 bonus, how much did she make in sales profits?  That's more then she was told hmmmm.  And for the record we didn't work 12 hours a day for 14 days.  Two days were just travel, no work.  We worked one day till 2pm. And a few others only till 5 or 6 and one day she even went out with the girls and got a mani and petti.  So doesn't sound like to much work if she made that much money and she volunteered. 

Next as far as we try to deter communication to family that's %100 crap!!  I told her not to take her phone into the field because you were making her negative and attitude has everything to do with our business.  And I called you back out of respect but you called 15 times.  Because if I would have answered I would have told you who you really are! 

And now it comes back to all the same old arguments.  But you are a idiot so I'll explain this you to.  #1  where is the scam?  She didn't buy anything there is no investment she's never had to pay for anything.   #2  to be a pyramid by definition is illegal because there is a requirement for a investment and then you are asked to recruit others into the pyramid.  None of that goes on here.  Pyramid's have to collapse we've been in business for 36 years!!  Same company, same product, same home office with the same location.  For 36 years.  And as far as business ethics are concerned I've been around for about a year and almost every person that is here is a "good" person.  Strong morals, believe in some sort of "faith" and are just looking for more. 

And as far as the statement about people dropping out of training it mostly true.  And I'm glad.  Because then there would have never been a position for me or your girlfriend.  But that shows their desire.  What could most of "us" that are here do to make $50,000 a year?  And that's chump change if you do the business right.  That satellite that your girlfriend was on did over 1000 transactions in a week.  If it were her office then she would have made over $5000 just from one satellite.  And what about the other satellites and power teams and other people that did business that week for the office.  You do the math that office manager is making a lot more then $35-$40 which is what they were offered as well.  Hmmmm.  So really the business is better then what was presented.  YUP!!!

Now on to you......  You are getting close to 30 are unemployed and negative as hell about this business.  Practice what you preach.  You even say that there is a potential to score a large income.  With around 90 days of training I think it 's worth it.  But you, you've never been here and you make all these statements about the people and the business you p***y!!  Get a life.  And now I understand why you are the Ex-boyfriend now!!!  Good luck finding someone as good as her.


St. Louis,
United States of America
What I have witnessed...

#20General Comment

Tue, March 09, 2010

My experiences with this company revolve around my girlfriend of 3 years, who has been working for Five Star Wholesale Fragrances of St. Louis.  She's been involved in the training phase for over 3 months now.  She has done everything within her power to expedite her training and move into her office.  She has also been praised on several occasions, and told by her managers that they want to "fast track" her into an office position.  Despite this, she is still stuck in day-to-day fragrance sales, and will be for the foreseeable future.

The fact of the matter is, she applied for an entry level management position and instead was offered a commission-based sales position.  That's a bait and switch.  In addition, she was told that within 2-3 months she could expect to receive her own office.  However, that's obviously not going to happen.  Through reading testimonials in similar threads regarding Scentura's St. Louis-based operations, I've learned that those who actually did manage to land offices didn't do so until after they'd been in training for 9 months, if not more than a full year.

Scentura's supporters will often mention that trainees typically earn $200-500 a week just in commissions they earn while out on the street.  First of all, that's a significant range.  At the end of the month, making $800 versus $2000 could mean the difference between being able to pay rent/mortgage, utilities, car payment, etc. or falling well short.  Despite my girlfriend's strong weekly sales, she's still been earning closer to the lower end of that spectrum.  What's also not mentioned, is the hours required each week to even earn that low level of income.  She typically works over 50 hours a week to make around $200-300.  She goes in Monday through Thursday by 9am, and gets done around 5-6pm.  On Fridays, she's expected to be in at the normal time, but they head out in the evenings to pitch to club-goers.  She often doesn't return home until close to midnight.  On Saturdays, they head into the office for meetings which last 3-4 hours.  So, if you break her commissions down to an hourly wage, you're looking at $5-6 and hour which is far below minimum wage.  This also isn't taking into consideration that you're not earning overtime for those extra 10 hours.  In addition, there are no employee benefits as you'd likely be offered in a typical full-time job.  Yet, supporters claim that this is better than being unemployed?...perhaps not.  If you've been laid off from a well-paying job, as my girlfriend was, you could easily be earning more on unemployment.  This past week she was sent on "satellite" out of state with a small group of coworkers.  She managed to sell enough to earn a $500 dollar bonus.  However, they were required to work from 9am to 9pm all 7 days of the week.  That's an 84-hour work week without a single day off.  The sales group did so well, that they decided to keep them there for an extra week.  So, how does working 12-hour days for 14 days in a row sound?

