  • Report:  #463319

Complaint Review: Patrick Dean Southern - Patrick Southern - West Palm Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Murray, Kentucky,

Patrick Dean Southern - Patrick Southern
Baghdad, Iraq And 520 39th St. West Palm Beach, 33407 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Women of the world - BEWARE! Patrick Southern is an attractive-looking package at first glance, but he means you serious harm. He will have sex without protection with any woman he can con into bed...and he;s very, very good at that. He has Herpes and he has given it to at least one unsuspecting victim. He does not believe the Herpes is a big deal. He does not disclose the fact that he is a carrier to anyone and he is talking women on the internet. He's found them at GoCougar.com, Tagged.com, MyYearbook.com and Facebook - and those are just the ones who have cried on my shoulder and that covers only the last year.

This guy is a diagnosed narcissist with sociopathic tendancies. He is a self-professed sex addict and he feels nothing for you - he will lie to and charm you until he gets you to "fall" for him and then he will give you Herpes and possibly other sexually trnasmitted diseases. Worst of all, he will do so without a pang of remorse. Later, he will break your heart.

You're not missing anything by passing on this guy ladies. He is all flash and NO substance. He is a fraud - a con artist and a predator who has been married three times unsuccessfully. He conned his last girlfriend into buying him a house (in her name) for almost a half million dollars, then in less than two years started cheating with multiple partners and walked out leaving her with the mostgage after she moved from NC to Florida, leaving her family and children to be with him.

Patrick is currently a mercenary helicopter pilot for Blackwater in Iraq. He will use his plight to play upon your sympathies, your patriotism and his guessing that you'll do anything to get laid....He will accepte and encourage lavish gifts and let you taske care of him. He will lie through his teeth and say th esame lines he uses on everyone - primary of which is that you are so sexy, beautiful and he wishes you could have ha d a baby together. He's an OK roll in the hay (nothing more) and he will leave you with Herpes. Believe me, it is not worth it.

If you really feel you have to have it ladies, please wear a condom.

Patrick Southern commited statutory rape against a 12-13 year old girl named Catie. She lived somewhere in the Orland0, FL area in the late 90s. He was dating his soon to be third wife at the time while having sex with a minor for nearly a year. He swore she had "that look" and "wanted it." He said he did nothing wrong. He later fantasized about seducing the 11 and 12 year old friends of the daughter of his third wife - when they lived in Boynton Beach, FL and he worked for Flight Safety, International at the WPB International airport.

I am ashamed that I ever offered my friendship, fell for his lines and gave myself to this hideous womanizer. I only hope I can save the next innocent woman from the medical expenses, the heartache and the embarrassment.


Murray, Kentucky


6 Updates & Rebuttals

An Open Letter of Apology to Patrick's Friends and Family

#2Author of original report

Fri, July 22, 2016

 I owe you an apology that’s been far too long in coming. I am genuinely, sincerely, deeply sorry for this horrible mistake. Yes, I was the author of this false, defamatory statement to CompleteRippoffReports.com more than seven years ago. I know that this lapse in judgment was and still is unforgivable. But life doesn’t always allow us to go back and fix what we’ve done wrong; it does give us the chance to get up each day and do better. I am doing better. To anyone who read the first post here, you owe it to this wonderful man to read this last post. I did not realize that nothing could be deleted from this site. Every word I wrote was false. Patrick Southern is one of the finest human beings I know. He did not, does not, deserve this. (No one does.) His friend Barb nailed it when she said I was nothing more than “a woman scorned.” I had received a diagnosis I was not equipped to handle, and I just snapped mentally. In a moment of sheer insanity and intense pain, I impulsively thought of the worst possible thing I could write to hurt a person I truly loved and I did just that. I have been trying to correct this error for so many years. It is the worst mistake of my life. I posted false information and tried to hurt the man I loved most. I took responsibility for my actions and I understand the collective anger toward me. I deserve it. When I look back, I am horrified beyond belief. I am a different person today … and Patrick is still my best friend. He is a devoted son and brother. He is a military officer who has served his country for more than 30 years. All anyone needs to know upon reading the initial post is that just three months later, Patrick reached out to me to offer forgiveness. That’s how big his heart is. Anyone who meets him for five minutes knows that the garbage I posted could not be true. (Please stop clicking on the link; it only gives the website more power.) I have done everything I can to make amends... written numerous letters to the website, worked with attorneys, all to no avail. If it helps you, if you’re still angry, I promise you that I have been punished for this stupidity. Two years after the post, I came back with another post. I should not have done that. Someone at that time was posting in a forum in this small town where I live and they made far worse accusations about me, and I thought it was related to Patrick. My secondary post stopped the damage to me but I should never have added fuel to the fire. I am not a monster. I am a human being who made a terrible mistake. I don’t expect forgiveness, but to Patrick, his family and friends, to anyone reading this, I am truly sorry. Please, accept my heartfelt apology. Please disregard the initial post and know that every word is untrue. Elizabeth


This is simply beyond ridiculous

#3Author of original report

Tue, March 06, 2012

I am just so tired of hearing about this malicious report that was filed in my name against a man who was once my best friend. His name is Patrick (Dean) Southern.

