  • Report:  #1121892

Complaint Review: Penrith Farms - Newport Washington

Reported By:
Uaripoff - san diego, California,

Penrith Farms
662 Scotia Rd. Newport, 99156 Washington, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Scum of the earth, the Brewsters have been abusing youth and the community for many years. Everything from drugs, false imprisonment, sexual exploitation and fraud. They made their business private so they would no longer have to deal with the state and because it is more lucrative. They have been investigated MANY times and had children removed back in the 90's before they went private. They also defrauded numerous native american children whose placement was federally funded. They monitored food intake and most children were malnourished and did not have the necessities. Children were confined to rooms for minor infractions sucha as having too much food. Children were given cigarettes and drugs and were often encouraged to engage in other innapropriate behavior.

The following is a small sample of the type of issues which have occured under the care of Sherry and Jim Brewster. They currently have a former foster child serving a life sentence in Walla Walla. This is largely due to his mental breakdown he suffered after being under their care and subsequently being thrown on the street when he turned 18 and was no longer of monetary value to them. These people ARE criminals, Jim's son, who is a cop, had an incestuous relationship with Sherry's daughter. Santee, which produced a child. These people are sick and need to be investigated and put out of business.

They currently have a know sex offender on their payroll. I know for a fact he is a sex offender because I am related to one of his victims. Please see the attached information: MORE WILL BE ADDED IN THE FOLLOWING WEEKS.



9 Updates & Rebuttals

United States
Thoughtful Advice

#2General Comment

Tue, July 21, 2020

When "you" as an individual look at any argument, objectively, the best way to tell a lie from a truth is to see who is using personal attacks. Generally defensively its the best thing to do when your wrong, and the easiest. Anybody reading down this far into the rip off report is either working for the alleged rip off or is a past customer or a current.

My advice to you would to always have an eye out for character assassination. Wikipedia › wiki › Character_assass... Character assassination - Wikipedia Some Wikipedia won't hurt your brain, teachers generally lie about its credibility anyways. Another thing to consider in life is remember your rights your an American citizen if you feel like you have been misstreated than lawsuits exist for a reason. Their is a big difference between threatening people with lawsuits rather than actually doing one.

If the first statement is true than why has this person not received financial compensation for the perminate damaged occurred to their foot? But on the other hand is somebody has no money why would you ever sue them you would just bankrupt them and legally you can't take everything from somebody even if they were in the wrong. These laws exist for a reason if said company is worth 1 million and you have been injured permanently because of them than that company would have to file bankruptcy unless you have 100 grand sitting in a safe just for this reason, and its doughtfull they have legal insurance that would be painfully expensive, consider the size of the entity your complaining about before you consider action if you feel as if this is the truth.

I think the most telling statement in this corner of the internet is where, titled "Shame on You" states they knew the person who started this rip off report, unfortunately Its doughtfull they will ever say because they are afraid to be wrong. To finish this off, the link to the legal case against "Penrith Farms" is not the right link I advise googling "Penrith farms disability rights" the court case will show up at least 5 down from their personal websight which google seems to prioritize rather than reviews. If I was as interested as you are I would read it because if your reading this I know you are.

Everything stated here is objectively true and neutral, more of a summary rather than an opinion. If you think I have made a mistake I always accept criticism. As a reason for writing this, it is because it is relevant to why I am here in the first place. I knew somebody that went their and well... their not the same person I use to be friends with, I'm from Arizona and would love to see what others have to say about Penrith Farms to get a better picture of what happened their. "Penrith Farms asks the court to rule that they can deny DRW access to the Farm and its residents due to the "nature of their business" and services provided. However, such argument ignores the individual rights aspect of the Acts."


United States
Please Listen!

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 18, 2018

Hi i dont know who you are but clearly you know Jim and the farm. I am a returning student at penrith and for reasons i cant explain. Jim thinks i am the one who wrote this report. Jim and i have a good relationship and this post is coming between us. i know how you feel as i have been there before. but please if u can find it in your heart can u in someway let Jim know that it wasnt me?  he will know who i am you can remain anonomus. just call the farm please i am begging you a student to a former student. please!!! It would mean the world to me. This is the only way i know how to prove to him that i didnt do it. Thank you so much.