As others have mentioned, the company instills in its trainees the idea that your friends and family are only going to hinder your advancement, as they won't be able to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Well, the company puts forth their best effort to ensure friends and family aren't even afforded the opportunity to meddle in their endeavors.  I've had very little contact with my girlfriend over the last week and a half while she's been on satellite, as her superiors have required that each of the trainees swap cell phones.  Which means, they can all keep in contact with one another, but no outside influence will be able to reach them.  I only found this out after I stubbornly called her phone repeatedly, until I finally received a return call.  Of course, it wasn't my girlfriend on the other end of the line, but one of her coworkers who explained to me that she was given my girlfriend's phone, my girlfriend received someone else's phone, etc.

I'd like to point out that no matter how you slice it, this business is most definitely a scam as well as a pyramid scheme.  If you truly believe otherwise, you're unfamiliar with the definitions of said terms.  It's also important to note that although a business practice may be a scam, that doesn't necessarily make it illegal...unfortunately.  You may very well be able to make it in this business and take in a considerable wage later on down the road, and with enough determination.  However, only the most unscrupulous and morally reprehensible will make it, and will do so at the expense of others.  Apparently, while business ethics would be a staple of any college business program, Scentura didn't bother to include that in its "training."  

Lastly, This business model simply would not work if the vast majority of applicants did not drop out.  If they stuck around and the company was seriously interested in developing office managers out of each of these 20 trainees they bring in every week, each city would be littered with office branches which would leave them competing with one another.  Of course, not a single one of these offices would be making any money, as they'd never hire on a sales staff.  They'd be too busy developing new office managers.

For reference:

Confidence trick

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  (Redirected from Scam)

Confidence tricks exploit typical human qualities such as greed, dishonesty, vanity, honesty, compassion, credulity and navet. The common factor is that the mark relies on the good faith of the con artist.

The confidence trickster often works with one or more accomplices called shills, who help manipulate the mark into accepting the con man's plan. In a traditional confidence trick, the mark is led to believe that he will be able to win money or some other prize by doing some task. The accomplices may pretend to be strangers who have benefited from performing the task in the past.

define: scam (via Google)

define: bait and switch  (via Google)

   Relating to use of bait and switch (offering one attractive exchange initially, but not honoring the offer) in business, politics, and elsewhere

define: multi-level marketing  (via Google)

   A business system where goods and services are sold through a pyramid scheme structure, with distributors on the top supplying others lower down ...

  • A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, often without any product or service being delivered.
  • An illicit money-making investment scheme whereby early investors are paid primarily or wholly by later investors. Eventually all such schemes fail to the detriment of recent (later) investors
  • Purported investment opportunities that promise profits based on the investor's ability to recruit other individuals to join the program...
  • When the organizers of the scheme use the assets of new investors to make profit payments to the old investors. The scheme typically has no other source of revenue other than from the new investors. ...


Have a look at this.

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, March 05, 2010

Wow, this banter back and forth has gotten really out of hand. Let me chime in and start off by saying that I have absolutely no experiences or knowledge of this company or anyone who has ever worked for it. I simply saw it on Ripoff report and started laughing my a*s off when i saw how childish everyone was being.

Now that you know where I'm coming from, consider my thoughts when I read these sentences which I have copied and pasted directly from the original report:

"I still couldn't find any information on the company on the internet, and I am very good at researching."
"After 30 minutes on the internet, I found this Rip-off Report."

Add this to the fact that (as others have pointed out) she did not even explain how she was scammed, and you now can see that this 'ripoff' is made up and completely fictitious. A more likely story that I believe happened is that some drag queen in San Francisco got his feelings hurt because they wouldn't hire him, and he has to continue paying full price for makeup. It's a cruel world.

