  • Report:  #642230

Complaint Review: Prestige Home Center/Nobility Homes - Punta Gorda Florida

Reported By:
Unhappy customer - North Fort Myers, Florida, United States of America

Prestige Home Center/Nobility Homes
4465 Duncan Road Punta Gorda, 33982 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Unresolved issues remain with a double-wide mobile home that is paid in full.  When I call to speak to the local office, they will not take my calls unless I use someone else's phone because they have caller ID and they are screening calls.  When they say they will call back, they don't.  They ignore my desperate pleas for help and when I leave a message on their machine they refuse to answer my calls even though they know many problems remain.

Some of the serious remaining issues (after 4 months of waiting) include:

1. Improper sized steps with no handrail.

2. Roof buckle.

3. Missing light fixtures supposedly included in the 'light package' upgrade.

4. Security and functional issues with doors.

5. Issues throughout the house of being out of plumb, out of square.

Despite many attempts to get help from every level in this company, they do not call or make any attempt to communicate with me.  Resolution attempts on my part have fallen on deaf ears.  Customer service is not part of their agenda.

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
Warranty has expired

#2Author of original report

Sun, May 15, 2011

Nobility  Homes  and  Prestige Home  Centers   have   chosen  NOT  to  fix   my  major  problems  even  though   they  admit  that   they  exist .  Don't   buy   anything  from  thses   people   as   promises  will  be   broken  and  they  will  continue  to  lie  to  you  until   your   warranty  has  expired .   The   roof  buckle  in  my   new   home  has  never  been  fixed  even  though  they  admit   it  is  a  problem  that  they   made . Read  reports  from  Karen  in  Ocala ,  Daniel  in  Floral  City , Eugene  in  Punta  Gorda  and   myself  in  North  Fort  Myers .  You  will   see  a  pattern   of   lies  and   deception  by  this   company   that   is   unforgivable .  We  all  have  been   mislead  and  lied  to    and   when   problems   arise  they   avoid  any  responsibility  to  fix   anything .  This  company  has  no   customer  service , so  don't   expect  anything  but   problems  IF  you   chose  to  buy  anything  from   them .  I  spent   about  $8,000.00  in  upgrades   and  not  one  of  the  options   were    worth   what  I  paid . I  paid  extra   for   linoleum  and  carpet  and  BOTH  were  installed   crooked   and  they  admit it   and   REFUSE   to   fix   the   problem . Doors ,  windows , countertops ,  shelves ,  moulding ,   fans , linoleum ,  carpeting and  even   walls  are   not   square ,  not  level  or   not   plumb .  With   all  this   being  below   standard ,  it  is  difficult  to  imagine   who  built  my  home .  The  entire   crew  must  have  been   blind ,  without   tools  or  the   ability  or  knowledge of   how  to   use   them .  Don't  buy   your  home   from  Nobility  Homes    or   Prestige  Home   Centers   or   you   will   be   writing  just   like   I    am .

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
Additional complaints

#3Author of original report

Sun, March 13, 2011

March  13 th  -   ten  months

After  ten  months I  continue  to  find   more  and  more  problems  as   they  appear .  I  don't  believe  that  any   company  in  this  business  could  build   such  poor   quality without  it  being  intentional . The  people  that   built  my    home  must  have    been   blind  or   just  did   not   care . And  customer  service  is  even   worse , so  if   you   want  a  nice  home  , please   buy  from  someone  else  as  these  people  will  dissappoint   you .  Nobility  homes   and  Prestige  home  centers   are  not  people  that   you  want  to   deal   with .  Any  other   manufactured  home   has  to  be   better  than   this  company .

