  • Report:  #795768

Complaint Review: Public Storage - los Angeles California

Reported By:
Do not use Public storage - Paw Creek, North Carolina, United States of America

Public Storage
6840 Santa Monica blvd. los Angeles, 90038 California, United States of America
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Public Storage sold my property illegally in April 2004.My property was in storage from 2001 until April 2004.When I asked why they did not send me a certified letter that is required by state law,they said they didnt know where I was.This is what this awful company have done to me.First ,I will give the backstory on an employee I had a very serious problem with.I would come in the store to make a payment,but sometimes I would not talk because of some serious health issues and would write my information on some paper and give it to the employee.Well on this day,the property manager  got tired of it and told the other employees "I dont like him,because he doesnt talk" as she walked away and sat down and refused to help me.Telling someone you dont like or hate them while you hold their property is a threat.Someone else did help me.This is the same person(more on this later) who gave me a pink change of address form that I filled out by putting my name, address, and telephone number on it.

    I left California for the east coast in 2003 because of health issues.I mailed my payments with  self- address stamped envelopes and asked them to send all mail concerning my account to this address until futher notice.I got my receipts for a few months with no problems until I asked why I was always charged a $10.00 late fee no matter when I would send it ,If I would send it 4 or6 days before the 10th of the month.They told me sometimes it takes 8 days for them to get my payment.When I would send my friends letters it would take just 2-3 days everytime.I also asked why they were charging me $58.00 for a space that others were paying $46.00 for the same size.After all the questions, the property manager stopped sending me my receipts, even though I kept sending my self-address stamped envelopes.I let her know that I knew she hated me and she didnt have to deal with me, just direct me to someone who would help me. I asked and asked and asked and pleaded with her to help me ,not knowing how to get around her.I let her know that it was not proper conduct of someone in her position.

  Public Storage sold my property in April 2004.I sent my last payment on the 4th of April.They said they sold it on the 7th.I said it earlier that it takes 2-3 days for a letter from the east coast to reach the west coast. I got the letter from them stating they had sold my property,it was postmarked April 12 2004.They got my payment on the 7th and let it sit until the 12th and then sent my self address stamped envelope with their letter inside.This has got to be one of the most corrupt company in this country.

   I was livid,I didnt know what to do.I called a storage company here in North Carolina.The woman I spoke to told me it was known that Public Storage did things like that.She let me know that Public Storage had a 800 number and she gave it to me.I wish I had known, I could have went over that evil property manager' s head.

   I talked to the district manager,he told me they didnt know where I was, so it was my fault and needed to accept it.He is the one that signed off on an illegal sale.I asked about my pictures and personal things,he said he would talk to the person and would call me back.I didnt hear from him anymore.I called and called ...... nothing.

   I tried to go higher but no one would give me a number,but I kept trying.I got a number.I called the regional manager.She told me that she had seen all the letters that I had sent the property manager,so she knew I had a problem with her.She told me that they didnt know where I was...this after reading one of my letters "(that is why I am here in N.C)" and  "(since these letters are coming from the east coast) and the contact number on my contract."I said to myself this woman has got to be the stupidest regional manager ever or she is playing stupid,I vote for the latter.After that, she told me bye and to have a nice day.Talk about evil,where do they get these people.Do they go straight to h*ll and go under h*ll, find the eggs, wait for them to hatch and then hire these people  on the spot.How do these people sleep at night.

   I filled out the paperwork and paid for the sheriff to serve Public Storage.My paperwork was lost.No one told me  anything at first, no one knew what happened.I talked to the sargeant in charge of the whole department,(very nice very helpful)she said she could not recall that ever happening before.I asked did she think something shady had happen.She said she did not tolerate that kind of thing in her department,but was perplexed about it.I had to refile.

   I got a court day,flew to the west coast.It was the wrong court day,but Public Storage got the right court day.I saw the judge, gave my side and went to the clerks office to find out why I was given the wrong court day.I asked the employee,he didnt know,he called over his boss, without looking at me,  she said "what is he talking about,he still got to see the judge' I left.