I bid you all a good day. Flame on!

papa perfume

United States of America
Facts Please!!

#22UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 20, 2010

Alright alright alright.  My favorite another blow-out that didn't even make it for a Orientation.  And then that same old negative blow-outs tryin to defend them for being negative and unemployed.  But anyways heres some answers:

1. Why do we send people in the field?  Everyone has to learn how to sell the product.  If you manage a Ford dealership you better know how to sell a car, if you manage one of our offices you better know how to sell perfume.  And people don't have to go on the streets for one, I prefer business and office buildings myself.  Second we do business in Parking Lots which is private property and up to the owner whether they want someone selling products on their lot or not.  If we get asked to leave we do.  And there are a lot of businesses that know our product and love our product and know our business and let our people "post" at their business to sell the product.  Direct sales has been around forever and it's not going anywhere if what we did was illegal none of us would be in business.  Have I ever had a person get a ticket?  Yes, but it's because they were asked to leave and didn't it wasn't for the sales and yes I paid the ticket.  Have I ever had a person get a ticket for sales yes, and the very few that is has been for over six years now not one of them had to pay because they were all dropped when shown the business Lic. and sales tax Lic. 

2.  Every contest that we give out we pay out.  If there is a group goal and the goal isn't met then the profits weren't generated to pay out the bonus.  That's why there is a group goal for the contest.  And I have paid out a $1000 bonus to the top person in a friends and family contest.  And I've seen it handed out numerous times. 

3.  I have never once posted a ad for a receptionist position ever for one, but do run ads for office jobs because it is a office job upon completion of training.  Ask any really successful office manger when is the last time they were in the field. 

4.  Any person who has ever completed the training averaged between $200-$500 a week during training if not more, I've had people pick up more then $1200 in a week during training.  Now if the person like this one or like Rio is a blow-out in less then three weeks they probably didn't make much of anything but once you get it you got it and you can make a lot of money during training.  If the company made me just do sales I would easily make $30-$40 thousand a year just doing the sales my self, but good thing I have the opportunity to have a unlimited income as a manager. 

5.  That isn't a company vacation, that's a satellite.  And there are company vacations, I've been on 6 were they paid my airfare, my hotel, and some of my meals.  But they don't pay for the $200 concert tickets or when I went and seen the Blue-man crew or the $1000 bar tabs for me and my people.  That comes out of my pocket. 

6.  Well I guess for the same reasons you blow-outs bash us.  I've had my sexuality questions been called numerous names and all over and yet my worst response to you is that you are stupid, and you are unemployable, but I also always wish you good luck. Now Rio is a different story!

7.  I believe it was the contract that was multi-level not the company.  Scentura is a Distributor of top of line renditions fragrances.  What the difference between us and a multi-level is there is no investment, which there isn't, there are no fees and no one ever has to buy anything.  Now multi-level is not illegal Mary-Kay, Avon, Amway are all very successful multi-level companies but you do have to buy or invest in the company.  We ask for 60-120 days of working hard, being honest, good attitude, a little desire for someone to be their own business owner.  So there is no scam and if you do read into your one little piece of ammo that you post on every claim you'll read that the only ones who can screwed is us, being office managers, and Scentura because everything is on a consignment basis.  No one can ever say they didn't "get paid"  you get the money first.  Then the office and then Scentura.  The reason there are so many reports is because of uneducated idiots like yourself don't do the real research.  Most of the "reports" are from people that were in the business for less then 3 weeks, and most of them less then 3 days.  It's pretty hard to be successful in 3 days or 3 weeks.  For example Rio made it less then 3 days.  Scully and kburlz didnt even make it to Orientation.  And anyone who got a office and didn't succeed is because of their work habits.  I tell every person that gets promoted into their own office that they have to work harder for themselves then they did for me.  Some of them choose to get lazy and what you put in is what you get out.  I've made the choice to make this work for me, I've been here for over 6 years, I have Zero debt and all the money to do the things that I want to do.  Others are lazy, but this company has produced HUNDEREDS of people making over a 6 figure income and lots and lots of millionaires.  As a matter of fact I believe Rob has been making a 6 figure income for over 15 years??  And Early is a new regional and by definition your making at least $125,000 and he's 23? 

