  • Report:  #659621

Complaint Review: priceshuffle.com - Thousand Oaks California

Reported By:
Lorana - Marquette, Michigan, United States of America

Thousand Oaks, 91358 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I read a report by a news agency that said this was the best place for penny auctions. I went to the site to register and receive 100 FREE bids. Unbeknown to me I was also purchasing 300 more bids for a charge on my credit card of $150. This site is deceptive. I have contacted them to credit my account and they refuse. Do not sign up for this scam.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Don't assume too much, Ronny.

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2010

"I read a report by a news agency that said this was the best place for penny auctions."

   Given this opening comment, it is entirely possible that the OP has not yet figured out that he was led to the site via a fake report by a fake "news agency". 

    If the OP didn't bother to do the simple math that exposes these sites as sucker magnets, it is entirely possible that he was (and continues to be) fooled by the thinly disguised "news report".  

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Just one question..

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2010

..and I have a feeling you will not answer..since this scam site promised you a refund if you post here that they refunded...

You state that you read a report by a news agency that said this was the best place for penny auctions.

Here is my question. What was this "news agency"??

I do not think you get it. By posting here that all is fine now due to a resolution..you have possibly condemned others to a similar fate. You have FAILED in your ethical duties as a fellow human being to report the truth...just so you can get a refund. The same ignorant greed that sucked you into signing up for this site..has also sucked you into perpetuating a SCAM upon others.

Why don't you tell others the TRUTH that you were SCAMMED and enticed into signing up for this site because they had a FAKE, FALSE and FRAUDULENT news report..which was really nothing but a paid advertisement designed with malice to SUCK in new members..such as yourself.

The ball is in your court. Remember..you have to live with yourself..and the possible consequences if you believe in karma, God or a judgment day. The owners of this site care about none of that..do you?


United States of America
Resolution with priceshuffle.com - thanks

#4Author of original report

Tue, November 09, 2010

Since posting this comment on Ripoffreport.com I have received a new message from priceshuffle.com regarding a resolution to the charge to my credit card. For that I say to them, "Thank you!" Obviously, I did not carefully read the fine print so I suggest to all of you, take the time and look over the agreement carefully. A simple mistake in not doing so can cost you.

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