  • Report:  #390927

Complaint Review: Qwest - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
- Tucson, Arizona,

qwest.com Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I WAS a very satisfied Qwest customer. I had been with the company for over 8 years...I had everything with them...land line, cell phone, DSL, Direct TV...absolutely everything. I defended Qwest on numerous occasions to those who spoke of them with ill will. Guess what? Qwest screwed me as well.

It all started with me trying to save a few bucks in March. I called up Qwest and spoke with a cs rep about my situation and asked what he recommended. At first, I was going to disconnect the home phone all together, but needed to have the DSL. So, I cancelled my LD service since I had the cell, increased my minutes to accomodate for the loss of land line LD, and went with the Qwest "Price for Life" on the DSL. Saved me $13 bucks a month..better than nothing right? WRONG

Within 3 weeks of my changes, I decided to move to a smaller apartment within the same complex. I called Qwest, gave all of the new info and was assured everything was ok. The rep even repeated back all of the address information I gave him and the fact that I wanted the same services I had previously.

Fast forward....by June, I recieved a phone bill from Qwest. It was addressed to me but with half of the old address and half of the new address, so it took 2 months for the post office to figure it out. The bill was over $600 bucks! I almost had a stroke. I called and spoke to a supervisor in Des Moine by the name of Shane. Apparently, a number of things had happened to my account. The nice young man who had made all of the requested changes in March had screwed me. He added LD instead of removing it, upgraded my DSL to Platinum instead of the Silver package, and had NOT advised me that I didnt have to have a land line to have DSL, I could have what they call a "standalone line". The increase of minutes on my cell comes later...you are going to love it. Shane was very accomodating and assured me that he had backdated all of my services to March and that I would see this credit on my next bill. He disconnected the land line and gave me the standlone...again backdating it to March because the rep should have made that offer to me. He also corrected the address issue on my bill. Whew! I was almost in love with Shane at this point. FOOLED AGAIN!

I get July's bill. ARRGH! While there were a few of the promised credits, not all were there. They were still charging me for the landline, and I had gone over my minutes by like $300 bucks! Ok...call again. ..No Mam...you have a landline...I see it right here. No s**t Sherlock...Im not supposed to have one. Can you please find out what is going on??? Through about 17 calls and literally being on the phone with Qwest..I dunno, maybe 8-10 hours a week (and that aint no lie), they FINALLY figured out that the work request to disconnect the landline was "stuck in a queue". Thank god...now we are getting somewhere. It also appears that the increase in minutes I asked for NEVER was placed onto the account. The only reason that I hadnt noticed it when I spoke with Shane is because I rarely used my original allotment of minutes, but had been home with an injury and used my phone more than usual...which is ok cause remember?? I increased the minutes in March! Caleb Frugoli (the Qwest agent) goes through the mess of an account...literally spending 2 hours on the phone with me ...and finally says ok...you are due another $400+ bucks in credit. Sends me an email with ALL of the details (and yes, I still have it). Tells me..ok, you owe like $12 bucks. I am so pleased with Caleb, I extended my wireless contract for another year with the promise that I will get a $75 credit on my next bill. WRONG!

Here we go again...they turn off my cell. I call in AGAIN and speak with a collections rep who says...oh yea, I see the pending $400+credit...no worries, I will turn your back on. Sorry for the problems....Yay! I am back and cooking with grease....WRONG!

They turn me off again. Now I am really pissed. I call and speak to an agent in the "complicated bill" department and when I tell her that I am considering filing a PUC complaint, she states "then we have nothing more to discuss" and hangs up!!!! Ok..at this point, I need my pressure pills. I call again and go through no less than 6 different managers...my phone is dying in between because I am talking to them for hours upon hours. Each one I speak to finds NEW credits that are due but then state to me that since I went over my minutes, it looks like I am trying to get out of paying the $300 in overages on my wireless, and they deny ALL of the pending credit...even the one for renewing my contract.

Let me give you some history...I have ALWAYS had at least a $300 a month phone bill..that wasnt new and I was perfectly fine in paying that in the past....BUT...I am not paying for yet another Qwest mistake when I requested this back in March. They were perfectly fine in issuing the credits for the other mistakes they did, accepting full responsibility but accusing me of lying about the rest??? Bull pucky.

So I get pissed and tell them to stick it. In one week, they turned me over to collections....charge me an early termination fee on both my wireless and my DSL and now the bill is over $1000.00. ARRRGH!

I file complaints to anyone who will listen...and wow..suddenly a response. Nice right? WRONG! They tell me in a nicely typed poison that I didnt call to cancel my landline until June and that I was only due the contract extension bonus upon paying my bill in full.

Literally...I am getting an attorney and I am gonna sue the s**t out of these people. Oh...lookie here, a call coming in from a collection agengy. Lovely.

Kim s

Tucson, Arizona


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