And as far as business cards why?  There are no need for them.  Most offices do have websites regional or corporate that they give to people in the learning program.  But those things make you legit?  How about the business Lic., or Occupancy permit, or Sales Tax Lic.   I think those make you legit. 

Well heres how I look at it some will some won't so what.  I give the opportunity some people take advantage of it.  And then there are other internet terrorist who sit around on their computers and slander hard working people.  Maybe it's jealousy, maybe they are just negative because they are unemployed, or broke, or whatever but it works for a whole lot of us.  And someone will walk into my office soon and it'll work for them and a year from now they'll be successful and internet terrorist you'll still be posting the same old crap from 2001.  Wake up terrorist it's 2010.

 Good luck to all anyways and best wishes. 

But on goes the battle Blow-outs vs. Owners

Lionel Cosgrove

Kevin! Scully! MellyGeM! Want to help Rio and myself?!

#23General Comment

Tue, February 09, 2010

 Rio, do you mean to say that Papa Perfume is in fact Chris Westphal? Some of the worst stories I've read on this site are about him.

Maybe some of the others in this thread like MellyGeM, Scully and Kevin will help us gang up on Papa every time he spams his brainwashed Scentura talking points.

But first allow me to present a whole new talking point:


The life-blood of these offices is the classified ads. If their classifieds are no longer allowed in the newspapers the distributor will not be able to place their ads and the pyramid will collapse. They will be forced to close down shop and move to an area where the local papers have yet to catch on.

The first thing you have to do is write a letter or email to the newspaper classifieds as well as websites where these ads are placed. Be sure to keep it professional. If you live in a large metropolitan area this could take a lot of work so be patient and stick with it. Read other newspapers classifieds and search other job sites to find more of these ads and send letters/emails to them.

Before sending the letter it is important to include;

If the letter doesnt work, send another more stern letter. Then send letters to other news sources warning them of the misleading ads. This way they wont be able to advertise elsewhere as a back up plan.

Send multiple letters or emails if you have to.

You can find some sample letters in the thread below. They were posted by JD back in 2005. Just know the letters are a bit dated so be sure to make them as professional and up-to-date as possible. There are tons of websites that can give advice on writing good professional letters.


For testimonials from former employees and owners look in this thread under the poster Noah from Chicago.


Other measures include:

  • Starting petitions
  • Writing your local politicians
    • State Representatives
    • City Councilmen/women
    • Aldermen/women
  • Contacting news agencies

Im open to any ideas!


F Scentura/Lional

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 08, 2010

No dude, that's my picture. Chris Westphal is FAR uglier than me. I'm not afarid to show my picture to these assholes. They can try me. Especially that stupid b***h Papa Maroon. 

Report Attachments

Lionel Cosgrove

Brainwashed + Coward X 95% BS = Papa Buffon

#25General Comment

Sun, February 07, 2010

Papa Perfume or as I call him Papa Buffoon has already admitted he doesn't even use his real name while doing business.

In my book someone I do business with and especially someone I work for that will not disclose their full name is not someone I would trust. He's obviously too brainwashed to understand how honest legit businesses work.

Then he tried saying he'll have people arrested for Slander/Libel little knowing that Slander/Libel are a civil manner (tort) not a criminal manner (crime).

I showed him a court case that ruled a contract between Scentura and a distributor to be part a of a pyramid sales scheme, violated the law and was unenforceable.(read it for yourself)


He simply said he didn't believe it.

Then he tried saying Pyramid schemes are illegal not being aware that multi-level marketing companies are essentially a sanctioned form of a pyramid scheme in the US.

He even admitted that some managers place purposefully misleading classified ads. He claims he doesn't in his business yet he defends other owners that do.

Read our back and forth if you'd like.  I'm under the name F Scentura:




Papa Buffon likes to jump from section to section in his pointless attempt to defend this joke of a company. 

