  • Report:  #1146778

Complaint Review: PostJobFree - Internet

Reported By:
TransientAngel - Liberty, Missouri,

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I went on this website and posted an ad for a business opportunity that is structured like an MLM, but unlike the kind of MLM's that impose unattainable quotas so you end up without your money and no business opportunity, this one is structured in a very straightforward way with no gimmicks. It is simple. You know exactly what you need to do and exactly what you will make. It is actually structured to try to insure the success of the people who participte. While it does have enormous profit potential it is  not a get rich quick scheme and it provides a very useful service to people. All the people involved are very supportive and helpful of eachother. 


A few days later being today I went back on this website and tried to apply for a very specific position that I had been searching for. It is a position that is rather  hard to come by. I am a single woman disaabled and alone in this world and am a student of Theology. I am searching for a way to either augment my disability within the allowances that the SSA allows the disabled to make or to find something I can do to get myself off disability. I live on $800 a month. I am trying to survive, pay for my education, keep the bills paid and cover ongoing medical needs. 


I found the position and spent much time writing out my resume. When I clicked to submit the application I got a message that told me I could not submit the appl. because I had been black listed and if I felt this was in error to contact the web admin. I did. I sent a short, polite email asking what the problem was and if I could get help to correct it. I got a very short, kurt response that "You were trying to run some pyramid scheme in April" This man did not identify what I had posted that he was calling a "scheme" and the question of whether or not the problem was correctable was ignored. I told him in all sincerity that the "company" in question was not a pyramid scheme and that I had done nothing unscrupulous, dishonest or harmful to anyone. I pointed out that the website let me post my resume but would not let me apply for a position, (ignored). I pointed out that not all MLMs are pyramid schemes and that corporations are actually purposely designed to make sure only a select few at the top can become wealthy or succesful no matter how hard a person may work and that clearly he had no trouble with that or there would be nothing on this website to apply for.I asked how in any way was my trying to APPLY for a position a possible threat to anyone. I asked why I was let to post a resume but not allowed to apply I asked why if he had concerns about what I posted he did not simply inquire of me and I would have apologized for having made a mistake if that is what happened. All of my questions were ignored and I got another kurt answer saying that how it works to get blacklisted but that if I promise not to post "junk" on their site he would think about taking me off the black list.

The end result is I now to the best of my knowledge have a resume posted out there but am not able to apply for any jobs or remove my resume because I don't have access which leaves me in a bind where if an employer did see my resume and want to contact me I won't know it, opportunities will be lost and I will be made to look very bad at a time when I am alone and trying so hard to survive and thrive.


It is obvious to me that the "standard" by which postings are judged is not standardized at all and it appears to be a matter of personal opinion on the part of the webmaster as to whether or not you get the extreme privilege of posting on his website. He is rude, uncooperative, unhelpful, kurt, sarcastic, totally disinterested in the welfare of or being helpful to the people who use his website and it is clear that he finds a sick enjoyment  of treating people this way as evidenced by other reviews that I found when I searched reviews.


Others can decide for themselves but for me I would not even consider trying to use this website ever. I will just deal with the fact that I either do or don't have a resume hung out there that I will not be able to act on or remove which I personally feel was done for pure meanness. What I know is if I did use it the first time I get a problem I could only look forward to more being treated like utter human garbage. If I erred in what I posted all it would have taken to fix from my end would have been to tell me what I did which I would have fixed post haste and apologized for. That is not what he wanted. Dennis Gorelik enjoys treating people this way. This experience was extremely negative and uncalled for

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Dennis Gorelik

We do NOT allow spam

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 23, 2017

1) MLM postings tend to produce a lot of spam on job boards.

Job seekers do not like to see such postings on job boards, because such postings are unappealing and repetitive.

That is why we delete MLM postings and blacklist emails and IP addresses of users who post them.

2) Please understand, that by posting MLM jobs (or other spam) - you hurt job seekers who are searching for real jobs - by taking their valuable time away.

In your long explanation I do not see that you are actually sorry for spamming our job board in the past.

If you are sorry - please email us at support at postjobfree.com in order to request removal of your email from PostJobFree blacklist.

3) If you have your resume posted on postjobfree and want to delete it, please use:



I hope it helps.