#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 29, 2017

 First of all, anyone who posts a legitimate complaint would not post it anonymously unless they were trying to protect themselves from a liable suit or a defamation suit. I will address your complaint from a logical and factual standpoint. I am not quite sure if you were a foster kid or a young adult while you supposedly were at Penrith. If you were a foster kid, you would have been placed there by a state case worker and they check up on you at least twice a month or more and you would be able to call them from school and more importantly, there are school counselors that you could have talked to. If you were in fact there as a foster kid your complaint doesn't make sense. If you were there as a young adult, you could have left whenever you wanted because they could not stop you and reported this to the authorities or you could have told your parents when you had phone conversations with them. You also could have informed them when they came for a visit. Lastly, if you were at Penrith as a foster kid, you are complaining about something that supposedly happened 25 years or longer ago. This doesn't make sense because you had ample opportunities to deal with it then. If you were at Penrith as a young adult, your complaint doesn't make any sense because you also had ample opportunities to report your complaint by placing phone calls to your parents or by just walking off and reporting this to the authorities. One has to wonder what your motives are...

I was denied medical care at Penrith Farms

#5Author of original report

Tue, May 09, 2017

 I was denied medical care at Penrith farms on multiple occasions. Once when I slipped on the ice , fell down the stairs and hit my head. I was also denied medical attention when I became very ill for probably over a month. I thought I was dying, my mind felt like it was in a foggy state, I was extremely week and I couldn't eat. This was the onset of multiple sclerosis for me. The Brewsters decided to diagnose me themselves and I didn't receive care. I was diagnosed when I began a career in the medical field, working in clinical trials. I have not felt my right foot since 2005. I have permenant damage due to the lack of care at the onset and from subsequent accuse exacerbatiions. The onset of my MS was directly traced back to the incident while I was in foster care. I really don't think anyone wants to dispute the 2 year diagnostic process I endured at UCSD. Forgive me but I don't think UCSD and University of Washington got it wrong. These are verifiable facts. I took many photographs during my time there, unbeknownst to Jim. I hid the rolls of film until I got out and could get them developed. A picture is worth a million words. I also kept very detailed journals about myself and everyone there. I took a lot of notes and I even had a teacher who helped me and hid some of my writing for me. I knew I was being mistreated and so were others. I was taught to keep a record of everything and this is what I did while at Penrith Farms. I won't tolerate revising history to spare some sore feelings.

I find it odd that these rebuttals are directed at me as a person, despite the fact I'm fairly certain I never met anyone rebutting. CYA, James Brewsters specialty. I was the farthest thing from spoiled, I wasn't disobedient, I was not ALLOWED to utilize my therapy. The money the Brewsters received was misappropriated, I know that for a fact! Again, verifiable facts, they restructured their business model to cut out the state entirely and transform the place into an even bigger piggy plank. What NONE of you understand is that Penrith was and is a BUSINESS. Businesses want to make MONEY, they have to make a profit. This is finance 101. They were certainly profiting, I spoke to several people I was there with. Jim liked the federally placed Native Americans for a reason. They were registered with their tribes. I have some experience with tribal law through many of my peers. I KNOW what is legal pertaining to foster care, I have firsthand experience as an adult. I'm not going to debate with anyone who took the Kook aid at Jamestown. I like FACTS and claims that I can prove. It's quite obvious certain people want me to react in an animalistic and hateful manner, I'm going to have to decline. I'm simply going to continue to WRITE the truth. My facts are checked, documented and exceptionally detailed. Love and compassion do not require blind obedience or brainwashing. I was even denied contact with my church, that is the one thing that I will never forgive. Not having my religion or religious freedom truly harmed me emotionally. I wasn't going to attend the church of Brewster. We all know what inevitably happens to cult followers and their leaders.

James Brewster Illegally imprisoned my sister, who was not in his care.

#6Author of original report

Tue, May 09, 2017

I gurantee you do not know me, you sound very hateful. Your idea of the high road is quite amusing. EVERY WORD I have written was true. My life has been amazing, so very sorry to dissapoint you. Every kid that lived there when I did were treated like dogs. The thing about a dog is if you feed it, pet it and tell it nice things a dog will always come back for more unconditionally. No matter how poorly the dog was really treated. Dogs are pack animals and often fiercely loyal to their masters,They will attack anyone, right or wrong, to defend the hand that feeds them. 