MellyGeM I couldn't have said it better myself.

Rio was that a picture of Papa that you posted back in that other thread? Nice Mullett! If it was please let us know what his real name is. 


Queens Village,
New York,
Papa perfume and Fillmore cut the crap

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 06, 2010

I really have to say I don't know what kind of crap they're spoon feeding you two to be walking around with this holyer than thou attitude. First off if scentura creations was so big you wouldn't be selling IMITATION perfume you'd be selling the the real stuff. You don't see L'obervecense or watever its called in Macys, JCPenny, or Sears.

They sell the real CK, Paris Hilton or watever have you. and yes I'm proud to pay 40-50 dollars for it because it's the real thing, its authentic. I'm an ex-employee and it really gets to me that just because you can't fool smart people into becoming your GUMPS b/c thats all we really are to you anyway that you feel that you have the right to belittle them.

By refering to them as "weak, wps, blow-outs". Is there not saying known as "to each his own?" If you're a prostitue sellin yourself is what you do, if you're a stripper thats what you do, you sell drugs thats what you do. In scentura's case you lie to people about selling perfume thats what you do. Nobody's knocking you, people have a problem with you lying to them thats all, if I ask you is this position is commission based dont sit there and tell me no not at all when you know that it is.

I'm from NYC and honestly I have to hold in a laugh everytime I see these people on the street BEGGING for money as countless people walk on by. The same people who were telling me good luck on my job search and to have fun flipping burgers, ringing up groceries etc etc.

I'm like sh*t, well while I'm flipping burgers IM GETTING PAID FOR IT no matter how many people buy #2's. IM wARM while im flipping my burgers while you're outside freezing to death trying to earn a buck. When im done scanning groceries at night I get into my CAR and drive off while you're standing in the parking lot trying to earn a buck.

When I go to the mall I go to blow some bucks on some nice stuff in the AC/heat while you're standing outside freezing/dying from heat trying to earn a buck. Don't deny it because I've seen you with my own two eyes I've seen a so called "executive owner" stadning outside of my local mall about 6 nights a week if he was making money like that he wouldnt have to be there so often.

While I'm hopping on the train to go to work you're the ones standing on the train platform trying to make a buck. My point is you're nothing but loud mouth beggers and fronters "faking it till you make it" isnt that your motto? Like I said nobody's knocking you but don't sit there and knock anybody else for not buying into your nonsense.

Honestly if you are making so much money you guys would be able to afford DECENT offices, with SIGNS in the front of your place of business. Just a few pointers to you so called big time business men.

papa perfume

United States of America
To be unemployed.......

#27UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 02, 2010

It must be nice.  Wow there really are a lot of idiots on this thread.  People that have no idea of anything that goes on in this business.  But it'd be nice if they educated themselfs first.  So I'll be the one to let you in on the facts. 

First of all there is no up front money for anything.  There are no fees, no investments, and you never have to buy anything.  But anyone in for a 2nd interview knows that.  So maybe you didn't take very many notes on that part sully.  And this "kevin" guy he was so negative he showed up a day before his interview.  Probably didn't hear a thing covered in his interview at all cause he's so negative.  And we just don't do door to door residential sales, not that there is anything wrong with that we just don't do it. 

It is a entry-level management position.  We require no exp.  And every person in orientation could be in their own office in about 90 days if they have a good attitude and put forth their best effort. 

And stupider is not a word. 

Next we do very little business with retailers that resale our product.  And if we did online distribution what would be the purpose of us as managers. 

And business cards.......  that makes you legit.  Man!!  How about the bus. lic, dba lic, sales tax lic, and the occupancy permit hanging in every office does that make it legit?

But good luck anyways blow-outs!!


St. Charles,
Reply to Comment #11

#28Author of original report

Fri, January 29, 2010

Scully here.  I could not have put it better myself, Comment #11.

The company that I work for has locations world-wide, has a head quarters, and we do have business cards.  You can find them on the internet, as well as their history.  No mystery here.

Oh, and to the (oh-so-defensive) Comment #10, I do make much more than $13 an hour, it's not commission, it's steady, it's M-F, and it doesn't involve me pushing product down people's throat.

