  • Report:  #125338


Reported By:
- Hemlock, New York,

http://www.premierpremium.com/ Fort WOrth, 76155 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I rec'vd bogus bill for two phone charges to England in amount of $160.00. The bill landed about 12-10-04 for charges on the early morning of 11-27-04. Of course I'm questioned by my wife who opened the bill.

The bill was directed to my first and middle initials and the account number was my tel# with a couple of digits added.

I know its bogus because 1) I don't enter sites where phone dialers are used, 2) I don't enter sites about which I would be embarrassed to the family, 3) It was early morning when no one would be on the computer using the ISP and certainly no one would be using a dialup, (4) the addressed name was one I used on a mag subscription years ago and have never used it since.

My first reaction was to ignore the bill but the direct threat of becoming the target of what's likely to be their wholly owned collection agency focused my attention on learning more about them.

Of course I couldn't get into the website, couldn't get past the busy phone, so I ignored the bill for a couple of days but the wife prevailed and so tried every couple of days to get into the website to compain.

I googled the name and got hits for sites like this. I used this one and another as reference on how to handle the situation.

On December 30, 2004, I was successful in getting into the site and filed a complaint resulting in an automated email informing me that a rep would contact me within 24 hours. I didn't wait and immediately started filing complaints with the FCC, IFCC, BBBFortWorth, FTC,USPS, and haven't got around to the NY State Attorney General, my local telephone company or my ISP since the holidays make Customer Service impossible until Monday.

I will file with my ISP as soon as I'm done. This is extremely time consuming and not good for the marital goodwill usually bountiful this time of year.

I'll try to catch up the final results when they start rolling in. I have been able to file on the internet with each of the agencies so far which is very nice but getting the forms filled out with exactly the same info is done easier by copying into/outof NOTEPAD.

I'm hopeful that people don't panic and mail out money to these guys.

A final note, On the back of the bill was another address not in Texas but in NH.

The two addresses are

PPC (on the bill's reverse side)

PO Box 10718

Bedford, NH 03110



PPC (Envelope return address)

PO BOX 155579

Fort Worth, Texas 76155-5579

If anyone has any other information, please file it.


Hemlock, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Premier screws up your computer and your phone, and now your marriage. What's next?

