  • Report:  #1495599

Complaint Review: Popeyes Louisiana - Southfield Michigan,

Reported By:
CEE - Farmington Hills, United States

Popeyes Louisiana
29177 Telegraph Road Southfield, 48034 Michigan,, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This counts as a ripoff because some of your employees are being ROBBED of their right to be treated with FAIRNESS & RESPECT!!!

Lower management treat their employees like crap! OMG! These people are a disgrace! There is no excuse! What the hell is wrong with Will and Deja?! Are they high during their shifts or something? Please retrain your managers. All of lower management sucks! They are low life dogs who do not know how to treat employees and they all abuse their authority constantly.

Deja is always rude as hell to customers and I know for a fact she bullies my cousin. I have a cousin who works at this store and everytime she visits me lately she ends up crying on my shoulder about how Will and Deja are always harassing her and talking trash about her within earshot. They don't even know her that well. They've known her nine months. Ive known her my ENTIRE life and I can honestly convey that nothing negative THEY have to say about her is true.  So kindly STFU and keep your mouths off MY family! You're both trash. Get a life, a clue and an education.

My cousin is WELL educated, a good human being in general and happens to be HIGHLY intelligent which is more than I could ever say for either one of you ghetto low lives. She hs more class  and common decency in her baby toe than you do brains in your hollow heads.  Im very proud of her ACCOMPLISHMENTS. She has authored several books and completed 5 years of college.  Have either of YOU done that? No! And you NEVER will because your future is in chicken grease. You're just a couple of jealous jerks who need to get a hobby other than smoking weed.

Just yesterday my cousin told me Will accused her of lacking common sense beause she passed out ONE wrong order. It was a MISTAKE! She's HUMAN which is more than I can say for him.  Who in their RIGHT mind would thik it's OKAY and NORMAL to treat ANYONE this poorly? If it happens again my next complaint will go to the Deparment of Labor! That's a GUARANTEE!!!!

Guess what? I have been in the drive thru line when WILL not only took my order wrong on the headset but also PACKED my order wrong and handed it out to me. But I never called him out of name or accused him of lacking common sense, so where does he get off putting MY family down? NOBODY is perfect. People make mistakes. Even HIM. Not sure why thisjerk is so intolerant of COMMON mistakes where my cousin is concerned. I honestly think he hates her because she is shy.  That's not a boss, that's a BULLY! Hold him accountable for his actions Popeye's. Get this guy under control or he's going to find himself facing a Judge.

Whoever OWNS Popeye's, you need to DO something about your UNRULY leadership at the Telegraph store. This is workplace BULLYING at it's best according to the LAW. My cousin is working in a HOSTILE environment and has EVERY right to SUE you guys for this. UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

I will NEVER eat here again until you do right by my FAMILY and treat ALL your employees with respect, not just the ones you like! I HATE this hellhole. Who runs this restaurant anyway? Is this how you ALLOW your employees to be treated? Get a clue. Popeye's management SUCKS!!! UGH!!!


6 Updates & Rebuttals


Farmington Hills,
United States
No Sh*t Sherlock

#2Author of original report

Sun, June 28, 2020

No mystery you're an idiot based on everything that comes out of your mouth daily. People can see you're a scumbag based on the fact that you attacked the review of a person you supposedly "don't know." Your're a simpleton in real life and online. Even a blind man can see that you are evil and trying to cover your own butt.

So you are as accurate as you are ignorant. No, it is  no mystery that you need a clue, a life, a hobby and some class. Only those equally as moronic as you would agree with you. If you don't want somoene to fight back, don't attack. Not that hard. You are a low life and it's quite OBVIOUS to me that you are the FEMALE mentioned in the complaint.


United States
No Mystery

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, May 31, 2020

Contrary to your statements. There is no mystery to solve. There is no argument. There is likey no cousin, let alone one who is an accomplished author of several books.  

When questioned about the credentials you went to the standard "You must work for them" and name calling. Then the typical "It's none of your business".  This shows a lack of credibility, and puts your entire post into question.

When YOU posted a report on a public website. When YOU gave this "cousin" certain credentials. YOU made it the public's business. It is typical that people try to make themselves sound better to boost their credibility, but very often this has the opposite effect.

Where you have zero credibility. The people who read this report are a lot smarter than even your "cousin" and will see right through your comments.

Since there is obviously nothing else new you are going to add, this has gone about as far as it can. So good luck at what what ever fast food resturant you end up working at..oh I mean your cousin ends up working at.


Farmington Hills,
United States

#4Author of original report

Fri, May 29, 2020

Clearly you are insane and do not know what you are talking about. Get a life and clue and stay off social media. Every time you open your mouth you express exactly how ignorant YOU are. Yo do not know what you are talking about. So instead of trying to "resolve the mystery" of my cousin and what she has achieved which is none of YOUR business, work on being a better person.

I don't normally argue with idiots as I do not wish for people to get me confused with the moron to my right. Enjoy your day dear as much as is possible. God bless. Peace and hair grease :)


United States

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, May 26, 2020

You want to give validity to your report, well the solution is simple. Post the names of the books your Cousin has authored.

Perhaps you can also tell us what her degree is in.  After all with 5 years of college she should have at least one degree...perhaps a couple.

Now do I expect you to do this? No. But it will be interesting what excuse  you use.   


Farmington Hills,
United States
To The Commentor Below

#6Author of original report

Sun, May 24, 2020

Not sure who you are, you are probably an employee of Popeyes. The only BS going off on the meter is that which is coming out of YOUR mouth. Kindly have a warm cup of shut the hell up followed by a very cold glass of kiss my a*s. Who are you to judge my cousin.

She is still more intellligent than your ignorant a*s. My guess is this one of the people being complained about. Thanks for showing just how uneducated you are and how you obviously have way to much time on your hands. Get a clue and some class dear. Good day.


United States

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, May 24, 2020

So your Cousin has completed 5 years of college and authored several books. Yet she works as basically a Minimum Wage Hourly Employee at a Fast Food Resturant. Where instead of standing up for herself she comes to you and crys on your shoulder. Someone who is shy should not be working in a public facing job, or if they do then they should not be using that as an excuse.

Yea the BS meter is going off the charts...

It is likely that there is no Cousin, let alone a Cousin that has authored several books and attended college. It is also likely that you(or your cousin) got fired. Perhaps you have some sort or relationship to the people you mentioned that went bad. One thing I can just about guarantee is that you are not telling the real story here.

Of course if you are telling the truth. Perhaps you can give us the titles of your Cousin's books, I am sure they would be a very interesting read.

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