If you are happy with what you do, that's great.  BUT, the majority of people, are not going to be happy at being duped with false information, and wasting their time, when, in this economy, they are wanting to spend their time looking for a real job.

Glad you are happy, Comment #10.


St. Louis,
United States of America
Hello Filmore

#29General Comment

Fri, January 29, 2010

Yes, I'm sure decieving people into thinking they are coming in for an "entry level management" job and then getting them to buy the product up front to sell door-to-door can be very lucrative, if you're into the whole exploitation thing.  You don't deny that that's what you do, do you?  Just let me know a few things:

What's with the fake address? 

What's with the name change?

Is there a stupider name than "Enterprises?"

Where are your business card?

What is the url for your web site?  Oh yeah, it's just for "managers."  Wouldn't a "wholesale distributorship" need a web site for customers to order from?  If not, what number do retail stores call to place orders?

Why is your secretary's computer on a dorm-room computer stand?

Why do you claim to be a "wholesale distibutorship" when you are barely retail?

If you are a company that's "everywhere," who is the governing body, and where are they located?  You know, a headpqarters?  I was told there's not one.

Why did you say I would make 40K when it's all commisions?  Is that if I sell exactly 10,000 bottles of perfume next year?

And maybe most importantly, what kind of legitimate business would reveal applicants names and incomes on a message board?   You see this people?  Do YOU want to hand in an application to this guy?  Does this leave any question that this operation is sleezy?

And by the way, don't worry about my income.  I run a home business that no, didn't do very well last year, but I'm fine, thanks.  I have a wonderful wife who supports me because she respects my integrity.  I can look at myself in the mirror at someone who makes a living honestly.  Can you?

shes country

United States of America
Hello Kevin

#30UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 28, 2010

Well well well I suppose I could go back and forth and back and forth with these post but I'm just gonna state the facts.  I agree with the last post that it's your choice, but make your decisions on facts not opinions!

This poster from kburlz his name is Kevin from St. louis, or so his app says.  I thought he was skeptical when he came in for the interview.  He was set up on Wed and came in Tue afternoon.  This guy made less then 20K last year and is currently unemployed.  And yet he makes assumptions.  And this "original"  poster if I'm correct was over 35 years old and unemployed.  Now you can take the advice of the unemployed or you can take the advice of successful people.  I've been in the business for about a year. 

I wouldn't consider my self successful yet in this business, but I'm still new in my head.  But I get it!!  This business has unlimited earning potential.  This office manager makes over 250K a year and I have the same opportunity that he had.  Why not me? 

Yes I went in for a interview, and then a 2nd interview, and then a Orientation just like everyone else.  Now I know then I understood it was a sales job.  I didn't understand how and why they did sales, but they outlined it in the 2nd interview process to the T.  They tell you that you have to learn how to sell perfume word for word.  And then they cover Business to Business, Friends and Family, Ind. customers, and Parking Lots.  That is all true!

And they cover in the interview if you are to good to the point where you don't have to know the job of every person you manage the position isn't for you.  And that's the truth.  If you go to work for McDonalds you better know how to flip burgers.  If you run one of these offices you better know how to sell perfume.  It's what your people do. 

So then you have to take this business for what it is.  A  OPPORTUNITY!!  What you put in is what you get out.  It works if you work!  I work bitches.  I'd like to know what "reputable" company Scully works for now?  I bet it's for $13/hr or less!!  I can make that in the field here!  And running a office is unlimited.  So you can work for someone or you can work for yourself.  I choose to work for myself. 


St. Charles,
Comment to "How did they Scam You?"

#31Author of original report

Thu, January 28, 2010

That night, after the interview, I was all excited about the job, but I had many reservations.  I had several nagging feelings, that finally, I just couldn't ignore.  I went online, and once again, tried to find information on this company.

It was strange that I couldn't find any listing or ANY info at all for Paradise.  I am really good at researching, skip tracing, etc, so this was very strange.

After 90 minutes, I hit pay dirt.  This is when I found out about the scam.  I found story after story about people who had terrible experiences with this company and the many variations of this company. 