I lost the case.I wrote a letter to the court explaining what had happened.I got another court day.

   I get to face them in court ...finally.In my letter I had asked the judge to order them to bring in my original change of address form and contract.They brought in copies of my change of address form and contract.They used wite out on my address ,that is why they didnt bring in the originals.The judge asked why they did not bring it, when they knew it was needed.The judge asked them why they didnt contact me before they sold my property.They said "we had no clue where he was."The judge asked me, was there any kind of contact with Public Storage before they sold my property.I said yes and handed her some self-address stamped envelopes.She said "oh my, you did have contact with them"The judge said," so you did know"They finally admitted it in court."Yes your honor we knew" Then why not contact him.They said that a change of address form had to be filled out, and a new address can not be given over the phone,but I had filled out a change of address form when I was in California.The judge gave Public Storage 18 days to bring in my original  change of address form and contract that was not in my hand writing but had a contact number on it.

   Public storage did not bring in the forms,so I won the case.It is all over, case closed.....no, these Thugs filed an appeal,got another court date and I have to go back to California,but couldnt go because of hardship.I wrote the court explaining my predicament.I never heard from the court.I lost the case.

   I wrote the presiding judge,but the letter, somehow ended up in the valley,my case was in Los angeles.They said they didnt know how that happened,60 days later,the judge said he couldnt do anything.

   I called the Associated Press,they told me they would help and then told me they would not, could not help me.I called the LA Times,no help.I called Yvonne B.Burke Supervisor 2nd district.Another 60 days but they tried,but no help.I called U.S.senator Barbara Boxer office,they showed concern, told me they wished they could help me.

   I called Public Storage and asked to speak to ceo Ronald L.Havner,but they told me that is not possible.I called again and left a message asking to speak to him.I got a call from the customer relations rep.,but I did not know she had called because it was a blocked number,thinking it was a telemarketer.What kind of company have employees call you with a blocked number,a corrupt one of course.I finally called her back and left a message in 2009, as of today she has not call me back.

   I got a number and called vice president of operations John Sambuco.He promise me he would get to the bottom of this.He told me he would call me back in 2 weeks.One month passed and I had to call him.In one month I  found out he was a liar.I told him that my property was sold illegally and that he had some serious "Thugs" working for him.He didnt agree with that.I told him about the wite out use on my original forms and that part of my storage unit drywall was knocked out.I didnt know if something was stolen.He said he had really good employees.

I asked about the property manager who started all of this.He told me that she no longer worked for the company,so whatever she did to me Public storage was not responsible.He told me he had seen my letters and it went from when the regional manager read them,it was a lot of letters to what he said was about 4 letters.He told me it would be another 2 weeks before he could get my original change of address form and contract form.He told me as soon as he got the forms he would take  pictures of them and send it to me.He promised me,gave me his word,told me he would resolve this matter for once and for all.Two weeks went by and I had to call him again.His co-worker  told me when he would call and that he did not forget.He called,told me he would not take  pictures of my change of address form and send it to me.I just had to take his word for it.This liar wanted me to take his word.He called the state law requiring the storage company to notifiy the customer as "trivial."Is there not one decent person in this company,or they all sold their souls to satan.

   I sent the Attorey General the information and all I got was, thank you we will put this in our file dismissive letter.

   I called the  los angeles police,nothing.I called the F.b.I. twice,first they said yes ,but when I called back with more information they said" we dont do that"So now I know you can make a threat and carry it out and everything will be fine.
The Feds really need to shut this company down.The police, the F.B.i, the Attorney general will do nothing.The courts couldn't even compel them to bring in my original forms.These are nothing but a gang of Thugs masquerading as a corporation.

These people took everything from me without even blinking an eye.I have waited over 7 years for justice.Now this matter is between Public storage and myself.

They made a choice to sell my property illegally. Now I have made a choice since the courts,police and F.B.i will do nothing,I will get justice by any means Allowing Public storage to get away with this is not an option,they have to accept the results of their actions.  If you have property in Public storage,you should take it out now.   Do not use Public storage

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