I was once Patrick's dear friend - for over a decade. I have never, ever done this man harm nor have I wished him any harm.

A pathetic woman he involved himself with dragged me into all this nearly four years ago. I was afraid of her and afraid for him. She called me out of the blue and requested my email address so that she could post something on "our" (meaning Patrick's many scorned past lovers' behalf).  

She told me that she was "connected" and wanted to have this my friend an lover, physically harmed or even killed as he had recently dumped her (April 2009).

Keep in mind that all this garbage  happened back in mid 2009 and I did not know this crazy womann, but I knew him and I simply tried to help.

I was worried about my friend - Patrick - who I thought was a decent human being, so I gave this woman my email address and my first name and honestly, I thought nothing would come of the conversation.

Since then, I have had my life and career threatened  - and my reputation ruined by this post and by three women of Patrick's acquaintance - Barb, Betsy and Kayte - all of whom know nothing of me, the truth or the circumstances.  

Please, Patrick, call off your dogs. After nearly 4 years, this is insane. I never did you harm. Why are continuing the vendetta?  You've destroyed my life, my health and my career. Isn't that enough?


Patrick Dean Southern - Setting the record straight!

#4Author of original report

Mon, July 25, 2011

Three years later, and finally, I have had enough - I am ready to explain this ridiculous original
RipOffReport post about Patrick Dean Southern.  First, my name (Elizabeth) was signed 
to the original post, although I did not write one word of it. I had never seen or heard of this site until after it was posted in my name. 

I made an incredible mistake in early June 2009 - and it was within hours of leaving a hospital emergency room following a horrifying health scare (that Patrick indirectly caused).  That evening, I
was contacted by two women I knew slightly, both of whom who had just been dumped unceremoniously by Patrick - and they were angry. In the moment in which I answered that phone, feeling so ill and running a high fever, well yes, I was a little angry with Patrick (my best friend), too.

I take responsibility for my part in this and that is why I allowed Patrick to write an initial rebuttal and posted it here, also under my identity/name/email - I regret all of this and I have apologized enough to the man who was embarrassed by the words of two others, and not by me.  

I will never know why, but I gave these women the information they sought, and by virtue of that action, implied permission to use my identity on "something" they wanted to post online about
Patrick. I remember thinking that it might give them some sense of closure, and that whatever it turned out to be, I could convince them to delete whatever they were putting my email address and username into later - before it did any harm.  I was so wrong. I have paid enough for my
lack of judgement so long ago, and it's time everyone tool personal responsibility - Patrick and the two authors and the person who came up with the idea in the first place. 

This post was authored by a recently spurned lover who lived South Florida, not by me, a woman who used to live in Kentucky.  I have taken so much heat for these two women and this event, and I am tired, tired of protecting people (yes, I vowed to keep the secret but enough is enough), people who should have thought before they acted in this way and used my identity to do so, and who should have read the rules of the website before added my name to this twisted online drama.  Now, there is a great deal of truth in the report, more than I will ever share with a
soul, although I would have phrased all of it very differently, but I never held it against Patrick. I have NEVER wished this man harm, and I have loved him (probably more than he deserves for well over a decade), and I never betrayed him as he  believes I did.  I lost my best friend because I took the blame for this report.

 Now, Patrick or someone, has sent this Orlando woman, the one who rips the author in that comment above, and she STILL continues to attack and defame me, both online and privately.  (Thank you, Barb.  You have destroyed my faith. Apparently, Patrick really doesn't have good taste in women, after all.) I will not stoop to this level or these other ex-girlfriends' tactics.

So, Patrick/Barb or whoever you are -  please stop the slander, libel and defamation. You couldn't be more wrong about where this campaign originated.  And, honestly, I no longer care about
protecting the identities of the authors.  If my Patrick Southern, the friend and gentleman I once knew and loved, ever remembers who I am and who we were to one another, then I 
will always offer love and friendship, and I am happy to "tell all." 

