pure vitimans claims to be or leads you to think they were represented on dr,oz show and they offer you a free 30 day trail of GARCINIA CAMBOGIA pills .they tell you that you will lose 2 lbs. a day .i did not lose nothing but money some how they word the whole sale thing tricky and its not free they charge you after 11 days and then auto ship you another on that 11th day and charge you 8700. for the free one and 92.00 for the secound .they do this all on the same billing cycle so you dont realise you been had till its to late .they are so sure that you will be stoping your order that whae you call the robot asks you oder by phone or on line .and monday and tuesday is so busy it takes all day to get through so they charge you nearly 200 dollors for somthing they paid very little for iwould like to have someone check to see if what they say is in this pill or not . so be warned these guys are ripe offs