  • Report:  #419595

Complaint Review: Pre-paid Legal - Ada Oklahoma

Reported By:
- kent, Ohio,

Pre-paid Legal
Ada, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The company is supposedly ran by Independent Associates. Fact is if you want to receive permission to advertise that there is a section on associates only site which gives you access to submit your requests. Or you can submit your requests to an email address. After pretending like they'll actually let you have your own freedom of advertising for youself - you find out the truth. They'll write you back stating that you should use pre-approved material which is vague and will do nothing for helping you get people on board. Why would you even have a segment that talks about advertising for yourself when in reality they'll just tell you to use pre-approved stuff?

Not only that but they have ad banners that state things such as - get paid daily on the internet and then at the same time they'll influence you to do door to door sales or to your friends or etc. That only lasts so long and isn't this misrepsenting in not only the advertising part but also about whether this is an at home job or not? About the door to door stuff which will be influenced - you have state laws and county laws about soliciting. Most of which you must either register with either the police department or city hall. Pre-paid legal won't mention to you about this and still inflluences you to do door to door? Yet if you wish to do things the LEGAL way and safe way with advertising for yourself - you'll never get people contacting you because they're advertisements are so vague and etc.

If you wish to use your own advertisement then they'll just direct you to your pre-approved stuff even though they have segments talking about submit your stuff to _____ in order to get it approved. The company keeps a majority of their members on not with the memberships but with the associates. They've been failing lately so what they do is influence people who just became QUICK associates to QUICKLY teach other associates and by getting them on your organization then you'll advance quicker. That's like trying to get a new born baby to teach another new born baby geometry. It's very easy to get with the company and they take just about anyone. Therefore they have people who are morons and misrepresent the company.

The product is very good and I do commend them on that. Yet the marketing department will make it hell on you. All the people doing the best in the company are the people who aren't following the rules - hmmm tell you something? If you're not making top money then pre-paid legal will terminate you if they find out you do similiar things that the top people are doing. I've seen TOP people making TONS of money on pre-paid legal with ADS on here talking about how you can buy leads for your business to get more contacts and etc.

The ironic thing is the company doesn't want anyone buying leads. Yet if it's a big money earner it appears the rules don't apply. Fact is - if you do what the company doesn't want you to do and do it long enough without them knowing and starting making big bucks. You're safe because they'll overlook all the bad you do. I've typed in several of the big buck earners names on google and have looked at their advertisements. They talk of making money ONLINE or talk of buying leads and etc. You are suppose to list everything under legal service plans yet these big money earners don't seem to have the listings under there.

Fact is - the companies marketing department blows so bad. The man in charge of Ad approvals when you submit stuff he'll write you back with stuff that looks like it came from another world. I don't even think he has the right operating system to reply back. Even on the members testimonial site you'll see glitches and weird stuff in there that looks like hyrogliphics. It was probably done by the same man who's in charge of ads. I won't mention any names for safety reasons. Just thought I'd let everyone know what's going on.

Great plan but marketing and the b/s in here will make you pull your hair out. Just become big and pre-paid legal will overlook everything you do. That's the bottom line.


kent, Ohio


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2 Updates & Rebuttals


I agree the marketing is horrible-particulary one person in marketing-

#2Author of original report

Thu, January 21, 2010

There's good and bad to this company just like any other company in the world. The good news is if you've ever dealt with an attorney then you know how a SIMPLE thing can cost TONS. Most attorneys want $100 per document to even look at. Our company gives up to 10 pages at no added costs. 10x$1000 is $100. A year of this service doesn't even cost 1/3rd of that. On top of that you can use this per subject matter and ongoing.

There's more aspects into this but that alone is worth it.

Now let's examine the alternatives-public defenders, contingency attorneys, and public aide. All of which are iffy and who knows what they would do. Pre-paid gives it's members an entire network of attorneys and if you don't like any attorney you can be forwarded over to another one. Whether you need an attorney who specializes in document review,child law, etc. Will one public defender or public aide attorney give you that diversity where they can specialize in everything? This part of the company is EXCELLENT. Now the bad part of the company is there are absolute MORONS working within the company. Yes you have to reinvent the wheel in this company because if not you're being influenced to pay for TONS of marketing methods such as flyers and trust me one flyer won't work, billboards that cost in the hundreds, DVDS that you hand out in commodity, and etc.

The best way to run a business is low cost high prophit. Now your other option is to make your own ads through our webapprovals team or adapprovals team. I won't mention any names but there's a COMPLETE moron who works within those departments that doesn't even comprehend the definition of unsolicited. This man has told me I need to make my emails unsolicited I send to people whom i ASK if I can send prior. The scary part about that is any unsolicited electronic email message by law is suppose to have your physical address listed. So what if some CRAZY person gets mad for whatever reason then see's my address listed and comes after me. Then the person who told me i HAVE to make my email unsolicited when it's really not would be negligent. He's a complete idiot!

