  • Report:  #150588

Complaint Review: PInfinity Insurance - Birmingham Alabama

Reported By:
- redlands, California,

PInfinity Insurance
3700 Colonnade Parkway PO Box 830189 Birmingham, 35283-0189 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had a weather related car accident on February 19, 2005 coming down from the high desert near Victorville California on Interstate 15 heading to Los Angelas. I was driving in the far right lane going 40 miles an hour when harsh rain and winds spun me out. I received no injuries and walked away from the accident, but my vehicle, a 2003 Mazda Protege 5 was upside down.

It took a week for the Adjustor of Infinity Insurance to contact me, Pablo Johnson. He said he was going to meet me at my work but never showed up at the scheduled meeting time and when I called, he was at Cal State San Bernardino and said he thought he was meeting me at my apartment so he decided to drive to the University and make me meet him there.

I went and he recorded what had happened. Mr. Johnson was insisting it was my fault but the facts of the accident show it was not, it was weather related and when my co-worker, who i took with me said he was a lawyer Mr. Johnson backed off and left. Before he left, Mr. Johnson promised this would be taken care of immidiately and that Infinity Insurance would pay off the car and give me my down payment back.

Several weeks passed and I called Pablo Johnson to follow up, and he said he sent the check to Mazda. I called Mazda American Credit and they said they never recieved a check from Infinity. I called back Mr. Johnson and left a message but it was never returned.

Every other day since this first incident with Mr. Pablo Johnson saying he sent the check I continued to try and contact him and it was not until two weeks later that I finally got ahold of him and he said he resent the check and that it was all settled now.

I called Mazda American Credit again and yet again they said they never recieved a check from Infinity. Now my credit was being hurt by delinquent payments of the automobile because Infinity had yet to pay the car of as promised. Five months and five delinquency notices later I still could not get strait answers from Mr. Johnson.

I contacted Department of Insurance, Rancho Cucamonga office of Enforcment and they said that five months and the accident was not settled has turned fraudulant. I tried to contact Mr. Johnson and the phone rang and rang. My Fiance then tried calling Mr. Johnson from his own cell phone and Pablo Johnson picked up on the second ring, leading me to know he was now ignoring my calls.

Mazda American Credit, Department of Insurance for California and even my Agent from Amrix have all tried contacting Mr. Johnson and when they do get ahold of him, he says each and every time he is in the feild and not at his office so he will call them backbut never does.

When Mazda American Credit got ahold of Mr. Johnson he promised to send the check overnight to them. Three days later I called Mazda and they said as always they never recieved a check. So I called Pablo over and over and over again until he picked up his phone and he said he did not want to send the check to them that he was sending me the check so I could send it to them and he said that it was for the whole amount we agreed yet he was shady on it. I recieved the check which totaled 13465.65 but that was just enough to pay the car off before the accident and did not include all the late payments and did not include my down payment.

So now I have tried getting in touch with Infity Insurance in Alabama, which does not do anything, they just transfer me around, I tried calling Mr. Johnsons supervisor and I leave messages but never get called back and when I leave messages for Mr. Pablo Johnson he never returns my calls. My Agent Yvonne from Amrix has even left Urgent messages for him and his supervisor but he never returns her calls. I talked to the Better Business Bureau and they said if they hear anything they will let us know but so far nothing. All I want is help in this.

He was apparently suppose to write down the agreed amount but never did and he never gave me a package of information that adjustors are suppose to give to their clients, so I am lost and confused. I feel I have been cheated by Infinity Insurance and one of their Adjustors Pablo Johnson.


redlands, California

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