When  my  home  was  delivered  I  saw  that   the   refrigerator  was   scratched  and  dented . I  signed  off  on  this  because  it  did  not  show when  it   was  in  place and  I  thought  that  it   was   a  showing   of   good  faith .  Little  did  I  know  that  things   would   go   downhill   sharply   after  that .  Recently  I  spilled  some  liquid on  the  counter and  when  I   moved  the  stove  to   clean   up  my   mess ,  I  discover   that  they   ripped  the  linoleum  under  the   stove   but   failed  to   repair   it   in  any   way .   I  have  two   counter  tops  in  my  kitchen  and  instead  of   running  parallel  to  each  other  ,   they  are  wedge   shaped .  They   are   off   by  about  1/4 "  from  one  end  to   the  other  .   Also  the   linoleum  is  crooked ,  the  shelves  are  not  level ,   which  means  nothing  looks  appealing  to  the  eye .  The  exhaust hood  over  the   stove   sags  on  the  left  side .  All  these  problems   exist  in  my  kitchen  after  they  are   done  fixing   all  the  problems  in  my   house .

I  will  talk  about  problems  in    other  rooms  on   the  next   report .  Don't  buy   from  NOBILITY  HOMES  or  PRESTIGE  HOME  CENTERS  as   they  will  disappoint  you  as  they  have  disappointed  me

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
Management sugarcoating problems

#4Author of original report

Mon, February 21, 2011

As  I  have  repeatedly  seen  in  the  past ,  management is  still  trying  to  avoid   and  shift  the  blame  somewhere  else , instead  of  taking  charge   and   fixing  all  the  problems  that  still  exist  in   my   home  that  they   built  for  me   nearly  one  year  ago . The  level  of   quality   and  workmanship  is  so  low that   all  potential   consumers  should   be   made   aware of   this .  Customer  service   does  not  exist  in  this   company , so  if   you   are  thinking   of   buying  a   home  from  them  ,  please  read    VERY  carefully  as  I  don't  want  any  other   consumers  to   be   as   disappointed  as  I  have  been   for   the   last  year .  I   have  been  trying  to  work   with  this   company  since  I  paid  in  full  before  the   home  was  delivered .  They   blame  my  problems  on  "  bad  chemistry  "  between   the  sales  staff  and   myself .  Does  that  give  them  the  right   to  avoid  my  problems  that  they    created .  NO ,  it  does  not . 

I  have   complained  to  the  president  of  the  company  three  separate  times and  on  the  third  time  I  got  some  action  , because  I  also  had   filed  complaints   with  the  BETTER  BUSINESS  BUREAU .  The  president  had  done  nothing  before that as  he  did   not  care ,  they  had   already  been  paid .

Management claims  that  there  is  one  place  where the  linoleum and  carpet are  crooked ,but  this  condition  exists  throughout   the  home . My  home  appears  as  if   the  builder  did  not  own   or  know  how  to  use a  square , a level or  a  rule .   Any  builder   could   not  have  done  such  a  poor   job  IF  they   used  any   of   these  tools . And   my  shelves  were   not  level , and  walls not  plumb   or  straight .  This  company  will  cheat  you  at  every  turn  as  they  have  done  to  me .

In  their  spec  sheet  they  claim  to  use  1/2 "  OSB for  sheathing  but   I  find  out  they  have  used  a  thin  paper  substitute  that  can  be  punctured with  a   house  key .  No  strength  here and  I  live   in a  hurricane  zone .   Don't  buy   from Nobility  Homes  ,as  you  will  be  disappointed  with  your  purchase .     Next  letter  will  get  into  many  more  details  about  how  bad  this   company  really  is  .


We have tried to make Lemonade out of Lemons

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 25, 2011

Our Company has nowhat I would have to check into for more facts.

Roof Buc

excuse for delaying our customer's service. There appeared to be bad chemistry between the customer and the salesperson, and then later on, between the customer and the Manager of our store. Because of this chemistry, no service orders for warranty work were ever turned in to the factory. Thus no service. When the customer talked to the President of Nobility Homes, the President promptly asked me to make an appointment with the customer to see what needed to be done. The appointment was made and the originalSalesperson and I went to the house, met the customer and addressed his complaints.I made the list and told the customer what I believed would be handled, what I doubted would be handled and why, and kle: While on the customer's roof, with the customer, I saw where one rafter was higher than all the others but not high enough to cause any type of roof problems. I told the customer that I doubt that Nobility would tear the roof apart to shave downa rafter that looks a little higher than the rest. We did spot some other things on the roof that needed to be addressed and those itemswere handled.