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 02, 2005

It's those idiots at Premier Premium Communications again! They're still running the tired, old modem dialer con along with their fake billing scam. Both of these cons are designed to cheat you out of your money! These frauds started out as National One Telecom over a year ago. They scammed millions of people all across America. But, this site put some heat on them. So, now they call themselves Premier Premium Communications. But, it's the same idiots. Running the same tired old modem dialer con. Same crap, different name. Still ripping off America! Don't these losers suck? The modem dialer con first started back in the 90's. The Federal Trade Commission put two porn fairies, the Botto brothers, out of business for using it. Since then, the porn freaks have continued to use this same method to trick people into visiting their loser sites. The FTC reports it was one of the top 10 frauds of 2002. Here's how the fraud works. While you're on the internet, unknown to you, a dialer virus comes over your connection. You need to go to one of their corrupt web sites to get the dialer virus. But, there is no way to tell which sites are infected. The frauds have thousands of virus sites scattered all over the internet. That's how they are able to infect so many computers all across America. It will usually be an innocent looking site that has nothing to do with pornography that gets you. Anyway, as soon as the web page opens, the virus will start downloading. Some people think that you have to agree to download the virus. They think they are safe if they click on the NO box. They are wrong! Once you go to the virus site, you'll get the virus whether you want it or not. All the boxes start the download. The YES, the NO, and the X in the top corner. Even if you do nothing, the download will start all by itself after a few seconds. So, don't let anyone tell you that you agreed to get the dialer. That's totally false, because it downloads all by itself. The only way to stop it is to cut power to your computer in the very beginning of the download. If you wait more than a few seconds, it's too late. They got you! Once the virus is on your computer, it sets up shop. First, it finds all your personal information, like your phone number and billing address. Next, the virus hijacks your modem by replacing the normal dialer. Then, it mutes the speaker, so you can't hear when it dials out. It starts dialing to 44-207-335-84, a number located in the United Kingdom. The virus waits until nobody is using the computer before it dials. The numbers that are called all have something to do with pornography. Nobody's computer is safe from this attack. It doesn't matter if you have dialup, cable, DSL, or a wireless connection. In fact, you don't need any modem or phone line at all. Your computer doesn't even have to be turned on! Once they have your information, Premier Premium will simply send you a fake bill! You don't need to look at the porn site to get billed. These frauds don't even try to look legitimate. They use fraud every step of the way. They use whatever information that the virus finds on your computer. They also use white page directories to find your name and address. Sometimes, they get your billing information from your local phone company. Much of the information is old and outdated. Some victims report getting bills for numbers that have been disconnected long ago. Next, you will start receiving the bills. First, you will get a real bill from your phone company. You will be charged $1.99 per minute for the international long distance calls. Then, you will get a fake bill from Premier Premium for another $5 per minute. Depending on the length of the calls, this could add up to hundreds of dollars! You will need to call your phone company and have the charges removed. Some phone companies will remove all charges for calls made by dialers. Others want payment, but at a reduced price, up to 85% off. After all, your computer did make the calls, even if you had no idea it was doing it. The phone company doesn't want to take the loss for something your computer did. If you don't pay, they'll get stuck with the bill. When you call the phone company, remember to remain calm and friendly if you want them to help you. Most companies will try to assist the victims any way they can. Your phone company has only one way to prevent this. A block on your line won't work, because the fraud uses 10-10 dialarounds to bypass that. A toll-restriction would stop it, but then you couldn't make any long distance calls. Most people aren't willing to do that. As for Premier, you can save their bill as evidence of fraud. You may need to send it in if you file complaints with the feds. Do NOT try to pay it or contact the losers! Some victims try to email the frauds, or call and argue with them. That's a complete waste of your time. They're frauds who will stop at nothing to cheat you out of your money. They will never do the right thing, so don't bother trying to convince them! Beside, the frauds will laugh at you and your threats. They are used to angry people. After all, they've been cheating America for over a year. Premier will not even talk to you on the phone. The phone will ring for hours. Nobody will ever pick up. They ignore messages left on their voice mail. They direct you to a phony web site. They send you one email telling you to pay up. They also tell you that the bill will be turned over to a collection agency. Don't worry about Premier at all. They made up their own fake collection agency, Collection Express. They don't have your social security number. And, because it's a total fraud, they won't be reporting anything. They just try to scare you into paying the fake bill. Don't even think about it! You can report this fraud to the federal agencies listed below. These are the actual complaint form pages. You will need to fill in all your information to file your complaint. Fill in your information accurately. Check your spelling. If you are having trouble, try filing by phone instead. Copy the IP address and paste it into the address bar, then hit enter. National Fraud Information Center Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01 FBI Internet Fraud Complaint Center https://www.ifccfbi.gov/complaint/cf2.asp econsumer.gov https://www.econsumer.gov/pls/econsumer/wimsnery2$com.main?p_lang_seq=1 US Postal Inspection Service www.usps.com/postalinspectors/fraud/MailFraudComplaint.htm Public Utilities Commission each state is different-address below is California www.cpuc.ca.gov/static/forms/complaint.htm Federal Communications Commission http://svartifoss2.fcc.gov/cib/fcc475.cfm California Attorney General each state is different-address below is California http://ag.ca.gov/consumers/mailform.htm Better Business Bureau http://www.dallas.bbb.org/complaint_form.html Dallas http://www.bbbnh.org/complaint_form.html New Hampshire Linkscan: tons of information and more sites to file complaints www.elsop.com/wrc/complain.htm Feel free to copy pages from this site as needed. In addition, I recommend you call your city newspaper and make them aware of the problem. This fraud relies on people being unaware and uninformed. When everyone fights instead of pays, the money will stop coming in to the fraud. Currently, the fraud is using these fake names and addresses: 01-Premier Premium Communications 02-National One Telecom 03-One Web Direct Bill 04-Collection Express 05-Enhanced Services Billing Inc/ESBI and USBI 06-Tellsys 07-One Call Com 08-Candid Publishing 09-Intercosmos Media Group or directNIC 10-Money Management International 11-Steve Griffin 12-Michael Walczak 13-Terry M. Blaney 14-Suzanne Hanse 15-Alex Lymar 16-PO Box 10007-Bedford,NH 17-PO Box 612929-Dallas,TX 18-PO Box 130959-Dallas,TX 19-PO Box 612608-Dallas,TX All of these fake names are in some way connected to this fraud. Many are involved in setting it up. Some help with the fake billing. Other names are the actual fraud companies themselves. The people running this scam are all connected in some way to the porn industry. They do not have a background in telecommunications. Instead, their prior businesses were phone sex lines and internet pornography. Naturally, they failed in those businesses, because they have no real skills. The only hope they have now is this modem fraud scam. They are desperate for your money! They will say and do anything they can to get it. Now, I'll be completely honest with you. These frauds have been using this modem dialer con for over a year. They have been reported to the federal agencies over and over again. The better business bureau has a big file with all of their fake names. This site alone has hundreds of different complaints from all across America. All the phone companies know exactly who they are. Their banks continue to cash the checks from all the phony bills. Even the post office continues to give them the envelopes with all the checks inside. Nobody in law enforcement is willing to lift one finger to stop these crooks. That's why the frauds laugh at the federal agencies, just like they laugh at the victims. And, that's why they're still out stealing money as fast as they can send out their phony bills. There is absolutely no doubt that this company is committing fraud day in and day out. Proving the case in court would be easy. Unfortunately, nobody is willing to do anything. This is why there is so much fraud in America. All you can do is depend on this site to warn you about the fraud before you get cheated. So, feel free to report them again if you like. But, it really is a waste of your time. Now, you see why the fraud never ends? There is one sure way to put these assholes out of business once and for all. Everybody has to stop sending them money. Unfortunately, there are always plenty of people who are willing to send whatever the crooks ask for. It's not hard to send out 10,000 fake bills every day. One or two people can do it right from their living room. Even if only 1 person out of 10 sends in $60, then the crooks get $60,000 each day. Because of the fake collection agency threat, they probably force 9 out of 10 to pay. They can easily get ten million dollars each month, all tax free and clear. Why risk your life robbing banks or selling drugs when you can easily send out fake bills instead? There will always be victims who continue to send in their money. There is nothing anyone can do to stop that. It's completely up to you to make sure these crooks don't get your hard-earned money. If enough people refuse to pay, the frauds won't make any money from this con. Then, it'll finally end. Just don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen! As for your computer, you'll need to format to get rid of the dialer. Anti-virus programs won't stop it or clean it up. Hackers made the program to get by all that stuff. As soon as you try to delete the virus, it will just reinstall itself all over again. You're just wasting your time! Besides, the frauds already have your name and phone number now. You could throw your computer in the trash and disconnect your phone. But, the frauds will keep on sending you more fake bills anyway. You can't stop that. All you can do is not pay the phony bills. Always use a separate computer just for the internet. There are so many viruses, worms and hijacker problems out there now. You'd have to be crazy to use your main computer online. You always use a cheap second computer with no information on it for the internet. That way, you never lose your files when something like this happens. And, nobody can ever get any of your personal information. Anytime something gets on the internet computer, you can easily format and start fresh again. Good luck!

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