I genuinely feel nothing but empathy for all of you, too broken and abused to realize when someone is trying to control your mind. I prefer to be wide awake and live in REALITY. Jim is pure evil, I'm so sorry your life was so horrible that James Brewster seemed like a good role model, that makes me incredibly sad. 

I am angry with him, he has destoyed far more lives than he has saved. He was in a special position and he abused it. He is a Svengali and all of your comments and revisionist kind of prove my point. I wrote this because I was outraged he was still in business and still abusing people. My children are all disabled; I can't imagaine placing my child some place to get help and being treated the way many of his fosters were treated. 

I didn't make bad choices there, I know a con artist when I see one. I could not even utilize my therapy because he was always listening in. You are not me, so please don't try to psycho analyze me; I doubt you are qualified or employed in the psychiatric field. I have always believed in exposing WRONGS and standing up for other people. You may take that to mean my life sucks, you are very wrong:) 

My life has been incredible, I live in the most beautiful city, in a wonderful state and have had multiple successful businesses. I worked for the most prominent non-profit special needs advocacy group in my city. I volunteer my business services and personal time to SEVERAL non-profit organizations. My children and I will be on a Fox news segment this month about special games, you may want to check your side of the street before you come at me. I don't do the passive aggressive thing so keep walking your very wide "high road".

See, I WORKED for an advocacy agency, 2 actually, one was for battered women. The other was special needs advocacy, we did fund raisers, provide advocates to go to IEP meetings and deal with kids in foster care! So guess what? I KNOW what the other side looks like which is why I have no respeect for James Brewster. I KNOW how things should have been, I knew he was wrong then and he hated me for it. I am also about to complete a book and ALL of my experiences will be open to the world. I already have a publisher. Every dog (or state) has it's day. I believe in Karma, I believe in God and all wrongs will be made right in the end. I never feared that man, I saw through his deception.

I am completing my fourth degree, this time in law, my LSAT score was almost perfect. So don't stress over how I'm doing;) I'm married to an amazing person who also worked in foster care. I am also a volunteer CASA, I was asked to become a volunteer CASA due to my experiences in the system and because it was well known I will fight hard for people who have no voice. James Brewster tried to rob me of my true potential and wanted me to believe he alone held the KEY to MY success. I never bought that jive, I'm so very sorry you did. I guess I'm a cat, not a dog. 




My experience at penrith farms

#7General Comment

Wed, February 19, 2014

I was once a resident at penrith farm! My experience farms of penrith farms was the best experience of my life. I came to penrith at a young adolescent age with a very troubled past in and out of foster and group homes cause I was uncontrollable,  that is when Jim and Sherry Brewster offered to take me in for some odd reason they thought they could help me get on the right path and become a productive citizen in society and low and behold they did just that! I ended up drawing a very close bond with Jim Brewster like a father does with a son, Jim and Sherry Brewster became the parents I never had! My experience at penrith farms taught me discipline and accountability for my actions. As for being locked in our rooms that is untrue we could not be locked in our rooms cause there were no doors on the hinges to be locked. We would eat meals just like a family and if later before bed we went to bed and we wanted a snack we could have one with out any reprocussions. our food intake would be monitored but it was denied to us and it was monitored cause there were 5 - 9 other guys that lived in the tho use that we're fed too!

As for Jim giving us drugs and cigarettes that is also untrue the only drugs or cigarettes brought on to penrith farms premises was from me or other guys that lived with me and this was done with out Jim or sherry knowing! I can only praise Jim and sherry for there hard work they have done with so many troubled youth like and the great things they have accomplished with kids like myself that have come from troubled pasts. I am so thankful to my experience at penrith farms cause the person I am today is a reflection of what Jim and sherry Brewster taught me And the things I was taught while being under the care of Jim and sherry brewster! I was NEVER mistreated while being at penrith farms Which the accusations against Jim and sherry is false! I just wish I could go back to penrith farms and experience that whole experience over again and again because it was the best time of my life!


