  • Report:  #1120885

Complaint Review: Psychic Zorina Revalations - Seaside Oregon

Reported By:
Cowgirl - Oregon,

Psychic Zorina Revalations
550 Broadway Ste C, Seaside OR 97138 Seaside, 97138 Oregon, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I received an email this morning from a wonderful lady who unwittingly fell victim to this Psychic Zorina in Oregon. I will copy and paste here:

I had a reading by a local psychic last week and she offered to do a "chart" for me, obviously for an additional charge. This chart consisted of your entire sample reading. The only difference was that Christina's name had been deleted. It also included materials for other websites.

This "psychic" plagiarized MY WORK for a past client from my website and subsequently charged this poor woman $1200 for it. My work can be found on my website here: http://www.soul-psychics.com/sample_spiritual.html

I wrote back to the woman to not only give my sincere condolences, but to likewise request the name, location and all communication that this Psychic Zorina sent to her. I am copying and pasting her entire email here for everyone to read - including my plagiarized sample reading!

I appreciate all of your kind words, and your understanding.

Here is the email as Zorina sent it. You can see that the first 2 pages are directly from your website. The last part is from the following website http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/advice/advice013-psychic-reading-script.htm . There are a few paragraphs in the middle that came from another site -- (they actually show up in multiple websites.) She wrote the first sentence of the second to the last paragraph and the last line of the chart.

I physical met with her for my initial reading at her shop. After she completed the reading, which was very accurate, she told me that I had a lot of negative energy and she could help me to rid myself of it. She said she would do a chart for me based on my birth name and birth date. She said she would need to do many hours of meditation on my behalf and that she would include those findings in the chart as well. She knew from the reading that there was a romantic issue I was struggling with. She assured me that she could help the man involved to make the right decisions so that we would be happily ever after. She told me that this would take much of her time over the next week. I was skeptical, but also hopeful that she was right. She then told me that it would of course involve an added expense since she would need to give me some items to help me, to help her in this journey. She asked for $1200. I think because the reading seemed so accurate and she knew so many things about my life that there seemed to be no way she could know, I thought it was worth the gamble.

The next day I met with her again for a few minutes and she gave me to Chakra stones to bath with and a yellow and blue candle to use while bathing. She told me that all of these items were only available in India (this part, I didn't really believe, but what the heck.) Later that day she called me and asked me to bath at a certain hour so she could start her meditation just after that. She called and basically asked me to repeat the process again the next day. The following day she wanted to meet in person again. This time she met me at a restaurant. (Her shop is 70 miles from where I live, and I had just happened to be in Seaside the first couple of days.) We met at the restaurant and she told me that she had been working very hard on the chart and it was almost complete. She also told me that she saw another women talking into the ear of the man involved. She then told me that for an additional cost she could get the other woman out of our lives. This was a huge red flag for me. I told her that I was having a problem believing that that would be possible. She told me of course it was possible and she could guarantee me that she could get her out of our lives in 4 to 6 weeks. Of course this would take all of her time and energy and of course she would need some supplies. Out of curiosity I asked her what she was thinking in regards to the amount of money. Her reply was isn't your happiness priceless. I can't tell you right now how expensive it will be. It could be $500, it could be $2000, $10,000. But reminded me this is the rest of my life, happy with this man. And again is it possible to put a price on my happiness. She told me to think about it and we would talk later. Oh, she also sent me a text message asking me not to share any of this information with anyone until we had completed the process.

At this point I was becoming very uncomfortable. I started to search the internet, etc. The next morning she called and told me she would be sending my chart in the next 15 minutes. An hour later I received the chart. I knew immediately that she had not written it. I waited until that evening (last night) to send her a response. I told her that I knew she had not written the chart and even gave her links to the website she had used to copy the "chart" I told her that I was extremely disappointed and requested a full refund.

This morning she called me and I did not answer her call. She then sent the following text "Patty, Just got your email. I am very disappointed as well. I have a spiritual life coach that works with me from canada. I paid her to help me with the chart. I've been working with her for one year. I've never had this issue with her.... I will also be contacting her regarding this and forwarding your emails to her. Please allow me to apologize." I did not respond and about 15 minute later she texted again " Also, I would like to apologize to you in person.... You speak of contacting a Attorney. Your more than welcome to. There in no error. I assure you I'm not doing anything wrong. You said it yourself. The reading I have given to you and the services that you received was amazing. Your headache went away after you started your home instructions. But you do what you have to do and have a wonderful day again I apologize for the chart."