Issues through the house of being out of plumb and out of square: While in the customer's livingroom, with the customer, I saw where the wood plank vinyl flooring was not at perfect right angles to the carpeting. Meaning if you followed a wood plank, next to the carpet, the carpet would vary away from that plank up to three-eights of an inch. I told the customer that this is cosmetic, pretty technical, and I doubted the factory would take up the carpet and relay just to match the lines on the wood plank.

Construction of the home and the sheeting: This item was never even discussed during my vistit to our customer's home. The customer brought this up in my follow up phone call to see if he was happy with our service. And for what it is worth, this home is built to Zone III Hurricane Construction. That means it is designed to take constant 110 mile per hour winds. This is stronger than site built frame construction homes which are designed to take 3 second gusts, not constant winds. The customer believed, thought, assumed, wanted hewas getting half inch osb on the sides of his home, rather than the front and rear. And no, we don't put cardboard on the sides of our homes. It's and insulated structural board similar to "Foamcor" which is used on many residential homes and manufactured homes.

In summary, we have built over 45,000 homes in the past 44 years of business. We try to treat all our customers honestly, fairly, and give them the most home for their dollar spent. We know we can't please everyone, but we still try.

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
A little progress

#6Author of original report

Sat, January 22, 2011

Today is Jan 22nd . On Jan 19 Darian , a customer sevice rep fixed the problems that he was directed to fix on my house but there are more problems that I have since been told will not be fixed as per company policy . Lets start with the fixed problems . The three lights that were paid for are now installed after nine months of debate . They seemed to think that I did not pay for them but found out that I did pay for them dearly . The shower doors have finally been straightened and look fine BUT now they leak and even I can't seem to fix this aggravating problem . The rear steps have finally been replaced with the proper size steps and handrails .

Now the problems that are NOT going to be fixed . The buckle in the roof is going to remain . They have determined that this is normal because it is a shear wall and doesn't need fixing . The crooked carpeting and linoleum is to stay crooked , just an appearance issue , I guess . Maybe thats normal for all their homes . And the 1/2 " sheathing thatI expected to be on the exterior walls is what appears to be just cardboard . 1/2 " OSB on the ends but the long sides just have cardboard . If you buy from them , I am sure you will get the same .

My goal is to prevent at least one ( and hopefully more )customer from buying from this company . What they have cheated me out of will be far exceeded in the loss of one sale .They have not treated me as a valued customer and have cheated and deceived at every turn , so their word means nothing and they can NOT be trusted . DON'T BUY FROM NOBILITY HOMES or PRESTIGE HOME CENTERS .

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
Wednesday Jan 19th

#7Author of original report

Wed, January 12, 2011

Yesterday I was informed that on Jan . 19th all the problems with my home would be fixed , including the three light fixtures that were paid for in the original invoice . I will wait for this to happen as I have been told this before by others . But I have a renewed faith in a new member ( Dan Rop )of this travesty of justice . And if it doesn't happen , you will be able

to read about it here . And in all fairness if

everything does get resolved I will also write about that .

If you are thinking of buying from this company , please read all the reports carefully before your

purchase .

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
Finally - hope for justice

#8Author of original report

Fri, December 31, 2010

If nothing else , you can always depend on my honesty and candidness . I always tell it just like it is .

Yesterday Dan Rop , a representative for Prestige Home Centers ,stopped by my house to address my complaints of the last 8 months , about this company . Naturally I became very quickly upset

as I have heard just about all the lies and misleading statements a person can stand . BUT he told me he would try to remain neutral throughout this process . Well , before he left he admitted to me that all of my problems except one were legitimate and that he would look into the one other complaint and see if there was a resolution to that or if it would be dismissed .

