  • Report:  #67033

Complaint Review: Peyton Enterprises - Global Mail Marketing - Knoxville Tennessee

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Peyton Enterprises - Global Mail Marketing
2911 Tazewell Pike PMB 243 Knoxville, 37918 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This "company" used false advertisement for legit home employment. I was interested because I have a child and a husband and a home to take care of, which is expensive, so I needed extra income.

This lame, bogus, sorry excuse for a company required a $29.95 registration fee, I paid it and got some paperwork saying I have to pay to place classified ad's in my local paper. What they mail you in regards to work is NOT what they advertise online. They don't tell you the whole story.

I paid the reg fee and then they wanted ANOTHER $29.95 reg fee. I called the phone number my bank gave me and it's a Sprint PCS cell phone belonging to "Peyton and Charity"

So, Everyone ripped off by them, call and tell them what I told them, I want my money back and they'll be hearing from my lawyer for false advertisement and fraudulent business.


SD, California

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