I responded with the following email


Let me be very clear, I have no desire to see or speak to you. I do not accept your apology. We had a commitment, and you continual lead me to believe that you were meditating on my behalf and even told me that you were writing all of this down, and that it would all be included in my chart. There were only 2 sentences in that chart that you, yourself wrote. Everything else in that chart was plagiarized from copyrighted sources on the internet.

The agreement we had was between the two of us. You were the one who was ultimately responsible for the chart. Even if as you stated, someone else helped you with it, you were ultimately responsible to me. Had you read the chart it would have been as obvious to you as it was to me that it was not written by you. The chart included none of the information that you told me it would include. You did not deliver a personalized chart, as per our agreement.

If you are truly sorry for what has transpired, prove it to me and everyone else, by refunding my money.

Refund the money via PayPal, and I'll drop this issue. If you choose not to, I will as you said, do what I must do. I will have my attorney contact you, we will file a suite, I will contact the local newspapers, I will post reviews on line so that I can protect this from happening again, I will contact the owners of the copyrighted materials that you used without their permission.

I can assure you that what you did is not only wrong, it is immoral, and unethical. I'm sure that your current and potential clients will not be pleased when they read about it in the local paper and in your online reviews.


-----Original Message-----

From: Zorina

To: Patty

Sent: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 12:17 pm

Subject: chart

all that you have been going through: the disconnection and withdrawing from friends, feeling the lonliness, and even that of ending your five-year relationship … it all boils down to one thing … and sweetheart I really want you to realize that this is actually a very good thing to be honest with you. It is all because you are evolving .. I shall try to explain a bit better here …

You have essentially gone through (and you are still going through actually) a major huge leap in spiri-tual and emotional growth, .. The thing is, and this I find as interesting because this does not happen to too many folks, you have actually gone through this major change/shift TOO QUICKLY. This is why you are in fact feeling "stuck" or in a rut. You travelled so fast through your spiritual transition honey that you have essentially and quite inadvertently created a lot of confusion and misunderstanding within yourself.

You see, most folks, when it comes to spiritual growth and spiritual evolvement, it is normally a proc-ess that they go through – a process that essentially can indeed take people anywhere from a few months to several years. It is a gradual change – which should always be the case because otherwise this is what happens: the person gets overwhelmed and overloaded with way too much information – to the point where they feel like they have literally been left in the dark. It is actually Divinely meant that we learn and evolve at a slow but comfortable pace that is tailored to each unique individual … all for avoiding the possible situations described above. We’re not meant to get overloaded – because if we did then we wouldn’t know who we were anymore, why things are the way they are, where we are going, what we’re supposed to be doing, etc. etc. Just way too much chaos and confusion.

But ., as I mentioned a few moments ago – it seems that your own experience here with spiritual learn-ing, growing and evolving did not occur like the norm. It’s almost like you blink your eyes and you’d miss it kind of thing. That’s how fast you went through the change process! But honey, all that I am trying to explain to you right now, this is the main cause and reason for everything that has happened over the last little while.

What you have done, of course very unwittingly, was prepared yourself for this spiritual and emotional evolution. I will explain further:

When a person goes through this spiritual growth and evolution, they essentially and quite drastically change into an entirely new person. Seriously. Their goals change. Their desires change. Their inter-ests change. Things that they once enjoyed now bore them. Friends don’t see eye to eye anymore (because as mentioned that person changes into an entirely new being). Their values change. And … love relationships ultimately falter and unfortunately end up being unsuccessful because one partner is on a higher spiritual level than the other … they begin to not understand each other or even really know each other anymore, arguments arise, and ensuing frustration, anger and even resentment result between them. Things that a person at one time once found very amusing all of a sudden is now very maddening or annoying to them, etc.

what you have essentially done without even realizing it of course is spared yourself all of that emo-tional trauma that would DEFINITELY occur within all the scenarios that I just outlined in the above paragraph (including that of you ending that past relationship – which would have indeed been the most devastating to you emotionally – and it is also why you right now feel like things have been left unsaid or undone; and how you feel confused and questioning everyone, etc). You skipped through it – because you do have such a sensitive, soft heart). You skipped through all that … but sweetheart … those were lessons that you were needing to actually help you along with your entire change process … because those lessons would have helped you to not only figure out who the new you really is, but they would have also helped you to avoid this state of confusion and sense of being in the dark that you are now experiencing – because you would have followed the intended process … literally one step at a time … which would have made it so much smoother going for you. You would have been learning throughout the change process not only who you were becoming as a person, but also learning what you actually want for yourself in your life, what new goals you would like to attain, what new interests are laying in wait for you, and so on.