Setting the record straight. My Penrith experience

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, February 13, 2014

 I first want to say, that it absolutely breaks my heart to read this. I was a resident at Penrith Farms as a child and adolescent for many years of my life. My time at Penrith was during a time in my life when I was combative, assaultive, aggressive and had many other behavioral and mental health issues. I possibly was one of the worst behaved adolescents in the history of the Penrith Farms. I came from a background of sexual abuse, physical abuse and substance abuse. When I arrived at Penrith I was in the 6th grade, and I had already lived in at least 20 foster homes, several group homes, and a mental hospital for children. I hated everyone that I came in contact with. I hated myself. Penrith farms changed my life, although I would not realize this for many years. I learned integrity, honesty, self -respect, accountability, hard work, discipline, and the meaning of love. In addition to this, I also learned what it means to be able to look in the mirror with confidence. I learned how to budget, garden, harvest food, preserve food, cook, bake, sew, paint, ski, roller skate, play a piano, write poetry, ride horses, collect eggs from chicken coops, milk a cow, build with wood, meditate, do yoga, and so many other things that a child in foster care would never have the privilege to experience. I got to do all of this while participating in intensive therapy both one on one and in a group setting. I wish that I could say that I was able to graduate from Penrith, however, I was not. I was a run away, and when I would get close to anyone, I would run. I spent many years of my life running away. I ran from myself. When I finally stopped running, when I finally faced myself… I started wishing that I could run back to the place that I started, and for me it was Penrith. Every time that I am hurting, or need nurturing.. every triumph where I think of wanting to make someone proud it is Jim and Sherry Brewster. To the people reading this, I want to say that the person who wrote this post, stating all of these horrible things.. is a classic text book case of a patient at Penrith. Jim and Sherry not only open their entire life, homes, property and soul to every person that enters their farm.. but they also help the most broken of us all. They open themselves up in doing that to be ridiculed and abused on a daily basis. In fact, I personally put them and all 3 of their children (not to mention numerous other staff) through hundreds of hours of INSANITY. Cussing, screaming, breaking things, destroying property, ruining holidays. I was the worst. But you know what? Never once did they give up on me. To this day, they still love and support me. Today I am a productive member of society. My name is Stephanie Labarber. I write my name because I feel that strongly about this. I have graduated college, am a mother and a wife and have many years clean and sober. I am proud of me today. I made my own decisions, but for my entire life I have heard the voices of Jim and Sherry in the back of my mind guiding me. There is magic that happens at Penrith. I am one of the miracles that came from there. I would like to address some of the accusations that were stated. Starting with drugs at the farm. In my many years at Penrith, I did see drugs. They were drugs that I brought in myself and was ALWAYS busted with by Jim, Sherry or their other amazingly qualified staff. Remember that I said that I was a child and adolescent that was addicted to drugs when I arrived. There was an investigation in the 90’s where there was a foster child at the home that said to her social worker something about drugs and they brought in an entire investigative team. There were drug dogs and investigators that came and comed the entire expansive property only to realize that they had been duped by a girl who was horribly mentally tortured and rebelled against the help that she was being offered. Substance use of any kind is simply not tolerated at Penrith, not from anyone. This brings me to my second point. I was one of the residents that was on level zero. This is where you are “confined” to your room. I went to school, came home, had snack with my peers and then had to stay in my room until dinner. I then would eat dinner with my peers, do my chore and return to my room for the remainder of the night. There are no locks on the doors, and to be honest most of the time I was able to barter my way out of my room simply by asking and promising not to be a monster to everyone around me. I have never even heard in my entire life anything about sexual exploitation or fraud? I think it is the most horrific accusation of all however, due to the fact that Jim and Sherry have done so much to assist woman not only in their program, but also in the community in general with this exact issue. I hate to say issue, but it is the only way that I can describe something so horrible. In all of the years that I have been in the lives of the entire Brewster family I have never heard more of a hurtful rumor as the incest one. Jon and Santee were married, and yes they have a son Logan. Santee is Sherrys daughter, Jon is Jims son and they have no blood relation what so ever. They are both beautiful people and nobody ever thought anything of them being together because there has to be a blood relationship in order for there to be incest. There really is no reason to justify their personal decisions, and I hate that I am even doing so. The sole purpose is only to discredit such hurtful claims against such beautiful people. The claims about frauding Native Americans is a total joke. Jim and Sherry have many events specifically geared toward Native Americans and would have huge events that would teach us residents their culture. Jim went so far as to have a traditional sweat lodge built on the farm that he would have Native American leaders in society come out and to customary Native American days. Food consumption is monitored, however the purpose is to teach proper meal size proportion. There are always healthy snacks available, and I was NEVER told that I could not have something to eat if I was hungry. There are no locks on the fridge, pantry, or cupboards. If I stole cookies or snacks… I would be disciplined. Not because I was eating, but because honesty and integrity are some of the sole principles that are taught while at penrith. Also, I know for a fact that there are no sex offenders working at Penrith, that is another meritless accusation. Hurt people try to hurt people. This entire post is summed up as that. I am not sure if I am leaving anything out, I am pretty sure that I have covered most. The best years of my life were spent at Penrith. To this day, Jim and Sherry and their family are the only family that I have ever known. It breaks my heart that this type of accusation has landed on the internet. We live in a world that a person whom is mentally unstable can torture and humiliate and potentially ruin the reputation of a place as magical and beautiful as Penrith Farms.