I had asked the guy point-blank, on the phone, before my second interview, if this was a perfume sales position, selling door-to-door, or in parking lots, cold calls, or on commission.  He told me absolutely not.

According to these testimonials, these were all sales where the people had to come up with money up-front for product, it was months before they would ever obtain a "store", and they peddled product in parking lots and stores.

The scam here, is that the testimonials are nothing like what was portrayed at the second interview.  They had people sign a confidentiality agreement.  Gee, why would that be necessary?  Maybe because they know that they are up to no good.

You can listen to me, or the other stories out there.  You can also read the ones submitted by the "employees".  Use your gutt.  If it makes you uneasy, or doesn't sound right, it probably isn't.  I'm glad that I didn't go back.  I went to work for a reputable company, and have been there for the past year.  And I don't sell perfume out of a trunk.


St. Louis,
United States of America
Paradise Enterprises now just Enterprises

#32General Comment

Wed, January 27, 2010

I was supposed to have an interview today, but I went in yesterday because something seemed fishy.  They went ahead and interviewed me anyway.  He only asked one real interview question, and make me fill out a very basic application.  I was supposed to be applying for entry-level management.  My experience was similar.  Important note though.  They have changed their name to just Enterprises and the say they are at 2305 Fee Fee Suite 3, but they are actually 2303 Weldon Parkway off Fee Fee with a suite 3 sign on the door, and no company sign.  He said only the managers get to see the web site and they don't have a headquarters, they are just all over the place.  I couldn't figure out their angle, but making you sell fragrances door to door sounds about right.

Ben (your local perfume guy)

please know your facts


Sat, August 15, 2009

just to be clear this company does give you an actual office to manage. not your living room couch as this person would lead you to believe.

we do not accept checks or credit cards in the field, only cash. although many times i've had people beg me to accept payment in those forms.

please don't comment on things that you know very little about. I'm so glad that i never ran across these negative things when i started the learning program. It would have made me quit with all of the false accusations and down right hateful talk that gets thrown around.

speaking from personal experience (which is more than can be said for many of the people complainign about this company, and no being in the learning program for a few days does not count), this job is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I wake up every day looking forward to work and the people i'll get to meet and talk to. You have no idea how good it feels to give someone a cologne or perfume that they absolutly love and the happiness it brings them.

So many times i've approached a person on the street that had a horrible day dealing with the stress and pressures of their life and visibly carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders and by the time they are done talking with me, whether they buy a bottle or not, leave with a large smile and a sense of peace within them.

The people i work with genuinly care about me and every other person that enters the learning program. They all want us to suceed and to do well. I feel blessed to know them.

I have changed for the better because of this company. When i started i was shy and unconfident. Never in my life did i think i would have the confidence to walk up, talk to, and basically make friends with total and random strangers that have completly different backgrounds and lifestyles than myself. Now I have the confidence that anything is possible for me if i put my mind to it. I have a much better understanding of people than i had before. They taught me about the power of positive thinking and hard work. The world is actually different for me now and how i view it.

I have no preconceptions of people anymore. Race, gender, religion, it doesn't matter to me anymore. Many people who i've never thought of talking and relating to I do on a regular basis. I've sold to thugs, car salesmen, lawyers, doctors, receptionists, business owners, and hell i even have it in good at a biker bar in memphis, tn.

This job has provided me with new and wonderful experiences that i've grown and learned from. And the work ethic and motivation that other people want.

This company teaches you how to be sucessful in life, not just in sales but in life. Almost everyday i run into wealthy businessmen in the field. These are men that are already sucesses in whatever field of work they chose to go into. Many of these men tell me that they used to do the same thing when they were younger, then they tell me to keep it up. Many times they get into their own stories of how (33 years old and the compnay is still striving)the business gave them the tools to suceed in life. In  most cases these guys offer me a job, I politly decline then I sell them a bottle or two ;)

to sum it all up this company changes lives for the better. Its already changed mine.