So now, what needs to happen here .; you need to take a few steps back here and you need to do a lot of major self reflecting and soul searching. You need to relearn all about yourself, what your desires, goals, interests, what type of people you would like to have surrounding you (you require connections with people of like-mind and interest my dear), and so forth are. And then, take on a more proactive position in bringing about more positive change and success in your life. You need to think about your interests … and pursue them. Think about what truly makes your heart sing with joy . … and follow that path. For example, if you are feeling stifled or unfulfilled in any way when it comes to employ-ment, re-evaluate your interests and your assets/abilities/talents and cross-compare to what you are now seeing. Are your natural talents and abilities truly being fostered? Are you truly following your life purpose? What is your life purpose .? This too you need to learn honey. And the best way to learn what your life purpose is about … is to once again reflect over your interests, talents and abilities and combining them in order to create that sense of joy and fulfillment that you are so desiring to have.

This is the same when it comes down to finding great new friends and potential love partners, .. You need to surround yourself with like-minded individuals – people that have similar interests, talents, goals, and desires. This is just an example, but something like perhaps attending general interest groups or classes. Start frequenting places where you would most likely find the best-suited friends and love partners. But first, you need to learn about yourself all over again and learn what your actual desires, interests, etc. are now. They are not the same as what they once were sweetheart … and this is unfortunately something that I myself cannot fill you in on … because as mentioned earlier these were actual intended life lessons that you should have gone through – of your spirit’s desire to protect your heart by literally skipping through the entire change process that was intended.

In closing ., once again I have to say here that you do need to sit down with yourself quietly and seri-ously and start to do some self reflecting and analyzing. Take a pad of paper and a pen and start to write down your true desires, your true interests, your values, your true goals … write down the aims/ambitions and talents/interests that make you happy and your heart literally sing and feel at peace. Once you have these things firmly established, it is then when you will be able to take solid action for yourself sweetheart and actually get yourself out of this little bit of a rut here.

., you have so many positive, happy, and successful experiences waiting for you honey. I am actually feeling a lot of eagerness within Divine’s messages today – eager to see you start progressing once more. I want you to remember . that all that you did do though … .the disconnecting, the distancing, and so forth … everything that you just can’t figure out why you did what you did … my dear it was definitely intended; all of those things were eventually meant to happen anyways. It’s just that you did it "on your own" and just a tad too quickly when it comes to your psyche and basic understandings. And it was all for the sake of your spirit wishing to protect you from the emotionally hurt that would in fact occur if you were to have gone through the spiritual change process as it is normally intended (as a gradual thing … a gradual changing and learning process).

As a quick note – . … I want you to say this to yourself too: "Who cares what anyone else thinks about me? I am a strong, extremely loving, gentle and too kind of a person. If they don’t like that or don’t ac-cept that then that is their loss. Not mine. I have better friends and loved ones that will be surround-ing me soon anyhow." I know that you are the type of person who feels that they need acceptance and to be liked by all. In all honesty I used to be the very same way – but the thing is I have learned over the years that you just cannot "please" everyone. It just doesn’t work. So you stick to what DOES work … and that is by surrounding yourself with people that DO accept you and love you for who you are … not for something that you are not. You’ve had a history of trying to change yourself (i.e. personality, interests, likes and dislikes, etc) all for someone else so that they will accept/love/like you. That is not what is considered as optimal … not for anyone my dear. You should not ever have to feel that you have to change yourself in any way, shape or form all in order to satisfy or please someone else - does-n't matter who they are. You be exactly who you are. Nothing more, nothing less. And you should only accept the same in respect to friends and partners . – and have those folks surrounding you that do support you and love you in all that you do.

Everyone please beware of this woman who goes by the name of Psychic Zorina!!! She is located in Seaside Oregon and her website is http://www.psychiczorina.com

Not only is she damaging my business by plagiarizing my work and selling it, but she is also scamming many unwary folks at the same time. Please under no circumstances fall for ANY statements from ANY supposed psychic that they can perform "spells" or meditations or whatever for additional fees!

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