To anyone reading this...go see the other posts on Google about this guy.  He has hurt a lot of lovely women, and I am not among them. I had nothing to do with any of this.  You've been misled if he told you I was the appropriate scapegoat, for that is how I have been used and nothing more. - E


It's time the truth comes out...Patrick Dean Southern

#5Author of original report

Mon, July 25, 2011

Three years later, I am finally ready to explain this ridiculous RipOffReport post about this man, Patrick Dean Southern. First, my name (Elizabeth) was signed to the original, although I did not write one word of it.  I made an incredible mistake in June of 2009 - within hours of leaving an emergency room following a horrifying health scare.  I was contacted by two women who had just been dumped by Patrick, and they were angry. In the moment in which I answered that phone call, I was ill, running a seriously high fever, and yes, I was a little angry with Patrick (my best friend), too.

I will never know why, but I gave these women the information they sought, and by virtue of that action, implied permission to use my identity on "something" they wanted to post online about Patrick. I remember thinking that it might give them some sense of closure, and that whatever it turned out to be, I could convince them to delete whatever they were putting my email address and username into later - before it did any harm.  I was so wrong. I have paid enough for my lack of judgement so long ago, and it's time everyone tool personal responsibility - Patrick and the two authors and the person who came up with the idea in the first place. 

This post was authored by a recently spurned lover who lived South Florida, not by me, a woman who used to live in Kentucky.  I have taken so much heat for these two women and this event, and I am tired, tired of protecting people (yes, I vowed to keep the secret but enough is enough), people who should have thought before they acted in this way and used my identity to do so, and who should have read the rules of the website before added my name to this twisted online drama.  Now, there is a great deal of truth in the report, more than I will ever share with a soul, although I would have phrased all of it very differently, but I never held it against Patrick. I have NEVER wished this man harm, and I have loved him (probably more than he deserves for well over a decade), and I never betrayed him as he believes I did.  I lost my best friend because I took the blame for this report.  Now, Patrick or someone, has sent this Orlando woman, the one who rips the author in that comment above, and she STILL continues to attack and defame me, both online and privately.  (Thank you, Barb.  You have destroyed my faith. Apparently, Patrick really doesn't have very good taste in women.) I will not stoop to this level or these other ex-girlfriends' tactics.

So, Patrick/Barb or whoever you are -  please stop the slander, libel and defamation. You couldn't be more wrong about where this campaign originated.  And, honestly, I no longer care about protecting the identities of the authors.  If my Patrick, the friend I knew and loved, ever remembers who I am and who we were to one another, then I will always offer love and friendship, and I am happy to "tell all."
To anyone reading this...go see the other post online about Patrick...I had nothing to do with any of this.  You've been misled if he told you otherwise.


Disregard this Report in its entirety

#6Author of original report

Wed, February 17, 2010

As this posts original author, I only wish I could remove the report entirely.  However, this website does not allow deletions - even by the person submitting.  Posting a rebuttal is my only recourse. The original report here certainly does not (even remotely) reflect the character of my long time friend, Patrick.

My words were clearly written to hurt him to the extent that I was feeling hurt in that moment. My own poor emotional and physical health at the time, coupled with a simple misunderstanding, resulted in my lashing out and making accusations that were spiteful, irrational, and simply not true. I deeply regret this mistake.

I am ashamed that I submitted such a hurtful, inaccurate report about a man whose friendship I have treasured for so many years.  Please dont judge my friend based on the emotional rant I posted.



As this posts original author, I only wish I could remove the report entirely.  However, this website does not allow deletions - even by the person submitting.  Posting a rebuttal is my only recourse. The original report here certainly does not (even remotely) reflect the character of my long time friend, Patrick.

My words were clearly written to hurt him to the extent that I was feeling hurt in that moment. My own poor emotional and physical health at the time, coupled with a simple misunderstanding, resulted in my lashing out and making accusations that were spiteful, irrational, and simply not true. I deeply regret this mistake.

I am ashamed that I submitted such a hurtful, inaccurate report about a man whose friendship I have treasured for so many years.  Please dont judge my friend based on the emotional rant I posted.


A Lady In Orlando

United States of America
Bitter Woman Attacks

#7General Comment

Mon, November 23, 2009

The old saying "He## hath no fury" is most appropriate for describing the individual who created this erroneous report. 

While Mr. Southern is far from perfect, the individual filing this bogus report needs to take a good hard look in a mirror and acknowledge that they are certainly not a perfect human being.  How would she feel if some of her past relationship partners wrote about her short-comings?

I have known Mr. Southern for a year and half and he has proven to be one of the best friends I've ever had.  He is kind and generous and gives of himself without any expectation of anything in return.  I am honored to know this very brave and honest individual. 

He has served our country for almost 20 years and continues to be commited to our freedom. 

It is truly a shame that unsubstantiated reports such as this one can be published.

Judge not ......

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