St Louis,
False Advertising

#34Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 27, 2009

I would have saved a lot of time if they had been honest in that this is a commission based sales position. They just call their salespeople "managers". I am sure that the "offices" they have planned, refer to your home office or sales territory. If I wanted to sell things, I would be in pharmaceuticals, cars, or even the yellow pages (something more solid)! They probably are vague about their name and business details because they do seem to have a very negative reputation here in the St. Louis area. The response, at best, from the 7 or so friends and relatives who knew about this company was "oh, THOSE annoying people", and "oh ya, my cousin/sister/daughter worked for them - they're high pressure sales"... unless there is another local business in the WestPort area also doing direct marketing of perfume. Who wants to sell for a company with such a terrible reputation- so terrible that when you google them it comes up with THIS on the first page, and their website doesn't even appear? This company should work on salvaging the tattered shreds of their reputation and developing their brand. They say in "training" or the second interview/seminar day that branding is a big expense of their competition; in their case, basic honesty (which is free) would go a very long way in marketing their product and recruiting salespeople. They need basic changes implemented so that they don't drive away new sales solely thru their bad reputation. PS:... and on the customer/perfume buyer end, who would give their credit card number or write a check to a company which doesn't have any contact information on their order forms?

Out There Looking

St Louis,
John in Wildwood (aka more stupid)

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

John, your personal attack on the original poster was, at the least, unkind and more realistically it was unfair. Using the internet to research and explore employment opportunities is a very intelligent thing to do, as many posters to this site have shown. The fact that you chose to vent in a personal and hurtful way to this person's experience says much more about you than it does about him/her. I hope all of the people who have posted regarding Paradise Enterprises/Scentura/whatevertheycallthemselvestoday find REAL employment with honest and upfront employers very soon. Blessings.


You are not unemployed, you are unemployable

#36Consumer Comment

Sat, March 28, 2009

The title says it all. I feel sorry for you. Anyone that believes negative info online should spend time researching bigfoot. Make your own decisions with your own experience, not from the experiences of strangers that you don'y know their agenda... Sincerely, less stupid than you


I am an owner with the company

#37REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 20, 2009

First of all let me introduce myself my name is Earley Gaynor and I run an office for scentura in Lanham md,. I put ad's in the washington post every week and what I put in the add is sales/asst.manager/no exp necs.I dont see what the problem is that I wouldnt have answered donny zinkins ad when I went threw training the add said money,music and fun no exp necc. If that wasnt the add I wouldnt be were I am today so I had no problem with it , any questions or comments call 301 577 6694 thats my office

Noah From Chicago

Any Honesty Out There?

#38Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 19, 2009

Scentura insiders will always tell you how great of an opportunity it is and how much money you can make. If you're willing to make a career out of selling cologne without a sales permit in questionable neighborhoods for little to no money that's your choice, but that's not the point. The point is that the ads this company places are full of lies and inaccuracies. They're also very reluctant to give you an accurate job description so it catches a lot of people by surprise which would account for so many people reporting to this site. I honestly don't understand why Scentura can't take a different approach. Perhaps if they would just advertise the job for what it really is they wouldn't get such a bad reputation. Maybe just be straight up with people and tell them it's a commission based sales position with potentially fast advancement opportunities, something a little less deceptive. Also, why not encourage questions rather than demeaning intelligent people with legitimate concerns? Some of those you call blow outs are upset because they quit a career with a steady paycheck only to find out they'll have to go weeks with insufficient income. For someone living check to check that can literally ruin their life especially if they're not cut out for sales. So do any of you successful rebutters or Scentura insiders have the balls to give me an honest answer?


How did they SCAM you?

#39Consumer Comment

Wed, March 18, 2009

To Scully: I had my first interview today with the same company and same place, but I was allowed to talk during my interview???? The only thing I have a question about...is that...I know you have all those reasons of disbelief, but you did not explain how they scammed you or how they are not a reputable company, they may have said alot of things that you wanted to hear, but after your second interview did you just not go back because you thought they was scamming you, or did you go back and find out they was scamming you??? I am confused....but want to know the truth to these mishaps, because I don't want to make the same mistake, but the company has not taken any of my money yet, sooooo how could they be scamming the two people who have reported negative about them, if you have not went any further than the second interview?????

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