Absolutely NOT true - Shame on you!

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I know who wrote this outlandish report and will say again - SHAME ON YOU!

I know you were one of the students there and was not only treated well, but with constant special treatment too (especially from Sherry) and for many, many years. You had the chance to improve your life and did so for quite some time. But you blew it and returned to your same old habits. And now you're miserable and disgruntled because of your OWN choices and want to ruin their excellant reputation? Not only are you a terrible liar and truly ungrateful, but you lack integrity and self-respect, as well.

See... I too, was one of those kids you claim to have been neglected and abused for so many years under the care of the Brewsters at Penrith Farms. I am also very familiar with the TRUTH about Jon and Santee not being related AT ALL and yet you have the audacity to call their relationship incestuous when you also know the truth? They are both amazing and very good people who treated you well.

I also happen to be at Penrith in the 90's during that investigation you commented on but know nothing about. I, on the other hand, know EXACTLY what it was about... another disgruntled, spoiled-brat kid that had to follow rules for once in her life and didn't get her way. I, along with the other 13 kids that resided there at the time, were ALL instrumental in ending that investigation due to false claims - and I plan on doing the same here with YOUR accusations.

Jim and Sherry have not only opened their home and beautiful property to try to help young adults with their issues - but they've opened their hearts, as well. They give 110% every single day, 365 days a year, with no vacations or time off -vEVER. And they've done so for over 30 years. Makes you wonder how their business has continued for so long if they actually treated people the way you claim!?!?

I'm going to take the 'high-road' here and tell a little bit about myself. Those that aren't familiar with Penrith Farms can certainly figure you (and your intentions) out for themselves.

I grew up in a small town with extremely abusive parents - both physically and sexually. I started using sex, drugs and alcohol at a very young age as a means of comfort and escape (as most abused kids do). I had very little supervision and did whatever I wanted. It was only due to a court-ordered counselor that I was even introduced to Jim and Sherry at the age of 14 (a very important time for a girl). Being able to live in a safe, structured, loving & nurturing environment allowed me to grow and mature in ways that I would have never been able to under my previous living conditions. It completely turned my life around. I was taught self-respect and gained valuable self-esteem through their process. Something that I continue to teach my own children today. Which doesn't come from getting everything you want or feel that you're entitled to (such as the cell phone mentioned in the investigation that was linked to your report). It comes from hard work and paticipating in something bigger than YOU. The reward isn't always money or any type of monetary gain, nor' should it be. It comes from being able to pat yourself on the back and feel proud of the job you've done well. Equally, you must also face the consequences for your own poor choices in life. They allowed both you and I the freedom to make personal choices and truly define who we are, who we wanted to be, and what meaningful, everlasting impression we were going to make while on this planet.

Unfortunately, you missed the lesson.

But this doesn't give you permissioin to blame Jim and Sherry and the entire staff at Penrith for who you are. Take personal responsibility for your choices and quit lashing out on those that were only there to try to help you. Their work continues to change people's lives - just as it did for me. And, trust me, change is extremely difficult and certainly uncomfortable... and sometimes not for everyone (such as yourself).

So please... "take your ball and go home" and quite trashing quality people with a quality program that is still available for others to take advantage of - if they so chose. 



#10Consumer Comment

Sat, February 08, 2014

 HOW is this a rip off to YOU? 

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