Today Dan called me and informed me that the information that he found and the probability that I was telling the most reliable side of the story as to how this whole mess got started , was more believeable than that of the salesman , that sold me the house . In other words , he was telling me he thought that the salesman , Ernie Boulanger , of Punta Gorda , was lying . That sure is such a nice chapter in this book that I will continue to write untilALL my problems with this house are rectified .

Dan also told me that he would recommend to his boss that ALL of these problems should be repaired and finalized

as soon as possible . I

have renewed hope that maybe something will finally be done after waiting eight long months .

Thank you again Dan Rop and I will appreciate your continued support .

None of these problems have been fixed yet but at least some sort of progress has been made , thanks to Dan .

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
Unhappy customer

#9Author of original report

Wed, December 29, 2010

Today is December 28 , 2010 . My home was delivered on May 12 , 2010 . I talked to the president of Nobility homes yesterday and naturally he was evasive and uncooperative in answering my questions or trying to rectify or solve any of these issues that have been present since my home was delivered nearly 8 months ago . In our conversation he double talked and sidestepped any complaints and issues that might help solve any of these problems . I would NOT recommend that any customer ever try to do business with this company as this is

their proven track record .

After only eight months and already some of the plumbing has failed and lucky for me, I knew that they would not fix it so I repaired the aging and ailing parts myself .

All the same problems that existed in my last report still exist today . That speaks poorly of both Nobility homes and Prestige Home centers , as none of the staff at either location can step up to the plate and accept some responsibility in resolving ANY of these problems .

Pleasedon't buy anything from these people as you will be sorry . And again you have been warned by this very unhappy customer .

Unhappy customer

North Fort Myers,
United States of America
North Fort Myers

#10Author of original report

Wed, November 10, 2010

Alert  to  consumers .


  Nobility  homes   and  Prestige  home  centers  have  sold  me   a  new  custom  built    home that  was   delivered    on  May  12th  of   this   year .  Today  is  six  months  and   guess   what ?   NO   railings  on  my  back  steps .   A   buckle  in  my  roof  . Missing   light   fixtures   that   were paid  for   as   an   upgrade   still   NOT   installed .   Doors  ,  walls   , and   flooring  still   not   fixed  as  they   are  either   NOT   straight ,  plumb   or   square .   Shower  doors  that  do  not  close  properly   as   the    wall   was   built   at   an   angle .   Do   you   want   to  deal  with  a   company   that  has   NO   regard   for   customers   or   customer   service ???   Don't   do   business   with   these  people   as    they   will   mistreat  ,  mislead   and   lie   to  you   as   they   have   continued   to  do   to   me .   As   I  read   other  reports   about   this    company   I   now   see  that   they   have  treated   us   all   about   the   same  ,  as    most  of   us    have   the   same    comments   and   problems .   I  have  talked   to  everyone  from  the   president  of  the  company   to   any  person  that  will   answer  the  phone   in   customer   service    and   still   NO  resolution   to   these   problems ,   so  if   you   try  to   buy  from   them   YOU  have   been   warned   by  this  very   UNHAPPY   customer.    Read   other  reports   and   you   will   see    just  how   bad  this  situation  is towards   the    consumer .   In   my  opinion   the   sales  staff   at   Prestige   home  center  in   Punta   Gorda   have    got   to  be    about  the  worst .  They  lie   and   mislead   the   cutomer  and  then  follow   up   with   more   of  the   same   with  NO  intent  of  ever    fixing   ANY   of  the  problems   that  they   have   initiated . And   one   more  thing  that   I  had   forgotten   about ,   the   day   my   new   house  was   turned  over  to   me   it   was   a  mess  ,  so  I  said "  Who  is   going  to  clean  up  this   mess ??  " and  the  answer   was   "you    can   do   it  if    you   want "  Can   you   imagine   buying    a   new  vehicle    with   all   the   litter  and   debris    from  the   factory  still  in  it ??    And  they   still  do   not   answer   my   calls .   Don't    buy   from   these   people ,  or   you  too   will  be  sorry .

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