Weak Response

#3Author of original report

Sat, May 17, 2014

 A- If I were going to seek information for definitions in regard to something as important as business, it will not be on Wiki as it is an open source definition data base that can be altered by anyone who wants to set up an account, If I were you I would not rely on it for important matters. But then what you do to people isn't important to you in the first place. B- I already understand MLM. Just because something is MLM does not mean it is a rip off or a pyramid scheme. Some of the largest and most successful businesses in this country are MLM. To name a few there is Watkins( been in business for eons) who along with Avon and Mary Kay are multi million dollar companies. Any insurance company that pays commission are MLM. I think I could live with the money made by State Farm or All State. Car Dealershps are MLMs. I once knew a man that worked in sales at a KIA dealership and pocketed about 150k a yr just on his sales and then there was his commission on his recruits Any company where people make commission and benefit from those they bring in are MLMs and some are very lucrative.What makes an MLM good or bad is the people that run it, not the fact that it is MLM. C- Again all you needed to do was tell me what the problem was and how to correct it and I would have done so post haste with an apology and gone on with my search. Your goal isn't to help anyone. You get off on being mean spirited. There was simply no need for the way you treated me. For the purposes of edifying the people who may read this report and I hope many do I will summarize by restating the last email I sent you. People really need to know how horrible you really are and what they are dealing with from your website.It would be the statement I made to you after you had the nerve to tell me you would unblacklist me if I promise not to post junk on your site. Your arrogance and meanness are astounding. I stated > I believe at this point that would be the last thing I would like to do. In this scattered and impersonal world we live in any more I don't expect that you would feel any sincere concern about being helpful to me but most people at least fake it to grow their website.Yours isn't that big. You went beyond that. It is as clear to me as you feel it is to you that 4CAG is a "pyramid" scheme that you actually enjoy being spiteful. It is also clear to me that the "standard" you use to monitor your postings is not set and that it is randomized based on your personal opinion which may or may not be based on any facts. I read some of your reviews and it is clear that this is pattern behavior for you. I sent you a very polite, concise email asking what the problem was and if you could help me correct it. The answer I got was a one sentence judgment and no answer to my question. I ask you several other questions like how in any way was trying to APPLY for a position harmful to anyone and why I would be allowed to post my resume but not apply for anything. You weren't nice enough to answer those questions either. I am a single, disabled woman working on a Theology Degree and trying to find a way to either augment my disability within the confines of what the SSA allows or actually find a way to work my way off disability. Maybe you have never tried it but it is a hard hard thing when you work for 37 years, get hurt because of someone being reckless, not caring if their actions harm someone else and get rewarded with 800 a month to keep the bills paid, eat actual food, cover medical needs and pay for a degree so you don't have to stay stuck in the hell someone else left you with. You could have helped make a positive difference in all that as a human being to another human being. Instead you were ugly to me and left me with a situation where a posted resume but no ability to apply for anything or remove the resume because I don't have access to it could result in someone actually trying to respond to me and my having no way of knowing it or responding back via your website. So I would be made to look really bad and MISS potential opportunities. Fortunately I was able to circumvent your spite and directly contact the company which means your website is not "indispensable" and is certainly not effective or user friendly enough to justify having to endure someone getting their hate on at my personal expense. What all that tells me is if I used your website and had any other kind of problem or made another human error what I could expect would be more of the same. All it would have taken would have been for you to be kind enough to tell me what was wrong and how to fix it and I would have done so and apologized for violating a random, invisible policy and gone on with my search. The positions I am searching are few and far between so there isn't any wiggle room for drama and problems in my search or in my life. My time is an asset and I can't nor will I afford wasting it on someone who is really just getting their kicks being mean spirited. As I am unable to do it myself, I request that you make sure my resume is off your website and that I don't get anymore of your spiteful emails. In summation Hades will freeze 3 times before I will use your website I will continue my search elsewhere and with any luck when I get back from the impending spinal fusion there will be a job for me to come home and do while I learn to walk again------------------------------------------------------------------- All I get back from you is an email asking me what the link to the resume' is . If you have it so all together you ought to know if I am blacklisted and don't have access I can't see the resume' anymore and it would have to be up to you to find it and delete it. It is obvious that was a struggle for you because then you come back with why do I even think I have a resume' posted because you can't find it. You can't follow your own trail well enough to know your system let me post it so I have to explain it to you. Then you come back with my resume' was deleted when I was blacklisted which tells me you likely never found it. If you can't behave like an ethical adult you likely don't tell the truth either.You can rest assured if I am able to be contacted by anyone that sees it , that will clue me in that you didn't find it and I will be right back on Rip-Off Report. It is too bad one has to resort to this medium to call out a problem. You are so much more refined on here than you are private email. It might give someone the idea there is any hope you aren't a rude and mean spirited man that gets off on hurting other people.If meanness is your modus operandi then I am obligated to tell everyone I can not to use your site. Yelp is next.

Dennis Gorelik

Only real jobs please

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 15, 2014

At PostJobFree we do not allow MLM postings and pyramid schemes and blacklist users that post them.

To better understand what MLM is - please see wikipedia article about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing

On the other hand, if you have real jobs when you pay salary to your employee - you are welcome to post such job at http://www.postjobfree.com/post-job

I hope that helps.

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