This man quotes what the american bar association will say and gives out legal advice. He's not a bar'd attorney in my state and he's not an attorney at all!. As a matter of fact what he is doing is ILLEGAL. I've taken information from the FTC website and have asked if I can use this in ads and he's told me no because the credit repositorys wouldn't approve them. Um it's from the FTC's INFO and I'm sure the FTC is completely compliant with the credit repositorys.

I have taken information word for word off of pre-paids legal sites then he's told me you can't use that because it sounds like you're making things out to be a tax write off. Then AFTER I tell him it's from YOUR guys's site he then comes up with another EXCUSE-he tells me that you can't share the associates benefits with someone who isn't an associate yet.

I believe this man doesn't wish to approve things for the simple purpose of trying to make you buy their own marketing materials.

Now some other things about pre-paid legal. This charge back term is bogus and bull. Do you guys realize you're getting a loan basically? You get paid an assumptive commission assuming that the person you sign up will stay on for a year. If they cancel for whatever reason then you just owe back the difference. A smart person would actually look at this like a chance for an interest free loan. Go make a bunch of sales and take your early made money and put it in a bank account and suck up the interest off of that. That's just as good as residual income.

Now yes I do agree that pre-paid is full of crap when it makes it out like we actually get any kind of residual. If your stats hold up and you have a 75 percent retention rate then if a member stays on after 12months you get like petty  money. Like $7 bucks or something as your residual. It's a joke to tell other members you make good residual. I tell people that you can signup a team underneath you and get paid off of what another does within the program. That's actually flipping awesome.

Now as far as retention-you use the IDENTITY theft to keep people onboard. Sell the identity theft first and then let them know how often a person who has identity theft happen will need an attorney as well to go tell all the different banks or consumers or etc that their client had their identity ripped off. For $333 you can have the standard and identity theft together and use the attorney services as much as you want. Most attorneys charge $200+ an hour. If you can use this service just once a year-that'll typically save you money as compared to the TONS of money an attorney will charge you to help with ONE situation. On top of saving on any one situation you get the identity theft almost as a throw in. $333-that's an hour of some attorneys time. Not even enough money to help with ONE situation. The Identity theft is actually awesome because if you ever get your identity stolen then you just simply give our other company we're partnered with the information and they'll have licensed investigators go in and clear your name at no added costs if you give them power of attorney. Other identity theft plans wont do that and they'll just forward you over to another agency to pay more money. Think investigators would be cheap? Like I said-great service STUPID marketing.

Now another stupid thing the company does. Our policys aren't considered insurance and if they were then we'd have to get an insurance license. Yet the company persists to want us to sell this like insurance? This isn't insurance in my eyes-can you use your insurance right away? The identity theft plan is kinda like insurance and nothing else.

Yes you do have to re-invent the wheel with this company because if not then the company wants to make money off of you by spending all your money in marketing methods-handing out tapes,dvds,books,magazines,hotel things,etc.

You can make money in this company if your smart.
They're methods blow and their top guys will tell you to do it the companys way but I've come to see them doing their own methods everytime almost.

This product is awesome but the marketing is so up their rear they dont know if they wish to sell this like insurance-even though it's not by law or we'd need insurance licenses.-

Basically if you can get around the one complete moron in marketing who knows nothing of what he does and you can network market with good reliable methods then you can succeed. It's not easy but neither is any other business. Typically new business's fail 98% of the time the first year.


Costa Mesa,
It looks like there are several misunderstandings here...

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, March 21, 2009

It's a shame...looks like another case of what I call BYD (Born Yesterday Disease) Im not involved with Pre paid legal, however I must say that it is unfortunate taht people can have so many misunderstandings about business.... For one thing...think of yourself as an independent convenient store owner....say a quicky mart.... that is your business...your storefront... you may sell doritos corn chips in your store....however your store is still your own store.... Doritos can choose to affiliate with you, however it is not obligated, if in some case you break a guideline of theirs...such as the appearance of your store or your mark up on price or any other such trivial aspect.... if they dont approve of something you do, then they just stop selling chips through your store...they break any contract or arrangement they have with you...right? in other words as long as you are within guidelines, you fine, obviously the guidelines may be more or less lenient than that of say a pre paid legal rep or other such marketer... as for door to door sales and having a business license and such.....well all i can say is there are many companies that have done door to door sales for years with independent contractors that may go in the field in many random municipalities whether it be city, county or state wide.... companies like Kirby vacuums, cutco knives, discount coupan sales, magazine sales and many others....some of these are traveling salespeople in different cities and towns door knocking every day... now do you think they have time and money to get a business license in each town....? NO....and most towns are lenient especially if you are only doing a limited amoiunt of business.... if you were doing any where near that threshhold amount, youd probably wouldnt be door knocking anymore because youd already have enough businesss built up..... anyways i could go on and on about how naive people are when it comes to marketing and business....its annoying...!

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